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The latest story requires 5-10 man instanced content in order to complete it. Anet has not required group content for story since the original Zhaitan fight which they later changed to be soloable.

Making group content required for the story is a step backwards.I prefer my first playthrough of new story content to be done solo so that I don't have the distraction of another player. Now, not only do I need another player, but if my friends aren't online and willing to do it with me I am stuck with randoms who are even more of a disruption to my enjoyment of lore and story.

I know Anet wants to push players into trying out strikes but this is not the way to do it.A chapter in my story journal should not require group content.

Edit for some clarification:
I am still really happy with how everything else was done in this release. I do play group content all the time. Story has just always been a thing that was solo, and I enjoyed it that way. I liked to be able to play through and absorb the new lore without worrying over getting a group together or the chance of getting a troll. And I will be playing this content. I will probably enjoy it a lot, but I will still always prefer story stuff to be solo.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Hey there! Just wanted to chime in and mention that 5-10 is the recommended amount of players. But it's purposefully not a requirement to have that number for story accessibility. You can certainly complete it with less (even solo if you're up for the challenge), it just will take longer and will be more difficult.

I will gladly play with you if you need a buddy though!

almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by Ben-Z-S

Found the NPC named after you


almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by Grarrrrgh


First of all thanks a lot for this new release! I actually really loved the whole co-op aspect of the 1st instance, I first did it with 3 other guildies and we all were enjoying it so much :D

Having people running around at different events, cooperating to make sure everything was done, and then spending some time at the end flailing around for a while until we figured out how it worked just felt so great and rewarding! That co-op part was just loads of fun :D

It also made me want to replay that instance a few time to see all the events I might've missed out on in the first run, so I was happy to jump in again as other guildies were starting the story.

I understand that it can be a pain in the ass doing it with random people who don't communicate, but grabbing 2-3 guildies or friends works really nicely, and maybe this could encourage people to communicate more, and/or motivate them to do stuff with guildies ?

I do hope we get more experiences like this in the future ! :D

That is so good to hear, thank you so much! :3

almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by Lovaa

We tried it with two people today and it went fine up to the gate were two people for opening the gate with the harpoon against the defiance bar was not enough. We timed it and had ammo for it but it was about 15-20% left after we used it and then it regained before we could get out and get more ammo for it. That is when we left to go for a squad. A bit disapointing for us because we are lore nerds and want to lift every rock and check every corner which a squad are not interested in (and rightfully so i don't blame them)

Anyway is there a way to by pass this or did we just somehow mess up even though we times it so well?

The gate's breakbar scales based on player count so getting the gate open solo is even possible. Did you make sure to hold down/spam the skill once the harpoon attached? The skill flips to a secondary function to pull back on the harpoon to yank things down. You also don't need ammo for the harpoon (ammo is only for the first two skills), it's on a cooldown :)