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I'm trying to reset my password but I keep getting redirected to a completely blank white screen. I've attempted this with different browsers and devices... So how am I supposed to reset my password?

And of course, somebody downvotes your post asking for help.


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almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Edit: This should now be resolved.

I had updated a shared language file adding strings for en-gb (where before it only had en, es, fr, and de). If your browser preferred en-gb then you'd get a file missing most of the string. A small change was needed to get back to the previous behaviour.

Thanks to those who helped with screen shots and info!


Thanks for flagging this. Hard to tell what the exact issue is from the screen shot, but it could have been a poorly cached file on our CDN, which I've now cleared.

Could you try loading the page again? ctrl + shift + r is a good way to refresh the page and clear your local browser cache.

If you're still having an issue, would you mind hitting f12 to open the browser's developer tools, refresh, then send a screen shot including any messages in the dev tools?

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by Kung111cz

Is this what you need? https://ibb.co/cgr0VpB

Yes! Well mostly, looks like there's a little more hidden below the scrollable area.
Are you still having this issue after refreshing?

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Hard refresh (ctrl+F5) doesn't seem to work, neither does clearing the cookies, here's the Dev console: https://i.imgur.com/9UekngH.png (expanded errors: https://i.imgur.com/7Wjym08.png, network tab: https://i.imgur.com/XeKUA6D.png) and here's the source code: https://i.imgur.com/zsB8fKT.png
Also the url: https://account.arena.net/login?brand_id=1278366&locale_id=1&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fguildwars2.zendesk.com%2Faccess%2Fjwt&return_to=https%3A%2F%2Fhelp.guildwars2.com%2Fhc%2Fen-us%2Farticles%2F115015814567&timestamp=1579730393

Edit: Curiously enough it does seem to work fine after I swapped to my work account within Chrome

Thanks for the screenshots.

Are you using an ad blocker? I see what looks like a script being blocked (), that would also align with it working when switching accounts in Chrome.

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Yeah I was, noticed that after I screenshotted it all, but it didn't seem to fix the problem. Here it is again with the adblocker turned off: https://i.imgur.com/Ge1ees0.png (on https://account.arena.net/login this time)

Also, I use the very same adblocker on the other account and it was also turned on there

Edit: Looks like the script that's getting blocked is supposed to be this: https://account.staticwars.com/gen/i18n/strings-en.9408ebff.js

Edit 2: Also tried turning off all my extensions, but it didn't seem to help anything either

Edit 3: Seems to be working again now on my personal account!

Thanks again for your help! There are some details above if your interested.

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by kazerniel

Hey, I'm trying to log into the forums, but https://account.arena.net/login is a completely blank white page both in Waterfox and Chrome. I did ctrl+f5 on both, adblocker disabled. I'm in the UK.

Edit: console

This should be fixed, thanks for the image!

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by CobraGaming22

I’m also having a similar issue. I’ve downloaded the game on MacBook Pro (2015) running OS Mojave to try it out and haven’t been able to access the ArenaNet website to create an account since yesterday around 6-7pm uk time.

I have tried all the workarounds so far (disable ad blocker, firewall, JavaScript, different browsers, cleared cookies, cache and browser history, devices, WiFi vs 4g, etc) but I can still only see a blank white screen when trying to access the login or register page of ArenaNet. All other websites load with no issues

This should be fixed, sorry for the interruption!

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by Pavilo_Olson

Blank for me too here in the UK. Might be maintenance or something?

This should be fixed. It was a bug, not maintenance. LMK if you have issues.

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by EchoFalls27

I was trying to get in last night and today, I even tweeted them. All I get is a blank screen. UK also. I've tried on home pc, work pc, phone etc.

I'm desperate to submit a support ticket as I scratched my rytlock funk pop mini code off to hard lol

This should now be fixed!

almost 5 years ago - /u/kevinc-anet - Direct link

Originally posted by SpotAndStripe

I've found one other Reddit thread here (https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/b39bgi/unable_to_log_into_gw2_website_blank_screen/) and a couple of threads on the GW2 forums. I think someone mentioned that it might be an EU issue. I submitted an anonymous ticket :(

Sorry for the interruption, this should now be fixed!

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