So, this particular track is actually a mistake that ended up in the game. I'm still not sure how it happened. It was written as a sketch to get some ideas out for the Vehtendi Academy area. However, it isn't finished, and in my mind is very unpolished sounding.
While working on Path of Fire's soundtrack, I would write 30-60 second sketches of each piece to get feedback from the team and to get an idea out in listenable form. Then, once I had at least one sketch for every track, I would go back and finish them, sometimes months later. This one inexplicably ended up in the game somehow. It's actually been removed at my request. I'd like to finish it properly at some point, but I don't know when that will be. I'm glad you like it, but for me it's like serving an undercooked meal at a dinner party. Thank you for listening.