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Hi guys here is a summary of today's Guild Chat incase you missed it. I was typing as they were talking so let me know if I missed something or misinterpreted something.


  • Assault of the Frost Citadel
  • The northern half of map now accessible via Wolf's Crossing
  • Must complete Episode 3 meta prior to starting episode 4 meta, which turns into one big meta. -Tweaked some numbers in episode 3 meta, it is essentially quicker to finish and faster to gain participation.
  • We storm across Wolf's Crossing, split into different groups, and seize different sectors by defeating different Dominion Tribunes.
  • Goals: Keep WvW feel but evolve it with a cinematic/climatic moment. (This is the climax for the story essentially.) Also want it to feel rewarding.
  • Frost Citadel is heavily fortified, especially with the help of a certain elder dragon. Wanted to give players the feeling of seizing a Charr Legion Citadel.
  • Claw of Jormag: This version is different with unique mechanics. Example: Players first interact within a 'roost' type area and the Claw is attacking from afar while sitting on spires. Players have to build cannons to blow the Claw off the spires.
  • Development: This is the first "Moving Prop Boss", Drakarr was a bunch of different separate bosses with artwork/transitions in between each phase. (Props are considered types of assets with collision properties i.e. tents, walls, furniture, etc.)
  • Phase 1: Roost area, Phase 2: Falls and gets half-buried and fight near a ravine/cliff edge. One of the signature moves is to knock players back with a 'wind' attack to knock players off. Players can hide behind boulders. Players get a 'grizzly fate' being blown into the ??Blood?? of Jormag below?? Seemed like this was a spoiler and they stumbled over it quickly.
  • Devs describe it as a 'mini-dungeon' & want it to feel like your accomplishing something. It was challenging to make it rewarding without making it feel too time-consuming.
  • This Claw is smarter than the original Claw. Described as 'cheeky'.
  • Outside the Citadel is very much like WVW, inside the citadel is more like an instance-raid feel to it.
  • Wanted players to have a feel of 'wrecking stuff up' inside the Citadel, lots of punching of baddies and their shiny toys.
  • This took quite a few iterations: If the first phase of the Claw encounter lasted too long, players would get bored, but the devs didn't want it to be too short and lose the satisfaction of going to the next phase. Didn't want just ambient adds to fight or repeating the same actions over and over again.
  • Map resets while also making sense, the end result is 'pretty damn cool' according to the devs.
  • Devs described it as a lot of cool content and different from what they usually do, described it as difficult but fun to work on due to COVID/quarantine.



  • Rubi Bayer, Host (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)
  • Nick Hernandez, Game Designer
  • Kirk Willford, Team Lead
  • Bryan Yarrow, Senior Designer
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over 4 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

This is amazing! Thank you so much for doing this. (:

over 4 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

Originally posted by molokodude

Honestly Nick thank you, it's extremely refreshing to have a good reason to turn into guild chat, I've skipped basically all of the last few years. If we get you more regularly i'll constantly be tuning in. It felt very good and refreshing hearing a dev speak that didnt just feel hand wavey"I MADE THIS", but going into quality depth was such a breath of fresh air a large portion of streams lack.

Hey, thank you so much for the kind words!

While I appreciate them, I think that it's also important to note that there have actually been quite a few really amazing and in-depth guild chats within the past year (at least)! If you liked the dev talk aspects of this one, I recommend going back through a few of the previous ones on our YouTube channel and checking them out.

There's quite a few (including a couple of others I've been in) that give examples like the ones I did today. One in particular goes really in depth into how the Drakkar world boss was built and it's really amazing. I'll link it below just in case you're interested. (:

Drakkar Guild Chat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaJXsMWsxDc

over 4 years ago - /u/ANet_Nick - Direct link

Originally posted by Awilixy

Thank you for compiling these notes! The tank concept doodles are modern works of art!

Thank you <3