Just has been posted on FB of GW2 (in German). It says "Safety Note: You can stay here, here, and here and actually anywhere!" So it looks like that a lot of breakable platforms (if not all) have been removed!
FB (German): https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2/photos/a.135044094208.103264.114036714208/10153705278564209/?type=3&theater
Edit: Posted in English also now: https://www.facebook.com/GuildWars2/photos/a.135044094208.103264.114036714208/10153714215314209/?type=3&theater
Imgur (thanks to @Asuaka): http://i.imgur.com/AQyTC9s.jpg
And thanks to @RandommUser for a bigger version: http://i.imgur.com/TXMyiuL.jpg
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