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over 4 years ago - /u/anet_joelh - Direct link

Since there's nothing particularly secret about this and it might be interesting to someone: Acceleration from gravity is 40.625 m/s2 and terminal velocity is 32 m/s, or if you prefer in-game units (1/32 of a meter) gravity is 1300 units/s2 and terminal velocity is 1024 units/s. Notably, gravity is over four times as strong as Earth's gravity, while terminal velocity of a person is about 60% of what it would be on Earth. Among other things, this means that you will hit terminal velocity around seven times faster in Tyria than you would on Earth. If you're wondering why Tyria's gravity is so strong, it's partially a consequence of the default jump height being 1.75m (rather impressive). In Tyria this results in air time of a standing jump being around 0.6 seconds, whereas if you jumped that high on Earth you would be in the air for around 1.2 seconds (which is quite long).