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Having the lore of the game in random books lying around the ground everywhere is just the poorest execution I can think of. When I'm out on an adventure I really don't want to stop to go read a single page of a random story that's remotely connected to the area I'm in only to then keep on going and stopping just like that in another five minutes. But! I'd love to read those tidbits while waiting for metas or between arguing in Lion's Arch over the coolest legendary.

Please, give us a way to read things later on, or even better make items like chronicles of Vlast etc. Into which we can collect the different stories and open the books from inventory whenever and wherever. And, which would be an absolute perfect bonus, allow us to make bookshelfs for our homesteads to store them in a cool manner. I love the lore but I'm not enjoying breaking my immersion of killing monsters by reading about an old sailor only for the message to end in a mid-sentence, I'd rather eat it on the wiki every now and then but it is a pain to search for.

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3 months ago - /u/BobbyStein - Direct link

I'm going to paraphrase the OP to make sure I'm understanding the feedback:

* The existence and quality of in-game books and lore pages is fine
* The implementation of finding books and pages in the middle of a combat zone or scattered in and between open world events creates unneeded time pressure which prevents someone from actually reading it during gameplay
* OP is suggesting/recommending a way to "unlock" or "bank" books and pages for reading later

Is this an accurate assessment of the feedback? Or am I missing something?

3 months ago - /u/BobbyStein - Direct link

Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Yeah that sounds about right. Honestly just having a way to read the books later fixes most issues, but it'd be best to have a way to properly store them too cause otherwise it can get out of hand with storing all the different books in your inventory (I still got a character with a few dozen books in its inventory)

I'm glad to see you're reading the feedback on this at least, it's been a thing I've seen talked about a lot over the years

Thanks for confirming. Yeah, it's actually been something we've kicked around internally for years. No promises, of course. I can't say either way if this is something that we'd ever do. But it's good to know that folks might be interested in an update that could make the quality of life better should we have the opportunity. Understanding pain points and collecting data is always the first step.

3 months ago - /u/BobbyStein - Direct link

Originally posted by ReLiFeD

Just knowing it's something you guys are/have been discussing is already nice really. Often people feel like these kinds of things are just ignored by the studio, so just having a comment like this already goes a long way! Thanks for taking the time to reply to such an old thread (in reddit terms that is)

Sure thing! Yeah, each dev has a mental list of the things they'd want to be updated or added to the game. Often that stuff gets discussed as a group, triaged, and backlogged for future analysis. We (as individual devs) don't comment publicly on things like this as a rule because we want to be careful about setting proper expectations. Very often, the things players might ask for on reddit or the official forums are things we've wanted or talked about for a long time but that haven't aligned with our goals, directives, or plans for various reasons. Thanks for the chat and for the kind words. Means a lot.