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Hey guys, anyone els of you mac users having trouble with the game at te moment? For me it freeze frames allot and I can not enter any loading screen or it will het stuck. Realy hope they fix it soon because right now i can’t do anything bit hop around divinity’s reach...

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about 7 years ago - /u/ArenaJon - Direct link

From what people here have discussed so far, this doesn't sound Mac specific. Are there any client errors or crashes showing up that might shed some more light on what you all are experiencing?

about 7 years ago - /u/ArenaJon - Direct link

Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

For me, when I try to change maps, the game freezes. I get the loading screen or black screen, but nothing progresses. There are no notifications of error or crash. Have to force quit. I can access the Trading Post. Also, cannot switch characters, screen is frozen, music continues to play, have to force quit.

Are you using the 64-bit client?

about 7 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

For anyone having issues who is still using the Mac 32 bit client, the fix will be to switch to the 64 bit client. We stopped supporting the 32 bit client for both Mac and Windows with the release of Path of Fire. This new min spec applies to all of Living World Season 4 as you need to own PoF to play.

You can download the client here: https://account.arena.net/welcome

We have a thread on our forums for discussing the Mac client that can also be useful: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/666/feedback-guild-wars-2-mac-64-bit-client#latest

about 7 years ago - /u/ArenaJon - Direct link

Originally posted by Leafbrains

I get client errors or crashes relatively frequently, however when the map issue happens I don't receive any error messages; just the black screen with map title/map icons and music from the map I attempted to leave, if I wait long enough my fans will run lower then turn off and viewing my activity monitor I can see a sharp increase in CPU load (from 22% to 95%) then a sharp decrease (from 95% to 14%). The game does not respond to any commands and will only close with force quit. I'm fairly certain I use the 64 bit client since I did a reinstall pretty recently; version 1.0.010382. I also just downloaded the new build and tried to change maps only for the same result.

That sounds like the 32-bit client. The version number shown in App Info says 1.0. The 64-bit client when installed by default is named with "64-bit" in the app name.

about 7 years ago - /u/ArenaJon - Direct link

Originally posted by magic_cookie_bar

No, I am using normal GW2 that I've been using since I began playing in 2012.

See Ester's response to this post.

about 7 years ago - /u/anet_ester - Direct link

Originally posted by Leafbrains

Okay, thank you.

The game is also freezing when I try to log out to character selection. Pretty similar to the map issue, the music still plays and the game doesn't respond to commands but the screen is the location I'm at when trying to switch characters with the log out window overlayed and the character select button grayed out. Not sure if this info is helpful at all?

Edit: Oh nvm I just saw Ester's comment. Thank you for the response! Didn't even realize I hadn't updated my client...

If that doesn't fix it let us know and we'll continue to troubleshoot