By "macro-service" I meant, "A really big micro-service." The game servers scale horizontally just as the micro-services do in terms of players and concurrency. The one thing they can't do is scale an individual map across multiple cores or servers. Certain maps are slow because they are doing really complicated things and that's why we announced that it is not just a single thing that causes lag; every map has some unique game play element which might be causing lag that needs to be analyzed and optimized. And sometimes a map ships and is fine in terms of lag but uses a skill or effect that later on gets a feature added to it which slows down that effect. It's fine in most cases, but maybe in that older map, the effect or skill was used a lot, and that map slows down. I love our designers. They manage millions of lines of script code across an enormous game. Sometimes there are unexpected interactions in all of those millions of lines of script and it takes a bit of time to track it down and fix it.