Original Post — Direct link

All I ask is you have appropriate gear and a willingness to learn. If you want to join some raid teaching runs, post down below or message/mail me in game: randomguy.1283

I also made a no rep guild to help me organize people, I will not require people to join it to run with us (I know some people have 5 guilds already), but it really helps me out.

Appropriate gear generally will mean at least exotics with ascended trinkets (ascended weapons are nice but I won't force them), and meta builds. (Btw both druid and chrono builds are outdated on metabattle, I will post links to the builds I will use soon)

Build list description for all classes (being updated currently, now includes chrono and druid builds): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1lXf2lzWAJQjCMpl9iq3LpOS3W9Ok-QQrsz-9qSNc7tU/edit#gid=0

This will be on NA servers.

Will do runs mostly on weekends, sometimes on weekdays, send me a whisper or a mail in game.

edit: We hit max members yesterday, if you did not get an invite and want one, please message me again.

External link →
over 8 years ago - /u/Anet_Steven - Direct link

Always great to see people offering to help others that want to try something new!