I read a few times that some people who are friendly enough to share their full / nearly full houses on LFG, but for the life of me I can't find it . . I was wondering if there was a specific tab people liked to share to or if it is not so much of a thing anymore.
Am new to the game and I was thinking of buying a lot of the upgrades from the store, but then saw the time to repay it's cost from that cool fast farm website... and it was like 10 years or some crazy number for some of them lol.... It would be cool to see / harvest from a full area but it seems like I joined the game too late to make purchasing some of the upgrades make any sense and would be better of just buying what I needed off the market via gem to gold or something.
Honestly been pretty great experience so far.. my biggest gripe is how slow you are in WvW as you watch everyone with the cats zoomies right by to the action.. Minor gripe in the scope of things lol.
I'm on the US side for context, for any server / friend list adding concerns (would love to add people from other places, but as far as I understand I wouldn't be able to visit them). Oh, I have shouted in chat a few times but to no avail- though I don't know which location would bring the best chance (nor do I want to spam the chat...).
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