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Hello all, and G'day!

While I'm re-downloading the game and returning from a hiatus, I wondered about a few things:

  • When I left off, my main group of friends had kind of scattered and splintered. A shame, as we were all in the midst of working on our legendary armors! I believe it was the 'experimental envoy' stuff, that required numerous amounts of repeated Heart Of Thorns raids... Is this still an ongoing thing?

  • At the time, raids were very much amongst the most demanding aspects that GW2 had to offer. You needed fast reflexes to dodge the bad circles, intimate knowledge and area awareness, because enrage timers could be tight, especially since a single misstep could spell a wipe for the whole raid group! Has anything changed to make raid encounters less challenging, or should I make sure I've fully relearned proper damage rotations, and be ready to accept high bars of entry?

  • From what I heard, the long-fabled and memed 'legendary armory' actually became a thing! Is it true, and if so, how does it work???

  • Is Condi Holosmith practical yet? I love my pistols, but last I knew, condition damage was simply outright inferior to power for a Holo.

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over 2 years ago - /u/darkbringerr - Direct link

With the legendary armory updates, you now can use your legendaries on all of your characters. Another words, if you have 1 legendary sword in your armory you can use up to 1 legendary sword on every template of every character. Same for other types like armor/trinkets/runes/sigils. Ie to have full sigils on every character you would need 4 legendary sigils, 8 if you count 4 for underwater. Any bound legendaries on your account should be moved into your armory as you get onto your characters, and shows in your equipment menu with the potential gear to equip with the legendary armory icon in the corner.

You also get free transmuting of legendary items now as well.