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03/11/2025—March 11 Release Notes Note to users of third-party programs: The game may not launch or work properly after we release a new build if you use a third-party program, due to possible incompatibilities. ArenaNet cannot offer support if a third-party modification breaks, interferes with, or prevents you from playing Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. Our policy regarding third-party programs can be found here. "Repentance" Although the titan threat has been dealt with, Ura was confident to the end, mocking the commander and their allies with an agonizing quandary: "For the door we came through sits wide open." Led by the commander, the Tyrian Alliance, the Astral Ward, and our new allies from Harvest Den team up to survey one of Janthir's northern isles as the specter of Ura's last words still looms. In order to solve the mystery, they'll need to hunt down clues and confront foes from Janthir's past. Release Highlights The second Guild Wars 2®: Janthir Wilds™ story update. A new map has been added. Explore the treacherous gloom of Mistburned Barrens, the long-abandoned outskirts of Bava Nisos. A new Mastery track has been added. Unlock tiers from the Mursaat Shadowcraft Mastery line and wield the arcane magic that still clings to the barrens. Challenge motes have been added for the Mount Balrior raid, allowing players to activate challenge mode versions of the Greer, Decima, and Ura boss encounters. Twelve new relics have been added based on rune bonuses that were formerly available in the core Guild Wars 2 game. Wizard's Vault The Wizard's Vault has been updated for the new season! Last season's unique rewards are now available in the vault's Legacy Rewards panel. New special objectives for the season have been added, and more will appear over the course of the season, including special objectives associated with bonus events and festivals. When it is possible to purchase more than one of a Wizard's Vault reward item, the UI now displays an adjustable range that will allow you to specify how many of that item you wish to purchase. The number can be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel. Legendary Weapon Starter Key—Set 7 is now available with options for two new legendary weapon starter kits and two returning kits. Trading Post Quantity input has been updated to match the new Wizard's Vault UI behavior: The quantity of an item you wish to purchase can now be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel over the input field, arrows, or quantity range. The maximum price for purchasing items and the minimum price for selling items can be adjusted by scrolling up or down with your mouse wheel over the input fields, arrows, or coin images. General To improve client performance, the number of whirlwinds created by the Mistburned valravn's Tempestuous Dive skill have been reduced. The whirlwind visual effects have been adjusted. Homesteads Fixed an issue that prevented the Binding of Ipos from being displayed properly on weapon display case decorations. Convergences Mount Balrior A new version of Greer, the Blightbringer, will now automatically replace Decima on alternating weeks. Increased the interaction range for the Convergence: Mount Balrior brazier in Harvest Den. Titan Stench will now display matching icons on the compass and in the game. Turning in a single calibrated essence will now give 7 seconds of Wizard's Blessing instead of 6. Red circles on the map will now follow the bosses in the Convergence. Titanspawn in the "Defend the Maw of Balrior thumper" event will now spawn on the correct side of the breakable wall. Dig site markers will now appear after the base camp has been set up. Decima's dancing sparks will no longer display a raid marker on the map. Ropes will now break at 4 stacks of Rope Tension instead of 3. Raids Mount Balrior Three challenge motes have been added, allowing players to activate challenge mode versions of the Greer, Decima, and Ura boss encounters. Fixed an issue that could cause players to sometimes be teleported into Decima's arena while the encounter was resetting. The visual effects for Decima's Fulgent Fence skill have been updated to reduce visual noise. Entry to the Mount Balrior raid is now consistent with previous raid instances. If the first player to enter the instance has defeated the final boss since the most recent weekly reset, a fresh instance will open instead of a cleared instance. Rewards New rewards have been added: Story: Woodland Kodan Leather Gloves Mistburned Barrens: Salmon of Knowledge Backpiece Mini Barbed Vale Mini Yagon Mini Janthir Warg Mini Rhianwyn Endless Yagon Tonic Scavenged Obsidian weapons True Sight Armor Bloodstone Infusion Raids: Bloodstone Infusion Master Crafters: 12 core relics, available to all players Masteries: New Mursaat Shadowcraft Mastery New Homesteading Mastery tier: Master Handiworker Crafting Deft Lahar now sells four new resource nodes that can be unlocked for your homestead and home instance: Honey Flower Lowland Pine Sapling Charged Titan Ore Rotted Titan Amber New Homestead recipes have been added with two forms of acquisition: Players can complete the respective Home Sweet Homestead achievements found under the Janthir Wilds: Janthir achievement category. Players can purchase the recipe from Deft Lahar at a premium instead of completing the achievements. Six new titles have been added to the game. Players will be able to display the following titles if they have already completed the achievement requirements: Snaff Savant: Title from the Legacy Code achievement. Warband Legionnaire: Title from the Bloodying the Past achievement. Hero of Shaemoor: Title from the Family Reunion achievement. Slayer of Issormir: Title from the Things Best Left Behind achievement. Valiant of the Wyld Hunt: Title from the A Season of Growth achievement. Pact Commander: Title from the Savior of Tyria achievement. Items The Portable Wizard's Tower Exchange no longer closes the conversation window when the player selects Gharr Leadclaw's inventory from different regions. World vs. World General The guild roster UI has been updated to display members who have selected your World vs. World guild in a WvW Guild column. Fixed an issue that would sometimes allow players to enter a WvW map on the wrong team or on no team at all. Profession Skills General Relic of the Stormsinger: Reduced the power coefficient from 0.6 to 0.36 in PvP and WvW. Mesmer Mind the Gap: Increased the cooldown from 6 seconds to 8 seconds in PvP only. Mental Collapse: Increased the cooldown from 20 seconds to 25 seconds and reduced the power coefficient per hit from 0.6 to 0.4 in PvP only. Mirage Fractured Glass: Reduced the power coefficient from 0.3125 to 0.285 in PvP only. Virtuoso Bladesong Harmony: Reduced the power coefficient from 0.55 to 0.45 in PvP only. Ranger Instinctive Engage: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.5 to 1.0 in PvP and WvW. Falcon's Stoop: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.375 to 1.25 in PvP and WvW. Untamed Neurotoxin Burst: Reduced the power coefficient from 1.0 to 0.5 in PvP and WvW.
about 14 hours ago - - Direct link
Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue that caused Curious Remedy to be distracted by nearby enemies during the "Survey: Wraith's Pass" event. Adjusted event scaling to properly reflect the number of players in the Wraith's Pass region. Fixed an issue that caused Priory Scholar Ciana to stall if she was resurrected after the "Help the southern survey team put the ghosts to rest" event. Fixed an issue that occasionally prevented golems from spawning during the "Keep the areas clear while the golems gather samples" event. Fixed an issue that prevented players from interacting with golems in some situations. Fixed an issue that allowed the "Help the scout gather relics" and "Survey: Wraith's Pass" events to be active simultaneously. Fixed an issue that prevented overhead markers from being displayed on creatures in the "Eliminate the foe that your warclaw located" event. Fixed an issue that prevented players from completing the Mistburned Barrens: Search-and-Rescue Challenge adventure. Greer's Blob of Blight will no longer target wisps in Convergence: Mount Balrior. Fixed an issue that could prevent players from interacting properly with bloodstone shards in the Mistburned Barrens: Hazardous Research adventure. These update notes are currently in English only. We will post French, German, and Spanish versions in their respective forums tomorrow (March 12) when the translations are complete.

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