over 1 year
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Hello, Tyria, and happy Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure launch day! We are going to be keeping a close eye out for any problems you may run into, and I’ll be tracking them here for the first few days. As always, if you encounter an issue in the game, head to our bug reports subforum to report it. Keep an eye on our game update notes subforum for the latest game updates!
Known Issues
We are aware of a payment issue causing players to experience an "Error 108" message when making a purchase. We are working to solve this as soon as possible.
(Resolved) We're currently experiencing an extremely high volume of users on EU worlds. We are working on increasing capacity as soon as possible. Players on EU worlds may experience connectivity issues for a short time. We will update you as soon as we've resolved the issue.
The tooltips for essences in the Strength of the Unseen collection incorrectly state that players can purchase the items in the Wizard's Tower. Players can purchase the essences from the associated Faction Provisioner merchants at any bastion in Amnytas. The Essence of the Celestial can be purchased from the Bastion of Strength provisioner. We will correct the tooltip text in a future build.
Some players may experience a rare graphics issue in new maps that affects their view of the game world and UI. We are working on a solution for this, but in the meantime, relogging should solve the problem if you experience it.
Motivation crafting materials cannot be stored in material storage. We have a fix for this coming in a future build, and in the meantime, they can be stored in your bank.
The reward for completing the Wizard's Vault weekly meta-achievement incorrectly includes 1 gold. Players will still receive 1 gold as a reward each time they complete the daily Wizard's Vault meta-achievement.
The Astral Ward Cloak cannot be equipped from the player’s inventory. We are working on a fix for this. In the meantime, players can equip the cape by dragging it to the back item slot or by right clicking the back item slot and selecting the cape.
We have temporarily disabled the effects of the following relics while we address an issue:
Relic of the Adventurer
Relic of the Centaur
Relic of the Pack
Relic of Durability
Relic of Water has a 30-second cooldown rather than the intended 20-second cooldown in all game modes.
Relic of the Unseen Invasion does not provide superspeed in PvP.
In the seventh chapter of the Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure story, Activist Ikur will only interact with one player at a time.
Players who are defeated during the meta-event in Amnytas while under the effect of Banished may become unable to use several of the special action skills.
(Resolved) The Wizard's Vault panel is not loading for some players
Some players will experience a client crash when opening the crafting panel.
UPDATE: We have temporarily disabled the crafting improvements UI while we address a crash issue