I want to make a post with all the lines we got that are from Episode 3.
Male Norn PC(by: Matt Mercer)- That's enough of that / I will deal with it. Don't go anywhere. The Sunspear will decide what to do with you. (they probably caught some important Joko person with the help of the Sunspears?)
Female Human PC (by:April Stewart)- I will deal with it. Don't go anywhere. The Sunspears will decide what to do with you. (same as Male)
Human Female NPC (by: Kari Wahlgren)- Quite! what if it hears you? (some stealth mission? this is probably where we get caught XD) (or it is an NPC saying bad about Joko and another person is telling her to shut up before awakened hear and kill her)
Gorrik (by: Ike Amadi)- (someone write this word, I cannot write it) (what was the guy saying to Ike? can someone hear it and write it?)
Asuran NPC (by: Jocelyn Blue)- Acess Denied (with giggle) / Acess Granted (we are trying to decodify a door or something. We will at least get 1 or 2 acess denieds before the acess granted)
Female Sylvari PC (by: Jennifer Hale)- Tell him to, ahm, sit tight (whatdoes the guy say about the context? can't understand very much)
Taimi (by: Debi Derryberry)- ah, me too. Gross (probably something Joko-related, more specifically tar)(or inquest stuff, that's gross also) / I think the words you are looking for are Thank You (maybe something with Gorrik? no idea)
Edit: got all voices, just need someone to tell me the contexts I couldn't hear.
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