Original Post — Direct link
over 6 years ago - /u/ArenaJon - Direct link

Originally posted by cylonapplepie

There's your tutorial

It should improve your GW2 experience as game will run native on platform it was written on, but I wouldn't expect any serious improvements as game engine isn't handling places crowded by players very well in first place. You can tweak graphic settings, turn off player name plates (those can be bring up at any time by pressing modifying key on keyboard; not sure which one is on Apple keyboards as I haven't played GW2 on these machines in 4 years) to squeeze those frames but there won't be a performance miracle

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of Wine

OSX client is a Windows client + little piece of software called Cider that translates on-the-fly Windows code to be usable on Apple machines. Cider is the fork of [Wine](


This is incorrect. The 64-bit client, which is the only client available, is fully native. The quoted information was only true of the 32-bit client.