over 4 years
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2 days to lock and load. Prepare to drop into Halo 3: ODST as it arrives on PC in MCC.
🖱️ http://aka.ms/GetHaloMCC http://pbs.twimg.com/tweet_video_thumb/EiN-zwmUMAAVgln.jpg
Throwing out today’s virtual first pitch is @Microsoft C.E.O. @satyanadella, joined by @DaveValleMLB and a few special guests. https://t.co/487cBBqyYf
The Green Demon was having some trouble firing the big missile at the Covenants so I helped fix his broken ship! #FlipflopFactoid | #HaloInfinite 🎊: https://t.co/2YmHc3OZhv https://t.co/EEgv7AZAiQ https://t.co/wXIPEOIzdU
The Green Demon was having some trouble firing the big missile at the Covenants so I helped fix his broken ship! #FlipflopFactoid | #HaloInfinite 🎊: https://t.co/2YmHc3OZhv https://t.co/EEgv7AZAiQ https://t.co/wXIPEOIzdU