Original Post — Direct link

Screenshots are from 10 mins ago. The store shows a bundle with Brodie + Leadbelcher, but only gives you Brodie

Full context: The store has a super-bundle called "Season 2 Legendary Armor Bundle", with an image showing the Locus bundle, the Leadbelcher bundle, and and the Brodie bundle. If you already own Locus, the store will only give you Brodie when purchasing, and will only show Brodie when opening the super-bundle on the store.

This is extremely misleading considering how large and prominent the preview image is. It's reasonable to assume people would purchase thinking they will receive Leadbelcher, as shown in the preview. Given how the bundle detail page works, a purchaser might have assumed Leadbelcher was hidden behind the scrollbar inside the bundle detail page.

This should have been fixed days ago, but 343i refuses to acknowledge the issue, even going as far as to gaslight purchasers of the bundle.

\"Season 2 Legendary Armor Bundle\" shown in the store

Opening the store link takes you to a Brodie bundle with a false title

Proving I don't own Leadbelcher already

External link →
over 1 year ago - /u/misplacedyank - Direct link

Originally posted by 47Spoons

I'm the person that made the other post linked. Whats even worse is they use my support request to try and say they had fixed the issue. Super disappointing to see this after so much positivity from Halo Infinite. u/misplacedyank u/Ske7ch343 u/Unyshek please do something about this. I can provide my support request information if that helps. I just want a refund of my credits for the error in the store.