nice gunning, Scorch! 👊
nice gunning, Scorch! 👊
nice edit!
It's a sandwich.
wow, this a great story - glad you two were able to meet up after all these years!
whoa, this looks amazing. great work!
about tree fiddy
why have you never seen a Grunt hiding in a tree?
because they're really good at it
Thanks for the revive! 👊
we're seeing this too - the team is going to take a look!
nicely done!
If you're able to answer,
Do you know if the reason we can't customize "kits" is because of the promise that all "cores" would be free? Heard this tossed around a bit.
I think most people in the community would agree that a "kit" that could be placed on top of a core to change the "core" would just be a conversion kit rather than breaking the "all cores will be free" promise.
different setups to my knowledge
These were initially concepted as armor kits, which meant no per-piece customization. Given the pretty much unanimous dislike of those more restrictive kits, we shifted these to be armor set pieces that would allow for more mixing and matching.
In my eyes, we all still got sick looking Banished Spartans while also retaining the ability to fully customize their character.
The pivot was a win for everyone imo
I recognized this immediately - so clean!
wow, this looks incredible
nice work!
great shot!
hey all - confirming that the team is aware and actively investigating these reports.
love this - nice work!
Confirming we're aware of folks like this and that the team is looking into it.