over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hello everyone and welcome to the latest
3s edition of the lobby legends totally not
7s rigged lobby draw this time around our
9s theme is magic of azeroth which is why
13s i am wearing this cape that i found in
15s azeroth that is currently uh imbuing me
19s with magical powers uh in fact and so
22s i've got griffy with me as always and
24s i'm uh i'm feeling so magical in fact
26s that i think i will transform griffy
29s into a murloc right in front of your
30s eyes you ready for this
32s production
34s value
37s why father but of course we can't leave
40s dear griffey as a murloc forever so i'm
42s gonna try a another spell we're going to
45s turn him into a
47s a pickaxe to
49s turn into pickaxe
53s wow
56s i think that's enough magical
57s transformations for now we'll we'll come
59s back to those later but uh we do have 16
62s competitors that we need to separate
64s into two different groups and so that's
65s why we're here for our lobby draw and i
67s will be pulling magical names out of a
70s magical chest that i have here
75s so yeah magical chest and r16 names are
79s located right in here and we will divide
81s them into two groups so grippy let's cue
83s the montage all right little bit of a
85s continuity issue there one more thing i
87s have to take care of gryphius returnus
93s wow
115s griffey you can't compete you're a dog
127s and that's it we have our group
128s separated so be sure to tune in to lobby
131s legends magic of azeroth and uh until
133s next time grippy and i will wish you a
135s very magical goodbye