


Patch 30.0.2 is a server-side hotfix patch, rolling out now with the following bug fixes and updates:

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [Twist] Fixed a bug where random generation would sometimes fail. As a result of this fix, Forest Warden Omu, Halveria Darkraven, and Kael’Thas Sunstrider will once again be available for play through the remainder of this Twist season.
  • [Hearthstone] Changed the behavior of Adaptive Amalgam and Immortal Prelate in rare circumstances that resulted in infinite loops. If either of these minions would loop more than 30 times in a row without player action, they are instead permanently destroyed after the 30th loop.
  • [Hearthstone] Changed the animation for Horizon’s Edge to be faster.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Cliff Dive would not always return minions to the deck.
  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Package Dealer had slightly lower than 50% odds to draw an extra card. Unlucky.
  • ...
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22 Jul


Today we’re rolling out a server-side hotfix patch, with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

  • Vol’Jin has been temporarily removed from Battlegrounds.
  • Sylvanas Windrunner cannot appear in Undead lobbies.
  • Aranna Starseeker cannot appear in Elemental lobbies.

Armor Updates

The following heroes now have less Armor:

  • Maiev Shadowsong has 5 armor, and 2 armor in Duos.
  • Doctor Holli'dae has 5 armor, and 2 armor in Duos.
  • Millhouse Manastorm has 7 armor, and 5 armor in Duos.
  • Trade Prince Gallywix has 7 armor, and 4 armor in Duos.
  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton  has 8 armor, and 5 armor in Duos.
  • Captain Hooktusk has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
  • Dinotamer Brann has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
  • Death Speaker Blackthorn has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
  • Galakrond has 12 armor, and 9 armor in Duos.
  • Teron Gorefi...
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17 Jul


Patch 30.0 is here, ahead of the launch of Perils in Paradise!

Here are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [General] The team is investigating reports that playing on fullscreen mode with a Mac Desktop client, and then switching windows, causes freeze. Based on reports so far, it appears this issue is avoided if you play on windowed mode.
  • [General] The team is investigating reports of some players being prompted to repeatedly download an update each time they open the client. In the meantime, it appears that a full reinstall should resolve the issue.
  • [Resolved] [Shop] The team is investigating shop closures for players on the Europe server.
  • [Resolved] [Shop] Restored access to in-game gold purchases for users in some regions.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Trinket Artist is incorrectly not drawing Aura cards.
  • [Resolved] [Twist] Perils in Paradise cards can unintentionally be generated and discovered in Twist...
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08 Jul


Today we will be rolling out a small server-side hotfix patch with a couple bans and a couple bug fixes:

  • [Hearthstone] Splish-Splash Whelp is banned in Standard.
    o Dev Comment: Since our last balance patch, Druid has emerged as a warping force in the meta, and both a power and play experience outlier. We’re banning Splish-Splash Whelp as one of the class’s strongest cards for accelerating them to their early power plays. This is a temporary emergency action that we’re taking until we’re able to re-evaluate and adjust in our next planned balance pass (after the launch of Perils in Paradise). Any cards that are weakened at that time will get our usual dust refund treatment.
  • [Twist] Thorim, Stormlord has been temporarily removed due to a bug. He is expected to be returned to the Hero Pool with Patch 30.0.
  • [Twist] Fixed a bug where some Heroes sometimes had the wrong Health.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause cra...
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05 Jul


Since last month’s update, we’ve actioned over 261k additional accounts for botting. In Patch 29.6, we also introduced system changes to combat bots and other exploitive gameplay patterns on a more regular, proactive basis.

21 Jun


Patch 29.6.1 is a server-side hotfix rolling out today with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Armor Updates

The following Heroes have been adjusted to have less Armor:

  • Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Maiev Shadowsong now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Cap’n Hoggarr now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Doctor Holli’dae now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Ini Stormcoil now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Alexstrasza now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Rakanishu now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Queen Azshara now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Chenvaala now has 5 Armor, and 2 Armor in Duos.

  • Lich Baz’hial now has 7 Armor, and 4 Armor in Duos.

  • Death Speaker Blac...

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17 Jun


Patch 29.6 is here, including the returns of Genn and Baku in Standard, and Buddies in Battlegrounds, plus your first taste of Hearthstone’s next expansion: Perils in Paradise!

Here are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Harth Stonebrew has gotten his iconic hands confused—the team is looking into it.
  • [Battlegrounds] The Buddy Button can’t be pinged. The team is targeting fixing this in the next major patch.
  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Fairy Gillmother can generate herself. She’s supposed to let you wish for more fishes, not more wishes.
  • [Battlegrounds] Planar Telescope gives nothing if your most common type is not one of the minion types in the game and you’re not at Tier 6 (where there is an “All” type minion).
  • [Resolved] [Arena] Players can be offered the same card multiple times in the same draft pick. This is scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix soon.
  • ...
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07 Jun


Since last month’s update, we’ve actioned nearly 642,000 additional accounts for botting. That is in addition to the bans we levied against players using cheating software to play illegal cards in Twist mode early in this season. We’ll continue regularly punishing these bad actors to make our Tavern a better place for all our real players.

06 Jun


This is on the known issues list, but we don’t have a timetable on its fix, sorry.

03 Jun


July 16 Updates

Thorim, Stormlord is no longer banned as of the launch of patch 30.0. The following Heroes have had their health adjusted:

Brann Bronzebeard 35->30
Dr. Boom 40->35
Halveria Darkraven 32->25
Guff Runetotem 25->22
Lady Liadrin 25->22
Leeroy the Reckless 40->35
The Lich King 50->47
Marin the Manager 25->22
Queen Azshara 35->30
Thorim, Stormlord 25->20

July 9 Updates (Corrected)

Yesterday, Thorim was temporarily banned until Patch 30.0. Today, the following Health updates are going out:

Halveria Darkraven: 32 → 25
Guff Runetotem: 30 → 25
Lady Liadrin: 30 → 25
Marin the Manager: 30 → 25
Queen Azshara: 38 → 35
King Krush: 30 → 28
N’zoth, the Corruptor: 28 → 25
Sargeras, the Destroyer: 40 → 50
Arch-Villain Rafaam: 45 → 50

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30 May


Patch 29.4.3 is a server-side hotfix patch rolling out now with the following updates and bug fixes.

Arena Updates

The draft card pool has been adjusted, with a handful of card swaps in and out of the card pool for each class and Neutral. Additionally, appearance rates of particular higher-impact cards have been decreased in Shaman, Demon Hunter, and Death Knight and increased in Paladin, Priest, and Warrior.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [General] Fixed a bug in the new player experience where some players were unable to skip the Apprentice Track if they hadn’t yet finished the Tavern Guide (players will need to restart their client after skipping for this fix to take effect).

  • [Hearthstone] If Splendiferous Whizbang is Golden, it will now give Golden Hero Portraits and Hero Powers. (Non-Golden Whizbang will still give Golden Hero Portraits and Hero Powers if you have that hero Golden.)

  • ...
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21 May


You’d just make a post in the bug report forums, but thanks, we’ve got this on our radar.

17 May





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Oops, forgot to pin this. Sorry folks.

16 May


Patch 29.4.1 is a server-side patch rolling out now with the following updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Hero Update

  • Jandice Barov will not be offered in games with Naga or Elementals.

Armor Updates

The following Heroes now have more Armor:

  • Scabbs Cutterbutter now has 13 Armor.

  • Teron Gorefiend now has 14 Armor at higher ratings, still has 10 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Tickatus now has 16 Armor.

  • Maiev Shadowsong now has 16 Armor at higher ratings, still has 18 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Captain Hooktusk now has 16 Armor at higher ratings, still has 15 Armor at lower ratings.

  • Bru’kan now has 17 Armor.

  • Guff Runetotem, Lich Baz’hial, and Mr. Bigglesworth now have 18 Armor.

  • Fungalmancer Flurgl now has 18 Armor at higher ratings...

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14 May


Patch 29.4 is now live, with the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set and more!

Here are some known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Blazing Transmutation has been unbanned.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Sock Puppet Slitherspear doesn’t gain attack from Weapons.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] Standard Pack doesn’t show up in the “NEW” tab in the Collection.
  • [Cosmetics] Return Policy’s Golden art is bugged.
  • [Updated] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Boom Wrench might be causing client freezes. Update: it appears the freeze is only for some devices and is brief–waiting it out appears to resolve the issue.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] The team is investigating reports of occasional issues accessing the Collection.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] The team is investigating reports of players unable to select a format when building a deck. As a workaround while th...
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10 May


Hey everyone, I’m back again with another quick bot ban update.

Since our last update, we’ve actioned nearly 110,000 additional accounts. We’ll continue to take action against these abusive accounts to make the Tavern a fairer and more fun place for all our players. We’ll see you in the Tavern!

02 May


Patch 29.2.3 is a server-side patch, rolling out now with the following updates:

Battlegrounds Updates

  • Heroes now have a Duos Armor level, distinct from their Solo Battlegrounds Armor levels. For most Heroes, their Duos Armor level is 2-3 Armor lower than their (higher ranks) Solo Battlegrounds Armor level.
  • Duos turns from turn 7 onwards are now slightly longer than before.
  • Mechs will be reactivated in Battlegrounds after this patch has rolled out.

Bug Fixes

  • [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Alexstrasza’s Battlecry effect didn’t work properly with life-total adjusting effects (like Azerite Snake and Vampiric Blood).

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Golden Scrap Scraper didn’t function properly.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Utility Drone didn’t function properly.

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Persistent Poet didn’t functi...

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23 Apr


The following is being posted on behalf of Aleco Pors, Final Design Lead.

Hey everyone!

We’ve got a really big balance patch planned for later this week, with changes to around 30 cards, including buffs and nerfs—and a few Wild changes. Since this patch has different goals from most other patches, I’d like to provide you all with some more context as to what we’re thinking and how we got here.

In this patch, we are attempting to address issues which have cropped up with the overall health of Standard, as opposed to correcting issues with the health of the specific meta like we normally do. Alarm bells started to go off within the design team when we noticed that the power level of Hearthstone didn’t seem to drop much (if at all) after the recent annual rotation. This sparked a lot of internal discussion about certain gameplay patterns in the current meta – particularly hyper-efficient AoE board clears, “OTK” style decks that la...

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19 Apr


Hey everyone, we have another bot ban update to share with you.

Since our last post, we’ve continued our regular cadence of anti-bot detection and actions. In that time, we’ve actioned over 240,000 additional accounts.

In Patch 29.2, we also made an update to Arena matchmaking as a proactive step against extreme play patterns specific to that Mode, sometimes referred to as “barcode accounts.” Now, if you repeatedly retire runs early, you will be put into a separate matchmaking pool for your run. Being able to retire an Arena run early is an important feature for when you want to play a different deck. But, for a small percentage of players, it’s used to repeatedly draft new decks until they get one they consider extremely strong. This chan...

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