over 2 years ago - GnomeSayin-11972 - Direct link

Hello all,

We wanted to let you know that the Friend of a Friend minion is being removed from Battlegrounds in an upcoming hotfix patch, currently scheduled for Wednesday.

A note from the Developers about this change:

Friend of a Friend led to drastic power spikes when combined with Brann, and drove play patterns requiring an extremely high number of actions per turn. While we think there is room in the game for these types of strategies, in this case it proved too pervasive and game-warping for the overall health of the game.

We know that some players have really enjoyed Friend of a Friend. Looking forward, we think it’s important to continue to push the boundaries of the game and explore what we can bring into it, but we also think it’s important to try to respond quickly when we’ve pushed too far. Keep an eye out for exciting updates as we continue to explore and fine-tune Battlegrounds to make it the best game mode it can be!