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Recently, playing battlegrounds has felt less and less satisfying. The only reason is that I am constantly finding myself bottlenecked by the animation timers on turns. Lately I have been running into situations where I have my turn planned out well before the timer, but, due to a string of animations I am constantly missing the chance to play that last minion or use that last freeze. This takes away so much from the game, losing is one thing, but losing because you took an extra 5 damage over several rounds due to animations takes away any sort of rewarding feeling from playing battlegrounds.

Even wins feel less exciting because I can't help but wonder if the other player was trying to pull off a crazy turn to come from behind, and, ultimately fell short due to restrictions caused by the game's horrible chains of animations. I know the mode is new but lately it feels like this happens every few games at best. I don't even feel comfortable playing certain heros, like Daryl, because I know my best turns are going to be cut short or I'll end up down an entire minion who I just spent the whole turn buffing. I love the mode but I can't help but realize that my games are quite frequently interrupted by the incessant animations that don't allow you to click ahead in many instances.

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over 4 years ago - /u/mdonais - Direct link

Originally posted by SirBuckeye

I haven't seen any updates from /u/mdonais or any other dev about the timer.

Making quick decisions and acting decisively is a key part of the game, but there just isn't enough time to do what you need on certain turns. It's especially bad on mobile and sometimes unplayable there. Even on PC, with certain heroes like Daryl, it's not possible to do what you want even when you plan ahead and act quickly.

Ideally, they would make everyone wait after battle until all battles are finished then everyone would get equal time in the shop. Barring that, they just need to add like 30 seconds to all timers after turn 6. I think that would at-least alleviate the worst of the time crunch. I would much rather wait an extra few seconds after I'm done shopping rather than not being able to finish my planned turns.

We are working on a lot of different fronts to improve this.