over 2 years
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Hello all, Patch 24.2 has now launched on desktop and mobile. Follow this post on updates for known issues with the patch. We are currently tracking the following issues:
- The team is aware that some old Adventures cannot be accessed by players who own some, but not all, of the wings to those Adventures. The team has identified the issue and expects a fix in the next major patch.
- The team is aware that the Hearthstone Track XP Boosts are not being represented in Daily and Weekly Quest amounts. The team has confirmed this is a visual-only issue and the Quests are still awarding the correct amount. The team is investigating the solution to this visual bug.
- The team is aware that the Journal notification is unable to be dismissed with this patch. The team is investigating the issue.
- The team is aware that Battlegrounds characters that can have more than one Quest (Denathrius) or Quests and Secrets at the same time (like Akazamzarak) are unable to mouse over the extra Quest to see progress. The team is investigating the issue.
- [Updated 8/30] The team is investigating disconnections from Battlegrounds servers, causing some players to be unable to re-enter until after the game at issue has concluded. Update: These disconnects appear to be connected to games including Bru’kan, Tavish, Sir Finley, and Master Nguyen heroes. Those heroes have been temporarily disabled while this issue is further investigated.
- [Added 8/30] The new Magical Guardian Elise hero skin is missing its hero tray. This will be added in a future update.
- [Resolved 8/31] The team is aware that any existing Battlegrounds-only Weekly Quests players had prior to the 24.2 patch were deleted when 24.2 went live. It is intended that these Weekly Quests will not be offered going forward, but it is not intended that those players already had would be deleted went the patch went live. Those deleted Weekly Quests will be returned to affected players in an update coming soon.
- [Added 8/31] The team is aware that Battlegrounds Ratings are not showing correctly on mobile. Your rating is still being correctly adjusted after each game and can be seen on desktop or the leaderboards. The team is investigating solutions to the issue.
We will continue to update this post as we learn more.