almost 2 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

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750s so
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872s so
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903s it's a blast off the top pesco a 2-0 up
907s in the finals
909s it looks rough for him for a moment the
911s shard of the naaru was so clutch
915s [Music]
918s who says he tried so hard he set up a
920s lethal himself with the void charge and
922s shadow form on the next string even if
924s his sethek got cleared it was as good a
926s plan as any
927s [Music]
935s there it is
939s [Music]
952s welcome everyone to hearthstone grand
954s masters last call it's week three here
957s which means at the end of this weekend
959s we will know all of our players who are
961s through to the playoffs fighting out for
963s that one final spot at the world
966s championship and gia and i are going to
968s be walking you through most of group a
971s today to find out another one of those
972s players going through to the quarter
975s finals gia how have you enjoyed this
978s weekend of grand masters thus very much
980s derek it feels like one of the last
983s events that i'm gonna be able to cast
984s and it is the last week of a regular
987s grand master season as we enter playoffs
990s next week so this is sentimental for
993s many many reasons and for our players it
995s is absolutely crunch time as well we can
998s take a look at the overview of our
1001s season here we're already past the
1003s halfway mark and we are still playing
1005s our lovely duel tournament system where
1007s yesterday we got to see group a and
1010s group b and send fourth uh two players
1013s from each through to tomorrow
1015s indeed yeah some exciting games
1017s yesterday uh that we saw in our initial
1019s groups and of course the fact that it's
1021s last year is standing this week is going
1023s to be playing a a very big role in the
1026s players deck decisions we've got a
1027s couple of spicy lineups here some very
1029s interesting band decisions happening as
1031s well a wide variety
1034s of the uh the four or so playable
1036s classes are being banned uh in this meta
1038s game and as you can see last year's
1040s standing when you win with the deck you
1042s keep playing it and when you lose with
1043s the deck it's gone which of course means
1045s if there's a top deck you're expecting
1047s to face a lot of rogue or druid for
1049s example if you can bring one of these
1051s hard counters to it like
1053s the uh
1054s the four minion priests whatever we're
1056s calling it uh then you could be in
1058s business to have a strong counter cube
1060s we'll see how that goes over the course
1061s of the day uh but some uh very
1064s interesting names we have uh in our
1066s group today with another apac verse eu
1070s uh face off uh with it not going all too
1072s well for apac yesterday it's gonna be
1074s said
1075s i mean we can't keep uh beating up on eu
1079s after the masters tour and the past two
1082s world championships no less but we can
1084s take a look at what our players are
1087s competing for after all the season is
1090s said and done the first place winner
1093s will get that 22 500 and perhaps more
1096s importantly that one ticket through to
1098s the world championship second place
1100s definitely not shabby either and simply
1102s for showing up to last call you'd get
1105s six thousand dollars but all of our
1107s players have their eyes set on that
1109s highest possible prize
1111s they do because for a lot of players if
1112s they don't make it through to the
1113s playoffs this is the end of the run for
1115s them in grand masters we've seen
1117s heartfelt tweets from a lot of players
1119s or who have mathematically ruled
1121s themselves out at this point a very nice
1123s one from fled yesterday i think
1124s basically you know saying it's been a
1126s good run but this is it with grand
1128s masters coming to a close for all of our
1130s players here this is their final chance
1132s through this system to get to the world
1135s championship uh some players on the
1137s other hand have already locked
1138s themselves in towards the top of the
1140s leaderboard bunny locked in first and
1142s second belize locked into playoffs
1143s already i'm pretty sure and some of the
1146s other players
1147s like habu gabu tweeting out one or two
1149s more wins or i think just one for him in
1151s particular and he's locked in uh so so
1153s much to play for that everyone's still
1155s in the running as you can see every
1157s single win you get bumps you up one more
1160s point and the margins are that close it
1162s really is just one point in it for a lot
1164s of these players which is why for
1167s judgment playing today chonsu playing
1170s today uh super fake as well in this
1173s group up at four points none of them
1175s safe but none of them locked out either
1177s yet so all scrabbling for one win at a
1180s time even if they can just get through
1182s to the quarterfinals that could be
1183s enough
1184s margins are so tiny because we've only
1186s had three weeks total to earn points and
1188s for the likes of fury hunter who had an
1190s unfortunate run yesterday
1192s even though he's had a good run so far
1194s he just cannot afford to
1197s do anything but sit tight and pray at
1200s this point because everybody else around
1202s him will have the opportunity to move up
1205s those five points we'll see if it's
1206s enough to stay within playoffs it's
1208s looking pretty good but there's also the
1210s seedings within playoffs to think about
1212s like you mentioned how bunny hopper is
1214s already locked for either first or
1215s second which means that he has that free
1218s win going into that last stage to get
1220s the world championship ticket but if you
1222s end up in 7th and 8th here you are
1224s through to playoffs still with the
1226s chance but you cannot take any losses
1228s moving forward because of a default loss
1233s exciting for all our players and uh
1235s can't wait until we can get into the
1236s decks as well because there's uh a lot
1239s on the line and we are getting some
1241s spicy decks today i think relative to
1243s the to the field overall uh post nerf it
1246s seems to or post balance patch i just i
1248s should say we've got a fairly
1249s homogeneous meta here most players
1251s haven't figured out what the best decks
1253s are uh but
1255s a couple of spicy priests knocking
1256s around from judgment and chonsu could
1258s have something to say about that but
1260s we'll get into that soon first of all
1261s going into what happened yesterday bunny
1263s hopper
1264s sailing through in the uh winning both
1267s his matches through to the quarterfinals
1269s as we've come to expect from him uh and
1272s even though his journey was fairly
1273s straightforward mighty in particular had
1275s quite the roller coaster along his way
1278s oh absolutely mighty i think probably
1280s didn't end up super happy with his
1282s lineup but he did admit to not being uh
1285s fully spending his time on hearthstone
1287s recently so
1288s not making it at the last hurdle there
1290s against oka shinsuke i don't think he
1292s can be too upset about my death himself
1294s already through to worlds but for fury
1296s hunter this one was a heartbreaker
1298s indeed okasinski though really
1300s persevering despite starting the day
1303s with a pretty crucial error in his
1305s series versus bunnyhopper but managed to
1307s pick it up concentrate and play very
1310s well to make sure that he could proceed
1312s through to tomorrow you love to see it
1315s do indeed
1317s i don't know why it's jumping out of me
1318s now but that satchel he has on his
1320s picture i really like it i think it adds
1322s to the uh to the profile very nicely it
1324s always makes me think he looks a little
1325s bit like indiana jones
1328s with the very much the same vibe as well
1330s i think we can say that's good
1334s well moving over to group b we of course
1337s started off with pun versus levick and
1338s then fled versus habukabu where levick
1341s was the player that went undefeated in
1343s the group i think one of the players
1346s that we have been lauding appropriately
1347s for his deck building and on stream play
1350s one of the breakout stars of the masters
1352s tour system in recent years but of
1354s course the other person to make it
1355s through was the winningest player of the
1358s year habugabu himself
1361s yeah playing some very very strong
1362s hearthstone i think you know
1364s it's fair to say we don't want uh to
1366s dunk on the players who have dropped out
1367s but puns say he wasn't too happy with
1369s his play didn't sleep all too well
1371s before the tournament and was really
1372s hoping to get his head in the game in
1374s his elimination match and you could feel
1377s how much he wanted it he clearly adopted
1379s the mindset that players often do of
1381s just never concede you never know when a
1383s game might get there even if it's one in
1385s a million you just never ever concede
1387s and even up until his opponent literally
1389s had like lethal on board with attacking
1390s with two minions he still wouldn't give
1392s it up but in the end it was fled taking
1394s him down and then havagabu taking out
1396s fled knocking out both the americas
1398s players from the group uh which means
1400s it's good been a good weekend uh for eu
1403s overall thankfully uh because they had a
1406s disastrous performance at the master
1408s store so they needed some uh
1410s to be made to feel a little bit better
1412s at least
1413s six players in top 16 that's a disaster
1416s it's embarrassing no players in top four
1419s cringe could not be apac
1422s uh but yeah taking a look at that
1424s heartbreaker of a game for fury hunter
1426s up 2-0 and then getting reverse swept on
1429s the wig priest and then with the exact
1431s same lineup for bonnie hopper that did
1433s not happen he throwed his opponent when
1435s it really didn't even matter for him
1437s anymore and uh just straight up beaming
1439s on him
1440s yeah that's right but again mighty can't
1442s be too upset because he already has his
1445s world tickets secured by winning a pack
1447s in season one of this year okay though
1450s versus very hunter you can see the
1452s palpable stress on fury hunter's face
1455s because he is one of those players that
1457s really had so many near misses but still
1460s hasn't quite secured that world spot
1461s just yet roka shinsuke though i'm very
1463s happy to have seen the quality of his
1465s play improved just within the day we've
1468s seen oka shinsuke at his best in apac
1470s going for some really brilliant lines
1472s and as soon as he's able to focus and
1474s move past any errors we can see he's
1476s truly a player that can stand on the
1478s caliber of the likes of possessee and
1480s glory and aletamu and recently tansoku
1482s as well
1483s absolutely i expect to see very good
1485s things from going forward as i hope to
1487s see from mighty you know in that final
1489s match we saw from him he got a little
1491s unlucky seeing a million solid alibis
1493s over the course of the day but also you
1495s know to be honest not really up to the
1497s standard of play that's going to be
1498s winning you the world championship uh
1500s from uh mighty as we've expected with
1502s him not having played all too much
1503s recently so i hope that sorts itself out
1506s but then i believe this was the portion
1508s that was uh casted with by uh tj and
1511s lorinda we got to see a
1513s counter-spelled shard there of the
1516s priest quest reward which somehow didn't
1518s get tested for believe you me you'll be
1520s seeing that in top five uh later this
1523s week as i cannot believe that that
1525s happened in a uh a gm series of
1528s hearthstone
1529s that's right a bit of a rough way for
1531s flood to go out but he can still hold
1533s his head high um throughout all he's
1535s accomplished in his entire gm career we
1538s did have a real banger at the end though
1540s with levick versus habu gabu both those
1542s players already qualified through to the
1544s world championship and yet they are the
1546s two that still make it through in their
1548s group so perhaps this is good news for
1550s the other people that manage to get into
1551s playoffs if there's a bunch of people
1553s that already have their worlds ticket
1555s then it gets passed down to the next uh
1557s highest placer that hasn't made worlds
1559s yet
1560s and they're punjabi spike for his life
1562s never ever ever wanting to give up no
1565s matter what but in the end he's forced
1567s to he lost the game and fled
1569s coming down to it on the road so close
1571s here uh but unable to take down the uh
1575s the road which uh
1576s finally honestly the mage which finally
1578s ended up getting the win for havoc
1583s very fun to see the pop-off from
1585s but of course it is at such stark
1588s contrast with fled's reaction as well
1590s for habu this is another player that's
1592s you know in a similar position to those
1594s that have already secured the world's
1596s ticket but it's nice to see that he
1598s still cares about every single game
1600s there flood uh really uh going up
1603s against the titan among one of his last
1605s series in grand masters but of course we
1608s have a whole new group to get through
1610s today derek starting off with possessive
1612s vs judgment that's right possessing our
1615s boy making another appearance in the
1616s masters tour last weekend making it
1618s through to
1619s uh was it top 8 or top 16 that he got
1622s eliminated in
1624s i can't quite remember but either way
1625s making it through to the top 16 100
1627s uh alongside tansoku and uh glory i
1630s believe to represent japan uh in the the
1633s end of that masters tour very
1634s impressively done again we had a couple
1637s of weird plays from him when he did end
1639s up uh on stream as we expect from our
1643s world champion uh but i think overall
1646s you know he's shaking up his decks a
1647s little bit which is generally a good
1648s sign for possessee like i feel like you
1652s can tell if he brings the same decks
1653s every week to gm and masters tour he
1656s it's an indication that he's not playing
1658s as much he's just relying on his good uh
1660s same old tried and true strategies but
1662s like deviating away from boar priests
1664s which he's been relying on a lot
1665s recently having the most up-to-date
1667s versions of rogue druid mage all these
1669s very nice tech conclusions i think bodes
1671s well for possessing but speaking of poor
1674s priest on the other side judgment is the
1675s one player to bring it this week which
1678s seems so wild in this particular meta
1680s that we're in
1681s it is a very bold choice but this is lhs
1684s if there's any format that lends itself
1686s to risk taking i think that this is
1689s definitely one to look out for but we
1691s also have chonsu versus super fake
1693s shantu himself with a very bold choice
1696s of priest the combo priest or whatever
1698s you want to call it with four minions
1700s which is supposedly a very strong
1702s counter to rogue and it's pretty
1705s surprising honestly to call out chonsu
1707s in the chonsu versus super fake series
1709s as the one that has the weirder decks
1712s because we are so used to seeing super
1714s fake going for very off-the-wall
1715s strategies with the flood
1718s and then group d to round the day out
1720s blize pasco as loy grusin and dimitri
1724s kazov as you can see by that big uh
1726s intimidating 16 next to dimitri kazov's
1730s uh name that means he's in stone cold
1732s last place so this
1734s has to be
1735s i think at least the second place but
1738s realistically a first place finish for
1739s dimitri kazow to get the full five
1741s points if he wants to make it out
1743s because tie breakers are going to be
1744s looking so rough for him uh overall and
1747s so who knows it starts now it he could
1750s get it done
1751s as he said maybe he's been focusing more
1752s on the old bg's half of hearthstone as
1754s opposed to uh constructed recently uh
1757s but it's possible even in a top a tough
1760s group like this one
1761s miracles can happen
1763s and over on the top side of this bracket
1765s we also have blize versus pascoa both
1767s players have
1768s been doing relatively well blize i think
1771s by a bigger margin he's second only to
1773s bunnyhopper at the moment really looking
1775s to just secure that second place seed or
1777s potentially first if he overtakes bunny
1779s hopper and get that free win going into
1781s playoffs but uh pasqua did tell me that
1784s he got a pretty good read on blyze's
1787s lineup and likes his position uh feeling
1789s a bit favored in that one
1791s based on how the decks shake out so i'm
1794s super excited to watch that
1796s as am i that's going to be good stuff i
1797s think that'll be uh the other cast is
1799s bringing us that one but we'll be there
1801s to watch alongside i'm sure as uh
1804s possessive judgment uh it's an exciting
1807s uh moment uh for judgment of course
1810s being in grand masters here it's not a
1812s position i think he would have thought
1814s himself to be in a few months ago as he
1816s really did just come out of nowhere take
1818s the masters tour system by storm
1820s but as i talk about as we'll hopefully
1822s get to see on his player sheet
1824s you know i i'm not afraid to say when i
1826s first saw him i really did believe him
1828s to be a one hit wonder like you see a
1830s lot of these players who you've never
1832s heard of they're not in any practice
1834s groups especially for me with him being
1835s a uk player like i feel like if anyone
1838s knew who he was uh i would be
1840s at least have heard of him from the
1842s other uk players but i really hadn't uh
1845s but to be fair after his one strong
1846s performance he followed it up with some
1848s consistently pretty good results in
1850s masters tours his win rate is still
1852s pretty high as the numbers start to grow
1854s and grow and now having made it through
1856s to grand masters as well
1858s i'm fully willing to uh eat humble pie
1860s on this one and say that judgment has
1861s massively
1864s not exceeded my expectations but my
1866s expectations have risen uh to his level
1868s of play thus far as we can see 60 in
1871s masters tours it's a very good year for
1873s him so far
1874s that's right he's a player that maybe
1876s hasn't had the breadth of experience
1878s that most of the rest of the gm field
1880s has had but he wins when it counts and
1882s that's why he's here to begin with and
1884s this is going to be one of the ultimate
1886s tests to truly prove whether he has what
1889s it takes to stand on the same stage as
1891s these giants because he's going up
1893s against no less than the current world
1895s champion and judgement has quite an
1898s exciting lineup to do so because there's
1900s not only the boar priest as a bold
1902s choice in there but that imp curse lock
1904s which actually turned out to be the
1906s highest win rate archetype in the
1908s masters tour although it hasn't really
1910s seen that much play since then i'm not
1912s sure if it's because of the nerf 2 vial
1915s library or maybe if people thought that
1917s high win rate was just a bit of a fluke
1919s of people not really knowing how to play
1920s against it but i certainly think the
1922s deck has a lot of merit to it
1925s yeah it can i you know i made no bones
1928s about it during the masters tour that i
1930s i'm not a fan of the the curse imp
1932s version of the deck mainly from a moral
1935s standpoint it should not work it should
1938s not be allowed this deck that just does
1940s two such disparate things and yet
1942s somehow time and again uh i am proved
1944s wrong uh but right out of the gate both
1946s players cueing their druids i believe
1948s and both players banning the rogue
1950s which does make sense based on what
1952s judgment is going for with the ball
1954s priest right given that most players
1955s have kind of earmarked priest uh either
1958s to be wig priest because it's just a
1960s good deck as some players have done but
1961s a lot of them quest priest or this combo
1964s priest that chonsu has gotten for a hard
1966s counter to rogue overall whereas both
1968s these players saying i don't want to go
1970s for that i'm going to instead try and
1971s find these counters to the slower decks
1973s for judgment with the priest and the
1975s warlock and possessive to be honest
1977s looking like he's just gone for four
1979s strong decks in the metagame i don't
1980s think there's much counter-cueing going
1982s on here
1984s yeah um he has just gone for three decks
1986s that have that triangle relationship to
1988s each other the wig priest being good
1990s against druid druid against mage and
1992s mage quite decent against the priest
1994s although it's actually not quite as
1997s polarized as i thought it would be the
1999s rogue also just comes in there as the
2001s overall strongest deck in the meta it
2003s does have some
2004s viable counters but the nature of lhs
2007s with a ban being that if you do not
2009s bring at least two counters to the
2012s strongest deck in the meta then you're
2014s not allowed to leave it up right because
2016s your opponent can simply ban one counter
2018s away and then that that could take a
2020s sweep uh very likely so with either of
2023s these players not really having the
2025s double target on uh temple rogue in mind
2028s like we've seen from players like bunny
2030s hopper and fury hunter it makes sense
2031s that that rogue just gets banned away
2034s i'm really just looking at the imp curse
2037s warlock from judgement where it will
2038s slot into the lineup i tend to believe
2040s that has a pretty good match up into
2042s mage um into wig priests i'm honestly
2045s not quite sure but i'd wager it's not
2047s the greatest especially since your setup
2050s of just fiendish circle is very weak to
2052s shadow or devour but into that mage i'm
2055s excited to see it get work done
2058s interesting to note the differences
2059s between both players druid lists here
2062s neither of them running the naga giants
2065s in the list which is
2067s uh i think a big difference because that
2068s can give you in my opinion a real leg up
2070s in the druid mirror just having instant
2073s big threats that as long as they don't
2075s get insatiable devoured uh are very very
2077s difficult for the opposing druid to
2079s answer and instead both them going with
2081s the more
2083s uh i don't know i guess like the nature
2085s spell package possess even more so in
2087s the early game because he's got the
2088s living roots and the natural causes uh
2090s whereas judgement has got the the
2092s flipper friends but he's kind of going
2095s with more of a dragon package i suppose
2097s with kazakhstan slotted in there at the
2099s end do we see that becoming a factor
2102s yeah um i don't generally think the
2105s druid mirror comes down to that pan out
2107s but the kazakhstan being included in
2110s there i feel is sort of a fail-safe
2111s against theater if your donations get
2114s stolen away because both these decks
2116s have the capability to otk their
2118s opponent from hand
2120s even without the guff sometimes just by
2122s going brown chaos denatures especially
2125s in judgment's case with the denatrius in
2126s the starting hand he has so much
2128s capability to juice that up to like the
2131s upper 20s of damage maybe even 30 plus
2134s with all the tokens in there and then
2135s the brand doubling that up can be the
2137s win condition but if that gets stolen
2139s away by our friend theater then suddenly
2143s he has no wind conditions so that's
2144s where the kazakhstan comes into play and
2147s of course to activate that he needs to
2148s run the double amalgams of the deep to
2150s go alongside raid boss onyxia and the
2152s alexstrasza
2155s spicy option here with tope available
2158s off the moonlit guidance meaning there's
2160s now two of them available theoretically
2162s over the course of the game
2164s and i do like that possessive opted to
2166s go for the moonlit guidance on two
2167s instead of the thorn growth centuries
2170s uh because it can be relevant getting
2173s that little a little bit of extra chip
2174s damage in for sure but uh playing this
2177s on turn two the moonlight guidance so
2179s you're more likely to hit guff uh on
2181s turn five or something big after the
2183s nourish is a
2186s definitely would agree judgement has had
2188s a pretty good run of the ramp himself
2190s even without nourish just wild growth
2192s into seeds when it's looking decent he
2194s doesn't quite have the cleanest turn
2196s seven uh sorry seven mana but uh even if
2199s it just comes down to renathal and
2200s amalgam amalgam it's not the worst in
2202s the world he doesn't necessarily need
2204s the amalgams to discover dragons in
2206s order to activate his kazakhstan because
2208s these two plus alex plus onyxia is the
2210s four that's required to activate the kaz
2213s whether or not we actually get to kaz as
2215s a win condition again will uh depend on
2219s the quality of possessing's eventual
2220s theater i will say though that between
2223s both these players i think possessi is
2225s more vulnerable to theater himself
2227s because he doesn't quite have a backup
2229s win con if his own denaturus gets stolen
2232s it's worth noting though that he does
2234s have double insatiable devourer which is
2236s a pretty important card in the mid to
2239s late game in the mirror because
2240s sometimes that doesn't get answered it
2242s can simply run away with the game
2246s holding back on the thorn growth
2247s sentries is
2249s interesting because obviously it
2250s synergizes well with the topia it's
2253s really just about how quickly he wants
2255s to get this devourer infused
2257s uh because getting all of these sent uh
2259s these minions down these cheap little
2261s tokens is a very big deal
2263s uh and you know the next turns are not
2265s necessarily so obvious because if he
2267s goes topia or coin thorn growth as is i
2269s think the expected play
2271s if that gets cleared up then your
2274s composting is maybe left a little bit
2276s high and dry uh compared to how you
2278s would like to just instantly get three
2280s cards drawn off with that
2283s judgment here had the option to just
2284s play three minions but i do like the
2286s nourish ramp instead and doesn't choose
2288s to use the remaining mana on a runathol
2291s because he wants the maximum size of
2293s miracle growth on the next turn uh the
2296s fact that he has double miracle growth
2297s in the hand currently means that i don't
2300s think he's too upset about having to use
2302s a nourish for not split value from jerry
2306s and this is kind of how i feel like a
2308s lot of the time with druid right now is
2309s you both have access to so much ramp
2312s that ramping up to 10 kind of feels like
2315s air
2316s like if you don't do it it's bad
2318s obviously and you're probably going to
2319s be pretty far behind but without guff
2321s like you're doing strong things at 10
2324s mana but you're not doing completely
2325s broken things at 10 mana like it's not
2327s like scale of a nixia plus the dinathius
2331s in the same turn or brand and atheists
2333s or you know whatever these crazy combos
2335s that you're trying to set up most
2336s involving donatus interestingly
2339s 10 man is just not quite enough to get
2341s there
2342s yeah that's right the guff unlocks so
2344s much more potential for the strong
2345s combos later on but there is something
2348s to be said for board presence still
2350s because as it happens possessing
2353s while he does have the topiar active
2355s would rather not i would say sink three
2357s of those three threes into the miracle
2360s growth token just to remove it if he can
2361s get a head on board and push some chip
2363s damage and get a big payoff on the
2365s composting then that would be the ideal
2367s situation because not only does he stave
2370s off pressure he's also able to cycle
2372s faster towards his own gut
2379s devour not quite infused yet and while
2381s he does run two of those devourers to
2384s judgements one i still think it's a very
2387s important resource that shouldn't be
2389s used so william ellie if possible i
2391s really like that he's taking the turn to
2392s go for a composting
2395s setup pretty good one too the composting
2398s here you could end with
2399s even just uh the renauthol at the end if
2402s you don't find anything better to do
2403s with your remaining mana but leaving the
2405s coin open means that work off to be
2407s found
2408s still able to coin out and play on this
2410s turn
2411s potentially even with the
2414s coin into
2416s the aquatic form to find it right now i
2419s like it
2420s yeah i like this he needed to empty some
2421s hand space anyway because if he misses
2423s on something good to play from aquatic
2424s form he would most likely go for the
2426s widow bloom seeds one but now he has
2428s found a better way of spending his mana
2430s so just build a 6-6 here i would
2437s assume pretty important to note that his
2440s other nourish is at the very bottom of
2441s the deck so um there's not actually that
2444s much card draw beyond this composting
2446s unless he pulls it with the widow bloom
2448s seeds man there's the first theotor of
2450s the game which obviously it's not a good
2452s timing to play it for judgment because
2454s there's so many other things he wants to
2456s do here like considering silence to
2458s remove the remaining composting effects
2460s but then that doesn't leave him much
2462s mana to actually deal with the board
2463s itself like judgment is losing on tempo
2466s big time here yeah that's right which is
2468s what's leading me towards just second
2470s miracle growth to find onyxia fine scale
2474s of enyxia
2475s anything basically to answer this
2479s worth considering
2481s uh if possession removes that and pushes
2484s how much damage is this on board
2486s 16
2487s not the end of the world there's still
2488s plenty of health to work with and
2491s earthen scales to be found later on but
2493s the consideration is is he able to then
2496s use
2497s uh the 10 mana only that he has next
2499s turn to clear all of that and the answer
2501s is most likely no
2504s okay
2505s trying to find an answer from his
2507s opponent's hand rather than his own and
2509s where he can find onyxia he could get it
2511s or maybe even the devourer both very
2514s tempting
2515s i do like the onyxia pick the devourer i
2518s think especially if possess he has seen
2521s it given away he'll have a bit more
2522s liberty to play around with positioning
2525s a bit more so anexia just provides a bit
2527s less oh there's the cup the nyxia is a
2530s bit more difficult to have a fail safe
2532s against but now things are looking up
2535s for possessing he can get that widow
2537s bloom down and it continues to ramp now
2540s that gov has entered play
2542s yeah absolutely huge draw uh knowing
2544s that there's a nourish at the bottom of
2546s the deck is
2548s interesting though as well because we
2549s could consider
2551s uh get the nourish ramp with it with the
2554s hero power as well and then start
2555s drawing on subsequent turns after you've
2557s gained a million mana
2560s oh but now he has pulled that nourish i
2562s think that was the only one remaining so
2564s you're gonna see two new cards from the
2566s aquatic farm the other one was the other
2568s flipper friends
2574s ooh goes for draw over ramp here okay
2578s i mean i guess this had to be fair was
2580s actually quite dry
2582s unless his opponent does play a huge
2584s threat that
2586s demands an insatiable devourer uh his
2588s hand wasn't doing all too much
2592s enough uh
2594s he kind of knows that this turn from
2596s judgment has to be an anexian response
2598s though right so
2600s in order to respond to anexia possession
2602s would have to a lot nine mana from
2604s devourer and he can't really draw
2606s immediately after that unless he wanted
2608s to maybe fit in on earthen skills
2611s he could still on 13 mana ramp play
2613s devour and earthen skills
2615s for judgement though i really don't
2617s think this is negotiable that nyxia
2619s needs to happen
2622s uh
2624s trying to figure out if the anatomy is
2626s ever worth it but it's hardly juiced at
2627s this point
2630s now how about
2631s [Music]
2633s yeah i agree completely we're going for
2635s scale we're going for a nixia here he
2637s does know that there's a devourer which
2638s is the big problem right because he also
2640s saw that from the theater but anything
2642s else you do isn't much better like if
2644s you just go for miracle growth today to
2646s draw through your hand try and find bran
2648s to go with this inaccuracy they can just
2651s devour that anyway
2660s okay scale now gives possession the
2662s option to not necessarily play his
2664s devourer because he could go
2666s ramp uh and then still play nourish and
2669s scale i assume the nourish would be for
2672s i was gonna say draw but actually he has
2674s miracle growth so he could play nourish
2675s for ramp yeah you could even go ramp
2678s with nourish
2681s raw
2682s with hero behind yeah
2684s yeah
2685s or you know even again ramp ramp right
2687s with miracle growth in hand like you say
2690s could be
2691s he's gonna go for miracle growth first
2694s [Applause]
2699s can still remove the anixia with just
2701s the shrubbagazer um
2716s in the mirror is just so back breaking
2718s if you don't have your own
2720s to combat the amount of value that your
2722s opponent gets it just feels you fall so
2724s far behind on top of that possession
2726s also has this guff but now we're looking
2728s at the kael'thas denaturous bran combo
2731s for judgment nowhere near lethal i don't
2734s think but
2735s it's something going for him it's
2738s something where do we think that atheist
2740s is at now he hasn't played a scale has
2742s he so what if
2744s probably only like between 15 and 20.
2747s 18. okay
2751s long ways off but
2755s it does need
2757s um
2758s quite a bit more juicing so i think your
2759s head was in the right place thinking
2761s about scale of anexia so miracle growth
2763s to go and dig for that as judgment he
2766s has a decent amount of health to play
2768s with
2780s yeah there's even more help to work with
2782s but still no answers man is dex just not
2785s doing anything
2787s it really isn't
2789s i think this does end up being earthen
2790s scales if possessive decides to devour
2793s that judgment is in a whole world of
2795s trouble but on the off case that
2797s possessee
2798s even takes a value trade instead
2800s judgment would kind of be forced to go
2803s for the denatures combo i think and then
2805s he just gets checkmated by the devourer
2807s eating up the dinosaurs
2810s so possessing at this point i think hard
2812s hard drawing for dinathias obviously and
2816s theater being the other very very big
2818s one as theater is found your opponent
2821s having a dinathias is pretty likely at
2824s this point in the game
2825s look at this power of the wild he's just
2827s talking druid now oh my lord
2830s did he clear a space first because he
2831s thought it would suck
2834s that's not nature possessing it's fine i
2837s mean no no i think this is on purpose
2838s the break points still work out nice
2840s with a four and a three to
2843s kill sure
2848s wait that one can attack face yeah why
2851s huh it has two health but like come on
2854s we we want face damage here right that's
2856s what absolutely
2861s wow
2865s full respect says possess you
2873s this is admittedly extremely difficult
2876s for judgement to clear up now as the
2878s best he has is single devourer
2881s uh which could be done alongside like
2884s alfas and bran if you want to gigger
2886s juice it stats
2887s but then once again the problem is you
2889s start playing devour tennis they just
2891s start sucking each other up back and
2892s forth
2893s getting bigger and bigger
2896s oh is that how yours got to 95 attack
2899s it's not that was against priests like
2901s everyone sent me screenshots of bigger
2903s ones but it's clearly just that they
2904s devoured a devourer who devoured a
2906s devourer i was just straight up he
2908s played a giga big radiant he carried it
2912s and i ate him up
2918s well uh judgment is very dead he's just
2921s been checkmated by possession like you
2923s said if it's just a devourer here he
2925s kind of dies to the board not
2927s necessarily next turn oh wait yes next
2930s turn there's just going to be 30 on
2931s board if you eat the 13-12 right
2935s uh and if you go for the nanakis combo
2938s even if you're lucky enough to clear up
2939s the big minions possession simply uses
2942s his own devourer on this and then
2944s that's kind of the game
2948s oh it doesn't even clear
2949s [Laughter]
2952s oh yeah
2954s well i guess good news for possessing
2956s your bad knees however you want to look
2957s at it the theater has very little good
2959s left to actually steal
2965s yeah you can simply devour this and then
2967s slot a few minions in the middle of the
2969s board to be able to speak to an opposing
2971s devourer and that sets up an
2974s insurmountable board from this position
2977s yeah bran would be a good find to go
2979s with it alongside
2982s earth if he found brown here it would
2983s have been exactly playable with brown
2985s and theater and
2986s power as well
2988s but roots yeah that's fantastic just
2990s fill up this board
2992s get that
2997s positioning yeah
2999s eat it all up play a renaissal for good
3002s measure and you can ramp at the end of
3003s the turn so that he goes to the full 20
3006s because that's necessary right
3013s insanity is no excuse for bad manners
3017s take the devourer
3019s give her roots or run a fashion
3022s poor judgment really nothing to be done
3024s with this game
3025s didn't hit the guff and you didn't hit
3027s the topiar
3028s yeah it just didn't really hit anything
3030s oh there we go he did mistake what's he
3032s complaining about
3039s uh yeah he could go toad amalgam for
3042s starfish
3044s and
3045s he'll be dead if he'd like correct
3047s correct um
3048s [Music]
3052s and even got that new hunter card with
3054s the with the infused hydra rush effect
3059s gargoyle yeah
3060s yeah
3062s all right there we go possesses taking
3063s game one as we knew for quite a while
3066s there and uh an important win you know
3068s any of these mirrors in game one of a
3071s last hero standing uh series put you
3074s obviously uh in the lead given that
3076s you're wanna up but uh very firmly so i
3078s think as for these both players uh
3081s there's not hard counters all the way
3082s back and forth uh straight to the end
3084s here
3086s and i would say that between these two
3088s druids uh
3090s the more painful one to us to have lost
3092s with it is judgment because i feel
3094s possessive still even if he were to lose
3096s his druid had a good counter-cue into
3098s the opposing druid with his
3100s wig priest uh whereas for judgment the
3104s best he has going into possessions druid
3106s is
3108s i don't know if he'd rather have poor
3109s priest or the influx my guest would be
3112s poor priest uh but again that is a deck
3115s that is still super vulnerable to
3117s theater if you are brave enough to bring
3119s it in this meta though you're kind of
3121s just saying ah these party card decks
3122s won't draw their theater but i'm
3124s mistaken he's gonna go for the warlock
3126s which i'm a little surprised about
3128s because i
3129s don't actually know if this deck is um
3133s effective against druid at least the
3135s cursed portion of it it feels a lot
3136s weaker than it would be versus mage but
3138s of course you still do have the imp
3140s portion of it which is very good against
3142s druid yeah just draw that half that
3145s that'll do
3146s as yeah the the problem is of course
3148s with vile library having been nerfed
3150s with the most recent balance patch
3151s losing its uh innate plus one plus one
3154s just giving stats for imps on the board
3156s now uh means it's going to be a little
3158s bit tougher for judgment to get off to
3160s this rip-roaring start that will be able
3161s to actually take down the druid before
3164s he hits this terminal velocity with all
3166s the ramps the scales onyxia denathrius
3169s all this good stuff especially when he
3172s guffs in the starting hand
3174s oh yep
3176s pretty good opener for a judgment too
3177s though oh but possessive man has the
3179s wild growth the net nature is not even
3182s too upset to see that in the opener
3183s because that can be a big blowout way to
3185s just uh prevent
3187s your import lock opponent from maybe
3191s re filling their board with a reform if
3193s you're able to clear that first wave at
3194s the nathrius it pretty much just ends
3196s the game on the spot uh for judgment
3198s though he drew the portion that we
3201s wanted to see i mean by library
3203s interference circle that's exactly what
3206s regular import lock wants to do let
3208s alone curse
3211s the one question
3213s is do you use the library on this turn
3218s just because
3220s natural causes is pretty bad for you
3222s here if they have it like they probably
3224s don't have roots because they just pass
3225s the turn
3226s but if they have the natural causes here
3227s you're not attacking face with anything
3229s next turn
3232s that's true but i kind of still value
3234s like having a bigger buff immediately on
3237s the next turn even if your minion cannot
3240s get the attack right away it just feels
3242s like lost stats in the long run if you
3244s use it use one of the two precious
3246s charges when you only have one amp on
3250s oh that's not at natural causes uh it is
3253s an innovate though
3255s yeah
3257s allows for
3258s coin growth vape guff
3262s it does
3263s um the scale of course is super tempting
3265s though as well even if he doesn't
3266s immediately draw it
3269s um it is part of the win condition for
3271s druid against m4 lock in my opinion just
3274s having to make sure that you have clear
3276s potential uh because possessing still
3278s has his curve in tact right while growth
3280s next turn into guff coin hero power into
3283s scale
3286s and judgement just getting the best of
3287s both worlds here attacking face
3289s immediately given that possess he missed
3291s on the natural causes and getting the
3293s full amount of stats at the same time
3296s uh which means possesses gonna have to
3298s hope for a miracle off of this scale uh
3301s which is admittedly you know a very good
3303s card at this point in the game with both
3304s insatiable devour and danathrius in hand
3307s this is certainly salvageable
3310s it's so funny to look at this this car
3313s got nerfed
3314s yeah
3316s i mean we can do the math right he's got
3318s 12 on board right now it's gonna be able
3320s to attack again the next turn plus the
3323s flustered librarian which i think is
3324s going to hit the board
3326s uh
3327s and that represents not necessarily an
3330s immediate lethal through golf but the
3332s thing is the library will be active
3334s again by the second time that this board
3336s can attack so possessing doesn't get out
3338s of this one unless he can turbo out the
3340s scale a bit earlier
3342s oh i just hate that this deck does this
3344s man like the fact that it's spent almost
3347s every point of mana on proactive plays
3350s in the first four turns and now its hand
3351s is a cool abyssal wave dark vein and
3353s tams it like it shouldn't do this but it
3356s does it every goddamn time
3358s you can make that complaint about any
3360s curved deck right if the druid oh they
3362s start off with their living roots into
3364s natural causes and that's their good
3365s early game and then they go ramp and
3367s then they have the powerful stuff but
3369s it's different because i like to play
3371s druid gear that's ah okay
3375s apologies
3376s i do like the mischievous imp option
3378s here even if it's not infused though
3381s just to make sure he gets more value out
3383s of the library because as he's already
3386s down to five hasn't had time to play
3388s golf and he realized that he never wins
3390s that game if he plays golf on the
3392s previous turn and he doesn't get to
3394s clear the whole board with the scale so
3395s he's kind of just dead
3397s he is literally just dead on board with
3399s this play
3400s huh
3403s eg possessing taking the loss they're
3405s very very quickly indeed versus the
3407s warlock and the the little smile there
3409s from judgment i hope implies that he
3412s knows that's not gonna happen every time
3414s he got a little lucky uh to get that
3415s exact banner where he just got the
3417s perfect imp warlock hand when like over
3420s half your deck is just not in warlock
3422s things uh and so all i'm possessing here
3424s to find the counter
3426s and he can choose either his mage or the
3430s uh wig priest neither of which i feel
3434s he should be like over the moon like
3435s this is a solid hard counter into the
3438s warlock but i do kind of like the wig
3440s priest chances because one thing that
3442s the curse and imp warlock deck struggles
3445s dealing with is singular tall minions
3448s they have their uh tons of aoe there's
3450s the one of starfish which can be scary
3452s for priests but a lot of the time if the
3454s priest just has a shadow word devour in
3457s their opener and you know the warlock is
3459s always still going to try and attempt
3461s their fiendish circle then the wake
3462s priest just runs away with it the mage
3464s if it were against normal in block i'd
3466s feel has good chances but oh okay i'm
3469s wrong he is going to go for ping mage i
3471s was going to say that i feel that
3473s mage is a bit weaker to the curse
3476s version because they really don't have
3477s great ways of healing their health total
3479s and the curses stack up very quickly
3483s very standard list though all things
3485s considered for possessing in terms of
3487s excel ping mage a
3490s couple of the techs that have been
3491s getting more and more popular recently
3492s not finding their way in uh mass
3494s polymorph was one of the the winning
3497s cards for tan soku last weekend at the
3500s masters tour i believe
3502s and generally we're just seeing a trend
3504s with uh mages overall i feel whether
3507s they're ping or big spell that they are
3510s tending towards the more control side of
3512s things they're all sticking renathol in
3514s now we're all seeing double solid alibi
3516s we're seeing a lot of blizzards all
3517s these cards starting to creep in uh
3519s which is
3520s an interesting trend like what do you
3522s pin that on
3524s um
3526s i think it is
3528s a lot of having a rogue in mind even if
3530s you do end up banning it in some series
3532s uh the mage actually does have a pretty
3535s good match up into tempo rogue when they
3537s have that extra 10 health padding and a
3540s couple more cards that allow them to
3542s stall the rogues game plan um
3546s the engineer in the opener amazing for
3548s possessi
3549s but judgement has the potential to get
3551s underneath that with only keeping the
3553s librarian i'd assume
3558s not tempted by reform
3565s i'm honestly more tempted by the
3567s mischievous imp but
3569s we'll see because especially with this
3571s curse variant i feel like it might be
3573s more difficult to infuse the rafam on
3575s average
3579s okay
3580s oh he just hits us why yeah why would
3583s you ever doubt this man oh my god
3591s oh and the catastrophe as well
3594s disgusting
3595s and possessing never clears that the
3597s circle if it's coined out on turn two
3600s there's just nothing in the deck that
3601s can clear and
3602s uh clear all of those up oh my god
3606s i don't think he goes circle into
3608s circles i think you go circle into
3609s catastrophe
3612s i don't know man we'll see what happens
3613s like if it's just a ping here like these
3616s covers that's history
3617s is pretty strong
3619s it's just so scary into reckless
3621s apprentice though that's true that is
3622s true
3627s yeah sure i'll take my two-minute draw
3629s five
3638s all right so the choice of how to trade
3641s here is actually a bit tricky do you
3643s want to play around reckless apprentice
3645s it's a very expensive triple trade to
3648s make though
3650s it does infuse your imp though right in
3653s hand and you could just go trade trade
3655s trade
3657s which then is kind of the most
3659s uh
3661s uh solid you are against the
3664s uh potential for reckless apprentice oh
3666s or you could play deeper into it okay he
3670s goes for a halfway play where he plays
3672s the shipment which does
3673s um maximize the damage from the
3675s flustered librarian on that turn and
3677s then takes the train and there's the
3678s apprentice of the top
3684s oh man
3686s you still take it here as possessive i'm
3688s pretty sure i guess yeah you're so
3690s afraid of the the library at this point
3695s oh
3696s treasure got really okay
3700s hard digging for that uh
3701s wildfire i suppose off the top to
3703s synergize with the apprentice i feel
3705s like he's trying to dangle a juicy value
3708s trade in front of judgement one more imp
3711s played and then the librarian takes a
3713s nice clean vt into the one fire and then
3717s dies to the reckless
3720s oh no extent my treasure god
3726s yeah but of course judgment makes it so
3728s that if there is reckless apprentice but
3730s he still has to take a bunch of damage
3732s to the face wildfire is an amazing way
3734s to fill out the rest of the mana but it
3736s doesn't change the fact that nine can
3738s still
3739s pummel him next turn and that would put
3741s possession down to 15 already
3748s 15 is so easy to do with curses even if
3751s he never has to like refill the board
3753s again but he will refill the board
3757s and so with uh five mana available here
3760s the play that's leaping out to me first
3761s of all is just library circle
3764s deal a million
3766s uh huh yeah i do like that order even if
3770s he misses out on one summoned imp just
3772s making sure that he can attack with the
3773s most immediate damage possible is the
3775s priority here
3777s exactly
3779s [Applause]
3782s yeah nine damage that's uh
3784s a joke for this uh warlock to be able to
3786s do incredibly easy
3788s uh basically forcing now i think
3791s possessee to be able to find
3793s i just a dawn grasp to pull this one
3795s back
3798s and we've entered the point now where
3799s the mage has cleared six mana which is
3801s when they can generally change their
3803s freezes back to back or play alibis and
3805s just hang in there and against normal
3807s imp warlock they actually struggle to
3810s deal that last bit of damage if their
3812s board can never go face especially if
3813s they're not running demonic assault but
3815s in the case of curse warlock even if
3817s somehow let's say possession had another
3820s stall effect of this board a dawn grasp
3822s or the second blizzard like for judgment
3824s he's still absolutely chilling because
3826s he could just rely on the curses to end
3828s the game as it happens though not
3830s necessary because the zoo portion just
3832s got there so quickly
3835s i hate this deck so much why does it do
3837s this every time i keep thinking right
3839s this is the time that it's gonna stop uh
3842s it's gonna stop being the nuts like i
3844s first saw this at the uh the solari uh
3847s event where taz was bringing it and i
3849s was like okay it's a tarz deck you know
3851s he's getting lucky with it he's drawing
3853s all the right cards on curve but out in
3854s the real world outside of this made-up
3857s place called france it's not going to be
3859s doing quite so well
3860s but it turns out it's just a nut and i'm
3863s uh i'm wrong again
3865s yeah insta-piecing for you
3868s you need to eat your words and warlock
3871s is real i mean of course warlock i just
3875s kind of
3876s go my real thoughts on the deck which is
3878s that the important just kind of gets
3880s there
3881s uh but yeah i'm pretty excited to see
3884s whether this deck can take the full
3885s sweep honestly i thought that possesses
3887s first counter cue into this would be the
3889s wig pre so a bit of a shame that the
3891s mage is not able to get anything done in
3894s the series but as far as you know wig
3897s priest
3898s being able to take the last two
3900s match-ups if it does beat the warlock i
3902s think it still has a good chance against
3904s the boar priest as well so zasi isn't in
3907s that usual disaster situation you would
3909s expect of losing two in a row in lhs
3913s agreed yeah i i think the the board
3915s priest overall is just gonna be a real
3917s weak spot uh for judgment this weekend
3919s if i'm perfectly honest uh
3922s i appreciate that it's not as weak to
3924s theater as you would expect at first
3927s glance is what ball priest players have
3929s told me uh but even then i i just don't
3932s really see the the thing that it does in
3934s this meta game what decks is it hard
3936s countering even when played super
3938s expertly like it's at the point where
3940s pocket train wasn't bringing it to the
3941s masters tour last weekend which should
3943s tell you everything you need to know
3944s about the deck uh but for right now it
3947s does i think mean that it's gonna be a
3949s much more board-based game both players
3951s struggling for that early control in
3954s terms one through three and uh right now
3957s possesses in a decent spot right this is
3959s a really nice starting hand that's an
3962s amazing hand for the matchup i do really
3964s like the radiant keep it's not usually
3966s something that i would gravitate toward
3968s uh in other matchups but against zoolock
3971s or at least the first half of the game
3972s which is playing against zulong
3975s the most important thing is to just
3976s stick a minion that can continually
3978s value trade and if you have a radiant
3980s that can suck up some extra hp it is not
3983s going anywhere and going for the insta
3985s devour here even if it's not into a
3987s fiendish circle board i completely
3989s respect because this plays a round
3990s library into value trading
3992s just this your impending catastrophe
3995s draws one card
3998s radiant for el i mean amalgam for
4000s elemental that's where we are in the
4002s tempo train
4005s tar creeper wow
4011s that card really playable it attacks for
4014s one
4017s i mean it defense for five
4021s defend what is this word you speak of
4027s taunt
4030s admin
4033s oh he picks up the second oh sorry
4035s that's the first wing my bad um
4037s actually play it on the previous turn
4040s which i was a little surprised about i
4042s appreciate that um
4044s having the flexibility of what to buff
4046s is pretty important in the sport-based
4048s matchups but i feel like
4050s that little bit of face damage pushed if
4052s he had played it on the previous train
4054s is still irrelevant as well
4058s judgement finally starting to pull
4059s things back though with
4061s an activated mischievous imp or infused
4064s i suppose i should say uh plus plenty of
4066s removal coming in like the the cursor
4068s for the deck could end up being pretty
4070s relevant uh in this battle because if
4073s possessing doesn't really break out of
4074s orbit and start getting up to 10 12
4077s health on all his minions
4078s wave plus tamsin should be enough to
4080s clear a lot of this off
4082s but with this pickup of an additional
4084s naga he can really pop off this turn i'm
4086s thinking treasure guard wig the first
4089s treasure guard bless it up send that bad
4092s boy face
4094s no i like the way it heads up
4097s i mean there is the starfish one of in
4099s judgement's deck which is something to
4101s be very afraid of but he does go for
4104s half of the play that i was talking
4106s about uses the wig to get two value
4108s trades instead which is a pretty nice
4110s middle ground
4114s what man and break points do we want to
4116s leave open
4118s if you start impeding catastrophe you
4119s could hit that starfish that you were
4121s talking about
4122s which would be a pretty nice
4124s way to round out the turn and i think
4127s because of that i do like starting with
4129s the catastrophe rather than the flame
4136s uh times and grimoire grandma is too
4138s expensive here
4140s so
4144s he's not dead on board and he knows that
4147s wig would not leave him dead on board if
4149s there were three naga in hand playable
4152s for five mana but that's just not
4154s possible because he knows the discover
4156s is an elemental
4159s so the question then becomes how does he
4162s set up for a dreadlitch tamzin and
4165s it's really difficult to do because
4167s possession can play around it with how
4169s he uses his wigs
4171s great point
4172s maybe a
4173s pre-emptive grimoire puts everything low
4176s enough
4178s wow
4179s dragged below i mean as i was saying i
4181s was thinking about that on the radiant
4182s elemental but maybe i'm
4184s over emphasizing how
4186s crucial of a card that is at this point
4187s in the game
4190s he does just decide to take the most
4191s damage off the board definitely
4193s reasonable as well
4194s uh and now possessing has picked up one
4197s naga and can now get the
4200s radiant out of range of tamzin and
4203s abyssal wave big deal
4207s you can thrive for the second wig as
4208s well right
4209s yeah
4210s what the other bless
4213s it's not quite gonna get there you can
4215s get it up to
4217s seven nine eleven plus six you can
4219s actually get if you hit bless one damage
4221s off lethal here i think
4225s second wig over boone i think is still
4229s a prudent option it's actually pretty
4231s relevant to weave in the hero power here
4233s i feel
4236s because you can put one wig on the three
4238s one and heal it up
4242s and then the other wig on the three
4244s and this plays around all of the
4246s relevant six damage aoes but he's going
4248s boone instead which also creates another
4251s minion that's out of range
4255s i mean the really awkward thing is just
4256s no bless effect with pelagos or bless
4258s itself to really ramp up this damage but
4260s like you say this plays around the uh
4262s the aoe that you're really afraid of
4264s uh
4266s it
4268s plays around triple grandma as well even
4270s potentially
4271s uh even though there's not enough
4273s minions to even play all that on
4275s yeah
4276s i mean if judgment had some imp sticking
4278s around the quadruple grammar even
4281s was the way out of this but of course
4283s possessing was not so careless as to
4285s leave that as an out
4287s so now we're thinking
4289s tamzin just to gain the armor you get
4292s rid of six damage on board you're
4294s technically not that on board
4297s i agree i dread lunchtime i should say
4300s yes sorry skeleton times it
4312s nothing else quite gets there even if he
4315s were to tap and immediately hit the
4316s starfish he would be that on board
4331s hanging in there by the skin of his
4333s teeth and possess he still doesn't quite
4335s have the lethal yet
4337s oh no bless effect like you said
4340s that's not the draw you're looking for
4341s no way to sacrifice off this
4344s treasure guard as well so it's just
4346s gonna be dark reaper for one get him
4351s yeah and if he wants to get both of
4353s these four fours out of range of abyssal
4356s wave he has to commit the wig
4360s i mean he could have devoured first
4362s maybe before playing the tar creeper but
4363s i guess that's just not worth it if it's
4365s just abyssal wave here without a touch
4368s of the nasters and witches
4369s uh in the deck actually then
4372s it's generally not going to be enough
4375s oh man it's so close like if he
4378s does go for
4380s wait a bit of waves just not an option
4381s right he will leave
4384s yeah he'd be dead dead for sure to the
4386s serpent wig
4389s oh tamzin
4391s flustered
4393s blame him grimoire grimoire grimoire
4396s that's the way to survive
4399s you're actually right
4401s i mean it deletes his board and he goes
4403s down to three but he'd be alive
4405s and as long as there's nothing on the
4407s board against uh a wig priest that's
4412s stabilizing
4414s what about
4415s dragged
4420s could go tamzin dragged dragged on the
4424s kirian and the
4429s you leave a tar creeper but you're not
4431s dead on board to that and you don't take
4432s the three from the flame and that's
4433s pretty reasonable but it's always scary
4436s to leave them
4438s yeah
4439s there's no way judgment's pulling this
4441s back
4444s it's so close dude
4446s oh that has to be game right
4450s if that's the bless that is the game
4454s now he attack four seven
4459s if it's the bliss
4461s might as well start with radiant yeah i
4462s like this cool yeah
4466s okay here we go
4469s that was actually so close
4472s it really was it honestly looked like
4474s judgment was going to be able to
4475s stabilize at the end there uh
4477s problem is like
4479s again it's it's this half and half right
4481s like if you're playing a full-on curse
4482s warlock at that point in the game if
4484s he'd had entitled customer
4486s he was probably just winning that game
4487s he could have cleared the board started
4489s stabilizing things and then just healing
4491s up dealing a bunch of damage but because
4493s his aoe tops out at three and then four
4496s it's good against this smaller style of
4498s decks it's gonna be killing off anything
4500s that uh
4502s you know any of the aggro decks are
4503s playing right now a lot of shaman boards
4505s die to that and import locks on the
4507s other side but rogues wig priests all
4509s these really really big minions they're
4511s just not dying to that much aoe
4513s uh which is the uh the weak spot again
4515s of this uh this cursed wallop deck if
4517s you don't hit that perfect imp start
4520s count your point though if you were
4522s running entitled customer i don't think
4524s he'd even have beaten the druid
4526s but uh don't be in this position
4529s i'm wrong again
4532s i mean you could just say play that card
4534s and not draw that portion of the deck
4535s for that match up
4539s great point i say that that's that's
4540s what i say
4542s uh as it comes down now in the end to
4544s priest verse priest
4546s uh even though priest has not lost a
4548s game this series it's just because
4551s uh well that's last year standing anyway
4553s sorry ignore what i'm saying uh priest
4555s for both plays and it's the weak priest
4557s uh sorry the ball priest once again for
4559s judgment here
4560s pretty much just classic ball priest
4562s right no new cards making their way in
4564s except for
4565s the light it burns okay a little tech
4567s card uh that is i think in most
4569s instances just a better 30th card than
4572s holy smite
4573s yeah i would completely agree it even
4576s gives it a little bit of game against
4578s rogue if you were to end up in that
4580s nightmare position but a judgement has
4582s been uh banning rogue here
4585s uh it's not a terrible card against wing
4587s priest they are often able to somewhat
4590s play around light at burns because of
4592s the asymmetry of the buff from serpent
4595s wig but if you pair that light it burns
4597s with a pyromancer turn sometimes you can
4600s clean up a big minion board in the end
4603s now we can talk about how
4605s some boar priest players say that
4607s theater is not actually so bad for this
4610s deck
4612s which is generally the timing of trading
4615s your amulets like you can get into a
4616s position as poor priest where oh you
4619s don't just leave any amulets in your
4620s hand and you're not that weak against
4622s theater but there's potential to just
4625s play that on curve
4627s and
4628s you know eat up a very important clear
4630s or draw piece of the combo but that
4632s theater will not come in to play into
4634s this match of it really just is that o.g
4637s wig priest versus bar priest matchup
4639s which is still very intricate in its own
4641s right
4643s so to start things off judgement in with
4645s a pretty decent start trading to thrive
4647s in to switch through it's about the best
4649s you can really hope for uh in these set
4651s up turns for poor priest now finding a
4654s handmaiden as well in very good time
4656s okay we're chugging along here good
4658s things are happening
4660s right considering whether to play the
4662s illuminate here and i think it's uh
4664s pretty merited because
4666s he doesn't have a turn four that he
4668s wants to do otherwise so maybe digging
4671s at the bottom of the deck for a spell
4673s that can cycle a bit more maybe a board
4675s to just get it on the board or an amulet
4678s to trade away
4679s um i think that's fine and because he
4682s already has the handmaiden in hand i
4683s don't see a problem with cashing in on
4685s illuminate
4686s agreed i
4688s oh no sorry no ignore i was about to say
4690s yeah i mean if you can hit the
4692s uh
4693s amulet that would be the best case
4695s scenario in this instance
4698s feel like you're taking the shard just
4700s because you really don't want that to be
4701s the bottom card of your deck
4703s right
4705s not necessarily going to trade it
4707s because this is wig priest
4712s wow okay
4716s meanwhile
4717s for possessing it is a wig start
4719s with plenty of naga to back it up
4722s there is the temptation to get the
4724s location down though and just get that
4727s long-term benefit
4729s rolling as soon as possible but i kind
4731s of like the idea of
4733s solidifying the current threats even
4735s more
4737s barbaric sorceress
4739s yeah i don't think in wic priest uh the
4742s queen azshara though is
4744s an interesting deviation from like the
4746s baseline good play of crush claw
4751s i don't
4752s know if it's justified though maybe
4755s there's some colossals that would be
4756s good enough but you're not guaranteed to
4758s get that zalath is something to consider
4761s to maybe catch judgment off guard
4763s copying a wig is also a consideration
4765s but maybe less so with
4768s no radiant in hand so in the end he does
4771s just go for the baseline good pick of
4773s crush claw and i think this gets there
4774s on average
4777s nothing's starting to become a little
4778s bit of a
4780s problem for judgment in terms of which
4782s spells you're allowed
4784s to use uh because gift with wild pyro in
4788s hand you really want to hold on to that
4789s because that is your mega draw turn with
4792s cleric once that enters the hand so i
4794s think that has to be earmarked away uh
4796s flash of light uh or flash heal sorry
4798s sure you can play that quite happily but
4800s then you still need one more to activate
4802s the handmade and in which case is it
4804s just the light it burns essentially just
4807s to activate the handmaiden deleting one
4809s of your best removal cards from the hand
4812s really close because it depends on how
4814s fast judgment thinks he needs to go
4816s because possession has clearly taken the
4817s stance of not attacking face and he
4820s really shouldn't i feel to give judgment
4822s like more outs with zarella better for
4825s possession to just take his time build
4827s the board and always be threatening an
4828s eventual blessed judgment knows that
4830s though so looks like he is going to take
4833s a bit of a quicker approach to get the
4834s handmaiden down throwing away a couple
4836s of resources not the end of the world
4838s here
4841s it's not uh but what all of this means
4843s is that even though judgment's draw
4845s train is moving along at full speed
4847s ahead his removal options are extremely
4851s limited as you said possessing not
4852s attacking means zyrella's not going to
4854s be doing anything anytime soon uh the
4858s silence is at the bottom of the deck as
4860s we know until he finds another dredge
4862s that's not going to be going anywhere uh
4864s and now that the the light it burns has
4866s been used as well he's kind of out he
4868s just needs to hope that possess he
4869s doesn't find blessed doesn't find
4870s pelegos doesn't find boone any of these
4873s ways to really beef up the damage uh in
4875s these mid turns because otherwise he is
4878s supremely vulnerable
4881s all right there is another copy of shard
4883s for judgement somewhere else in the deck
4885s but oh my goodness this clearly changes
4887s everything now at the moment though it
4889s can really only afford him three draws
4892s maximum because like that unless you go
4894s double gift but that probably has some
4898s hand space issues to it
4900s i wonder but that boon you mentioned is
4903s such a big deal that's the difference
4905s maker in this match up as it was to
4907s previous metas because um that's a
4910s minion that possessee can put on board
4912s that isn't vulnerable to silence and
4914s will pretty much stick around forever if
4916s it gets big enough
4918s so if you go pyrocleric heal you draw
4921s two because none of these are damaged
4923s more than three
4924s which gets you up to seven and then you
4926s play the other gift and you draw
4929s four
4931s and there's a decent chance you hit a
4933s zero cost card to not overdraw
4937s i like this
4942s okay there we go that's huge
4947s oh the other amulet i'll take that
4951s wow
4952s shard okay
4957s i guess he's feeling the pressure now
4959s huh
4959s yeah
4961s starting to get a bit scary with the
4962s health total on the treasure guard and
4965s now we can see radiant in hand for
4967s possessing looking for the other wig now
4976s it really is just that one final damage
4978s buff pelagos bless and possessing is
4981s laughing in this game
4985s there's still plenty of cycle as well
4990s so perhaps this shard pick for judgment
4992s is going to be very clutch but again
4995s even if he silences this board he can't
4997s quite clear it yeah
5001s i must consider
5004s and he is looking with the way this uh
5006s game is heading to be very uh very
5008s easily able to hit a turn eight
5011s door swing i think you know he's drawn
5013s almost his entire deck he just needs to
5015s start trading these amulets making sure
5016s that's all sorted because i think he's
5018s only traded once uh so far this entire
5021s game
5022s as long as he can sort that out though
5024s then i
5025s think it's still winnable the problem is
5027s or at least i should say he'll be able
5029s to get the combo off the big question is
5031s after he gets that combo rolling will
5033s that be good enough then to actually be
5035s able to win the game with all these
5036s stats still in play
5038s yeah that's always something to consider
5040s against wig priest it's not like other
5042s matchups where sometimes as soon as you
5044s swing the sword there's nothing left to
5045s be done the wig priest can smell exactly
5048s the turn that you're trying to go for
5050s that sword swing and build an
5051s appropriately sized board to punish it
5057s is that peli or bless it's not it's
5059s another school teacher
5061s okay
5064s huge amounts of stats obviously
5065s available on
5067s this turn with repeated wigs
5069s one after the other but
5071s possessing is you know he's acting out
5074s what we're thinking here you need the
5075s attack buffs not just the health
5080s also has a bit of a shot to find valeesh
5082s this turn with the crush claw enforcer
5084s if he decides to go for that but it's
5086s going to be school teacher
5088s still biting his time i think he also
5091s has turn eight earmarked as the
5094s end of the
5096s or basically his time limit against
5098s judgment
5105s he doesn't need to commit any wigs
5107s because
5108s he's not going to attack anyway
5110s the board's never getting cleared anyway
5114s there's a shot that the radiant might
5118s which does
5119s sometimes make holding back the wigs
5121s feel a bit painful but the fact that
5122s possession has a second one i think
5123s should justify the restraint here
5129s now judgment knows that the other amulet
5132s is the very bottom card in his deck
5134s right it was the rightmost from the
5135s dredge
5138s which means it could be found with the
5140s thrive importantly uh but that's
5144s just a lot of mana to be using up um
5148s yeah both the amulets are still in this
5151s deck
5156s okay this is the untreated one
5158s yeah so now he is there i think right
5161s he's done all the trading he needs to do
5164s one's at two one's at three
5168s so now it becomes a question of how to
5170s survive against this board that radiant
5172s looking so intimidating on the other
5175s side but he can't just silence and be
5177s done with it because we've seen how
5179s fatal an early silence can be against
5183s exactly a wig priest
5185s all the minions drawn from his deck as
5187s well now that the list has been found so
5188s switcheroo doing literally nothing and
5190s he does let rip with the shard and that
5193s means even if possess he can't actually
5195s kill him on this turn he can make the
5197s mother of all boards and then hope to
5199s kill him over two turns even factoring
5201s in the sword swing
5202s right
5203s the one thing that possesses has little
5205s to work with though is board space the
5208s location not active here taking up
5210s a lot of space and nothing else can
5212s really die on board because there's just
5214s a bore on the other side
5217s there is whatever the double devourer so
5219s he can kill off
5221s the one three after it trades into the
5224s bore
5226s oh how much damage is that's the bless
5232s it is a lot a lot isn't it
5235s being six and then five yeah you could
5239s fit in that's plus 11.
5241s i think it's lethal yeah i feel like it
5243s gets there too
5245s drawing for the leash as well which
5246s would be like omega lethal
5248s uh-huh
5249s quickly
5250s yeah yeah i think it just gets there no
5252s matter what
5254s that's right
5255s possessing finds the line takes judgment
5259s down with the wig priest now this has
5262s historically always been favorable for
5264s the wig priest especially when they know
5266s what they're doing uh it's only gotten
5269s better with the boon of the ascended
5271s added into the deck but as it happens
5273s the only new card that possession really
5274s utilized here was the location and that
5277s consistent cycle got him to um outpace a
5281s pretty decent uh boar priest start from
5284s judgement there so world champion taken
5286s down yet another series
5288s yeah i think that was just a pretty
5290s exemplary game of wig priest first ball
5292s priest from possessive uh which is not a
5294s match up you're expecting to see all too
5296s much nowadays with very few players
5298s playing for priest which makes it all
5299s the more impressive of course uh like
5302s saving all his threats like the
5303s implication of threat rather than
5305s actually putting all your cards on the
5307s board the fact that there was a treasure
5308s guard in play for that entire game
5310s always threatening that one pop-off turn
5312s that he finally hit to close out the
5314s game meant that there was no big removal
5316s option like a silence always felt
5319s preemptive for a judgment it never felt
5321s like it was quite good enough and then
5323s on the other hand the fact that he never
5324s attacked face meant there was never even
5326s a good xyrella clear until he dealt 30
5328s damage all in one turn uh really really
5331s good stuff from possessing as he looks
5332s to be very much back on form taking that
5335s first game and advancing through to the
5337s winners bracket match against either
5339s chonsua or super fake
5340s right not the last we've seen of
5342s judgement yet though he'll be on to the
5345s elimination match against the loser of
5347s that second match that we mentioned and
5350s for judgment that is a pretty painful
5352s one to take he was very much on the cusp
5354s of defeating possession there had two
5356s shots against that wig priest but we did
5358s mention it both his remaining decks
5360s didn't really have a great match up into
5362s that
5363s we'll see though if he can have better
5366s luck against chonsu or super fake super
5368s excited to cast that on derek because
5370s it's time to see a third different
5373s priest archetype for the day and we
5374s haven't even seen quest priest yet
5378s that's right yeah yeah uh has uh this
5380s one that we're going to be seeing well
5381s speaking of the ranking of priests i
5383s think casey's been flaming it on twitter
5385s saying it's not even the second press uh
5387s second best art uh archetype of priest
5389s right now which uh i'm sure we'll get
5391s into more when this series begins but
5393s for now congratulations to possessee
5395s we're going to find out after this break
5396s who will be facing him in the winner's
5397s bracket match match between chonsu and
5400s super fake we'll be right back
5403s [Music]
5420s [Music]
5426s [Music]
5453s so
5455s [Music]
5466s so
5469s [Music]
5510s so
5511s [Music]
5541s do
5543s [Music]
5598s welcome back to hearthstone grand
5600s masters last call here where we're
5603s finding out who the uh the other player
5604s joining possession will be in the
5605s winner's bracket match and as we were
5607s laying out just before uh chauncey
5608s versus super fake and uh you were uh
5611s telling us that it's a bit weird that
5612s super fake is the player without the
5615s wacky line up here which i fully agree
5617s with that is not something i would have
5618s expected
5619s although to be fair to chonsu he has
5621s been taking more risks than we had seen
5624s in previous iterations of grand masters
5626s you know this year even in the earlier
5629s season i remember him going for some
5631s crazier builds of druid in particular
5634s but now we have him on the combo priest
5638s and we could call it bless priests
5639s dravel priest i don't really know but
5642s this deck has only four minions in it
5644s two radiant elementals and two hand
5647s maidens in order to just very
5650s consistently get that radiance and buff
5652s it up to be as big as possible and have
5655s a real fighting chance against that
5657s rogue yeah he is as pure as pure can be
5660s like most players as soon as they saw
5662s this list they were like okay you're
5664s obviously supposed to run the leash in
5665s this deck i'm just going to stick it in
5667s i don't care what you say chonsu not
5668s even running that it's four minions
5670s nothing else at all and right out the
5672s gate he's got the matchup he wanted
5674s priest verse broke to kick things off in
5677s game one didn't even have to counter
5679s queue uh as he just uh managed to snipe
5682s it game one which means it should
5683s theoretically be a great start for
5686s chonsu because we've heard dravo saying
5689s on twitter proclaiming to the masses
5691s that it's a 90 percent favorable matchup
5694s for the priest verse rogue which is
5697s surely just nonsense
5699s it has to be right
5701s look even freeze mage uh sorry control
5704s warrior into freeze mage back in the day
5706s was not 90 percent
5708s what is this i or is that a one on the
5711s priest
5712s it's just
5713s i the priest
5715s oh that's it
5717s i represent
5719s that
5721s oh he killed me derek keycards didn't
5723s upload i had a joke on that too i only
5725s did two because uh only median and hand
5728s maybe that's why they didn't show up
5730s yeah i guess so
5731s uh but as you can see like i i was
5733s scrolling through the list like okay a
5735s lot of players got okay chances bringing
5737s ball priest interesting and then i
5739s looked back and i was like
5741s what is this
5744s uh with the radian all these buffs as
5746s well like what is this deck even trying
5748s to do
5750s ah it's trying to build one huge threat
5753s all at once no incremental minion curve
5757s no trying to you know play out and spend
5759s your mana in the early game no you do
5761s not want to give the rope targets for
5763s their backstops for their serrated bone
5765s spikes all you want to do is put one big
5767s thread on board all together on the same
5769s turn so that they cannot kill it and you
5772s hit them in the head with it a couple
5774s times and that gets there before their
5777s usual draca edwin location game plan can
5781s in theory
5783s in theory yeah this is all very very
5785s theoretical uh i will admit i played one
5788s game of this deck on ladder i queued
5790s rogue i did win it didn't feel
5793s especially close
5795s say about that what you will i did draw
5796s all my minions and then like the perfect
5798s double uh powered photo shoot starting
5800s hand uh but it's a very specific tool
5803s for a very specific job which is i think
5804s why it looks so so strange but then
5807s super fake on the other side who is uh
5809s you know not focusing on them all too
5810s much because he does just have the very
5812s very standard uh build of rogue
5816s but i did get to know super fake at the
5818s uh solari party a couple of weeks ago a
5822s little bit too well because we ended up
5824s having to share a room together uh
5827s in the uh the hotel so he saw me at my
5829s absolute worst uh at eight a.m uh having
5832s to get ready to head to the venue uh but
5834s he's a very very friendly guy and we had
5836s a good time together i hope i did at
5838s least
5839s yeah uh that is not surprising to me
5842s that he is as friendly in real life as
5844s he appears on camera even if he were a
5846s fraction of how friendly he appeared on
5848s camera he would still be one of the
5849s nicest people in the hearthstone
5851s community because it's no secret that
5853s super fake has been one of the most
5855s emotive and
5857s fun players to watch whenever he appears
5859s on stream he's also brought fun to the
5861s broadcast in terms of wacky lineups
5864s usually accompanied by fled but for this
5867s week the last possible week to earn
5868s points he's toned it down a little
5870s brought a very standard lineup with that
5872s tempo rogue in there he has the
5875s uh big
5876s not big spell sorry the uh 40 card ping
5879s mage he has quest priest as his chosen
5882s counter to temple rogue and then he has
5884s ramped through it as well
5886s he is choosing to
5889s go for a different ban than chonsu super
5891s fake has banned away the druid from
5894s chonsu and hoping to just get a couple
5897s good wins maybe into chonsu's rogue as
5899s well because that quest priest does have
5901s a good match up there but chansu with
5903s both the big spell mage and this wacky
5906s priest also has the potential of beating
5909s rogue all right let's head into the lab
5911s and put this theoretical meta breaker to
5914s the test through its paces here as
5916s tronsy has in his starting hand what are
5918s i think two of the best cards you can
5920s have right with radiant and switcheroo
5923s that's
5924s uh what three quarters of the minions in
5926s his deck guaranteed to be drawn at the
5928s start of the game
5931s whereas for super fake this is also the
5933s beginnings of an explosive hand right he
5936s has the tradable he has shrouds to pull
5938s the knolls pull the edwin and the draca
5941s very likely there's only one other
5943s minion than that in his deck like we've
5945s been calling this the four minion priest
5947s rogue doesn't have very many minions
5949s either
5951s he's gonna throw one shroud away okay
5955s i was wondering if it was worth keeping
5957s both because you expect the uh priest
5960s not to give you any targets for the
5962s likes of your removal spells anyway so
5964s might as well get your minions
5967s good point i guess it's just another
5968s card that guarantees only draws you
5971s minions and it doesn't draw you the
5973s location uh
5975s yeah a little bit more what you're after
5977s at this point i think
5979s all right so we're in for a whole lot of
5981s passing in the early turns but we're
5983s going to take his time and figure out
5986s what the game plan is is this thrive on
5988s turn two for a specific spell is he
5990s going to hold it for when the radiant
5992s has hit the board and he has a bit more
5994s knowledge of what he needs exactly
5996s but we're certainly going to see the
5998s switcheroo on turn three picking up
6001s either handmaiden or radiance
6005s in some cases two handmaidens
6007s and with that one power word fortitude
6010s in hand he could definitely
6012s build a huge minion in no time at all
6015s yeah the one thing i would consider as a
6017s deviation from that um is that you could
6019s potentially look at
6021s radiant plus
6023s the
6024s fortitude on turn three uh after you've
6027s drawn a couple extra spells it would go
6028s down to zero with the radiant effect as
6030s well uh because i'm still a little
6032s unsure as to how you're supposed to play
6034s this deck whether it's the full-on combo
6037s where you try and go uh boone of the
6040s ascended with uh you know already 10
6042s health on the board and you make this
6044s unbreakable wall
6046s for the rogue to try and beat through or
6047s if you just go you know radiant
6049s fortitude that's already up to eight
6051s health that's tough for the rogue to
6052s clear and then next turn you put on a
6054s little bit more and then a little bit
6055s more and a little bit more it's tough to
6057s figure out how much of a combo deck this
6059s is
6060s right i think it will all depend on what
6062s mana break points are available to super
6065s fake now that shantu has seen shroud he
6067s will be considering okay let's be
6069s generous and say super fake already has
6071s six damage from hand from double knoll
6073s rushing if the radiant hits the board
6075s and only has eight health that means
6077s super fake only needs a wicked stab or a
6079s tooth to then kill the radiance so it
6081s feels a little bit risky
6087s super fake i guess wondering here
6089s whether it's worth
6090s tempo no i don't think you're ever
6093s looking for prep uh
6096s prep gone fishing i don't think you're
6098s under that much i do uh time constraints
6101s you have a little while to get rolling
6103s yeah i don't hate the tempo no he
6105s doesn't have like jaraka or location in
6108s hand that really um benefits him from
6110s holding on to one extra card but then
6113s again does he expect to get there with
6115s just this knoll going face a couple
6119s times see how this pans out
6122s now that chonsu has seen the no though i
6124s think there's almost no chance that he
6126s goes for radiant this turn also he's
6128s just drawn not a spell so the fortitude
6130s isn't even playable with
6133s radiant in this instance i am 100 on
6136s board with the slightly slower line of
6138s approach
6139s oh sorry my bad it was playable but
6142s look up all his mana there there's the
6144s two handmaidens now
6148s and the tracker on the other side
6152s uh
6153s in this rogue deck this is kind of a
6154s point i always reach right where you
6155s have edwin and it's like turn three
6158s like turn four or five where you have
6161s the potential to get up like a seven
6162s seven maybe a nine nine if you're really
6164s lucky but is it worth it to play it here
6166s or should you be waiting until you hit
6168s the mega pop-offs later on
6171s i
6172s would wager because this is such a
6175s specific type of priest that has a very
6178s you know transparent game plan maybe
6180s trying to get underneath all that and go
6182s for pressure even if you don't have like
6184s the maximum combos on your minions is
6186s the way to go about it because in terms
6188s of removal there's not that much for the
6190s priests there's the one of light at
6191s burns and there's chart of the naaru but
6193s they don't have the usual package you
6196s would expect from this type of priest of
6199s pyro or
6200s even samurai it were to be a wig priest
6210s deciding whether he wants to hit in for
6212s a gift
6213s yeah that's the only break point
6219s oh here we go
6222s oh my god is it just time right now
6227s not that much mana to work with right
6230s the radiant does help a lot of that
6233s uh
6236s okay
6237s you're guaranteed a wig off the top so
6239s you have
6242s radiant
6244s coin wig
6247s devour yeah i think he definitely wants
6249s to play a handmaiden before the wig oh
6251s good point yeah yeah
6257s the fortitude is not green though that
6260s could be an issue again no volish in the
6262s deck
6264s big issue yeah
6268s the train just kinda ends there huh
6271s [Laughter]
6274s we just call this
6275s yeah exactly i think that's the name
6277s just all caps huh priest
6285s maybe lul priest would be inappropriate
6290s i mean it's it's still okay right he's
6292s guaranteed a spell next turn so or even
6294s without that radiant plus fortitude is
6296s playable so
6298s you have
6299s radiant buff buff buff buff boone to
6303s round it out that's pretty big
6307s right right so we just have to look at
6308s this and say this was not the pop-off
6310s turn this was a preparation for the
6312s pop-off turn it's the premium
6314s uh-huh
6316s how can super fake capitalize on that
6318s though at the very least he could take
6320s the bone spike and clear the board using
6323s that weave and the draca but is that a
6325s big enough dagger to justify he says no
6328s it's going to be shadow stuff instead
6332s interesting i was wondering if that
6333s would actually end up step or edwin in
6335s this instance which you know i know is a
6338s shaky play a lot of the time because you
6339s lose a lot of stats immediately
6342s but it really bolsters your car draw at
6344s this point in the game
6346s i do like getting the draca down though
6348s this is a lethal setup now it's a flimsy
6351s one because chonsu can
6354s theoretically get a taunt this turn as
6356s well
6358s but he has no unleash man like he
6360s doesn't even have that much mana to work
6361s with that's true like he can't play the
6363s handmaid and if he wants to play boon as
6365s well but all the rest of the spells
6367s except bless can be expended this turn
6370s so how big is the radiant plus five and
6374s then
6375s you probably just cash in the wigs
6377s because you're going to go all in on the
6378s spoon even if they don't refresh
6381s so that's 12 and then it gains another
6384s three from the devourer and then it's
6388s 17 with the boon
6390s that's pretty big
6394s [Music]
6397s we should have to see
6398s super fake has the opportunity to
6401s infuse this door
6403s uh
6404s should he desire so or both of them
6406s actually for that matter uh which could
6408s be a big deal yeah if he just gets
6410s through this board that's it chun su's
6412s gas tank i mean it has hand maiden but
6414s you can't buff it to anything relevant
6416s anymore after all that but it does have
6418s to be both minions cleared because of
6420s this blast that's hanging around so
6422s for superfic if he can find tooth off of
6425s door
6426s and get that to be honorably killing
6429s something that could be a way out of
6431s this in a much simpler fashion
6435s not phased about the
6437s much it's kind of close to say like like
6438s you said if you infuse and you hit two
6440s that's a big deal
6445s he doesn't have the break point to get
6446s honorable kill on an opposing minion
6448s here does he
6455s shadow step oh my goodness okay
6458s he has to
6460s yeah so you're hoping for a chain of
6462s preps and bone spikes i guess oh my god
6465s oh location
6467s four
6468s colors no
6470s [Music]
6474s oh he does not know what to do and i
6476s can't blame him yeah just play the
6478s temporary extortion he's not dead on
6483s board uh
6486s even with the bless he's not technically
6487s dead yet correct oh fortitude though and
6490s that's down to two man now that's
6492s another bless not all of it is playable
6494s but if identity theft pulls two spells
6499s uh no then he still can't play both
6500s blasts right was he one damage off
6503s lethal with 16 and 13 with blessed bless
6505s and he can't fit in the hero power as
6507s well
6510s i think so
6515s which is a valid play you know just
6517s punch them for uh
6519s for a million and then identity identity
6521s theft the following turn is a really
6522s good shot of just closing the game out
6525s bear fair
6527s you can even just light it burns the
6528s edwin get rid of it
6530s that was your minions the
6532s highest potential of sticking around
6537s and that does mean that they're only out
6539s for super fake is
6541s some sort of tooth outcome that i don't
6544s even know how he's gonna get honorable
6546s kill from it and i don't know what has
6549s what's good enough at how much mana
6551s he'll have remaining
6553s you have trade into the kirian down to
6556s seven
6559s he needs to hit
6560s uh
6562s he has extortion his own six six and
6564s then two did then you have four oh sure
6566s he doesn't he doesn't have the tooth
6567s though so i don't know what i'm saying
6569s like
6570s there's no mana there's tooth
6572s okay so
6575s but he'll have two mana left after he
6576s gets the honorable kill from it so
6583s okay now he has less mana to work with
6585s there's nothing even alibi wouldn't have
6587s worked
6591s yeah i mean it was like if he had enough
6592s mana shadow word ruin could have gotten
6594s him there maybe but of course the
6596s identity theft
6598s really
6599s hurry uh no he can't even freeze all
6602s three
6602s at all oh yeah true
6606s i'm out of ideas but we're just gonna
6609s see what's in the tooth
6611s yeah
6614s wave of apathy doesn't exist anymore oh
6616s he hit the flurry he actually did
6619s wait so if he didn't trade at one point
6621s no no he wouldn't have had both teeth if
6623s you haven't traded right oh man in the
6626s end it's the hand maiden that clutches
6628s it out that's the third minion on board
6631s there yeah as uh chonsu gets the win if
6635s nothing else it did what it's supposed
6637s to do right it beat rogue and
6640s it
6641s didn't look that close
6643s i don't know like obviously he was
6645s behind at the start but that's what's
6647s supposed to happen with that deck uh the
6649s edwin was not an amazing pop off turn uh
6652s for super fake he did miss on a good
6654s location at the start of the game but it
6656s wasn't like he had a terrible hand he
6658s was doing fairly standard rogue things
6661s and he just didn't have a chance of
6662s getting through all those stats
6665s right chance to recognize that he needed
6668s to start with one radiant one handmaiden
6670s to have enough resources and had to make
6672s the second pair of those and the boon
6675s truly insurmountable it's just such a
6678s weird deck to look at because that type
6680s of game plan
6682s in most hearthstone matchups should be
6683s very flimsy there should be so many ways
6685s to play around that but against rogue in
6687s particular and if you have the solid
6689s read that everyone in the field is going
6691s to bring it and it's lhs and you just
6693s need to snipe that match up then the
6695s priest ends up being a pretty solid
6697s bring however i don't think it's gonna
6700s perform very well against literally
6702s anything else in the matter though and
6704s super fake is going to queue up his ping
6706s mage to try and beat it now yeah if it
6708s can take down literally any other deck
6710s like druid included which i originally
6712s thought would be a good match up for the
6713s priest uh has proven to not so much be
6716s the case after some testing uh i will be
6718s astounded because it
6720s it's like the ultimate glass cannon this
6723s priest it just has one all-in push if
6726s you remove that the game's over they
6728s just die uh which rogue cannot do which
6731s is again why they're pretty good it's
6732s pretty good against the rogue but for
6734s the mage here you know if it's good
6736s against the rogue which is weirdly
6738s similar to this priest in terms of its
6740s kind of pop off for a lot of big stats
6742s all at once uh it should be fantastic
6744s against the priest
6748s oh super fake with a pretty solid
6750s opening hand with the shivering and the
6752s dawn grasp there's some merit to
6755s thinking about flurry because it is you
6757s know the out you needed in the last
6759s match and you know that uh this game is
6762s all about just getting rid of those four
6765s minions and if you remove literally
6766s those four and they haven't gotten
6768s something insane off of identity theft
6770s you have already won but he is not going
6773s to bother with that instead keeping a
6775s more proactive game plan which i like
6777s gets rewarded with wildfire sevara in
6780s the opener
6781s wow both players actually finding some
6783s really juicy starting hands as chauncey
6786s doesn't even have to pick the
6787s switcheroon
6788s now he can just go
6790s uh boone i think quite happily to
6792s guarantee he has those extra stats
6803s yeah just a little bit awkward for super
6806s fig that he can't just straight away
6807s coined sevara next when he still needs
6809s one more spell in the pool
6812s and i wonder if he will just throw the
6814s alibi in there to make sure savara's
6816s already active next turn i don't hate it
6818s i hate to either coin savara plus
6820s wildfire on the following turn
6822s huh
6824s doesn't mean you're delaying the
6826s dawn grasp
6828s for a whole extra turn which you don't
6830s love but actually i guess you get the
6831s coin back don't you so it's not even
6832s that much of a problem right
6839s cool let's do it
6841s super fake once again at odds as to
6843s whether he wants to give chon su the
6845s break point to draw with gift of the
6847s naaru
6849s i honestly don't think it's that big of
6851s a deal in the long run because it's very
6853s likely he already has a handmaiden in
6854s hand
6859s now
6860s um okay
6862s that's a backup game plan
6864s it recasts a holy spell
6867s um
6868s if you take the cold case oh true
6872s busted
6877s or a spell with frost weave
6879s oh
6880s bad
6883s yeah
6885s i really just don't know whether chonsu
6888s is supposed to lean and so into that
6890s alternate game plan of playing his own
6892s dawn grasp
6894s because the upshot of taking cold case
6896s is that if you can wait all the way
6897s until nine mana with don grasp and it
6900s replaced the cold case for sure because
6901s that'll be the only frost spell that
6903s chonsy has played he can level his hero
6905s power instantly by pinging one of the
6907s skeletons
6909s do we ever get to that point in the game
6910s i have no clue no one's ever played this
6913s [Laughter]
6917s oh there's matchup shot it's tempo
6919s savara right
6926s okay so the last spell in sivara
6929s is going to be coin next turn most
6931s likely
6936s is it the pre pop-off
6939s a little a moose boosh
6943s the fake food from the fake country
6948s [Music]
6950s i mean i i wish i could laugh but like
6951s the one weekend i spent in france i
6953s think i ate better than i have in my
6955s entire life living in the uk
6957s except living in the philippines
6960s their food is something else
6962s uh okay
6966s i'm gonna commit a wig
6967s this radiant hardly ever dies to be fair
6969s this is mage we're talking about
6971s non-rogue
6974s i honestly
6976s would love to pick chonsu's brain as to
6978s where
6979s he actually views himself in this
6981s matchup does he genuinely believe this
6983s is a winnable
6985s or is it kind of just like okay my
6987s priest has done its job just kind of
6989s nice now if it does anything extra but
6991s he doesn't expect to win
6993s i mean if i know chauncey would tell you
6995s it's like a 97 win rate for the priest
6999s against me
7000s against the mage exactly
7006s all right so super fake really committed
7009s to not
7010s putting the sivara down just yet which
7013s makes sense with the shortage of hand
7015s space that he's currently facing still
7017s has access to coin dawn grasp next turn
7020s if you want
7023s second radian oh my god okay
7027s we're all in baby
7029s that's right
7031s boone happening this turn as well maybe
7033s boone times too
7036s i'll do blabine
7043s i mean he's wondering about buffing the
7045s the
7046s the hand mating because then you get to
7048s trade in the radian and draw a card
7051s uh off of the
7052s the gift i think is the
7057s difference you do miss
7059s one
7060s uh health from devour this way but i
7063s think it's worth it for the extra card
7071s come on it's got to be time to go in
7072s right we've played right almost every
7074s minion in our deck at this point
7077s yeah come at the bless as well i think
7081s and then boom boom
7082s boom
7085s and this is it this is all the deck does
7089s normally but we are looking at dawn
7091s grasp as the backup game plan
7094s i really don't think gets there for chon
7097s soo but
7098s uh currently this board for super fake
7101s can be frozen indefinitely and i mean a
7104s long long time like the sivara doesn't
7106s even have the last spell in her yet
7108s it can be flurry it can be solid alibi
7111s it can be blizzard all of those just put
7114s a wrench in john sue's game plan
7117s i mean you could even curate the uh
7119s the dawn grasp to just cast another
7121s blizzard
7122s if you just go blizzard on this turn
7124s dawn grasp next turn that'll stall them
7126s even further solid alibi like you said
7128s is good enough here as well i
7131s have to imagine you'd be able to chew
7133s through this eventually
7139s quickly checking if boone of the
7141s ascended is a holy spell it is
7147s we're so insane derek
7150s all right
7151s me dude
7153s what about boone's
7155s radio i'm ready
7158s oh
7159s well that's the bad one pretty bad
7163s man that sucked
7167s don grasp is a dawn
7169s grasp and it's still going to be cold
7171s case paying for chonsu he's going to be
7172s working with a four damage hero power he
7174s has the second identity theft to scoop
7177s himself up this mordres it's happening
7180s you know
7183s much wondering about fitting in the
7185s coin first because of overdraw
7188s isn't need to first it's just going to
7189s cast ai and then he goes up to 10 and he
7192s can play the coin after that
7194s or more likely uh yeah whatever
7201s i have an idea
7203s this match of this feels so miserable
7205s for john what can he do
7210s super fake out here thinking whether
7212s it's worth dumping the coin i think it's
7214s worth it certainly not the flurry though
7215s that's pretty essential
7218s also whether it's worth
7222s because he doesn't get the honorable
7223s kill anymore because of the
7225s lizard
7227s uh in which case you could save it while
7229s it has the freeze effect uh for one of
7231s the following turns just like ping plus
7233s flurry
7236s however you feel good about it to be
7237s honest
7238s sure
7241s unless this sets up for more direction
7242s next time which i don't think it does
7245s not quite yet
7247s okay that's a decent draw
7251s they're actually all still damaged look
7254s at the size of these minions
7259s all right identity theft into
7262s more dress for your new fancy hero power
7265s and theater for their mortrage
7271s okay he's gonna do it next turn just get
7273s the scale on the hero power this turn i
7275s think that makes sense
7277s still don't know what i'm watching
7280s but it's cool
7282s oh there's no shoulder here power gets
7284s there right like
7286s no i mean it depends on what's in
7288s the second identity theft
7292s yeah i mean the big headline here is
7294s sheep sheep sheep everywhere
7300s he's really under no pressure to do it
7302s this turn though like if super fake sees
7306s more merit in
7308s for example um
7310s scaling the hero power he could go for a
7311s starfish paying it i think the hero
7313s power was at four
7315s could solid alibi to stay alive
7320s if my calculations are correct
7328s for now
7330s okay
7331s we are thief priests now are these
7333s game-winning cards
7336s let's go
7340s [Music]
7345s what's in the deck what else can you get
7346s this good
7348s uh yeah it's iron man theodore yeah it
7350s is just theater isn't it
7354s the best one
7357s uh
7359s parrot doesn't do anything
7361s francis is like okay
7365s bran doesn't do anything because his
7366s handmaiden only draws air at this point
7370s um
7371s yeah it really is just theatre is the
7372s best outcome
7375s but not found
7376s uh in which case
7379s no flurry i don't know man yeah or like
7382s brand to hope it sticks so that you can
7384s deal 20 damage oh actually you take the
7387s brand so you just ping it because the
7388s hero is poor right now
7391s i think
7395s that's so bm
7396s [Laughter]
7400s what do you mean
7403s not your brand
7405s yeah it's just
7415s what are we watching why does super fake
7417s have less health
7420s he's just dying
7425s okay four health minions he's looking
7427s for he's got his own renathol that he
7428s could use to upgrade the the old hero
7430s power corrupt
7434s or actually the starfish is less
7436s valuable at this point like the board's
7438s been sheeped you don't need to silence
7440s anything anymore
7442s it's kind of true
7444s uh
7445s the deathborn is kind of clean but you
7447s know super fake is like you can see his
7449s reaction he's kind of like there's no
7451s way
7452s he races me down here right there's no
7454s way and i'm inclined to say there is no
7456s way because he also just has a solid
7458s alibi as well
7463s [Music]
7477s as opposed to pinging it and scaling the
7479s hero power i really don't know if this
7481s is more damage in the long run it really
7482s just depends how many more pings you
7484s think it's gonna take to win the game
7486s but i think super fix priority was
7488s clearing up some hand space to get the
7490s sivara down um he also just has active
7493s marjesh now
7496s and now there just really is uh nothing
7498s for chauncey right he's got no more
7500s discover effects
7502s oh it's not a sacrificial bran
7506s he respects the brand yeah obviously
7508s because there's a three four now to ping
7509s on the other side
7511s big buff bran instead
7518s all right once again we're all in
7521s once again i am still shocked oh chances
7525s hero power is bigger than super fakes at
7527s the moment
7528s super fake has played two wildfire i
7531s mean one normally and one from the dawn
7534s grass but he's gonna get another from
7535s the savara
7538s okay now
7540s surely
7542s this is uh this is enough he's got ping
7544s yeah i know
7546s ored moored on the board uh to try and
7549s get their head in the damage race but he
7551s knows for a fact his opponent has the
7552s more dress as well
7557s yeah now super fake has seen all this
7559s stolen cards right so as long as the
7561s more josh is frozen he knows he never
7563s dies the next turn and he has alibi he
7565s has cold case which if the break point
7568s remains at six damage which i think it
7570s will it just gives him turn after turn
7572s so the math is pretty simple for super
7575s fake here he can just go more josh ping
7577s face he never dies if he
7580s you know forgot something he could
7581s commit the alibi it's fine
7584s it's fine
7585s however if there was no cold case and no
7588s uh
7588s alibi here if we just want to live in a
7590s made-up uh alternate universe here it
7593s was a little bit closer right double p
7595s just ends the game
7597s yeah
7598s yeah but super fake
7599s quickly recoups the race because his
7602s more just will stick around and actually
7604s attack next turn so
7609s if he wants to play it this turn
7612s i think he's just going through one of
7613s those moments like wait i've already won
7615s right it's just one of those like this
7618s is such a weird matchup and you can't
7620s blame him for being as careful as
7622s possible because it's so easy to miss
7625s things when you play against the deck
7626s you don't have much experience against
7628s exactly yeah and he knows he doesn't
7631s have to solid alibi here
7633s he knows that he can just get away with
7635s the ping because there's no more stolen
7636s cards in the hand but he's just uh
7639s trying to justify it to himself i don't
7641s know what's going on man i'm just gonna
7643s pig here and uh he takes the win in the
7645s end he seems almost annoyed that he won
7647s that game faster
7649s maybe annoyed that he stayed in it that
7651s long that chonsu did a little bit of
7653s like what's the meme you like posting
7655s whenever apac gets top four but doesn't
7657s win a master's tour of the guy with the
7659s skateboard and then he just ends up
7661s whacking himself in the head with it
7665s yeah
7666s this is what chonsu was
7668s kind of doing with that don grass
7670s kickoff but of course it still doesn't
7672s get there in the end because i really
7673s think the only real shot he had in that
7675s game is if that second identity theft
7677s was exactly more dressed theater if not
7679s that no way
7682s also i can't believe he slips in that
7683s beam you always post whenever apec does
7686s this i don't repost memes okay they're
7688s fresh hot off the press every single
7690s time and you know it
7693s dang i thought i could slip that in
7694s there but nothing gets past you when it
7697s comes to memes when it comes to memes
7699s and specifically only memes
7702s uh but yeah moving on over now we have
7704s the the priest through uh sorry the the
7706s rogue lost uh for super fake the priest
7708s now lost for chonsu which means the
7711s counter that he has to mage as far as he
7714s sees it uh is the rogue he'd rather go
7716s with his own rogue than the mage mirror
7719s which
7720s i don't know feels to me like a bit of
7722s an
7722s uh awkward spot to be in uh with these
7725s current builds of mage that have more
7727s and more defensive tools to be able to
7729s stand up to all these big minions that
7732s come off edwin and the locations
7735s yeah it is
7737s a little bit jarring to look at because
7740s i generally feel like the
7743s mage is favored against rogue uh just a
7746s little bit especially this version that
7749s has the flurries in there but i think
7750s this is maybe a line of thinking from
7752s chonsu where like his rogue doesn't
7754s really have any good matchups remaining
7756s so it's not a big deal if he just queues
7758s it up and loses with it uh he did ban
7760s away the druid from super fake if i'm
7763s not mistaken the priest oh he bent the
7765s priest okay so the rogue did have a
7767s remaining good matchup okay
7769s now i'm confused
7771s yeah i mean i guess just saying on the
7773s other hand there's no good counter cue
7776s uh if he does manage to get the win here
7777s right like he's gonna have to win an
7779s awkward match up at some point like mage
7781s mirror or rogue verse mage i don't know
7783s it is a little weird
7784s uh but he's got himself a reasonable
7786s starting hand uh to get things rolling
7788s at least
7789s yeah nice mix of cycle and of course the
7793s win condition card in draca i do think
7795s draca is more of a win condition versus
7797s mage than the location because
7800s your minions even went stealthed have
7802s the chance of being frozen by super fake
7804s with blizzard with lurie and he's even
7807s running the mass poly
7812s getting ai played for the dawn grasp
7816s makes sense to me uh increasing your
7818s chances of finding cold case as well
7820s just any of these clutch health gain
7822s cards versus the rogue
7824s the choice of that over dungeoneer i
7826s think is also maybe trying to delay
7828s giving the rogue targets for their
7830s spells as long as possible
7836s ah
7839s maybe not the spell that chauncey was
7841s looking for uh with prep because he has
7843s so much uh
7845s discount but no actual fuel to really
7847s make his hand work right now right
7851s oh
7852s that's all the fuel you need
7859s and that's the crossroads for super fake
7861s right because his only playable cards
7862s are minions the leftmost one sometimes
7865s gives several targets as well
7867s does he think the cycle is worth it
7870s for giving chonsu
7871s targets for the spells
7874s i would honestly answer probably not
7876s great
7877s to ponder lost kind of game
7885s that one extra spell drawn could be a
7887s big difference maker though because he
7889s hasn't hit those freeze effects um
7891s blizzard and flurry still somewhere in
7893s the deck if he can just clear the line
7895s to mass poly though then he definitely
7898s gets into a more comfortable spot
7901s so the question is when he thinks chonsu
7903s will do the pop-off turn
7907s and what is his response when that does
7908s happen because like turn seven onwards
7910s sure you have the mass polly
7912s um and then you have varden with
7914s potentially another
7917s mass poly afterwards depending on if it
7918s hits the uh the poly or the ai
7924s but basically
7925s i think no matter what you're fine with
7927s just uh passing passing passing until
7930s you do hit something that actually
7931s demands an answer
7933s here we go there's edwin into an
7934s immediate shadow step but chantsu is not
7937s going to stop the edwin himself gonna
7939s stop the knoll instead wants to maintain
7942s that big threat on the board
7944s yeah i mean i guess you do have a really
7945s good chance of carrying on with some
7947s real pressure with two preps in hand you
7949s just need to dodge the uh the clunky
7951s minions and you'll be fine
7956s cutlass
7958s is all the mana spent but again almost
7960s any spell can be prepped out if drawn
7965s a bit awkward that this serrated doesn't
7967s have a good target
7969s unless he wants to kill off his own null
7971s that's honestly reasonable with the
7973s backstab
7974s but maybe not this turn i'd be
7976s interested in doing that on a dragon
7978s turn but this could still actually be a
7980s draco turn right if you prep the
7982s serrated and then coin out sorry not
7985s that order but you coin perhaps serrated
7987s you can play draca wow you're actually
7989s right i didn't even consider that you go
7991s coin
7992s prep wicked stab preps rated
7995s oh no
7997s oh
7998s mouse disconnect or something i think so
8001s something happened
8004s okay he's pointing face did he get the
8006s drakka
8011s uh
8012s i think so but chatsu looks stressed
8019s okay he got the draco did he get the
8021s attack
8024s okay
8025s we're in business
8027s and that's like the
8028s the one thing a hearthstone player hates
8030s to hit more than anything else just
8032s the disconnect sound
8034s your pc like oh god please no
8037s yup and
8039s this is what we were talking about uh
8041s super fake has the answers turned seven
8043s onward but this turn it's nothing he
8046s doesn't even hit the one ones from the
8048s dungeoneer chonsu just has the cleanest
8051s two turn lethal setup you've ever seen
8054s and it might even be
8056s one turn lethal setup depending on the
8058s drawers here
8060s edwin is he feeling brave
8061s it has to be right that's it's just such
8063s a strong play with three mana left over
8066s yeah
8067s i'm on board for that just guarantee
8070s that you hit your other tooth or your
8071s other um
8073s wicked stab on the off chance that super
8076s fake can freeze your face and deal with
8077s the board
8080s like what else is this shadow step for
8082s it's
8083s always gonna be bigger than a five five
8085s at the end of this turn or at least
8087s equal if you just get the uh
8090s i don't know i think it just always ends
8092s up bigger than a five five basically his
8093s deck is so fluid
8096s you can argue for step draca after the
8099s last dagger charge has been used because
8101s that's technically guaranteed damage but
8103s the edwin just has so much higher of a
8105s power ceiling let's go for it now okay
8111s uh-huh
8112s uh-huh
8115s uh-huh let's keep going keep going
8118s finish the strike
8121s no
8124s oh it's so close
8128s uh ran out of the end yeah sure
8130s that's just it super fake can't do
8133s anything
8135s that his game throws it down man what a
8137s win for chauncey such a cool spot on the
8139s dragon line i honestly didn't even see
8141s that
8143s it was a bit
8145s like it wasn't intuitive to me either i
8147s kind of thought you start with edwin
8149s your turn is fully committed to edwin
8151s but very well done by chonsu to realize
8154s that with a double prep hand edwin was
8156s only there to play like two additional
8158s cards in the turn add a minion to the
8160s board but the real star there and the
8162s real priority was getting that huge
8164s dagger online 11 attack representing 33
8168s throughout the course of the game super
8170s fake
8170s i mean that was just not a hand that was
8172s doing very much at all hasn't had the
8175s opportunity to find the snow flurry to
8178s delay a little bit but certainly um the
8180s draca part of this deck is what mage
8183s struggles to deal with the location
8184s minions sometimes you can deal with it
8186s as it happens the hand that super fake
8188s drew couldn't deal with the location
8189s minions either
8190s but it does mean now though that super
8192s fake is down to his last deck and it's
8194s druid which is not a great one to go up
8197s against temple rogue with
8200s yeah it's a real rough position to be in
8201s he has to win against rogue and then
8204s mage as well which is a little better
8206s you know mage i do like that matchup as
8208s the druid pretty heavily uh but the
8210s rogue
8211s it's such a tough one now i i think with
8213s the old lambie list uh with crabatoa and
8216s scabs in there as well i felt okay as
8218s the druid maybe not favored necessarily
8220s but if you hit either an aggressive ramp
8223s start uh or something that is not really
8226s available to super fake a very heavy
8228s minion start where you hit the living
8230s roots uh plus uh the centuries uh plus
8235s the
8236s uh natural causes as well just basically
8238s all these early plays you could kind of
8240s run away with the board at the start
8241s before they popped off now that just
8243s doesn't even feel like a possibility
8244s they hit knoll on uh turn four at least
8248s every single game basically without fail
8250s and uh their pop-offs are just too big
8253s so super fake in a really rough position
8255s now unless chonsu draws very very dead
8260s promising opener for super fake though
8263s in other matchups i advocate keeping
8265s topiar but this is certainly not one of
8268s them
8268s you need to ramp very very quickly here
8271s just to survive um
8275s to be able to get the scale of venexia
8276s because that card is usually necessary
8278s to kill off one of the location minions
8280s because this is certainly a match up
8282s where the rogue is happy to play
8284s location for a five five a six six and
8287s just have it attack face several times
8289s that gets there in the matchup
8291s oh okay insane draw for super big though
8294s yeah it smooths things out very very
8296s nicely here you just go your your wild
8298s growth into your
8299s widow bloom hope to hit nourish and then
8302s like devour on curve are we talking
8307s potentially
8308s you can play around devour a little bit
8310s because the location and you know the
8313s nature of the minions being stealth so
8314s untargetable
8316s but still one of the cards that can turn
8318s the corner here for chantsu though early
8320s edwin
8322s can continue with the prep of the wicked
8324s stab i think it's completely worth it
8327s agreed there's so many cards that allow
8328s you to carry on for an extra one with
8330s the coins still in now
8332s very fortunate to start with the gul'dan
8334s hero power as well
8337s that's always the best one
8344s okay it ends there but it's a very
8346s respectable early board for turn three
8347s this is a real problem for the druid
8352s that's the nexia picked up but super
8354s fake is hitting a whole load of nothing
8356s until then the theater isn't even
8358s particularly good for him here i almost
8361s wonder if it's moonlit so you can just
8362s have another shot at hitting a ramp card
8365s that is the big one isn't it now how
8367s about
8368s very specific though because he won't
8370s have five mana so guff and nourish are
8372s out for the moment which means you're
8373s looking at the second wild growth or
8375s second season
8377s correct oh
8379s maybe
8381s planted evidence to try and hit nourish
8383s with the one mana discount you get
8386s like the two lines are to just take the
8388s nourish so you guaranteed play it next
8390s turn which is obviously very very scary
8392s or take one of those playable spells
8395s just say spend more mana with your
8396s moonlit but there is the nourish the
8399s exact out you are talking about derek
8402s that is absolutely insane
8404s and now devourer available next turn
8407s just to chomp up this edwin all of a
8409s sudden things looking so much better
8411s here for super fake wait
8413s a minute
8415s isn't that
8418s oh wait sorry it's nerfed i forgot is
8420s there visitors
8421s oh okay i thought you were saying is it
8423s still good even factoring in the nerf
8426s i mean
8427s uh i mean it does let you get onyxia a
8430s turn earlier but at that point you might
8431s as well just curve devour into nexia and
8434s yeah it's not disrupting the rogue at
8435s all so
8437s forget what i was saying
8439s ladies and gentlemen your dev team
8443s that all grounds
8445s [Laughter]
8450s okay whatever you have to tell yourself
8459s right i mean
8462s i am actually pretty surprised by that
8465s i kind of thought devourer into onyxia
8467s was enough of a stabilization play to
8471s take the game from there i agree
8474s especially with double uh scales in hand
8477s like there was a decent chance they just
8478s ignore that devourer and pray that you
8480s don't have the the scales
8483s which would have just ended the game
8485s double scales the turnoff
8488s if super fake is trying to greed the
8490s infuse on that that's the only reason i
8492s could think to not play the devourer
8495s this turn but it it's not as though
8496s these two minions are enough to infuse
8498s it right he would still need to play
8499s onyxia and have some welps die
8503s but as it stands
8505s in a decent spot this is not an insane
8508s drakka from chonsu but i still think
8509s it's the draca turn
8512s it's not insane but against the turn
8514s that's neither taunting nor healing in
8516s the form of onyxia
8518s uh it may just be enough you're dealing
8520s four here plus the ten on board
8524s plenty the next year can be a full clear
8527s at the expense of all but one welp
8531s uh
8532s and chonsu doesn't have lethal from hand
8535s he would need
8536s both wicked stabs actually to close us
8538s out
8539s and he's already played juan
8543s so yeah i think super fix still comes
8544s out on top of this unless chonsu
8546s discovers something amazing off the
8548s tooth actually he could get the
8550s temporary wicked stab copy if he's very
8553s lucky
8554s but it's not playable all in the same
8556s turn with the teeth to get lethal and
8558s now that means super fake can play the
8560s scales to fully stabilize
8563s yeah the other thing to consider is
8564s whether you can
8566s kill the onyxia
8570s which doesn't seem likely does it all
8572s worth it to be honest
8575s close
8579s uh backstab
8583s you have like backstab extortion
8586s trade like some really horrible plays
8588s like that to kill off the onyxia but i
8590s think from his perspective the best
8592s player is just to say there's no scales
8593s in hand
8595s i would agree
8598s i'm gonna commit graveyard here
8602s and play extortion on the nexia but not
8604s kill it just to juice the location a
8606s little bit more
8608s okay but super fake he knows what's
8610s happening
8613s nixia sticks around he's not dead and
8615s that means he turns the corner
8619s yep growth plus scales dole scales
8622s whatever you want to do on this turn i
8623s think it's pretty much just always
8625s getting there
8629s which means it looks like we're going to
8631s uh to game five as super fake gets uh
8634s an unfavorable uh well i won't say it
8637s too soon but looking to be getting an
8638s unfavorable win here unless there's some
8640s real miracles from chauncey
8642s yeah i mean there's tooth opportunities
8647s you can't get the honorable kill this
8648s way with the swing first he is at nine
8651s but let's ignore that for a second
8660s nope
8661s evidence is a
8662s very good card a lot of damage but not
8664s here
8667s just not enough
8669s the doggie biscuit lets him take a value
8671s trade on annexia
8682s just not seeing it as chonsu throws it
8685s down and we are gonna go to game five
8688s now where it is druid from super fake up
8692s against
8694s uh is it the mage remaining for chonsu
8696s so that's pretty good for super fig in
8698s most outcomes
8700s agreed yeah taking a closer look at uh
8704s transu's mage as well
8706s uh we can see it's the
8709s 30 card version interestingly enough of
8712s big spell mage which i feel like we
8714s don't see all too much of but
8716s specifically against druid this has to
8719s be the version you're looking for to
8720s just get that absolute consistency on uh
8723s belinda or maybe barbaric on curve and
8726s then let the the cheese commence
8729s yeah i agree i think this matchup is
8731s actually a lot closer than
8733s the 4d ping mage for example or even 40
8735s big spell mage because the consistency
8738s of hitting those six drops is one thing
8740s but another huge thing is actually the
8741s far watch post if you manage to land
8743s that on curb versus druid and they don't
8745s have exactly druid of the reef to remove
8747s it right away that wrecks their entire
8749s ramp game plan as so often happens with
8752s druid if they're just one turn too late
8754s with their scale of enyxia to stabilize
8756s they just die
8759s we'll have to see whether or not that
8761s can be achieved the rest of the deck
8763s filled out with
8764s i mean pretty much just the standard
8766s stuff the nightclub sanctum the only
8767s card that's busted enough to bust its
8769s way through into this pretty tight list
8772s uh once again uh for
8776s uh
8776s sorry for super fake i think this
8778s particular build is like
8781s probably not ideal first the the big
8783s spell mage this version that runs uh
8785s kazakhstan and the extra amalgams in
8788s there probably a little bit too late
8789s game oriented to actually come online in
8791s this matchup i'd rather have
8794s either the the full
8796s nature package in the early game or the
8798s the naga giants and the
8801s battlegrounds battle master like bunny
8803s has been opting to go for and fury as
8805s well right
8806s i will admit to not being a huge fan of
8808s kazakhstan either in fact i'm going to
8810s throw out a hot take i don't think we're
8812s going to see one act of kazakhstan
8814s played throughout the rest of this
8815s entire weekend
8816s um
8817s what takes
8819s it's bad super fake with the full keep
8822s here
8823s keeping nourish is a hotly debated
8825s subject i feel like i'm enough of a
8827s pessimist to keep it when you have wild
8830s growth and just say this is the
8831s guaranteed curve i don't have jerry to
8833s play on turn two but it's fine it's
8835s gonna get there and super fake even goes
8837s as far as to keep the miracle growth
8838s which is the ideal follow-up to nourish
8840s i think it's very justifiable in this
8842s outcome but you're really hoping and
8844s praying that there's not a belinda or a
8847s barbaric to disrupt you
8852s okay i mean
8854s it's a hand he full kept because he had
8855s a plan and the plan is still very much
8858s intact uh with chauncey currently having
8860s no way to uh majorly disrupt it
8864s that is until he picked up bran to play
8866s on curve alongside the akani on turn
8869s four which really does start to wreak
8871s havoc uh with super fake's game plan
8874s yeah
8875s the broke honey
8877s rough
8881s okay
8882s planted evidence can get feral rage here
8885s to kill bran or the the spell the naga
8887s thing like it deals for if you if you
8890s play the naga while it's in hand you
8891s also have attacked before but
8893s this is not those
8895s help laser or whatever it's called
8898s job's done
8900s something like that
8904s i've got a picture
8911s this is just so back breaking for super
8913s fake he doesn't have
8916s good ways to test
8918s i thought he was just going to jab
8919s miracle growth like he never picks spell
8921s go on
8923s yeah he just double picks minion like a
8925s giga chad
8929s um yeah the problem is he can't even
8931s test for spell with scales because the
8934s minion he would use to test the starfish
8936s just goes into the void so he has no
8939s target for scale skills only goes on
8941s friendly minions and he's just kind of
8943s trapped
8944s just go starfish nourish just deal with
8947s it with like two of your least
8950s important cards in the hand i guess so
8953s ah
8954s completely deleted turn the broken is
8957s too powerful
8960s rokani is brusted
8969s and then chantsu's follow-up is
8973s honestly just piling more minions on i
8975s don't hate he could go starfish to deny
8978s the coin to super fake
8981s that's true actually
8983s actually does super fake want to hero
8986s power the mailbox dancer over two turns
8988s to get the coin no way right
8992s you have the coin to test okay there's
8994s no way yeah
8996s did you not get it in did he not want to
8998s play starfish i don't think he wanted to
9000s in the end because next time he can just
9002s scale and kill the
9004s that's true
9007s oh the real giga chatter play watch post
9010s starfish to silence it away
9013s now you're talking
9015s coin coin starfish oh yeah
9019s kill off your cardio spot is so bad
9021s [Laughter]
9025s all right scale will do just fine for
9027s now
9028s uh-huh
9029s really a bit annoying that he can't
9031s weave in the hero power to kill off the
9033s watch post as well
9036s but i guess you just sacrifice all the
9037s whelps instead
9040s good technically iron skills
9046s actually think it's worth it to scales
9047s here yeah it's not ping mage is it which
9051s you would really want the armor it's big
9052s spell mage where it's a little bit less
9054s important
9056s and the fact that it lets you kill off
9057s an additional minion and leave only the
9059s two three on board yeah it's pretty much
9062s healing almost as much as a scale sun
9064s miracle growth would
9066s but if you're gonna miracle growth next
9068s turn you kind of have to kill the watch
9069s post
9071s agreed
9073s all right there we go
9076s time goes short
9079s though uh super fake has survived phase
9082s one of chonsu's game plan pretty well
9085s and currently chonsu doesn't have the
9086s big power spikes to follow up this curve
9088s no belinda no barbaric this is just all
9092s of the kind of neutral minions thrown
9095s together
9096s to have the curve be somewhat more
9099s consistent but
9101s next turn is the start of the rune train
9104s it is but it's also the term where super
9106s fake really starts doing powerful plays
9108s of his own like he's just been sat there
9110s playing solitaire while his opponent
9112s plays arena on the other side with just
9114s minions
9115s but now with miracle growth um
9119s uh and then just like anything after
9121s that like guff would be fantastic
9122s obviously any way to juice up a
9124s potential donathias theater
9127s so many good draws it would be tough to
9129s imagine him full whipping
9133s here we are the tempo starfish
9137s starfish really gets little to no
9139s utility against druid so finding
9142s a spot to tempo it out is not the worst
9145s oh
9148s yeah that was kind of still think it's
9149s miracle growth oh
9154s it's just big
9156s it is
9159s and the growth is weaker to the pelican
9162s diver which you know is waking up next
9164s turn
9166s but somehow i feel
9168s um
9170s giving a bigger board into a potential
9172s rune is a little bit scary
9180s i think roon is like a fear for the rest
9182s of the game though right like if you
9183s you're going to want to play this in
9184s next year at some point uh so i think
9186s you just force them to have the rune
9188s which they don't necessarily have and
9190s even then like it's far from a
9191s guaranteed kill
9193s fair enough sometimes the argument for
9195s not playing onyxia is to save it for a
9198s board that's more threatening and you
9199s need to clear it but there aren't that
9200s many of those from this position for
9203s chonsu oh that's already 14 mana spend
9208s well 17.
9210s none
9211s oh my lord's terrible didn't even kill
9214s the onyxia just sheep if i did
9224s and now shawn has nothing can't even
9227s play the build a snowman because it
9229s would disrupt his parrots from this
9231s point right well that's true yeah
9235s oh my god this draw chonsu you poor poor
9239s boy
9241s by
9264s yeah sign me up for that
9271s okay
9273s this is fine as well
9275s technically more immediate pressure on
9276s board that draws nothing right he got
9279s both nourishes already
9281s uh yeah and he's not playing
9283s flippers
9286s um so i don't hate it play druid of the
9289s reef
9292s no oh you can still play the starfish
9294s like if you drew it of the reef to kill
9296s the mailbox dancer and then coin vape
9300s i'm just interested in pushing the nine
9309s complete air this is so sad for not a
9312s single belinda or sorcerer has seen not
9314s even the big spells themselves which are
9316s playable at this point
9318s yeah it's just been the worst spelling
9319s the worst card in his deck top decked
9321s for like four turns in a row i feel like
9325s no evoker
9328s [Music]
9332s and i don't know what super fake's
9333s getting so agitated about here like he's
9335s omega winning this game right now
9343s no convoke no fun
9348s [Applause]
9353s weave in the hero power push it all face
9359s all right
9361s we need a box and we need it right now
9367s in the box
9369s better than pirate things
9371s it needs to be
9376s okay super fake playing another nature
9378s spell just to protect his ten seven and
9380s eight seven on board makes sense
9385s it's really only boxer pirate at this
9387s point right
9389s yeah i think those are the two outs
9392s uh the hero card does that cast any
9395s freeze effects on the frost spell
9397s i don't think it does oh
9400s yeah it's big spell mage so you don't
9402s even run oh yeah of course yes sorry
9407s arden's already been played as well
9408s right
9414s [Music]
9415s that is
9417s not even going to bc
9420s oh
9422s [Music]
9424s is that what he's saying
9426s five points i think i can't remember
9427s what score he's at but uh he's happy
9430s with it anyway it was a weird
9431s combination of fingers i couldn't figure
9433s out exactly quite how many was actually
9435s holding up there it's like a five and a
9436s three maybe he's going for eight points
9439s oh okay yeah yeah that makes sense i
9441s mean i'm a caster counting was never my
9442s strong point
9444s yeah that's what game devs do
9446s oh yeah yeah so i hit
9449s yeah congratulations to super fake very
9452s well fought at the end there chonsu i
9455s honestly feel so bad for him that last
9457s draw even super fake knows that there
9459s was almost no game after the okani
9462s happened um but
9464s commendable chonsus choice to bring that
9467s priest and he did take the win with it
9469s to be fair the rest of the lineup not
9471s really panning out though
9472s yeah it did what it was supposed to do
9474s straight up very simply that's the one
9476s deck that seemed to be a good part
9478s of his lineup whereas the uh the more
9480s classic ones uh not doing so well uh but
9483s a huge congratulations to super fake it
9486s means we've got a very spicy looking uh
9488s winner's bracket match between possessi
9490s and super fake whereas down at the
9492s bottom the elimination match that i
9494s think you and i will also be casting
9495s today uh between judgement and
9499s chonsu
9500s uh i don't know how things are gonna go
9502s for
9503s chonsu down there verse judgment i guess
9505s he does still have the rogue that he can
9507s try and counter and then
9510s who knows maybe we'll come down to a
9511s battle of the weird priests between boar
9513s and i refuse to believe this is good
9515s priest
9517s i refuse to believe i was trying to make
9520s an acronym out of it but there's too
9522s many constant consonants let's i like
9524s the i priest that we shortened it to or
9527s the humphreys
9529s priest
9530s well so far home priest has a higher win
9533s rate than boar priest so good job
9536s yep good job huh priest on getting the
9538s job done so far uh but we're gonna go to
9540s a break now possessive super fake will
9543s be our winners bracket match and it will
9545s come up in about
9547s 10 minutes time
9552s [Music]
9571s [Music]
9575s [Applause]
9578s to
9579s [Music]
9595s so
9598s [Music]
9605s [Music]
9633s oh
9635s [Music]
9653s so
9655s [Music]
9668s do
9674s [Music]
9689s [Music]
9751s so
9762s [Music]
9777s so
9781s [Music]
9829s [Music]
9835s [Music]
9843s [Music]
9855s [Music]
9870s [Music]
9883s [Music]
9898s [Music]
9910s [Music]
9918s so
9923s [Music]
9933s do
9936s [Music]
9944s [Music]
9954s [Music]
9962s hmm
9968s [Music]
9985s so
9987s [Music]
9999s [Music]
10006s my
10008s [Music]
10013s so
10014s [Music]
10025s [Music]
10033s [Music]
10047s [Music]
10059s [Music]
10065s [Music]
10129s so
10133s [Music]
10143s so
10147s [Music]
10171s so
10173s [Music]
10226s welcome back everyone to hearthstone
10228s grand masters for our winners bracket
10231s match it's going to be a very exciting
10232s one uh between possessive and super fake
10235s after a very very narrow biting close
10237s series between chonsu and super fake to
10239s get us up into this position and gia
10242s taking a look at these two relatively
10244s similar lineups all things considered in
10246s terms of the classes at least how are
10248s things looking for both of our
10249s competitors
10251s well as it stands with last heroes
10253s standing when the lineups are very
10255s similar you're generally expecting to
10257s see mirrored bands and then it comes
10259s down to cue order mind games
10262s however the decks are not completely
10264s similar right we do have differences in
10266s the archetype of priest here uh
10268s possessing has wig priest and superfig
10271s has quest priest and so that could
10273s account for differences in bans and we
10276s are seeing not mirrors here um it's the
10279s rogue band away from super fake whereas
10281s possession no longer has his druid to
10284s work with
10285s exactly yeah and i think that does come
10288s down to as you said the subtle
10289s differences between the decks because
10290s super fake is rocking the
10292s quest priest right which i think was the
10294s one that we didn't get to see uh in the
10296s previous
10297s series because chonsu was kind enough uh
10300s to panic away uh spare us the trauma of
10303s having to cast it but in this series we
10305s are most likely are going to be seeing
10307s it unless we get a sweep of some kind
10310s but uh to be fair you know we haven't
10312s really been seeing all too many
10314s weeps uh so far this weekend uh
10318s you know a couple of uh
10319s actually sorry having said that looking
10321s back at the games that we didn't cause
10322s yesterday yeah mage mage yeah i guess
10324s there were a couple uh but for the most
10325s part it's not like some of those old
10327s last hero sounding matters where there's
10328s just one or two classes that just have
10330s the capacity to steamroll your opponent
10332s all the way through
10334s so i do expect for the most part this to
10335s be a little bit more back and forth for
10337s both our players
10338s that's right our players are very much
10340s experienced and know the inner workings
10342s of lhs as well they're not going to
10344s leave a lineup that's really open to
10346s just getting swept by one deck or if
10348s they are that's going to be banned away
10350s and they are building the lineup
10351s factoring in that ban and
10354s so far we've seen uh the factoring in of
10357s a druid ban or rogue band most commonly
10359s i think at least in the matches you and
10360s i have cast those are the only two
10362s classes that have
10364s been removed most of the time super fake
10367s is going to start with his ping mage
10369s here which we've already talked about
10370s has some pretty solid game against rogue
10373s even though it didn't quite pan out so
10375s well from him in that last game uh
10378s versus chonsu i think there is no flurry
10381s that he drew to really stop that
10383s onslaught and of course against draca
10385s you have very limited ways of really
10387s stopping that dagger damage the snow
10389s flurry and the alibi but overall the
10391s deck still has quite a few good matchups
10393s it's considered to be weak to druid but
10395s i think definitely still winnable if you
10397s get a timely dawn grasp
10401s yeah agreed i think that for super fake
10404s here the main thing is to make sure he's
10405s not overrun too fast at the start of the
10407s game which is of course easier said than
10409s done but any kind of early pressure uh
10412s allows you to keep the board a little
10413s bit more even force rogues into plays
10415s that it wouldn't necessarily otherwise
10417s want to go for having to go for their
10419s combo maybe one turn earlier and then
10421s the main thing uh is this super tech
10424s late game with double mass polymorph uh
10426s to survive
10427s uh
10429s even against the largest of boards that
10431s rogue can generate even with stealth
10432s affected in there as well and so with
10434s this hand right now
10436s i don't think flurry is quite worth it
10438s even though you talked about how good it
10439s could be in the mid game i just want to
10441s focus more on the other powerhouse early
10443s game cards
10445s let's keep the amplified snow flurry and
10448s i think he did just keep wow itself
10450s though so
10451s um super fake does recognize the
10454s importance of these cards against the
10455s expected pop off from rogue and to be
10457s fair it's still a two and four um
10461s curve which is still above average i
10462s would say even if you don't hit the
10463s three but super fake has hit the three
10466s so
10468s this is the makings of the anti-rogue
10470s hand that mage wants to see this ping
10471s however going to be saved for a very
10474s very very long time this is exclusively
10476s uh of the one ones that you get from the
10479s engineer the only effect that lets you
10481s actually freeze the rogue's face
10487s he turns from
10488s desi where
10490s uh coin into
10493s shroud would make his nose cost zero so
10496s it is a play you're allowed to make
10498s because he traded away uh the extortion
10501s on turn one but even though you're
10503s allowed to make it it's still far from
10504s guaranteed that it's the correct play
10506s because you're using the coin while you
10508s have the graveyard in hand which is
10511s usually a pretty cardinal sin
10515s that's really tough to say because even
10517s though you can make the argument that if
10519s you pass this turn and you generally
10521s would over play in graveyard just to
10523s maintain the null discounts even more uh
10525s you can say that that passing of a turn
10528s is more wasted mana in the long run
10530s that's not necessarily true because of
10533s the nature of the rogue deck where the
10534s coin functions so much more than just as
10537s one mana it's you know helping your
10539s edwin chain grow longer it's getting
10541s more buffs on the graveyard on the draca
10543s but possessing recognized that it's not
10545s as though mage is doing nothing in the
10547s early game he saw the 2-3 and he's
10549s gotten the worst case follow-up from
10552s super fig which is the active dungeoneer
10554s and i think he'll be happy that he got
10556s the no sooner rather than later so he
10558s can now commit a couple of resources
10559s into killing off the one ones he could
10561s go for a second shroud and very likely
10563s pick up the other knoll
10565s very likely pick up the other knoll and
10567s very likely pick up the uh the drakka or
10569s at least one uh one of the two with
10570s there being three minions left in the
10572s deck i believe uh but you know you talk
10574s about how verse mage the drakka is more
10576s important than the graveyard which i do
10578s agree with is it to the point where you
10580s would
10581s go
10582s for shroud here and then next turn pop
10584s off with the tracker and just miss out
10586s the location completely
10590s it's really tough to see with the
10592s context of the rest of his hand because
10594s if the draka can't get to the lofty
10596s heights of 1011 damage that it did last
10598s game maybe it's not quite good enough
10600s here and also the tracker is not
10603s particularly effective if these one ones
10605s are sticking around so i think the main
10607s priority for possessive here first is to
10609s control the board stop the early curve
10611s from super fake and with the second
10613s knoll picked up and the backs have
10614s committed he is achieving that goal
10618s and i do very much like that he's
10619s killing off the uh like i said the the
10621s one ones to make sure that the weapon
10623s can go face as soon as possible
10627s wow okay
10632s just a pretty good disruptive curve for
10633s super fake like if things go really
10635s disastrously wrong and there is a
10637s massive board generated next turn alibi
10640s blizzard polly pretty much answers that
10643s yeah
10644s and he still has that snow flurry hero
10646s power saved up in case of draca
10649s uh
10650s choosing the turn to commit it on is
10652s always difficult though because on the
10654s turn that they pop up with the dragon
10656s they're immediately going to swing and
10658s so you are generally going to prevent
10662s later swings
10663s uh i don't think super fake needs to go
10665s in with it just yet
10667s because possessing doesn't have that
10668s many cards in hand
10677s [Music]
10680s yeah you've got the potential
10682s that's true yeah yeah you could start
10684s with the step right now and uh
10687s if you find the
10688s bone spike then you're looking at a
10690s potential tracker plus a graveyard turn
10693s uh next time even without even having to
10695s wait until turn six
10698s sounds very reasonable to me
10703s and once super fake sees the swing from
10705s just the cutlass he knows what he's in
10707s for there's a draka coming up soon
10714s deciding whether he should trade with
10716s the null or not
10718s didn't do it last turn
10721s and
10725s no step either is very interesting
10730s yeah i think there's not a high chance
10732s that the knolls actually got killed off
10733s this turn there's a decent chance to get
10735s frozen
10736s at which point you're able to still step
10738s afterwards so i like the face attack
10740s actually and because he's playing edwin
10742s again there's also
10745s plenty of chances to draw serrated bone
10748s spike and other removal options but
10751s super fake does take some very
10753s disciplined traits here
10755s okay this is looking to be a little bit
10757s more like the big push now uh for
10759s possessing he gets my extra off the top
10761s okay that's finally uh the last minion
10763s found
10766s oh perhaps no bone spike though i mean
10768s he has one prep in hand but you don't
10770s really want to prep a one mana spell the
10772s problem is if you don't hit bone spike
10774s after playing this extortion for one
10776s then the locations are not playable this
10778s turn
10781s oh that's such a bad draw
10785s yeah pretty terrible
10789s i still think he props it out though
10794s the face
10799s i'm just trying to imagine what the next
10800s couple turns look like if you do that
10802s and it's
10803s really just not very pretty
10806s you have double location plus a tracker
10808s that's realistic you're not going to get
10810s above like six attack if you uh
10813s use the prep
10818s and now super fake really begins to turn
10820s the corner
10822s whether it's just blizzard this turn or
10824s if he wants to flurry
10827s i i do think it's blizzard though to
10829s fund the mana better and because it's a
10830s better spell to get back from savara
10833s agreed i was gonna say you can use the
10835s ping to freeze the edwin if you want but
10837s the ping's just gonna sit there just the
10839s same as the blizzard would so you may as
10840s well hold on to it that way
10844s and the thing is precious to freeze face
10846s i think
10848s their fedwin again okay so now we're
10850s looking for those bone spikes as he
10852s talked about with double prep in hand
10854s and a three one on the board
10856s the thing is only one bone stick would
10858s get
10860s uh an activation at this point
10863s but it's got to be good enough
10864s it's something
10870s face
10872s bone spike
10877s i was thinking it's prep bone spike
10879s location draca here but maybe possession
10882s is just going to skip over the locations
10883s entirely go for the biggest dagger
10885s possible
10887s i think it's reasonable there's not a
10888s very good chance that they uh ever get
10891s to attack face this game
10893s yeah fair enough
10904s there it is the big push from possessive
10908s how big is the dagger
10911s okay reasonable
10913s this is a breakpoint that gets there
10915s theoretically if he's able to connect
10917s all the attacks but he already knows at
10918s least one of them is going to be frozen
10920s by the hero power and he'll soon get the
10922s bad news that super fake has solid alibi
10925s as well which is
10926s essentially a freeze to face
10929s yep just buys you a full extra turn more
10930s or less unless you're you know really
10932s down at the three or four health range
10934s where they can just burst you with one
10935s damage wicked stabs and things like that
10938s but until that point it's an awkward
10940s couple turns again for super fake like
10943s mass polly is fine on this turn but it's
10946s a very very valuable resource to use and
10949s so instead he's just stalling out and
10950s hoping to find something bigger on the
10953s poly in future turns
10955s i i don't even know if he has to bother
10957s with the poly if he can just chain alibi
10960s and sevara that's true these locations
10962s aren't even getting that big uh i do
10964s like the spot to weave in the parrot
10967s though because if this doesn't get
10968s cleared and it connects space that's
10970s just a couple things and more dress away
10972s from lethal for super fake even
10976s doesn't get the connect face though so
10979s temporarily back to the drawing board
10981s for super fake but he has so much time
10992s [Music]
10998s i think he potentially gets up to 10
11001s mana with these and ranks them up
11007s okay so the sevara currently only has
11009s blizzard
11011s you have
11013s alibi
11015s apprentice
11021s oh sorry flurry savara
11024s alibi ping face and then mordress ping
11027s face i can't take him yeah it's plenty
11031s not quite lethal just yet but it i think
11034s it gets there given all the alibis that
11037s super fake has yeah i didn't clock they
11039s were still on one damage i i i thought
11041s he was actually on two but that that
11042s still
11044s maybe gets there
11045s i think it does
11050s they're just dealing no damage to you
11051s like five a turn is is fine right now
11055s the awkward part is that to activate
11057s sivara super fake has to commit a flurry
11059s which is only essentially saving him two
11062s damage because he would have to alibi
11064s as well
11065s uh because if he only double flurries
11068s that board sure the board is frozen but
11070s he's still taking 10 from the dagger
11072s which is far too much so you'd have to
11075s play the alibi actually maybe super fake
11077s doesn't have as much time as i thought
11079s because even if we completely deleted
11082s this board like the dagger plus all the
11084s spells in hand for possessing
11086s are all that matter oh the welfare oh
11088s that's so big and how he actually sets
11091s up the two-turn leaper with more dress
11094s yes and he gets a better spell backflip
11096s oh
11097s god that's the absolute gigan
11104s and uh
11105s you don't need me to tell you that super
11106s fake with uh a deep see
11109s [Music]
11110s tells you everything you need to know
11113s is there anything toothable even
11116s [Applause]
11123s that sounds terrible but
11126s get your own alibi
11129s yeah
11131s um
11133s but realistically i don't think possess
11135s you will do it just pray they don't have
11137s the more josh but they do
11140s and that is gonna be game one two super
11142s fake very nicely piloted he obviously
11145s had a great opening hand and the flurry
11148s that we argued about him keeping at the
11150s beginning actually never ended up
11153s super weird
11154s um
11155s but certainly there are other pan outs
11157s where that card comes in clutch so i
11158s still don't fault him for the keep it's
11160s just um
11161s really cool to watch the pan out of this
11164s mage because it truly reminds me of old
11166s freeze mage like the way that you would
11168s sometimes time ice barrier in a way that
11170s it would give you an additional turn if
11172s you're a bit too late with it it doesn't
11173s give you an additional turn but ice
11175s block always does it's very similar to
11178s flurry and alibis relationship i find
11180s these days
11182s it means that things are getting a
11183s little bit
11184s tricky
11186s now for
11187s our friend possessee who has to in his
11190s estimation queue up the mage uh as his
11192s best counter to the mage on the other
11194s side which does mean we are ending up
11197s with just straight up uh ping vs ping uh
11200s on both sides of the board uh very
11202s similar lists all things considered uh
11205s with double blizzard available to
11207s possessi as well the difference being i
11209s guess no parrot
11211s uh and no polly's uh for
11214s uh possessee
11218s and instead he's got himself slotted in
11222s what's he got a little bit more early
11224s game i guess
11226s yeah he has multicasters which is
11228s something that i've actually thought was
11230s falling off a little bit from the mage
11232s list but we have seen quite a few um
11235s lackluster cycle outcomes from mage
11239s you just really rely on being able to
11241s have arcane intellect into vardhan in
11243s particular if you miss out on either of
11246s those two pieces your game plan really
11248s starts to fall apart inconsistency so i
11250s don't hate the multicaster in there and
11254s we are going to see a pretty fun mirror
11256s in my opinion when both players either
11259s don't hit the dawn grasp or both players
11261s do hit the dawn grass because i feel
11264s there's a deceptive
11266s amount of importance that the board has
11269s in the early game but it quickly falls
11271s off in the late game once either player
11273s has access to the mass freeze effects
11275s then you should really start
11276s prioritizing just pinging face even it's
11278s just three or four damage every turn
11282s yeah i fully agree and so i think we're
11284s super fake even though as you said dawn
11286s grasp is the by far the most important
11288s card in the starting hand uh this is not
11291s bad you get yourself any kind of decent
11293s spell and then sorceress coin dungeoneer
11295s dungeoneer that's a lot of pressure
11298s yeah this is almost the perfect opener
11300s for a super fake whereas for possessing
11302s he has neither the early curve nor the
11305s hero power ramp no wildfire early on
11308s stop shattering
11310s like i sometimes ask myself playing mage
11312s would i be happier to see wildfire on
11314s one or shivering sorceress it's honestly
11316s pretty close
11318s um
11320s but this huge board onslaught is going
11323s to represent so much early damage that
11325s even if possessing had found a wildfire
11327s of his own he'd be falling far behind
11330s it gets the cold case to wrap it up as
11332s well at the end uh if the evoker isn't
11334s the way to go
11337s oh both of them activated oh
11340s possessee i feel your pain
11343s this is brutal he's got
11345s potentially to be looking at like dawn
11347s grasp on curve just because dying i
11350s imagine imagine having to do that
11356s a little bit before
11361s the funny thing is if possessing had
11362s played don grass one curve i would
11364s actively advocate advocate for super
11366s fake to play starfish to just unfreeze
11368s and go face more oh yeah damn right
11372s like this early damage even if it's not
11374s winning you the game it feeds into that
11376s late game you were talking about where
11377s it does just become
11379s ping tennis back and forth this 10 15
11382s health differential is enormous once
11384s that gate stage of the game comes around
11388s huge though for possessing that he buys
11390s essentially a completely free turn with
11392s this dawn grasp now super fake can
11395s you know still reacting his own one one
11397s and play the starfish if he thinks it's
11399s worth it i think it's worth it
11401s because if he doesn't unfreeze this
11404s board and take some trades he's walking
11405s into very death-bone-able territory
11411s oh man i'd be so tempted to unfreeze and
11413s just launch it all face here
11415s relaxing
11417s i mean you you can make that argument
11419s yeah if you go face and their best
11421s punish is trade trade deathborn you
11424s actually as super fake have the counter
11426s deathborn which just immediately gives
11428s you a full board of seven uh then you
11431s start to worry if they have the second
11432s deathborn but at worst super fake then
11434s has mass poly so i think it's worth it
11437s yeah and then you're both dealing 14
11439s back and forth to each other and 14 to
11441s super uh to possess he is a lot worse
11443s than 14 to super fake right now
11446s completely agreed
11448s best starfish and mage i've ever seen
11451s come on launch it send it straight
11454s upstairs
11460s okay
11462s so this is pretty good news for possessi
11464s i think because he can just use his
11466s blizzard now
11468s order though he didn't attack with the
11470s skeleton unless he meant to i don't
11473s think though
11474s i think you just go face with both those
11476s skeletons before blizzard every single
11478s time agreed
11486s like you can see in some worlds if both
11488s skeletons live then you kind of want
11490s them to trade with the two ones that are
11492s left on board but not really right
11498s i see his deathball no set up it's not a
11501s million damage but it's enough even if
11503s these are just oh sorry cleared off by a
11505s blizzard or a deathborn from his
11507s opponent it's still six more damage uh
11509s to get you back on the damage race
11512s that's boring tennis
11519s i mean the only other play to remove
11521s this board
11523s i mean there's both blizzard and the
11525s brand apprentice but bran apprentice is
11527s too precious of a combo in this matchup
11530s to
11531s use just like that now if possessee were
11533s in
11535s a bit of a healthier position in terms
11537s of life total
11539s i would say it's uh reasonable to go for
11542s the multicaster arcane intellect first
11547s but even just taking the six feels so
11549s scary that i kind of want to just
11551s deathborn again
11554s and even the alternative clears you have
11556s like a brown apprentice or blizzard like
11559s bryan apprentice maybe soaks up some
11561s damage
11562s but that's not really your biggest
11564s concern right now possessing though
11566s playing fast and loose here as he just
11568s draws tanks the six and potentially yet
11571s more to come uh when these skeletons die
11573s off okay huge that he draws flurry
11575s though that is big
11578s problem is can he get a clean don grasp
11581s set up he has
11583s no deathborn in his own don grass pool
11585s but he has flurry
11588s yeah flurry cold case ai
11593s a wildfire of his own been unfortunate
11597s what's top deck here
11599s this is certainly not the starfish turn
11603s rattles
11607s um
11609s ping and place no flurry seems
11611s reasonable to me but
11612s probably just going evoker to cycle
11614s further any way to thin your deck and
11616s get closer to the dawn grasp feels like
11618s the priority here
11620s fully agree that's his i mean as we've
11622s said many times the only thing he really
11624s cares about at this point in the game
11626s aside from getting a chip damage where
11627s possible
11632s yeah possessing
11633s not going to dilly dally with the dawn
11635s grasp it is a decently tempting ping
11639s oh sorry his hero power still at one uh
11642s so it would have to be trade deathborn
11645s and that doesn't really seem worth it
11646s floating the two mana at the end as
11649s well i think just get the don grasp down
11653s i agree yeah i was going to say that if
11655s you play deathborn you get it in the
11657s pool for dawngrass when it potentially
11659s sets up for another good deathborn
11661s afterwards
11663s but if you play dawngrass you have
11665s deathborns to go
11666s afterwards anyway you still have two of
11668s them in the hand which you'll be able to
11669s use later on as well
11671s uh but possessing again deviating from
11673s the lines that we expected
11676s the upshot of this is that um
11680s his dawn grasp has
11682s you know still an immediately available
11684s ping on turn nine and very likely to
11685s have a target as well because he has
11687s deathborn and cold case in the pool
11692s yeah this part is kind of brutal
11694s possessing not having a low pressure
11697s turn to get down the dawn grasp and
11699s that's often the case in the mirror like
11701s your opponent is
11702s if they can help it not going to give
11704s you a nice easy turn
11707s to have a low tempo
11710s now he's really hoping for that one to
11712s come off it again here
11715s oh the wildfire too late
11719s okay
11721s so now he just goes double wildfire i
11723s think
11736s but he's doing much better on the hero
11740s power business obviously with the dawn
11742s grass but uh double wildfire and savara
11744s will give back one of them with the
11746s brown apprentice in hand super fake
11748s could die very quickly here yeah he
11750s really could i really like what this
11752s hand is doing for possession right now
11753s with the genathrius to buy him a little
11755s bit more time you just have so many
11757s numbers that you can work with with two
11759s wildfires in hand the brown apprentice
11760s you're almost guaranteed to be able to
11762s find a way to upgrade it in some form if
11765s your opponent plays any minions at all
11768s yeah that's the clever part of holding
11770s on to the two wildfires it just lets you
11772s choose your break point at will
11777s now finally he plays the starfish yeah i
11780s mean it's going upstairs but this is for
11782s six damage instead of 11. like this
11785s more fries
11793s okay being at four
11795s sorry a two means uh very big top deck
11799s uh the wildfire wildfire
11803s ran apprentice is a possibility of
11807s course just for max damage on this turn
11809s but it doesn't mean you miss
11811s out on your actual hero honestly sorry
11813s it cost zero so you could actually just
11815s go for
11816s all of that at once and deal well
11820s yeah four and then six and then six i
11822s think it's actually 14.
11825s oh yeah sorry
11827s honorable kill
11831s or 16 actually sorry right with 12 plus
11833s four yeah
11835s almost right
11839s unless we want to save the brand
11840s apprentice combo in which case it could
11842s be
11844s wildfire wildfire
11849s it's a super clean setup right you deal
11851s 16 this turn so super fake is down to 16
11854s and you have ping mordresh and you're
11855s playing deal six next turn which is
11857s lethal so
11858s just a very nice spot yeah it's so plain
11861s great
11862s possession sees it
11864s nicely spotted
11867s and just like that
11869s super fake has
11871s only alibi to stay alive next turn i
11874s guess technically cold case but
11876s not good enough
11878s and he does first of all need to
11880s actually answer this
11882s because that bran is
11883s very threatening indeed
11885s the broad rush
11887s the
11896s my god is that sire branatherius
11908s it's such a good feeling especially when
11910s you have a coin in the pool oh
11914s how perplexing well
11920s from superfix perspective he certainly
11924s has to kill the bran and the
11926s only two ways of doing that are with a
11928s six manus ping or with mass poly
11934s neither which feels amazing
11937s cold case would actually let him survive
11939s at one hp against the mordres ping
11946s yeah he knows he's got to do it
11953s and because denaturis deals its damage
11956s in chunks not in a c'thun one at a time
11958s way this is not lethal for possessing
11963s but wow that okani is a nice way of just
11967s knocking it out as well
11969s yeah
11971s four i guess just minions
11974s there are more josh the mordresh agreed
11981s this is remarkably close that super fake
11983s god despite not finding his dawn
11986s mostly off the back of
11988s his early game push really makes me
11991s wonder if this would have been a
11992s different pan out if he had unfrozen
11994s that wider board in the earlier turns
11998s uh if he goes vardhan
12003s cold case
12005s honor the the minion counter yeah sorry
12007s he could have survived but yeah there's
12008s just not enough
12011s mana with the akani fitted in so yeah
12012s possessing is going to take it no way
12014s out for super fake
12017s whether with dinatrius or mordresh it's
12020s going to end out the game 12 damage
12024s nicely done by possess either it was
12026s such a clean setup even though we
12028s weren't initially looking at the
12030s nathan's lethal and it wasn't necessary
12032s like the spot on that uh bran apprentice
12035s turn that you pointed out getting the
12036s honorable kill straight away and then
12038s dealing all that damage to set up the
12041s ping with more josh was super duper
12043s clean
12045s very very nicely played uh by possessing
12048s i still wonder for super fake if taking
12050s the hyper damage route might have gotten
12051s him there a little bit quicker uh
12053s because
12055s he obviously didn't know that his
12056s opponent had dawn grasp but he knew he
12058s didn't have it in hand which immediately
12060s means you need to start thinking of
12062s backup wind conditions
12064s it's tough to do so in a deck that
12066s doesn't run a freezing touch that's when
12068s you really start opening up the
12070s possibilities of just face face face and
12072s locking out the game uh with pure burn
12075s but even then uh i think it was probably
12077s the best set up for if you don't top
12079s deck the
12080s uh the dawn grasp and it was kind of the
12082s best setup which you do top deck the
12084s dawn grasp as well because then your
12085s opponent's just lower and you finish
12086s them off really quick
12088s yeah i would agree it's just so cool to
12092s watch how quickly the mage mirror can
12094s turn from a heavily board-based match up
12097s into just going over the top and then
12100s freezing there very intricate one to
12102s watch but for now no chance of seeing
12104s that mirror again it's going to be super
12106s fake moving on to his ramp druid now no
12108s surprise whatsoever it's the best
12110s matchup he has remaining against that
12113s mage although i think we have seen it
12115s already a couple of times throughout the
12117s mt and this weekend that the mage can
12119s still just get there against druid
12121s generally once again if they find an
12123s early enough dawn grasp but the druid
12125s also has to be careful not to give
12127s free ping targets and easy ways to scale
12129s that hero power
12131s yeah i was thinking about this actually
12132s about why i sometimes end up losing to
12135s mage on
12137s ladder because
12138s as druid sorry because some of the games
12140s you miss all your good draws and they
12142s hit the the nutty start interval and
12144s yeah you're gonna lose that game but a
12146s lot of the time i feel like i have a
12147s decent hand but i'm just not really
12149s getting anywhere as the game progresses
12152s uh and i think what it comes down to is
12154s like first of all finding guff is a very
12156s big deal as super fake says calm down
12158s dude to himself with this disgusting
12160s starting hand uh but i think for
12162s possessing like
12163s this game probably it's not gonna happen
12165s this is too good of a starting hand for
12167s the druid to even be having a chance
12168s against but using your freezes very
12171s liberally just getting in these little
12173s bits of chip damage with your early
12174s board i do think makes a really big
12176s difference
12178s and i was really into the tempo brand
12180s from possessive there after he saw his
12181s okani draw oh that works pretty nice but
12186s especially when you see the coin wild
12188s growth you're
12189s almost certainly going to be hit with a
12193s widow bloom on the turn after so not
12195s much chance of the brand getting killed
12197s off
12198s uh
12198s discussion for another day though but
12200s your
12201s breakdown of the mage versus druid
12203s matchup is
12205s very very true like the druid it's not a
12208s free win that some people like to laud
12210s it as on ladder or whatever just looking
12212s at match-up statistics because um
12215s druids
12217s still rely mainly on board to actually
12219s kill the mage
12220s and if the mage continuously freezes
12223s that board that doesn't get that much
12225s done which is why we're seeing like the
12227s starfish giants version
12229s which really has
12231s a bigger leg up against mage in my
12233s opinion but here from super fake he has
12235s the kazakhstan version which i i really
12238s am not a fan of i don't even think it's
12240s better in the druid mirror
12241s uh he still has the starfishes which can
12244s help but they're not necessarily pushing
12246s the immediate lethal that the
12248s battlegrounds battle master and the like
12250s would so he mostly relies actually on
12252s denaturus to deal big damage to the mage
12255s and if the mage is able to simply
12257s theotor that away the druid they can
12259s have 20 mana but they're still not
12261s winning the game
12265s super fake god if you're looking at that
12266s brand theater combo the one way he's
12268s losing this because of course uh
12271s wow uh the virgin on curve but instead
12274s ending up with bran plus the uh the
12277s widow bloom uh he still has one turn
12280s left where he could just play theater
12281s next turn of course in order to try and
12283s steal it before it's played on turn
12285s seven
12286s but i don't know i think you're winning
12287s this game so heavily at this point that
12290s you may as well just trying to insta
12291s clutch out the the one chance they have
12293s to pull it back
12296s got to be careful though that is a
12298s pretty decent deathborn setup from
12300s possessive no big deal for super fake to
12302s clean this up with an anexia turn but
12305s again
12307s a lot can turn on its head very quickly
12308s against me it just has to play as if the
12311s warden is already there in hand for
12313s possessing so i am looking at the
12315s theater like you said which can still
12317s happen after this miracle growth with
12318s the ramp slotted in as well
12321s yeah which is why i think he did end up
12322s on
12324s the miracle growth instead of the
12326s alexstras oh sorry instead of the onixia
12328s even though it was the stronger play
12329s immediately let's see what's offered two
12332s best cards right out the gate in bran
12335s and daenerys honestly the alibi as well
12337s this is like the three best options uh
12339s but it's always just uh instead of
12341s instead of atheists there
12344s and just ship over a scales to the other
12346s side
12350s and just like that super fig has his
12352s bran i mean kale thoughts de nathrius
12354s combo in hand
12356s uh
12356s doesn't really achieve that much without
12358s well with the bran already used but
12361s like with all these cheap minions he
12362s could do two kale fast cycles in one
12364s turn like it could be
12366s like uh alexstrasza and another house in
12368s one turn oh my god you're right
12375s and there is really not much possess he
12377s can do about it no cycle even as in his
12381s list that runs additional multicasters
12384s feels
12385s pretty terrible
12389s there's just very little you can say he
12391s just kind of is getting steamrolled this
12394s game uh the outs that we can look for
12396s again as we said uh
12398s magic the dawn grasp is a very very big
12400s one to find as soon as possible theater
12402s of his own which could steal
12404s daenerys back if you go brand theater it
12407s could steal danathrius and
12410s uh
12412s onyxia
12414s yes are there any stupid combos you can
12416s pull off
12418s and i mean not as mage but
12421s i really don't even think the theodore
12423s would be enough for possession at this
12424s point because even if he were to have a
12426s denatrius of his own he's quite a long
12428s way off from using it
12431s and
12432s there's still that 108 on the board and
12434s all this other stuff that super fake's
12436s gonna play to contend with in the
12437s meantime another alex oh yeah
12441s by the cannons
12447s i am just tunneling now on finding a way
12449s for super fake to play
12451s as much cheated mana in a single turn as
12454s possible
12455s oh pre-committing the kael'thas that's a
12457s way oh yeah
12460s let's go alex now that is a lot of
12463s cheated mana
12464s big fan
12472s all right answer this
12474s oh the sorceress
12479s the alibi is a must on this turn and
12482s then you top deck
12484s barden which replays the solid alibi
12487s great yeah or if the next turn then
12491s you get blizzard
12493s just live another turn
12496s while activating your hero power
12499s then you get apprentice to go with your
12501s brand at which point your hero power
12503s will be big enough to probably clear up
12504s the board maybe even get a couple more
12506s upgrades with perfect honorable kills
12508s that your opponents just walked into
12509s like a grueling move
12512s and then your top deck mordresh after
12514s they don't clear your brand you're
12516s actually just winning if you think about
12517s it gia for a second
12519s these last couple sentences i'm honestly
12522s upset that you laid on the sarcasm so
12524s thick because these are real outs that
12526s possession still has like mage can still
12528s do these things obviously it has to be
12530s perfect top decks but i feel like you're
12531s underselling how good that actually
12534s would be oh that was the exact series of
12536s outcomes of his draw oh sarcasm no
12538s sarcasm i'm on board i believe oh
12541s alignment again
12545s no oh seaweed that's it not kelp laser
12548s burning again
12549s blazer i hope they print that card it
12551s sounds so cool
12553s let me put it in bg real quick
12564s yep
12565s oh that's true actually now that you're
12567s going to be designing bg's can you get
12568s me as an alternate skin for tog waggle
12570s now that he's in uh oh my god
12574s i would pay any amount of money for that
12576s i guarantee you're a pretty good hero
12578s darth you should be proud
12582s yay a couple's gullies
12585s [Music]
12588s there we go
12590s yep that was a night on unstoppable
12593s druid drawn possessing himself didn't
12595s have too much cycle to work with the
12597s donations being stolen was just insult
12600s to injury at that point i'm gonna go
12601s ahead and say that wasn't even necessary
12603s for super fake to take the win
12605s uh but it does mean that possessee is
12608s down to only his wig priest which he
12612s looked very solid on in the previous
12614s series in fact he was in almost this
12616s exact spot right needing to take two
12618s wins with the wig priest and he did it
12620s so we'll see super fake cannot afford to
12623s be comfortable just yet
12625s he cannot because he does have a tough
12627s match up first having to queue up the
12629s druid again after we run with it here
12631s versus the mage priest vs druid is a
12633s tough one uh the wig pretty sorry
12635s because you
12637s unless you're hitting a hand like he
12638s just hit in that game uh you're gonna be
12640s too vulnerable to all the buffs the
12641s early development one of the big combo
12643s turns whatever it is that wig priest
12644s decides to do druid is fairly weak to
12646s all of it uh but then the quest priest
12648s uh to round out i think should be a
12651s pretty good one uh actually for super
12653s fake with all the removal you have
12655s access to all the value all the silence
12658s as well uh wig priest is going to need
12660s to do a lot to overcome all of that
12663s that's true if we do get to that matchup
12665s i have a lot of thoughts on it because
12667s on paper quest priest does have all the
12670s answers but just like the priests of old
12672s they don't have the time or the card
12675s draw to actually hit all of those
12677s answers especially the specific ones you
12679s need in a 40 card deck but we will start
12681s out with the wig priest versus druid
12684s first which we have seen be very
12686s one-sided before
12688s uh opening hand for possessing is not
12690s looking too promising though i
12693s when this deck first came out was a big
12695s fan of keeping the location but i've
12697s kind of realized that in matchups like
12699s this you really really really want to
12701s hit that one drop on one and this card
12703s is not a naga it's not a one drop it's
12705s not a wig it's gotta go
12709s i even find as well like a lot of the
12710s time especially when you're on the coin
12712s i will say but uh
12714s handmaiden becomes a really big uh part
12716s of any starting hand that you get hold
12717s of it in
12718s and
12719s you know you'd rather be playing nagas
12721s and replaying wigs or playing the coin
12723s than playing the the cathedral a lot of
12725s the time so i fully agree with phil
12728s mulling on this turn
12736s yeah
12737s i see you not the worst
12739s he does have a minion that can stick and
12741s then buff it with the cathedral
12745s and super fake's hand also not the worst
12748s i would say it has a seedsman
12752s it does has bran season as well it
12754s worked from last game admittedly
12756s well it was probably actually about the
12758s same turn i think it was about turn
12759s three he played it but he had 20 mana at
12761s that point
12762s this top deck though that's insane
12764s that's huge
12768s means that super fake can land the seeds
12770s when proactively okay never mind
12772s possessing drew a playable minion this
12774s turn good for him
12779s you gotta be coin seeds man though i
12780s think
12781s if you hit nourish it's just perfect
12785s i
12787s think i agreed with you because you had
12788s aquatic form into five mana on the next
12791s turn for guff or nourish even if you
12793s missed which is a break point i often
12795s really like to use it on uh but super
12797s fake here being very very brave kind of
12800s forcing his opponent uh to find an
12802s answer to this bran which there are a
12803s few in the form of devour primarily
12806s which is a monstrous top tick for
12809s possessing to be able to deny the double
12811s season i appreciate the um bravery from
12815s super fake though because
12817s i think possession was giving a no wig
12820s read on his hand at that point so it
12822s actually had to be bless or that
12824s combination of the um
12827s location plus devour
12829s the payoff was huge potentially for
12831s super fake it's actually difficult to
12833s sometimes answer uh temple bran as wig
12836s priest especially now they're cutting
12837s najak hexson
12839s all right so this is identity theft of
12841s the nargling first choice coin makes
12844s sense second choice
12847s aquatic
12848s makes more sense than innovate i think
12850s to me i agree
12853s you can make the argument that you have
12855s no shortage of cards because you'll have
12856s the active hand maidens by then so maybe
12859s it is innervate
12861s but it gives you a chance of more
12862s specific draws like you're really going
12863s to want to hit radiant uh you're really
12865s going to want to hit wig and i think
12867s just having more targeted draw
12869s uh is worth it quick for me oh close
12871s honestly it is close
12875s and i'm leaning innervate to maybe just
12878s have a turn where you can play both hand
12881s maidens and not run into too many hand
12884s space issues but it was certainly close
12886s like both of them were very reasonable
12888s let's see how it goes
12891s uh super fake looking for
12893s really any kind of cheap minion at this
12895s point with having both chaothas and
12897s denathrius in hand
12900s but how he goes about these next few
12901s turns is
12902s really tough because
12904s coin aquatic is something i would
12906s consider specifically to find scale with
12908s it being really strong on this turn
12910s after you've already seen one
12912s uh shadow word devour already having
12914s been used but if you miss that's a
12917s really crucial coin that you've just
12918s eaten through there when you have
12919s potentially coin miracle growth next
12921s turn yeah right or even saving coin with
12924s a chaotas minion that's a bit more
12926s expensive to activate than atheists but
12928s we see super fate taking the shot on it
12931s it's another aquatic i didn't even see
12933s the other two dredges but we'll get
12935s another shot at it so
12937s devourer oh okay wow really
12941s i mean that is the one that he actually
12943s draws to be fair so moonlit still has a
12945s chance to hit gov but
12948s i think you just take growth here
12952s actually maybe it's trebagazor
12954s oh okay option number three again yeah
12958s honestly super close i was thinking it
12961s he was always going to play a wild
12962s growth this turn
12964s and then would let you play the shrubby
12967s the next turn but maybe that's too slow
12972s anyway here's the turn we were talking
12974s about handmaiden number one and most
12976s likely number two played as well this
12978s turn surely he finds a wig right
12982s holy
12986s oh happy let's go again
12988s without a wig this hand is starting to
12990s shape together you've got bless and
12992s pelagos with a few pretty robust minions
12995s on board to
12996s help with that game plan as well
12998s and he still has the merc watcher to
13000s play a wig immediately this turn and
13002s have it come back but he misses
13007s so now the question is how does he play
13009s best around scale of onixia and
13012s i just don't think there's enough stats
13014s to do that cleanly
13017s yeah i do think you can have a
13019s reasonable read on no
13022s not necessarily they did play a moonlit
13024s guidance after they went for the uh the
13026s aquatic form but they were clearly
13027s digging for scales last turn so they
13029s didn't have it in hand at the start
13032s a bit surprised not to see the location
13034s activated though like one more chance at
13036s drawing wig i thought was huge there but
13038s that is an incredible top deck for super
13040s fake the whole board cleaned up very
13043s nicely
13044s composting as well
13047s and he can curate exactly how many he
13049s wants to draw with this
13050s oh that's so filthy man oh poor
13054s possessing
13056s oh you take four draws so trade in three
13059s and then play the composting
13065s i think
13068s are you going to be trading all of them
13069s away all but one yeah i mean i think
13071s you're right you just take your three
13072s drawers
13076s or your four drawers sorry with the
13077s composting goal yeah he knows how to
13079s count
13082s oh i could have been five
13084s wow
13086s never mind schwerbach's or justifies
13090s holding on to nourish uh to an innervate
13093s okay two thrives
13095s i think they're guaranteed to find wig
13097s by this point i could be wrong though i
13099s think it's guaranteed
13105s there we go it is in the deck
13109s so in terms of naga's there's not much
13112s going on on this turn actually to be
13114s fair okay now it's a little bit better
13116s wig number two does miss there though
13119s oh
13121s that's a big whiff
13122s it's
13123s yeah pretty terrible
13127s i'm thinking bless
13129s yeah you don't have mana for double boon
13131s do you
13132s right like he could say take
13135s a medium-sized boon this turn and go for
13137s a bigger one next turn but
13139s i really don't think without the second
13142s wig
13142s that there's
13144s a way to get a good enough payoff on
13146s both boons but possessing the surprise
13151s a really rough go of it
13154s well oh sorry slitherspear wig
13158s that's really not that good
13163s i agree with holding back on the boon
13165s here
13166s it goes
13170s [Music]
13187s yeah i think so uh so the soil the
13190s plus attack probably you don't have much
13192s mana to work with this turn
13196s oh i thought she timed out yeah i think
13198s she had just uh
13201s lagged out the cool but she'll be back
13202s any second
13204s hello
13207s back sorry sorry uh my internet
13210s not long now jia you're almost out
13213s [Applause]
13214s [Laughter]
13216s okay i'm back in time to see the shrubby
13218s though and it looks like that super fake
13222s is just completely running away with
13224s this
13224s yup
13226s oh even fine devourer that's so big in
13230s time to juice up as well
13231s yeah
13233s once the druid turns this corner they
13235s safely land the shrabagazor and they're
13238s able to like
13239s um infuse a devourer there is simply no
13241s way back for the wig priest
13243s is he's gonna do the best he can though
13247s devour is
13248s big what can he set up for
13251s it's another one he needs the second one
13253s to have any chance
13254s uh
13255s radiant wig
13257s nargling
13259s there's no manner it's just not enough
13261s to work with even with all the discounts
13266s yeah i'm really not seeing it
13269s okay so
13270s you you allow them to keep the board
13272s this turn right this is not the turn you
13274s go in
13274s right
13275s next turn now especially that you found
13278s the uh
13280s oh interesting bless there
13282s okay now that you found the
13284s amaro you can get some kind of a board
13287s clear or maybe just a mega mega pop off
13289s next turn with the radiant elemental
13291s hope to find the other devour that's
13293s still in the deck
13296s it is a plan
13297s as any i could have come up with that
13300s bless i think only to create some hand
13302s space for possession it's crazy that
13304s bless was the most dumpable card there
13306s but it really kind of was
13310s meanwhile for super fake i think rocking
13312s his brains as to if there's any way to
13314s get lethal immediately like the daenerys
13316s is pretty juiced but i think it's just a
13318s bit short
13320s that way doesn't it like trading in the
13321s treants doesn't actually equal any more
13323s damage because you like
13325s maybe equals one more because take two
13327s health and add one but not enough to uh
13329s to deliver lethal
13331s correct
13332s we're just going to
13334s um stock the board up even higher having
13336s a huge taunted minion also prevents
13339s samurai blast from getting
13341s a big clear
13343s [Applause]
13353s that's the other devourers oh okay okay
13357s we can clear the board with samuro
13361s i
13362s just wondering if that's what you want
13363s to spend your mana on do you accept that
13365s you're clearing like a bit of the board
13368s and leave up the six six and a ten ten
13374s uh
13376s a lot of stats to leave him play
13377s admittedly
13380s i think he's just going for a huge boon
13382s instead which is very reasonable because
13385s uh the boon minion can't be silenced
13388s a wig first and to be fair it is
13391s absolutely enormous on this turn like
13393s you can get up to really astronomic
13395s heights
13398s and he can play both balloons right
13401s uh yes
13403s but it looks like he's not going to if
13405s he's committing the slither spear
13407s that's fair
13409s those need to be thinking about
13411s missioning oh i i i guess you just don't
13414s beat devourer anyway actually dude
13416s yeah and he cannot
13418s really play around it that well because
13420s the blue will always spawn to the right
13422s of the minion it buffs
13424s yeah he'd have to like do some i don't
13426s even know if there was mana but like
13428s waste a bunch of wigs and then play like
13430s both these nagas in between the two
13432s which is
13433s yeah kind of defeating the purpose
13434s anyway
13436s right and the devourer not only removes
13438s the taunt but let super fake deliver
13440s lethal with the 16 on board
13444s yeah that'll do and it's a big devourer
13447s from the biggest i've ever seen but good
13449s enough uh for super super fake to take
13451s the game and to take the day winning
13453s both his series a real nail biter a
13455s really tough first one uh of the day
13458s versus chauncey but that second one
13460s versus possessing got to be honest
13462s looking a lot cleaner overall the mage
13464s one very little he could do given that
13466s his opponent had the the dawn grasp but
13468s he did not
13469s but those last couple games just so
13471s clean druid just drawing the goods
13474s that's right very impressive stuff from
13477s super fake taking a couple of
13478s unfavorables on the way as well we did
13482s see him put up those hand signals i
13484s think aiming for the eight points he has
13486s secured himself two already for a
13488s maximum of five throughout the weekend
13491s we'll be seeing him tomorrow after our
13494s top eight are all decided but we still
13496s have to figure out who else from group b
13498s will be joining him possess he going to
13500s get a small break while he waits uh in
13503s the decider match for the winner in our
13505s elimination match
13507s indeed at the elimination match is going
13510s to be judgement first chauncey yes uh
13513s which will be
13514s an interesting one again the two players
13515s with their own very unique builds of
13518s priests the only player in the uh this
13520s entire week of grand masters to bring
13522s their respective archetypes and i can't
13524s wait to see how that one is gonna shake
13526s out on either side what uh picks and
13528s bands may end up being chosen uh but for
13531s super fake that's a really big deal to
13533s get the win i think that just locks him
13534s in for playoffs uh with an extra two
13536s points that he's gained already this
13538s week after a solid first couple of weeks
13541s what like sixth place yeah like he was
13543s in the top half of players and now after
13545s a decent performance i'd be surprised if
13547s he doesn't make the playoffs same story
13549s for possessing honestly even if he takes
13551s the loss
13552s and just walks away with one point in
13554s the decider match but for judgment on
13556s chonsu
13557s not the same story at all this is very
13559s much do or die for both of them in the
13562s elimination match that's right in grand
13565s masters we are sort of having the story
13567s of the rich get richer a lot of the
13569s players that are already qualified to
13570s worlds are also looking in the best
13572s position to make it to playoffs as well
13574s which happens to work out very nicely
13576s for whoever gets to slide in there that
13578s doesn't have the world's ticket just yet
13580s because there's a lot of chances that
13582s the ticket gets passed down even if you
13584s don't end up winning the whole thing uh
13587s so for the likes of chonsu and judgement
13590s clawing their way towards those last
13592s open slots is going to be a very big
13594s deal indeed and personally i'm super
13596s excited to see super fake playing in
13598s playoffs because that's usually the week
13601s where he really brings out the weird
13603s decks when you can get the good reads on
13606s a much smaller field of players
13609s yeah the real freaky stuff uh i'm
13611s excited to see what he can come up with
13613s but we're gonna go to a break now and
13614s when we come back the elimination match
13616s between chotsu and judgement we'll see
13618s you in a minute
13623s [Music]
13641s [Music]
13647s [Music]
13655s [Music]
13667s [Music]
13683s [Music]
13696s [Music]
13710s [Music]
13723s [Music]
13749s [Music]
13757s [Music]
13766s [Music]
13773s [Music]
13780s so
13783s [Music]
13797s [Music]
13802s [Applause]
13808s [Music]
13816s it's the final series of the day for gia
13818s and myself here at hearthstone grand
13820s masters last call but plenty more to
13822s come as we work through all of group c
13824s and group d with the other fantastic
13826s casters here waiting to take you through
13828s all the action but gia for this uh final
13830s match for us of the day what have we got
13834s have chantsu vs judgment in our
13837s elimination match or perhaps the battle
13839s of the weird priests as we call it and
13842s it's really not as catchy as i hoped it
13843s would be we have the whole priest versus
13846s the boar priest here and on top of that
13848s there's also a bit of an off the wall
13850s choice in terms of lineup from judgment
13853s here in that cursed impu warlock which
13855s we have seen take down druid earlier on
13858s today
13860s yes which memes aside my own personal
13862s bias uh i can see why you would want to
13865s bring it to me it kind of seems more
13868s like a last
13869s uh a conquest deck than the last year's
13871s standing deck i don't know if that's
13872s stupid to say because it feels like it
13874s has less like hard counters in the same
13876s way and it's trying to be like a jack of
13877s all trades but at the same time that
13879s does open you up to sweep potential a
13882s little bit more rather than just going
13883s back and forth back and forth uh trying
13885s to take out one very specific archetype
13887s because you have that extra game verse
13889s mage
13890s even if you're losing a little bit of
13892s that percentage first druid uh i would
13894s argue uh but in terms of the bands as we
13896s can see it's uh one of the priests
13898s actually panned away uh judgment does uh
13902s uh
13903s judgment joshua the priest yes sorry
13905s judgment doesn't even want to see the
13906s priest uh from his opponent there the uh
13909s the potential threat of four million huh
13912s priest
13913s powerful
13914s yeah he just took a look at the list let
13917s loose the biggest of his life and
13919s decided
13920s not to even bother with that he respects
13923s its power and wants to have potentially
13926s the rogue uh coming out to play he has a
13928s lot of confidence in the deck and he has
13930s an interesting tech choice in here with
13932s that silver leaf poison buff to one mana
13935s buff card seeing plate let's go
13938s design team hard at work as always
13940s fixing the metagame one step at a time
13943s with the silvery poison instead of
13945s backstab i guess would be the direct
13948s swap out
13950s it's interesting because like backstab
13952s is clearly a very good card in the deck
13954s when it allows you to pop off right you
13955s have a free mana to work with it gives
13957s you a little bit of extra board clear to
13958s catch up swing the board all at the same
13960s time but a lot of the decks i think and
13963s a lot of the good players when piloting
13964s those decks are clocking onto the fact
13966s that you don't really want to play
13968s minions a lot of the time versus rogue
13970s unless you're actually smoking them down
13972s and they're really gonna suffer against
13974s all that aggression and so maybe
13976s judgment making the uh the judgment
13978s called the backstab is a little bit too
13980s shaky you don't want to be backstabbing
13982s your own nulls your own tracker
13984s in order to juice up the rest of your
13986s minions
13991s potentially
13996s lag or uh dumb point that's a fun game
13999s to play is my answer not worth
14000s mentioning or is uh jira in the middle
14003s of a typhoon i think uh sorry sorry
14006s sorry yeah i wouldn't ignore you that
14007s badly dara come on
14010s i would understand i'd respect it
14012s now i'm not exactly sure what the
14014s question you asked was because of my
14016s brief disconnect but i was just going to
14019s provide some very very smart insight
14022s about how
14023s the uh huge weapon from draka plus a
14026s silver leaf poison doesn't that remind
14028s you of the old shank days
14030s please no don't take me back i hated
14032s that next so much
14034s [Laughter]
14036s the sss no
14039s never again
14043s actually the first rogue mirror we've
14045s gotten to cast this weekend isn't it
14047s which is honestly a bit surprising given
14049s the uh prevalence of this deck
14054s yeah it's a matchup you're going to be
14055s seeing all the time on ladder
14058s if you're piloting it and uh it's a very
14060s interesting one it's one of the kind of
14061s matchups that i really like where
14063s they're very similar
14065s every time you play it but it's really
14066s subtle differences and it feels like you
14068s can really figure it out
14069s unless you just get destroyed by a
14071s really really bad draw
14072s and i think the the main question i was
14074s asking myself right at the start which
14076s is pretty core to the uh
14078s uh
14079s pretty crucial to the core of this deck
14080s i suppose you could say is like little
14082s pop-offs earlier versus big pop-ups
14084s later on and it's very match-up
14086s dependent when you go for which and for
14088s the longest time i was just really
14089s unsure what the best way to go for was
14092s versus specifically the rogue mirror
14095s yeah it often comes down to the exact
14097s breakpoints of the minions you can put
14099s together are if for example as rogue you
14101s have double location early if you can
14103s get those to five five times two that is
14107s just uh creating a three turn clock
14109s against your rogue opponent and i would
14111s say that is worth it if the draca dagger
14113s can get to 10 damage or okay let's be a
14116s bit more generous let's say eight and
14118s then you get in there for three swings
14121s generally your burst spells over the top
14123s is good enough then that is very very
14126s warranted as well so i just kind of
14128s think it comes down to whether or not
14130s you can map out how many turns it takes
14132s to get lethal and if it comes up a
14134s little bit short with the damage then i
14136s would say hold off but if it gives you a
14138s realistic break point then go for it uh
14141s chanzu right away on turn two already
14143s with a difficult decision as to whether
14144s he even wants to tote them as shaman
14146s because like he said you don't often
14148s want to give your rogue opponent targets
14150s but they also work as targets for you if
14152s you feel like you're going to do the pop
14154s off turn sooner then you get to use that
14156s totem as a backstop target potentially
14159s great point yeah chance is the player
14160s playing backstab judgment is not
14163s uh but things getting scary now for
14164s judgment a shadow stepped edwin
14167s especially now that it costs one mana
14169s when in hand instead of two
14170s is a very very scary thing uh to be
14172s facing down on subsequent turns
14175s and so for judgement
14178s at the moment if he can find himself
14180s dracker
14181s we could look at that as a potential
14183s game plan but now without even that as
14185s an option we really uh have to start
14188s scrambling for any way to pull ourselves
14190s back into this game because this is like
14192s defcon one now things are starting to go
14194s really wrong for judgement
14197s and there is the argument to play the
14200s knoll this turn the one on the right
14201s it's stealth so it can't even be abused
14203s by chonsu thanks to the shroud effect
14206s but does that three damage that you
14207s pre-loaded on board even amount to
14209s anything significant if you expect
14211s chonsu to have a big pop off turn my
14214s instinct is to say no but the problem
14215s with judgment's hand is he has zero
14217s payoff cards no location no draca so
14220s what's the point of even holding on to
14222s the cheaper knoll it feels very likely
14224s that next turn he even goes for dagger
14226s and silver leaf to keep cycling and by
14228s that point he might have to dump a card
14230s even
14232s so edwin obviously the first thing you
14234s would consider on this turn but there's
14237s some
14238s pretty interesting alliance with just
14239s ignoring that going for graveyard plus
14242s all your cheap spells effectively and
14244s then edwin to follow up next turn
14246s because it's like an individually
14248s powerful card and needs no fueling from
14250s the rest of your hand
14253s it could even be graveyard past this
14255s turn just let the location sit there
14256s have your two mana banked and create a
14259s big edwin and a bigger location minion
14261s the next turn but it's honestly
14263s difficult to say so once again you have
14266s to ask if you play the location now and
14268s you dump all the rest of the spells how
14269s big does the minion get and actually not
14272s too big
14273s it's like shadow step door backstab and
14275s the extortion that he would have been
14277s able to play it's a five five a singular
14279s five five i don't think that really
14281s speeds up his clock in most
14282s circumstances so i like just the
14284s location commit
14286s yeah i'm on board with it for sure
14289s uh for judgment the silver leaf i guess
14292s is performing decently well just a cycle
14296s in this instance and then you could end
14298s with
14299s coin
14300s pass coin maestra but honestly you'd
14302s probably rather just
14304s have nothing on the board even if you're
14306s just going coin nothing
14309s sorry bespoke i think it would have been
14311s a seven seven actually forgot to account
14312s for replaying the null from shadow step
14315s uh but again i still don't think that
14318s was necessarily big enough to warrant so
14321s it is going to be the waiting game for
14323s both our players judgement committing
14325s his tech card to cycle a little bit more
14328s but he has to dump a card after this and
14330s all of these are painful to part with
14331s honesty
14333s extort your own face you know i don't
14335s think so
14337s it's got coin trade now that's fine
14340s sure
14343s boy oh boy does he need a location of
14346s his own
14350s don't start with that you wait for that
14351s next turn
14353s [Music]
14354s all right
14356s come on lap dogs
14360s kind of expensive way to start but sure
14362s you can just tooth judgment's face
14365s you've even got an honorable kill
14372s okay now we're talking
14375s yeah i do like starting gun fishing
14376s maybe he can prep something more
14378s expensive
14386s yeah so the edwin train ends there but
14388s he can still do a lot to buff the
14390s location
14394s you can look for prep here i guess then
14396s you could theoretically keep going with
14397s the shroud
14400s uh but without that
14402s okay yeah just pure damage makes sense
14405s yeah i like this a lot so now he goes no
14407s backstab the null shadowstep replay the
14410s null and that is now certainly enough
14413s pressure on board to warrant the
14415s location cash in
14417s and
14418s i'm just gonna go ahead and say that's
14420s the game because judgment can't do
14422s enough to clear this board nor race it
14427s [Music]
14429s because the 11 11 sticking around
14432s most likely that edwin also gets to go
14433s face and then it just we can stop okay
14436s maybe the edwin dies there is double
14438s serrated in hand and the wick is stabbed
14440s to be fair
14447s trade trade trade it's discount after
14450s discount
14451s and
14452s if he can clear the edwin
14454s and get a big pop off then maybe we're
14456s talking but it had to be location it's
14458s like that card for there to be even a
14460s glimmer of hope
14465s you have
14467s like knoll
14469s oh sorry yeah trade in the knoll edwin
14472s prep bone spike like some real nonsense
14474s like that to try and find the location
14484s to maximize the discount i think we can
14486s stop
14491s again honorable kill wow okay
14500s plague
14510s oh
14516s no it's not a huge draca but
14519s even if you get like a two attack dagger
14522s is that enough um
14524s essentially judgment's at 13 let's just
14526s say he's at nine because you have the
14528s wicked stab as well
14530s so no that dagger is not good enough
14536s yeah you have to assume that the 11-11
14537s is going to be cleared off
14543s [Applause]
14545s however if you trade him with a null
14547s then i think it becomes uh
14549s a lot less likely that they're going to
14551s be able to clear off this big minion i
14553s actually think he leaves this nose
14554s stealth though i feel like it's a bit
14556s valuable as a three attack that always
14558s goes face the next turn i mean not
14559s always because you don't know what the
14560s tooth spell is but decent chance
14563s true yeah good point
14567s um
14569s probably doesn't commit gun fishing
14571s though because that's a cheap card that
14573s can go with wicked stab the next turn to
14575s let draca actually get to a three attack
14577s dagger
14580s ends up taking the trade okay i think in
14582s the end i like the trade here because it
14584s makes it that they have to have a pretty
14586s specific hand to actually be able to
14588s kill off your uh your ghost and even if
14591s they can they're sinking in so much
14593s damage uh into it to be able to clear it
14595s off now that realistically they're gonna
14597s struggle to actually kill you
14599s in this game
14600s and even stab stab devouring plague is
14603s one damage short of clearing the whole
14605s board that's true
14607s he would have to commit a prep to make
14609s that play so instead it's digging with
14611s edwin but i just don't think there's
14614s enough to get there
14616s he has uh he's used both serrated bone
14618s spikes so in terms of mana cheat there's
14620s really not much left
14622s that's just nothing
14631s oh location's so late
14638s wiggling the camera trying to look for
14640s something that he didn't see in that
14647s yeah a valiant effort obviously for
14649s judgment he had so much of the the fuel
14652s but none of the actual uh
14654s get up and go no way to make the hand
14656s actually do anything in that instance
14658s with discovering location so late never
14660s finding drakka
14666s that's going to be a clean victory for
14668s chonsu on the rogue
14671s judgment
14672s with his choice to ban the priest from
14675s chonsu was obviously looking to go for a
14677s very bold strategy of just getting out
14680s the gate with the rogue and potentially
14682s sweeping the entire lineup from chonsu
14684s of course johnson still had a fail safe
14686s even if he lost the mirror because his
14687s mage i would say is still a decent match
14689s up in the rogue but yeah clearly the
14692s risk judgment took is not paying off at
14695s the moment and such is the volatile
14697s nature of lhs
14699s he does
14701s have
14702s two more decks that he could use to beat
14705s chonsu's rogue but my goodness i don't
14707s feel like any of them is a particularly
14709s good matchup i agree i haven't obviously
14712s seen much of boar priest versus the
14714s rogue but i doubt it's great right you
14717s have
14718s very little removal you are gonna
14720s struggle to get a zyrella up to the
14723s heights of clearing like a 10 or 11
14725s health minion especially if they're
14726s going for the kind of plays that we
14728s could very well see from chance who to
14729s deliberately not damaging you for a good
14731s portion of the game as well before you
14733s have one massive pop-off turn and kill
14734s them all at once and uh getting to turn
14737s eight verse rogue to do the combo is
14740s pretty tough to do
14742s i would say so the one thing that poor
14744s priest maybe has going for it is that
14746s they're another one of those decks that
14747s doesn't really like to leave minions on
14749s board so maybe it's a bit tougher for
14751s chonsu to actually build his location
14753s minions to the heights they need to be
14755s to survive uh some type of weird pyro
14759s gift zyrella clear but if chonsu is
14762s prudent about his timing of when the
14765s damage actually goes face i can only
14767s imagine that it's a huge struggle for
14769s poor priest
14771s well we should have to see because
14772s clearly thinks this is best counter more
14774s so than the
14776s hybrid warlock imp slash curse
14779s uh which
14781s i mean like i said boar priest is kind
14783s of an unknown so i'm willing to trust
14784s judgment on this one that he thinks is
14786s able to clutch out the win uh like you
14789s said no minions on or very few minions
14791s on board so chancellor will be
14793s hard-pressed to get off the kind of
14795s combo that he might
14799s need not a bad hand though
14803s yeah location is very important for
14806s chonsu here of course draca as well i
14808s want to say that edwin as a threat is
14811s one of the easiest for judgment to deal
14814s with because he has shard of the naaru
14816s the light at burns also can deal with a
14818s location minion but it needs to be
14820s unstealth first whether by attacking or
14821s being silenced so there's not zero game
14824s here against the rogue but chonsu has a
14828s pretty strong opener to make sure he
14829s doesn't gas out quickly
14833s [Music]
14838s noel's still costing three and nothing
14840s to actually trade or draw which is quite
14842s a rarity
14843s uh for rogue
14845s at this point in the game so we are just
14847s going to see a lot of chilling for
14848s chauncey right now uh
14850s potentially finding some kind of target
14853s for tooth if he can but more likely just
14855s praying for shroud or any kind of
14857s tradable
14860s first bore has been committed which i
14863s think shantu is just gonna leave and
14865s play for as long as you possibly can
14867s yeah
14868s maybe even stop hero powering just so
14870s you miss out on the
14872s steering totem or attack totem
14875s true
14878s um
14881s wondering if it's ever worth it to
14882s location here but that of course stops
14884s the null discounts in their trucks
14888s and that's probably not worth it
14892s yeah i
14893s feel like i'd rather just pass the turn
14895s and then play edwin next turn supposed
14898s to do that but
14899s about tempo null i did not see
14905s fair enough
14909s and judgment has this problem again of
14911s how to activate that handmaiden
14921s i guess he's in no rush to do so
14929s kind of is though like it's getting
14931s scarier and scarier the game goes on
14933s because judgment is really not
14934s progressing his game plan at all
14938s just so awkward like he could
14940s technically use the lighted burns to
14942s draw with cleric this turn and heal the
14944s null
14945s i hate it
14948s um
14951s so if it's not that it's just bar pass
14963s like it burns is
14965s just it's just such an important
14967s resource right yeah i agree to answer an
14970s edwin maybe later on
14977s they devoured be terrible
14979s really wanted to but yeah you may as
14980s well just play it next time with the
14981s handmaiden if that's your game plan
14985s naver chonsu it's not a
14987s particularly strong edwin popoff either
14990s he only has like the coin and then after
14992s that two mana left to work with there's
14995s a serrated somewhere in that equation
14997s but
14998s i i do like the idea of waiting a bit
15000s just commit the graveyard here
15003s yeah i think one thing i've consistently
15005s done with this deck is underestimate the
15007s power of preemptive location with edwin
15010s next turn
15011s because you really do just do get to
15012s play a quite absurd amount of cards uh
15015s off the draw most of the time
15019s uh but a big draw being found for
15020s judgement in
15022s wow okay i was gonna say in the form of
15024s the uh
15025s uh flash heal to be able to activate the
15027s hand made it but the light it burns
15029s deemed less valuable
15032s right it does let him kill off the gnome
15035s at least and light it burns is pretty
15038s situational it's
15039s good at dealing with edwin by itself but
15042s if there is a stealth location minion
15044s you even need to silence to immediately
15046s kill it off or just wait until it
15048s attacks so i can understand this from
15050s judgment maybe hoping that he could get
15052s a zyrella clear instead by saving the
15054s flash heel but that doesn't look that
15057s likely although chonsu did pick up the
15059s other knoll which still costs who from
15062s the edwin not too nice
15065s yeah very right grin there like well
15067s well if it isn't the consequences of my
15069s actions
15070s [Laughter]
15072s that one not so much that's just unlucky
15075s yep
15078s that says irreliable board except
15081s judgment only has three health to heal
15084s oh no
15088s oh come on you can heal the
15090s the durability on a location right
15092s that's basically
15095s [Music]
15099s that's so awkward man he can't play the
15101s other hand maiden can't play a cleric
15104s this is just like hero power face pass
15110s x sucks
15124s realistically though it is just a pass
15126s right i don't feel he can afford to
15128s throw any other resource away
15132s i mean i'm wondering if you could flash
15133s heal just to play it to activate the
15135s handmaiden but you need more spells for
15137s if you top deck like pyro or something
15139s so yeah
15140s as much of a nightmare as it is i do
15142s agree
15144s and here we go the edwin gets to be
15147s stopped and see another day and then
15149s most likely adraka at the end of this
15152s or he's not even going to stop edwin
15154s just play everything else in draka is
15156s this lethal in fact it might be
15159s well no right
15162s how big is the draka
15164s oh he's not going to okay i'll get it
15166s down on this turn
15170s i guess just saying you need to have a
15171s pretty specific draw uh in order to be
15174s able to both clear and heal enough to
15176s survive this track yeah
15179s fair enough she does
15184s probably
15186s probably
15188s probably go to 17 minimum
15192s funny too with desperate but he's taking
15194s switcheroo which is understandable
15199s uh judgment is not having fun this game
15202s [Laughter]
15204s what knowledge okay 14 health this is
15207s doable for the rogue on this turn
15210s oh yeah
15211s oh it's nothing this oh
15215s always
15217s it's like a prep off the top yeah
15221s always
15223s i guess he doesn't have a shadow step
15224s target but
15226s i mean maybe the edwin just depends
15229s what was that was it a four there you
15231s played three cards so one
15233s two
15235s three four five extra nine i think you
15237s get to
15239s one off if you go maestra
15242s depp maestra played again coin dracker
15245s that was very quick
15249s he's just looking for something cheaper
15250s off the stepped edwin yeah this may
15253s qualify
15257s anything zero cost
15260s seven
15261s eight
15263s that does it that's legally yeah that
15265s does it
15266s oh um
15268s even one over with the backstab no
15276s tough game for judgement a really really
15278s rough draw uh no hiding it uh struggling
15281s to activate the handmaid and no pyro
15283s there's xyrella cleared not being
15284s anywhere near strong enough uh at that
15287s point in the game but i've got to be
15289s honest
15290s i kind of feel like even with a good
15292s draw something like that is going to be
15293s a very reasonable pan out for boar
15295s priest verse rogue uh when there's so
15298s many such strong counters specifically
15300s with priest to rogue right now be it
15302s quest or huh priest
15305s i don't think the boar is the way to go
15308s yeah i mean it's funny that the two ways
15310s we've seen
15312s boar priest lose throughout the day
15313s didn't even involve theater which was
15316s originally hypothesized as the card that
15318s kills boar priest and i can understand
15321s the thinking behind okay if you don't
15323s expect a theater heavy meta and grog
15325s doesn't run that card wig priest doesn't
15327s run that card and those are both heavily
15329s represented this week then maybe there
15331s is room to play boar priest but then you
15333s have to ask yourself what is its actual
15335s match-up spread if you deleted theater
15338s from the meta game and uh with shaman
15340s falling off a little bit there's not
15343s actually that many good matchups for
15345s boar priest i would say so bit of a
15347s rough one for judgement but he still has
15350s the very slim chance of getting there
15353s with the appropriate halves of this deck
15356s at the appropriate time three matchups
15359s in a row oh yeah this can do it this can
15362s very very much take the win verse rogue
15364s like before we get to the other decks
15366s we'll worry about those that's all in
15367s the future for now judgement just needs
15369s to get the win at first the rogue and
15373s it was a i originally thought that like
15375s lambie rogue the previous iteration i
15377s will admit not this one i thought it
15379s would be fantastic against warlock
15380s because you have so many strong board
15382s game tools zero mana knolls uh backstab
15385s prep removal all this stuff but the
15387s problem is that when they hit the
15390s location and it gets any kind of a
15392s decent buff you're having to make very
15394s awkward plays to actually kill it off
15397s and it quite rapidly becomes difficult
15399s to like activate your bone spikes whilst
15401s also killing off the minion that matters
15403s their aggression could just be a little
15405s bit too quick you have to go on a
15406s pop-off turn one turn too early a lot of
15409s the time
15411s that can be a pan out i i still think
15413s that the tempo rogue is favored overall
15416s but there are certainly spots and most
15418s often the ones where you don't hit a
15420s timely knoll where the zoo can overrun
15422s you in the early game
15424s we do have judgments starting with
15426s flamimp which is not too shabby but i
15429s find the zoo really does require
15430s location and a wide board because
15432s individual minions are so weak to all
15435s the removal that the rogue has to offer
15441s i think he can know that the uh
15443s yeah the imp is safe for the moment
15445s because rogue isn't gonna unstealth on
15447s turn one with a backstab or extortion uh
15449s so i do like just getting max damage out
15451s the door as soon as possible with this
15453s line
15456s so while tap does spend the mana cleanly
15459s for judgement here this is technically a
15462s curve if you just wanted to go shipment
15464s yeah our fish
15465s perhaps your mischievous imp is
15467s activated by then you
15469s will always draw something to do on turn
15471s five by then and then just go straight
15473s away into rafam but he is shooting a
15475s little bit higher looking for that
15476s fiendish circle
15480s and he has a decent shot of finding it
15481s now with the uh
15483s catastrophe
15485s waiting to come down
15488s yeah alongside the wicked shipment
15491s looks pretty clean to me drop four
15494s and
15495s even though this isn't the fastest
15497s import lock start ever
15499s it is a decent um cycling start that
15503s maybe gets him towards the curse half of
15505s his deck if he feels the need to shift
15507s over to that game plan
15509s yeah
15510s and even right now the impact of his
15512s deck is actually doing some pretty good
15514s work
15516s girls are nice it begins now for chonsu
15522s both knows down location
15525s decent amount of work as well
15529s and this is kind of i guess the
15532s the extension of what i was talking
15534s about is that against infor look yes
15536s they kind of force you into popping off
15538s earlier than you would like you are just
15540s quote unquote getting a six-six out of
15542s this location instead of the really
15544s ridiculous heights you can reach but you
15546s don't need to get much better this is
15548s like good enough uh to be beating this
15550s version of warlock
15552s yeah
15553s big boohoo 66.
15556s uh going to be the mischievous imperial
15558s i can imagine for judgment two of them
15561s getting value traded is super painful
15563s but i feel like at this point he just
15564s kind of needs to rely on top decking or
15567s more of sacrifice or something it's
15569s pretty effective because of the tamson
15571s in his hand
15575s i think i'm happy sacking tooth into a
15578s minion here
15586s yeah that's damage man
15589s i don't think he plays at this turn but
15590s there's a very real world where like
15592s judgment becomes the lowest health enemy
15595s in the near future even with a board
15602s and again just fell barrage to clear off
15604s an additional 3-3 is also super
15606s reasonable
15607s if you're going to play maestro it
15609s probably just makes more sense to fell
15610s barrage uh
15613s if he ever graveyards probably not i
15616s think
15617s too greedy
15619s yeah it's unlikely to be a big pop-up
15626s it's like that judgment is already in
15629s dire need of an aoe effect
15634s and he don't got one
15636s which means
15638s tamsin is not doing enough right now
15644s this has to be
15645s ragged below with a trade into the ghost
15650s i'll draw two first i
15653s guess uh
15656s yeah sure
15658s okay
15659s assuming he survives the next turn he
15661s does reach that crucial six mana break
15664s point where a potential abyssal wave is
15667s available so it's something okay okay
15672s and like tamson plus uh
15676s much of the knife as
15681s well kind of wish they unnerved touch
15683s honestly this needs to heal four
15686s three just hits different so different
15689s yeah it's not right
15694s and no way of getting a decent
15697s attack total on the dagger for chonsu
15699s here so many options
15701s i was thinking it would just start off
15702s with door because at least then you've
15704s actually played a card
15706s uh but wow what are we looking at now 11
15708s damage on this turn
15710s [Music]
15712s not quite but a good setup nonetheless
15715s is this a world first one attack tracker
15720s definitely not a world first that's been
15722s theotard many times and played for one
15724s attack
15725s in gm though
15727s ah fairfare affair
15738s get him baby ghost
15744s is this set up for lethal yeah if it's
15747s just abyssal wave
15749s tamson
15751s not enough to kill the knolls
15754s not there
15756s times and touch touch is not enough
15758s doesn't spend the mana cleanly he does
15760s just end up on the abyssal wave but the
15762s draka after wicked stab is just going to
15765s close this out chonsu
15768s taking a sweep with the tempo rogue
15770s which is a phrase that i actually feel
15773s like i should have been seeing more
15775s often this weekend but hasn't happened
15777s that we've cast until now
15779s exactly yeah but
15781s there's i think a reason why we haven't
15783s seen it in other series and we have seen
15786s it here it's pretty simple other players
15787s brought a counter they had a hard
15789s counter stroke available whereas
15791s judgment just did not have that like the
15793s deck that was banned away from him was
15795s druid which is another deck that's very
15797s weak to the road uh i would argue and
15800s it's not like he didn't expect rogue to
15801s be a deck because he brought the exact
15803s list that everyone else was bringing of
15805s rogue plus a uh
15807s silver leaf poison thrown in there as
15808s well uh but i just think for me maybe
15810s his testing said otherwise it's a very
15813s small sample size we get to be see on
15815s stream which is the benefit of the doubt
15816s i'll give him the boar priest it that
15819s deck just had to be earmarked for a
15821s rogue counter as almost everyone else
15822s went for
15824s yeah i would agree no mage either as
15826s sort of the soft counter that a lot of
15828s the other strategies have been including
15830s in case their rogue counter got banned
15832s away so a pretty unfortunate way to
15835s close out the season for judgment i do
15837s believe that's the last we are going to
15839s be seeing from him because he didn't
15841s have a particularly good first two weeks
15843s either but huge congratulations to
15846s chonsu for moving forward he still has a
15848s chance to proceed still a slim chance to
15851s make it through to playoffs but first he
15853s will have to face possessi in the
15855s decider match and i think it's no secret
15858s that this match means a lot more to
15860s chunsu than it does for possessive who
15861s has had a good point total who already
15864s has a world's ticket who already has a
15866s world championship under his belt we'll
15869s see if chon soo can
15871s prove what he has in this david and
15873s goliath story
15875s i believe i called it a little while ago
15877s now i think it was last year the summer
15878s of chances but now it's finally back in
15881s full swing it's hot chances summer and
15884s uh
15885s i fully believe that he'll be able to
15887s get the win over possessing as much as
15889s we both love possessing come on he's
15891s already got his ticket to worlds he's
15892s already blooming won it last year it's
15894s chonsu's time and i believe our boy can
15896s do it
15897s yeah he's got the whole priest in a full
15900s horse
15900s playing pretty cleanly throughout the
15902s day as well i'm excited to see what
15904s chonsu has to bring but derek sadly that
15907s is it for you and me today we'll be
15910s passing off the reigns to a different
15912s set of casters which i feel very weird
15914s about because it's an apac versus apac
15916s match coming up yeah
15918s get your own region
15922s leeching off of us we win one masters
15924s tour and all of a sudden they all want
15925s to cast a fact
15926s [Music]
15928s despicable uh but yeah it is gonna be
15930s raven and jamboree uh taking over the
15933s next few games i believe with him being
15935s a special guest caster very excited to
15937s see how
15938s all the excellent analysis they bring us
15940s from here on out uh because yeah it's
15942s going to be possessing chancy and then
15943s the final group of the day will be group
15944s d with blaise pascoe as lloyd russian
15946s and dmitry kazov as well a lot of
15949s players in interesting positions towards
15951s the top and the bottom of the
15952s leaderboard respectively uh so we will
15955s be back tomorrow with the quarterfinals
15958s and then the semifinals and grand finals
15960s just running it all the way through top
15962s eight to crowning our champion on sunday
15965s however for all of our players now still
15968s more action to come as i said with raven
15970s and jamboree so from all of us enjoy the
15972s rest of the show
15978s [Music]
15991s [Music]
15994s so
15996s [Music]
16009s so
16015s [Music]
16021s so
16024s [Music]
16043s do
16050s so
16052s [Music]
16093s [Music]
16108s [Music]
16134s so
16137s [Music]
16162s do
16167s [Music]
16247s so
16249s [Music]
16262s [Music]
16274s so
16289s [Music]
16302s [Music]
16317s [Music]
16329s [Music]
16356s [Music]
16363s [Music]
16373s [Music]
16380s [Music]
16387s [Music]
16400s so
16403s [Music]
16409s [Applause]
16411s [Music]
16413s so
16418s [Music]
16426s [Music]
16433s [Music]
16444s so
16453s [Music]
16467s [Music]
16478s [Music]
16484s [Music]
16499s so
16502s [Music]
16589s hello everyone and welcome back to
16590s hearthstone grand mast as it's our time
16593s to take over i'm raven and joining me
16595s once again is special guest jambray and
16597s we'll be taking you through some more
16599s matches today uh yeah welcome back
16601s gembrel did you have a good time
16602s yesterday no pressure to say yes just
16604s because i'm here asking you oh i did
16606s have a really good time actually uh
16607s there's some great games uh
16609s some a lot of emotional moments which is
16611s always fun to see and some great
16613s hearthstone overall
16614s yeah we definitely saw a lot of players
16616s uh no doubt suffer from some of the high
16618s pressure that they're feeling in this
16620s air
16620s kind of final week of grand masters
16622s right it's the week to make it to
16624s playoffs so it's the final week for
16626s everyone uh but we are going to very
16627s quickly uh be able to finish off this
16630s group at group a sorry group c it is
16632s saturday not friday that um that gia and
16635s derek started it's gonna be possessi
16637s versus chonsu and again this is gonna be
16640s the final decider match here uh between
16642s the two players to see um who makes it
16645s out of the group and i mean jamboree
16646s we're talking in the break then we were
16648s excited to see what tron sue's priests
16650s could do but it's been banned and
16654s we were talking a lot about jamboree but
16657s i understand at a base level that this
16659s style of priest is dangerous versus what
16662s possesses expected lineup would be after
16664s the ban so logically makes sense but
16666s this specific build from chunsu uh it
16669s didn't seem scary in testing did it
16672s yeah so
16673s this deck's been
16675s generating a lot of hype on twitter over
16676s the past two days the priest that is um
16680s the build on twitter has uh princess
16683s felicia in it but chance's build does
16685s not have it and it's only running four
16686s minions which is the radiant and the
16689s handmaidens looking to
16691s buff them up and then copy with the boon
16693s of the ascended but without the priest
16695s uh the princess felicity you just don't
16697s have a chance to do it all on one turn
16699s so when we tried it in the casting it
16701s was just very very bad
16703s so i don't know if people are just like
16705s oh this is a new scary deck i don't know
16707s how to play against it i'm going to just
16709s you know ban it away people say it's
16711s good against rogue so i'm going to take
16712s the word for it or say it's good against
16715s jude i'm going to take their word for it
16716s but i don't know if these people were
16718s noticed that there wasn't
16720s the princess in the deck because i feel
16722s like that is
16723s an absolutely key part to it it really
16726s just changes what you're able to do
16728s right like it just it has such a
16729s dramatic effect on any given turn that
16732s it's kind of hard to ignore but like i
16734s said that is banned away and it does
16736s mean that possessing is gonna start on
16738s mage and chonsu i believe is jumping
16740s over to his druid to kick it off with so
16742s again this is the match up we keep going
16744s back and back to uh time and time again
16747s two of the most popular decks and
16749s classes uh not even just in gm this week
16751s but just in general if you cue ladder
16753s you're probably gonna face rogue druid
16755s or mage that's just how it is most the
16757s time at the moment and this is a matchup
16759s that really feels uh like it could
16763s easily go either way even though we've
16765s seen uh multiple times where one side
16768s completely destroys the other it's just
16770s one that if
16772s both decks have easily the ability to
16774s just overpower the other one but uh
16776s which one would you like to be in this
16778s scenario jamboree if you were playing a
16780s game for all the marbles would you
16782s prefer to be the druid side or basically
16784s any of the big spell mages
16787s i would personally prefer to be the
16789s druid but i think the way the matchup
16791s goes actually plays into the fact that a
16793s lot is on the line here the druid's
16795s actually the aggressor in this scenario
16798s uh and if you give the mage enough time
16799s they're going to ramp up their pings
16801s ramp up off all your big stuff and
16802s eventually win but what you want to do
16804s as a druid is just max pressure max
16806s pressure max pressure for cement each to
16808s have all the cards they need and if they
16810s don't you will secure your lethal but
16812s what we keep seeing in this match up
16814s time and time again it's just hesitation
16816s from the druids to just fully commit
16818s right and i think that's just playing
16820s right into the majors
16822s yeah and just a quick one let me just
16823s scan this a single starfish in this list
16826s from chantsu but he is running the naga
16829s giants as well and the battlegrounds
16832s battle master because i think that i
16834s mean i was literally playing this
16835s matchup about 20 minutes ago right now
16837s but that's one way you can really just
16839s snap a lot of damage
16841s and then one way i've seen quite
16842s consistently is set up big minions
16844s whether it's through miracle grove the
16846s giants or whatever uh set them up let
16850s yourself be frozen battlegrounds
16852s battlemaster starfish hit them hard and
16854s then sort of fall back on the you know
16857s brandon atherius or whatever to actually
16859s finish out the rest of the house so
16861s that's one of the more consistent ways
16863s i've seen if you can dodge theotop of
16865s course but as we get into game one uh
16867s your favorite uh topia and there for
16870s chantsu but not a lot of ways oh never
16872s mind i was gonna say not a lot of ways
16873s for him to get there quickly but now he
16875s has the double four drop which is pretty
16877s spicy actually
16879s yeah it's a pretty nice hand
16881s you have just the coin ramp into ramp
16883s into top your start which is just ideal
16885s for the druid
16887s you don't really need to pick up like
16888s your golf until later on but
16891s as long as you have this start it's uh
16892s it's very strong
16894s don't actually need both the uh
16898s wild siege in this case actually i mean
16900s you could choose to go for it simply
16902s because it draws them a nature spell and
16904s then maybe you can use this nourish for
16906s actually drawing
16907s instead of uh ramping because you don't
16909s have your cuff yet
16910s yeah that's the only small downside with
16913s this hand from chancellor right is no
16915s jerry rig so you just can't get that
16917s like double split nourish that you want
16919s uh to be able to have best of both
16920s worlds so no to surprise them we are
16922s going to see coin inside wild bloom
16924s seeds
16926s wild seed or widow bloom whatever it's
16928s you know we all knew what we meant it's
16930s fine um possessing though does seem to
16933s be going quite aggressive here just
16936s gonna ignore the 3-2 completely cash as
16938s much damage as possible and almost
16941s certainly hold on to at least one of
16943s those uh little freeze elementals
16946s yeah i mean it's actually playing quite
16948s nice for his hand because he does have
16949s that sire in there he does have a
16950s deathball as well so if he can get to
16953s the deathborn and have a reasonable
16955s about board still intact and as we see
16957s from the expected curve of
16959s ramp into topia that is going to be the
16961s case this side the nitrous down the line
16964s is going to be very scary and the
16965s druid's health total might actually be
16967s quite small
16974s he was thinking about the widow bloom
16976s again but he decided to just commit the
16978s nourish and i think i like that honestly
16980s especially with this miracle growth that
16982s he has available like he could just go
16984s straight into miracle even if he wants
16986s to uh you know slow down on the topia he
16988s does still have the planted evidence
16990s anyway so i imagine it's still topia but
16993s having the miracle growth just there you
16995s just know it's going to be big right and
16997s that's something the mage will struggle
16998s to deal with
17000s yeah it was a great pick up the growth
17001s because it just removed the concern that
17004s you would run out of draw
17005s if you had to use the nourish for
17007s ramping that
17009s and we're going to see the topia come
17010s down and deal with this board damage but
17013s it will be met with a deathborn so all
17015s these value trades
17017s you know you don't really value trading
17019s you're kind of just juicing the death
17020s one and no no minions killed from the
17022s death rattle it makes it even stronger
17025s yeah this is a freebie this one isn't it
17028s is that like full board
17031s yeah six wow and daenerys is just
17034s chilling
17035s yeah
17037s this is awkward
17040s get a few nature styles here you might
17042s have to consolidate this board about
17044s hey did pick up the innovate right from
17046s the uh
17047s from the discover the previous turn so
17049s that's something
17051s oh another planet it's okay
17054s okay okay
17057s you've got your skeletons i've got my
17059s strawberry dragons like yeah
17063s what a great game
17065s this is
17066s frozen skeletons versus dragons made of
17069s plants
17074s is it plants vessels zombies
17076s yeah there you go exactly
17079s and soup does have devourer but a little
17082s bit frustrating because in this specific
17084s match-up it's not often that big right
17087s are you never really going to make it
17089s huge
17095s i mean i think it's uh
17097s quite unlucky for this essie how strong
17099s the start is that is the board's been
17102s whopped so so rapidly you know
17105s it's looking quite a deal for him
17108s look how early it is i always get baited
17110s by druid because i'm i'm we sat here
17112s right staring over druid nine mana
17115s glance up oh yeah only seven for the
17117s mage that's awkward because i was gonna
17119s say uh possessing doesn't even
17121s necessarily have to get overly fancy
17124s with these plays he could just survive
17126s till 10 and just play denaturius
17128s regardless of what it's on if this board
17130s still start you know keeps looking a bit
17131s dangerous
17133s because he's pressuring chantsu a lot
17137s yeah and if he he's got a lot of the
17139s skeletons in the pool
17142s i mean in the graveyard i guess
17144s so if he does pick up the
17147s kelp assad at some point
17150s high fives
17151s there's like two good outcomes here for
17153s chansey right
17155s well three actually really with the
17157s theater as well
17158s i was counting the theotomy oh okay
17161s i mean
17162s is good if that's the third one we were
17164s talking about
17165s there's so many good ones
17167s i think like game winning i think the
17169s other theo tar because you just get to
17171s re-roll again and you know you're not
17174s going to get theotard back
17176s and then donatius of course because it's
17178s just already juiced
17180s yeah you do need a lot of mana to do
17182s that but luckily we are a druid who i've
17184s got
17185s i think we'll be okay
17188s does cheat
17189s wow another deaf one and the kelpers are
17191s picked up so
17193s you can theater but there's so many
17195s finishes in hand you can't see at all
17197s them all
17200s oh is this just going to be ivers i was
17202s looking at theotar ivers honestly
17207s i think it's still big enough to soak a
17208s lot of the damage
17210s yeah i mean
17212s the thing if you want to try and snipe
17213s at the nitrous potential you don't need
17216s to do it until turn 10
17218s or in into their 10-10 so
17222s maybe this is why there's the delay
17223s obviously
17224s that's a bit different
17226s oh he's going to go for it
17228s oh i would say
17230s wait
17231s what does he pick
17233s still got time if he takes possesses
17235s theotar he's still got another go at it
17237s right because there's still that one
17238s turn gap he did choose to play it i'll
17241s say play it safely
17243s i mean you you know that they have a
17245s chance to just wank it
17249s yeah back would you like done there
17251s would you have just gone you know what
17252s i'm going to rely on it missing
17256s or would you wish
17258s theo
17259s in that scenario i mean i wouldn't have
17260s gone for the theater this time i don't
17262s think to begin with but in that spot i
17263s think i would go for the theater because
17266s again we could do that turn that you
17268s said where
17269s we have the iris for a lot of tempo
17271s right so
17273s we we are allowed to have thought sort
17275s of the uh
17277s the tempo next time we're going to take
17278s too much of a hit that because we spent
17280s eight manner on theater twice i think
17281s we'll be okay
17283s hmm
17283s [Music]
17286s uh kilthazard which is pretty beef right
17288s now
17289s the drop the video
17300s go for like double dawn grasp i don't
17303s know
17306s okay you're on 39
17308s maybe you take the doubt
17310s on me you're on 39 you're playing some
17312s 21. you're not going to be dying to the
17314s tenacious i need to have a lot of
17316s pressure from the kel facade
17318s so
17319s if they don't do it now
17323s maybe they're in trouble
17324s if they do do it now you can just eat it
17327s with
17328s the devourer you have then chonsu can
17330s eat that with his devourer yeah we
17332s didn't know those two
17337s there's always two
17339s there's always a bigger devourer
17346s i quite like
17351s yeah you basically switched health
17353s totals now right which is kind of great
17356s and it's a ten-ten i mean
17358s you know that there's a devour from the
17360s other hand but i think like as we said
17361s you're fine because you have
17363s the second one to just eat it back so
17366s with the expected like
17368s devour into tavara you're just
17370s absolutely fine in fact it just makes
17372s yours even bigger yep
17374s did you see the one derek posted i did
17377s it's like what happened in that game
17380s yeah
17381s against the priest he said it's the
17382s world's biggest devourer and
17384s i wanted to comment is was the world's
17386s biggest boon of the ascended coming up
17388s next turn
17389s just as an answer to it that'd be pretty
17392s great actually
17394s until i saw it it didn't even click for
17396s me that you can burn any minions and i
17398s don't know why because obviously
17400s that's what it says it's just it never
17402s really clicked until i saw it happen
17405s yeah it's actually a really big counter
17406s to devour if you just hold a boon in a
17409s silence
17410s because
17412s you can't silence the kirian but you can
17414s silence the devour it's like
17416s this must be the way
17419s oh this is nice this is such a big swing
17422s turn
17425s yeah battlegrounds battlemaster and
17427s silence in hand he can make a million c
17429s giants and still devour the devourer and
17432s that's the the starfish as well wait
17435s what
17436s oh
17438s he's not devouring
17439s it gets too ivor so you can probably
17441s double trade but
17445s i mean yeah this works oh yeah sorry
17447s it's gotta just kill you yeah okay sure
17449s okay
17449s just bigger than under there
17451s and now
17454s just with me
17456s has very little right
17458s oh i feel like
17460s yeah i would say that the devourer plus
17463s double giant leaves you the board space
17465s whereas here you can't join so if your
17467s plan is to
17469s i guess starfish you push a bit more
17471s damage if you
17473s actually go for just having the giants
17475s on board but
17477s i mean it's probably going to be enough
17478s anyway
17480s even if you silence these i was a
17481s standalone ones
17487s yeah because it also still involves like
17489s we've said before right like possessing
17491s does have to freeze them all first
17494s like
17494s that
17495s we do have the habit of acting like oh
17497s everything's always frozen it's like
17499s well sometimes it isn't uh it's gonna be
17501s alibi this turn here for possesses so
17504s going to take
17505s uh what you'll be able to ping off the
17507s priestess but i'm going to take one
17509s minimum of four this time
17512s oh he didn't have the amount of money
17522s will be really after the um scales right
17526s and that would make him feel incredibly
17530s still got a bit of time to find it if
17532s he's concerned for his total
17535s i think
17539s oh yeah smooth 17 mana floated oh
17541s welcome to druid things
17544s yeah i think holding back here is just a
17545s nod to mordress
17547s it could uh
17549s have more dress plus a flurry for
17551s instance and then just
17553s leave the big guys there and your giants
17555s are all dead
17557s yeah i like this a lot because there's
17558s no reason right like what does adding
17560s more things do right if you you're
17562s either frozen or you're not and i guess
17564s one it helps with things like flurry but
17567s again as you quite rarely mentioned if
17569s modric wipes anyway then the flurry only
17571s has to hit the 219s
17577s maybe just play more things
17579s like if they flurry you can just silence
17582s and uh
17583s i'll master anyway
17584s everything scales on the lethal turn uh
17587s that's fine why not grab the extra armor
17589s just for good measure but yeah plenty of
17591s damage and that is textbook
17595s play from chantsu of how you want to win
17597s this match right like that just ticks
17599s the box and yes he stole the danatharius
17601s generally you assume you're going to use
17603s your own denathrius in this sort of two
17605s kind of hit combo that you try to set up
17608s but that is exactly how you want the
17610s game to go right set up the big minions
17613s threaten silence battlegrounds all the
17615s time and have some extra burst with the
17617s danathius if possible but as you can see
17619s there right there was a lot of damage
17621s extra anyway so yeah really good game
17624s there for chonsu and again just like
17627s that it feels like he's in such a good
17629s spot because he's just one with druid
17632s mage has gone now from possessing
17633s because this is a last hero standing and
17636s you just get to play druid again
17639s yeah i really like the way chance
17641s chelsea played that last game as well
17642s just
17643s constant foot on the pedal never gave up
17646s uh just the aggression which is
17649s what you have to do as a druid to to
17651s really force the major's hand
17654s yeah because you can afford to as well
17656s though right i think that's the thing
17657s that yeah looks weird sometimes it's
17659s like
17660s see some druids holding cards and i'm
17663s just gonna draw more so i've got loads
17664s of stuff it's like right but you have
17666s like what feels like infinite threats
17668s especially if you get off the you know
17670s the giant priestess or oracle sorry um
17673s the combo and stuff which basically
17674s gives you two extra giants um you have
17677s so many threats just chuck them out and
17679s make your opponent deal with them
17680s definitely a good plan but it does mean
17682s now druid is going to be going up
17684s against possesses wig priest this deck
17686s does play more than two minions so it's
17688s got that going for it at least for now
17690s um but again this is a match up that yes
17693s the priest as feels like since the
17695s beginning of time you want to play
17697s minions early make them big and punch
17699s druid in the face but it's not quite as
17701s simple as it used to be right because
17703s druid has many more ways to not only
17705s fight for board early but also just
17708s recover mainly with the scales of onixia
17711s yeah it's not only just the scales the
17713s scales is obviously fantastic in the
17714s matchup but it's the insatiable devourer
17717s is later on
17718s a lot of the time before the wig priest
17721s you get a clear of the scales and then
17722s the next sport is just massive and the
17724s druid just doesn't have a great answer
17726s to it
17727s but with the devours there's the top end
17729s you've got a raid boston mixture as well
17732s it's there's a lot of like removal
17734s there's also just the one starfish right
17736s which i think in this matchup because of
17738s the nature of well if you starfish and
17740s can't clear the minions then yeah
17742s they're still there but you can just
17744s wipe buffs away out for a turn and just
17746s say well you've got to just replay
17748s everything and have more of these cards
17750s in hand so definitely a lot of options
17752s here for chonsu as we get into game
17754s number two um opening hand looks pretty
17756s solid actually for that early game right
17758s just get some minions on board yes a
17761s little bit weak to devour here from uh
17763s from chunsu with the two one but still
17765s you'd rather have it than not uh but
17767s how's possesses hand going here jambo
17770s i mean he's got
17772s two drop wig which is basically the
17774s ideal start for the priest
17777s one one thing that can happen in this
17778s matchup is actually on curve theater
17780s very strong
17781s just to steal the weight so they can't
17783s keep
17784s buffing it
17786s you also get very early knowledge of it
17788s being there as well right because
17790s the priest will play it you know as long
17793s as they can they will play it so yeah
17796s we'll see how this one goes out uh
17800s i thought it was interesting that what
17801s what he decided as his turn here to
17803s possess he could have
17805s played the scribe plus the wig
17807s instead saved the coin
17809s and you get overall one more wig played
17814s but instead went for the one five it
17815s gets a little stickier
17818s and this did allow him to go wig scribe
17821s wig right this turn all on the two five
17823s or one five at the time
17825s yeah yeah
17826s he wants to you know like just say this
17828s has the highest health base
17830s i want to stack this you know as opposed
17833s to starting to stack on a two health
17835s minion
17836s that is true but it's if as long as your
17839s opponent's gone early board
17841s you kind of don't want to put your your
17842s stacking minion as the first one because
17844s it's gonna be the one that takes damage
17846s right right so
17848s yeah you kind of want to get the board
17850s first
17851s through maybe like just the smaller one
17853s and then
17854s you play the big one whilst you i have
17857s no threat of it getting killed
17859s and then that's when you can start like
17860s putting the boon of the ascendant on it
17862s maybe
17865s once we went for another aquatic farm i
17866s kind of like it like i do like having
17868s danathias in hand
17870s um for a while there but just thinning
17872s out the deck and dinatharius isn't
17874s really going to come into play nine
17876s times out attending this matchup right
17877s uh you've often
17879s either already or winning or the
17882s denathrius on curve doesn't really deal
17884s enough damage against the average big
17886s priest board to make a difference so i
17889s do like uh chunsu going a different
17890s route here
17891s yeah
17892s go to theater and misses the wig
17895s i was curious about the the second
17897s aquatic there because you know what's on
17898s the bottom um and you've got
17901s you know a decent turn here with the
17902s theater
17903s so
17904s do you need to do it straight away what
17906s what if you actually do want the sire
17910s yeah i guess there was
17912s if this was going to be the turn anyway
17914s why not wait sort of yeah just here hold
17916s it that's reasonable
17921s i mean unless he really wanted to just
17922s find
17924s a card to give with the theater could be
17926s the case and he didn't want to give them
17927s an aquatic form
17934s here with possessing now he is sort of
17937s walking the tightrope of
17939s he's not popped off yet but he does need
17941s to stay on board otherwise he'll be
17943s behind for most of the game
17945s though
17946s he's just working out exactly how he
17947s wants to do that
17948s what happened there
17952s does he not like about that turn
17954s i'm confused um
17956s you just decide he shouldn't have traded
17959s i think that trade was reasonable
17960s because it protects your taunt
17963s maybe it was where he'd put the buff i'm
17965s not sure
17970s or did he cast the buff first
17975s oh sorry did was the buff already active
17977s then he played a naga
17979s and then he
17980s cast oh that might have been like a
17981s reactivation of it this turn maybe yeah
17985s yeah i said that that wig's not active
17987s right yeah
17993s pedro's still in hand genbrate we don't
17995s like this
17997s yeah it's not the cleanest looking turn
18000s this is off this is the turn just get
18003s scared of scales
18004s one thing you can actually do when
18006s you're scared of scales
18008s it's not put out enough board for the
18010s scales
18011s to completely kill itself and then you
18013s have the potential swing term of the
18015s devour right
18017s what you don't want to do if you're
18018s expecting the scales it's like put out
18020s like exactly the right amount of health
18021s for it to clear because then you're just
18023s wasting your resources and you don't
18025s have that swing turn afterwards
18027s yeah this is good stacking on the
18028s elemental now if the scales is there
18031s chance who has to decide whether he
18032s wants to kill the radiant elemental and
18034s maybe
18035s one or two other things or whether he
18037s wants to clear the potential wide board
18039s and it's difficult because
18041s although the raging is a huge threat of
18043s course the slither spare can really get
18045s out of control on the big turns right
18047s because of the stacking buff
18049s yeah
18050s it's just he's put out too much health
18052s and too many threats basically for a
18054s scales alone to
18056s to stop the priest i mean he still
18059s really wants it
18060s it's just
18061s he's gonna need scales plus something
18063s else
18064s we're just going
18068s one single chump
18070s it's 13 health right it's quite a lot
18073s the nine attack is gonna threaten most
18075s minions even after a few buffs
18078s yeah i mean it's actually quite
18080s reasonable especially because it was a
18081s radiant which is not only just
18083s the stats were a threat but it's just a
18085s tempo tool for all these whips on the
18087s next turn
18088s anybody
18091s um
18092s i mean
18094s you already have a bless
18096s you could actually draw a minion because
18098s you are lacking nagasa
18102s especially um a raging would be a good
18104s pick up again
18108s i don't know if you really need two
18110s pluses
18111s like you don't have
18113s a big minion for it to go on to right
18120s and like it's not a great spell the horn
18123s but
18124s one extra millions two extra bucks from
18126s the wig
18128s yeah essentially tricky though cause
18130s like are you spending three mana on horn
18133s uh sorry three men i want my talk about
18134s something nuggling yeah like do you want
18136s the horn for the extra draw but a one
18139s manager's throw out of bless could still
18141s be okay if possessee wants to keep this
18144s sort of
18145s low and wide board right yep like that
18148s is a decent option as well because he's
18150s wide he hasn't seen scales so he might
18153s be like okay well i'll just buff a lot
18155s of minions now the aoe clear is only
18157s going to get worse as he keeps buffing
18159s them
18162s yeah no it doesn't make sense that
18163s you're pretty close to closing out the
18164s game
18165s so
18166s oh
18168s oh he took the innovate of the previous
18169s one as well i thought the other two
18171s options were reasonable
18173s this can do a lot
18175s or you can do not a lot yeah druid's
18177s very weird isn't it with these spells
18180s not usually good at removal unless you
18182s get
18183s uh scales of elixir
18186s but it's very good at making boards
18194s oh number one
18195s if we can survive oh
18205s just
18206s oh oh
18208s then scales on the other one would have
18210s been huge
18211s raven i don't think he believed in that
18213s i can see he didn't and there yeah i
18216s could tell
18217s there's the insta concede because he
18219s knows there's already the wakes there's
18221s so many buffs still available in hand
18223s and possessing manages to even up the
18224s series the priest doing its job a
18227s noticeable lack of scales available
18230s there because again if you rewind on
18232s that turn the the devourer came out the
18234s turn could have very easy been scales to
18236s clear the wide board and then devour the
18238s buffed elemental as long as you lived
18240s and then things could have really gotten
18242s spicy there for chauncey but i i
18244s appreciate the convoke play i think
18246s that's just something he had to go for
18248s but just got a little bit unlucky there
18250s and not quite hitting any of the sort of
18252s key cards but honestly
18254s that's why the card isn't really played
18256s in druid at all right because the
18258s selection of spells available just isn't
18260s that good isn't that reliable it's not
18263s like mage where you can rely on like
18265s maybe draw a few cards freeze or clear
18267s the board
18268s and maybe deal a bit of damage right
18270s like that's generally what mage does but
18271s with druid you'd be like
18273s gain a mana
18275s make a 2-2 and buff you're bored like
18277s that's kind of what you expect it's kind
18279s of awkward i do actually play a a
18282s version of druid which is primarily
18284s around the box
18285s uh of course you do
18287s yeah but it looks a bit different to
18288s these ones because it actually uh you
18290s get on board a bit quicker so that you
18292s can utilize some some of these buffs
18295s right just
18296s many things because the box is just
18297s really terrible at removing or when
18299s you're behind it's really something that
18301s just kind of snowballs your advantage
18303s rather than like you said the magebox
18304s which is just a comeback tool most of
18306s the time
18307s here we are jumping into game number
18309s three chunsu blocking in the rogue and
18312s chonsu's just come off the back of a 3-0
18315s rogue sweep against judgment in the
18317s previous match so
18319s must be feeling confident on the deck
18321s after that i am shocked
18324s i know rogue has the ability to just win
18326s any game of hearthstone but
18329s i was very surprised it three owed
18331s something that i did not expect
18332s i mean we saw a rogue yesterday and it
18334s looked really awful and i think the
18336s stats reflected that it just had a very
18338s low win rate
18339s yesterday but i guess things are
18342s switched up a bit today
18344s i just i don't know i've lost a lot of
18347s belief in the deck from watching
18348s yesterday especially because people
18350s aren't running the crab and i think the
18352s crab
18354s yes it doesn't help your pop-offs but it
18355s just gives you like a bridge to give you
18358s enough money to get to those pop-ups i
18360s think or just a bit more burn at the end
18361s of the game or something it definitely
18363s feels bad when you're in top deck mode
18366s because your opponent's cleared your
18367s board and you top decks like a prep or a
18370s stairs to strike whereas you just think
18372s ah this could have been grab a tower and
18374s i would have been back in the game
18378s you know possessing getting off to a
18380s solid start here scribe and wig the
18382s first big hurdle here for chanceu to
18384s deal with he does have the ability to
18386s deal with it
18387s but
18388s oh
18390s huh is he popping off now
18393s this is
18394s he should have started the door of
18396s shadows surely
18398s um
18399s i know never mind sorry he's already
18401s turned into a rogue
18403s oh yeah yeah sure
18406s he has now the
18408s spike
18409s in all the location
18414s okay i like this actually
18416s i thought he was going to hold for
18417s another turn but i guess to be fair you
18419s just don't know how big that health is
18420s going to be in the next turn right
18424s yeah and you're against naga priest
18426s which really wants to be on board so
18429s not only this is face pressure but it's
18431s just
18432s stopping the opponent doing what they
18434s want to be doing it's like this this
18436s isn't the miracle priest we're facing
18438s where
18438s they have one big turn off board usually
18440s they actually
18442s you know just have a lot of little turns
18443s and
18444s a five five and a three five definitely
18446s can deal with whatever they're trying to
18448s do
18449s around these turns
18451s what a huge thing samurai pick up
18456s it's not enough
18459s i wonder if it was the term for it
18461s if you could you could have waited and
18462s use the bless on that
18465s right
18468s yes that probably would have been a
18470s little bit more convincing wouldn't it
18472s especially because there were still
18474s other turns to do
18475s also um he would have been able to hold
18478s off on the location and really made it
18480s big
18481s yeah and it also the rogue's location
18484s was waking up this turn so if chonsu got
18487s a bit greedy and like you know popped
18490s off
18490s semi you know a few spells and press the
18493s button
18494s then he's a huge punish with the swimmer
18497s now does chansu press the buttons now
18500s or because of his hand does he wait
18504s what if he presses one button
18506s oh
18508s you know the meme the guy's sweating
18510s with two buttons to press
18513s oh it's exactly that
18517s i mean it makes some sense to press one
18519s one button to deal with
18520s you know a threat maybe a radiant or
18522s something and then the other button just
18524s to give you more on your next turn
18525s because
18526s you can have edwin maybe tracker as well
18530s do you really need this many stealthy
18532s boys
18532s yeah and you know edwin's gonna be big
18535s as well right yeah
18536s unlikely that edwin is uh
18539s disappointed it's already what five is
18541s that
18546s the concern is if you go too big
18550s there's the ascended on the other side
18553s okay backstab helps yeah okay
18560s extortion his own face
18566s weirdly enough
18569s there is an option but if he's scared of
18572s boone he could actually step the edwin
18575s oh not put it on board as a huge minion
18578s and play draco or something you know
18579s what i mean like
18581s that doesn't sound too bad because you
18582s have these stealth locations so exactly
18584s there's no target for the moon yeah i
18586s mean he is kind of small now anyway the
18588s bin wouldn't be a problem
18590s it doesn't have the
18592s the tracker down i'm just going to the
18593s stuff
18594s i think that'll be enough though
18596s okay oh gets to prep uh wicked stuff 363
18599s i guess
18602s oh my it's disgusting jabra
18606s definitely was in need of a buff
18608s yeah i mean
18610s yeah
18611s there's just
18613s let's be honest
18615s oh yeah
18617s did he get both buttons
18620s oh he did okay i think yeah
18624s for being scared that this edwin stayed
18626s on the board as 15 health
18629s i mean it's probably fine with the two
18630s stealths anyway yeah i'm not saying that
18632s but i'm just saying what did it need to
18634s stay on the board yeah that's the thing
18638s i think he's got so much board that
18640s it'll be fine but say if you only had
18643s one location maybe it would be a problem
18645s but
18646s i think in this spot you'll be okay
18648s possesses not even playing it which
18650s yeah i think yeah yeah i think he had to
18652s go for hitting
18654s princess felicity here
18658s well that's where he's gonna stop and
18659s that is gonna be the next game going to
18661s chansu that is four games in a row on
18664s his rogue today in grand masters that
18667s he's taking victories with that's pretty
18668s impressive and again
18670s it's one thing you know whether you
18673s you know what regardless of what state
18675s you think rogue is in right now and what
18677s you think of the deck i do think it's
18679s fascinating to watch so i like it from a
18682s casting perspective because the the
18684s volume of decisions you have to make in
18686s such a short period of time with
18689s you understand what i mean but limited
18691s resources i know that sounds ridiculous
18693s because chuntu just played about 100
18695s cards in one turn but you know that if
18697s you mess it up your next turn is going
18699s to be trash right and you might well
18701s just lose the game so you have like very
18703s just limited options but you can make
18705s the most out of it and i think it's
18707s really really fun to watch and i imagine
18709s pretty difficult to play under pressure
18711s yeah yeah definitely it's one of those
18713s decks where it's just the decision of
18715s when to go in is the most important
18717s because you have
18718s realistically like two pop-offs
18721s but if you pop off too small
18723s uh
18724s you're not gonna be able to secure the
18725s game if you pop off too late
18727s maybe the board states a bit too much of
18729s a problem or the opponent has
18732s maybe some of the better removal options
18734s online at that stage so it's really just
18737s on those decks that rewards just careful
18738s planning and knowing
18740s the matchups knowing when to go in
18743s and now that we move on to possessive on
18746s his rogue
18747s what do you make of the mirror match
18749s like and again you can you can be as
18751s honest as you would like to be here i
18753s would want nothing else but like is it
18756s is it led extremely heavily by just what
18760s european is of course whether you draw
18762s van cleef or not versus your opponent
18764s but is there any comeback mechanics if
18768s one of the rogues is behind or is it
18769s normally the one person who pops off
18771s first wins
18773s it's it's uh it's about break points i
18776s think if you pop off enough to set up a
18778s two-ton level
18780s you'll be okay the thing is if you go
18782s too small and you attack with your
18783s stealth minion
18785s and you don't have much reload there is
18786s a fair amount of removal from the
18788s opposing side and they they are actually
18790s able to go
18792s for a defensive route because
18794s both decks don't really have like late
18796s game options that means you're not going
18797s to be like out valued in the late game
18799s if you're playing defensive because the
18801s opposing deck just will run out of
18803s threats
18804s so it is often about who goes first with
18807s the pop off but the pop off does need to
18808s be big enough right
18810s yeah it's not just oh well i played
18812s edwin in two cards so i will right it's
18815s like no that it has to be correct what's
18817s really funny is this game is looking
18819s quite even so far obviously tronsu does
18821s have sin stone in hand but uh the
18824s possessive has way more removal but at
18826s this moment both players having a one
18829s minute one now zero mana wildpoor edwin
18831s and drakka in hand so they have all the
18834s base tools at least to start going off
18836s yeah and we even see chonsu uh deciding
18839s not to hero power here a little nod that
18842s he doesn't want like a backstab target
18843s for the opponent
18845s or something like that just to enable
18847s their turn a bit more because the one
18848s one's not really going to help you too
18850s much
18850s right
18855s seen the null come down straight away
18859s kind of interesting i'll just cash it in
18862s there
18864s yeah it's weird when you have a
18867s tracker in hand
18870s like it does have rush
18878s because although yeah the minions can
18881s get massive we know this of course but
18885s it also comes down to
18887s well
18887s like a player's half a turn behind in
18889s damage sometimes right uh if if both
18892s players are even so maybe possessee just
18894s wants to push three doesn't want to
18896s overdraw and things like that right so
18898s just throw out the minion
18900s yeah he does have a a lot of his burn
18903s cards already so some of the face damage
18905s hitting now and finishing with draco
18907s plus burn is completely reasonable i
18909s just
18910s i don't know you push maybe three this
18912s turn if it doesn't get removed i mean it
18915s won't because of the staff but
18917s you you
18919s get minus one
18921s from your track over three turns
18926s i guess it's the same damage
18930s the uh biggest dagger i've ever seen
18932s i'll be honest
18934s but possess you going for more tempo
18936s and again like i said fascinating
18938s because i'll be honest it looks weird
18941s from possessi but i cannot tell you that
18943s this is just wrong you know what i mean
18945s because i just it all depends on what
18947s possesses his plan is he does have that
18948s double wicked stab and tooth for the
18950s next turn and a half so like he is
18953s setting up a lot of damage it's just you
18956s look at now chances response and it's
18958s kind of ridiculous
18961s oh
18962s that's a huge pick up
18965s all right jambo you're on your own for
18967s one second i'm just going to close my
18968s window because the doctor okay
18970s are you not uh you've not cast gm until
18972s you've been left to solo cast so here
18974s you go it's my gift to you
18976s for one second
18977s yeah so looking for a backflip hit the
18979s damage break points work
18981s there's eight damage from the weapon
18983s composition plus 11 damage in burn over
18987s two turns
18989s it means it's gonna be one damage short
18990s of lethal
18994s but it just looks like lethal setup from
18997s chonsu and there's not enough man to
18999s deliver all this damage from possessive
19002s immediately so he has gonna
19004s have to prevent lethal for a turn
19006s and pick up more damage
19009s yeah looking rough this is not looking
19011s great is it and i think that's the
19013s difference right i think possessing had
19015s the option to go just a little bit
19017s slower but decided to go for a bit of a
19020s more tempo play and start forcing damage
19022s through which again
19023s does make logical sense based on his
19025s hand
19026s but i think the biggest problem was
19028s possessing just didn't have sin stones
19030s right so he he knew his pop off as soon
19033s as he saw that that sin stoned
19035s even the first one come out from chansu
19037s he knew his pop off would not be as big
19039s right because there's just no other
19040s minion behind it yeah and like another a
19044s slight downside for going in early if
19046s it's not enough is that you just give
19047s targets to your opponent to use
19050s some of their removable spells on
19052s like the big one is the bone spike it
19055s needs a target to die and there's no
19057s targets there's you have to use it on
19058s your own minions which is sometimes
19060s difficult right
19062s if you just give knolls chances to bump
19064s into each other you just open up a load
19066s of more ways just to
19068s boost up these uh these graveyards
19071s i think he had enough damage to go for
19073s it
19074s but he also needed more mana so maybe if
19076s he delayed a bit
19077s it would actually worked out better
19078s because then he just has naturally more
19080s mana to spend on these wicked stabs
19083s yeah this is the thing as well it on one
19085s hand good turn from possessing because
19088s he's asking his opponent for nine or
19091s eight with a two mana on the dagger
19093s right um
19094s but possession also had to use that burn
19096s which means
19098s it's like a good chunk away from
19099s actually killing his opponent oh is this
19101s lethal i think it might be exactly
19103s lethal
19105s was that a dog yeah i think he is
19112s okay chun su
19114s is feeling rogue right now right that's
19116s kind of insane actually two series and
19119s he's won now five games straight uh or
19122s at least five games straight when he has
19124s cued rogue he has won five in a row uh
19127s which is
19128s pretty nutty honestly and that's kind of
19131s ludicrous and he wins the series with it
19133s uh what a great day this is the kind of
19135s day you want to have as a hearthstone
19137s player competing right uh you've taken a
19139s deck like that rogue which is not a
19141s simple deck to play and you're just
19143s dominating with it what more could
19145s chantsy want
19147s yeah i mean it's very impressive play
19148s and it just looked all really natural to
19150s him like he he wasn't like um i'm not
19152s sure what to do it's just
19154s every turn he was confident all you had
19156s he immediately spots lethal at the end
19158s of that game just another testament to
19160s that fact
19161s yeah it's really impressive play from
19163s him overall i think that's a something
19165s that's a little bit tricky because you
19168s know you look at like all the loads of
19170s top players right we know many good and
19172s great hearthstone players but when you
19174s take a deck like this where it does feel
19176s like you play on a razor's edge a lot of
19178s the time it's all good and well like
19180s saying oh
19181s loads of people have done well with this
19183s debt they're saying it's great i'm gonna
19184s submit it and play it but if you've not
19186s got the experience you don't have that
19188s sort of pattern recognition and just
19190s that that kind of stuff to rely on to
19192s just know how to play each match up in
19194s each situation because if you've just
19196s not jammed 100 games before today then
19199s you are just sort of making it up as you
19200s go along and i imagine that's a lot more
19202s difficult than for example i would guess
19205s that chonsu is putting a good amount of
19207s time on that road because as you said it
19209s feels like he's just going through the
19211s motions doesn't it
19213s i mean yeah you can take that to the
19214s extreme with what you're saying with
19216s like a deck like boar priest where yeah
19218s everyone was ranting and raving like it
19220s was the best thing ever and the win rate
19222s didn't really reflect that but it maybe
19225s even an ego thing comes into it like
19227s everyone's saying this is the best deck
19228s but if there's a skill gap to it i want
19230s to be the best player i need to play
19232s this right and just show that i'm good
19234s enough
19236s it's something i do like as a bit of a
19237s meme as we take a look at group c i'll
19239s do my job just a little bit before we
19240s just slowly roll into just chatting
19242s about life um but super fake and chuntsu
19244s of course getting out of group c so huge
19247s congratulations to them we will see them
19248s tomorrow in the final day of uh this gm
19251s week of course but yeah i agree i think
19253s it's a really a funny excuse people can
19255s use sometimes when the deck's doing
19256s badly it's like oh yeah the skill gap so
19258s you wouldn't understand you wouldn't
19260s understand you're not good enough it's
19261s like
19262s yeah
19263s there's no real discernible way to tell
19265s whether it is actually a skill gap thing
19267s or the deck's just bad yeah
19269s i love it as well when it's like oh well
19271s look i won a game with it so it's good
19273s it's just you can't play it right
19275s okay
19277s but anyway as we do have to progress
19279s today at some point again
19281s congratulations to chance who take the
19282s win they're really looking forward to
19284s seeing what he does tomorrow with that
19285s rogue and see if he can continue the
19287s streak but for now we're going to go to
19288s a quick break before we kick off group d
19291s we are going to be starting with blize
19292s versus pasqua so it's going to be a good
19295s one to start that group don't go
19296s anywhere and we'll be right back
19298s [Music]
19314s [Music]
19320s [Music]
19406s my
19408s [Music]
19492s welcome back everyone we've got more
19494s grand masters coming up for you group d
19496s is about to kick off and we've got x
19498s bly's versus pasco coming right up and
19501s it's gonna be an interesting one as well
19503s because we're gonna see different bands
19505s across the board slightly different
19506s lineups as well and even different lists
19508s within those lineups but take a look at
19510s group d as a whole this group will be
19512s played out until its end today with of
19514s course tj and lorinda taking over a
19516s little bit later on but for now blaise
19518s versus pascoa and zlatan versus dimitri
19521s kazav and so put some pretty interesting
19524s matchups coming up as well because as
19526s lord cruz and dimitri kazoff both
19528s bringing
19529s basically the same class lineup and
19531s we'll get into the decks a little bit
19532s later and then blize and pasco are
19534s bringing similar ish lineups of course
19537s with them you know maids druid being
19539s very very popular right now but then the
19542s warlock from pasco as well being a bit
19544s of a difference i'm honestly a bit
19546s surprised that
19547s warlock is as popular as it seems to be
19550s this week i'm not saying it's the most
19551s popular deck but i'm surprised we've
19553s even seen any because it just doesn't
19555s feel like a sort of meta breaker but do
19557s you think it's just a there for counter
19559s picks because of the format yeah
19561s i think it has its niche which is
19564s to counter druid uh it's it's not great
19567s in a conquest lineup where you have to
19569s get a win you might be playing against
19570s mage you might be playing against
19572s um but
19574s in the past shaman but we see there's
19575s not much of that this time
19577s uh but against druid it was very very
19579s strong and at lhs when you really expect
19582s a lot of druids it's nice to have that
19584s in your arsenal just as a as a
19585s counterpick
19587s yeah we can see that reflected as well
19588s because pasco has chosen to ban the
19591s rogue away from bly's choosing to leave
19593s druid up and that's clearly why right it
19596s got the warlock um his own rogue to play
19599s and his mage against druid so you've got
19601s to think like yep pasco is going to be
19603s very comfortable regardless of what he
19605s has to pick into druid because sometimes
19607s again you
19608s in in la lhs of course you will want to
19611s pick into certain matchups but you don't
19613s always get that choice depending on how
19615s the series goes right so you do want you
19617s don't want one deck that's good versus
19619s druid and all your rest are trash right
19621s like you want to have at least some
19623s ability
19624s especially when a band's involved so you
19627s need some sort of backup in case
19629s you're you're a big counter to that yeah
19631s okay
19633s no i just can't beat druid now
19635s but yeah we see some of the blind stats
19637s here and again just
19638s incredible player in many different ways
19640s of course one back-to-back masters tours
19643s just a feat that will never be forgotten
19645s because it's so ridiculous that that
19647s happened and of course been very very
19649s close to getting to worlds and he's
19651s looking to get a little bit closer this
19653s time but again for me with blize it's
19655s just impressive um how strong his
19658s overall play is and how intuitive it
19660s feels like the game is to him he does
19663s just sort of turn starts he just knows
19665s what to do he just makes the plays and
19667s wins a lot of games so we'll have to see
19669s how this one goes out so far
19671s yeah what actually impresses me a lot
19673s about blind he's so fast and figuring
19675s out the play when you watch him stream
19677s he spends most of the turn just guessing
19679s what the opponent's gonna be doing
19683s he just does his play instantly ends it
19684s all right okay they're gonna do this
19686s yeah it's kind of silly isn't it because
19689s at first it's very easy like it you know
19692s today oh he's just throwing cards out
19694s and just hoping it works but then when
19696s you actually look at the plays it's like
19699s yeah it's just the best play like it's
19701s making the best play pretty much every
19703s single turn and doing it in such a rapid
19705s fashion it's kind of kind of cool to
19707s watch but he's going to have that air
19708s ping mage for him there going up against
19711s pascoe's mage which is um just that
19714s slightly different one it is going to be
19715s the big spell mage and this seems to be
19717s the the two key differences we see
19719s across the board now and
19721s i've not done the numbers lorinda has
19723s and i've just not got anywhere to look
19724s at them at this moment in time but it
19727s feels like it's very 50 50 among the
19729s players right we've been seeing i feel
19732s just as many ping versions as we have of
19734s the big spell and i do wonder how that's
19736s going to develop going forward and
19738s whether it's going to stay that way
19739s because it's dependent on bands or
19741s whether one deck will just become this
19744s is the mage deck you play
19746s yeah and and
19748s it's not like one major is doing better
19749s than the other they're both doing very
19751s well over over the course of the weekend
19753s so it's really not clear which one you
19755s want to be picking
19757s it's kind of interesting this match up
19759s though it actually tends to turn into
19760s just a ping mage mirror where
19762s both players are trying to ramp up their
19764s pings more than the big spell mage doing
19766s big spell mage things
19768s yeah a lot of the time with rune of the
19769s arc archmage for example you're like
19770s please get ignite wildfire sorry oh yeah
19773s let's get wildfire
19774s but both mines i could try and catch up
19776s and you do see there of course the air
19778s drake fire hamlets and such but like i
19780s said with no wildfires in the deck your
19783s ping buffing isn't as reliable but one
19786s extra damage
19788s or two extra damage here and there
19790s versus if you just get to dawn grasp
19792s first and ramp better
19794s it becomes negligible right
19796s unless your opponent is doing everything
19798s at the speed you're doing it at the
19800s wildfires themselves don't normally make
19803s a huge impact
19805s yeah that's the thing with the dawn
19806s grass if you both have it you tend to be
19808s able to ramp up to six quite easily and
19810s then beyond that it's hard so if you
19812s start with some wildfires at four
19814s the opponent can just catch up quite
19816s easily and then the wildfires
19818s effectively didn't really do a whole lot
19822s yeah we'll see how this one goes though
19824s it's gonna be interesting again a lot of
19826s it relying on those pings but but there
19827s are other things that can make an impact
19829s especially with some early damage even
19831s though mage has the ability to gain
19833s armor there's also a lot of chances
19834s depending on what list they're playing
19836s that they actually don't gain that much
19838s armor at all uh so we'll have to see how
19840s this one goes as we get into game number
19843s one blize or already scaring me as his
19846s background is not completely the void i
19849s can see light there which is very odd
19851s for plays
19852s deep in the theotard though what do you
19853s think of this
19855s i i mean it's interesting obviously
19858s i was talking earlier how it devolves
19860s into a bit of a
19861s ping mage mirror where you're just both
19863s ranking off pings minions don't really
19865s do a whole lot
19866s so i mean if you can get the theater
19869s before
19870s the hero card turn
19872s you can see wherever they've got if they
19873s don't have it you don't have to deal
19874s with it for quite a while if they do
19875s have it maybe you don't have to do it
19876s over ever
19878s i can understand it
19880s [Music]
19881s already wildfire number one there for
19883s players it's at least gonna help get a
19886s potential quick mode dress right which
19888s is probably the key difference
19890s uh between having the wildfires and not
19893s is that you can actually pre-stack
19894s modresh earlier if you need a curved
19897s play on them
19899s yeah yeah definitely definitely
19902s in a rope coming out from pascal
19905s keeping the tank on whether it's pelican
19907s needs to hit the board or not
19910s yeah
19911s i wonder if there's some mind games
19913s blizzard's used to playing so quickly so
19914s maybe
19915s i don't know if if there's a way to
19917s frustrate blize by slowing him down a
19919s bit
19921s probably not but no i think blize does
19924s not care at all
19926s i think
19927s i know what blize plays so fast
19930s you need to spend your early turns
19932s thinking because you're not going to get
19933s extra time later on
19936s because that whenever you press end turn
19938s it's weirdly your turn again yeah you're
19940s like wait what happened i need to think
19942s about this again
19944s actually very funny
19945s yeah so wisely taking time to think here
19947s probably just for his future
19952s most likely already locked in the watch
19953s post this turn
19955s runs out on me
19959s can't push damage but i think you have
19961s to display the watch post surely
19968s yeah that's good to me
19973s hit the first one
19977s [Music]
19980s again it's
19981s i think watch post is so um
19984s perfect for what it wants to do in this
19987s kind of matchup where
19989s it never just wins a game right
19992s but it is always annoying it's just that
19995s like it's just a thorn in your side
19996s isn't it it's like oh right now blizzard
19998s seven that might mean my turn's less
20000s smooth later but it's not like oh no my
20003s one card got
20004s increased by one the game's over i
20007s concede right it's just that like
20008s annoyance uh going going to be there for
20011s blize is uh looks like pasco is just
20013s going to keep on the pressure looking
20014s there looking at that renault
20017s yeah not the best looking hand for
20018s pascal um just gotta kind of play
20021s what you can at this stage and there's
20023s hope to draw into
20024s your bigger threats later on
20026s i mean chip damage does matter to an
20028s extent i mean we've seen time and time
20030s again these mage mirrors just come down
20032s to a clock when it comes to the pings
20034s later on if you've got a bit of early
20036s damage in
20037s your clock's going to be a bit easier to
20039s reach zero so
20042s not irrelevant these early turns but
20043s obviously not too
20045s looking his hand's not looking the way
20047s he wants it to at this stage
20060s this surprises me a lot actually
20065s very interesting right because we can
20068s see he's and obviously blize can
20070s understand that it's unlikely he has a
20073s big hit because it's so early in the
20074s game only three cards in the hand but
20078s blize does now have a full knowledge of
20080s the hand this turn right uh which is at
20083s least useful going forward he knows
20085s there's a barbaric sorceress he now
20087s knows he's giving them the blizzard so
20089s blize is likely to going into that turn
20092s six will have want to get that flurry
20093s out of the way because even though you
20095s could argue it's just a blizzard there
20097s could be other cards drawn by then and
20099s also you'd still rather not give your
20101s opponent a zero mana blizzard right so
20104s yeah some level of knowledge at least
20107s it's just
20109s what are you trying to hit from the
20110s theater realistically
20112s it's the it's the hero card or the six
20115s mana plays
20116s generally speaking so
20118s timing wise the the best chance you have
20121s is
20122s to turn prior to what them playing them
20124s because they're going to get rid of some
20125s of the other cards they're going to draw
20127s more cards
20128s um
20130s and you don't actually need to go for it
20132s until they can play them anyway because
20135s they can't come out of a hand so it's
20136s kind of like mutinous timings i think
20138s like
20139s when you time the mutants you just you
20141s do it
20142s just before they do their big play so
20144s it's a bit strange to see it now
20146s especially because
20147s a 3-3 on board is not like particularly
20150s scary especially facing down a 3-4 right
20154s yeah if anything it might save you three
20156s health in the long run right but that's
20162s there's gonna be several cards drawn
20164s before turn seven so there's several
20166s more chances that it's that herocar's
20168s gonna be there
20170s so
20172s it's curious
20183s hmm
20190s something to think about this turn it's
20192s not
20192s completely clear
20194s there is
20195s a ramped ping from plies so if you do
20198s play this mailbox dance you do
20200s give your opponent access to a coin
20204s which i mean if they have the hero card
20206s it's gonna enable them to get out
20207s earlier
20208s you don't really need the coin too much
20210s yourself
20211s uh in this spot
20214s so he does have sorcerers right
20217s it does yeah probably make blize play
20220s the coin anyway next turn i think
20223s because blize knows the sorceress there
20227s yeah that's true
20231s i mean that wise will know the hand
20232s though he knows it so it's just blizzard
20234s by now
20235s maybe he is okay just
20237s letting his opponent play a three seven
20239s that gives him a zero minor blizzard in
20241s this matchup specifically right
20250s all right he's going to get rid of him
20251s doesn't want to give him any value there
20253s from the sorceress
20257s it's funny with the uh
20259s sort
20263s they just picked up
20266s oh savara zavara yeah with the savara
20268s picked up is actually just going to put
20269s the coin and the
20270s flooring back into yeah
20273s so if he wants to play that he's just
20274s gonna have to get rid of them again
20280s i wonder
20287s okay so
20289s you know he's just played around the the
20291s barbaric source for us
20293s at what point
20295s are we actually gonna play it
20297s is there some stage in the game where
20298s they they're forced to play into it
20300s again because it's certainly not this
20302s time like he's just supposed to throw
20303s out for the stats now and just say
20306s i'm not going to get the effect off this
20307s game but it's just the the best players
20309s turn anyway
20311s i think i like it as well because it
20313s does potentially protect the watch post
20316s and i think like i said earlier even
20317s though the watch post isn't game-winning
20319s hitting this many cards is making
20322s blyze's turns worse right so looks like
20325s he's going to protect a slightly
20326s different way and go for the trades or
20328s the freeze here yeah okay so he's gonna
20330s still make it a little bit awkward for
20332s players to try and kill but i do like
20333s protecting the watch post in some manner
20336s yeah i mean this this apprentice is
20338s actually quite a valuable resource
20340s in the long term because of
20342s the hero card if you're gonna pick it up
20345s it just offers a lot of ramped potential
20347s and a lot of face damage down the line
20350s and uh i'm just curious whether it's
20352s actually better
20353s to hold this sorceress like
20355s well you can swap with with the
20357s alchemist maybe
20366s i mean deep breath looks horrible with
20368s your hand
20369s but you gotta consider
20371s maybe these cards are
20374s so not useful for you that maybe you
20376s just don't want to give your opponent
20378s any sort of resources because you're so
20380s low on them
20382s giving them a blizzard for instance in
20384s this scenario would be would be terrible
20387s i snap freeze because you have a
20389s blizzard i guess i don't know
20392s yeah but i mean maybe because they're so
20394s bad you just give the deep breath
20396s because they're never picking
20399s i mean if you take snap freeze
20402s they can't really hold on to it because
20404s you have the barbara right right
20406s so maybe you're fine with giving them
20408s that one it's just how useful is it for
20410s you
20411s oh go for the blizzard
20427s this seems like a horrible turnout
20429s because the blizzard was very good for
20430s them
20431s yeah i guess it's like pasco was just
20433s thinking well i still just want the best
20435s cards myself
20437s as opposed to giving noon
20439s picking a bad card to give my opponent a
20441s bad card doesn't even help patagona
20443s right whereas maybe he's just thinking
20445s i'll just pick the best card for me
20448s in general and yeah he gets it as well
20450s but at least i got it yeah but look at
20452s the board state how good is a blizzard
20454s for you opposing no board versus how
20456s good is a blizzard for blize when you
20458s have this wide board we could see there
20460s was no there was no aoe at all for
20462s blighs in his hand but now he's been
20464s given one
20466s and you gave the okay with their
20468s sacrificing sheep i don't know they are
20471s they are just getting away
20473s just getting away with it just
20476s you never suspect the sheep do you yours
20477s is the wolf but really
20480s it's the sheep all along they were the
20481s true evil characters in that story oh
20484s yeah
20486s maybe there are wolves in cheap clothing
20488s secretly pushing so much damage
20492s just like slyly deal two each instead of
20495s one you're like hey
20496s don't deal two
20501s is it all face
20503s yeah
20506s what what would pliers do though if he
20508s didn't have this blizzard
20511s i was trading
20512s oh just to get the t-team
20522s what's board space i guess
20524s i mean he knows there's a blizzard from
20526s the opponent oh true yeah
20529s we just have coin to do this with as
20531s well if he really wants but he's going
20532s to hold and now
20534s flies has ruin of the archmage who's the
20537s big spell mage now
20539s yeah
20540s and the pirate chamber
20543s yeah he's have coined to block this
20544s ocarina as well
20547s yeah in terms of resources police have
20550s so much more
20551s and his resources get him more resources
20556s pascara's just got nothing right now
20559s what to do
20560s what to do
20562s if he's been tracking he should know
20564s that the coin
20566s was brought back from the uh chavarro
20569s that khan is like
20572s not looking fantastic
20576s i mean there's always just okani for
20578s minion what to do yeah i mean it doesn't
20581s die to a blizzard
20583s yeah and you know that there's the rune
20585s in the hand
20586s even the rune right it's
20588s i would put okani is unlikely to die to
20591s the rune i think that's
20593s okay to say like it's probably going to
20596s get transformed instead
20599s but yeah it's reason it's reasonable
20604s um you guys were spelled anyway
20608s i mean if you're facing down on a carny
20610s with a coin you're probably gonna test
20613s just to be safe anyway oh especially if
20615s you're doing it into rune of the
20617s archmage right like you never want to be
20619s like you know what he knows i've got
20620s coins he's never going to use it on
20622s spell i'll just play rune of the arc
20624s mage fails
20626s this is even better yeah best of both
20628s worlds guess what there's no hero
20630s counter for ocarina he needs a third
20632s option
20633s counter hero card
20635s yeah
20636s you always pick the camera here
20638s what do they say i guess transformed
20642s where's the sheep
20652s well pascal's just had nothing to do
20654s this game has he no
20658s no car drawer drawn no hero cards drawn
20660s no
20661s big spells drawn
20663s he was just given a big spell for
20664s implies earlier and it's the best he's
20666s been offered
20679s this is this does run double treasure
20681s card as well
20683s it's not like he's a
20684s ultra greedy big spell mage with no car
20686s drawer options available
20692s what does he even do here because like
20694s the reckless just feels like a big waste
20696s of time doesn't it
20698s i think it's because it's not even good
20700s tempo right it's just a 3-5 by who cares
20703s yeah i think
20705s at this stage you've got to just
20706s sort of
20707s dig in
20708s that you hope you're gonna draw your own
20710s hero card soon
20712s and given that you need to save this
20715s reckless
20716s because it's so much better post hero
20717s card
20720s you need to like
20721s stop not offering any ramps available
20725s you can't play any meetings that allow
20727s flyers to ramp up i think he's on three
20729s now
20730s so he's gonna ramp off his own minion it
20731s looks like
20734s oh in this little box who you're dealing
20737s with
20738s curiously didn't run first
20740s yeah anything can happen was it on four
20742s it might be on four actually
20745s they did play the wildfire
20746s oh yeah it would have played the other
20748s wildfire wouldn't it or like played the
20749s second wildfire should i say
20766s oh
20768s back in the game pasco could just
20770s suddenly win after doing nothing for 20
20773s turns
20774s oh ruin of the arc mage
20776s there's a secret
20779s are you that scared of counter spell
20781s like you could blizzard this turn
20783s just so you can get the box off
20785s for sure next turn it's true
20788s i mean
20789s that's a whole turn slower
20792s and you have to use the blizzard maybe
20793s the blizzard has some uses later down
20795s the line
20801s would you just do the fled and rip it
20802s into the secret
20805s oh
20807s oh he's he's not he's gonna lie around
20809s it yeah i like the blizzard because it's
20812s his only hope and he still needs this
20814s rune of the archmage to still be this
20815s like
20816s you know ultimate invest in uh
20818s infestation levels of power here
20821s yeah this one's card draw really yeah
20823s you're hoping for card drill but like
20825s a lot of times it's going to clear
20826s boards anyway so
20829s why not
20830s just delay a turn and have it do both
20832s ideally
20840s i mean you actually you don't want the
20841s room to actually keep you bored because
20845s the opponent's got uh the hero card up
20849s you really just want card draw and
20851s remove on the board so you can find your
20854s own
20855s [Applause]
20858s oh it's so much damage
20863s already down to 18 the hero powerful
20866s eyes is only on four for now but again
20868s any opportunity that blize has to ramp
20870s will he will almost certainly take
20875s yeah
20876s option to farden and avoca here
20879s avoca is a for helping us if you were
20881s gonna go for that you probably would
20882s have to ping it right
20884s i think the box is just fine though you
20886s have to freeze if
20888s if this a8 remains at the end of the
20889s turn
20891s oh
20892s oh
20894s okay they're quite big maybe you can't
20896s ramp off those
20899s blinds will find a way
20909s do you use your freeze
20912s i think so
20913s like even trading into one of these big
20915s minions to enable
20917s me some way to uh
20919s to ping them down would be a problem
20923s what are you saving it for really
20926s yeah
20927s especially because
20928s of course
20929s us going knows it's he's not got barrier
20933s right so do you really want to take fall
20935s at all give your opponent spell damage
20937s maybe like it's just just not worth it
20940s right
20941s as we'll save the four
20951s okay with this
20952s and he knows he does have ice barrier
20954s which means that these sheep basically
20956s buff his health at this point
20962s that's it
20963s i kind of want to play the barbaric but
20965s if you do that you leave that poor
20967s health on the
20973s is he board
20975s with it here for this order though
20979s to get the almost certain reduction on
20981s drake fire
20983s i don't i think not
20986s but the thing that's keeping you in this
20987s in this game right now is the fact that
20989s the hero the ping's on four it wants to
20992s get to six
20993s it's incredibly hard to catch up even if
20995s you do draw up your hero card
20998s because then you have to find the right
21000s level pings and pasco is starting at two
21002s right
21003s yeah so i imagine how it plays out you
21004s get a great reduction on the amulet it's
21006s unlikely to be playable this time
21009s bly's ramps off your four health
21011s minion
21013s and then you your plays to play the
21015s amulets and then maybe allow him to ramp
21017s even further
21020s this is this is very
21022s smart from pasco not taking the beta
21036s i was just going to say i mean it's not
21038s a problem with blizz you never get time
21039s to discuss things but i was going to say
21041s is six mana acceptable for arcane
21043s intellect based on where blyze is in the
21045s game right now i think so
21048s right yeah yeah things anyway gained a
21050s bit of armor drawn load of cards so he
21052s has more options going forward he misses
21054s a ping but again it's only four so
21057s although frustrating definitely not the
21059s end of the world
21061s yeah he just wants to draw into ways to
21064s ramp his ping or find just a reckless
21066s for
21067s board clear flash
21069s burst damage down the line these spells
21071s that he has in hand
21072s are just stall you can use but the
21074s board's really not a problem right now
21080s it just
21082s the game plan really is just ramp up the
21083s pings
21085s i won that's the vocal next turn which
21087s you can use to do so
21089s regardless of what uh pascal does
21094s like once you get to six then you can
21096s start just directing it to face every
21098s turn and you should get there
21103s for pascal what do you do just go for
21105s the dragons
21108s i think so right it's the only thing
21110s that's really gonna
21112s do him any favors i mean yeah all kind
21115s of bad as well right i mean they're big
21117s but it's got no spells anyway it does
21119s get deathwing though so that definitely
21121s helps something that blind can't ignore
21126s the thing is with these dragons
21129s they're not going to connect they're
21130s going to sit on board and eventually
21133s oh no
21135s they're good
21136s i was going to say something that
21137s players could have done was just freeze
21138s them in there yeah eventually use them
21140s to to ramp up the hero card
21143s it's a little bit spicy right because
21146s there's still a starfish there's two
21148s starfish in pasco's deck oh that's true
21150s with a death wing exactly i think it
21153s said one of those like do you need to
21154s take 12
21155s so i do like this from bly's but if it
21158s wasn't a deathwing and it was you know
21159s two four 12s i could definitely see him
21162s freezing yeah
21165s there's also kind of you could have just
21166s uh
21167s evoke a ramped off your vocal play the
21169s alibi if you want to go down the ramp
21171s route but with uh
21172s pascal are quite low and you're already
21174s on five i think this is uh completely
21176s reasonable as well yeah it's pretty
21178s straightforward maths right 19 health
21180s you have five damage ping that is only
21182s going to get bigger if you want it to at
21184s some point right yeah and you still have
21186s quite good do i have both the reckless
21188s and though so
21190s as soon as one of those comes down
21192s that's just an extra time faster that
21193s you kill your opponent also pascoe is
21196s not playing alibi uh in the list so why
21200s doesn't have to worry about that either
21201s and for me i'll be honest i've not been
21204s playing tons of the uh pasco as sort of
21207s a new style we've seen from these
21208s players of that big spell mage with the
21210s amulets but then
21212s after playing a lot of alibi i can't
21214s imagine wanting to play mage and not
21216s play that card and even if there are
21218s reasons not to i just think the card is
21220s so insane
21222s yeah it took a little bit of time for
21224s people to realize this i think it's
21227s it's certainly better in the 40 card
21228s mage where you have just
21230s that health cushion so you don't have to
21232s alibi early you can save it for once
21234s you've got all your resources and you've
21236s got like
21237s you know your fireball to face every
21239s time from your hero power that's when
21241s it's really really strong and then you
21243s just say all right do whatever you want
21244s to do i'm going to just ignore your
21245s stuff and shoot you in the face
21251s but i don't think it came into deck
21252s lists like early on it took a it took a
21254s couple of weeks for
21256s these 40 health
21258s double alibi decks to emerge yeah
21264s here though pasqua does get the other
21266s deep water but he is in a deep something
21270s right now because this alibi means that
21272s wise is just not going to care about
21274s what happens this turn in terms of his
21276s own health and he gets to just press the
21277s button again
21278s and this is going to be what plus nine
21280s so it is going to mess with the numbers
21282s just a little bit but these skeletons
21285s might be able to at least put pasco in
21287s the you know twit the four pings or
21290s below region right
21292s as long as one of them goes face
21295s yeah and this is just not um
21298s any more life getting outside of the
21299s hero card available for pascal
21301s so once you're down here it's it's
21303s really just a random rune
21305s that can give you
21307s right like an extra turn or two
21309s or it's the hero card
21312s yeah the roon just casts alibi right in
21314s there yeah change things
21318s but there's no reverse clock right now
21321s from pascal
21325s yeah
21326s i think you're fine as blair's here just
21329s keep pinging your face
21332s that's golden doing a good job at least
21334s of keeping off top of uh controlling the
21336s health of his minions right
21338s pinging his own
21339s treasure guard before to make sure it
21341s wasn't more ramp footballers
21345s yeah
21346s it's getting the hero powers getting to
21348s the stage where
21350s you almost prefer them to shoot your
21352s minions the rather than your face right
21354s right yeah i think now definitely
21356s because as you said
21358s pasco is at the point now where it's
21361s very difficult to even survive a couple
21364s of my more turns never mind do it and
21366s make a win condition for yourself
21370s yeah i think i think one more ramp here
21372s would
21374s make sure that pascal can't win the game
21376s so it is still a good idea to prevent
21379s that i think like the breakup the
21381s breakpoint's like seven or eight where
21382s it's not worth pinging minions anymore
21385s okay yeah i was gonna say i really like
21387s this alibi as well because i'm a big fan
21389s of not doing it too early but if you've
21392s got the mana and you could take a lot of
21394s damage
21395s just play it right because there's no
21398s you can never
21399s always say
21401s that oh i definitely you know can take
21404s this next turns worth of hits right
21406s because again pasco could ruin of the
21408s archmage and pyro face right and you
21410s just don't know and if you've got the
21412s mana and you set and you've set up your
21414s next couple of turns just play it just
21416s be ultra safe here so i do like it a lot
21418s here it's going to be room of the arc
21420s mage from pasco it does have the modresh
21422s in hand for that extra 10 damage when he
21424s needs it but again this rune of the arc
21427s mage is drawing some cards but
21430s unless it's exactly
21432s magister dawn grasp i don't think like
21435s anything else is good enough
21437s to get a wildfire at the end oh yeah he
21440s can start doing the ping plan though
21442s wait how much damage is it oh it's only
21443s five full board of skeletons
21446s yeah
21448s is it the point as well now with that
21450s new secret right like he can actually
21453s hit through a
21454s ice barrier if he gets to swing with
21456s enough minions so that's a nice little
21457s extra as well
21460s [Music]
21461s yeah i think even even at this stage the
21464s hero card might just be like it's too
21465s late
21467s like you still need to catch up
21469s the the health disadvantage which right
21472s i mean we've not even seen the
21474s euro card drawn in this stage i was just
21476s thinking with like hero card for armor
21478s it would cast like blizzard and wildfire
21481s again
21482s and there's modresh in hand right like
21484s that yeah can do it sometimes but you
21487s are right it's a grim situation for
21489s pasco here
21493s i mean what can you do this time
21496s cry
21497s cry
21500s my opponent got the hero card on turn
21502s five or six
21504s all right
21504s i've got 14 cards after that's what i'm
21506s drawing
21508s and to work this out here because he can
21511s play reckless and other things which can
21514s clear the board with a ping
21516s but at that point is more dress just
21518s better because you can go face with the
21519s full one as well what to do
21521s what to do yeah i mean he's probably
21524s dead let's be honest but i'm just
21525s thinking of like putting health does he
21527s play like
21528s mailbox dance and mode dress and just
21530s try and soak all the skeletons
21533s yeah it's a hard balance because you do
21535s need to think about the face pressure
21537s the other way as well i mean you can
21538s trade the 4-1 into the 6-8 play a bunch
21541s of minions then reckless and then ping
21543s the 6-8 right yeah that's the other
21545s option
21548s and then hopefully these skeletons don't
21550s hit your face because if one of them
21552s does
21553s you're just dead
21555s [Music]
21560s i mean this
21562s this is tense barely enough health on
21564s board for it to soak up every hurt
21570s oh
21571s i thought i thought pascal was gonna get
21574s away with it then
21575s but he didn't uh it's gonna be the old
21578s coin hero power there from bly's is
21580s gonna end the game five health exactly
21583s five damage hero power and that's gonna
21585s be game one going to bly it's really
21588s solid game there overall i do think
21590s again blize was in control for the
21592s majority of it and mainly because he got
21595s dawngrass burley and he also just
21597s pressured the board right and had full
21599s control of that board pascoe did get
21601s locked out a little bit early on with
21603s not the best opening hand yeah it's also
21605s the the sort of the risk you run with a
21608s more sort of varied big spell mage deck
21610s right
21612s yeah and we don't have access to arcane
21613s interlopes or even uh
21617s the uh the three-man minion that draws
21619s draws a spell so you are going to have
21621s those
21622s less consistent draws in exchange for
21624s these
21625s big spell scams i suppose against other
21627s decks it's just this in this particular
21630s matchup is just one where
21632s the amulet and the uh the broom actually
21634s don't do a whole lot of work
21636s right
21637s i think the the way roon does work is if
21640s you end up doing like roon and then
21641s pirate parrot right and you start doing
21643s like
21644s three of them will probably get some
21646s kind of job done and we are going to be
21648s jumping over very very quickly to uh
21650s pasco on his rogue going up against the
21652s mage now
21653s another matchup that can look quite
21656s one-sided um depending on who's doing
21659s the broken things because mage has the
21661s ability to just completely shut down a
21663s lot of what rogue's capable of
21666s especially because pasco isn't running
21668s um
21670s starfish so he's just weak to freeze if
21673s it comes to it but also i just want to
21675s ask you what do you think of sprint
21677s making it to the list we've discussed
21678s some of the cards that people are
21680s bringing in uh whether you can say it's
21682s for krabatoa or not whatever but uh yeah
21685s what do you think of sprint here
21688s uh i i think it's it's uh it's very good
21691s against the expected
21693s rogue counter which is
21695s quest priest
21696s um
21698s when this rogue deck first sort of
21699s emerged
21701s after the patch on ladder quest priests
21703s came up to counter it uh but i think it
21705s was actually luna
21707s who came up with this uh this sprint
21709s edition which just gives you a lot more
21711s resources you don't really run out of
21713s burn run out of gas as much when you
21714s have that sprint in the deck so it just
21716s gives you a lot of pluses in
21718s the expected counter to your deck
21722s yeah it feels like that perfect time
21724s right where you pop off your hand's
21726s empty and then you play sprint and
21728s you're like okay let's carry on because
21730s normally that the one sort of breathing
21732s moment you have against rogue is when
21734s they pop off they normally don't have
21736s great follow-up apart from what's
21738s already happened right
21741s yeah yeah exactly we see that time and
21743s time again they have like one push and
21745s then the rest is like a burn spell here
21746s and there here a power hero power just
21750s dagger for one each turn
21752s it's not without its downside to the
21754s sprint it says just something a card you
21756s really don't want until you've already
21758s done your other stuff right
21760s and you don't really want it off edwin
21762s either right it's one of those other
21764s cards very similar to grab a towel
21766s actually where it's the card you don't
21768s want to pull when you're trying to pop
21769s off because it will just stop you nine
21772s times out of ten
21773s yeah absolutely
21775s i think i'm sorry at least one knoll in
21778s pascoe's opening hand does have the
21780s shroud as well
21781s not too bad so far bly's does have the
21784s um they're amplified though so that's
21786s going to be really nice just to bank
21788s that hero power if the
21791s drakka comes into play early
21798s yeah it's curious what game plan you go
21800s for because
21801s look at flyers
21803s look at this rope
21804s this is not the speed
21806s grand master blize likes to play at
21811s and it just presses enter yep
21813s let's go i'm gonna rope again
21818s i'll be honest
21820s if i was a player like blize
21823s i don't think i would have the mental
21825s game to not be annoyed by this
21831s i think blize just just plays the game
21833s even though you know he's clearly
21834s stopped making a joke about it but for
21836s me i i would not have the mental ability
21838s to not get frustrated when my opponent
21841s roping to and you know
21843s really it is just a rope yeah
21846s quickly yeah
21848s i mean there's not too much to think
21849s about that would require this
21853s i mean for me when this happens on that
21854s it does happen sometimes someone will
21856s just rape every game i just i just move
21857s up he's just getting all worth it yeah i
21860s just like let him out you know you have
21861s your
21862s little bit of mmr you have a great day
21865s but i'm not involved
21866s yes
21868s don't think blize wants to do that here
21870s probably wants to try a little harder to
21872s win this game
21875s oh right is blize roping
21878s oh no the met is developing
21881s before our very eyes
21883s pliers don't fall to the dark side
21886s you were supposed to save us
21888s yeah i think he might have actually
21890s fallen asleep
21891s oh no
21894s no
21894s not like this we advise stroking his
21897s chin deep in thought of what to do on
21899s turn two with a turn to play
21902s oh my god
21904s be the bigger man
21906s amazing
21907s wait let's go instead of turn come on
21910s wait
21911s i will be confused if we just swap roles
21913s now and pasco just plays like absolute
21915s lightning
21919s oh no
21922s oh
21928s now he's got a rope his decision of
21930s whether to play no or not
21932s it's a
21934s it's an actual decision
21937s i mean next turn you have no old
21939s step-step tracker
21941s yeah that's what i'm looking at the the
21943s steps
21944s and i think you could even argue that
21945s next turn you have shroud of concealment
21947s again
21948s yeah you could keep going yeah
21952s how big
21954s you have a lot of zero amount of cards
21956s actually with the striker so
21959s 40 health is a lot to get through
21960s there's freezers you can't just like
21962s mass polymorphism you can't expect
21966s minion damage to connect a whole lot
21967s especially we already see a freeze ready
21969s to go with the ping
21971s maybe you do need to go for a huge track
21974s of this game
21975s yeah i
21976s i think for me
21977s even though the ping from the minion is
21980s normally kept for the face to stop the
21982s weapon swing it doesn't destroy the
21984s weapon right so the weapon's still there
21987s so i do still think a huge you know 10
21989s attack weapon is the best play here for
21992s pascoa because even if they freeze you
21993s well fine but this mage deck isn't one
21996s that kills you by turn five right right
21998s if they freeze you once great if they
22000s freeze you again okay you still probably
22002s got three weapon swings in you at that
22004s point anyway so i do like holding off
22007s and trying to really go in on the
22009s tracker
22014s how how long can we delay i mean there's
22016s not much
22017s pressure how much longer can this go on
22020s pickaxe
22023s i mean blize is probably thinking the
22025s same
22026s yes
22028s we need chunsu back with this smooth
22031s clean happy rogue play it was so good
22036s i do think i like the concealment though
22040s i think i agree i think this
22044s because is this dagger going to be big
22047s enough he does have the bone spike now
22049s on the two three so that's definitely a
22051s nice bonus
22054s i wonder what if you
22056s here's a crazy thing what if you
22058s instead step the tracker at the end
22063s and then have concealment for like the
22064s reload after yeah so you get
22068s one
22068s left that's why you get six three dagger
22070s here instead
22072s but
22073s maybe the shroud picks up an edwin and
22074s you have a two
22076s mana tracker in hand
22077s so once you've got through like these
22079s six damaged weapon swings you have
22081s another reload to finish them off
22085s i can definitely get behind that that's
22086s good
22087s yeah it's like three three less damage
22089s initially but later down the line maybe
22091s you get
22093s quite a lot more
22094s also pretty
22096s uh
22097s again i'm using the word interesting but
22099s i am the play to actually ping the
22101s minion and not the face here i think it
22103s does lead back to what i was saying
22105s before where blize is taking the weapon
22107s swings this this game right he's taking
22110s that damage
22112s every single time
22114s yeah
22115s so
22116s better to just freeze the minion bring
22117s its health down make it more killable
22119s in the next few turns as opposed to use
22121s the ping on face and just stop seven
22123s damage for this one turn i think i like
22125s it
22127s yeah it's just like you're not closing
22128s out the game within
22130s the amount of time
22132s yeah
22133s you know these weapons are gonna
22135s eventually unfreeze in hit face
22138s does have the fluoresce maybe he wants
22139s to keep them for stealth targets since
22141s the yeah target that with the location
22144s or the flurry
22145s allows blize to play the other amplified
22148s as well right if he's not bothered about
22150s freezing face may as well ping a minion
22152s it's free and then you can play the
22153s other amplified if you really want to
22156s i am very interested in your shadow step
22158s play on the tracker though
22160s i think it's yeah i mean it's a really
22161s interesting idea because you could
22163s easily see that payoff
22164s i mean we see it we see that edwin
22166s picked up which was quite i think was
22167s that guaranteed from this uh
22170s let me check
22171s there is
22173s it was just the knowledge
22174s right it was just guaranteed
22180s see maybe even six or ten six or seven
22183s edwin pop off into the tracker you can
22185s hit the prep
22186s foam spike to make it even cheaper
22195s like here with the edwin what's what's
22196s the payoff of playing all these cards
22198s you get a big minion it gets frozen or
22201s polymorphed right exactly that's the
22203s problem yeah
22204s wow i like that large i think that's
22206s potentially i don't often say this with
22209s like what i would call subjective plays
22211s but i think that is just a bit of a
22213s misstep from pasco because he should
22215s have stepped a null which fine is the
22216s the normal go-to thing right step the
22219s nulls they're free whatever but
22221s by not stepping the
22223s um the tracker
22225s yeah he has a tracker on board and one
22227s more damage on the weapon so three more
22229s damage total but
22231s but is that worthwhile i don't think so
22233s yeah i think he had he has two preps in
22236s deck as well so it's it's very
22238s reasonable that during the edwin turn
22240s you're gonna play a lot of cards
22243s yeah he's got two preps two cents to
22245s strike two gun fishing two door of
22246s shadows uh two wicked stabs
22249s all still in the deck and the sin stones
22251s of course
22253s yeah seeing the the benefit of the
22255s sprint in the deck here when you're just
22257s trying to find the burn
22259s the minions really
22261s you can't expect them to do a whole lot
22263s of this stage so
22265s extra resources definitely
22268s this is an upcoming clutch here you wish
22270s to match with me going don grasp i think
22272s guarantees a freeze in some respect
22274s right so that's good yeah slurry comes
22276s down i think
22277s i have an idea
22279s oh i forgot even with the intellect
22281s that's huge actually well whenever
22283s dawngrass casts intellect oh the card's
22286s just insane
22289s roll freeze on the board once more still
22292s building up the bits of pressure still
22294s has a flurry to play has a mass
22296s polymorph even deepwater evoker can be
22300s powerful here right even though there
22301s are some potential low roles for blize
22303s um just gaining any extra armor maybe
22306s making him live one more turn is the
22308s difference between winning or losing a
22310s matchup like this
22311s yeah absolutely i mean if if you do have
22313s all the tools
22314s necessary to never take any minion
22316s damage again
22318s all you're concerned about is the amount
22320s of burn available so a little bit of
22322s extra health to
22324s get outside that range is uh
22326s definitely welcome
22329s i won what do you pick here
22333s i mean one of them says damage on it i
22335s mean i've got to read the card on the
22336s right
22339s it's actually not too bad the shadow
22340s walls right yeah you're bored and you've
22342s already just killed a minion now
22346s it's actually not bad at all honestly
22348s yeah
22350s and there's still like i said i think
22352s there's still the wicked stabs and
22354s strikes in the deck anyway right
22359s yeah options
22361s i mean the damage option makes sense
22363s here as well just because
22366s expensive though it is expensive but it
22368s is damaged two might just be enough
22371s about two
22373s damage oh is really going to commit the
22376s mass polly here i cannot believe that's
22378s true okay good
22380s it's like that is not a big stealth
22382s million to be scared off right and he
22383s can probably do enough freeze with this
22385s flurry freeze two of the minions out
22388s only take six
22390s okay
22391s oh he also he got
22393s a blizzard right from the depot that's
22395s pretty good six uh armor
22398s yeah
22400s special ones and two wildfires yeah and
22403s picked up the solid alibi which is going
22404s to be
22405s really good later on
22407s oh no oh he has the other sin
22411s you can only make
22412s one spot which actually is enough
22415s this was getting a tricky turn actually
22417s to try and pop off on because one sin
22419s stone is on cooldown the other one has
22421s to be played but luckily he can't trade
22424s the stealth minion away
22429s yeah i mean
22431s this is a maybe a weird question but
22433s like is the stealth
22435s worth missing three face damage
22439s it makes him a bigger stealth
22441s it does but later trade it how does he
22444s ever i mean i guess he can with all if
22445s he holds he can make another big stealth
22448s next turn instead and make two i suppose
22452s i mean he might go face and then kill
22455s his 3-3 with the uh
22458s extortion
22459s oh okay
22461s there's also a reason why i'm not gonna
22463s do that
22464s oh he's actually gonna trade to kill
22465s okay
22467s maybe i'm running out of damage a bit
22469s anyway
22470s so you're gonna have to have these
22472s minions connect i think
22475s like what we have in here we have two
22476s sinisters
22477s and the wicked stab
22482s so there's what 14 damage right now just
22485s in hand not including the dagger
22487s um yeah because you assume this board's
22491s getting polymorphed but maybe not maybe
22494s blize is uh he knows he can blizzard
22496s right there like i said earlier there's
22497s no starfish
22499s so you can just blizzard and and
22502s that's the job done
22504s as far as uh freezing the board outs
22506s concerned
22508s could uh
22510s yeah you have blizzard blizzard wait for
22512s your mask
22514s evoke alibi to get the
22518s armor instead although i guess at this
22520s point he's just not taking 20 from
22522s spares right you you never assume when
22524s you're taking 20.
22526s no i mean it doesn't know about the
22528s sinister strike this is still the door
22529s of shadows
22532s oh that's a bad pick up for pascal
22534s that was his last burn spell on deck
22538s oh if a minion died
22540s and activated this store maybe he would
22542s have get
22543s just you know a little bit more burn
22545s available
22549s but that now this is it this is all the
22551s burn he has available which is well
22552s there is 20 right
22560s yeah so this is wicked if stab gets done
22562s next turn yes yeah
22565s so maybe you need to find more burn
22567s somehow
22568s i guess the tooth can look searched or
22570s something
22587s racing
22588s cold
22592s he worried about dying himself
22595s i'm gonna go shoulder charge instead
22603s use the value from the dragonblade shot
22605s even though it is expensive pasco is
22607s getting a lot out of this
22608s turned out to be a pretty good pick in
22610s the end
22611s yeah it's just
22613s you really need your ice cream
22616s oh could you hear that
22618s grab me one while you're there mate
22620s oh yeah
22623s oh wait how far away is blize from
22626s modrash
22628s right now
22630s oh yeah it's gonna be pretty close
22632s let's get to ping because he has to
22633s alibi this turn which is fine you know
22635s completely understandable you can't just
22636s take a smooth like 20 million from these
22639s two minions
22643s this is still a close-ish game although
22646s again along with the where's modrash is
22649s also how far along will kel'thuzad be
22652s after these skeletons
22654s oh eight left so that's never going to
22656s happen
22657s um okay
22659s yeah you can use kel'thuzad must have a
22661s lot in it and is pascoa gonna spend nine
22664s mana to kill three of these with his
22665s dragon bane like
22667s maybe i mean what could you spend your
22669s manner on really
22671s i guess
22673s i mean you do have these locations
22674s active so
22676s you could also shoulder check right
22678s many options yeah with the stealth
22680s minions if we wanted to
22682s yeah i mean you have to you have to hope
22684s because there's not enough damage in
22686s hand to kill anymore
22693s yeah there's not enough damage in hand
22695s so you have to hope that some of your
22697s minions will connect this game for you
22699s to win
22700s i have to hope the sheep will make it
22704s the swap team sheep
22706s oh wow we're seeing trades
22714s keeping them in your stealth so
22716s it can potentially attack next turn if
22718s there's no freeze effect we have seen
22720s both blizzards
22722s it's not unreal
22729s oh well that was good get some mystery
22732s secret which for all uh pasco knows
22734s could be ice barrier
22738s is this box insanely risky it was but
22742s it's working out very well
22745s i mean
22746s oh my god oh my god blize just doesn't
22749s get this is the punish for the rope
22751s oh yeah oh he's even pushing damage with
22754s the skeleton
22756s buffing kelp hazard as well oh the
22759s punish
22760s it's so strong
22762s all right okay
22765s maybe he'd box just to punish pascal but
22767s if that failed wasn't he just dead
22770s uh
22771s hey oh yeah with the nine nine three the
22774s nine three lift i guess well he could
22776s have uh
22777s polymorphed and played the evoker surely
22780s yeah surely that was a
22782s a better play but
22783s maybe it's just this is just punish for
22786s vascular early roping
22792s yeah that was again the fact that blize
22794s just insta decided it was ruined after
22797s seeing it drawn was just crazy to me i
22800s would have sat
22801s thinking about that for far too long i
22803s might have even been playing the runes
22805s but the fight obliged was like no it's
22806s ruined just play it'll be fine
22808s if you've thought about it it's already
22810s too late to play the rune you have to
22812s instantly do it otherwise you will not
22814s get a good rune it works on belief
22816s yes
22819s now pascal is in big
22822s trouble whichever way blize wants to go
22824s about it's again i'm not 100 sure what
22826s kel'thuzad will do right now but just
22829s the fact that there's deep water evoker
22831s there's still pings there's still the
22833s polymorph which will bring these down to
22835s two attack blaze gained armor from the
22838s cold case that was played as well so
22840s again nine three is definitely scary but
22845s yeah i think the kel'thuzad's juiced up
22847s a lot it might actually just be lethal
22849s her yeah or at least kill the minions
22851s right which feels like lethal i feel
22853s like it does one or the other
22855s another ruining is you're just gonna
22857s spam it no okay
22859s well
22860s it's it can't be lethal because it's not
22862s been played yet oh no
22867s that's fine
22869s yeah
22871s okay blize takes game number two what a
22873s weird game it was we started off
22876s with the ultimate uh players playing
22878s fast and they're almost falling asleep
22880s and that's the
22882s i'm glad we've trained live so well to
22884s actually respond to the camera because
22886s um
22887s i don't know if you remember but not too
22889s long ago in gm blighs would actually
22891s control out like all affords straight
22894s out of the game as soon as it finished
22895s so his end winning screen would just be
22897s a frozen camera of him but he's evolved
22900s now and even to the extent where he has
22902s no time for ropers a big win there
22905s though for bly suddenly again sitting
22907s mage 2-0 here jamboree means that blize
22910s has won plenty of time to win this
22912s series with but also just good matchups
22915s made seems to me at least to be the real
22919s winner this week in gm
22921s yeah i think it's it's just a case of
22923s like it's good against rogue and
22926s people are hyping up very but it's it's
22928s not one of those decks that's
22930s only good against rogue it's just good
22932s against a lot of decks yeah so it's like
22934s if you get the win with a reasonably
22936s good counter it's really hard to just
22938s counter it back
22940s it's one of those things where it
22942s doesn't have an obvious weakness right
22945s it's not like even with druid right i
22946s think dudes got better at this
22948s especially with the ramping into scales
22949s but druid can struggle in the early game
22952s from heavy minion
22953s focus right but mage has now gained an
22957s early game right it's like big spell
22959s mage you know wind back a couple of
22961s months or whatever its early game was
22964s could be questionable right yeah but the
22966s the uh the cards you have access to
22968s especially the location um
22971s has really showed up a lot of that so a
22973s really crazy play a really impressive
22975s we've seen from mage so far
22977s pasco and now is gonna have to fall back
22979s on his cursed warlock the sort of air
22981s curse with a sprinkling of imps for good
22984s measure going on here and it's gonna be
22986s a very interesting one because again
22988s although the curse lock can get to the
22990s curses probably in the match up mage has
22994s all the tools to deal with it and then
22996s actually pressure out the warlock
22998s because again outside of exactly that
23000s cool there's no heal factor for the
23002s warlock right oh i guess sorry tamzin as
23004s well but you know what i mean right no
23006s real heal factor
23008s yeah
23010s i mean it's a case of the 40 health
23012s buffer that the mage has is a lot to get
23014s through but with that comes
23016s inconsistency so you get one of these
23018s fast starts as the zoo warlock and start
23020s connecting a lot of damage
23023s this matchup is winnable it's not
23024s something you want to be seeing as as we
23026s can tell by the key order pascal really
23028s didn't want to cue this deck into the
23030s major feat if he
23032s didn't have to
23035s but
23036s you know we haven't seen insane
23038s mulligan card supplies so fast so
23041s definitely a window of opportunity for
23042s buscar to get that early chip damage and
23045s then
23046s just rely on the curses to close out the
23047s game
23048s okay
23049s pascal weirdly enough been offered a lot
23051s of the cursed cards which you definitely
23052s won't want right now um does get uh
23055s rewarded a little bit but again if your
23059s first push is a turn for him
23061s then
23062s does it feel fast enough to really cash
23065s in that early damage right
23067s yeah interesting you see the the library
23068s mulligan the way it was recently left
23071s and we're against
23072s the class of a lot of freezes but
23073s typically that's like the best card you
23075s want
23076s as this deck in the in the early turns
23078s even if you just bank it right and just
23080s you know what turn two
23082s instead of live tapping i'll play that
23085s and it's probably gonna have pretty good
23086s value later on
23089s blair's getting the term on wildfire
23091s gonna start pinging down this librarian
23093s will be interesting to see what he goes
23094s for next i imagine he could go frost
23096s weaver and just because it does the
23099s double job of consenting the one one and
23101s also keeping the the tempo on board
23104s right
23105s yeah
23107s so many impossible i mean it's just a
23110s case of how much pressure you're facing
23111s like it's a bit scary to play this
23114s uh this three drop if this um
23118s sorry i forgot the name of the card
23119s librarian gets uh a lot of attack going
23122s because you really wanna get that
23123s opinion
23124s i imagine we're gonna see the coin
23126s circle here it's just so much damage and
23127s pressure for next time and it's like not
23131s possible for the mage to remove all of
23132s it this early in the game
23134s yeah it still fits right coin circle
23136s then dragged below a minion the mage
23138s might play and then you still have imps
23140s into reform right it ticks the boxes
23142s blaze obviously deciding names when they
23144s take another five he's gonna ping away
23146s the librarian
23148s now another awkward term for pasco just
23151s has to look at that live tap unless he
23152s wants to like drag below one of his imps
23155s just to
23156s use the time to start ramping up the
23158s curse i don't hate it but it's not good
23162s it's not yeah it's it's not awful
23166s that's why yeah yeah yeah
23167s i think the tap's a bit worse
23170s i've definitely suggested worse players
23175s yeah i mean you do want to infuse your
23177s minions as well so like say
23180s ah blight just went for a ping play on
23182s the next turn if you did actually remove
23184s one of your imps then that would mean
23186s your your mischief sims actually are
23188s infused with the three minions
23190s killed
23192s kind of unlikely to have a turn four pin
23194s plate that doesn't remove most of your
23195s board
23199s he's thinking it's called considering
23201s the grimoire now
23206s i mean you you remove
23208s a 1-1 now
23210s to gain a 3-3
23212s if
23213s this fringe scenario plays out so i feel
23215s like it's not worth it i can't take them
23218s wait
23220s all of them
23222s does me now that blize will almost
23224s certainly be facing down the board of
23226s three threes but even the reckless
23227s itself does well versus them right with
23230s no location so you know you can actually
23232s make at least a trade or two
23235s for that to happen
23236s the farm is of course infused fully now
23239s this might be the uh the moment where it
23241s gets to be a bit of a problem for blize
23243s because
23244s right now he has some good tools but not
23247s actually board clearing tools is his
23249s problem yeah he has a bit of stall but
23251s there's nothing that
23253s removes the stats right and if the stats
23256s stay there
23257s you're eventually going to run out of
23259s your stall
23260s at least as it stands so far i can see
23263s this being one of the instances where
23264s blize might consider a what looks to be
23267s a very early solid alibi but if his
23270s board's kind of empty anyway and there's
23271s loads of imps and you know and they
23273s potentially gonna get buffed he could
23275s just say you know what i won't take all
23277s this damage i'll just play alibi and
23279s just
23280s draw a card you know
23282s yeah it's a lot more reasonable against
23284s this specific warlock as well again
23286s against the regular import lock you know
23289s once you deal with the board you're done
23290s but the damage does matter
23292s in this case because the curses can just
23294s finish you off if you take too much
23296s early chip damage
23300s especially because you can't solid alibi
23302s the curses right because it happens in
23304s that window between you being able to do
23306s anything yeah
23309s that's good choosing how to end his turn
23319s i'm just gonna go for the no hands
23322s approach why this cam makes me laugh so
23324s much
23325s it annoys him so much they're broken
23332s and not to the extent where i think it's
23333s affecting his play but you can tell he's
23335s like why are we doing this you know like
23338s what is the point
23340s yeah it might it's like
23343s maybe they both just understand that
23344s it's just not actually doing anything
23346s you know yeah that makes it even more
23348s annoying you're like this isn't
23349s affecting me why are you still doing it
23351s that's the thing about plies as well he
23353s often
23355s in the past has cued up the worst
23357s matchups first in like conquest to
23359s reverse sweep because he's like time is
23362s is is money as gadgets and auctioneer
23365s would say right so like he's just very
23367s optimized with his own time and he's
23369s like i don't know there's no point
23370s wasting all this time so yeah things
23372s like this is kind of kind of hilarious
23374s to me
23375s there is of our library now for pasco
23377s though so he does have the option of at
23379s least getting it down this turn so maybe
23382s his imp king reform turn is really going
23384s to pop
23385s yeah just this uh
23388s the library you do want to get down but
23389s you also want to get this grimoire down
23391s it's kind of hard to fit both of them
23393s into the turn kind of gotta choose
23395s between one or the other
23400s the thing with the library is it
23402s as soon as you get a minion to attack
23404s maybe that's the turn you can just play
23406s it
23407s sorry maybe it does a curve of just
23409s mischief
23410s plus the grimoire into a farm and then
23412s with the full board you go for the live
23422s a cold case ping i imagine here
23426s oh
23427s wise
23428s but i'm sure there sadly needs something
23430s else
23432s yeah he has the
23433s brandon next turn which uh
23437s we'll first clear these three threes
23439s if he wants to go for that that's
23441s blizzard as well okay is uh coming
23444s together again i do like this uh sort of
23446s early-ish game solid alibi here just
23449s stops you taking 12.
23451s yeah it's just such a good card because
23452s normally like
23454s you want to play these intellects but
23455s you just you can't because it's the
23457s board
23458s you're trying to find the answer to deal
23459s with the board but you can't take the
23460s damage from the board it's just such a
23463s a good card to play on these turns right
23472s i wonder
23476s and could be a turn that's just
23477s worthwhile making a big imp even though
23480s it's not going to hit face like it still
23482s needs killing right like
23485s it buys yeah you can freeze it and
23487s that's annoying but guess what he can
23488s freeze at any turn of the game
23491s yeah and if if you do it now and the
23494s freeze comes down
23496s when they're ready to attack again the
23498s library is also ready to be buff to buff
23500s again
23502s there's a reasonable time to do it even
23503s though you're not pushing any face
23505s immediately
23519s yeah this is huge as well because after
23521s seeing that drag below
23522s this brand just living
23524s is pretty sick
23526s like yeah because
23530s i mean does this force out an abyssal
23532s wave like is playing rafarm into this
23535s board
23536s as good as you want it to be i i
23539s honestly don't know
23543s like pascal
23546s yeah what battle cries are punishers
23549s um
23550s so
23552s modresh is definitely not ready yet
23553s right
23554s oh saying that
23556s wait it did
23558s rekkles was played right i think it is
23560s ready because the reckless was the hero
23562s powers upgrading it killed four things
23565s yeah
23567s yeah and he
23568s is definitely that's good has to clear
23570s right
23571s you just cannot die to this
23573s i mean
23575s the question is do you beat a mordress
23577s right so
23580s yes you can play around wardrobes now
23581s but are you realistically beating the
23583s card later down the line anyway
23586s if your best player is like there a farm
23588s coming up
23591s that just gets answered by the mordres
23592s anyway
23594s true
23596s so whether it's doubled or not
23598s [Music]
23599s what you're saying is pascal has just
23601s lost
23603s there's no point trying is what you're
23604s saying
23607s why try if you're going to fail
23608s eventually what's the point
23617s there are some pluses okay let's uh
23619s let's find some silver lining he does
23621s have a bran double
23623s uh curse
23624s a generator in his hand which is a lot
23626s of damage
23628s if the hand space is available so
23631s if he pushes here
23632s with the wild library he's got two var
23634s libraries
23636s is that more damage than going for the
23638s inking
23643s [Music]
23644s you can double by library and play the
23646s uh the one ones and then
23653s i think this is better just for the turn
23655s that um
23657s the
23659s the moderation isn't there right in the
23661s world where moderation isn't there i
23663s think this makes more sense
23667s i think this is a maybe a slight slip up
23669s from
23670s let's go
23672s they missed three damage face to damage
23675s this to a three one
23677s because the the farm filled up the board
23679s but if he went library first he would
23681s have
23681s right another send it all first
23686s that's uh
23688s not looking good here
23689s for pasco because blize gets to freeze
23692s and the board cannot be emptied unless
23695s there's a self-killing way to do it
23697s which there is for pascoa right
23700s but
23701s it's not really what you want to do is
23702s the imp side of the employee is like oh
23705s i made this big board now i'm gonna kill
23706s it for no reason
23708s yeah
23710s and it because you kill everything at
23712s once you actually take the damage from
23715s these death rounds as well
23716s uh it's it's
23718s it makes it even worse it's basically a
23720s perfect setup because what it does block
23723s is that card right
23726s because flies now sets this up can play
23729s modresh next turn and pretty much just
23730s guarantee a win especially with the ping
23733s and the only thing that was really going
23734s to stop him was that tamzin or zuckel
23737s with like uh bran right
23740s so by freezing he's just said well
23742s you can't clear your own board and play
23745s bransacle so unlucky
23748s yeah but this this pickup does allow a
23750s non-branded call and a board player it's
23753s actually
23754s pretty nice for pascal
23757s yeah the early cosplays have ramped up a
23759s little bit
23761s yeah it's gonna be enough
23764s depends where these uh
23765s death rails land
23767s you shouldn't be dead yeah you still do
23769s have the uh
23771s quadruple curse activation
23776s got away with it heals for three so he's
23778s going to go up to 15.
23779s flies probably pulls the trigger on the
23782s modresh now right just so you know what
23784s you've just committed all of this
23786s get gone right get rid of the board
23789s nothing in the deck here for pasco has
23791s charged so he doesn't really have to
23792s worry about that library coming off cool
23794s down this turn either
23796s and he saw tamzin burnt right
23799s yeah how much does he does he have yes
23802s deals four
23803s five
23806s six and seven right
23811s nine plus thirteen
23813s this is dead
23817s he's gonna rope it as well he knows he's
23818s dead
23820s he's roping it he knows this lead for
23822s he's counted this already
23827s this is the hand space available
23830s right that was a three so actually four
23831s plus five that's nine
23834s six plus seven's thirteen yeah he's got
23836s there
23840s he knows it
23841s that's so huge he actually needed the
23843s weight to kill his own minion to play
23845s the zeckel to even live
23847s that's so huge
23856s oh come on pasqua come on plot yourself
23859s out
23860s who knows do you know what's funny
23864s i think if he matched polly'd last turn
23866s rather than the more dress you wouldn't
23868s die
23869s because there's no board space to do
23871s this play oh that's funny yeah
23888s go crazy as well one solid alibi
23891s would have changed everything um but
23893s yeah uh so could it be a big game there
23896s for pascoa taking the victory in there
23898s taking his time to do so uh but again
23901s it's still going to be an uphill climb
23903s because obliged still has plenty of game
23905s left he's got his priest and the quest
23907s priest and then the um the druid as well
23911s which again i think is a really solid
23912s matchup uh yes there is the imp opening
23915s against the druid but you don't get that
23918s all of the time right you can't just
23920s open like an implod every single game so
23923s not necessarily going to happen there
23924s and i think pasco did a good job here of
23927s uh or at least maybe even a fortunate
23928s job of just getting enough damage with
23931s the imps through early on you know
23933s getting hold of that sort of package and
23935s then doing it
23937s yeah and it was a great transition from
23939s i mean it's what the deck wants to be
23941s doing because it's this hybrid from
23942s going from the early chip
23944s put the pressure on force out some of
23946s the mana from the opponent and then
23948s getting them with the
23949s the curses
23951s it reminds me a lot of like uh previous
23953s versions of face hunter right you want
23955s to push with the minions first and then
23957s you have burn spells to just end the
23958s game because you will
23960s generally lose out on board right yeah
23963s it was against a lot of these decks
23964s where there's all the aoe and freeze
23966s available but yep does look like blize
23968s is going to be jumping over to his druid
23970s just to try and get the job done
23973s again
23974s druid can really just stabilize can gain
23977s so much health that even that kind of
23979s turn that we saw from the double curses
23982s won't cut it right if there's you know
23983s i've seen druids go up to 60 70 health
23985s at times so
23987s definitely can be a little bit scary but
23989s blize has to make sure he doesn't get
23990s run over by the imps there so we'll have
23993s to see how this one plays out pasco is
23994s still in with a chance but the main
23996s question we all want answering is how
23999s long can this rope inga game plan go on
24002s for because is it just done now jamboree
24004s are we done with it was it a bit of like
24006s haha or is there pasco really going to
24008s stick to this um wasting everyone's time
24010s plan
24011s well i think blythe has joined it
24013s because he's queued the worst match up
24017s into the warlock so he's essentially
24019s roping a game here
24021s i mean
24022s it's good for all of us we get to see
24023s some more of this what turns out to be
24025s sort of a grudge match going on now
24027s i know yeah it does feel like this is uh
24029s starting something isn't it um
24032s planted evidence being kept there for
24034s blize definitely a lot of a kind of
24036s surprising amount of early options for
24039s druids right yeah with spells to be able
24041s to fight back versus aggro right now
24043s yeah the planet evidence is one of one
24045s of the huge ways to do it traditionally
24047s these ram druids you just stay off the
24049s board for several turns but
24051s there's a lot of spells on druid that
24052s are good at early game which you can
24054s just discover for evidence and if those
24056s spells cost one man or less
24058s even against the best aggro decks around
24060s they're going to do a lot of work
24064s things like foreign growth centuries
24066s very good
24067s there's uh the new
24069s uh planted evidence i believe it's
24071s called or is that the that's the that's
24073s the natural there's the deal
24076s yeah
24077s right yeah yeah natural cause i think
24079s it's that sword or something
24083s okay base level plan for pasco was there
24086s one drop into vile library but is there
24088s gonna be the follow-up that is the
24091s question yeah
24093s in terms of mulligan win rates i mean
24096s look at this hand double bar library
24098s reform and one drop and then you've got
24101s tamson for later on
24103s it's like all the payoff cards
24106s and then none of them
24108s yeah you just need an imp yeah and imp
24111s needs to show up to work today and pasco
24114s will be happy
24116s absolutely
24117s oh seaweed strike okay that's a pretty
24119s good like i said there's a free
24121s weird number of cards the truth has
24123s access to in the early game oh
24126s he got the image oh well
24130s what's the order here jambray is this
24131s just vile library and then just
24133s naturally play circle and hold the coin
24135s for rough arm or times um i think
24140s the the difference here is that
24143s you miss
24145s a whole wave of attacks if you do not
24147s coin the the one one sinner
24150s downside as you open up from being able
24152s to hero power them
24154s i don't think you're too sad about that
24156s also have the potential of playing a
24158s really weird curve right in the next
24160s turn also
24162s yeah it's just like a case of how much
24163s do you value
24164s the damage versus how much you value um
24168s keeping your curve
24170s nice and keeping
24172s the overall board state that's going to
24173s come down in a few turns as loud as
24175s possible
24177s [Applause]
24178s i'm really not sure which way it's best
24180s to
24181s like the most aggressive one and if if
24184s you could see both both hands i'm sure
24185s he would have coined the
24187s the circle here right
24190s hello blaze
24192s he's moving quite rapidly closer to that
24195s ray boss onyxia right i mean it might
24196s not look like it but flipper friends
24199s does work versus him block a lot of the
24201s time um and then there's the nourish
24204s there's more ramp and then card draw
24205s from the um widow bloom and as soon as
24208s the nixia comes down it's a hard card to
24210s come back from especially with how early
24212s it comes down from druid
24215s yeah and it's just it's such a good card
24218s at dealing with these vile libraries
24219s because you just tend to have one buffed
24221s minion and a bunch of smaller other
24223s minions which right yeah i mean it's
24224s just
24225s perfect turns out here that's exactly
24227s what a knicks is good at dealing with
24229s perfect
24231s she's kind of like a big swipe
24233s about it
24235s oh just like battlegrounds battle
24237s masters are a low fab right yeah raid
24240s butternick suits just a big swipe
24243s he's just 10 minutes away
24245s this spell powers
24250s nourish the card draw here blize not
24252s going for the ramp
24254s oh no he did go
24257s wait he did go for the ramp i'm just an
24258s idiot
24260s i just didn't see the mana gold for some
24262s reason i think i'm i don't know i'm
24264s losing it
24265s hmm
24267s it's
24268s the the downside of like clearing now
24271s you can see you could just have a mr the
24273s sim come down
24275s right you've not really taken off tempo
24277s you've just
24278s kind of increased if your opponent so
24281s as long as you like clear up the board a
24283s bit before the second buff of the
24284s library comes down
24286s that i think that's the key amount
24289s so it is it okay turn to just take the
24291s ramp you're not quite there for the next
24293s year but you're going to need to spend
24294s manner on this to nourish anyway at some
24296s point together at a reasonable time i'll
24299s see now with flipper friends and the
24301s druid as well of the reef like that's a
24304s pretty good selection right even with a
24307s hero power as well that you would expect
24309s that to do work versus most boards on
24311s turn four
24313s yeah
24314s but the second bar library is gonna
24316s cause a slight problem for that
24318s flipper fans very good at clearing off
24320s small wide boards but
24322s it doesn't actually pack that much of a
24324s punch against the big ones
24328s i wonder if it's even ever the uh
24331s big boy flipper friends
24341s and you know what
24343s it's still going to be a good amount of
24344s stats right there is coin
24346s reform is refined is that infused it's
24349s not right it's not yeah okay okay
24355s i mean
24357s you can still play if you wanna just get
24360s more buff for the uh the library
24363s yeah there is now impending though and
24364s that is uh
24366s quite a good card
24368s yeah i think you just take the gamble
24370s here you just pick up some more amps
24372s oh there's some imps you said it
24375s yep oh wow wait
24380s i was looking at whether it's like imp
24382s imp coin impending
24385s i mean i like it i like it it's just
24387s just work out it's going off hand space
24389s right it'll be three draws five yeah
24391s it's got plenty of hand space actually
24395s oh
24396s really surely surely this isn't as good
24399s really
24401s would you not like to draw you almost
24403s out of time you have the tanzanite do
24406s you really want to play with something
24407s you're trying to be the aggressor
24412s also with that play what does the widow
24415s bloom trade into that you're bothered
24417s about right because you still make one
24419s massive imp or another massive in oh
24422s yeah
24423s and even more than that
24426s the quality of your imps that you're
24427s playing is relevant for the reform if
24429s you have two flames in the pool it's
24430s just a bit more stats when it gets rest
24433s right
24434s like when are you playing this plane
24437s like at best that 3 2 was gonna trade
24439s into a flame him
24441s so if you don't play the flaming
24443s it's kind of
24445s it works out the same right
24449s now though does does pascal take this
24452s turn to play tamsin it doesn't feel like
24455s it achieves too much other than drawing
24457s cards but i feel like the opportunity to
24459s draw cards was their last term for pasco
24461s doesn't mean now that blize
24464s might actually get one of those turns
24466s where he just feels a little bit free to
24468s do stuff
24470s yeah
24473s because this iniquity does not die this
24475s turn right there is i'm pretty sure
24477s nothing that can happen that makes a
24479s nixie die maybe buyers even just goes
24481s with miracle growth next turn
24485s yeah
24486s drop a taunt refill even though you're
24488s not playing guff but still
24491s either way you do it it's hard for you
24493s to deal with the alexa if you go for
24494s tams and you kill the welts
24497s but you might not just have any board at
24499s all
24500s and then
24502s you gotta deal with a bit more next turn
24503s and there's nothing really in the deck
24505s that deals
24506s with one big minion at least at least at
24509s these men of course
24510s i'm even wondering like pasco holds the
24512s location here right because whatever he
24514s buffs that makes you just runs into so
24516s it doesn't matter yeah i do like the
24518s hold on the location there
24522s it's gonna go off okay
24529s oh
24532s reasonable play to go for the duff
24533s because you did have that flip of
24534s friends yeah
24536s no
24537s ramp flipper i think
24539s i was even looking at the ivers now
24542s i think you want that next turn there's
24543s no start okay i i guess you're not
24545s afraid yeah yeah that's fair actually
24547s yeah yeah like he he isn't dead next
24549s turn right in almost any world so yeah
24551s you know what you're completely right
24557s just leaving one solitary imp on the
24560s board here and still
24562s an eight eight and nixia
24564s unfortunately
24566s the otter is not a whelp
24569s there's this library available there
24575s do you think the odds should be once
24579s depends on the use of whelp right
24580s because people use whelp not meaning
24582s dragon
24584s yeah and the word does say welp doesn't
24587s it
24589s it's true
24590s maybe we should take it up with a nexus
24592s legal team yep we'll do i'll file the
24594s complaint
24597s okay we can get a pretty sizable buff
24599s here for the location
24601s it is and the card draws definitely
24604s there which helps out a lot it's just
24606s what is
24607s oscar gonna do with
24608s this because if he doesn't trade into
24610s the iniquity then
24612s is is he just giving blaze free reign
24615s yeah you don't really have the the burn
24618s yet
24619s right to just close out the game like he
24620s did last time and
24622s if a scale of an elixir came down while
24625s this was on board you just pretty much
24627s could conceded board for the rest of the
24628s game
24630s good value it's also there there's also
24633s the fear that um
24636s the scales the other scales is available
24638s right
24640s which means that the armor just scoops
24643s up and this also feels like conceding
24646s board for the rest of the game but at
24647s least he's not gonna get hit for eight i
24649s guess
24650s surely that wasn't worth over playing
24652s wicked shipment and just value trading
24654s oh wait
24657s yeah i completely agree
24659s ah you never won one but
24662s you get to save the dremel insanity is
24665s no excuse i don't think you want
24667s grimoire for your lady dark do you
24670s yeah fly's going to steal the dark vein
24673s i think there just remove that very
24675s scary wing condition
24677s of dark vein having a bissell waving it
24680s yeah
24682s oh this is awkward though particularly
24684s with a brand that could be
24686s disastrous
24688s gave him the oracle okay decided that
24690s there's been
24692s oracle
24693s does that work no is it too or less it's
24695s oracle right oh right sure
24706s although blize it's starting to
24707s stabilize and there isn't really the
24709s pop-off curses yet
24711s yeah this this just feels like a really
24713s good tampon turn right you just do the
24715s double trade thompson
24719s yeah it feels too clean doesn't it
24722s suspiciously clean yeah
24724s hard to ignore
24726s yeah like is this actually the player or
24727s am i getting baited yeah
24730s someone set this play up
24737s i mean
24739s anything else feels like it leaves a 7-7
24742s up which
24744s doesn't sound great to me
24746s yeah
24747s passed out
24767s yeah and the brands in hand
24768s with the uh
24770s yes that's what four curses if there's
24772s targets
24773s yeah
24774s there's guff and there's druids so druid
24777s is better than most classes at keeping a
24780s large hand size right to avoid these
24783s burst potentials
24785s no card drawer yet though maybe this is
24787s a start with a moonlit kind of turn
24789s because moonlit could really open up
24791s your options here because blize has
24793s plenty of mana
24796s um
24797s i mean you could just play either
24801s oh scales
24803s scales is very good i'm just wondering
24805s whether you wanted to just play the
24806s ivers because
24808s you're not going to die this turn and
24809s the ibis is so large it's also unlikely
24812s to die and then
24814s say your best pickup was the urban
24815s scales from the moonlight then you could
24817s just do it on the ios you know
24819s yeah that's true no double innovate for
24821s the old ibis innovate innovate scales
24824s play which would have been pretty sick
24825s right right it's just like
24827s if you wanted to go for it it's not
24830s actually good this time oh this is
24832s actually pretty sick right just settle
24833s counter lethal yeah just a lot of
24836s pressure so you know what
24837s i need to clear this board buddy
24841s how big is this gonna be like 12. oh 12
24844s i uh very underestimate that did 9 19.
24848s missed an attack
24854s yeah i could have killed the 3-3 right
24856s for free
24858s it did have rush right it did not dodge
24860s for us surely
24863s i think it is
24866s what hey tamzin don't say what's taking
24868s so long you're the one with pasco here
24871s okay
24874s okay so
24876s tamzin
24877s drag below is available to kill off one
24879s of the giants
24881s you're on 27 so you do need to hold it
24883s more you could also play
24884s touch the narrowism on your one one
24887s to heal up a bit more
24890s and then you're not dead
24897s it's also the knowledge that blize isn't
24899s playing battleground batmaster in his
24900s list yeah so that's uh definitely
24903s important compared to some of the you
24904s know a lot of the other players actually
24905s we've seen this weekend so far
24908s okay does this clear off the whole thing
24910s if you use
24911s all of these
24913s i assume it does that's why it's going
24915s through
24917s yeah this seems a bit clean because then
24919s you don't get as punished by an iron
24921s skills
24935s i was gonna take a little bit of damage
24936s here there's still the brands that cool
24938s as well
24941s some bursts you can get rid of these
24942s curses
24945s yeah
24947s this is this is this is oh wow
24950s gonna say this is where uh
24951s this curse look really shines is when
24955s you've got like some decent tempo as
24956s well because you just have to spend your
24958s mana on other things other than just
24960s getting rid of the curses or increasing
24962s your hand size
24967s could keep it as is though
24983s i believe these are on two and three
24986s i
24987s think so yeah
24990s i'm here as well
24991s a good target for devourer either to
24994s like give our scales right because that
24995s could also be a game ender even on a
24997s single minion but pasco has already done
25000s the whole big minion thing right
25003s i think
25005s we have
25008s yeah i think
25010s the thing if you don't play any of your
25011s curses sir
25013s or you just play that stuff that's fine
25016s don't think you can die
25018s oh
25019s because because
25020s weirdly enough you actually take more
25022s damage from getting rid of these curses
25024s just because of
25026s the potential for more space in your
25027s hand you're sure
25030s i'm just trying to think how many
25032s actual like playable curses there are
25035s left so there's two abyssal waves
25038s is this two syracuse cultists so yeah
25041s that's the problem right bran ciracas
25043s syracuse
25047s so this would block one curse right
25055s yeah and if the curse is a wrapped up
25057s through uh yeah that's a lot of damage
25059s it's the last curse that gets blocked
25060s right yeah yeah
25063s is this going to be brands that call
25065s instead to just heal because otherwise
25067s uh oscar is quite dead
25070s yeah he just does it to him
25089s yeah true so he'll look a bit more
25092s oh can belies get seven i don't think so
25096s oh those are horrible
25101s phil has the mana for natural card draw
25102s with the hero power if he wants it
25106s i don't imagine he wants it
25113s just dead again
25118s yeah one hand space available
25121s it's only taking nine from the curses in
25122s hand but if if he could put off his hand
25124s one more
25126s yeah you can trade away the board and
25127s not be dead but and one of the weird
25130s drawbacks of gophers the wild growth
25132s doesn't draw you a card right so you
25134s can't even try and cycle into something
25137s because it will just ramp him to 19
25139s instead
25141s i'm gonna clear this up but that looks
25142s like it's going to be the next game
25143s going up to uh pasco the warlock seems
25145s to be getting it done so far
25148s yeah these these late game
25150s curse plays are just uh proving to be
25152s very very valuable in both of these
25154s matchups
25158s pasco are going to take his time to uh
25160s it is i mean okay juan pascoe has been
25163s being a bit weird anyway but this is
25164s easily lethal right that was i can't
25166s remember the curse was that but it was
25167s easily enough right two more it's on uh
25170s six and seven oh okay i thought it was
25172s five and six which still would have been
25173s lethal of course but still
25176s yeah
25177s scott really doing this to us
25179s that's really where we're at
25181s guys has to know
25183s i mean there's four cards left
25186s what is taking so long still has four
25189s curses left
25192s you'd have to miss on
25197s so many cards here actually for not to
25199s feel
25204s yeah shake it ahead there from blind as
25205s well because i think
25207s maybe understandably so that this uh
25209s he's probably feeling like this is
25210s getting a little bit silly at this point
25213s uh but anyway we are going to be moving
25215s on to game number five it's going to be
25217s the warlock once again for pascoa and it
25220s is going to be going up against the
25221s priest from blyze so we finally get
25223s blizzard's trying to save us jamboree
25225s from the quest priest but we're here now
25228s why has it been forced into this
25230s but it is going to be the quest priest
25231s versus the warlock and although we've
25233s seen that warlock has the ability to
25235s pump out a lot of damage uh how do you
25237s feel about this match up in general
25241s i actually don't know specifically
25244s this this curse will look variant
25246s because there is a lot of off-board
25247s damage the thing with quest priest is
25249s very awful at dealing with early boards
25252s once those uh
25253s uh turn five six
25256s and beyond turns come down
25258s yeah it's great at dealing with your
25259s board every single turn but the the
25261s early in boards they put their damage
25263s out on turn three on term four and
25265s that's just like before the quest priest
25268s can really do anything
25270s so i'm really not sure like
25272s against traditional
25273s import lock short quest priests would do
25276s pretty well but this one i
25278s i could see it going either way yeah i
25280s mean just quickly going over the numbers
25282s at least on hs3 play diamond through
25284s legend bear in mind but this is a lot of
25287s games and um the or at least a chunk of
25289s games but apparently curse the import
25291s lock is uh sorry priest is 35
25295s against curse import lock
25297s 45 versus curse warlock but then 62
25300s versus import lock so you're completely
25302s right uh we're here with your analysis
25304s there jamboree because versus imps you
25306s kind of just push them off board and
25309s they're done that's the game but yeah
25311s they said it does appear that the curses
25313s do have a lot to play into it so we'll
25315s be interesting to see how players can go
25317s about this uh again there are options
25320s right we just saw very briefly in the
25322s deck list there that for example if it
25324s comes to it flies could just uh mutinous
25326s the zekul or the bran which would
25328s dramatically reduce down the actual late
25331s game power potential
25333s as well as you know multitude of other
25334s things i i have seen games of this
25336s priest where they actually just curve
25338s out and start beating you up which is a
25341s bit shocking in itself but it can happen
25343s so yeah doesn't mean blyze is actually
25345s just going to lose but it is by the
25348s looks of things a tricky matchup indeed
25352s yeah and
25354s there are some tools available for the
25356s priest to combat these early boards i
25358s mean
25359s zarella's the main
25361s huge swing
25362s but the difference with this quest
25364s priest compared to some of the older
25365s ones i think this one's a bit more text
25367s to deal with rogues
25369s right we don't see uh the dragon that
25372s deals three damage to the board in this
25373s deck list which is would be huge against
25377s i mean import like it deals with any
25379s non-buff board before uh
25382s term five
25383s [Music]
25386s zerella is picked up which is
25388s the at the best card you could have in
25390s the mulligan i'm sure especially with
25391s double thrive right it means blize can
25394s fish for heels if he if he wants to or
25396s needs to right he has that choice uh he
25399s can at least for example turn to thrive
25401s to fish for a heel if it's offered to
25403s say okay at worst you know i have a
25406s three damage aoe with xyrella you know
25408s or something right so he can just have
25410s that in in the pocket if he needs it
25413s here though pascoa is not getting hold
25416s of the imp opening right it might sound
25419s like a silly sentence because there's a
25420s flaming palm board but there's none of
25422s the support available right now which is
25424s a little bit rough for him definitely
25426s not what he's looking for
25428s yeah it's it you can come out with this
25431s curse next time but it's it's
25433s we've seen the power of the brand later
25435s on you almost don't want to have to play
25436s it
25439s it's kind of this is the drawback of the
25441s deck let's say uh
25443s your weaker early starts are a lot
25446s weaker than they are
25447s in the other deck where you're playing
25449s like in gambos on these turns instead
25454s okay well there's desperate prayer all
25456s gift to the naaru uh arguments for
25459s either honestly but desperate prayer
25461s obviously has more guaranteed bigger
25463s damage swings with xyrella so i can
25465s definitely understand it there
25467s yeah i just it just fits mana wares as
25469s well like you don't have to spend any
25471s extra mana alongside the zorella and
25474s it's going to clear off
25475s pretty much any big threat especially
25477s because the warlock
25479s damage itself through light tap through
25480s this flaming so the sorella is going to
25483s do 10 damage to the board yeah you're
25485s going to clear a board yeah in almost
25487s every instance right it's just a board
25489s clay
25491s it obliged taking his time not feeling
25493s rushed into anything yet again he knows
25495s he has the heel he knows he has the
25496s clear
25497s and um pascoa
25499s again not having good draws the syracuse
25502s he would much prefer to keep in hand yes
25504s you can argue it's a spider tank that
25506s you know
25508s starts ramping the curses that's
25510s absolutely true and fine but he would
25512s still rather be playing him
25516s mischievously picked up which is a very
25517s good one
25519s not only for just
25520s refill but
25522s activating this impending catastrophe to
25524s allow you to draw into more powerful
25526s things later down the line
25528s what knowledge do the stars
25531s rather come down very early
25534s yeah i don't mind it though right to me
25535s it feels like it's tempo for blize it's
25538s quest progression and also
25541s if a dragged below is used to kill it
25544s which is generally the answer that it
25546s would receive
25547s it
25548s it's one less that's going to be used
25550s later on with a potential tamzin we can
25554s see that there's tams in there now so
25555s pascal could easily wait uh but still
25558s for blyze's sake i think if a drag below
25560s normal is used right now then that's one
25563s less circus from bran one less drag
25565s below from tamzin yeah absolutely
25569s i think there's also another little
25570s safety net that players had was that
25572s there was only two millions that died so
25574s this mr for simpson's not active so like
25576s the expected like scary refill if i kill
25579s my their early bird
25581s early board sorry
25582s it's just not available
25586s and like you said
25587s you kind of want to get these curses out
25589s of them early
25590s the dream is this guitar give them the
25592s curse back
25595s because that's what you're after that is
25597s always the dream yeah you know what i uh
25600s looks like you dropped this
25603s okay
25604s right
25606s yeah
25607s you can take the car draw but they'll
25608s eventually find the cards anyway oh wow
25613s oh that's just funny
25615s well okay someone in so uh sorry
25617s fiendish circle picked up
25620s pascoa to be able to put one whether he
25622s makes a trade with it or not we'll find
25623s out but i think most importantly the
25625s card draw kicking with impending
25627s catastrophe here
25629s yeah it's just gonna set him up for the
25631s rest of the game but he has had
25634s one curse played i believe
25636s was it
25638s two no it was two curses played and then
25640s one stolen so the potential for burst
25643s damage has gone down
25645s a huge amount
25647s particularly because of the cards that
25649s were used like with tamzin you can go
25652s tams and drag below track below or with
25653s bran you can ram
25656s plus the three drop twice but because
25657s those cards were used the potential for
25659s bursts just uh
25661s a lot lower now yeah i think blize can
25664s actually
25665s fall back on the game plan of well now i
25668s can potentially just outlast my opponent
25670s right because you can't always guarantee
25672s that when the curses can really get
25674s silly right with brand things but um but
25677s i think the combination of this deck not
25680s running mithral rod and as you said
25682s those cards just being nullified by
25684s blize already to an extent that
25687s blize can just say you know what i'm
25688s gonna try and press my hero power every
25690s turn i'm gonna try and get hold of my
25692s heels the um
25694s the leviathan as well is huge um for uh
25698s for blighs
25699s yeah
25701s the the warlock can't just stay off the
25703s board they have to play minions
25705s at some point so
25707s behemoth not leviathan i always call the
25709s via them for some reason
25711s i mix i mix up the hero cards still
25714s i think i called tams and carry all like
25716s about half the time
25717s oh they're sisters it's fine
25724s yeah that's a huge heal in itself and
25725s also a heel that's
25727s difficult for pascoe to deal with right
25730s if he doesn't have the spot removal for
25732s it or doesn't already have big imps
25733s somehow right yeah if you if your board
25736s that you're making is just like a one
25737s one
25738s it's not enough to damage it that
25740s something like uh
25742s like one like this or waivers
25745s yeah yeah it's not gonna do it in one
25747s hit so that's just have to trade again
25749s yeah they just freely hits face and
25750s heels even more
25752s yeah
25754s let's go we're gonna clean up the theo
25755s here get some imps down and some buffs
25757s down i imagine
25766s yeah this is just fine even if it hits
25768s the six six which is fine right it's oh
25770s he's gonna kill it nice yeah the burn
25774s yeah and
25777s it's an awkward number seven
25779s but even with the grimoire
25782s you still need a bit more for the wave
25783s to kill it so you're gonna have to
25785s heal up again
25787s to full health for them i think
25792s yeah the trade probably just
25794s has to happen right
25799s there's just
25800s no other way yeah
25803s after trade that's an extra eight health
25805s all the way up to fuller he said the
25806s abyssal wave gets played and also one of
25809s the problems here is if pascoa um
25813s has to play a certain way well that's
25815s also an abyssal wave gone so he can't
25817s set up the uh
25819s dark veins easily right
25822s yeah
25824s you're gonna have to save the second
25825s wave almost for this tamzin and for the
25829s the dark vein later on down the line
25832s and and the hand size from the priest is
25833s actually really quite big so even if you
25835s get all that set up
25837s how many curses can you racistly put
25838s into their hand because tempo is going
25840s against you right now so
25842s blythe doesn't really need to like play
25844s a lot of cards each time to just deal
25846s with your threats
25855s right shower elemental just chilling in
25856s blyze's hand as well extra healing
25859s because again it's it's gone beyond the
25862s point now i think
25864s where pascal can like try and do 40 with
25867s curses right it's just not really going
25869s to happen so
25870s there's minions have to hit face and
25872s that light shower is going to be such a
25874s problem
25875s yeah the only potential for burst
25879s is if he somehow gets obliged to empty
25881s his hand
25882s right to do that you need to force them
25884s to use the cards so you're gonna have to
25886s generate tempo some other way but is
25889s there enough to do so
25891s i mean blaise even just has silence for
25893s all these imps right
25895s he really wants he can just play shard
25897s and then like a light shower
25902s yeah got to come down as well okay and
25905s trying to be used
25909s only does
25910s two at this point so it's not going to
25911s clear off the uh mischievous thing
25921s got three four for the curse now there's
25923s still a four in hand
25926s desperate prayer light shower
25929s pick your poison
25931s yeah
25933s so it's a weird card to use because hand
25935s size is important
25937s and the card doesn't actually do
25938s anything other than
25940s discount your next play
25948s i mean we can see that there there isn't
25950s actually a whole lot of removal
25952s this is nice as well it's he swaps one
25954s card for two here right so that's
25956s definitely nice with the hand size you
25957s were talking about
25964s oh he has like
25966s we had to play his next turn right
25969s or we could just play rene phil
25972s we can't quite do it but yeah with that
25974s grimoire it's like interesting even
25977s forced heel with light shower and then
25979s grimoire
25980s get the heel that turn
25986s i'm gonna yep two cards as well from
25988s this death rattle so hand sides again
25990s not
25991s too concerning right now yeah it looks
25993s like he's eyeing up the trade condemn
25996s here and that still leaves him some
25997s manner to abyssal curse choosing to hold
26000s the full
26001s oh no he's not never mind
26003s just letting this go
26005s okay
26009s from this even though he's letting the
26010s uh the minions go through he's just
26013s playing more healing over time i guess
26016s this is a little surprising because
26018s there is the library as well it's going
26019s to take a lot of face damage here
26021s like
26023s a huge amount i'll say also
26026s a lot a lot a lot like they maybe didn't
26029s have to take
26031s and also like he empties his hand size
26033s for
26035s some of these curses to come in and
26036s especially
26038s you can buff up play some curses and
26040s then trade and then
26045s i mean there aren't really any available
26047s just physical
26052s pascal's saying you know what i'll draw
26054s my deck
26056s more or less
26060s like a lot of the hills have been used
26064s so if you take this board damage
26066s you're kind of close to time
26070s it's pretty rough isn't it
26073s there's light shower we saw light shower
26076s not picked from the um
26079s uh the card i'm forgetting the name of
26082s uh i didn't see that was it sorry the it
26085s was from the illuminate oh the
26086s illuminati right yeah
26094s that's a lot of stuff does that shatter
26096s wood
26097s oh
26099s that's annoying
26115s i mean there's
26116s no world in which he doesn't click
26119s really
26121s just gets hit for 10.
26132s oh
26133s you just get light that burns oh
26137s lies i mean he can't not play this right
26144s maybe
26146s i mean tracking
26147s the curses wise
26151s you know everything's played except the
26152s abyssal wave
26154s at this point
26155s quickly
26156s you know there's tams an abyssal wave
26157s available
26161s and then there's also
26163s bran plus lady dark zoom
26165s so you have you don't
26167s really need to keep your hand size full
26169s until the turn after i mean
26172s [Music]
26174s you're like keeping your hand size full
26175s now but you're also
26178s not dealing with this 10-7 oh you're
26181s taking the curse damage through minions
26183s right i know this is definitely tricky
26185s to manage for blize but
26187s it's
26189s tough right because yeah
26191s there's a higher hand size but
26193s you're just getting hit for 10.
26195s yeah i was just like curious because he
26198s freely like used the illuminate earlier
26199s to empty hand size and that was just
26201s like
26203s kind of scared to use any cards
26206s right
26207s i mean you're going to have to use a
26208s card for this 10-7
26212s and then maybe for some other stuff too
26213s i mean there's still quite a bit of
26215s board pressure coming out
26222s oh is it just straight up people
26225s oh with that darpan grimoire again
26232s oh
26233s what's pascal down he doesn't realize it
26234s doesn't always hit the two one it hits
26236s any minion
26237s it's as killed as
26239s 10 7
26243s oh it doesn't seem like the play
26247s yeah that's why blize didn't kill it
26249s because pascal would do it for him oh no
26253s now he has nothing because he used
26256s doubt vein for grimoire and not abyssal
26258s wave
26259s oh i think he's just assumed it was
26261s lethal oh
26265s oh though that went
26267s out of control didn't it
26270s and now blize heals up for a million
26273s cards to dodge the curse if he wants to
26276s he's well above 20 health
26279s in
26281s pain
26286s and there's no recovery right so right
26289s now let's have a look let's look
26290s together
26292s okay
26293s our score has two cards left so we can
26296s ignore the wait which card's locked the
26298s brand has been played right no no the
26300s drag below goes oh the drag ball got
26302s stolen yeah so it's bran abyssal wave so
26305s there's tamsin abyssal wave
26307s abyss abyssal wave right
26310s that's
26311s it
26313s oh wow let's just go out control i mean
26316s blize can probably win if he just never
26318s plays a card and hero powers every turn
26320s at this point right there's potential
26322s yeah because there's no physical real
26325s threats especially when the shadow would
26327s ruin there's two grimoires he can use as
26329s well drag below if he really wants to
26334s yeah and the damage is two curses
26337s that are gonna prop at max once because
26339s you're gonna be able to remove them from
26341s your hand
26343s i mean i
26344s i can understand what pascal is thinking
26346s his eyes oh it's lethal
26348s i have it at my mom
26350s but there's there was two bad outcomes i
26353s guess the grimoire hitting the 8 or the
26355s 10.
26357s and the problem was
26359s i actually felt like pascua was in a
26361s fantastic position that he didn't even
26363s need to go for it and i know you should
26365s always go for it if it's lethal but it
26368s wasn't lethal right that's the problem
26372s so like
26373s i think if he just held he just wins
26375s with the bissell waves and dark vein
26377s yeah he had tams in double abyssal rave
26380s into bran plus
26382s the uh the dark vein and then just
26385s grimoire yeah and then i think that was
26387s almost unstoppable right
26390s but for blighs like buyers like because
26392s again in that world you just trade with
26394s one million and punch them for ten
26397s and then what supplies do the next turn
26398s right like he's just in the same problem
26401s with less stuff
26404s oh wow unbelievable let's turn around
26407s maybe just maybe
26409s too much focus on the bm
26412s i mean something's going to be said for
26414s it
26414s i do feel like blyze's play this game
26416s was a little shaky towards the end to
26419s land him in that position
26421s i'll be honest right i definitely would
26423s have wouldn't have played this game like
26424s wise has in the end but
26427s i also haven't sat and worked out all
26429s the numbers yeah i don't know if blyze
26431s is sat and counted okay well if he plays
26433s this with these curse combos he does
26435s this much damage in the long run this
26437s will heal me for more if i make this
26439s play i'm not i've not sat there and done
26440s it so i'm not gonna strictly say it was
26443s wrong but i do feel like what pascoa did
26446s seem to be wrong because it was very
26447s risky and i think he was so far ahead
26450s anyway that there was no need to try and
26453s do it
26454s yeah it just seemed he was he had this
26456s game plan that was holding this tamson
26458s for just so many turns like we'd seen a
26462s theater already
26463s there is a mutinous which could maybe
26465s hit your tamson to slow it down a bit
26468s but you would still have access to
26470s uh
26472s yeah exactly which is it would should be
26474s which is busted in itself right it's so
26476s much it's three curses like it's insane
26480s yeah and you have the bran as well so
26481s you could just do so many
26487s be gone and blize now i think applies
26489s he's like you know what yeah throw that
26491s one curse you've got left at me it's
26493s fine
26494s like no problem i'm on what 37 now
26498s although
26499s how does he kill this board
26502s no we're in hand currently
26504s he's not
26506s what does he have left here he has
26508s amulet
26509s to bring back the uh death rattles he's
26511s got oh he's got against all odds right
26514s you can draw that yeah a reasonable
26515s amount of time he gets to kill something
26517s this turn as well with the hero power i
26520s mean he's not taking
26522s a negligible amount of damage here true
26524s true
26525s it might not be over for pascal
26528s what a roller coaster yeah jamboree this
26531s is an emotional ride
26533s yeah all the way through the series
26535s yeah
26536s yeah i thought this was gonna be 3-0
26538s blink of an eye a bly's special
26541s yeah
26542s it did look that way to begin with
26546s now what do you do here you can
26548s press the hero power button get another
26549s three three or you can summon two one
26552s ones
26553s if if you need more damage and your
26555s board's gonna go it might be a bit bad
26558s resource wise to press the button here
26560s and then if the board gets like well
26562s pulled for instance then you can go
26565s right just circle to get a little bit
26567s more i like that because i don't think
26568s he needs to be really worried about the
26571s fatigue right because he isn't winning a
26572s long game anyway so just press the
26575s button bank the three three keep on
26577s pushing
26578s yeah the only
26580s so caveat is
26582s if this the rest of the ball gets to
26584s attack anyway is it enough damage
26586s so maybe i shouldn't be taking this
26587s fatigue
26590s well that's a big one
26597s still gets to push
26600s eight after hill but then
26605s [Music]
26608s oh this is so close
26615s plus five he'll turn for jamboree with
26617s the uh for chambray that's you not not
26620s yeah you know
26621s him for players tag you in um but uh
26624s blyze does have the plus five heal as
26626s well this turn so it doesn't get to push
26628s but again keeps that sort of distance
26630s the same in a weird way
26634s yeah
26636s i mean the fatigue damage is so high
26637s like there's not infinite imps
26640s it's like two turns
26643s and then i especially got the damage
26644s hero power from the zorella as well
26646s that's gonna be additional damage you
26648s can just point to face whenever it's
26649s level
26658s you have to be careful here if you play
26659s the phoenix circle
26661s you don't have lethal and you don't have
26662s board space
26664s to play tamzin
26666s you can't hear a power either right
26668s right so what do you do
26669s if you're
26671s if you play the circle and lies just
26673s says okay i'm gonna
26674s not remove anything
26677s i'll just shoot you in the face
26681s well i'll just heal myself and then
26683s shoot in the face next time
26697s you hate to see if you're exactly pasqua
26700s but you'd love to see it if you're
26701s exactly blize because that was
26704s definitely a series was there jabrae
26706s like we had
26708s we had what appeared to be a quick 3-0
26711s potential there from blyze with the mage
26714s it looked good but then pascoe started
26716s to fight back he did fight in a very
26719s slow and uh trolling like fashion
26722s against blize by roping lethals and such
26725s and so on but
26727s honestly i can't imagine how blize is
26730s feeling right now because the hold the
26733s hold the hold and then the last second
26736s emote before winning the series is the
26740s exact way to play that turn um yeah so
26743s yeah i completely agree with that from
26745s blair's congratulations for him i can
26747s imagine the series was quickly turning
26750s into one of those i can't believe i'm
26752s going to lose this series moments for
26754s blize but he did manage to recover and
26756s pull it back so uh wow uh what a series
26759s jamboree what a series
26761s yeah it really just had everything
26765s it was
26766s a bit speechless honestly just
26770s it was just a lot of ups and downs there
26773s and again bly's relying on that quest
26775s priest to finally get the job done and
26777s they did seem to be a very clear route
26779s and as i said beforehand uh the hs
26782s replay stats have it at a roughly 35
26785s percent win rate for the priest in that
26787s match up so
26788s a big victory there for blize as he
26790s moves on through to the winners side and
26793s that's huge because suddenly with the
26795s insta loss
26796s pasco is in that position where now any
26798s more losses he's just out of there and
26801s he still needs to win two more to go
26804s through and so put himself in a rough
26806s position there uh but yeah what a series
26808s one thing i can say jamboree is i'm very
26810s glad that we're going to have a break
26812s before the next one because i think i
26814s need it that was a a true roller coaster
26817s of air of emotions there for i think not
26819s only the players but for us and the
26821s viewers as well but yeah we do have a
26823s slo gruzin versus dimitri kazav coming
26826s up to see who's gonna go against splies
26829s in that winners match so don't go
26830s anywhere and we'll be right back with
26832s some more hearthstone grand masters
26837s [Music]
26845s so
26857s [Music]
26862s [Music]
26870s [Music]
26882s [Music]
26886s do
26897s [Music]
26900s so
26910s [Music]
26916s so
26918s [Music]
26925s [Music]
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26971s [Music]
26981s [Music]
26988s [Music]
26995s [Music]
27011s [Music]
27030s hello everyone and welcome back to grand
27032s masters i will tell you now three
27034s minutes did not seem like a good enough
27036s amount of time to recover from that
27038s series but here we are it is going to be
27040s zloy cuisine versus dimitri kazav for
27042s the next match and at least there
27044s jamboree myself's final match of the day
27046s before tj and lorinda take over and
27049s finish out the rest of group d and then
27051s we'll have our final top eight for
27053s tomorrow so exciting to see all the
27055s players who make it to there but for now
27057s we have these two going out against each
27058s other another um europe versus america's
27062s face off and uh i don't know if you've
27064s noticed in your long hearthstone career
27066s jamboree
27067s but americas hasn't been doing that
27069s terribly well across a few things
27071s uh overall masters tour specifically is
27074s the ongoing joke and i love it but um
27076s but yeah we'll have to see how this one
27078s goes there's load cruising
27079s a new gm to the uh i guess european
27082s region uh dimitri kazoff has had a
27084s couple of seasons behind him now but
27086s still one of the uh you know by no means
27088s one of the originals for the grand
27090s master system here so two fairly newer
27092s players here looking to make a big
27094s impact on this final week
27096s yeah absolutely and we actually kind of
27098s seen a similar lineup come out from both
27100s of them
27101s uh mage warlock druid and the rogue
27104s rogues both banned both players
27107s kind of
27108s following exactly the same strategy
27111s yeah i've uh i've feel like i've seen
27113s this match before uh but here yet we see
27115s the uh the curse warlock from the uh
27118s from zlo cruising here again it's still
27121s uh when it says curse warlock it still
27123s has the imp package because i believe to
27126s me at least that is just curse warlock
27128s now uh you don't play anything else
27130s because it's just insane card draw
27132s decent pressure gives you options in a
27134s lot of matchups feels more of a waste to
27136s not bring it than anything else but in
27138s general yep that warlock is the deck
27140s we've just seen from pascoa pretty much
27142s um i think there's like a couple of
27143s cards different but not too much but
27145s yeah big mage um the the rogue that's
27148s banned anyway and the uh druids are no
27151s big surprises here but we are going to
27153s start on this mage mirror and i do think
27155s uh this is going to lead the way to how
27158s the series will shape up because i do
27160s think it was
27161s a surprise that blize
27164s of took longer to win than i felt like
27166s he may have needed to mainly because i
27168s do think the winner of a mage mirror in
27170s last year standing right now is so
27172s impactful
27174s yeah i mean we've been seeing it all
27176s weekend like if when mage takes the
27178s first game which is often queued up
27179s first it can just be so hard to counter
27182s i found it more
27185s not the big spell mage but the the more
27187s ping made and we're seeing a couple of
27188s big spell majors coming down here as a
27190s bit harder to counter but still it's
27193s just an incredibly strong and versatile
27195s deck
27196s to begin with and we're seeing mage
27197s versus mage so whoever takes the first
27200s game
27201s uh is really going to have a huge
27202s advantage going into the rest of the
27203s series
27204s yep 100 but you are right because
27206s they're both players are on
27208s the um
27210s the big spell mage right let me just
27212s triple check before i start saying silly
27214s things but i believe they are um
27218s yes they are okay before we dig too deep
27220s into that rabbit hole but yeah they are
27222s going to be on those uh both on those
27223s big spell mage so it's a bit of a
27225s trickier mirror as well because again
27227s even though the minions it can be
27229s impactful uh with the amulet it really
27232s does still just feel like it comes down
27234s to sort of pink wars right
27236s yeah there's a huge factor in it but
27239s it's not
27240s the be-all and end-all that it is when
27242s it's
27243s ping made versus big spell mage because
27246s you don't have the sort of freeze tools
27249s that a ping mage has
27251s some boards can actually connect to to
27253s face there's no solid alibi for instance
27255s to stop like the big minions connecting
27258s but once the magista does come down uh
27260s it really does feel a bit
27264s like it's a it's a ping match
27266s yeah straightforward we'll say um and
27268s again we can see there dimitri kazzo
27270s definitely not having a bad time in mts
27272s or in gm so far but nothing you know
27275s really blowing anyone away either right
27277s just decent win rates across the board
27279s there i think just over 50 in both of my
27281s memory short-term memory serves yeah as
27284s you can see both players bringing
27285s extremely similar if the identical
27287s lineup set decks sorry
27288s uh with the kind of go-to big spell mage
27291s now i think we're already at the point
27293s with mage where there's very few
27296s differences in builds just because it
27298s might be like one starfish two starfish
27300s no starfish but other than that there
27303s are a lot of key cards even in a 40 card
27306s list that you really do want
27308s yeah i think the the real key difference
27310s here is the inclusion of the mordresh
27313s that we see uh
27315s from dimitri kazoff but it is emitted
27317s from uh
27318s zloid griezmann
27320s i believe so
27321s when it does come down to ping bells
27323s that is a and
27324s face damage as well uh an active
27327s mortgage can really do a lot of work in
27329s the mirror
27331s let's see how it goes as we get into
27333s game number one
27335s against lloyd grooves in with his uh
27337s iconic dangerously dangling earphone
27340s wire that stresses all out every time he
27342s casts him
27345s not looking bad and then oh yeah i was
27347s gonna i was gonna ask you about this
27349s mulligan jamboree i do like the dawn
27350s grass keep i was just wondering would
27352s you like still like the sanctum in this
27353s matchup because it has a little bit more
27355s focus on minions
27357s yeah i mean the freezers aside is just
27360s really good value
27362s in terms of early early game like you
27364s know the opponent has to really
27366s play minions because the deck is just
27368s mostly minions so
27370s even just the stats alone it's like
27372s three bodies for three mana and the
27374s death row
27377s and like you said you already have the
27378s dawn grasp so it's not it's not like
27380s you're really searching for too much
27381s else
27382s yeah it's fine to just keep a curve
27384s that's it right there's no big three
27386s plays you're after right that isn't
27388s sanctum so why not just say you know
27390s what let's cash it in now do you see a
27392s nice early watch post there from uh
27394s dimitri and can get pinged away and i
27397s don't see a great reasons logarisim
27399s would hold this ping to do
27401s to not kill this off
27405s yeah
27406s the only reason is that you can hold a
27408s zero mana pin going into your dawngrass
27410s to immediately ram but
27412s i think just
27413s getting rid of this now and having your
27415s cards
27416s costs like a reasonable amount of cost
27417s in the future is just ways that
27424s now both players
27426s with dawn grasp available kind of
27428s interesting it's going to at least be
27429s even on that side but
27432s it's going to be pretty telling cave
27434s dimitri uses coin to go belinda which he
27436s most likely will of course and then be
27439s able to see what sort of impact the
27441s cheaper spells is going to make
27448s slightly less chance of hitting their
27450s the roots
27452s yeah
27454s i think that's zero
27456s yeah you really actually want the
27457s amulets or maybe one of each
27459s because uh
27463s there's like not a whole lot of scary
27465s boards still with their room with fire
27467s because the minions are generally
27470s unsynergistic sort of low tempo things
27472s right and also it backs up the belinda
27474s right because the belinda is a single
27476s minion that can hit some freezes and be
27478s sort of like pushed out the game a
27479s little bit but then if you follow up
27481s with two more chunky minions then
27483s suddenly you're like okay and how would
27485s the parrot pick up as well this could
27487s just be a pressure after pressure after
27489s pressure for dimitri
27491s yeah
27492s it does have the hero card but like
27495s dragons are a little too big to ramp off
27497s straight away
27499s there is some potential with the board
27501s states like keeping tension high if you
27503s don't trade things off here
27505s that you can go dawn grasp into these
27507s recklesses
27510s i don't think you're supposed to trade
27513s you kind of want that board tension just
27515s so
27515s the reckless has a chance of doing a lot
27517s more
27518s cookie as well as like cuisine took the
27520s barbaric sorceress but hit the one of
27522s the runes instead of the five oh yeah
27525s breaks uh amulets so really rough there
27528s he knows now that there's oh no there's
27531s a ten crossroad instead of nine cost and
27534s not the end of the world when uh
27535s dimitri's got so much to do here
27540s yeah
27541s of course the 30 health from that this
27543s big spell mage
27544s just means that you can't really afford
27546s to take too much damage from these uh
27548s these huge minions
27554s gonna be able to freeze off the the 10
27556s damage at least so
27558s a little bit more manageable
27563s what spells yeah i was gonna say he has
27565s no spells right for this dawn grasp
27567s no yeah it's just gonna be armor and the
27570s hero power things are looking just a
27572s little bit grim here
27574s dimitri can just drop his own now and
27575s keep everything even in terms of hero
27578s cards but have a much better board
27581s presence yeah i mean i just wanted to go
27585s back to those trades that happened
27586s earlier like
27588s what is your game plan to clear this
27590s board dimitri at this stage knows you
27592s have this hero power he's gonna
27594s try to avoid at all costs giving you
27596s ways to easily ramp it up towards these
27598s dragons
27599s that's the secret he doesn't have a way
27601s to clear the ball dude
27603s he was never gonna have a way
27606s it'd be nicer eight damage and it's
27609s really weird to say
27611s it it feels like a bonus when these
27613s dragons get to attack
27615s because they're massive dragons early in
27617s the game but you do very rarely see the
27620s dragons from amulet attack nowadays for
27622s some reason or make a big impact but
27624s pushing eight now is actually huge with
27626s this setup dmitry's got
27628s particularly because he's also picked up
27630s his hero apart uh from the
27632s the dawn grasp so
27634s any chip damage means he's just gonna be
27636s much further ahead in the race
27640s cuisine it's going to ramp though
27642s always ramp
27646s 20
27650s so much damage even with just the
27651s reckless hair right
27655s yeah honey i mean you can reckless pink
27657s and then ping the three four
27660s huh
27664s uh yeah yeah you can run through that i
27667s mean you can
27668s also ramp through
27669s pinging your sanctum
27672s oh i guess so yeah look at the the thing
27675s is
27676s you also want to
27678s this is what makes the play really
27679s tricky is that you want to avoid the
27681s opponent having a good ramp as well so i
27684s don't quite see the azure drake getting
27686s trade off here i don't think so right
27688s isn't it just for effort to meet you to
27690s just say you're dead next turn
27700s doesn't you just get killed i don't know
27703s because there's already um
27706s yeah i mean there's so much damage
27708s available with the reckless and the ping
27709s from him too like zoe cruz has to do a
27712s lot right now
27714s yeah and with the minions all that odd
27717s elf and there's no wildfire available
27721s kind of hard
27723s yeah big win there for demetrius
27725s honestly jamboree a very straightforward
27727s win actually that was one of the few
27729s major games where we've not really
27731s gotten too deep into the game because
27734s yeah dimitri got belinda he got the um
27736s the amulets the amulets survived again
27739s like i said
27740s it feels like a rarity now that the
27742s dragons get to push damage but they did
27744s and yeah it was just too much too much
27746s to handle there for soy cruising so
27748s dimitri gonna take game number one and
27750s get off to a great start and now he gets
27752s to keep playing mage which definitely
27755s feels like it's the crux of this last
27757s hero standing meta right now is the
27759s longer you can play mage the better
27762s yeah
27764s it really does i mean it's just been the
27766s same story all weekend really
27768s the mage just tends to get one or two
27770s wins every single series right
27773s it's gonna be actually
27775s i should say the natural counter would
27777s be the druid
27779s correct you win or the prize
27782s yes that's nothing the prize is just the
27784s fact that you won but yeah there you go
27786s congratulations it's going to be
27788s there from slogan uh because some
27791s interesting choices here again like the
27793s mutinous is not something you always see
27795s uh it's just definitely one of those
27797s extra choices in there uh and even as
27800s well like the the kel fast isn't a given
27802s right because you don't strictly need it
27804s with druid yeah so i've definitely seen
27807s a lot of players cut that too but in
27809s general the game plan is as you would
27811s expect i do like the double smothering
27814s starfish i think the sheer volume of
27817s upside of that card is just an all-time
27819s high right now and whether it's to
27821s unfreeze your things as we've seen a few
27823s times already um or to just guess what
27827s silence your opponent's minions that's
27828s been pretty good throughout
27830s hearthstone's history it continues to be
27832s quite good so i do think like just
27834s having two just feels pretty great in
27836s almost every case
27838s yeah i think this is a maybe identical
27841s or similar list that we saw from levick
27844s earlier uh this weekend
27846s where you have the mutinous and you have
27848s the double starfish and the zola which
27850s are
27851s at some inclusions in some decks to have
27853s all of them is uh
27855s kind of on youtube
27856s yeah
27859s get into game number two
27861s dimitri
27863s off to a pretty decent start actually
27866s got the sanctum got theotar even deep
27869s water along with a mailbox sensor to
27871s mess around with coins like all the the
27873s building blocks are there for the deck
27875s right yeah
27879s what would you take here you already
27881s have
27882s two of the cards
27884s yeah
27885s i think yeah i think i think i like the
27887s brand
27888s just because
27889s you could do
27890s many things in this build right the zola
27892s that's mutants as you mentioned
27894s uh but also
27896s when is the other nourish going to come
27898s into play for example right it's going
27899s to be a long time away
27901s i like i like this play just playing the
27903s brand right now like sure it can be
27905s pinged but it's not something you really
27907s want to be doing on turn three as this
27909s big sphere mage
27911s and also it
27913s a small benefit
27914s um
27916s once the mailbox dancer comes down if
27918s you kill it off early you can get rid of
27920s the coin from your hand if you want to
27922s play around
27923s uh barbaric sorcerer but when it comes
27925s to round turn six and the mailbox is
27927s still alive on board if you play any
27929s minions into it suddenly they can just
27931s go trade barbaric and then just get a
27933s really really cheap
27934s spell so there's a couple of things that
27937s are really nice for
27938s display here
27941s as well as just if they ignore the brand
27943s you just got the double wild yeah then
27945s you have a brand which is kind of insane
27950s good to meet you really got to work out
27951s what he wants to do here
27955s it's one of those weirdly scary place
27958s right as you said you broke it down all
27959s the upside down side but what does
27962s dimitri actually finish onto just commit
27964s the ping and say you know what i just
27966s cannot leave a bran on board
27969s all right it's just everything feels so
27971s bad what if you just brand yourself
27974s and just say how are you thinking we can
27976s play this game yeah you wanna you wanna
27978s double our double t
27980s yeah let's make this game fair again
27983s it's gonna sell for the ping
27985s it's the safest player
27988s now he gets mega ramp
27990s yeah it's very nice you get the coin
27992s here you can just get the additional
27994s amount of crystals straight away
27996s and
27997s more or less
27998s empties hand of spells depending on what
28000s he picks here
28003s yeah which is huge especially with
28005s double coin available
28007s one thing i'm upset about
28009s is that moon beam card is great
28012s why do we not have an old school malaga
28014s style game right now
28015s they're saving it raven
28018s on a scene they know that they know no
28020s one's
28021s like ready for maligo stewart all year
28024s round but they're gonna drop it on us
28025s right at the end
28027s i can feel it yeah or it said the combo
28029s deck of 2023 yeah we've got away we're
28033s not allowed combo decks in this meta i
28035s think
28037s see twitter posts complaining about
28040s moonbeam next uh oh yeah nerf beam make
28044s it deal one
28047s i could deal zero twice
28049s that's still fair
28055s what to do
28057s what
28060s is it really that much of a choice
28064s i know the coin is unfun to give a druid
28067s more ramp effectively but it can't give
28070s him sang to more brands
28081s oh it's one of the most powerful things
28082s you can do in druid isn't it
28085s two spells one gains you more mana one
28086s gains you a million cards
28088s yeah i wonder if you just hold off on
28090s the ramp spell here until maybe you find
28093s your gulf because
28095s you have the coin you you have the the
28097s ramp from the seeds man anyway
28100s like you you need these extra two
28102s crystals to just
28104s effectively buy you one extra turn
28107s well what if sorry grazing just plays
28109s raid boss in xc next turn
28113s yeah i mean the benefit here is you can
28116s play around
28118s the barbaric sorceress
28124s i just like it because i'm not really
28126s sure what the answer is to an 88 right
28128s now apart from spending three mana to
28130s freeze it
28132s but if that happens then it's you know
28134s it feels unlikely there's going to be a
28136s clear for the whelps as well
28138s yeah i don't you can't freeze it until
28140s the welts are gone right right so
28144s it's going to be tricky to even do that
28148s i mean we can see there is a way there
28150s if dimitri doesn't spend the coin but
28152s still is requiring it of your opponent
28155s and then they spend their whole court
28157s turn killing two ones and then only
28159s freezing theonixia not actually killing
28162s it and then you can just draw cards with
28163s nourish afterwards
28167s yeah
28168s it's kind of weird if that route does
28170s actually happen
28172s with the uh the pink store the two ones
28175s it's actually going to enable the small
28176s dress a bit so
28178s really interested to see how these turns
28179s play
28181s out on me
28189s fair few options there i mean
28192s the coin mutants does look kind of
28195s appealing but your parents got 10 mana
28197s if they have a
28198s a minion that's
28200s gonna be good to eat with munis they're
28203s gonna play it because they know you took
28204s the new enemies
28205s all right
28212s looks good to me
28220s [Applause]
28235s also i guess against the best play
28237s outside that which is reckless you are
28240s not ramping the mall dress quite as much
28244s i mean it could be relevant
28259s i'm going to spend the coin to just
28260s pre-load the nightclub better than just
28262s ping i think and then i'd have to agree
28264s with that honestly
28266s yeah they are definitely oh i mean
28268s you're going to want to keep freezing
28269s this in next year for a while i imagine
28271s yeah what an unfortunate term for
28273s denatures to be pulled
28275s turn before uh that's in after sorry all
28277s your whelps get killed
28278s it feels like that's always the case
28281s apart from the times where you just
28282s never draw
28307s ah if you're gonna mute us i feel like
28309s this is the turn yeah just press it
28313s it depends is mouldrash active like how
28316s far away is it
28320s yeah i want this ping instead
28323s i guess it wouldn't be active i guess
28324s it's already active or a ping wouldn't
28326s help right oh he missed it enough oh
28329s got the devourer there
28332s pretty nice one
28333s it is but i think sorry guru is very
28336s happy with the outcome
28340s yeah with the this location on like
28342s alternate this
28343s is
28344s constantly frozen
28346s starfish
28353s uh he's looking for some drawer i think
28359s wait
28363s i played any minions right because that
28365s was moonlit yeah yeah
28367s did the reef then the starfish
28370s yeah
28372s it seems
28373s pretty reasonable just extra temper
28375s right and you you can pick up the
28376s calthus number two anyway so you're not
28378s really losing anything
28380s i like actually
28382s my past candy science is down the mute
28384s to this anyway right so yeah kind of
28386s just takes a lot of boxes right now
28388s afraid of one of the two twos with the
28390s druid of the brief both the tenacious
28397s yeah very clean
28399s so to be careful lady in my silence
28401s after the rush
28410s i don't think he needs to worry about
28412s trading here right just push the two get
28414s him as low as possible that even though
28416s just a dinatrius out of nowhere can do
28418s it if even if it doesn't you know say
28420s it's only doing like 10
28422s at this chance it pushes enough with the
28424s you know the hero power or something
28427s yeah
28428s and there's not an obvious punish
28431s for not trading
28433s i think especially like you said you
28435s could just uh
28437s maybe finish off the game of the sire
28439s down the line a bit easier if you just
28440s push this extra two
28442s you just have the option now with bran
28444s and deep water evoker though to try and
28446s recover some of this and just do a few
28448s trades
28450s yeah these alternate freezes
28453s yeah there's really not much damage
28455s coming back the other way
28464s [Music]
28477s oh
28489s it kind of guarantees you some value
28493s i suppose because
28496s it won't uh
28498s die to any other minions right right
28522s uh
28534s is it time
28539s well time is always time for time's up
28541s it's taking too long it's not going to
28543s be a good one
28544s no it is i said it's always time you
28546s don't have to think about it because it
28548s always is true
28553s it's not all for it
28554s like west one comes to us he's freezing
28557s i honestly still don't even hate just
28558s the brandy porter
28567s hmm
28589s for
28594s it's tricky isn't it because it's not
28595s like it's gonna be for
28597s a really big reckless right i think
28599s we're well beyond that point right now
28602s yeah he's already used one i mean he
28604s could have traded both amulets and then
28606s done
28607s i honestly thought just hard stacking
28609s for armor
28610s is as good as it's going to get to try
28612s and reduce the chance of you getting
28613s denaturist right
28615s yeah it's just gonna buy you so much so
28618s much time
28619s that
28622s late game you just have the chance to
28624s just win for your pings and whatever if
28626s if this board
28627s push doesn't really work out
28629s hey you lose out on a ping and the brown
28635s i mean the ping is is
28637s relevant because
28638s you do have the more dresses it needs to
28640s to be uh to be active
28643s right
28644s you could do it here
28647s actually pretty reasonable honestly
28648s looks okay here yeah
28650s you actually push a lot of damage
28654s i'm gonna use the freeze just to use it
28656s i don't know if that's required
28657s obviously
28660s hey
28660s are you gonna need two freezers next
28662s time like
28664s i guess i guess it's just like i think
28666s for me it's are you gonna need two or
28667s would you rather have one next turn and
28669s maybe one the one after you know
28671s yeah
28674s i mean it is tricky though because it's
28675s pushing a lot of damage and it is just
28677s an extra potential of you know two to
28679s four damage right
28680s right
28682s like you you have to imagine this this
28683s turn
28685s has some sort of removal on it otherwise
28687s you're going to win
28689s so
28691s are you going to need to free something
28692s straight away probably not and if if you
28694s need to free one thing you do have
28697s one of those
28699s silence
28700s [Music]
28702s that's just game right yeah
28704s wow mage like we said it it just gets
28708s there jamboree it just gets there
28711s it doesn't even do anything that there's
28713s still two runes there's still the drake
28715s fire emulate no hero card been played
28717s but it just gets there
28720s it's very scary indeed there'll be a big
28722s win there for dimitri and you can sleep
28724s yes he's like losing now it's like when
28726s you lose that match up and yet again
28729s it's down to you know mage on the third
28731s game in a row to potentially take it
28734s you're a little bit worried uh because
28737s as we have seen it's very difficult to
28740s beat and if you're in that spot you know
28742s uh pascal couldn't do it
28745s at that point to finish out the series
28747s and uh i'd be struggled to believe that
28749s zlatan's inca made this happen because
28750s he's playing the imp curse lock that
28753s again we're in a very similar situation
28756s as we were not too long ago
28758s but i do think that it's still not easy
28761s for the warlock to get the victory
28764s no
28766s it's definitely not the match up you
28767s want i mean
28769s like i said before it's got a lot more
28770s chances and we saw that because a scar
28772s managed to get the win with that
28774s but it's still the freezers are just
28776s incredibly effective i mean this big
28778s spell made
28779s one rune and you're just completely
28781s flipped on the head uh boardwise
28784s yeah and i think the problem as well is
28786s there's druid left for dimitri and the
28788s import lock so i think like
28791s again even if the mage loses it's going
28793s to be a huge uphill climb yeah it's like
28797s cruising to take this uh so we'll see
28799s how it goes but again just this list
28801s overall looking pretty standard i will
28804s just triple check though because i do
28807s think
28808s uh yeah one difference as well i can't
28810s quite see what card is swapped for but
28812s uh pascal wasn't playing voidwalkers
28815s in in the list uh so that's one small
28818s difference probably not going to make a
28819s huge impact in this specific matchup but
28822s you know if the game continues avoid
28824s walker against m block could actually be
28826s pretty clutch
28827s yeah see one abyssal wave as well so
28830s [Music]
28832s less burst in the late game potentially
28834s and just i guess a recovery call a
28836s recovery tool in the mirror
28839s actually really bad tech for this
28841s match-up right like great which is not
28843s going to care about two void walkers in
28845s the deck at all
28847s no no
28849s [Music]
28851s the only benefit is like this exact
28852s scenario where it's so it's a one drop
28855s on board just for a little bit of time
28857s just one damage yeah an elven archer
28862s yeah
28863s every minion is an elven archer onto it
28865s it takes damage
28867s if it's got one attack then then it
28869s super imposes into something else
28875s he's double dragged belows as well i
28877s mean to be fair this deck does run
28879s targets but again will's lord cruising
28881s want to just drag below this mailbox
28884s dancer like
28886s i would take a stab at no but if he
28888s doesn't have any other option he wants
28889s to defend his board so he's gonna have
28891s to oh
28893s yeah
28895s not much choice
28897s interestingly you can go coin dart
28898s playing next time
28900s for two more cursors but
28903s likely will result in this board getting
28905s cleared up a bit
28910s i'm he's just gonna go for it
28914s i do think he's in the spot where he
28916s needs to make something happen right
28917s like i i do like this uh a bit more
28920s adventurous play here from zlo cruising
28922s because his hand hasn't given him the
28923s input start so he can't just tap for 10
28926s turns and hope the mage doesn't do
28928s anything right like right that's not
28930s going to get the job done no impending
28932s catastrophe no real way to draw cards so
28934s right now he's just doing what he can do
28936s with the hand he's given and i i
28937s definitely respect him there's a big
28939s belinder that's all cruising i know how
28942s to believe it
28948s it's just i just love the fact that i
28950s look at slogans board and there's just a
28952s 910 on turn four it's like hey
28955s yeah
28956s and in this match-up the dragons can be
28959s quite impactful unlike a lot of the
28961s others
28963s yeah the warlockers they just don't have
28965s tools to kill big things and
28967s life total with a
28969s few taps that might have to happen down
28971s the line is isn't that high so counter
28973s lethals are very
28975s easy to achieve
28977s and he's just got an option between
28978s which one he wants to use like if the
28979s board gets too scary on the next term
28981s you can just go for the box
28984s yeah do you think the freeze goes on one
28986s of the two ones here
28988s stop the natural trades
28991s like forced damage no like removal or
28994s self-removal for some reason
28998s it's tough because it can just hit his
29000s own minions
29002s if he has it right
29004s and if it does hit from the other one
29012s oh wait wait wait it's oh chain
29016s okay if it's like it's do you actually
29018s care if they trade them off on this turn
29020s i'm not sure it's a bit of a weird one
29025s i mean
29026s i think it's probably more because
29028s dimitri wants to spend five man the next
29030s turn not on curses
29032s we'd rather if he can just delay the
29035s taking of damage
29037s then it would be fine but again i'm
29039s talking about very small bonuses here
29040s you know what i mean i'm not saying it's
29042s like oh this thing this the fact that
29045s both two once died has ended the game
29047s although this is stacking up to be quite
29048s a lot of damage
29053s [Music]
29056s uh one two three four right
29059s two three four i think
29062s because now suddenly he can't just play
29065s thing i don't even know what he does
29067s play this turn
29071s uh box
29076s i mean if you play the amulet you have
29078s to hit a
29079s torn to survive
29081s because
29083s you're gonna take nine damage
29086s from the curses
29087s yeah i'm just thinking like does deep
29089s water ever get him out of this but i
29091s would imagine not honestly
29095s i think yeah this time has to be the box
29097s and then you kind of need to go for the
29098s deep one
29103s okay oh okay
29106s oh perfect that'll do oh my god that
29110s could have gone wrong as well he could
29111s have frozen touched himself and he
29112s gained armor yeah that's huge oh oh and
29116s runes as well isn't bad
29119s yeah and there's not a whole lot of time
29122s left for the walk
29123s the sickest box ever it literally ticked
29127s every box
29128s you ever seen a box tick a box you just
29131s did i have now yeah exactly
29134s insane
29138s because now this potential just hits for
29140s damage and then deep water
29143s dragons if he wants them he can just
29144s spend six mana on removing these curses
29147s if he wants
29149s thirteen fifteen he's one off lethal
29152s right
29157s the while he's got wildfire up for
29160s two
29163s obviously this voidwalker will stop that
29166s necessarily being the case but still
29173s [Music]
29174s okay
29176s take nine huh
29182s [Music]
29185s the live i mean
29188s the obvious play would be
29194s i mean he has to right
29199s yeah i mean theater can stop a curse but
29202s if there's two in hand
29204s then you're dead
29207s i think this is the safest right
29210s oh nine armor that's a lot of armor
29213s it needs something that says that drag
29216s below won't cut it will it
29223s draw another cursed card here
29229s oh does that keep him alive forever
29231s uh he takes six from the skeletons
29233s anyway so the armor goes down to no it
29236s goes down to six right it's not even
29238s close
29242s he needs the mage location to freeze the
29244s belinda
29255s he takes six
29256s right now so the arm is more than gone
29259s touch would only put him back up to uh
29261s what
29268s is just going to be the game and just
29270s like that dimitri kazoff i think the win
29272s for the americas nice uh gonna be 3-0
29275s with the mage and again it does look
29278s like the killer of the weekend and
29280s especially of this last year or standing
29282s format because in conquest yeah you know
29284s mage can probably get a win but you also
29286s have some awkward matchups but the
29288s ability to just sweep seems ridiculous
29291s right now so uh yeah dimitri's gonna
29293s take the victory here what a series in a
29295s completely opposite way of the previous
29296s one
29297s yeah
29298s i mean
29300s it just shows the power level of mage
29302s i'm actually a little surprised like it
29304s was like a middling
29306s deck it felt like before the balance
29308s changes it didn't receive
29310s any
29311s uh nerfs whatsoever or buffs but it
29313s seems like the new mount has emerged and
29315s mage is just doing a lot better
29317s for whatever reason that may be
29319s yeah i think the fact they didn't
29320s receive nerves is huge because
29323s if the location got a nerf i would not
29325s have been surprised you know i think
29327s it's very very i'm not saying it's too
29328s strong i'm just saying it's very strong
29330s but also i think it's the fact that mage
29333s definitely feels like a deck right now
29335s where it's strength is it always managed
29338s to do just enough right it's not that
29341s often that you just obliterate an
29342s opponent right it just you're just doing
29345s enough turn by turn to get there and it
29347s just keeps on working so it's going to
29349s be blize versus dimitri kazoff uh for
29352s the group d winners match the winner of
29354s course will go on to tomorrow the loser
29357s will face the winner of pasco versus
29359s lloyd cruzin and uh what a match that
29361s elimination match is going to be uh
29363s jamberry because both players can't be
29365s in a great mood but again for two very
29367s different reasons yeah
29369s got thrilled by mage pascoa had the
29372s ability to make the comeback against
29374s blize and then just whiffed it in the
29376s end so yeah i hope for their sakes that
29378s they've the break they have will give
29380s them the time to just you know it's done
29382s it's happened forget about it move on uh
29385s but yeah that is gonna be us done for
29386s the day any final words before we check
29388s out and hand it over to uh mr tj and
29390s lorinda
29391s i'm just uh really excited for the next
29393s match i want to see how it goes what
29395s pascal does i mean
29398s he
29398s employed this roping strategy against
29400s blize i feel like he's gotta be too
29403s embarrassed to do it again
29405s we'll see imagine if flies loses pascoa
29409s wins and then they'll play each other
29410s again
29411s that match is worth sticking around for
29414s uh if it happens but you have to watch
29416s the rest to wait and see but for now
29418s we're going to be done we are going to
29419s go to a quick break while we settle that
29421s next match and tj and lorinda will take
29422s over so thanks for watching them jambray
29424s myself we'll be back tomorrow
29430s [Music]
29442s [Music]
29448s [Music]
29477s so
29479s [Music]
29487s so
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29506s so
29508s [Music]
29547s so
29552s [Music]
29630s so
29633s [Music]
29678s [Music]
29684s [Music]
29692s [Music]
29701s so
29704s [Music]
29719s [Music]
29731s so
29733s [Music]
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29759s [Music]
29785s [Music]
29793s [Music]
29803s [Music]
29810s [Music]
29813s so
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29839s so
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29863s [Music]
29867s so
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29883s so
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29908s [Music]
29914s [Music]
29925s so
29929s [Music]
29994s so
29996s [Music]
30041s hello everybody and welcome back to
30043s hearthstone grand masters last call it's
30046s day number two here on the final week of
30047s the regular season and we're going to
30049s continue on with some matches in group d
30052s my name is tj i'm joined by neil larinda
30054s bond aka you can just call me larinda
30057s how you doing today buddy doing
30059s absolutely great as always tj um been a
30063s interesting day so far pretty fast day
30065s with you know one match exception we
30067s should talk about yet and we've got an
30069s america's player in the winner's bracket
30072s of group d look at this tj it's gonna
30074s happen we're gonna win
30076s a match
30077s of hearthstone here in the americas
30079s region
30080s it already happened
30081s and it had to have happened yesterday
30083s because the two americans players face
30084s off against each other in elimination
30086s match but
30087s we're struggling for points we'll take
30088s anything that we can get right now and
30091s uh
30092s though all our eggs are in the dimitri
30094s kazakh basket uh who is going to be
30096s facing off against blize in the upcoming
30099s match
30100s um bly's had
30102s a heck
30103s of a match earlier in multiple regards
30106s um one he was getting roped into
30107s oblivion um which is just the opposite
30111s of what blize wants to do he wants to
30112s jam as many games of hearthstone in the
30114s shortest amount of time as possible as
30116s seen by all of his past games
30119s on stream forever
30121s uh even going back to arlington his
30123s first master store win what four years
30125s ago three years ago 2019 yeah three and
30128s a half
30129s three and a half years ago yeah it was
30130s the beginning of 2019 yeah so
30132s um and uh also got up to a quick 2-0
30136s lead it looked like it was going to be a
30137s a nice little sweep for him
30140s pasco brought it back all the way to
30141s game five it actually was looking pretty
30143s bad for blize but i managed to pull it
30145s out based off of uh
30147s uh sort of i guess you'd call it a
30149s miscalculation from pascoa and so made
30152s into this winner's match now faces off
30153s against demetria kazoff who's
30155s also coming off of a pretty intense
30157s match uh though
30159s in a different way than blyze is where
30162s to me she just had like a steam roll 3-0
30166s over zlo grushan just felt like so it
30168s couldn't do anything
30169s and so here we are in our winners match
30172s yep dimitri needs it as well he had zero
30175s points going through the first two weeks
30176s the last player to have any points at
30178s all
30179s or not to have any points at all so
30181s probably needs to win the week if he
30183s wins the week you'll have fantastic tie
30184s breakers so
30186s that'll be a thing but absolutely has to
30188s reach the final and probably needs to
30190s win the whole thing so
30192s he won't want to be messing around with
30194s decider matches later on he'll want to
30195s get straight through
30197s to that quarter finals and give himself
30199s just three more matches to win do get it
30202s all done again if he comes
30204s like second this week because he would
30206s have had a second place his tiebreakers
30208s would be good
30209s maybe there's a chance but really he's
30211s got to do the old one match at a time
30214s win this one then win the next one and
30217s the next one
30218s and then the next one and he's good
30221s he's good then he's good yeah
30224s and that's what the conversation's been
30225s about this week is all about the
30227s playoffs conversation
30229s the playoff players at the bottom
30232s trying to
30233s get as many points as possible to move
30235s on up
30236s funnily enough
30238s like the difference in points
30241s because the top two players are hoarding
30243s so many points bunny hopper and flies
30245s um
30247s everybody from third all the way down
30249s 16th and five within five points of each
30251s other so they were all within like a a
30254s week win of each other so stanis can
30256s move up and down
30258s pretty crazily
30260s as we move forward that's why you know
30262s neil throws around terms like
30264s me probably and maybe because we just
30267s don't know there's still a lot of
30268s hearthstone left but it's still a full
30269s top eight uh tomorrow left to be played
30271s we've only actually eliminated a few
30274s players from playoffs and so uh that
30276s means that the last you know couple
30278s spots
30279s are up for grabs probably all the way
30281s until the last day uh based on how the
30283s standings were when we came into the
30284s week so
30285s uh should be fun uh dimitri castle is
30287s gonna be opening with big spell mage
30290s and it is a 30 health big spell mage
30293s it's just the good stuff
30295s none of the junk
30296s yeah and how do you feel about this i
30298s like it i i think that the more i've
30300s seen of 40 card stuff the more i got
30302s loving it i sort of got into them i
30304s liked them and then you know what i
30306s think it's time that we've we've started
30307s getting a load of surplus nonsense in
30310s those decks now time to go back to 30
30312s and just get the good cards before your
30314s opponent gets their good cards
30316s win the race because whoever gets your
30318s dawn grasp first will probably win the
30320s race
30321s don't care about totals you're just
30322s pinging away
30324s yeah i mean you have to ask yourself the
30326s question right like
30327s uh when i lose am i dying because i've
30330s run out of health i've picked up
30332s everything i've need but i've run out of
30333s health or am i dying because
30337s i ha i
30339s don't have everything i need right i'm
30340s not getting everything i need
30342s um and that's the the big question uh
30345s druid has no problem getting everything
30348s they need because of how many dredge and
30350s discover
30351s and draw effects that they have and ramp
30354s it's just about not dying and and having
30357s the time the health tool to be able to
30359s get there but i think big spell mage is
30361s a deck where you really just want the
30363s stuff that you need
30364s and because you have all these you know
30367s early game minions and
30369s and you know ping effects and silence
30371s effects and the the cards that aren't
30374s your actual win condition cards are all
30376s just these tech cards that help you get
30377s to your win condition cards
30379s i i it doesn't feel like you're ever
30382s losing because you're running out of
30384s health when the 40 card big spell match
30386s loses it feels like it's losing because
30387s it's not finding don grass it's it's not
30390s finding the belinda right
30392s um so uh i think that it it makes sense
30395s unless
30398s like the meta is just like super greedy
30401s and
30402s you need all these tech cards and
30404s there's such a wide variety of decks
30405s you're gonna play but unless you're
30407s standing just play big spell mage and
30409s find the good cards yeah last year was
30411s standing with a band in a format where
30414s what has transpired i think it surprised
30416s a lot of people it certainly surprised
30417s me maybe not raven where mage has been
30420s the best deck all week uh rogue has been
30422s basically the worst deck that's kind of
30424s a function of it being left up and
30426s people targeting or having a counter
30428s deck to it when it is left up
30430s of course but yeah
30432s um very few warlocks although there are
30435s three in this group so that will
30437s be a bit different and everything else
30439s is just sort of slow cumbersome stuff
30442s so yeah let's have 30 health and see how
30444s it goes you know what's going to happen
30445s here blind's just going to draw the nuts
30446s absolutely demolish him now we've given
30448s this speech but hey
30451s yeah i mean it's a good start for buzz
30453s right but he's playing a different deck
30455s uh and you know this is one of those
30458s the bly's version is one where
30460s you know you're just trying to be as
30461s defensive as possible but you don't have
30463s much disruption um you have freeze but
30466s in terms of like you know the ability to
30468s swap with barbaric sorceress and get out
30471s these massive early plays and
30473s make a key spell in your opponent's hand
30475s you know cost a ton right
30477s uh you you don't have access to that but
30480s with his version you're you're kind of
30482s fine with just
30483s um you know taking it slow taking the
30485s time to uh to find things the the
30488s downside for blinds is that in certain
30489s matchups you end up with a bunch of like
30491s dead cards
30492s right
30493s which is
30495s fine you know but
30497s but last year standing i like the way
30499s more focused approach
30502s um but we have to be results oriented
30504s i was about to say this is america's
30505s grandmasters it's not this but we are
30507s america's great masters casters so it's
30509s our obligation
30511s to the world to be completely results
30513s oriented so
30515s with all that said if flies does win
30518s we're completely wrong yeah but if he
30520s doesn't win 40 cards every time you play
30522s mage we're absolutely right if he
30524s doesn't like this also blind has to be
30526s careful there is some light sneaking
30528s into his room
30529s i don't know what happens if the light
30530s light touches him
30532s but
30533s he was lit up for almost the entire
30535s whole series until uh he realized it was
30538s time for him to power down for a nap
30540s [Music]
30541s so the wheat the week one he he didn't
30544s do too great uh yes he did i don't know
30546s what he only got two points week one he
30547s blamed it on the light so week two he
30549s just blacked out the room and won the
30551s week
30552s yeah
30553s obviously
30555s these important things make all the
30556s difference
30558s blize is just hitting all the good stuff
30560s actually um
30562s and this is where dimitri kasoff may
30565s actually just run out of health
30567s um it does have a
30569s a two-turn combo here that's quite good
30572s can go uh coin master don grasp and get
30574s an immediate hero power on one of these
30577s called minions that'll upgrade and then
30579s next turn could go uh reckless
30581s apprentice to uh clean up the rest of
30582s the board and then boom you're going
30584s into eight mana with a coin in hand and
30586s a rune
30587s uh so you're solid
30588s you know what would really help here
30590s though
30591s what 40 health
30594s yeah just just some extra health
30597s yeah but honestly like look at blaza's
30599s hand deep water voker mass polymorph
30601s solid alibi is that another deep water
30603s evoker
30604s yeah like the
30605s blize isn't getting any close all right
30607s that's a deathborn okay
30610s okay but reckless apprentice is there
30612s that's fine
30614s uh obviously the ping on
30616s blizz's own minion is not to set up for
30619s death for next turn though it has the
30620s added benefit of doing so it's just to
30622s make it so bl or wg kazloff does not
30624s have an easy four health pink target
30627s uh in order to upgrade uh this hero
30630s power but a regular apprentice will
30632s be able to clean things up
30633s nice and tidy
30635s he used to think what he's gonna do with
30636s the rest of his mana here because he
30638s really wants to coin out a box next turn
30640s but he has the option to coin akani for
30643s instance here to
30645s slow down his opponent he has the option
30646s to
30647s oh you could probably be even longer you
30649s could trade away the drake fire amulet
30651s and uh see what happens first
30654s and then if anything you could just go
30655s reckless apprentice and mailbox dancer
30658s something along those lines or reckless
30659s apprentice plus just a ping
30661s um
30663s both seem like completely reasonable
30665s options to me but yeah i think the coin
30668s wants to be held on to
30670s oh wow gonna get my calculations
30680s this does give flies a
30684s spell
30686s right and force them to put another
30687s minion down to test it and then next
30689s turn you play your apprentice
30691s yeah but blacks could just like solid
30693s alibi they test for spell
30695s because solid alibi you know is not
30697s gonna do anything for oh flurry and then
30699s deathborn
30702s and that's a lot of things
30705s that is a lot of spooky skeletons
30712s also hits the
30714s blade master connie so dimitri kazoff
30716s cannot get a ping target here to upgrade
30720s the hero power
30722s i don't know i i kind of just liked
30723s getting rid of the board while i was
30725s there last turn um
30726s playmaster connie is
30728s so good on an empty board now to michael
30731s castle is going to get some information
30732s right the hand not that great for blize
30735s yeah oh dawn grasp uh nothing that's
30738s really going to
30739s work to pressure
30741s out of these cards
30743s you vote polymorph maybe just to deny
30746s uh since dimitri kazoff is going to be
30748s going on the offensive here soon but
30750s deep water voker also has to merit
30752s because that's the only card that buys
30753s his hand that lets plies find something
30755s absolutely playable
30757s yeah i like it for that reason um
30760s i'll give them
30762s get the dancer i like this a lot
30764s now able to shut your eyes and
30767s take your damage
30769s yeah this is a lot of damage that's
30771s gonna be
30772s going into places
30776s ah don't get greedy again
30778s come on now
30780s come on
30783s [Music]
30787s though blyze has hit the wall but
30791s also doesn't need much more damage at
30793s all to get this done depending where
30794s these go of course um
30796s that's quite a bit of time
30798s oh my ow
30801s yeah that hurts dimitri castle has deep
30803s water oh no
30806s oh he's dead in two turns because that's
30808s glowing yellow it's ready
30811s yeah he's just gonna hold on to it
30814s i know yeah i was good i was about to
30816s say wait
30817s no he's dead now because he can mailbox
30819s to answer a coin and that's how two
30821s minus one works yeah absolutely
30824s all right
30825s oh he knows he has a cool no you got a
30827s deep water revoker here
30830s pinkview specifically ah but he's got 40
30833s cards in his deck
30835s and he's the audience
30837s it would have had to have been off the
30839s top
30839s uh-huh but it's blize
30843s he's taking the two and three here
30846s yep so
30847s unl unless he gains health from a rune
30849s after swapping
30851s this is going to be legal for blizz
30853s the rune is playable
30857s you could just trade over the mailbox
30859s dancer and deep water evoker
30861s yeah i mean we know that's the right
30862s play i wouldn't blame him for not doing
30865s that
30867s and just hoping that flies whiffed
30869s yeah this is by the way
30871s is one of those players that has
30873s fantastic game sense
30876s but not spidey sense right
30879s like dmitry kassoff will always make the
30881s station the statistically correct play
30884s but he'll never deviate from that even
30886s if like he smells it look yeah he would
30890s be like
30890s smells it a tiny bit he's thinking
30893s he is really thinking
30897s with the amulet hitting the coin i think
30898s maybe now there's no downside to doing
30900s this as much
30902s got the zero mana
30904s i'm sorry
30905s the coin
30908s yeah so it gets there um bly's last turn
30910s not playing the more dress by the way
30912s sort of disguised the whole thing as
30913s well yeah
30917s kind of nice
30918s yep and just going to keep pinging away
30921s only four more to go
30924s racism and truly on
30926s yep
30927s and dimitri i don't even know what you
30929s want to do here you're definitely
30930s trading away one of these drake fire
30931s embleds i don't even think you're
30932s playing one i think you are
30936s because you know that there's a mass
30937s polymorph in hand ah true
30942s then you play the other one because
30943s there must polymorph costs five
30945s ah
30947s okay
30952s you can get a upgraded ping here uh on
30954s the deepwater evoker if he wants to do
30957s that which i think is wise
30961s i even kind of want to trade away the
30962s second drake fire inlet just to find
30964s something maybe a little bit better now
30966s you've done the one i think you have to
30967s do the other one
30969s because if you're going to play it
30970s you're playing this turn to make blight
30972s slow down
30975s absolutely
30983s so now is the box like blows up your own
30985s board so often here
30989s [Music]
31011s you should be a yeah good plan
31014s [Music]
31019s oh okay oh
31021s you did roon and then barbaric freeze
31024s the more dress you're looking for like
31026s cold case here specifically
31028s no mechs here all right well
31033s oh okay
31036s now needs some health
31039s there's blizzard straight up fireballing
31041s him in the face with his room
31066s meant that that was all blize could do
31069s couldn't ping so couldn't shorten the
31070s clock right
31072s yep
31074s yeah because he knows the coin costs
31075s nine
31078s it's an expensive coin
31086s all right
31086s now the pelican
31088s no plant matures
31091s that's pelican
31094s it's board space right in terms of drake
31096s fires and spoons like it's just brush
31098s plates
31099s and reckless apprentice picked up so
31101s this is going to be lethal almost
31102s certainly next time for blize
31104s uh dimitri kaslop has used
31108s uh only one deep water evoker to be fair
31120s trade the amulet hit a box get lucky you
31123s the mass polymorph so what he's probably
31125s gonna do is is uh play the amulet to try
31127s and set up a counter lethal before
31131s but there's not even well you have to
31133s get like two death wings to even set it
31134s up okay
31136s ordrish
31140s so if you ping and reckless apprentice
31142s this turn you're dealing 12 15. so
31145s mortgage hero power next turn sets up
31146s for lethal
31150s okay
31157s so this game actually ended up being
31159s really close
31162s but blaze is gonna take it with reckless
31164s apprentice plus ping in hand
31166s imagine if dimitri would have the same
31168s cards but 10 more health
31173s we were we were wrong we were strictly
31176s wrong got provably wronged by the exact
31179s health difference mattering yeah
31182s that's it
31183s that's settled that discussion
31185s all of them
31187s yeah very close though
31191s yep well navigated by dimitri as well as
31193s supplies he he did dodge the
31197s the accidental death to the top decked
31199s mordred
31200s yep
31201s you must have thought he was in a good
31202s spot as well uh going into that turn
31205s oh yeah because he knew three cards were
31207s in hand um he didn't see the two cards
31209s that came off the top because he hadn't
31211s waited two turns but still like uh
31214s he saw solid alibi mass polymorph
31217s and deep water or voker so you got to be
31219s feeling like you're
31221s doing all right in the match-up
31223s um but
31225s blize able to squeak out a victory
31227s pushing a lot of damage in the early
31229s game with those minions and i think
31231s honestly the biggest turn to look at for
31233s dimitri kazoff was that the turn right
31235s there
31235s uh he opened up a deathborn for flies
31239s even though you know 40 car deck right
31241s can't play around everything but i i
31243s honestly would have just liked to see
31246s a reckless apprentice play there you
31248s clear the board then send it for an
31249s o'connie next turn right when uh when
31252s you have control of the board it's a
31253s little bit more empty
31255s blademaster economy is much more
31256s disruptive uh when your opponent doesn't
31259s have uh as much wiggle room to uh
31262s to play around with it so um
31265s i think that was like the the biggest
31267s turning point in the game because that
31269s let bly's push a ton
31271s of extra damage
31273s and had multiple ways to check for two
31275s right he top decked flurry which ended
31276s up being the best way but also had a
31278s solid alibi in hand which he was ahead
31280s in that game he could have used a solid
31282s alibi to test because that's all about
31284s was probably going to be sitting his
31285s hand for
31286s you know at least
31288s six seven more turns otherwise he ended
31290s up playing it towards the end of the
31291s game just as a
31294s i have nothing else to do with my mana
31296s so i'm going to play solid alibi so now
31298s dimitri castle is going to move over to
31299s the tempo rogue
31301s and uh i've been losing faith in this
31303s matchup
31304s yeah there's just so much armor gain
31307s in the matchup they have deep water
31308s evoker with a lot of big spells in the
31310s deck uh they play double cold case
31313s you know they they they freeze your big
31315s minions constantly
31317s it seems like the way to win this is to
31319s get a little bit greedy with your drakka
31321s right don't settle for a six seven
31323s attack dagger like really juice it up
31326s um and get up to like 10 11 12
31330s and then rely on that dagger in
31332s combination with your burn spells to win
31335s the game so
31336s um that's where we've seen the most
31338s victories happen but it does all start
31341s with having that good opening right
31343s tradables in in the early game to get
31345s that that knoll uh rolling right
31349s get those knolls down early for some
31350s chip damage
31351s and uh then find the the shroud the
31354s draca etc etc
31357s uh to make it happen so
31360s we'll see though but again i i've
31362s gone from while rogue
31364s loves this matchup because mate doesn't
31366s do anything to
31367s wow the mage actually does a surprising
31369s amount and has a lot of health yes
31372s i know that um
31376s has done a bit better today but outside
31378s of mirror matches which obviously don't
31380s count because they put you towards 50
31382s vote was 27 yesterday
31385s no sample size obviously but it just
31386s hasn't been getting it done backing up
31388s what you've been saying it's just mage
31390s has been dominant and dimitri losing his
31393s mage in her last hero standing match
31396s uh he's in a really tough spot here
31401s yep
31402s and not a great opening hand either
31407s it's not all the stuff but it's got some
31409s of the stuff i mean these are like the
31411s worst cards to have in the deck
31417s you've got a graveyard a no there's no
31419s shroud there's no edwin
31421s yeah that's what gun fish there's no
31423s you'll get it there's no shadow steps
31425s like
31426s it'll be okay
31429s dirty card deck it'll be fine
31432s yeah i mean backstabs seen as a strike
31434s understandable even gone fishing not
31437s ideal even though it's a nice way to
31439s find the things you want you'd rather
31440s just have the things you want
31442s gotta step though step one
31445s graveyard fishing backstab
31449s debated not in that order
31452s make a big thing hope it gets there
31459s yeah so you can't go too
31461s far in here because then you won't have
31463s reload for anything else
31466s we're looking for shroud here i'll
31467s settle for a gone fishing but you
31469s already see two of the other cards in
31471s the bottom of the deck and they're not
31472s fantastic
31474s yeah now i will accept this is about
31479s yeah i'm not a fan
31481s i thought
31482s the fishing might get you out of it but
31484s yeah now the fishing has
31486s missed hasn't caught any fish or
31488s potatoes or anything
31490s yeah now it's a foot
31499s [Music]
31500s half your deck to make a fight
31506s it's not even that big
31508s no like if it's a nine nine or something
31510s or a 25 attack weapon then sure but yeah
31513s oh no
31518s is his turn just to pass like obviously
31521s do some damage
31522s i think you still want to i think you're
31524s still probably
31525s uh going fishing here with a sinister
31527s strike because it's always gonna deal
31529s three damage
31531s and then hoping that the third card at
31533s the bottom of your deck was something
31534s good but it's not but cutless at least
31537s maybe something good
31539s but it's not oh no
31542s so this is another reason
31544s um why a lot of players have been
31546s cutting backstab it's great when the
31548s rest of your hand is good right because
31550s it's a free spell that
31551s you're almost always going to have a
31553s target for
31554s a lot of decks in the current metagame
31555s that one don't play minions
31558s um so bat you're backstabbing your own
31560s stuff which is just actively detrimental
31564s and two
31565s um even though it's zero man and you're
31567s fitting it into your sequence
31569s it doesn't do anything else right we're
31572s seeing a lot of like uh
31574s uh silverleaf poison judgement hat even
31576s though he didn't do well uh we're all
31578s we've all also been seeing uh at least
31581s not ladder i've been seeing a lot of
31582s yoinks
31584s vince from habu brent from habu yeah
31588s that's you know obviously not a cheap
31589s card so it's not like a one-to-one
31591s replacement uh but
31593s um
31595s uh it is just a way in like a turn like
31598s this right where you're not really doing
31600s anything anyway to just find extra stuff
31602s now blize is just gonna absolutely run
31604s away with this game
31606s this brand is one gonna go unchecked
31609s or two is gonna eat a wicked stab
31613s and yeah i mean it's just
31616s just brutal like none of this matters
31618s maybe if you make a nine nine it's too
31620s slow you're dying in two or three turns
31621s it's the road
31622s okay shroud charge the start
31626s edwin
31634s muted down to just a hat in the
31635s background by the way that's the sole
31637s surviving
31638s item in the background the monsanto hat
31641s well played signed by mom center he's
31644s gone for clean living
31649s all right
31650s flies up 2-0
31652s got a very quick series on our hand thus
31654s far
31656s yeah and uh
31657s yeah the rogue just
31660s not finding what it needs
31662s uh you really need like
31664s that little bit of extra oomph in the
31666s early game if you want to have any shot
31668s of beating
31670s any deck with 40 health right you
31672s absolutely need the shroud uh you
31674s absolutely need to hit like the extra
31676s card draw like the edwin
31678s um
31679s hit more tradables that you're
31681s constantly cycling through your deck
31683s right um
31685s hitting like double back stab serrated
31687s bone spike
31689s in the early game it's just not what you
31691s want against mage like you said spent
31694s his
31694s his essentially his entire hand
31698s just to make a five-five yeah it's just
31701s it
31702s against 40 health you're you're not
31705s really doing anything you're setting
31706s yourself way too far behind
31708s and yeah splice had a pretty decent
31710s opening hand but
31711s it it
31713s it wasn't like
31714s the absolute best start that you can get
31716s as a mage it
31718s just kind of fell flat on its face and
31720s now
31721s i mean she's gonna have to go over to
31722s the import lock and blaz has been in
31724s this position before however
31726s it was pascoa's import lock which was
31728s the curse amp warlock
31731s which is much better against what blize
31734s has available in his lineup than this
31737s which is just full-on ifs um
31741s even if dimitri is able to get over
31744s the mage
31747s it just i don't know it just doesn't
31749s seem like it's
31751s i guess druid 2 is pretty good
31755s but the priest matchup i'd be really
31757s worried about especially with how blize
31759s has built his priest which is very
31761s removal heavy
31763s um like early game removal heavy early
31765s game find what you need heavy
31768s it doesn't even run whirlpool you know
31770s and first you've got to go over the mage
31773s which originally like back to day two of
31776s the meta was built to beat import lock
31778s that was like how this started
31781s yeah so
31784s i'm throwing that even if dimitri sort
31786s of gets the later game
31788s i don't know lies down to 12 health and
31791s then dimitri gets over farm or something
31793s going there's still that mass polymorph
31796s and various other bits and pieces in
31797s this deck that
31799s the theater is
31801s beyond the basic stuff
31803s just
31804s slow them down even if you don't get
31806s going as the mage
31807s which he has
31809s i just hits one two three every game
31811s yeah
31813s when they release like
31815s i don't know
31816s king gweneth the upgrade you can have 50
31819s cards 50 health liars will be there
31821s jamming one two three
31823s yeah this hand is basically a sacrifice
31827s everything i have in order to
31830s get a turn six and king rafam down
31835s like i think you're just kind of
31837s i guess you could go
31839s wicked shipment coin
31841s catastrophe but
31844s you probably just sacked the wicked
31845s shipment and then next turn maybe coined
31848s mischievous but then that's your king
31852s oh my goodness
31855s one two three four in the theater
31858s ah
31859s this is why he's bought quest piece by
31860s the way
31862s there's one two three four five six
31864s seven eight every game night
31866s yeah
31867s there's three fantastic kids or
31870s one fantastic hit
31871s and then
31873s two reasonable hits
31880s just getting blazed
31889s i can't kill this
31892s oh my
31893s gosh i actually took the mischievous him
31895s but um it's like nearly infused
31899s right
31900s yeah
31901s no
31904s and he's got a mess polymorph to up to
31906s the farm with
31931s hey now the amp is infused
31944s just winning on board
31947s just
31948s looking at all this thing yeah bartender
31950s oh okay
31951s no
31953s so
31955s dimitri can go
31957s into circle trade one and then val
31959s library
31963s it doesn't work out like super cleanly
31964s though
31966s because
31968s like you'd be trading into something
31969s that wouldn't be dying or you'd be
31971s buffing something that's not attacking
31972s this turn
31976s so it looks like the library first and
31978s just just sacrificing a point of attack
31980s just to get a minion on board that does
31981s something
31984s the top selfie
31986s x
31990s yeah where do you even point these
31992s you gotta go face there's just no reason
31995s to trade just four splies to be the one
31998s to make the trades
32001s [Music]
32004s this point sets up a nice skeleton trade
32008s yep
32010s it sets up just matches overall because
32011s of this
32012s that doesn't matter
32017s [Music]
32019s demeter's got the farm
32023s which may not even need to be polymorph
32025s the way the board's going
32027s probably will but you know
32029s if if dimitri farms right now they could
32032s just die
32033s right like
32036s sorry excuse my laughing like
32039s blind just thought forever there do i
32040s hit the bartender or the imp because
32042s one's an imp but the others are value
32043s trade i know can't decide i hit me in
32045s the face
32047s yeah and uh that's going to be game and
32050s series i do believe
32054s there are two
32056s um
32058s void walkers in the farm i guess but
32061s it's not even active so so many
32063s possibilities
32065s the the reform is active
32071s okay
32072s and uh boardwalker's not a name so
32074s wouldn't someone avoid uh that's the
32075s problem we're having okay it's just a
32077s demon
32079s that's the problem i knew there's a
32081s problem there somewhere thank you
32084s yeah there's just nothing even if you
32086s trade over the highest attack minion
32088s blast has exactly 15 on board with a pig
32092s so that's going to be a nice 3-0
32094s for plies honestly that's how i expected
32097s the pesco match to go but pasco did have
32099s the imp cursed warlock which ended up
32100s being a pretty good tech
32102s um because you in those situations you
32104s could just abyssal wave and remove their
32106s board and kind of start over and start
32108s the curse train
32109s uh but mage just continues to dominate
32112s it feels like whoever wins the mage
32114s mirror which has been happening in the
32116s first game more often than not
32119s uh today
32120s uh unless both players are playing a
32123s a ban druid strategy instead of a band
32125s rogue strategy then we're seeing a lot
32127s of rogues in the first game like rogue
32128s mirrors but it seems like whoever's
32130s winning that mage mirror is the player
32131s who
32133s uh
32135s comes out on top more often than not um
32138s so
32139s blize moving on to top eight already
32142s quickly like that in uh in a firm second
32144s place now
32146s behind bunny hopper
32148s is guaranteed
32150s nine points uh at the end of the week
32152s bunny hopper is currently at 11. i mean
32154s blyze is actually approaching territory
32156s of uh
32158s locking in top two i think it blize wins
32161s it's just super fake
32163s lloyd guzin
32166s and that's it
32168s um pascua can get to nine
32171s pascal i can get to nine he has solid
32173s grooves super fake yeah but so if blize
32176s wins one more
32178s um
32180s oh no because they only started three
32181s points behind it
32183s unless if he gets one more that's three
32185s points and five's only two more so yeah
32188s okay then could be lock and top two
32190s without even a a win on the week
32194s which is very good because uh for those
32196s unaware of how our player structure
32197s works if you get top two you essentially
32199s get a free win coming into playoffs if
32201s you're in seventh or eighth
32203s you get a you start in uh with a loss
32207s in the group i was about to say a free
32209s loss but
32211s uh whatever you know you get what i mean
32214s um but you start with a loss so you're
32216s at a disadvantage for seven and eight
32217s three through six
32219s you just start where you normally start
32220s you gotta win the same amount as you
32222s would in any other uh group stage you
32224s start in the initial match so a lot of
32226s benefit to being in the top two you have
32228s essentially two chances to win just one
32230s series
32231s in order to make it to the top four
32233s um but yeah that was a nice quick and
32236s easy series
32238s this is looking at this group again sort
32240s of what i expected with all the uh the
32242s import locks
32244s going around it's just the mages that
32245s are kind of the big question mark
32247s yeah um i think had a 67 win rate
32250s yesterday and
32252s i think it might have built on it today
32253s it's just looked unstoppable all the way
32255s through not unstoppable but just so
32257s powerful so yeah let's see if the majors
32260s continue getting it done
32262s um in the next section i guess tj
32265s yep that's right we have just two more
32267s matches left on the day uh coming up
32268s next we're going to have the elimination
32270s match which is going to be between
32271s pascoa and sloigruzian
32274s and then uh closing out we're gonna have
32276s the decider match between dimitri kazoff
32278s and whoever wins that elimination match
32279s so we still got some hearthstone left to
32281s play but we are gonna have to go to a
32282s quick break but don't go anywhere more
32284s action to come right after this
32286s [Music]
32303s [Music]
32307s [Applause]
32309s [Music]
32336s [Music]
32342s you
32344s [Music]
32355s um
32365s [Music]
32406s [Music]
32418s do
32421s [Music]
32453s bye
32454s [Music]
32476s [Music]
32483s hello everybody welcome back to
32484s hearthstone grand masters last call
32486s we're uh chicken along here with group d
32489s and we're going to move into the
32490s elimination match next between zoy
32492s grujin and pascoa
32495s both had very different experiences in
32497s their first initial matches of the group
32500s with pasco going all the way to a game
32501s five in a very long series against
32503s supplies and ultimately losing and zoy
32505s grujian had a nice uh you know
32507s a little 25-minute
32510s 3-0
32511s get blasted kind of experience uh i
32515s don't even know which one i'd rather be
32516s on the receiving end of i'll probably
32519s probably zoid grousing just to save some
32521s energy yeah just put me out of my misery
32524s um for these two death is not the end if
32527s they lose in this match they
32529s could both technically still get through
32531s although pascal would be
32532s hoping for like a run of results like
32535s you've never seen before tomorrow uh
32537s zloyd does have an extra point in hand
32539s so
32540s could lose this and still go through but
32542s really they are both battling for
32544s survival especially as i say pasqua
32546s and a chance of that top eight
32549s uh absolute mirror match by the way it's
32551s not card for card but we've got big
32552s spell mage and we've got the cursed
32554s warlock on both sides as well as the
32557s the usual stuff with vamp druid and the
32559s miracle vogue so
32562s all about cue order all about tech
32564s choices and all about who gets the stuff
32566s on the day
32568s yep double rogue band
32570s um which it's either been rogue or druid
32572s pretty much
32573s the entire weekend either you brought
32575s warlock and you banned rogue or
32578s uh you brought something else usually
32582s priests
32583s and ban druid unless you brought like
32585s wig priests like possessee did and then
32587s you leave up druid and you ban rogue
32590s but you have a different third deck but
32591s that hasn't been working out that well
32593s or you do what happened and just say i
32595s don't think vogue's as good as you're
32597s all saying i'm gonna leave it up and
32599s bring it leave it up bring quest hunter
32601s boom that's working fine and honestly
32604s the more we see of the rogue the more
32605s people play against rogue and sort of
32607s get the hang of playing against the fact
32609s they've only got
32611s four threats in the deck not quite two
32613s because they've got a lot of direct
32614s damage obviously
32615s um the more we're seeing that maybe
32617s vogue is just a very good deck not
32619s actually a completely invincible
32620s powerhouse like it first appeared
32622s yeah
32623s there's just a lot of powerful decks in
32626s the metagame right now
32627s and even though i think rogue is
32629s one of the most powerful
32632s if you're building another powerful deck
32634s that just happens to be good against
32635s rogue like specifically in the matchup
32637s not just in general
32639s uh like mage has seemed to be
32642s then you're covering all your bases
32644s right
32645s um
32646s but uh i think once you know the we see
32649s the metagame settle down a little bit
32650s and things start to change
32652s rogue's gonna find its place as just a
32655s top-tier deck that fits it fits within a
32657s certain lineup
32658s um and not just a top-tier deck that
32660s fits in any lineup right so yeah
32663s um zoid cruising gonna be opening with
32665s the uh
32666s the curse warlock uh imp curse warlock
32670s obviously
32671s still does have the potential
32673s for some early game power and some
32676s mid-game power it still has all these
32678s strong
32679s imp cards with file library feature
32682s circle
32683s uh the impending catastrophe right to
32686s get the cycle and then it has the
32688s mischief mischievous input mk reform to
32690s get that reload but then
32693s if all else fails all of your boards get
32695s removed and you
32696s run out of board
32699s you have the curses to fall back on
32701s as a way to deal that direct damage to
32704s your opponent so i've i've been like in
32707s this episode
32708s throws away vowel library
32711s okay
32713s yeah this plays a little bit like old
32715s face hunter where you do everything you
32717s can with your minions and then you just
32719s throw stuff at them
32722s yeah
32722s there's more to it than that but that's
32724s kind of the way it goes especially with
32726s unleashed vultures back in the day as
32727s well
32728s yeah i i think
32730s the miracle rogue the current rogue is
32732s more akin to that right you go all in
32734s with your threats and if they don't
32736s quite get there then you use burn
32738s i don't think there's ever been
32739s something quite like this deck
32741s right
32743s where it's just it's half combo half
32746s aggro
32747s like i don't think there's ever been
32751s i guess
32752s a draw engine quite like impending
32754s catastrophe where
32756s it slots perfectly into both the combo
32759s variations of warlock and the imp
32762s the aggressive imp variations of warlock
32765s so well
32767s that it's played in all of them and
32769s everywhere in between
32771s uh and i think that's kind of the the
32773s engine that keeps it going because i
32775s just don't think you'd have enough draw
32777s if you didn't have impending catastrophe
32779s and you wanted to play
32782s this type of uh this type of deck
32784s fast curse lock yeah
32786s so
32788s it's not a deck i've got on very well
32789s with but then that's not new
32793s also
32795s obviously you're losing some power
32796s against the druid here whereas the
32797s normal imps already just beating the
32799s druid down by now
32802s you'll be fine
32803s quite a lot of stuff here still
32806s oh yeah
32808s perfectly reasonable and don't think you
32810s need to acknowledge this 2-1 because
32815s you don't care about your life total
32817s really an extra two damage you have six
32819s amps on board
32821s escoa has to acknowledge it but not
32822s really any way to do so at the moment
32827s no innervate so can't coin could
32830s start with aquatic form
32832s dredge
32834s and innervate
32836s potentially
32838s and then coin innervate nourish
32844s any play after that would be pretty poor
32846s so i think we're just going for this
32847s play and then next turn you can
32849s ramp try and acknowledge the board and
32851s then you have scale of enyxia to fall
32853s follow it up uh to be able to remove
32854s some things
32856s um
32858s what's your librarian
32867s puts a lot of power on a turn where you
32869s know that pascal wants to ram
32876s okay
32878s sorry about that i'm just having an
32879s issue or two as usual
32882s as usual it's usually me
32886s we we share responsibilities so how's
32888s pasco are going to not take too much
32890s damage here he's going to take
32892s ac looking 12
32896s 11 yes
32898s could be 12 there's another am to pop
32900s down
32901s uh i mean i think you have to ramp
32904s and then you could either hero power
32905s down one of these minions or
32908s nah you're not getting rid of the curse
32909s you're probably here powering down one
32910s of the minions
32913s it's the one damage curse so you don't
32915s take extra damage by leaving up one of
32917s the curses okay gonna aquatic form first
32921s oh drew to the reef so you can ramp and
32923s then drew the druid of the reef away the
32926s uh librarian
32927s and uh that takes a ton of power off the
32930s board
32932s yeah yeah an absolute turn as well
32937s there's less things you're scared of
32939s going into this turn as well against the
32941s cursed version of the deck at this point
32943s at least
32950s there it is and there it is and there we
32953s go
32959s well
32960s welcome
32963s not even enough hand space
32967s decision time as well
32971s because if you do take a turn off to do
32973s this yeah you have a load of lovely
32975s cards
32976s so you are going into the seven mana
32978s druid turn and slowing yourself right
32980s down
32981s i mean
32982s yeah but
32985s like if you just played mischievous simp
32987s you're only i guess it's not infused so
32989s you'd be getting two no matter what
32991s but this still nearly gets cleared up by
32993s scale of enyxia but then you can follow
32995s up with them kingdom bomb okay yeah i
32996s like this
32998s it just doesn't give the druid that time
33001s to try to stabilize do something nasty
33003s get our scales down and then you're in
33005s trouble
33006s yeah
33009s have you seen anybody managed to do
33010s anything with these giants this weekend
33013s oh yeah relevant and i know it's really
33015s good but actually in this tournament i
33017s don't think we've seen it really do much
33019s that happened today um
33025s okay
33027s who was it
33029s uh i can work it out because i only
33031s missed like two matches
33034s so
33035s it must have been
33041s super fake gun sue or super fake yeah
33044s yeah i think super fake was able to get
33046s it would be one of those two for sure i
33047s think i saw all the other matches so
33050s yeah
33056s all right well pascal needs to tidy this
33059s up the best he can
33062s nothing really better doing here
33067s he's just going to leave the mischievous
33071s as much stuff as possible
33074s usually clearing off as many amps
33076s as possible is the best way to go
33078s it means that you're getting less
33079s profile library but
33081s you're just gonna follow it up with a
33082s nice
33083s large
33085s m king reform
33087s and i feel like we're approaching the
33088s end of this game because pascal has
33091s no more removal left however that
33092s evidence could find some
33096s your
33102s i don't even know what you'd be looking
33103s for
33104s um
33106s something that removes all these as
33109s druid
33111s knows what it is
33114s whatever it is he's worked it out
33116s i don't even know
33118s i guess like starfish from the nourish
33121s like if you draw cards
33124s could have been okay i mean it would
33126s have reduced the power by
33129s six seven eight nine ten
33131s but now we're here
33136s you gotta be scrappy with scraps
33142s yes looks like we're just ram ramping
33144s and gaining armor
33147s yeah and you can get a naga giant down
33150s okay
33153s [Music]
33158s bartender
33159s the top shelf yeah
33163s didn't even need that much more all
33164s right well there you go
33166s uh not even the
33168s cursed portion of the deck coming into
33169s play much there with
33171s uh dracula being the only card that was
33172s played
33174s and uh it's lloyd grusian just using the
33175s imp side of the deck
33178s to take that win so a nice little quick
33180s 1-0 start
33182s [Music]
33184s you can see from his reaction how much
33186s he values this one point like he's
33188s playing this like a final i mean you try
33190s and play every game like a final but the
33192s energy
33193s and the sort of oh my goodness don't
33195s have a clear don't have a clear of all
33196s that going on here that's how much he
33198s values this one particular point
33199s obviously he would love to win the
33201s tournament get the bye but
33203s he doesn't think he's safe on five
33204s points as you can see where six is
33207s probably in that top eight
33209s and yeah a third of the way to that
33211s point
33212s yep that's right
33214s still some series left to play um
33216s warlock's going to be up again for
33218s zlatan pascal has
33220s zomlock which would be a mirror match uh
33223s we're the mage to go up against it i'd
33225s probably uh go for the mage just because
33230s you kind of want that warlock
33232s in there for the for the druid on the
33235s other side um
33236s so your your goal here would be to win
33239s two as the mage
33241s um
33241s so you beat the warlock
33243s and then you
33246s i guess not you you beat the warlock
33248s with the mage but then you lose to the
33250s druid and then you beat the druid in a
33252s favorable match up and then toss it up
33253s to 50 50. that's ideal scenario for
33256s pascoa in this situation so
33258s is gonna go with
33259s the big spell mage and this has some
33261s defensive tools within it um
33264s it is inherently defensive because it's
33267s 40 cards but also has double spammy
33269s arcanist
33271s um it's got a double rune which
33274s obviously can
33275s come out
33276s dooner if you get a barbaric sorceress
33278s or balinda
33280s and uh it does have weirdly enough
33282s treasure guards in the early game which
33284s you can block damage
33285s yeah
33288s yeah it can um
33290s definitely
33291s get there i think it'll be fine but then
33294s there's the curse element which doesn't
33296s block damage because it's just curses
33298s that yeah
33300s go straight to you and that's why this
33302s is brought instead of the straight imp
33304s version to some people
33306s yeah it doesn't take much however when
33309s you get ahead as the big spell mage to
33311s just kind of finish the game right
33313s um
33314s the hard part is getting ahead but
33317s once you've done so you can
33320s accelerate things quite quickly right
33322s make big dragons with drink fire amulet
33325s that are out of range usually the
33327s warlocks floating at like 20 to 25
33330s health because of the damage they're
33331s taking over the game from play maps and
33332s life tab
33336s got a reasonable hand here for zlatan
33338s but not anything
33339s crazy or spectacular
33341s one top deck away from being nutty
33343s though right another three drop so he
33345s just coined three three
33347s into imps into bartender mage good luck
33350s dealing with that lot i mean it might
33352s that the han pascua has can deal with a
33354s lot of stuff but yeah
33356s yeah
33357s pretty quick
33359s well going ultra defensive here
33362s um and just
33364s getting rid of this ping right away does
33365s have sanctum into sanctum
33369s though
33370s can essentially make it
33372s freeze a minion and make a
33375s uh skeleton
33376s every turn for the next six turns
33380s which is quite good so this is this
33382s hand's coming together for pasco in
33384s order to actually get through the early
33386s game
33387s yeah irritating threes obviously
33389s expected though for
33391s ferguson uh because he wants to get that
33393s mischievous him down
33395s now they just have to settle for
33399s so many oh it's a tough one actually he
33401s looks like he's going for the circle but
33403s yeah finished circle does quite a lot as
33405s well
33406s well finished circle plus grimmar seems
33409s fine also or
33411s you know
33412s the other way around it really doesn't
33414s matter
33416s it's just going for max imps
33419s which is weird i i figured you'd wanna
33422s okay
33423s so it goes both ways if you wanna
33425s preserve the highest power minion then
33427s you'd uh go
33430s uh phoenix circle first but if you wanna
33432s take the highest opportunity for every
33434s minion to survive
33437s you grimoire first so the skeleton has a
33439s 15 chance of course right he's inflamed
33441s all together
33446s yeah and that early defense from pascal
33448s means this watch post has come down a
33450s little late oh that works
33453s but it's still good
33459s it's going to be called a watch post
33460s course guzin's just gonna watch it and
33463s play a load of imps
33465s is he though
33467s i think so with a bartender in hand
33470s yeah probably
33474s if that watch post was there and
33475s zorker's able to go bartender
33478s anyway then that would have been pretty
33480s big deal
33481s yeah i think you
33483s the only thing is like if you don't have
33485s anything to tr i guess you always have
33486s something to trade until next time to
33488s make room for the bartender if anything
33489s so
33491s yeah because the watch post will still
33492s be there then you can probably do it
33493s next turn just put one of them in there
33495s it's a tough call i understand why you
33497s wouldn't want the watch post up but i
33498s think with your bartender in hand at
33500s this board
33502s he's got to hit him
33504s don't get all the curses yet as back up
33506s so if you get all this damage out turns
33508s one to six one to five
33512s i just hit him
33514s don't tip your hand is worried about
33515s vardon
33517s sure okay
33519s yeah that's fair
33521s then you're board locked
33522s yeah that's fair i like it
33526s you're making that trade next turn
33528s anyway so
33530s yeah
33532s yeah
33532s a good idea all right so
33534s this is probably
33536s uh
33537s ping plus double sanctum
33540s would be my guess on two of the three
33542s threes
33544s just to reduce the amount of imps on
33546s board
33547s and uh
33548s uh freeze as much stuff as possible
33551s i really don't think there's anything
33554s else be careful of what but the next
33557s turn
33558s yeah you have deep water broker plus
33560s another ping next turn which is you
33562s should be fine and you have two
33563s skeletons that can uh make trades
33568s that is the consideration that's taking
33570s so long though i think in this case
33572s your sanctum's out of sync or in sync
33574s meaning there is a blank term like you
33576s say the follow-up turn looks fine
33589s not sure who's got the best of this like
33591s pastel has got they both got just nice
33593s turns lining up
33597s oh wait
33599s zoe cruzen was worried about spammy i
33601s forgot that spammy was in this deck oh
33603s yeah yeah
33605s wait he actually set himself up to be
33607s scared
33610s that was a really bad trade then
33614s last turn
33618s huh that's
33621s like he gave himself an out against
33624s vardyn but didn't but left herself
33626s really vulnerable to spammy arcanist
33628s which there's two of as opposed to a one
33629s of vardo
33631s um
33632s yeah i'm not sure about that one but
33635s obviously pays off that's not where you
33637s want that to go
33638s i wonder if he had a little lead that's
33640s why oh my goodness gracious
33643s six minions on board and one face twice
33648s ah
33651s and yeah you were saying about this turn
33653s looking all right but you weren't
33654s allowing for the um
33656s the one in 49 skeleton goes face twice
33659s play
33661s yeah
33663s oh
33664s oh honestly this kind of has to be a
33666s starfish starfish yeah
33668s rarely getting more value than this you
33671s you even silence the watch pose so you
33673s can trade off
33674s one minion and
33676s uh ping another minion and then
33680s i guess maybe drake fire amulet trade
33682s away but then you're stranding your
33684s barbaric sorcerers i guess you have deep
33686s water or voker
33687s um but honestly that seems like the most
33690s defensive play you can make you're still
33691s taking a ton of damage because you're
33693s still leaving 13 power on board but at
33696s least you have some stuff in play you
33698s got sanctums coming active again next
33700s turn
33703s plus deep water or voker right yeah you
33705s have options
33708s i just hope that the farm was hit by
33709s your watch post
33711s yeah or they just don't have it that'd
33713s be oh they always have it that'd be more
33715s ideal i feel
33718s like my mind as well that somewhere in
33719s this deck resides some curses with the
33721s tams in his hand already
33726s oh so much damage imagine needing to
33729s rely on curses
33731s imagine
33732s ah
33735s okay well that's a dead pickup for the
33736s time being because it's just a what a
33738s grimoire has been played
33741s uh
33743s [Music]
33750s a cool 16 being pushed unless zoe
33753s gershwin wants to make some value trades
33755s here but i feel like that's
33757s irresponsible
33759s responsible value trade
33764s that's the word of the week it's one of
33766s my favorite words going forward i think
33768s you might hear that a lot oh oh oh oh oh
33772s okay uh we have a an opportunity
33774s presenting itself both drake fire
33776s aimless
33777s are gone so you could deep water a voker
33779s miss out on one armor but guarantee that
33781s you hit roon
33783s and then all you need to do
33785s is find something to do on turn eight
33789s you need to not be dead on sunday and
33791s not die
33792s yeah
33794s and you gain enough but
33796s so you you deep water evoker first to
33799s guarantee that you get the rune and then
33801s you trade an amulet and then see what
33802s happens
33803s and then you die to the farm
33807s i mean the board is still
33809s very full
33811s i mean i mean just the stuff you buff
33813s that's on the board now
33816s uh well you'd be freezing too and
33817s killing one and so there'd only be one
33819s imp that would get buffed
33821s right you okay
33822s most uh unless you
33834s okay but this actually puts more stuff
33837s on board
33853s do you wanna fight to
33861s find me
33864s [Music]
33870s just cause the skeletons was wireless oh
33872s spare me
33874s must be there yeah you put two into a
33876s three three easy one two three unless it
33879s kills it
33881s i think you just ping one of your own
33883s skeletons
33886s and then maybe you take this eight eight
33888s out as well
33889s you need and then you need a five
33891s oh geez and a seven
33895s yeah okay
33901s so currently has a tooth a three and a
33903s four
33905s that one face
33909s now you just ping the refoam go face
33912s with the skeleton
33916s uh or wait no you haven't got a one
33920s then you
33922s you trade the starfish into the three
33925s yeah then you've got it okay it's oh
33926s they didn't all but you don't have a
33928s three
33928s oh no
33930s now you have one two three four okay
33933s perfect
33935s yeah
33936s and this is honestly really good because
33938s now pascoa has some pretty good
33940s follow-up
33941s with deep water invoker and like
33943s blademaster connie for disrupting
33948s the board it has a sanctum for next turn
33951s but now we're starting to get to wave
33952s territory
33954s and curses
33961s what if anything sticks on pascal's side
33963s of the board zlatan's have 13 life
33967s or you can just box him and hope it ends
33969s that's what i do because i'm terrible
33973s no i think you go deepwater volker and
33975s okani here
33978s you bought our
33980s could get drake fire amulet i mean you
33982s could box right
33984s because then you have parrot nah you're
33985s not a 14 life you've got to do the
33987s economy you're essentially at 12 life
33997s and then you go to connie for a spell
33999s most likely so deep water evoker plus a
34002s connie for a spell that's what's making
34003s it difficult right because he knew there
34005s was no spells two or three turns ago
34006s which is a while ago obviously
34019s he might this is a tough one i can't
34021s remember how long ago he played
34028s the thing
34029s awesome
34031s barbaric
34033s because he knew there was no swap two
34035s turns ago it was the turn before the
34036s spare me and there's been a spell played
34038s since then
34041s yeah the cube is what he picked here
34045s yeah
34046s so this is abyssal wave
34053s [Applause]
34056s i can't kill him
34059s off
34062s there's a cool next turn to gain some
34064s health back in this weird wet race nest
34067s that's going on
34069s who can't kill them off
34074s gruesome's at 11.
34076s orders is nowhere near active yeah
34080s been three pings i think this game
34084s all right rune it is
34087s face first here we go
34089s everybody hold
34091s tight threw his hands in the air like oh
34093s another rune he saw him gain nine armor
34097s i knew it was there
34099s oh well that's a big minion but that's
34101s also an abyssal wave that's gonna cast
34103s which is also gonna cast the other
34104s abyssal wave which is going to clear off
34108s the overflow oh no
34110s counter spell is
34112s okay this is not cool he's going to gain
34114s so much health back though if he's not
34116s dead
34118s it is not
34128s it's
34129s not lethal surely
34131s yeah so this is two and three zaku would
34134s put a four
34136s it's gonna gain nine health and deal
34138s nine damage many
34140s possibilities
34141s and main pascal has to actually do some
34143s stuff as well
34146s yeah this next turn there is the drag
34148s below the finished circle to put the
34149s counter spell the drag below and the
34150s tams in
34153s or
34154s chunky damage
34157s and pascua is actually spent mana
34159s getting rid of this nonsense that's
34160s going on as well yeah so you're gonna
34162s deal nine this turn um
34167s haven't heard of me
34173s oh he was testing for um
34191s that's not part of the battle koi that's
34192s part of the it has to be part of just
34194s its effect yeah
34196s all right well i think it's time for a
34197s parrot
34200s i mean there's no there's nothing else
34202s to do
34204s there's literally nothing else to do
34206s i already just realized because i'm not
34208s very clever that parrots repeat things
34210s that's why it repeats things
34212s ice barrier pretty useless
34215s uh wildfire that helps you get there
34217s faster my hand is too full
34220s no spell picked up overflow hits the
34222s tamson okay
34226s and now you just ah jeez you just dump
34229s both you dump the two highest damage
34231s curses
34236s and freeze does it cool do you even have
34238s to freeze
34239s uh
34241s if you have an ice barrier up
34244s i think you want to freeze it just
34245s because
34247s you want a tutu i think so too
34250s because absorption has oh
34252s this is very difficult
34254s there's also an argument to like let
34256s these curses hit you
34260s and keep your hand full
34265s i don't know this is tough
34269s i mordresch is still not going to be
34271s active even with the ping next turn i
34273s don't think unless pasco have hidden
34274s four pings but i really don't think
34276s pascal fitted four pings
34279s and zloe's gonna gain another 10 health
34280s here
34282s three two and five yep and deal another
34285s 10 damage
34287s [Music]
34295s well we're starting to uh run low i know
34298s we're not running low on cursed cars
34299s what am i talking about
34304s there's two cultists left
34309s tam's in for next turn if there is a
34311s next turn
34329s nine ten eleven oh no mortise is active
34331s okay it's lethal
34333s shows how good i am at counting so he
34336s fit in four pings in the early game
34340s because he pinged last turn for three
34342s and then pink this turn for three
34345s right
34346s that means he would have had to fit in
34348s four pings in the early game one of them
34349s was
34350s he pinged immediately
34352s with
34353s uh the
34354s uh snow flurry
34356s then on three played uh sanctum
34362s right
34364s i didn't oh on four went ping plus watch
34367s post
34368s that's two
34370s and then went sanctum ping and then a
34372s volcker
34375s uh
34376s sanctum ping again okay yeah yeah so
34377s what's four pings my fault
34380s yeah absolutely your fault not your
34382s co-caster's fault for just nodding and
34383s smiling
34384s yeah
34385s didn't think that before i thought i
34386s counted three pings but uh i forgot
34389s about the uh there was an amplified
34390s snowflare that was played on two
34393s and then he pinged immediately on two to
34395s freeze the flame in to block the damage
34398s and honestly that ping
34402s saved three damage and he had three
34404s health at the end again
34406s completely results are into thinking
34407s because that ping may have come down
34409s later point and then
34411s uh
34413s frozen even more damage but
34415s then that ping would have come down
34416s later and pascal wouldn't have fit in
34419s another ping across the game because
34421s that mordres was exactly active
34425s those runes weren't that good but one
34427s thing those runes did do was cast two
34429s wildfires
34432s so they were good enough yeah
34435s absolutely
34436s they're pretty rubbish apart from that
34438s but they did get the game done so i
34439s guess you'd call it good in that regard
34441s yep um so even though it's one a piece
34444s zloy still has the serve as it is the
34446s last hero standing gets to choose what
34448s he puts into this puts in the druid
34450s which is a pretty good matchup for the
34453s druid i think
34454s and still on that serve then pascal will
34457s be expected to put the
34459s warlock into the druid and then we get
34461s the reverse of the mage versus the
34462s warlock that's how
34464s the expected pan out is but you know
34466s when you're talking about 35 40 all the
34468s time expect to pan outs yeah who cares
34473s lookers and kept
34477s innervate through the reef seeds man
34480s yeah this is a man who trusts his deck
34482s that's exactly what you do with druids
34491s this is very interesting yeah
34497s dude that is interesting indeed
34500s definitely keep that or did we miss the
34501s mulligan i think he kept it but
34503s yeah because the coins out there right
34505s so there was one card yeah one card
34507s thrown away
34512s intriguing
34513s good sir
34516s indubitably
34518s yeah
34520s can't think of any long words i just use
34522s the short little words that i know
34525s okay it's your recovery oh
34527s god see
34530s a face in your deck you're playing a
34531s druid deck it's got 35 amazing cards in
34534s it you can't draw a bad card if you keep
34540s now the dude could kill that he's on the
34542s board
34543s you gotta be scrappy with scraps
34548s i love druid it's so much silly
34553s just i don't know
34558s i don't understand the druid of the reef
34560s i've got to admit i yeah i don't
34562s understand the innervate either
34563s to be quite honest
34565s because you're on the coin like you're
34567s gonna coin interme innervate seeds man
34569s into what
34571s i mean whatever you drew
34573s because you're not even going into
34575s enough mana to nourish it's not hitting
34576s any break points
34578s i don't know whatever innovates i guess
34580s just a good card to have but
34584s not
34585s i'd rather have
34587s i could think of like
34588s eight other cards in the mulligan
34590s alongside a seedsman that i'd want more
34591s than that so i mean i understand your
34594s concern because obviously you're joking
34595s around um
34597s i do see why you would not want to keep
34599s it but in a favored matchup
34603s i don't know i think innovate might just
34604s help things not go wrong
34606s it's good enough i would take any
34609s opportunity hit a guff
34611s true
34617s however if you haven't got guff in your
34618s opening hand you can't get theater
34621s and then you draw it the turn after
34627s that's all i got
34629s okay innervate it's actually pretty high
34630s upgrades
34633s this innovates fine especially against
34635s you know again where you're favored
34636s already so you want to sort of protect
34638s your favoritism by not having anything
34641s just not drawing a handful of nine drops
34643s or something
34646s yeah it's uh
34648s it's eighth in terms of
34651s kept yeah
34653s that's about what i'm guessing
34656s blade raid it's
34658s like 15th
34661s but that's expected because it's kind of
34663s a catch-all card
34665s lord's played win rate is a very very
34668s badly used number by a lot of people
34673s like danathya's played winrate must be
34674s massive because you only play it when
34676s you're about to win not quite true
34677s because you play it to sort of emergency
34679s save the game sometimes but you know
34680s what i mean
34687s oh i've got this seeds
34691s [Music]
34692s care
34698s ah gets a pelican perfect mana
34701s expenditure
34702s nope doesn't play it why does nobody
34704s play their pelicans anymore
34708s what do you mean anymore
34710s i remember in the olden days
34712s back when i was a lad we used to play
34714s our pelican divers on one back when i
34716s was a lad
34719s um there's no more nourishes in the deck
34724s and this is not a living roots
34727s deck just gonna make an eight-eight my
34728s past cannot shave me forever helicopter
34732s that's what the pelicans for there it is
34737s oh man gain seven mana
34740s bam
34744s yeah they say that's gonna get frozen
34748s slightly concerned about this kale
34750s thoughts but you know rune of the
34751s archmage is going to take care of that
34752s next turn
34754s i guess you have two starfish i guess
34755s you could just starfish first then ping
34758s the giant and then evoke her
34765s oh yeah crazy that's not crazy at all
34768s because this is terrifying against
34769s george surely
34771s yeah but you know that one of the cards
34773s in hand is did he see the zola from the
34775s uh
34776s uh yes did i say yes yes he did i'm
34778s pretty sure i'm like really sure he did
34780s but not 100 yeah if you know it's zola
34782s plus um like enrich
34788s ah
34790s zona's pretty scary on this chord you
34792s have two starfish
34794s like
34798s it's
34799s if things get really bad
34802s i don't think so
34807s and this might overload your box
34810s there's so much of it
34815s the queen's trove is forbidden
34818s yeah this is good this is fine
34822s there's no guff
34826s yet
34828s yet
34831s oh
34836s which one
34838s yeah
34843s i just
34847s i'm so laughing because there's so many
34849s silly choices here right now
34853s look at all this silliness i love it
34858s all right this this runes gotta do a lot
34864s yeah it needs the um good old-fashioned
34867s sheep i think
34870s work is
34877s here we go
34880s wildfire
34882s i mean
34883s it's only one mana all right that killed
34885s something
34887s uh wait
34888s hot streak you put a hot streak probably
34891s ice barriers life gate another wildfire
34894s hello
34900s yeah there's the hot streak
34902s there's another hot streak there's a
34904s flurry
34907s banging the cards as i see them
34911s there's a second flame
34916s not a bad brood not a bad rune
34919s not a bad rune but
34921s health us is just still chilling
34925s ah what do you even want while growth is
34927s just like one man a cycle
34929s sure can't do that
34935s miracle growth probably i don't think
34936s you want a mutant again
34939s um
34940s do you want to mean i don't know i think
34942s i just want a miracle growth draw some
34943s cards
34944s i like
34956s that's still pretty big still a six
34958s eight it's gonna get rude though yeah
34960s but
34964s you've got a bit of a board
34966s and the mage is running out of cards and
34968s you're still on 37 you've got earthen
34969s scales
34970s there's a lot of good stuff going on
34972s here for the druid yeah but there's no
34974s zoro cruising's not like i mean there's
34977s no guff
34978s uh cyrus and athletes has not been
34980s growing in hand right
34982s still a long way to go long way to go
34985s and deny this does grow a lot slower in
34987s this version as well because you haven't
34989s got all the nonsense like early game
34992s tokeny stuff going on
34997s so you wanna insta forties it used to be
35000s i think you wanna pick something that
35002s you're not playing this turn right
35006s but they can't guess it
35008s okay this ping is dealing three by the
35010s way so kale thoughts can die this turn
35016s all right pascal got away a bit got away
35018s with it a bit on this um kel'thus
35026s base nice
35032s and they either seeds man
35033s looks like it
35035s runs out on me
35037s fine
35039s everything's fine
35040s he's fine but he's got a lot of damage
35042s to do the way this is shaping up
35046s another druid is not killing him anytime
35048s soon
35053s oh the kill
35055s but you ate a minion and it was a
35057s seedsmith so oh what do you think it is
35060s it's got to be ignite right
35062s i want it to be ignite if i'm so
35063s inclusion i don't want any of the other
35065s stuff like i don't want vengeful visage
35067s so you're never picking that you don't
35068s care
35071s build a snowman i don't want it
35074s the guy that i want
35076s takes the card he wants and he gets what
35078s he wants
35079s and then
35080s then gets another one
35082s yeah then you i don't want to give up
35084s any of these
35086s i think i want to draw three one way or
35088s another now and maybe give one of the
35090s bad cards away you ignite first for sure
35094s yes
35096s so you draw the three damaging that no
35098s you don't you absolutely don't you want
35099s guff
35101s just
35102s miracle growth or enrich i just gotta go
35104s for it
35106s it could get the sanctum
35109s okay sanctum
35112s that's an easy choice i think
35115s i've got so many rabbit holes right now
35117s with these unless
35120s oh wait yeah that was a second right
35122s what you did yeah i don't want to give
35123s up any of this yeah i wouldn't have
35125s played this obviously because i like my
35127s hand
35132s guff not gut
35134s not guff
35139s pick starfish
35141s yeah
35145s he's
35146s he's got one of those in this deck
35148s already
35152s another one now
35153s i i i've just learned over the course of
35155s this series he just literally never
35156s questions and he always knows what he's
35158s doing
35159s starfish obviously is the d3s in some
35162s situations i guess
35164s or that last bit of lethal
35166s we saw that yesterday obviously we know
35167s about that one
35169s oh
35170s what do you think
35173s i refresh you spring water he just needs
35174s cards
35175s yeah unless you don't want zoe gorgon to
35178s know what you picked
35179s i don't want to never refreshing spring
35181s water so i'm going to pick counter spell
35183s unless
35186s what's the what's the option that your
35189s opponent would at least expect probably
35191s more jellyfish so you pick polymorph
35194s and then you play a box and everything
35196s gets plus two spell damage
35202s which might hurt
35204s honestly
35206s lloyd guesses this again last time he
35208s just went with which one of these three
35209s cards do i want
35214s counter spell would be very interesting
35216s but i don't think pesco would want to
35217s give over a counter spell as the problem
35234s poker
35242s that's a rune
35243s uh it is
35245s probably ping rune
35248s i think you picked up
35250s i didn't realize until recently that's
35251s called a power because it repeats things
35253s oh no it was scale
35256s oh yeah i forgot forgot about a scale dj
35259s yeah
35262s i mean
35264s gail's not bad
35266s it's fine but it clears the board
35271s yeah
35273s oh man
35275s oh that's funny
35278s oh that watch post is dangerous
35281s you really don't want an 11 mana to
35283s nothing
35284s oh here we go here we go here we go
35289s it'll be
35290s our fish now he has two starfish this is
35292s very interesting
35306s you could really silence everything you
35309s could
35312s make those means
35314s so quiet
35315s i want to start emptying some of this
35317s stuff out honestly so i can draw some
35318s better cars because this is just trash
35320s right now
35321s yeah this isn't this is a an okay
35324s devourer but you know there's a
35325s nightclub sanctum in hand because you
35327s saw it
35333s yeah yeah
35336s let me go
35342s it's just all rubbish
35344s because there's ignite
35347s immediately
35348s oh my gosh
35352s just spend your mana just chuck the
35354s ignition
35355s dump the ignite again
35358s it's up to four damage already
35361s but two of the most powerful decks in
35363s the game they just can't do any damage
35364s because
35365s they're cancelling each other out
35368s the state of it oh
35371s i want to draw cards
35373s you got to draw cards at some point
35375s doesn't hit a spell surprise surprise
35379s you know
35381s just ping and develop a sanctum probably
35384s just hoping it's an arcane intellect
35386s aren't you hoping it's three mana draw
35387s two there but didn't get a single spell
35389s because there really aren't many so
35391s yeah looks like cruz really just wants a
35393s guff
35394s still 16 cards left in the deck 40 card
35397s decks are funny
35399s they're funny when they do what you
35400s would expect
35403s nope
35403s not alignment
35405s definitely not alignment
35407s that ain't it
35411s did you have the same reactions me there
35413s just for split seconds
35415s yeah and then i thought for a second but
35417s why wouldn't everybody play that card
35419s today that'd be a really good card
35425s whatever this card is is getting
35427s discarded
35430s maybe the starfish then
35432s because we have two already
35435s yeah
35438s oh he's not getting discarded never mind
35440s um no because he's not drawing it yeah
35442s yeah
35443s then
35445s it's definitely not starfish
35448s yeah
35449s gail to come back on board potentially
35451s but yeah it's got to be top tier but
35453s that repeating damage topiar is not as
35455s good here because a lot of the nature
35457s spells have already been used double
35459s miracle growth
35460s uh double planted evidence one of the
35463s innervates all of the no there's still
35465s one nourish
35466s because one was discovered turns your
35468s wild growth into something that does
35470s something there's no more wild growth
35471s has used both wild growths both more
35473s used to cycle
35475s oh there's one in hand okay sure
35482s oh
35483s forget about the wild growth
35485s [Laughter]
35488s nine mana three three not as enticing
35491s nine mana make a 3-3 with rush and
35494s draw a card
35496s oh this guy was okay
35499s it's fine
35507s this ignite is stupid
35510s this lack
35511s is infuriating the four damage ignite
35515s pascal i mean pascal's
35518s he's
35519s suffering on in the health department
35520s right now only 51. yeah it's gonna take
35523s a while didn't it
35526s this video did nothing does six damage
35534s oh don grass for pascoa noga for soy
35538s cruisian
35539s the grujian can draw like has drawn so
35542s many more cards ten more cards drawn
35546s pascal just wants us to cast like five
35548s arcane legs
35555s slowly still has plenty of stuff but
35556s he's a druid just checking he can
35558s actually win this game oh yeah it always
35560s wins there's two devours he's stolen a
35562s starfish so okay
35566s enough is hard to deal with got one more
35568s giant still got the oh he's not playing
35571s this one no
35573s no oh we'll clean here
35577s no ivis
35579s all right
35579s drew a card played a solid alibi
35582s and cleared the board
35589s yeah i don't think i want that
35593s i don't really want that one either
35597s gonna play the wild gray oh no you can't
35600s come on no
35602s oh
35604s god it hurts
35606s [Applause]
35608s the 3-3 doesn't even challenge the board
35612s jerry carpenter draw there's still a
35613s nurse in the deck
35616s i think that ignites not a nature spell
35618s that'll be good
35620s five damage ignite in the deck now
35623s before you draw a gup you've drawn
35624s ignite three times in your druid deck
35631s this girl's got a turn here of
35637s oh my what is hearthstone anymore this
35640s is just like the end of a really bad
35643s arena game right now
35645s two really powerful decks just not
35648s powerfuling
35650s in the slightest
35658s is there even a nurse left because i
35660s know that the
35661s deck tracker is off right now
35664s it says there's 12 cards but there's
35665s only 10.
35666s uh-huh
35669s one of those is scale i think it's
35671s stolen i don't know i think the noises
35674s went really early on
35676s so there's a scale and a
35679s uh
35679s [Music]
35682s miracle growth right at the bottom of
35684s the deck
35686s yes
35687s we know
35691s there's still some minions that can die
35694s right
35695s there's loads of shrubberies coming in
35698s right everybody right
35703s but again it is fewer than you might
35705s have seen on sort of your ladder build
35707s because there's a lot of the
35709s the early stuff was cut out of this
35712s yeah look at this spare me
35715s one two
35717s ping ah
35719s wait wait
35720s how do you do it
35722s uh this car you just trade the skeleton
35725s in in and then you ping the one mini
35726s that survives i don't know
35728s oh that's no fun
35731s double spear me yeah that's just how he
35733s would do it i can't work this out i'm
35735s just gonna play two of them
35738s watch posters you're three there you go
35741s you played it last turn you'd be fine
35752s i believe
35754s yay
35765s ignite just just launch it
35767s i mean this is how zoya cruising is
35769s going to win the game it's just watching
35771s ignite like honestly
35773s this ignite pick was incredible
35776s uh-huh
35778s like the bathroom is just a bad way to
35780s naturals is 10 did i see tips oh there
35782s it is oh yes
35784s just keep doing that over and over this
35787s game's done zoro gerson's got this one
35789s this was over
35790s you just ignite guff draw it again
35793s ignite you don't even don't you don't
35794s even need mana crystals anymore
35796s i think you do not draw on pelicans the
35799s average draw on pascal's deck is
35801s terrible
35802s there's mailbox dancers and pelicans
35806s and brenethol
35810s parrot still has a scale in it
35816s yeah nothing's got enough to heal him
35817s out of any danger range earth scales
35819s just there for any more danger he's got
35821s the manner now i think that's kind of
35823s right there we've now got the world's
35824s slowest call to victory with just
35827s repeated ignite unless this board
35829s actually sticks which it could
35833s how do you spam me this lot
35839s i don't know what's in the power anymore
35840s is it still a scale i think so the room
35842s was cast for
35844s how much mana
35846s um what does it not work like that i
35849s don't even remember
35851s i didn't realize that it's called parrot
35853s because it um repeats things oh no it's
35855s still a ruin it still takes its original
35857s cost
35863s but what this needs to do is like
35866s create resources
35870s okay
35871s these are resources
35873s okay okay okay
35875s oh
35878s oh actually bart it's not bad
35881s right
35883s yeah you'll do you clean up the board
35885s with vardy
35887s yeah my calculations you need to chill
35890s out
35891s it does
35894s i don't think you need to kill the a2
35896s you just go face with the
35901s is now up to oh
35903s 12 11 12.
35908s it's so difficult keeping it scores i
35910s mean pascal's only got 55 health
35913s a lot of ignites
35915s this is valo's good of a star fishing
35918s possibly hope for
35921s he took it for this purpose earlier on
35923s give or take
35925s not exactly this purpose i think exactly
35927s plan
35927s this specific situation
35930s oh is it clear what's the uh devourer oh
35933s he's got the other one anyway yeah he
35934s can clear if he wants
35954s freeze brute ping
35957s mailbox dance here
35962s pool
35963s that's your turn
35965s you're selling that to me
35967s we just talk about potatoes again
35971s or parrots um
35973s that's right
35975s this was good though
35978s was it ninth france in
35980s nato production what about brazil
35986s brazil
35987s i don't know have a look at the
35989s brazilian potato output
35992s yeah what's the word production output
35995s create yield
35997s yield growth yeah the potato yield
36002s has it been a good year or a bad year
36003s for potatoes it's been quite a warm year
36006s with no rain in a lot of places
36009s do you think that'd be a bad potential
36012s there are three and a half tons a year
36015s it's pretty good
36017s seven damage
36019s yeah three and a half million okay not
36021s bad
36022s oh you want this to matthias
36034s as americans 37 kilograms
36037s yeah
36038s kilograms is like this uh this nebulous
36041s unit of measurement that
36044s like i couldn't even begin to fathom
36047s what it means
36048s [Music]
36051s based on like some space rock or
36053s something they keep in paris i don't
36055s know
36057s this space rock weighs approximately one
36059s kilogram and is used to determine
36062s units of measurement for everything we
36064s weigh
36066s all hail space rock
36070s like meters make sense because that is
36074s um
36074s all the way around the world is 40
36077s 000 meters 40 thousand kilometers
36081s he's actually a quadrant ten thousands
36083s of quadrants so meter is a thing that
36085s makes sense
36086s but a kilogram is just
36088s something they keep in paris
36090s i think
36092s spit all hail space rock
36095s it is now a space rock by definition you
36097s know i don't care what the real
36099s thing is
36103s and then a second is like based on the
36106s i don't know the wavelength of a sodium
36110s atom or something
36113s length of a sodium i don't know i'm just
36116s making things up as i go that sounds
36117s pretty clear i can't take them well
36120s this game is essentially over pasco is
36123s way too far behind on board there's no
36125s sanctum anymore this here power steel
36126s and three is you could have one there's
36128s ice barrier up however
36131s everything else that's happening is in
36132s the favor of zoid region these devourers
36134s just cannot be killed where'd my deck go
36138s zoid can deal an infinite amount of
36140s damage over
36142s the next
36143s however
36144s however many turns this turn you can
36146s just brand an atherius and then just
36148s ignite it just ignite every turn like
36150s isn't this just lethal
36153s probably you need to keep your spells
36155s around so you don't get your ignite
36156s counter spell okay you ignite
36159s you draw
36161s then you ignite
36163s then you moonlit guidance
36168s and then you ignite ignite
36172s it's eight
36173s so you get eight
36174s nine so that's 17
36177s and then 10 10.
36179s that's 37 it's lethal
36182s beautiful
36186s beautiful
36189s this must be the way
36192s you can just do it this way you have
36193s enough damage you don't even need to go
36194s for max damage
36197s only one card left max damage would have
36200s only been literally
36202s one extra damage
36204s okay
36205s so that ignite dealt an absurd amount of
36207s damage um
36210s and i don't know pascal just didn't find
36212s dawn grasp which is really the only way
36215s you have to match druid's power
36216s [Music]
36219s um we've got a little bit of a face
36221s wiggle in there from sword cruising
36226s gotta do it
36227s gotta do it one game away from making
36229s the top eight for sure like not the
36230s topic for sure this week with the top
36231s eight in the actual grand masters
36235s what do we got that face
36237s even if the ignite wasn't there i still
36238s think that game wouldn't have gone on
36240s that much longer um
36242s yeah but those devourers weren't going
36243s anywhere actually you know what it may
36245s have because like is entering fatigue
36248s so pasco have found like anything to be
36250s able to answer those devourers
36253s i don't even know what would though
36254s there was no going back to turn six he
36256s took the starfish presumably partly for
36259s that
36261s reason probably for what reason so that
36264s uh pascal didn't have it anymore
36266s like it's in his hands still but pascua
36268s can't now
36270s hurt the devourers right at the end of
36272s the game
36279s that's a lot of foresight to have i
36280s don't know
36281s how many times you've tested the matchup
36283s right
36284s in the worlds where you don't get your
36286s guff maybe you get fatigued more often
36288s than i think it was more so the options
36290s were just terrible
36292s i mean i'm not saying he sort of went
36293s hey i'm going to take this starfish over
36295s your dawn class but yeah he took the
36297s starfish realized
36299s it did it would have been night cloak
36300s thing like because
36303s yeah i don't know it would have been
36304s knight section which
36307s nicole sent him actually did a lot of
36308s for pesco in the mid game let him get
36310s away with some plays that he wouldn't
36311s have otherwise been able to get away
36312s with but now
36314s we move on to the first warlock for
36316s pescoa so has a a good matchup here
36319s against the druid to start things off
36322s and then we we have a
36324s match against a mage
36326s so we're not looking at terrible
36328s matchups for pasco in order to win this
36330s one the hard part is just doing it twice
36332s right even if you have reasonable
36334s matchups if you have to do it twice
36337s your percentage always goes out
36340s so
36341s uh we shall see uh what's gonna
36344s what's gonna happen here the next
36347s i don't know
36348s hour
36350s the starfish they're back
36352s how many of these cards will he keep
36354s this time
36360s oh any number between one and four
36362s during during that mat
36365s i did some deep diving and data behind
36367s keeping innervate
36368s and i will say it's terrible
36373s right still going to make the argument
36375s in a favored matchup you don't mind not
36378s terrible
36379s my yeah it's in the top eight
36384s of mullet
36385s in the mulligan win rates across every
36387s bracket
36388s it's in the top five no top it's sixth
36391s in legend
36394s my argument is okay here's my argument
36398s guff is so much higher than everything
36401s else
36403s okay
36404s and topiar is so much higher than
36406s everything else
36410s that i would rather have an additional
36411s chance to get it faster
36413s than keeping it innovate that's my
36415s argument yeah i think it's good or we're
36417s we're long past that because now we got
36419s both
36420s yeah we got innervate and guff and guess
36424s what
36425s we can do them both
36428s i'm gonna nourish first
36430s that lets you kill an imp
36435s and then we're gonna guff
36436s and then we're gonna growth
36439s guffs and growth
36444s i gusts say anything
36447s let's just do with parents then i might
36452s okay well phil's putting on the pressure
36454s is the fastest i've ever seen
36457s play have to play to the speed of your
36459s deck tj
36461s what are we going to draw oh topia oh my
36463s goodness
36465s that will help
36466s oh
36467s if you're playing a fast deck if you
36468s play quicker it makes the damage feel
36471s more
36473s ooh but we got a lot of curse action
36475s going on here yeah a little bit early
36477s for the curses
36482s ew
36483s i think i just want a temple out of
36485s cultist
36487s have bran in hand but
36489s i mean
36492s bran is like your finisher and if you
36495s don't play the cultist here
36497s you're not
36498s playing anything this turn i don't yeah
36499s and that's not enough pressure we saw it
36501s as lloyd did in the reverse of this
36503s right just threw away
36505s caution really and obviously had a
36507s better hand as well but
36509s um
36510s just gotta play minions
36511s you gotta spend the mana to ramp up the
36513s curses as well like
36515s yes this could be two curses later if
36518s you hold it but
36519s you could still get two curses later if
36521s you hold it with zaku or the second
36523s cultist
36524s and those two curses will have dealt
36525s more damage because you spent the three
36527s mana so
36532s well drew the reef is actually uh
36534s a nice little uh nice little pick up
36536s here we're looking for earthen scales
36540s earthen scales would have allowed a 3-3
36541s to come out with topiar
36543s and gain some much-needed health these
36545s do not gain health
36551s now topia is a little bit of a
36555s slow turn so
36557s switching to a car that actually slows
36559s everything down i like it yep
36562s perfectly fine to fill up the hand here
36564s it blocks additional curses
36566s come out from pascoa and this curse will
36567s go away to be in the turn which would
36569s allow selection to still draw a card
36574s this is
36579s problematic
36580s and scale in hand to pump the genetics
36583s and clear the board zlawy is in such an
36586s amazing spot here
36591s not over because he is quite low and you
36593s know pascal's going to have curses and
36595s stuff but pascal's hands just not
36597s great
36601s if slowly just keeps his hand at nine or
36603s ten cards he's got all the stuff he
36605s needs anyway even if he does have to
36606s wait hold on this is a lot of damage
36608s there's one damage from the curse in
36610s hand
36611s this is going to push 9 20
36614s this is lethal
36615s okay i'll take your foot no it's one off
36617s is it one off
36619s 20
36620s plus the one damage
36624s it's one off
36629s okay
36632s thank you for
36634s me in check there though i haven't seen
36635s it at all well with the abyssal wave
36639s and saw silicrucian having no way to
36641s gain health outside of cyber today which
36643s is not big
36645s i think it's just six not seven
36650s this should be game
36654s yep
36655s wow okay his hand up
36658s well spotted tj i thought i was over the
36660s other way
36661s yeah no that was uh that's enough for
36663s pascal obviously i didn't get the
36666s um
36669s oh it's just gonna do this little
36671s uh didn't get the curses in hand from
36673s the double drag below but it was just
36674s the damage that he needed and it still
36676s actually ramps up the curses so that the
36679s curses in the future would have done
36680s more it just doesn't put the curses in
36681s the hand
36683s um
36684s so
36685s uh
36686s like it wasn't completely wasted even if
36688s that game had gotten longer like even if
36690s there was a big minion plus an earthen
36692s scales and a board clear which i never
36694s count anything out when it's true it
36697s uh so happens i thought i thought it was
36699s just over i thought it was gonna be
36700s scared into genathious into that synapse
36702s thank you but like you said there was so
36704s much damage there from the spells
36707s allowing him to get the damage through
36709s yeah my concern was board space but i
36712s forgot that the uh library activation
36714s actually cleaned up a board space i
36716s thought it was gonna have to sack a
36717s minion or two in order to actually make
36718s space for the tamson so my initial count
36721s was
36722s four damage off like what he was looking
36724s at five
36726s but
36727s um this ended up being quite good
36729s actually needed to trade in the one once
36731s anyway so i don't know where i got
36732s five off
36734s but
36735s nonetheless
36737s that's a nice one for pascoa we're going
36738s to a game five it's mage versus
36741s warlock and the mage for zoy grousian is
36744s a
36746s like the same
36748s as what pascoa played
36750s it's very very similar the whole um the
36752s whole lineup is very similar on both
36754s sides just some tech choice differences
36756s 30 cards
36758s 30 cards one spammy
36761s 30 cards one spammy and none of the
36763s other stuff that two starfish
36769s oh jeez okay here we go
36773s so like we said like an hour ago how
36775s this match is going to go
36777s it could go on serve and come down to
36779s mage versus warlock at the end and then
36781s we said but it probably won't well guess
36783s what it did
36785s here we are
36788s who's in with a decent
36791s match-up in game five all coming from
36793s winning the mirror
36795s in game one
36798s or whatever it was
36802s some hearthstone has happened at some
36804s point in the past winning the queue or
36807s internal i i don't know it's a long time
36808s ago all right we go
36811s lord grusian
36813s the benefit of only playing 30 cards is
36816s your mulligans tend to look a lot better
36819s they really do
36821s oh apprentice
36827s all right so one one imps aren't getting
36828s through this game what about the three
36830s twos
36831s the three threes
36835s [Music]
36837s this is gonna be a lot of pressure
36839s sanctum is good
36842s melinda is gonna be fantastic
36845s having picked up the room though less
36846s likely to pick up the room it's not as
36848s good
36849s but pascal's putting on the pressure and
36851s zoid grousings only starting with 30
36852s health
36855s yeah but now he can just
36859s he can do a lot of things we can coin
36860s out the sanctuary if he wants to that's
36861s a bit slow nah let's just
36873s which is exactly what's gonna happen
36877s and i'm going all face ship it
36881s ship it
36883s i'm gonna get unshipped pretty fast oh
36886s sorceress
36888s uh it's not that many i guess a lot of
36891s times they start holding them like
36892s grimoires and touch
36894s yeah
36895s and catastrophes and things
36900s [Music]
36901s they're all very um exciting names
36903s aren't they
36905s catastrophe
36913s wow
36918s what's the
36919s pickup fire ooh grimoire
36922s coin has been expended though this is
36924s still pressure another three damage
36926s coming to face only 18 left
36928s yeah
36930s and we're still a little bit of ways
36932s from a belinda this is going to be a
36933s trade and a freeze going to take six
36935s more
36936s with the curses lining up at some point
36941s mage does not have infinite time
36946s it's not really feeling this again we're
36948s saying
36949s he probably will get thrown five points
36951s but maybe not but six is absolutely
36954s pretty much locked in you can see how
36955s much this one means
36957s he's always pretty emotive anyway but
36959s particularly today
36965s is that wicked ship no way
36968s uh-huh you could ship involve library
36970s you could have not a grimoire to address
36972s this board as well
36974s so much
36975s and that also gets rid of the spells for
36977s belinda
36982s and pascal is holding on to the secret
36985s one damage from hand oh
36990s the shutters
36992s plus five plus
37007s i'm almost out of time
37010s i can see what's right problem is here
37011s he's just going to coin barbaric and try
37014s and hit the coin next to him
37016s well i pass scores i i i think it'd be
37020s very irresponsible not to it really
37022s would
37023s like for multiple reasons yeah
37026s okay one it addresses the board
37029s two it dumps the spells from hand to
37031s make barbaric sorcerers not just
37033s completely blow you out of the game
37037s and it went face
37040s does
37041s and that that's it
37043s um
37044s yes because the secret won damage
37047s that's it
37049s secret won a secret one damage
37054s the coop of the top rope
37057s with the secret damage
37060s here it is
37061s exacties also picked up an abyssal wave
37064s next turn however but there you go
37066s pascoa
37067s coming back
37068s from behind in that series
37070s that curse warlock doing some work it's
37072s like the majority of his wins today in
37075s the in the in his series he's won four
37077s times with it across two series one
37079s being a loss
37080s and now this one being a win but
37083s that does mean that pasco is moving on
37085s to the cider match one more point
37088s and uh has a chance
37090s that means we're getting an america's
37091s player out of groups hey
37093s hooray
37094s [Music]
37094s [Applause]
37095s oh geez we gotta take the little things
37098s and that means lord cruisian will uh go
37100s out at five points um which is
37102s unfortunate uh one point this week a
37105s single win would have put zoro gruzian
37107s in a good spot to make playoffs right
37109s that would have put him up to six points
37111s five points
37112s still a toss-up right pasco is now tied
37115s for with zorglusion at five points
37117s if he were to lose it in this next match
37119s then that would mean zoro cruz would
37120s have the tiebreaker since he does have a
37122s top eight
37123s um
37124s but there's player other players that
37126s are at five points that have that also
37128s lost twice this week like fury hunter
37131s there's still a ton of players with not
37133s five points yet that have made it to the
37136s top eight like okashinsuke like chunsu
37139s like levick
37140s um habugabu is exactly at five points
37144s in the top eight so like if all these
37146s players start losing right and the
37148s players that already are above zlatan
37150s who's in the standings bonnie hopper and
37151s bly's
37153s super fake now
37154s um if those players keep winning and the
37156s other players lose then soy cruz still
37158s has a chance to kind of sneak in there
37160s but it's
37162s very scary at five points right now very
37164s scary really scary especially with the
37166s person he could have put out of the
37168s tournament pasqua is now one of those on
37169s five points with a chance to go to six
37172s zlo does have him covered on tie
37174s breakers because your tie breakers are
37175s your best results
37177s and zloy's had a three points and a two
37179s points pascal's a three a one and
37181s currently another one
37183s though pascal does need this win to
37186s overtake zloy
37188s otherwise he's
37189s really in the world of please everybody
37192s lose which isn't the world you want to
37193s be in hearthstone because not everybody
37195s can lose nope not everybody can lose
37200s we can definitely lose we've been
37203s we've been losing for years neal use it
37205s upwards all my career
37206s yeah
37209s that's describes
37210s yeah both of our careers quite well it's
37212s funny that we came together to just
37215s just one big
37217s losing
37218s one big giant loss
37220s you came to the right region as well
37222s right because i did yeah
37224s we've grown accustomed to it over the uh
37226s the course of the forever
37228s um
37230s and many esports
37231s not even just hearthstone
37233s uh but there we have it uh
37236s elimination match done zoro grusian
37238s first player eliminated from the group
37240s we'll have to wait until tomorrow to see
37242s if he's going to be able to make
37243s playoffs or not
37244s but we still do have one more match on
37246s the day we're going a little bit faster
37247s than yesterday we you know should and
37250s early yesterday assuming this last match
37252s doesn't go three hours which isn't out
37254s of the realm of possibility but alas um
37257s before we jump into that last match of
37259s the day the decider matchup between
37260s dimitri kazoff and pascal we are gonna
37262s have to go to a quick break but uh don't
37265s go anywhere we'll return right after
37266s this with the conclusion for day number
37268s two here at grandmaster's last call
37270s [Music]
37287s [Music]
37292s [Music]
37333s so
37336s [Music]
37402s so
37406s [Music]
37414s so
37418s [Music]
37456s so
37461s [Music]
37514s so
37523s [Music]
37529s [Music]
37536s [Music]
37542s so
37548s [Music]
37556s do
37564s [Music]
37577s [Music]
37592s [Music]
37597s so
37604s [Music]
37625s so
37630s [Music]
37638s [Music]
37648s [Music]
37655s [Music]
37662s [Music]
37678s so
37681s [Music]
37693s [Music]
37701s [Music]
37708s [Music]
37719s [Music]
37727s [Music]
37737s do
37741s [Music]
37751s so
37753s [Music]
37759s [Music]
37809s so
37812s [Music]
37834s so
37836s [Music]
37886s hello everybody and welcome back to
37887s grandmaster's last call
37890s uh this is our last call for matches
37893s today as it's our final match it's going
37895s to be the decider match between pasco
37897s and demetrius kazakh in all
37899s americas decided match
37903s groups tj we're getting out of groups
37905s here we go there's dark spot behind me i
37906s fixed it we're good
37908s uh we're getting out of groups that's
37909s right this uh whoever wins this match
37911s will be the only america's player still
37913s left in the tournament and thus the only
37916s america's player
37918s still
37919s able to even make it into playoffs
37923s apart from pascua but it's really
37926s unlikely very unlikely at five points
37929s with not that great of tiebreakers um
37932s dimitri win the tournament
37936s so it it's still looking grip it's still
37938s looking grim if you're in america's
37940s hearthstone fan uh but it's there right
37944s it it has presented itself
37947s um to us and we need to celebrate it
37951s as it comes yeah
37952s there we go here's the lineups
37955s uh same classes across the board we got
37957s druid warlock mage and rogue because
37960s both players have warlock we're going to
37961s be seeing a ban
37963s rogue kind of matchup here i would
37965s certainly assume
37967s yep and that's going to leave us with
37969s the the whole group has played the same
37971s four uh classes i think uh with the
37973s warlock being basically
37975s there's six warlocks in this tournament
37977s and most of them are in this group so
37980s a bit of a weird way that it's all
37981s turned out i don't know if that was
37982s because the players predicted what each
37984s other would bring um
37986s certainly i think you could predict that
37988s sloy would bring a warlock but
37991s hello
37992s but here we are yes you're right the
37993s rogues are banned no shocker there and
37996s the only difference really is in these
37998s warlocks one is the cursed warlock one
38000s is the straight-up imp warlock uh one of
38003s which is better against the druids and
38006s one of them is not
38008s that's right yeah funnily enough the one
38010s player without warlock in their lineup
38011s which was blize
38014s ended up just winning the group yeah
38017s um
38018s so you know
38020s it did seem like priests ended up
38022s putting in some work but alas
38026s we march on okay guys i'm gonna open
38028s with imp warlock
38031s uh so i'm gonna look to take a couple
38033s wins like you said this is the
38037s traditional version of the deck running
38039s all the amps
38041s basically you just put more consistent
38043s image
38044s in the in the deck as opposed to the
38046s curse package so you have access to sea
38048s giants
38049s you have access to demonic assaults you
38051s have access to more imps in the early
38053s game like the bloodbound imp uh in amp
38055s game boss
38057s um
38058s so you're really just looking to get on
38059s board quick
38061s and
38062s stay on board
38064s i think that's in keeping with how he's
38066s always played hearthstone
38069s like he brings the straightforward decks
38072s the not not easy to play i don't mean
38073s like that but
38074s if you can play a 30 card deck you don't
38076s play a 40 card deck as we saw with his
38078s mage if you play a deck that's
38080s functional he just wants to do the thing
38081s that deck's supposed to do and that's
38082s what he's always played like i feel
38085s yeah i i would agree with that
38086s assessment yeah makes me uh miss the uh
38088s the days of briarthorne
38091s um
38092s who did things the way the decks were
38094s definitely not supposed to do
38097s uh in fact many times briar thor did the
38099s exact opposite of what the deck was
38100s supposed to do
38102s um and still won games that's the thing
38107s qualified for grandmasters his own way
38109s and continue to play throughout grand
38111s masters in his own way which is
38113s something i very much missed and enjoyed
38115s um pascal we glossed over it because
38117s we've just seen him he's playing the
38119s cursed warlock uh which one do you
38120s prefer in the mirror i know the stats
38122s say the curse is slightly favored but
38125s yeah
38126s uh yeah because you have come back
38128s mechanisms
38129s you have more removal yeah more options
38131s like you have the best of both worlds
38134s but you don't i like the option of just
38136s being in front from the start and
38138s killing somebody
38139s well
38140s that just means that you're you're not
38142s on the coin so
38144s sure
38144s is it an argument of uh would you rather
38147s have the coin or would you rather not
38149s have the coin
38151s on the play has a one drop is looking
38153s for some power to go alongside of it
38154s though because one thing about imp
38155s warlock is yes if you're playing import
38157s lock without the curses you have more
38159s consistency in finding the early game
38160s power
38162s um
38163s but like these these matchups can end so
38166s fast when one player gets ahead
38169s that it feels like often times it just
38170s doesn't even matter
38173s because if one player just has a better
38174s imp star it doesn't matter what's in the
38176s rest of your deck you're just going to
38177s run away with the board
38179s turn six is often too late to go for to
38182s have like some kind of board clear uh
38184s both versions run grimoire and that's
38186s the the piece of removal that really
38189s matters the most
38190s yeah
38191s that's kind of where i was at with the
38192s i'd rather just be ahead and hitting
38194s them from the start comment it's
38198s yeah let's not have all the clutter but
38200s again the the stats bear out that the
38201s comeback mechanisms it's really close
38203s it's 48 or something but the comeback
38206s mechanisms are a thing in the mirror
38208s that are worth having
38209s yours is worth having in the mirror
38211s imps
38216s though boyd walker can be an absolute
38218s menace
38219s in the early game which is one card that
38221s you don't play oh whoa whoa whoa whoa
38225s yep
38228s sure
38231s this gives a nice with vile library this
38233s gives a nice clean trade over the
38235s voidwalker and then you can even coin
38237s out a touch of nathrezim
38240s on the flame amp and have the board
38245s does look good so many possibilities
38250s i i didn't notice so i did but i
38252s instantly forgot how many cars pasco
38254s mulligan it might have been quite a few
38256s which would have let dimitri sort of
38258s make this play or
38260s coerce him into making his play i think
38261s let him
38263s wreck himself isn't necessarily like
38266s yeah so this place still would have
38267s happened it's just uh
38270s dimitri would have had
38272s or pascal would have not had a 1-1 and
38274s would have had a 2-1 instead
38280s so now he trades
38283s yeah
38284s because now bad things have happened so
38286s he's behind
38289s especially with pasco or three keeping i
38291s don't know
38292s whatever it was a three keep was it yeah
38293s then i like it a lot less sorry
38297s yeah
38299s the only card i threw away in the
38300s mulligan was i believe the abyssal wave
38302s yeah then i like it a lot less if it's a
38304s three keep then you sort of gotta assume
38306s that stuff is there and you're gonna get
38307s punished i think
38308s yeah
38310s it is what it is
38318s now
38319s oh oh no one off what off
38326s oh you want to play both you know i see
38328s i want to play the imp and the giant
38330s yeah i guess you could play wicked
38332s shipment
38334s giant
38335s sure
38337s and that would leave you with one mana
38338s you could trade the bartender nah
38341s nope i like them
38346s double
38347s trade
38348s it's a lot of stuff
38351s yeah
38353s and then next turn you've got shipment
38355s and giant or you're winning
38357s yeah
38358s yeah all your opponents done nothing so
38360s cool you got shipment and giant or if um
38364s your board sticks you got shady
38365s bartender
38367s i think mischievous simple opens up the
38368s most opportunities
38371s uh
38373s for dimitri kaz off in the future
38378s though
38383s so he's doing that
38391s feel like he has managed to sort of
38393s negate the coin quite well here
38396s yeah
38398s he's not going to be a head-on man of
38399s the whole game obviously that's what i
38401s mean by that comment
38403s oh how much does this imp need oh no
38406s it's already infused it says right there
38409s used
38410s uh-huh it's just not golden so it
38411s doesn't get as like
38413s you know yeah
38415s nsa gets me every time
38419s card should be like dancing around when
38420s it's infused
38440s one minor to make everything happen here
38449s the wicked shipment and then
38453s impending catastrophe
38454s i think so
38456s because you can
38460s is tempting just because it's another
38462s thing on the board it's always nice
38467s um
38469s yeah with bartender as your followers
38477s it's not spectacular though so it's a
38479s really tough call because this is your
38481s last chance to get a good catastrophe
38482s probably as well so okay
38485s dependent catastrophe if he's playing
38487s minions has two more mana to work with
38490s in order to play stuff for uh c giant
38493s yeah i'm just gonna go blood down dip c
38495s giant
38500s and probably trade over a 1-1
38504s yeah
38505s i can't
38506s try and limit the amount of imps on the
38507s board and uh the trades become awkward
38512s okay fine taking that down means that
38514s the giant can't be killed by just the
38516s board alone
38517s yeah all right and here's where we're
38519s entering the territory where pascal's
38521s hand is going to get a lot less
38522s consistent
38524s um
38528s less consistent more comebacky though as
38530s you were saying a minute ago
38532s yes
38533s because you you like let's say you pick
38535s up an abyssal wave and then you have
38536s lady dark bane then
38538s like
38539s as long as you can kill off the first
38542s whatever they're called
38544s i don't even know i can't remember i did
38546s know i made sure i knew and now i don't
38548s know
38551s they're shames
38571s hope they don't have a wave and all is
38574s good
38575s yeah but even if they have a wave the
38577s thing that you make big
38579s will still be there and still be big
38586s and you're probably doing it on the 1-1
38588s so you can get a trade over on the
38589s mischievous simp with the blood bound it
38592s generally don't want blood bound to
38593s stick around too long so eventually
38594s you'll stop attacking with it so you
38596s don't take too much damage yeah
38599s but the payoff for
38601s that play
38603s the finger circle plus library
38605s would be
38607s bartender however
38610s it would fill up the board
38614s again i have the opinion that if you
38615s fill up the board and you've still got a
38617s full board when it comes back to you
38619s cool
38621s true i mean
38623s the vast majority of them are going to
38624s be one ones
38626s but one of them
38639s yeah sort of splitting the difference a
38640s bit right yeah not really though like
38645s you're left with a 4-3 at the end of it
38648s no but this also
38652s um i think sets up lethal in the world
38655s where they don't have it
38657s might be wrong i might miss counting one
38659s two three
38660s so many not quite
38665s they have 14 on board
38667s it's seven more
38669s if they do have it two wimps even if you
38671s put two more ramps plus
38673s a library it's still not enough
38675s if you get double vile library and one
38677s amp it's still not enough
38679s you bartender still not enough
38681s oh bartender plus library yep it's
38683s enough okay
38685s bartender plus library is
38688s an extra
38690s eight so yes yes
38692s no so if pascal it doesn't clear
38695s yeah that's it
38697s so in the world where
38698s yeah he doesn't clear you win in the
38700s world where he does clear you've still
38701s got the backup plan of sort of library
38704s circle
38705s player thing it's fine right because
38706s they just waited
38708s and not everything would die in that
38709s world anyway
38713s but it's all good
38714s oh not much time to work with here all
38716s right just gonna play the lady dark man
38717s and yep that'll be it
38719s assuming dimitri spots it
38721s is i believe 22 points of damage with
38724s bartender plus val library i think two
38726s wimps
38728s that's uh plus two plus two
38731s there's 14 16 and then bartender adds
38733s another six that's 22.
38736s there you go game one
38738s in the bag for dimitri kazoff wins the
38741s uh in warlock
38743s kind of mirror kind of not here
38746s very nice he says i'm pretty sure this
38748s is the sort of play that he makes a lot
38750s of but again
38751s you know
38752s is is pretty good hearthstone without
38753s being amazing blow you away hearthstone
38756s this is what he's got known for for his
38759s his precise play in that regard and that
38761s was really tiny two-tone setup
38763s just like being safe
38765s yeah he makes the statistically correct
38767s play
38770s that's what he does that's a dimitri
38772s dimitri statistically correct kaz off
38775s that's that's what they call him be
38776s calling him that for years cleared up
38778s for years tj big win as we've talked
38780s about before in some other mirrors in
38782s this particularly in this last hero
38784s standing setup uh the warlocks are there
38787s to take down druids and your opponent
38789s doesn't have one anymore and you still
38790s do
38792s that's the long and short of it so big
38794s win getting that first win in any mirror
38797s the way this this meta pans out
38798s especially in this group
38800s and dimitri
38801s trying to win those one at a time
38804s all the way to victory this week to get
38805s into that top eight and keep things
38807s rolling and unsurprisingly oscar is
38810s queueing the big spell mage
38812s yep this deck can still get run over by
38815s amber lock as we've seen
38818s any deck can get run over by import lock
38821s they get run over a little bit slower
38822s than they once did and by once did i
38824s mean a week ago
38826s a one vale library had a base plus one
38828s plus one and then plus one plus one for
38830s each in but now you don't get the base
38832s it's just plus one plus one for each
38833s chimp
38835s that's it that's the only thing that's
38836s changed still can make big stuff
38838s [Music]
38842s this should be on four and then coined
38844s uh imp king or farm on five
38848s dimitri's hand he's feeling this because
38851s if he wins this game he's got the druid
38852s to come yeah he's barbing
38856s we don't see him very often no i know
38858s that's what i'm saying when dimitri's
38859s bobbing you know something's up
38864s if he starts weaving oh jeez then
38867s weaving
38871s then you know something's happened
38873s uh
38875s something's happened
38879s it happened
38883s it's okay he's got 40 health
38886s uh-huh
38890s and he's got a ping and a freeze and a
38892s spammy okay that spammy is gonna be
38895s either very well worked or very late
38898s really yeah this is uh not a bad
38900s opening
38903s for pasco
38905s parrot not the best but
38908s all we're missing is a a belinda on six
38910s to follow the spammy
38913s and
38915s then a roon and then a parrot
38918s i'm looking to see how dimitri works
38919s this now he's got double library
38923s yeah double library is interesting right
38926s because if pascal's an early board it
38928s can clean up the imps consistently
38931s then
38934s like you're never getting a big library
38940s starfish
38946s yep so we go this is the easy part i can
38948s do this
38949s yep
38950s this makes it so there's no value trade
38952s available for the librarian
38954s makes it so you're guaranteed nearly
38956s guaranteed to have a library return next
38958s turn
38960s it's ju it's libraries all the way down
38963s yeah then imps and libraries
38966s yeah
38968s uh which is funny because this expansion
38971s is based off of what wretched draft
38973s shadow lands in general
38975s but raven draft primarily
38978s and why is that funny impson libraries
38980s goes all the way back neil okay
38983s all the way back to karazhan
38986s right
38987s right i'm listening
38988s keep going
38990s that's it medivh's castle
38993s so uh impson libraries also would have
38995s fit the theme for
38997s one night in karazhan
38999s i don't know that wouldn't be a very
39001s good party would it
39005s why not like
39006s you're trying to party you're having a
39008s bit of a drink chatting to some people
39009s and someone throws a book at your head
39011s i don't know that's not my idea of a fun
39013s time well uh what boss was it uh
39015s terestian ilhoof
39018s in karazhan
39020s a lot of imps inside of the library
39023s there's a boss fight
39025s in the burning that's it
39031s teresa and ilf himself is a demonic
39033s seder i don't know if there's a specific
39035s word for it
39038s um uh democracy cut you off because this
39040s trade's really important because of the
39042s spammy
39044s what trading into a 1-1
39046s yeah but trying to talk about world of
39048s warcraft lore here hit face and then
39050s carry on okay now you can carry on go
39052s back to the whatever the sata
39059s now i lost my train of
39061s thought so you're talking about the the
39064s boss
39065s something about satyrs
39072s no yeah that no that was it that was the
39073s end demonic seder and it
39076s like right before him is
39078s or in his room before you fight him
39081s is a library full of imps
39084s right
39085s a vile library it
39087s as it were
39095s yeah
39096s um
39098s all this is the expected outcomes
39100s so we can talk we can keep talking but
39102s i'm done
39103s you talk about whatever you want to talk
39104s about now that was it i want to talk
39106s about i want to talk about what's a sata
39109s uh exactly a horned
39112s let's look it up
39114s later um
39117s one of a class of lustful drunken
39119s woodland gods
39121s okay
39125s uh a man with goats ears tail legs and
39129s horns
39131s but imagine that just like more
39133s pronounced because
39135s also a demon so like more demonic
39138s the demons pronounce things more
39142s um not unless it also pronounces things
39144s they don't pronounce things more but
39146s their things are more powerful
39148s they're attributes
39150s they're uh their horns like a normal
39152s seder
39155s demonic seder big demonic
39159s horns what's the difference between a
39161s demonic
39163s a normal seder
39166s a
39167s tiny little cute little goat tail like
39170s poof like a little goat tail demonic
39172s seder
39173s like a
39175s a long demonic tale with a spade at the
39178s end
39179s and what about a demonic tata
39183s there's a normal potato they're all
39185s demonic
39189s all right well has been controlling this
39191s well but dimitri has been trying to play
39193s around sort of key numbers while we've
39194s been talking about seders and tatum what
39197s to do yeah i think we're i think we're
39199s getting rid of all this yeah um any of
39202s this
39203s yeah you don't want any of it
39204s the only problem is you know they're
39205s gonna be at the bottom of your deck
39208s yeah you do want them later
39212s at least the parents right maybe
39214s actually i don't even know like one
39217s rouge
39218s this should do it
39222s all right this is much better oh yeah
39224s this is much better oh yeah much better
39228s but awkward
39230s no
39231s just play another sanctum
39234s you freeze and you go fast
39243s okay now the stuff's coming back i don't
39245s do you want a deathborn though like
39247s yeah
39248s because then you deathborn then your
39250s opponent death spawns
39253s i guess you have more health to work
39254s with
39258s dimitri might be thinking wide board
39260s could be frozen touch or deathborn but i
39262s think i'd guess death born here
39264s i mean obviously i'd guess that born
39266s because i watched you see the death
39268s board
39269s but i think even if i didn't know that
39271s pascal picked the deathborn that i would
39273s guess death porn
39275s i think i would
39277s but maybe that's those girls want you to
39279s think
39280s and thus picked frozen heart i got it
39283s yes that's the one these guys are good
39286s wait and now
39287s dmitri can just rip the deathborn right
39289s now yeah
39291s just clear up and get a bunch of
39293s skeletons
39294s oh no but then pascoa gets to death
39297s board but then dimitri gets to starfish
39301s yeah but then he just turned out a board
39302s full of duties like that's fast
39305s damn it
39307s i'm almost out of time
39316s all right deathborne 10 is coming up
39321s and now it's just a game of deathborn
39323s chicken
39325s i'm not going to deathborn first
39327s yeah
39328s dimitri thought about that like he made
39330s that trade for the death board but then
39332s thought about it was like wait a second
39334s if i deathborn first
39336s this is bad
39337s all right so we got a spammy here we
39339s have one two three four five is the imp
39343s okay never mind doesn't want any of that
39346s death never mind
39349s like once you conceded i didn't have
39351s time to like take forever and beat you
39353s two turns
39354s well i'll have that oh my gosh
39357s what a game
39359s i'm gonna spend way more time talking
39360s about sages
39364s all right that's the warlocks done
39366s um
39367s [Music]
39368s but
39369s dimitri has the serve
39373s now
39375s good for him
39376s you go druid
39379s you do
39382s yeah you go druid
39384s one way or another we've got another
39386s mirror at some point to play here yeah
39388s it's either going to be a mage me or a
39389s druid mirror
39391s good spot
39393s yeah
39395s oh
39397s that's just
39399s oh yeah look at this death board it's
39401s great
39402s and then last second wait no i can't
39405s death board first because then pass go
39407s with deathborn he has one too and then
39410s okay i'll trade this and then gig boss
39413s and then he's just like i quit
39415s i don't want to work out this deathborne
39417s stuff yeah i'm pretty sure that both
39419s things result in me losing because
39421s pascal has a deathborn either way so
39423s yeah yeah i and that's kind of the thing
39425s right he was complete completely out of
39427s stuff his board was just getting it
39428s cleared there was like the juice
39430s there wasn't even a death board
39432s necessary for pescoa
39434s with just how the board was no trades
39437s there was a a spammy clear
39441s even on the six health because the imp
39443s gang boss just makes it it's just like
39445s [Music]
39446s oh spammy fodder right because it fills
39449s in every number
39451s as long as you have a one if there's nib
39452s gang boss you have a two you have a
39454s three you have a four and you have a
39455s five
39457s so this is um weird because this is the
39459s version of druid that i think a lot of
39461s people play ladder will think well this
39462s is normal but we've hardly seen it in
39464s this tournament
39465s so with the composting the living roots
39468s um the natural causes and a lot of this
39471s does multiple things keeps you alive
39473s early but also
39475s massively fuels donathios for an early
39477s when you've got the flipper friends as
39479s well so all your infused stuff just goes
39481s a lot better
39482s uh the downside is you don't have
39486s um
39487s a lot of
39489s big stuff you don't have so many ways to
39491s fuel the giants you don't get to play
39492s iverson all that sort of thing you you
39494s have a singular win condition
39496s in this deck yeah
39498s uh insider did atheists
39501s um
39502s which is why a lot of players started
39503s playing naga giants because even if
39505s you're scientists get stolen eaten
39507s whatever
39508s you can still just play giants
39509s battlemaster do whatever and and and win
39513s um now many times especially in this
39516s matchup we don't even see the sire
39518s tonight but not many times sometimes we
39520s don't even see the siren denatures as a
39522s win condition even without the giants
39523s right you can just like stick an enyxia
39526s or an insatiable devourer and at some
39527s point just stick enough damage but
39531s pascoa has managed to don grasp in the
39533s opening hand and that was the big
39536s difference maker in his match versus
39538s lagrusion in this specific matchup is
39540s just couldn't find the magister dawn
39542s grasp and couldn't ramp up
39545s enough
39546s uh to be able to get to the point where
39548s he was putting on meaningful pressure so
39551s we'll see what the keeps are i imagine
39553s it's just gonna be managed to dawn grasp
39556s but i can make an argument for
39558s mutinous and pelican diver
39562s and varden he can make an argument for
39563s all of them
39565s go on then
39567s no you threw away managed to downgrad
39569s just kept the pelican
39570s this is stupid pelican
39573s um the other reason this druid deck came
39575s about obviously
39576s was i think people felt they weren't
39578s abusing the ability of topia enough
39581s and this deck makes a lot of three
39583s threes getting early tokyo you can just
39585s win the game and get so many decks
39588s but yeah it's not so good in this format
39590s because we are
39591s playing with a band and it's last heroes
39593s so you don't need that all around
39596s balanced deck which is why people have
39598s gone for a far more
39600s buffed deck that we talked about with
39601s the giants
39606s what to
39607s do the opener though oh it's a big spell
39609s okay
39612s runs out on me
39614s yeah that was why um dimitri oh big
39616s spell master don't grasp anything as
39618s important right
39622s uh um it doesn't have the immediacy that
39624s it does in some of the other uh mages
39627s like the spooky mage right because
39628s you're not casting any spells unless you
39630s somehow
39632s get a like a belinda and then you cast
39634s like a a
39637s uh drake fire amulet you're you're not
39639s casting any spells from don grassman
39640s your hero powers just gonna be a two
39642s which is oftentimes
39643s too slow
39645s um
39646s you'd much rather have belinda barbaric
39648s sorceress
39650s uh nightclub sanctum right you much
39652s rather have those cards
39654s uh in the opening hand in when you're
39656s playing big spell maps and then uh
39658s managed to dawn grasp
39659s this composting is gonna draw so much
39662s stuff
39680s meanwhile
39682s pasqua's getting
39683s he's a spell away from having a crazy
39685s start of his own
39689s yeah but
39690s make sure cow's off is almost certainly
39692s going to coin nourish for rant next turn
39694s so
39700s you
39701s wonder
39705s go for the suspicious alchemist
39708s don't take something expensive
39712s oh yes pyroblast yes yes yes yes yes
39716s barbaric sorceress the pyroblast
39718s we could coin out a counter spell to
39720s slow down their nourish even though you
39722s know they've got a coin
39723s yeah that sounds bad
39726s i wonder four mana counter your coin but
39729s it does slow down the noise by a whole
39731s turn
39732s yeah picked our kingdom liked yeah the
39734s druid doesn't need i mean that's what
39735s dimitri kazoff is going to think you
39737s picked you pick the pirate boss and you
39738s swap with barbaric sorceress
39744s and you just launch it bam take 10 he'd
39747s hit
39748s pascoa just uses the suspicious
39750s alchemist as a discoverer spell and he
39753s doesn't care that his opponent also gets
39754s it yeah i mean do you care if druid gets
39757s an arcane intellect a lot of the time
39759s they draw so many cards anywhere they
39760s can't often try and
39770s i don't think you mind
39772s i want a pyroblast
39777s oh
39778s yes he just takes what it is every time
39781s that's how dimitri plays
39782s i'll just pick the best one
39785s oh look pasco pick the best one too
39787s yeah no double bluffing me i'm just
39789s going to keep taking the best one until
39790s you choose not to take the best card and
39792s then i don't care because you didn't
39793s take the best card
39795s yeah
39796s i don't want anything that's not the
39797s best card anyway i already have good
39799s cards
39800s i'm a druid i have loads of good cards
39805s [Music]
39807s that's a copy of a guff there's still
39808s another guff down there in the deck
39810s somewhere
39811s that's a lot of good stuff
39817s no waves
39835s i just need to get to nothing yes and
39836s that's it
39838s oh theater
39843s that's always good
39856s it's nothing worth stealing apart from
39858s bran
39859s the other theater
39861s yeah and the other theater topic yeah
39862s sure
39864s randy isn't even
39866s i guess bran has towards ceiling towards
39868s the end of the game right because yeah
39869s speak to the wind condition
39871s yep
39873s oh wow okay no barbaric sorceress
39885s this druid deck silly just
39889s [Music]
39895s i mean it clears every board until it
39897s wins that's what it does yeah absolutely
39911s oh my gosh the two best
39917s yeah sure have this earthen scales
39923s did he pick the coin oh he's going to
39925s coin theater that's always going to do
39927s steal two more oh my goodness yeah
39930s in the air can you like yeah it's
39932s theaters all the way down
39937s [Music]
39941s take the arcane intellect back
39943s i mean you take the spam who cares
39947s it's a little rubbish
39950s give me another earthen skills i give
39952s them a while
39953s a wild growth i might want one of those
39955s yeah
39957s spend three mana on it it's turn six go
39960s for it we got one more
39962s okay
39963s this is just
39966s uh reckless apprentice is interesting
39967s because it represents birth burn damage
39971s uh oh no it doesn't because he's goff
39973s already
39974s did
39975s he even get anywhere with that turn
39979s if there's seven minutes on the board he
39980s could ramp seven times
39984s he's very proud of himself
39986s because how reckless surprise works in
39988s other classes
39990s is uh it just presses the hero power for
39993s as many times as there are enemies
39999s oh with a brand on the board we could
40001s beat bro how does it work with the
40002s choose one i guess just randomly
40004s selects one so you could end up drawing
40006s seven cards ramping seven times or
40008s somewhere in between
40011s that that was a hearthstone turn right
40013s there that was for sure a hearthstone
40016s turn
40017s i don't think pascal was expecting to
40019s start his next hand with double urban
40021s scales
40034s because both hands are kind of mediocre
40036s made it even funnier
40042s and reckless apprentice see what happens
40045s let's do it and see yeah
40048s good time to find out in the middle of
40049s one of the most important matches of
40050s your career just do it
40053s i know that it presses the hero power
40054s for each enemy but i don't know with the
40057s choose one i'm guessing it randomly
40059s assigns so
40063s he's probably just never going to play
40064s it
40073s innervate right now we're just looking
40074s for topior and siren atherius like
40077s that's
40080s something i didn't like about this deck
40081s it's fine and you get there a lot
40088s but it's kind of
40090s a very one-dimensional feeling
40096s very good
40110s yeah find a way to get rid of the coin
40111s effectively i wonder how he's going to
40112s get that done
40116s and he's up to 30 mana against six we
40118s saw 16 at six the other day so this
40120s isn't like a broadcast record
40129s who prince reynolds in hand
40133s clear this with a spammy but clears more
40134s of his own stuff than his opponents but
40136s put the one and the four into the nine
40140s ah yeah i mean what to do i don't think
40142s it's worth it to do
40144s what is
40146s uh i think this is a i think you can get
40148s away with barbaric sorcerers here
40149s because
40151s you know there's an arcane intellect in
40152s hand
40153s [Music]
40155s okay
40161s ah but you haven't earthen scales
40165s yeah like earthen scales coin barbaric
40167s stores for us you've got to really mess
40170s around if you want to do all that the
40171s time has come
40175s the venezuelan
40177s market
40189s and the weight for topiar
40190s and the weight for genetics just
40192s continues
40195s with that in mind i think we might just
40196s see onyxia played
40198s after some drawing of cards
40201s yep
40204s just try and preserve all of those
40205s nature spells for extra strawberries
40222s all right
40227s fine
40228s yeah
40238s getting rid of those naught manners so
40240s that he can't get source first because
40243s pasqual looked like he was dumping stuff
40248s okay
40249s there he is the boy
40252s bran is gone however
40257s time for a rune
40259s here they come
40262s box number 73292 for this tournament
40269s oh counter spell
40278s i think he's made dimitri's board better
40284s this is all fine all fine
40289s promise dmitry doesn't want to do
40290s anything here because
40293s just a ping is going to clear up much of
40294s the board
40299s presumably he'll play the arcade
40300s intellect to get it out of his hand this
40301s turn
40304s really want to play the reckless
40305s apprentice
40307s ah still meaningless other board not now
40309s yeah not now
40321s there we go
40327s i'm posting safer than it was
40336s flip offense or scale probably scale
40343s costs more as well which is handy
40356s yeah take four
40367s i mean it's just jonathan's waiting room
40369s right
40371s he's gonna parrot
40376s play watch post
40378s dumping all of his rubbish yeah
40380s oh
40387s god
40393s are we putting
40394s four
40395s friendly flipper friends into the 3-4
40398s because we can
40408s you're playing sensibly because we can
40410s okay
40411s be like that then
40414s we've got an entire turn's worth of mana
40418s to spend after this onixia
40424s yep
40427s i'm just making sense
40431s you couldn't have 40 cards and 20 mana
40434s with herself
40446s no what does gov do when he gets to 20
40450s nothing out of ideas i realize but you
40452s know
40455s you should complain or something
40460s all right full potential has been
40461s reached double paratime here's a rune
40464s brilliance
40466s get a drake fire amulet nice cold case
40468s good stuff
40471s blizzard oh beautiful
40474s no max
40479s oh snap freeze that's a poor clear yeah
40482s build a board clear board
40485s nicely done
40491s why i hadn't realized that palette is
40492s they repeat things that's why they
40494s repeat spells
40497s three times today
40500s oh i get it
40503s because europe
40505s because i'm repeating things you see
40512s i thought you weren't actually going to
40513s reply to it like for the whole broadcast
40515s i was just going to keep saying it to
40516s get it acknowledged and you're never
40517s going to
40519s i thought you were really trying to make
40521s oak
40523s and so you just kept saying it over and
40525s over again and i realized that that was
40527s the joke
40531s [Laughter]
40533s so i was wrong
40536s but i was right
40538s yeah
40540s the story of our history together tj
40544s all right how big is this dinosaurs it
40546s must be up to about
40547s 18.
40550s official number pulled straight out of
40553s the bottom sure
40556s it feels about 18.
40560s i know for a fact game is going to end
40562s in the most anti-climactic way possible
40565s which is what what do we have what do we
40567s have left what do we have left let's see
40571s there's a muteness
40575s yeah we're gonna get all the way to
40578s fatigue okay
40580s yep dimitri kazov's gonna need like
40583s three
40584s yeah like three damage from tenacious
40586s like loaded up and ready it's like i got
40588s guaranteed lethal next turn boom mutant
40591s is going to eat the serotonin
40595s though it's his job then with that in
40597s mind to not allow the board to get to
40599s place where
40600s oscar was comfortable playing mutinous
40605s the whole direction not even active
40609s it's not even close
40614s let's trade this away see what happens
40618s get a different cut
40625s starfish is reasonable
40628s how many other uses for but what do you
40630s do after
40631s we're sure
40633s uh it's not like it's going to stop the
40635s druid
40637s she's like yeah sure i don't care i'll
40638s play a nine mana
40640s thing
40641s planted evidence
40643s he hasn't got his topia which is making
40645s getting repeated boards gonna start
40647s getting irritatingly hard
40649s yeah especially considering there's not
40651s that many nature spells left actually
40653s you know what take that back it's
40655s actually a good amount left yeah this
40656s deck's full of them yeah yeah
40659s double flipper friends there's a natural
40661s causes another wild girl it's another
40662s nerd
40665s we're going to go emmy plus starfish
40668s yeah
40669s nope spammy plus freeze plus
40683s watch post into 20 mana seems so futile
40687s my my body is getting sore from watching
40690s this game
40691s yeah just
40692s as you guys have aged 20 years but i
40694s don't think that's possible physically
40698s still no topiar so
40701s it's in the bottom eight but not in the
40704s bottom three
40708s nothing's just getting large though
40710s it is
40713s so tesco's health total is still large
40715s and there's no brand left remaining
40717s yeah it's gonna take a while no one
40719s makes mistakes
40721s so we got
40723s in the bottom of the deck we got aquatic
40724s form
40726s thorn gross sentries natural causes
40730s wild growth
40732s nourish and topiary those are the last
40734s six cars it's really easy to hit the
40736s topia first not really but we really
40738s like something
40750s ah i didn't quite see it just doesn't
40752s fit in the right part of the screen tj
40754s and it makes me sad and angry all at
40756s once but now we've got artists so we
40757s can't be angry anymore
40759s oh there's no way i can count right okay
40764s i don't know i'm not gonna make
40784s amulet are you kidding me
40792s this 10 damage going face is actually a
40794s big deal though it really is because
40796s that tenacious must be getting into sort
40798s of 30 or so by now
40801s yeah probably
40804s all right this aquatic form well
40810s so bottom two is
40813s bearish and
40816s what was the other one
40817s um
40819s wild growth
40820s i don't know
40821s i don't remember i used to know back in
40822s the day when i was younger i knew
40827s actually don't know
40830s it was a nourish
40832s okay
40834s just move the guidance the topiar there
40836s you go there it is then you can play two
40838s topiars
40841s let me get whelps
40847s now we get two whelps
40849s yep
40851s per
40852s the spell and all there's a few spells
40854s left
40855s there is yeah there's storm gross
40856s entries natural causes wild growth and
40858s nourish
40860s and then we also have a okay earthen
40862s scale
40863s [Applause]
40868s that's okay oh that's nature why would
40870s you think that was arcane what's wrong
40871s with that hurricane
40875s i don't know
40878s you make a shrubbery why wouldn't it be
40880s nature i just decided to second guess
40881s the developers for no reason it's like
40883s yeah they're trying to trick me with
40884s this
40887s it's shrub not being nature
40889s yeah
40890s so there are currently four
40892s drake fire amulets in pascal's deck
40895s there's also an ignite though
40902s but also dimitri only has to do 41 now
40905s and donathy is just getting up there
40911s a little mutinous though
40914s tucked in the deck
40916s yeah
40917s i'd love to know how close this to
40918s nothing is because flipper friends
40920s itself is just gonna be quite a lot
40937s can put a lot of health in the way for
40940s the bathrooms right
40942s um
40945s does that help
40946s because demeted and just put more things
40949s to trade into it to make these bigger
40952s like this
40954s yeah but there's not that many things
40955s left
40957s there's also an insatiable devourer left
40958s so yeah i guess there is a lot left i
40961s don't think he needs him anymore i think
40962s he must be getting pretty close i still
40964s can't see it look at the tiny turtles
40969s there's still two more records oh my
40971s gosh that's four more juice for the
40973s nathers that's it 49. okay there we go
40976s it's lethal
40977s 49.
40979s oh my goodness
40980s whoo
40982s all right
40984s it wasn't anti-climactic at all he did
40986s the 49
40987s oh it was hit that climactic we spent
40990s the whole game talking about like oh
40992s it's gonna come down to this it's gonna
40993s come down to this well
40995s to me she just got up to 49 mutants was
40998s never found
40999s by the way the theater was stolen and
41001s brand again
41003s uh by
41005s dimitri kazoff on like turn i don't know
41008s had eight man
41009s it was it was eight or five point out
41011s the other one
41013s oh yeah it's druid druid turn eight
41015s which is like real person term three or
41016s something yeah yeah he took a coin
41019s with the with the
41021s the the second out of four theaters
41024s all right dmitry kazov up 2-1 now
41027s in the series
41028s uh so now we're going to see druid
41030s versus druid we're going to see a druid
41031s mirror it's not a
41032s not a complete mirror though in the
41034s sense that
41036s um
41037s pascal was playing the naga giant
41040s uh battlegrounds battlemaster
41043s um oracle of elune ivis version i know i
41046s just said a lot of things but
41048s that's that's their oh look at that we
41051s can actually put it on the screen
41053s we have the technology i never knew
41055s these things came on the screen we
41056s usually talk about potatoes
41058s yeah
41058s so
41060s this one
41061s has more threats
41064s uh you can get naga giants down early
41067s and then you can end the game with the
41069s battleground battle master
41071s it's
41072s where it lacks
41074s in terms of like head to head is it
41076s doesn't play as many of those like early
41078s game
41079s nature spells
41081s right to mitchell kazoff plays living
41083s roots plays thorn gross centuries plays
41085s composting place natural causes
41087s um none of that is in the deck ford
41089s pascoa it's like all additional top end
41092s or like oracle balloon
41095s so
41097s yeah it doesn't have that tie-breaker
41099s giant denatures it has a pretty you know
41101s pretty big donut let's not mess around
41104s with that but it doesn't have that
41105s absolute game breaker necessarily
41107s without a brand in particular
41109s it'll still get pretty large
41111s yeah
41113s but looking for guff that's the number
41115s one priority
41117s and again the
41118s the dimitri version kind of more like to
41120s find it because that composting with all
41121s those early things makes it more likely
41126s but pascal's having none of it he's
41127s going to get double jimmy we can draw a
41129s load of cars and get a load of mana
41140s remember when i said we were going to
41141s have a an earlier day
41143s i remember that yeah clearly
41145s assuming that the next match wasn't
41146s going to take two and a half hours yeah
41148s how far i went into this my show me now
41150s about an hour and a half
41152s hour
41152s hour and yeah hour and
41155s a q a quarter of an hour
41159s it's a think term you hear use that
41162s yes that's a big difference actually
41163s between um how you talk about time in
41166s the uk and how you talk about time in
41168s america so 8 15 would be quarter past
41171s eight
41172s as a regular common everyday term of
41175s speech
41179s and 8 45 would be a quarter to nine
41183s and in the us people look at you funny
41187s probably because my accent but yeah
41192s you knew this you must have known this
41195s what what time is 8 40
41198s in england 20 to 9.
41205s what about 8 35
41207s 25 to 9.
41210s it sounds like you're saying the score
41213s yeah
41214s that's game
41221s but like oh it does not have a turn now
41223s 8 37 would be 8 37
41226s it wouldn't be 20 23 did not know well
41230s here in america that would be
41232s to 9. uh-huh
41235s a little difference between uh america
41236s and the u.s there american america and
41239s the uk
41241s what am i talking about and in fact
41243s that's americans
41245s 15 right
41249s yep
41250s that's how they say except they say in
41251s french but i'm not gonna submit the
41253s world to my
41254s then they
41255s and then they go
41257s and
41258s praise the uh
41260s the space rock that determines what a
41262s kilogram is
41264s so they can count their potatoes so they
41266s can cut their potatoes
41269s ah we're building on this broadcast
41271s nicely with a day to go we've got it all
41272s set up for the finale
41279s talk about getting set up for the finale
41280s though dimitri kazoff who needs to win
41282s this tournament
41286s has set up guff in the druid mirror
41291s in the decider match of group d the
41293s final match of the group sages
41295s chance to get himself up to two points
41300s where five will almost certainly qualify
41302s him because to get five he will win the
41303s tournament which is the first tiebreaker
41307s and no no one else on five points will
41309s have five zero zero as there
41313s that's their layout
41319s so really dimitri's played the long game
41321s here right he's deliberately got zero
41323s points the first two weeks so he could
41325s have the best tiebreakers
41331s because that's how that works
41335s he could have just won the he could have
41337s won the first two weeks then he would
41339s have the best tie breakers if you get
41341s zero points the first two weeks
41343s whoever you're level with is behind your
41345s tie breakers at the end of the
41346s tournament
41348s it's like getting a point for free
41353s unless they off unless they won the
41355s first week and they got zero points the
41357s other two weeks well then they just have
41358s more points
41360s that's different
41364s no they would have five also
41367s well if they got one then zero then four
41369s no if they got five then zero then zero
41371s that'd be the same as zero then oh i see
41373s yeah
41373s i see you would win then
41376s oh convoke the spirits that's the x
41379s factor
41385s yeah
41386s you've got a deck full of stuff i'm
41389s tempted
41391s i think it might be the best card even
41393s though it's garbage i wonder
41396s could nightshade bud ever be good
41401s eight
41402s to be honest it's probably flipper
41404s friends but that's the obvious pick so i
41406s want to go into the tank here
41409s oh man um
41412s time waits for no
41419s this way just goes into the tank and
41420s then just bails isn't it but i want to
41421s see him take convoke because it'd be fun
41425s we haven't opened enough boxes today
41439s as many as you like this turn
41449s three cards seems a good number of cards
41451s to have right now
41452s for two mana
41454s i like the number three i kind of want
41456s more though
41458s what if you go thorngro centuries
41460s composting
41468s what about if you go flipper friends and
41471s trade in two or three of them and then
41473s composting
41477s and get all of you go right now what
41479s about a few composting and then
41481s composting
41483s and then just because then you haven't
41484s got a composting anymore for later
41488s there we go see
41492s enough rubbish seven cards though you
41494s can dump some
41496s you
41497s can
41498s innovate out uh thorngrove after he's
41501s getting some mana or something
41504s he'll be fine
41507s make some space for some more cards
41509s lovely
41511s there we go loads of cards
41513s there's sarah to nathrius right on time
41529s oh where's the cop stuff
41532s moonlit for it i think oh how much does
41534s naga giant cost
41538s oh he's
41540s oh he's coming
41542s let's go
41547s okay
41555s oh
41563s okay
41566s oh no
41567s oh yeah
41572s hey
41574s oh this is good stuff
41576s this quality
41578s absolutely hearthstone everywhere
41581s all over the shop
41583s oh
41585s yeah miracle girl's gone so damaged you
41587s guys off knows three cards that are in
41589s the hand
41591s because there was two jerry rig
41592s carpenters played and only one
41595s verse for
41605s 18 or something
41608s oh geez there's only like
41612s four
41614s 10 11
41616s 12 yeah i think 17
41619s yeah i've been keeping rough track this
41621s time for the first time ever
41623s completely
41625s i'll go with 17. well like every time a
41627s minion dies you throw a dart at a board
41629s and then you run over and count the
41630s darts real quick yeah just look at the
41632s holes in the wall
41635s you just have darts but you forgot to
41636s get the dartboard so let's just
41639s how many holes are there
41641s um
41645s 30 but 13 were from last week hard even
41648s reached the wall without you just cut
41650s the holes in the floor
41661s how many before last week by the way i
41663s just missed i just caught that at the
41664s end
41668s if you play druid all week there's just
41670s like 7 000 holes in the floor
41675s all right
41675s earthen scales is tempting because
41677s health's good but you just want to keep
41679s drawing cards and killing things off
41682s it's such a silly deck
41686s here they come
41688s straight army
41692s well some wobble gazors
41695s moonbeam is arcane there you go oh he's
41697s gotta pick him up with the spirits come
41698s on now it makes a 3-3 as well
41701s actually pride's fury is nuts
41705s oh my gosh
41707s oh my gosh okay pride's fury is just
41712s cause you get another three three here
41714s and then you could prize for you at the
41715s end of it
41717s yo let's just make an army of things
41720s because with the nephews on about 17
41724s probably a bit more
41726s every damage to face is actually putting
41728s him in
41729s yeah it's always like one more than you
41731s think it is
41734s yeah this is quite a big insatiable
41736s devourer though the problem is pascoa is
41739s not progressing to a game plan right no
41742s to nathalie's in hand gupp's not rolling
41744s so we're not ramping
41745s we're not drawing cards there's no
41747s denathrius oh there's a guff
41753s yeah exactly though what you're saying
41754s now this catches it up a little bit but
41757s a long way behind in terms of turns
41760s and it's getting close to dying
41761s seriously
41763s it does have to actually
41765s pass on the guff
41768s and eat some of these
41773s glitter minions die by the way do they
41774s progress to nephews
41779s yes
41780s good
41781s like 21 or 22.
41786s what's this hand for pasco though
41790s i think
41794s well
41795s this play for pasco was okay i need a
41801s dimitri kazoff to not have a starfish
41805s [Music]
41807s he doesn't have any fish i can hit face
41809s a few times
41810s you can choose to play the scale before
41812s this guy
41813s should waste something
41815s let your opponent kill him i guess
41818s insanity
41823s i'd be very tempted for me to just take
41826s the starfish here surely he takes the
41827s nervous you think of the enrich
41831s is that 20
41832s is it 20.
41842s oh my god what can you say about this
41844s deck think of things to say
41847s that's my job no you think of things to
41849s say
41850s all right
41851s i think there's something
41856s maybe about parrots potatoes or space
41858s rocks but hey
41867s so on about 21 danathius with six
41870s minutes on board is 27 with flipper
41871s friends in hand that's 33 plus i might
41874s have counted wrongly i think lethal is
41875s getting really close now
41881s like really close
41889s [Applause]
41892s and a little bit further away
41900s keeps checking that donathius so you
41902s know you know he's checking
41904s his lethal outs
41906s yeah we're at 20 right now
41908s um
41909s it hasn't died right
41911s i don't know i think there might be one
41913s situation pascal is an oracle away from
41916s an incredibly silly term by the way oh
41918s yeah one minion did die yeah so it's a
41920s 21.
41922s iverson and giants set up ready to go
41924s with 12 mana
41930s brad on the board before 25.
41936s if pascal can rip an oracle off the top
41937s next turn he's absolutely ridiculous
41940s we played a naga giant so
41942s won't be as ridiculous i mean bran ivis
41945s ivis ivers
41948s we're at 25 right now
41949s so bran would be lethal
41952s oh yeah yeah i mean he's getting close
41954s to just being lethal with the stuff he's
41956s got already
41960s yeah if you flip her friends and trade
41962s in every minion is that 33
41965s [Music]
41966s how big will this devourer be if it eats
41969s three ibis next term because of oracle
41971s brand
41974s why would bran
41977s make another ibis it just makes it
41979s bigger i'm sorry so i said three but i'm
41981s stupid okay
41983s three times the iverson four times the
41985s oversight
41986s it'd be very big large
41991s all it takes
41997s is just a brand waiting room
42000s yep
42006s he's being careful he doesn't have an
42008s accident
42010s probably just thorn growth centuries and
42011s then just traded in the two
42014s we're now at 27
42019s 28
42022s 29
42025s [Applause]
42026s 29 or 29
42028s and then next turn he could
42030s fade things in again from his hand he's
42032s still at the flipper friends
42035s oh my god make it
42037s what
42038s oh my gosh
42042s moonbeam
42056s honestly if these get right the right
42057s size there's three gardens it could be
42060s little against him next time
42063s this is helping him this is just giving
42064s things for flippers to trade into
42068s unless they get buffed that might
42070s actually help him
42071s oh
42073s oh it's happening
42078s 32
42079s oh it's the game brand was picked up
42082s oh i wanted to do it the hard way but
42083s yeah
42083s [Music]
42086s [Applause]
42088s 32 33 so this is 666.
42094s there is four five six seven eight nine
42097s health on board he's doing the flip
42099s offense first you flip her friends first
42101s yeah this is lethal in a million
42103s different ways
42104s let's see if i was correct
42106s i think it's 34
42108s 35
42109s 36
42111s 37
42112s 38
42114s 39
42116s 40.
42120s it was 41. though
42123s one tj we talked about i always you
42125s always whatever your count is plus one
42127s that's always what it is all right
42130s division counts off 3-1 over pascoa
42133s keeps the dream alive of qualifying for
42136s playoffs it's a win
42138s this week or bust
42140s for dimitri kazoff and you know pascal
42142s put up a good fight every single series
42145s pascal put up a good fight but
42146s ultimately
42147s uh fell short of the goal of making it
42149s to the top eight though
42151s that score still got a lot going for him
42153s still at five points
42155s probing probably not enough but we'll
42157s see given his tie breakers
42159s pascoa still going to the world
42162s championship
42163s yep
42164s let's not forget
42168s they're presenting an entire region
42172s yeah
42173s yep ah that's right that's right
42176s um so
42178s now it's dimitri kazoff's turn to get a
42181s miracle run and and go all the way um
42184s still a difficult road ahead for dimitri
42187s kasla came in this week like we've
42189s talked about with zero points
42191s but now has secured
42193s two
42194s points
42195s and the minimum i think
42197s after today to qualify would be five i
42200s don't think four is going to be good
42202s enough
42203s the minimum would be five four's dead
42205s now i'm looking at it now five is
42206s currently eighth place
42208s okay five is currently eighth place so
42209s it's up to tie breakers so
42211s dimitri kazoff needs to hit fifth and
42214s then needs to beat
42217s others and tie breakers so it needs to
42218s be which would always happen if you win
42221s yeah you would beat everybody at five
42222s points with tie breakers
42224s um
42225s because we haven't had a player win a
42226s week and then
42228s get zero points
42229s in other weeks and don't forget nobody
42231s else wins the week if he wins so the
42233s right people would have to lose to him
42234s in the right order for him not to
42236s qualify if you won the tournament i
42237s think
42238s okay
42239s so there you have it
42241s dream's still alive but blize and
42242s dimitri castle off the two players
42244s moving on from group d
42246s uh which does means that our top eight
42248s is set we have uh bunny hopper and
42251s okashitsuke from group a we have levick
42253s and habugabu from group b
42256s we have uh super fake and chitonsu from
42259s uh group c and now blize and
42262s uh dimitri kaz off from group d so
42267s we have a a nice little
42269s mix of players at the top of the
42271s standing and players
42273s very near the bottom uh in fact
42278s levick
42280s chuntsu and dimitri kaza all came into
42283s this week with one or less points
42286s yep and are in the top eight and then we
42288s have okashinsuke and habugaba who came
42291s in with two and three points
42292s respectively
42293s so it's literally just the very top of
42297s the standings and the very bottom of the
42299s standings that made it into this topping
42301s and the low ones are all in the bunny
42303s hopper half of the drawer
42305s if he just tears through that
42308s he could just put out like half of the
42310s tournament yeah
42312s bunny hop with the dream killer
42315s uh the the numbers next to them are what
42318s is their rank uh their their seed
42321s effectively coming into this week so
42323s what place they were in in points coming
42325s into this week so you have
42327s 13 13 16 and 10
42330s um and then one and two
42332s um
42334s i guess super fake was
42336s just reasonable right in the uh come
42338s into this had four points coming into
42341s the week
42342s so just making out of groups was good
42343s enough for super fake to actually make
42345s it into playoffs i'm pretty sure is yeah
42347s he's on six he's good
42348s yeah
42349s but the rest i mean
42352s for dimitri kazoff
42353s like
42356s you this is probably like the worst
42358s draw because you have players on the
42359s other side like okasinski and habugabu
42361s who have like five and four points who
42364s only need to win one and they're not on
42366s your side of the bracket so they're
42368s gonna pass you
42369s super fake's already passed you right
42371s i don't know it's gonna be an
42372s interesting top eight i'm curious to see
42374s what's gonna come out of it but
42376s one thing's for certain
42378s uh
42380s okay this yeah this was coming into the
42382s week
42383s yeah this is
42385s very difficult to pass right now because
42387s i'm looking at 30 different lists with
42389s the updated scores that i've got but
42390s yeah
42391s that's where it started you can see
42392s dimitri is off on zero you can see that
42395s already at the start of the week
42397s he could only get to sort of equal third
42399s fourth fifth sixth even if he won it i
42401s do believe he'll get if he gets there
42402s and after all the near misses he's had
42404s not not like
42405s heartbreaking india but very
42408s consistently up at the top of standings
42410s it'd be amazing if you could just get
42411s through it all this week and sneak in
42414s but the bottom match there caught my eye
42416s habu gabu versus bly's
42418s because habu gabou is somebody that buys
42421s would very much like to put out of this
42423s tournament
42424s not because of any personal beef just
42425s his habit like you've got a chance to
42428s to put him out the tournament he's one
42430s of the best it's one of your biggest
42431s threats you get a go to just stop him
42433s yeah i think that's a big incentive for
42435s this to pick up an extra point or two
42437s yeah
42438s i always found it funny that we've that
42441s graphic that we just showed we've kept
42443s it for so long will we highlight the
42445s player that's an eighth
42447s and show their their their picture
42449s because back in the day grand masters
42451s used to be split up into two groups
42455s though
42455s the the top of each one was actually the
42457s player that was in first place of their
42459s respective eight player group
42461s and so it made sense that you had the
42463s two two players in first place
42465s highlighted but now it's like
42467s eighth place
42469s we're gonna show your picture
42471s we've just we've kept it all these years
42474s and it we haven't had
42476s two eight player groups for a long time
42478s i think i think it was just the first
42481s was it season two it i thought it might
42483s have been season two was round i've got
42485s it here yeah season two was round robin
42488s [Music]
42489s so was literally just the first season
42492s oh no no season two was wrong robin okay
42494s yeah it was round robin within the group
42495s right no relegation i think so
42498s okay
42500s um
42501s but just as an homage to our our
42503s beginnings
42504s as
42505s hearthstone grand masters as a unit
42509s we still highlight the player at the top
42511s of the second row even if they're in
42512s eighth place and we've done it
42514s consistently for years
42516s by not having round robin efficiently
42517s with our broadcast though where if you
42519s didn't see the first lorinda tj
42520s broadcast you haven't been able to
42522s understand any of the others because
42525s they're all built from one foundation
42527s and they've gone from there
42529s yeah
42530s yeah to be fair even though it seemed
42532s like a lot longer we've only been paired
42534s together is this the first year or is it
42536s the second year that we've been paired
42538s yeah i think now okay second year so
42540s we've only been yeah this is our third
42541s season so three and a half seasons we've
42543s had together
42544s okay
42545s i i
42546s i wouldn't i wouldn't know unless you
42548s put it in the stats which that i know is
42550s not in the stats
42553s it's not you're right
42555s the pause where you thought just for a
42556s minute maybe somewhere there's caster
42558s pairings
42560s somewhere in there um but yeah
42563s uh and with that our show comes to an
42565s end and uh as is tradition um and
42569s by tradition i mean
42570s sometimes
42572s when i feel like it on random days neil
42574s any final words before i close up the
42576s show
42577s uh nothing exciting no just more of the
42579s same tomorrow but with the exciting
42582s payoff at the end of it we're gonna find
42583s out the top eight can't wait to see what
42585s happens
42586s yep find out who qualifies the playoffs
42588s find out who keeps that dream alive
42591s of winning grand masters uh should be a
42593s great day a lot of drama uh to unfold uh
42596s tomorrow as we uh stay goodbye for the
42599s last time for players in grand masters
42601s should be cool should be cool a lot of
42602s hearthstone games um but that's gonna do
42605s it so for myself from neil and from the
42607s entire broadcast crew here at
42609s hearthstone grand masters thanks for
42610s watching and we'll see you tomorrow for
42612s more hearthstone action
42614s [Music]
42633s boys
42636s [Music]
42642s [Applause]
42647s [Music]
42647s [Applause]
42655s [Music]
42666s so
42674s [Music]
42680s so
42685s [Music]
42704s [Music]
42709s lift evenly
42712s [Music]
42717s you haven't heard
42731s [Music]
42734s you haven't heard
42737s [Music]
42750s [Music]
42760s screams
42761s [Music]
42769s [Music]
42772s a
42773s [Music]
42782s [Music]
42785s toaster it's a blast off the top pesco a
42788s 2-0 up
42790s in the finals
42792s it looked rough for him for a moment the
42794s shard of the naaru was so clutch
42802s he set up a lethal himself with the void
42805s chart and shadow form on the next turn
42807s even if his ethic got cleared it was as
42809s good a plan as any
42818s there it is the bowel master off the top
42822s for yala
42825s [Music]
42835s [Music]
42843s [Music]
42847s [Applause]
42849s [Music]
42865s you