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913s death Knights are here that's right
916s March of the Lich King it's not even out
918s yet but we are here today with some of
921s the biggest names in Hearthstone and
922s they are going tow to frost bit and Tow
925s in our death knight show match hi I'm
929s Garrett I'm hosting live today from our
931s studio in northrend with slissa hi so
935s excited to watch some death Knights
936s today we've uh been anticipating them
939s and there's so many runes the frost the
941s blood the Unholy and we finally get to
943s see them in action super excited
945s something I've been waiting for since
947s beta that long ago I was I played
949s Hearthstone and I was like I cannot wait
951s to see what death knight looks in this
952s game
953s and it's here we're gonna get a good
955s look at it today yes yeah so excited
958s it's just uh do you have a do you have a
960s favorite Rune so far ah probably Unholy
963s but we're gonna check that out soon well
965s let's take a look at the format of day
967s one here and a little bit of this will
969s spill on today too but we have three
971s teams with four players on each
972s representing the three Runes of the
975s death knight if you play a little bit of
977s death knight and Warcraft you may be
978s familiar with this already but we've got
980s the blood the Unholy and the frost runes
982s and those are gonna be our three teams
984s but how many rounds are we working our
986s way through salissa so there's going to
987s be 12 rounds of of competition everyone
990s will play each other at least once and
993s sometimes twice for a bonus round we
997s will have scoring best of two games if
999s you win your first two games you will
1002s earn three points if you tie one one you
1005s will earn one point and you will get no
1007s points for a loss yeah we can see that
1011s point structure on screen right now
1013s those bonus matches are going to be
1014s interesting with the repeat wins netting
1016s you five points but you could
1018s potentially lose three if you were the
1020s initial winner yeah there's some
1022s interesting swings to the game here we
1025s have something called the Helm of
1026s domination you can go on a win streak
1029s and earn bonus points for your team five
1031s bonus points if you get a three-game win
1033s streak going and then consecutive wins
1035s after that will earn you additional
1037s points but if you win all 12 matches you
1040s will earn 10 extra points for your team
1042s but someone could shut you down yeah
1045s they might be coming for that Helm of
1046s domination because if you get shut down
1048s whoever takes you out if you're under a
1051s six win streak they're gonna net five
1053s points but if you're a really marching
1055s with your Helm of domination if you were
1057s above a six-win streak and someone takes
1059s takes you out shuts you down you're
1061s gonna get 10 points yeah so lots of
1063s different points structures going on
1065s here it's around Robin format but we
1068s added in some really cool bonuses and
1070s cool ways our cool comeback mechanics
1072s yeah absolutely and speaking of cool
1074s maybe chilling a little Frosty let's
1076s take a look at what death knight is
1078s bringing to Hearthstone
1081s itself
1112s not going to lie I have watched that
1114s cinematic so many times Melissa and I
1116s still get hyped every time I see it
1119s because just look at what death knight
1120s is bringing to Hearthstone and March of
1122s the Lich King as we talked about the
1124s runes already there are three Rune types
1126s blood Frost and Unholy you want to be a
1129s tanky meat bag blood's your game if you
1132s like combo spells but still bringing
1134s minions you've got frost and you really
1137s want to get your ghoul on yeah hold on
1140s unholies for you that's for me man I I
1142s love the the wide deck so I'm probably
1145s is more my Play Store yeah it's not just
1147s the runes though we have this new course
1149s mechanic what's going on with that
1150s slissa yeah so we're used to having a
1153s resource like Mana where you spend Mana
1155s to get your cards out but now there's an
1156s additional resource called corpses and
1159s whenever a minion of yours dies you will
1161s earn a corpse and then you can spend
1163s corpse with certain cards like this
1165s defrost card you see right here draw a
1167s card but if you have two corpse to spend
1169s meaning two millions of yours have died
1171s you can draw an additional card so there
1174s are a lot of cool ways to use corpses
1175s this is kind of a small way to use it
1177s but there's some really beefy ways with
1180s some bigger cards that you'll see
1182s through the day yeah and then we also
1185s have the undead showing up to
1187s Hearthstone as a new minion type there's
1190s going to be a lot of these on display in
1192s the death knight cards that we see today
1194s but I know you're out there you played
1196s Hearthstone before you might be thinking
1197s to yourself I've seen Undead before
1198s they're being retroactively tagged with
1201s that Undead minion type
1205s I've I've always wondered when they were
1207s going to be coming yes yeah they're here
1209s they are but let's see what our
1211s competitors going to be playing for
1212s today because it's not just bragging
1215s rights no no we have wonderful prizes on
1219s display uncovered from underneath the
1221s ice northrend
1223s you know bragging rights are nice but
1226s prizes are better and so listen you're
1228s no stranger to this kind of a thing
1230s we've got our breakdown right here first
1232s place is going to take home fifty
1233s thousand dollars second place thirty
1236s thousand and third place a twenty
1238s thousand dollars and you can see the
1239s breakdown per player on the right side
1241s of your screen there yeah I want to ask
1243s you salsa I've never been in this
1245s situation you have been uh competing for
1248s prices of this level before and you've
1249s also won prices this level more than
1251s once what's it like it's very exciting
1254s but so nerve-wracking because you don't
1256s want to let your team down that's the
1257s big thing if you're in an individual
1259s competition it's all on you so it it's
1262s not a big deal but when you're
1264s representing a team and you don't want
1266s to let your teammates down there's a lot
1268s of weight on your shoulders to earn that
1270s 50 000 prize pool so I know where the
1273s players are coming from and I know
1275s they've been practicing I've watched the
1277s frost team practice endlessly the last
1280s couple of days I've seen Blood also a
1282s bit so I know that that they really want
1285s to win this prize pool and I'm excited
1287s to see if their hard work is going to
1289s pay off yeah well speaking of those
1290s teams let's take a look at them let's
1292s meet our teams for our death knight show
1294s match today there you have it your blood
1296s you're Unholy and your Frost teams and
1299s all of the players they're in let's move
1302s right into team blood comprised of Tice
1305s cantaloupe Abilene and no hands gamer
1310s the first team right off the bat like so
1313s much talent on display yeah just an
1315s incredible team we all love and know
1317s ties he's just been such a great
1319s positive Staple in this community I love
1321s to watch the streams every morning so
1323s excited to see him on team blood right
1325s next to a cantaloupe and I'm so thrilled
1329s for cantaloupe to be part of this event
1331s he is such an amazing player so positive
1333s and I'm excited to see him at this
1336s caliber on this level make sure you
1338s check him out because he is an
1339s incredible player yeah Abilene as well I
1342s feel like every time I see Abilene on
1344s Twitter it's accompanied by a single
1345s digit Legend rank yes and then we have
1348s no hands gamer who can actually play
1351s Hearthstone with no hands through the
1353s use of accessibility mods yeah so that's
1355s very great he's such a great player too
1357s previously GM so he's going to be a
1359s great competition but they have to
1361s defeat the frost team which is comprised
1364s of Ali Strazza meaty bunny Hopper and
1367s the Frozen Regis kilvin uh this team
1370s here it's comprised of not one but two
1372s doctors so how do you beat two doctors I
1375s don't know a lot of brain power going on
1377s here but will they get a brain freeze
1380s I could very well Ali Strazza over on
1383s the left you see her in so many events
1385s and she's such a great player uh but
1388s they have to be out the Unholy team
1390s comprised of Disguise toast dog Fino and
1394s Hunter Ace I like Hunter race I let's
1397s let's get together on how we can make
1400s our hair as epic as possible I want to
1403s talk to you maybe Kibler we can make a
1404s group of course this guy's toast needs
1407s no introduction dog as well like this is
1411s such a mix there's so much raw
1413s Hearthstone Talent competition here but
1415s also some of your favorite streamers and
1417s personalities yeah Fino is just such a
1420s great streamer so um
1423s you know he just loves the game and he
1425s loves deck building and so passionate so
1427s I'm very excited to see him with this
1429s new class the death Knights I know he's
1433s excited I know you're excited you've
1434s been talking about this day forever and
1437s although they're not out yet they will
1438s be out on December 6th for everybody uh
1441s we get to Showcase them live today and
1443s tomorrow I cannot wait to see all of the
1445s action speaking of which let's take a
1447s look at our lobby match-ups and see what
1450s that's going to look like when we get to
1452s our first round here today starting with
1455s our Frost versus blood matchups that's
1457s going to be bunny Hopper on team Frost
1460s versus Tice on team blood as well as Ali
1462s strasa on team Frost versus cantaloupe
1465s on team blood who do we have in Blood
1468s and Unholy matchups the blood in and
1470s holy we got Abilene and Fino as well as
1473s no hands gamer and Hunter Ace and then
1476s finally for our Unholy versus Frost we
1479s have dog versus meaty and disguise toast
1482s vs Regis Kelvin which is interesting
1485s because I do believe that those two were
1488s on a team once together for the Dollar
1490s on Heist and for the winners may have
1492s seen a little chatter about that on
1494s social media some folks thought they
1497s might be on the same team together but
1498s nope here they are going against each
1500s other they are now enemies who will win
1502s friends or foes yeah but let's go ahead
1505s and take a look at our first featured
1508s matchup of the day
1511s which is disguised host versus Regis
1514s kilban like you were talking about that
1516s yep disguised us on the Unholy deck and
1519s Regis kilban on the frost deck
1522s yeah so do you have a preference between
1525s Unholy and frost at this point yeah so
1527s for me personally I do love the Unholy I
1530s because it is more of a play style that
1532s is going a wide token style so something
1535s more like the old school odd Paladin and
1538s stuff like that
1539s um murloc Shaman which is a lot of
1542s people know is one of my favorite decks
1543s so I do love Unholy but I know if you're
1547s more of a combo bursty player then
1549s Frozen's going to be for your Frost
1551s decks will be for you uh because they
1553s have a lot of these cool bursty
1555s mechanics definitely where I'm coming
1557s from as an old school arthas Frost DK
1560s Fanboy but that's enough about what we
1563s think we want to hear from the players
1564s themselves on their thoughts about what
1567s death knight is bringing the Hearthstone
1568s and maybe what they're most excited to
1570s show us today so let's let's see what
1573s our players have to say
1575s well I'm a combo player I love the frost
1578s uh attribute of course it's more a
1581s convolish I can try and burst people
1584s down and kill them uh all the kingdom
1587s but uh since I'm team blood and uh I've
1593s mostly
1594s um
1595s focus on the on the blood cards I would
1598s say that vampiric blood is my favorite
1601s card from the entire set
1603s it's a massive car gives you so much HP
1607s so much heal potential I love it the
1610s most exciting aspect of the march of the
1613s Lich King expansion is definitely the
1615s deck building when it comes to the death
1617s Knights this is something that we've
1619s never seen before
1621s um in within Hearthstone so the amount
1624s of variants that come up could come
1625s about just from one class is pretty
1628s awesome so I'm most excited for their
1630s death night
1631s the most exciting part about the new
1633s expansion I would probably say is death
1636s knight I mean it's the old boost answer
1638s but I just really I prefer death knight
1640s way more to Demon Hunter because I feel
1643s like with death knight there is
1644s something for everyone there's blood
1646s that lacks more control there's Frost
1648s that's more combo and then there's a
1650s holy that's like more mid-ranges so I
1653s really like that aspect of the Lich King
1655s expansion
1657s Ali absolutely hitting on what I was
1661s most excited about when death knight got
1663s revealed solicit which was how much
1665s depth there is to the deck building
1666s we're not we've never seen anything like
1669s this with the Rune system with death
1670s knight what do you think we're gonna see
1672s like what do you think the differences
1673s are going to be today between the triple
1675s Rune decks versus those that went two
1677s runes and then splashed one other color
1679s in there yeah so we're going to be able
1681s to see this today when you deck build
1682s with runes you can do a triple style
1685s where you have triple Unholy meaning
1687s that you could use one two or three
1690s Unholy runes but we also are going to
1693s see when people use a double Unholy and
1695s single Frost meaning that they can add
1698s in a little bit of frost elements they
1700s can add in the double or triple Frost
1701s though so I think we will see some
1704s variants in Styles you could go Ultra
1706s control or a bit more mid-range and I
1708s think we'll see that here today well
1710s we're also curious what you at home
1713s think we've heard from the players
1714s you've heard from us get on social media
1717s use the play Hearthstone let us know
1720s what you're most excited about with
1722s March of the lichting are you a blood
1723s player are you an Unholy player you want
1726s to bring that combo that spell and just
1728s sling ice shards at your opponent's
1730s faces as a frost make sure to let us
1733s know on social media we just let us know
1735s he said this he said I'm about to become
1737s Regis chill bin with my Frost room
1740s teammates Ali Strazza bunny Hopper and
1743s meaty
1744s yeah does that make media
1747s like a meat sickle no no he's the meat
1750s bag kill the meat bag frozen meat back
1752s yes yeah I don't know you think Regis
1755s can keep his chill I'm not sure because
1757s he is going up against his previous
1759s teammate disguised toast and it might
1762s get a little toasty in here uh he he
1765s might melt bring the heat yeah a little
1768s little spicy ghoul action with this
1771s guy's toast representing team Unholy for
1774s our first game uh highlighted here in
1777s round one yeah the disguise so it's on
1781s Unholy and Regis Kelvin on the frost so
1784s we will get to see how does that compare
1786s is Unholy supposed to beat froster's
1789s Frost was beat Unholy in an interesting
1791s fact I was kind of reading into what the
1794s players thought and I heard them say
1797s that they both believe that they should
1799s beat out one another they the frost team
1803s said we will always beat out Unholy and
1805s the Unholy team saying that they will
1807s always beat out Frost so they both think
1810s that they have an edge on one another I
1812s would expect a certain level of
1814s confidence either the caliber players we
1816s have here today that's going to go with
1818s the territory
1819s but yeah you're right you were telling
1821s me the like going into depth about what
1824s they had to say about this and they
1826s seemed very sure of themselves they did
1829s they seem very sure they're like 100
1830s always be Unholy 100 we always beat
1832s Frost well someone's gonna lose here I
1835s guess they could try it is but I believe
1838s we are getting into our first game here
1840s between disguised toast and Regis kilbin
1843s our first Mulligan of the day salsa I'm
1846s seeing some pretty expensive cards in
1848s both hands but disguise toast you know
1850s listen The Scourge is a really exciting
1853s legendary card available to death
1855s Knights using at least two Unholy runes
1857s but I'm not sure you want to hold on to
1859s that we just killedman making his
1861s Mulligan choices quite quickly this
1864s guy's toast having a uh having a think
1866s having to think yeah for sure so if you
1869s look at the screen you'll see here that
1871s Regis kilban on the bottom is playing
1873s the frost deck he is playing a double
1876s Frost uh single blood so he can run
1880s blood cards but they can have only up to
1882s one blood no double or triple Bloods are
1885s allowed in his deck and since he's
1887s running a double Frost he can't use any
1890s of the triple Frost cards on the other
1892s side disguised toast he is on a double
1895s Unholy single uh single blood so he can
1900s run one blood
1903s as you can see with heart strike there
1904s they kept in his opening hand
1910s getting into it now you can see that the
1913s Lich King has a very interesting new
1915s hero power hero power is a two cost and
1919s what has a charge ghoul that dies at the
1922s end of turn yes it's a 1-1 but again
1925s going back to that corpse resource that
1928s we talked about earlier
1930s those ghouls off your hero power do
1932s count towards that corpse counter we get
1934s Regis killed in developing the board
1936s there with one of the new death knight
1938s cards harbinger of winter this is one of
1941s those two Frost Rune cards which means
1943s you're going to have to dedicate your
1945s deck to at least two Frost friends to be
1948s able to play this well slow start for
1950s toast he's not really getting any Tempo
1952s he can get out but he is just you know
1954s using his hero power to really get those
1957s corpse counter going but yeah just kind
1960s of a heavy hand he does have a necrotic
1962s mortician in hand but it's not activated
1966s it's not yellow and shiny so he's
1968s holding on to it right now yeah the
1970s activation on necrotic mortician is one
1972s you'll we're going to see a lot today
1974s where it says if a friendly Undead
1976s minion died after your last turn we're
1980s going to see that a few times that is a
1981s common mechanic with this new Undead
1984s minion type and obviously seeing the
1986s hero power used right there from the
1988s death knight as you can see there's
1989s gonna to be a lot of undeads dying on
1991s your last turn because that's always an
1994s option for Death Knight with that gold
1996s charge hero power big discover from
1998s disguised toast he discovered the spell
2000s the scourge
2002s it is a legendary spell for Unholy
2006s players that will fill their board with
2007s random Undead yes now he is an Unholy
2011s what's interesting about discover too is
2013s you can discover outside of your Rune
2016s limitations yes so even though he is
2018s playing an Unholy deck he could find
2020s like a triple blood card something like
2023s a vampire blood something crazy but I I
2027s think it's funny we're talking about how
2029s Unholy ducks are these wide token decks
2032s and I'm sitting here looking at Regis
2034s like he's the Unholy player look at his
2037s how his five Minions on the board and
2039s poor toast only has the one and let's
2042s look at our six bucks to see all of the
2045s games for round one happening
2047s simultaneously we have uh as we've
2049s highlighted earlier No Hands versus
2052s Hunter Ace in the bottom left there
2054s looks like there's a hunter race going
2056s quite wide on his board already
2059s yes you definitely see that Unholy token
2061s that we talked about but getting back
2063s into Regis Kilburn versus disguised
2065s toast toast able to clear off a bit of
2068s minions uh but yeah so toast needing to
2072s really develop though
2074s yeah Regis getting an interesting new
2077s legendary available to death Knights
2079s running at least one Frost Rune which is
2081s the sarian
2082s quite sticky with the reborn Battle Cry
2085s and death rattle will deal two damage to
2087s a random enemy so it can help you try
2089s and keep border control but
2092s specific were their enemy can also just
2095s turn the heat up apply some pressure do
2097s some damage to face yep definitely a
2099s very sticky minion with that reborn
2101s mechanic that has brought back into
2102s standard with this expansion
2105s it looks like that's exactly what Regis
2107s opted for was putting on a little bit of
2109s the pressure no muncher this is going to
2112s be one of my favorite blood cards and
2114s it's only a single blood Rune meaning
2117s you're gonna be able to have access to
2119s it without having to fully dedicate
2120s yourself to the blood Rune but it
2123s attacks the lowest Health Enemy at the
2126s end of turn and it's got Lifestyle on it
2127s and it comes ready equipped with five
2129s attack you're gonna get a decent heal
2131s and you're going to get some significant
2133s board control from no muncher if if
2135s we're seeing blood today I have a
2137s feeling we're going to be seeing no
2138s mushrooms lots of no muncher action now
2141s Regis has quite a few options available
2144s to him as we're heading into the mid
2146s game here quite a bit of Mana online and
2149s quite a bit of corpses for both players
2151s five for Regis and six for disguised
2153s toast and that's something you're going
2153s to want to keep it high on today that
2155s new resource corpses ask the Lord's
2158s blood sworn is down this is the new
2160s legendary and it is not a death knight
2163s cart it is a neutral and it can be found
2166s in every single player's decks today and
2169s tomorrow every single player opted to
2171s put this card into their deck so
2173s obviously they find this card very
2175s powerful
2176s yeah it we were talking and it I think
2179s it reminded us both a little bit of
2180s pyros but yeah doesn't have to die you
2183s get the next larger more impactful
2186s version of ask Lord just by playing the
2189s previous version tapping out with that
2190s you know late game third version that
2193s does eight damage but also has that new
2195s keyword Mana thirst that will double up
2197s on that heat damage if you have it yeah
2200s the Panthers will be exciting to see but
2203s we look at what disgustos trying to
2204s figure out where to go here have seven
2206s Mana seven corpses does have a seven
2209s Mana card in hand yeah lortha martharen
2212s could just opt to double the stats of
2214s all minions in his deck but I think you
2217s know it's not a ton of pressure with six
2219s damage on board but it's still like you
2221s got to consider do you want to leave it
2223s up and he decides yeah I'm just gonna go
2225s for the value play I got seven Mana I'm
2228s gonna spin seven Mana this is the best
2230s way to do it so yep now on the other
2233s side of the board we got Regis Kelvin
2235s with overseer Frigidaire in hand this
2238s will uh draw two spells that are Frost
2242s or if they're frosted it will do two
2244s damage to the other side of the board
2246s yeah all enemies which again includes
2249s the face of disguised toes but Regis is
2253s going to get the rhyme Fang sword in the
2255s play it's a two Frost Rune cards so
2259s you're gonna have to be pretty committed
2260s to frost if you want to play this after
2261s your hero attacks reduce the cost of a
2263s spell in your hand by one this works so
2266s well with frost and all of the spells
2268s that they want to combo out
2270s yep it helps them go that very bursty
2273s Frost feel so if you like that first
2276s mechanic rhyme things will help you get
2278s there by reducing the cost of one spell
2280s every time you swing that sword this is
2284s the pressure I was talking about I think
2286s Frost really has the capability to apply
2289s the pressure here and we're seeing that
2290s it it all adds up all of that ship
2293s damage those cards that say damage to
2295s all enemies that you're going to see
2297s that across Frost multiple times and
2299s that's what just happened there with
2301s frigidara
2302s after drawing two Frost spells so let's
2305s see how disguised toast is going to
2306s react to this looking around okay eight
2309s Mana what do we want to do with this
2311s invincible in hand if Invincible hits
2313s the board it would be the first time I
2315s actually see Invincible we'll try as I
2317s might I still haven't been able to get
2318s this to drop in World of Warcraft
2321s I believe
2322s I'm glad you do
2326s and Invincible has is an undead Beast
2329s yeah a double minion tag there yeah new
2333s white unique yes it's new to the game
2335s love to see Undead beef
2339s it's burning another sticky mini with
2342s the you know the reborn just they're on
2344s the card text
2347s I think he might just he's almost dead
2350s on board I mean Regis has lethal
2354s um not on board but in hand and I know
2357s toast probably realizes that because he
2359s is facing a burst player so just trying
2361s to figure out how can I get as much
2363s damage off the board as possible to save
2366s face because I don't think toast has a
2368s lot of fuel in this deck in this uh
2370s Unholy style deck no that's something
2373s that comes more with the territory of
2375s blood and especially if you fully commit
2378s with the triple blood they have access
2379s to quite a bit of healing but that's not
2381s what we're seeing here and we're going
2383s to see these Frost spells that can go
2385s face go face howling glasses face
2389s howling glass ghost face
2392s so much damage and that final ghoul
2395s charge to top it off it does not have
2397s brush it has charge you can't go face
2399s and kills disguised toes turn eight
2403s Regis kilban living up to his namesake
2406s and taking the first win of the day
2409s let's take a look at his winning deck
2412s and some of the key cards in there we
2414s talked about ask the Lord didn't didn't
2415s get to see the higher end of ask the
2417s Lord in that game uh I I love Patrick we
2421s didn't see that overseer frigidara
2422s though really put on a clinic I think
2424s that that was the turn where the
2426s pressure really got applied here yeah
2429s six minutes five six so really good
2431s stats or not the best stats for a sixth
2433s drop but it's drawing two cards and it
2436s has a mechanic to deal too damage to All
2439s Enemies so very powerful card and if you
2442s guys haven't checked out Patchwork in
2443s the middle this is one of the cards that
2445s Garrett and I have been pretty excited
2447s about it's such a good example too of
2449s what can happen when you saw it in a
2450s single room because this is frost heavy
2452s it's still for us blood but look at the
2455s legendary just a single blood Rune gives
2458s you access to with Patchwork that is so
2460s much disruption built into a single
2463s Minion
2464s yes so like if their opponent has a
2466s sires on board something with life seal
2469s you just want to get rid of it without
2471s letting your opponent heal up with the
2473s lifesteal patchwork can deal with that
2475s quite nicely I just want to point out
2478s the neutrals like how many neutrals are
2479s represented you don't need to go full
2481s bore on your runes there are I'm seeing
2486s a lot of frost represented a nice maybe
2488s we call it a garnish we call it a
2489s garnish of blood yeah a garnish of blood
2492s it's a medium rare
2495s yeah and oh sorry didn't answers think
2498s we might see a little more uh uh danath
2500s today
2503s definitely but we're gonna head into
2504s game two of round tween uh Regis kilban
2508s and disguise tests were on the Mulligan
2510s a bit better of a mulligan for disgustos
2513s this time uh some lighter cards in his
2515s hand that he can use early including
2518s nerubian vizier Yes actually ends up
2522s picking up his second copy of that as
2524s well that's a
2525s card I think we're going to see quite a
2528s bit of today yeah it allows you to
2531s discover a spell and again like we
2534s talked about earlier you get to discover
2536s spells outside of your Rune so if you
2539s are running a triple blood you can
2541s discover a triple Unholy spell so very
2544s uh excellent card I know a lot of
2546s players put this into their decks
2547s because they saw how much power it has
2549s it was one of my first questions when I
2552s was learning about how runes function
2554s was like wait can I discover outside of
2556s my my runes and the answer came through
2558s very quickly like yes yes you can that's
2560s why a lot of players also protecting
2562s school teacher school teacher you can
2563s see that Regis kilbin just drew that
2566s school teacher
2568s um
2568s it has the nogling that can discover
2571s spells as well so again outside of your
2574s Rune you can discover we already know
2576s there's a cesarean in regis's deck but
2579s here he has the chance to pick up
2580s another one get past that that pesky one
2583s legendary limitation of deckless
2587s Pierre decides not to another double
2589s Frost card that refreshes two Mana
2591s crystals
2593s I think we'll see a nerubian vizier out
2595s of uh
2596s hose oh he's looking around oh decides
2599s to disagree yeah he likes he wants to
2602s get his board nice and sticky totally
2604s understand that so getting that token
2606s started going but Regis does have a
2610s little bit of a solution with cesarean
2612s again it's going to deal too damage to a
2615s random enemy
2619s I don't care about minions I go face
2621s yeah we're gonna see Bone Breaker in
2623s action here gonna deal two damage to the
2626s enemy hero after your hero attack so it
2629s keeps putting on the pressure while
2630s controlling the board but I love the
2634s shambling zombies they're so sticky with
2636s that reborn and they really speak to
2637s what Unholy shines at because even if
2641s he's getting removed think of how many
2643s corpses it is added
2645s to the count it's it's four corpses over
2648s the course of all of those Reborns now I
2651s know we can't see exactly what toast is
2653s looking at but he is uh discovering
2655s between obliterate anti-magic shell and
2658s plagued grain those are the three spells
2660s he was offered play grain is a triple
2663s Unholy uh so that could be very
2666s interesting in his deck it allows him to
2668s gain four corpses yeah we can see it now
2670s on this oh yeah we see it now it's a
2672s shuffle for crates into your deck that
2674s summon a 2-2 Undead when drawn I could
2677s see that uh but also anti-magic shell
2679s has a lot of synergy because he already
2681s does have some sticky Minions on his
2683s board so this is a nice buff for those
2686s so I see him kind of deciding between
2688s that or does he think he needs
2690s obliterate to get through some pesky
2691s taunt
2693s um probably what's going through his
2694s head
2695s he does decide on the obliterate so that
2698s is what his nogling will have as a
2700s obliterate just to get through any sort
2702s of taunt that might stop him or put them
2705s um
2706s give them a little bit of a challenge
2707s yeah now it goes back over to Regis with
2709s five minute available you know it looks
2712s like he's saying that this area was so
2713s good last year maybe I'll do it again
2715s yeah legendary into legendary how many
2717s in a row can I play who said you can
2720s only play one at this area no
2722s we're gonna see four by the end of this
2723s if they even die because they both still
2726s have their Reborns active a little bit a
2729s little bit of board control coming down
2730s with the added control of noxious
2732s cadaver
2733s yep that's that single blood card that
2735s he got to sprinkle into his Frost deck
2738s yeah but again the Bone Breaker just
2740s really showing how you can control the
2741s board but continue applying chip damage
2745s pressure as a Frost death knight
2749s this guy's toast is going to answer with
2750s tomb Guardians more low stat but
2754s extremely sticky and maybe not the
2757s easiest to deal with minions I do love
2759s this play he uh he chipped away at this
2762s area so that one cesarean trades into
2764s the taunt it will die and then
2767s afterwards plays the battlefield
2769s Necromancer
2771s to raise a corpse as a one two risen
2775s footman which you can see in that taunt
2777s right there now anytime you raise a
2779s corpse it's not going to give you
2783s any more economy for your corpses so if
2786s that dies he won't get a corpse for his
2788s corpse counter and he needs them he has
2789s zero right now but
2792s yeah I'm curious to see what kilbin's
2794s gonna do here yeah this is the first
2795s time he really has to react to that wide
2797s board we were talking about it's a
2799s question I think Frost is going to get
2801s into when you've got
2803s what kilbin has here with a double
2805s howling blast in hand yes it can help
2807s you control the board here but do you
2810s want to sacrifice potential bursts that
2812s could help you close out the game just
2814s to get rid of some tutus that are gonna
2816s come back as two ones because they will
2818s still have their reborn active
2821s yeah if you had a
2823s H that's a it's a little shaky here but
2826s he decides to go with the double howling
2828s glass face just to clear up all that two
2830s Health minions now he will have to deal
2832s with the Reborns and have to deal uh
2835s with that final minion unless he just
2837s decides to go face he does kill off his
2840s cesarean oh it's the minion so it does
2842s clear the board off and uh decides to
2845s just leave it at that yeah I think the
2848s random damage went where Regis wanted it
2850s to go that time
2852s we're gonna see the zero finally hit the
2855s board and discover coming back up for
2858s disguised toast has some more options
2860s here nothing triple Rune no we got some
2865s blood ah so the blood type he can give
2869s his hand one one span three corpses to
2871s give them one one more which has six
2874s corpses now yeah we know if it only
2876s consumed about half of this corpses it
2877s looks like that's the way he's going
2879s especially that nice Mana discount yeah
2882s it will cost zero to play and he has
2884s five minions in hand so it is a nice uh
2889s you know way to get that Tempo out and
2892s kind of earn the board back for him and
2894s another narubian vizier was looking at
2898s yeah or does he want to just put out a
2900s stitch giant it's quite large
2903s even bigger
2904s even larger after that blood tap came
2907s down but decides uh wide shoes I'm gonna
2910s do bone Digger Geist and Stitch giant
2912s getting one more discount after Geist
2915s hits the board yeah this is not what
2916s Regis wants to see uh so he's going to
2919s get his school teacher out look for some
2920s sort of spell that can help him handle
2923s and another howling blast anti-magic
2926s shell which you guys are probably
2928s familiar with from back when Lich King
2929s was in standard this was a spell that
2931s you got off of it they'll slightly
2933s changed a little bit tone down not as
2936s much stats but comes earlier at that
2939s three Mana cost
2941s decides to grab that howling blast
2943s remember howling Blast has a freeze
2944s mechanic wherever you point it so while
2946s it does three damage it will also freeze
2949s so this will help that 10 10 not attack
2952s for one turn keep that big boy down the
2954s first selling blast we've seen not go
2957s face yeah but with the 1010 on board
2959s You're Gonna Want That stall mechanic
2961s even though we're just you know sitting
2963s pretty healthy at 34 health
2966s but he doesn't have many cards left and
2968s I don't see any draw on his hand he has
2970s he has one more discover no he has a
2974s reduction in costs for spells with no
2977s spells in hand so the ruby in this ear
2980s will let him find one but the roommate
2981s of his ear also comes with its own
2982s built-in discount so I'm not sure how
2985s much renfang sword is really playing
2987s into his consideration there it's like
2990s this guy's toasting about getting rid of
2992s the one this area that will not return
2994s to the board afterwards it looks like
2996s we're gonna see some combo double battle
2998s cries popping off because bran just hit
3000s the board oh oh man he picked so fast he
3004s skipped over that was a snap pick of a
3007s death strike which is a new card single
3009s blood room there was a frost room there
3011s though
3014s yeah I really wanted to see the frost
3016s room but he went quickly to that
3018s lifesteal Death Strike realizing he's at
3021s 13 health and how bursty his opponent
3023s Regis can be he just wanted that
3025s lifesteal now there is another lifesteal
3027s option on the other side that blood boil
3029s infect all enemy minions at the end of
3032s your turns they take two damage so every
3035s single turn you'll heal for two damage
3038s per minion that has this blood boil but
3041s he already got one life steal does he
3042s need another or does he want to get more
3044s development on board with the Guardians
3047s and yeah that's what he decides which I
3048s totally agree with he already has the
3050s one life steal he doesn't need to double
3051s down he can mitigate damage through
3053s healing or communicate damage by not
3055s taking it yeah
3057s so I like that he got a little bit of
3059s variety with what he chose here and a
3062s top deck of bran for Regis kilban and
3064s again we're going to see that double
3065s nerubian uh discover another Death
3068s Strike obliterate or a plague strike
3072s dealing three damage to a minion
3074s oh decides to go with the death strike
3076s as well realizing he has no more way to
3079s stall the damage he got the
3081s first Fury
3083s thank you Regis that is a very exciting
3086s spell that I'm sure we will see more
3089s than once today frostman Fury brings
3091s serious damage and board development and
3094s stall all at once it has it all it
3097s freezes all enemy minions it is so I
3099s have damage
3103s and it's only for Mana it was just
3106s insane that was a massive swing turn for
3109s Regis putting himself back up to 40 and
3111s no longer under threat of the 10 damage
3113s of that Stitch giant but disguisedos has
3115s plenty of mana and plenty of options
3117s install more with getting the two taunts
3120s of the Tomb Guardians out has access to
3122s six lifesteal and removal himself
3124s through
3126s the death strike and still just sitting
3128s on three Minions on board that have a
3130s good amount of attack that trade well
3132s with the currency of the board but it
3133s looks like he's considering applying the
3135s pressure
3137s he just topped at the scourge you can't
3140s play it this term but he needs to think
3142s of how can I Tempo this out next turn so
3144s he's trying to figure out the best way
3146s that he can deal with this board so that
3148s next turn if he loses his board he can
3151s Temple out the scourge fill your board
3153s with random Undead so he got some taunts
3157s out with reborn that is a massive stall
3159s for him and if they clear the board he
3162s has that refill of the scourge now he
3164s also has the refill with the army of the
3165s Dead
3167s a lot of options for toast
3170s looked at using obliterate but decides
3173s to pass on it oh theater could really
3176s mess up the sky's toast's plan yeah you
3180s could just take this it's full
3182s information now he only has nine Mana so
3184s he can only decide am I oh wait no
3187s because he can use his weapon and use
3189s both cards in hand if he would like
3192s you could both use his Frost because his
3194s frosting will get reduced from his rhyme
3196s Fang sword
3197s free Mana go face for five make a five
3200s five freeze everything
3202s excited to uh
3204s pull the death knight emergency brake
3208s curious how he's going to throw a monkey
3210s wrench into toast's plans here with the
3213s otar
3214s we'll take your Scourge bees thank you
3217s you get to see him hovering
3220s yeah
3221s uh did it not work
3225s oh does it not work if he has nothing to
3228s give him
3229s that appears to be the case oh
3234s he got he had
3238s X-Men got a four four he got a four four
3240s out of this okay okay that Tempo good
3244s the minions are frozen for another turn
3247s and I'm not seeing any other taunts in
3251s toast hands yeah Army of the Dead will
3254s bring a lot more rush to the board which
3258s should give him the clear he's looking
3260s for he will not get full value though
3263s of that up to five corpses unless he
3266s makes more space which it looks like
3267s toast is going for right now he's Tech
3275s claims and winning six turds
3278s um
3279s so toast does need to find a you know a
3281s little bit of more health or taunt uh
3285s I'm not sure yeah well it feels could
3288s probably within six turns with all this
3290s stuff too Battlefield Necromancer is
3292s going to bring one taunt and with one
3294s more corpse in the wings for this guy's
3296s toes there will be one more one two
3297s taunt at the end of Disguise toast next
3300s turn unless Regis finds a way to deal
3303s with Battlefield Necromancer which at
3305s the moment is just glacial advance so
3308s glacial Advance can go phrase it deals
3310s for damage so he just needs to pick up
3314s one more spell or you know he can run
3316s the ghoul into the one two so that he
3318s can kill it in two turns
3321s and then
3323s it's pretty rough he's setting himself
3325s up for the win here he's putting his
3327s toes as low as he possibly can so that
3330s if he top decks any face damage he can
3333s bring this down but this
3336s and I don't think that's what Regis was
3338s looking for especially with bran on the
3341s board got to double up that lifesteal
3343s getting back up to 12 health
3347s Bone Breaker off the top Regis
3351s would have done it if not for that
3353s sireden Atrius yeah it's going to be
3355s able to get him down to 10 but that is
3358s it and the sky's toast will take game
3361s two
3363s meaning
3364s we got ourselves a tie the Unholy that's
3367s one point to each player yeah
3371s I do believe we're gonna be jumping
3372s right into bunny Hopper versus Tice
3375s already in progress
3378s both pretty healthy despite the high man
3382s accounts
3383s yeah so we see tices on blood over there
3386s uh and he's putting the
3389s I believe he's playing the triple blood
3391s deck because I do see a triple blood in
3393s his hand I'll get confirmation on that
3395s and Bunny Hopper on the frost team I
3398s believe he is playing the triple Frost
3400s Stick as well uh if I remember correctly
3403s at his triple process is pretty
3405s interesting he was running a dragon
3409s build like a dragon Synergy build with a
3412s triple Frost so very excited to see his
3414s deck play out not something I saw coming
3416s at all and I think it's super
3418s interesting that we're seeing
3420s blood death Knights experiment with
3423s those Dragon archetypes
3428s the 5-2 versus
3430s old favorite blood Mage soundness at the
3432s moment it's like not just cadaver is
3434s going to
3436s bring that board State back to nil for
3439s Tice
3441s could not on corpses seven versus six in
3444s the favor of Tice
3446s does have corpse explosion in hand
3450s so if he uh if he ends up staring down a
3453s wide board perfect explosion will help
3455s him get back into the game
3458s new astler the flamebringer deal eight
3461s damage randomly split and if he has
3463s manifest meaning he has at least 10 Mana
3466s he can do eight more damage a beautiful
3469s animation I love that animation so much
3471s and we're gonna see a baby ask the Lord
3474s come down baby
3476s baby
3477s your brother
3479s yeah it also had the Mana thirst too so
3482s instead of dealing two damage it's going
3483s to or it's going to deal two damage with
3486s that manifest yeah there we see how Horn
3488s of winter he is we've looked at it a few
3489s times in our games already haven't seen
3491s to use refreshes 2 Mana
3494s excuse me Hopper a little more overhead
3497s let's get a few more plays in
3499s I do feel like this is to be a nice long
3502s game between the two I could see a lot
3504s of health and stall entices deck
3507s especially with the mistress
3511s um this is a prince throughout the fall
3512s deck as you can see so just lots of ways
3515s to stall and I know that bunny Hopper is
3518s running a pretty greedy deck
3520s so greedy decks can work well versus the
3524s more control style but look at this bone
3527s Lord Frost whisper in hand
3529s this is such an interesting card not
3532s looking like bunny Hopper is considering
3534s it yeah so the way uh that bone Lord
3538s Works a frost whisper is for the rest of
3540s your game your first card each turn
3542s costs zero so that 10 Mana nine Mana
3545s cards he has in hand those are going to
3547s cost nothing but yeah there's a catch uh
3550s you die in three turns if you don't win
3552s in three turns you're just dead you put
3555s yourself on a timer yep you're on a
3557s clock you gotta win in three turns so uh
3561s basically you're gonna have to wait to
3562s play this out until you think you've
3564s developed enough cards in hand where
3566s you're like all right I can go for this
3567s I think I have enough
3570s so it's a death rattle so you maybe put
3572s it out one turn early or something oh
3575s major major bore control just came down
3577s from the triple blood Rune card of soul
3580s stealer with the Battle Cry that
3582s destroys all other minions and you gain
3585s one corpse for each enemy minion
3587s destroyed for your trouble yeah nice
3596s unless you're facing triple blood
3597s because it is a triple blood card so
3600s you're not going to see it ran in
3602s someone playing Frost or Unholy decks
3605s because they just can't fit a triple
3606s into their deck they can only fit a
3608s single blood but we see it cesarean is
3612s down again A lot of people are running
3614s this card very powerful legendary and
3618s cesarean does have that new Undead
3620s minion tag which means our old favorites
3623s like amalgam of deep gonna come down and
3625s just say hey I want more Undead me like
3629s the undead yes all true Undead cards on
3633s display here with malignant horror
3634s skeletal sidekick and noxious cadaver
3637s for bunny Hopper to choose between
3640s he's looking for ways that can he can
3642s get you know that phone Lord down and
3645s then just really pop off so
3647s I think picking the highest Mana card
3650s you know just the most value he can get
3653s out of it it has reborn at the end of
3655s your turn spend five corpses to summon a
3658s copy of this minion so it's a it's you
3660s know it's a double reborn minion that's
3662s a lot of stats on the board that his
3663s opponent has to deal with and I don't
3665s know if price has what he can do to deal
3667s with that because he does have a lot
3669s more clear and top decks of vampiric
3671s blood so much health added to his uh
3675s hero and health and it is additive so if
3679s Tice was currently at 40 it would have
3681s put him to 45 over 50 because of the
3684s Corpses
3686s yeah so it's not a restore Health yeah
3689s it's an ad
3691s very cool mechanic that I don't think
3693s we've seen that before where we're
3694s adding Health besides renithal
3698s no we're gonna see some more double
3700s battle cries off of azir on bronzebeard
3703s I'm curious if though that's a a combo
3706s we'll see multiple times today already
3708s have
3709s between room forging blood boil and two
3712s Guardians
3716s the tomb Garden NCI that's board
3718s development it's very sticky it's fuel
3720s for dinathrius he was already sitting at
3723s 22 damage oh man that's
3727s tomb Guardians is four is potentially
3729s four more ticks for dinathus on top of
3731s the ticks that come from the the death
3734s Knight's hero power of gold charge
3737s and both our players right now have
3739s Matthews in hand so I think they they're
3740s just kind of happy to watch their
3742s minions die yes like this is disgusting
3745s very on brand for Death Knight yes and I
3748s believe both players are running the
3750s guitar as well so
3753s and we see spammy
3757s spammy hitting the field a lot of
3758s players running spammy the players who
3760s aren't in the Unholy because they see
3762s how much uh damage you can do to those
3765s reborn sticky minions it's the file on a
3769s stick a three four Stick oh so bunny
3773s Hopper quite close to lethal having 31
3775s damage in The Sire so curious to see if
3778s he will throw down that bone Lord Frost
3780s whisper that's not two yet and then just
3783s try and deal with the board so that sire
3784s can go face you're already so close that
3787s I don't think you need to risk it with
3790s the bone loan Frost whisper that's true
3791s it's a big risk I could see that for
3794s sure really good example of what you
3795s talked about earlier about how bunny
3796s Hopper is playing a a fairly greedy deck
3799s yep but it matches up well against the
3802s speed
3803s and you know more moderate pressure of
3807s what tices that can put on
3811s another one down like we talked about
3813s earlier we thought we'd see a lot of
3814s these
3815s it should put him just out of range of
3818s sireden atherius is it
3821s and if
3822s it wants to clear no muncher with
3824s minions
3825s it's going to heal it's going to heal
3828s ties more because more muncher keeps
3830s that lifesteal
3831s that is true there she has a howling
3834s blast in hand that can deal with the no
3837s muncher without letting him heal
3841s um
3843s he also has you know remorseless winter
3847s the card that paladins wish they had
3851s remorseless winter dealing too damage to
3853s all enemies
3855s just like cons of great butt draws a
3857s card
3859s pretty nice so yeah it uses the howling
3860s glass panel like I thought so that it
3863s doesn't oh it doesn't heal and then
3865s drops that bone Lord Frost whisper
3867s saying hey I'm on the clock let's go
3870s it's not on the clock yet because it is
3872s a death rattle card it needs to die and
3874s look at the malignant horror I didn't
3876s realize at the end of each turn
3878s it would spend five corpses in summon
3880s another copy the old truth or those
3882s corpses real quick we bunny Hopper was
3884s sitting on quite a few before and it's
3885s now down to only one lowly corpse that's
3888s a pretty Barren graveyard yeah
3891s so I mean Tice does have some lifesteal
3894s opportunity doesn't he does he have
3896s blood he does have blood boils that
3898s would be a good amount of healing
3900s because that will infect all five
3902s Minions on the side of bunny Hopper and
3907s blood boil also has that built-in
3908s lifesteal yep using the corpse explosion
3911s the animation's so awesome so I'm not
3914s going to get any heel with that but
3917s we'll be able to deal with the full
3918s board so it just is trusting that bunny
3921s does not have enough in hand to deal
3922s he's just gonna clear the board off
3924s because nobody doesn't have a sireden
3927s atherius isn't that 41 damage that
3929s shoots me in the face
3931s but he does he does
3934s that game and they end up in a tie bunny
3938s hopper one Tice one each earning their
3941s team one point so let's hop on over to
3945s No Hands gamer and Hunter race blood
3947s versus Unholy
3950s quite the you want to talk about a white
3952s board don't get any wider than that from
3954s Hunter Ace looks like Hunter is already
3955s up one game versus no hands gamer
3962s players do great with this oh oh no it's
3966s gamer uses the patchwork to destroy the
3970s sire danathurist and see the power of
3972s that with grand yes he just leaves him
3975s with a zero Mana card refresh to Mana so
3978s the Horn of winter isn't gonna do much
3981s when he has nothing to spend we now know
3982s who kills the napius it was Patchwork it
3985s was password I did this he says oh and
3988s Hunter Hayes conceives with the loss of
3990s that uh sire demathus I'm I'm out too
3994s much on board just decides to tap right
3998s out that's our first round so good of
4001s the boys there's a lot of ties there it
4003s was the last for the tire was it 2-0
4005s that was a 2-0 it was a two okay
4009s Hunter race yeah
4011s yeah but all right that's round one
4014s we're gonna take a quick break but don't
4016s go anywhere we'll be right back with
4018s round two
4024s howling blasto's face
4048s foreign
4086s foreign
4112s foreign
4118s foreign
4153s foreign
4163s welcome back to the death knight show
4167s match we just wrapped up round one and
4171s we'll be heading into round two very
4172s shortly
4174s I want to know if I could take home that
4175s frostborn I don't think they'll let me I
4177s don't think so I think they'll get mad
4179s if you even touch it how fast can you
4180s run I think you're in more comfortable
4181s shoes than me today I am I'm not wearing
4184s heels or anything but I'm not the
4185s fastest runner sorry well let's take a
4188s look at what we just saw in round one we
4191s had some rather bombastic plays right at
4193s the gate we're gonna see a highlight
4195s here from dog versus meaty you're gonna
4197s see the scourge come down and just fill
4200s the board with so much value for dogs
4204s the undead of risen these boards are
4208s insane look how wide this was for Fino
4210s but look at eveline find ways to claw
4212s back into this kept Soul stealing
4214s getting rid of that whole whole board
4216s and earning corpses for every single
4219s Minion on the opponent's side
4222s Ali oh looking quite chilly versus her
4225s friend cantaloupe over there hopefully
4227s she keeps warm but ah takes so much
4230s damage
4231s that manators is insane all right let's
4233s take a look at disguise toasts deckless
4235s we haven't had a chance to we didn't
4237s have a chance to take a peek at this
4238s quite yet but we were talking about that
4240s Invincible didn't get to see you come
4241s down but you can see it here being a a
4243s key card to what toast is trying to do
4246s here just some really big value minions
4250s in his double Unholy Frost list here
4253s yeah you can see that they're really
4255s trying to get a big token board going
4258s with a large Hefty minions you can see
4261s that Battle Cry double the stats of all
4263s the minions of in your deck we got to
4264s see him play that card so just you know
4268s if you're into that style of gameplay if
4269s you really like to go wide make big
4271s minions go face this is the deck for you
4274s maybe not this exact version maybe you
4277s maybe you don't want the frost maybe you
4279s want one blood maybe you like the full
4281s triple Unholy that's where I'm
4283s interested in is the full triple but uh
4286s yeah this is a really cool deck that
4287s toast got to present to us maybe you
4291s want a little more for us that would
4292s have went first a little card draw for
4293s us or no it's there it's there on the
4295s defrost but let's take a look at the
4296s results from round one here we've got
4299s some ties but I also see a couple two
4301s o's there cantaloupe uh getting some
4304s points over Ali strassa there and dog
4306s over meaty oh wow bit of the you know
4310s the old school versus the new school
4311s there with dog versus meaty I'd like to
4314s see so many ties actually because you
4316s know I was really concerned that this
4318s would be at Paper Rock Scissors event
4320s where you just see you know control
4322s destroy aggro and this that and the
4325s other but we're seeing that there is you
4327s know
4327s some ties there it's not it's more
4330s balanced than you would think and
4331s overall tie between two of our teams one
4334s and team and holy still both sitting at
4336s six points with Team Frost down in two
4338s oh they need to make a little bit old
4341s school
4342s Death Knight Heart yeah there's so many
4344s comeback Mechanics for points though
4346s they could end a win streak from others
4349s they could get a win streak themselves
4350s so we saw that bunny I think that he he
4354s got the second win right so if he two
4356s o's Fino in this next matchup
4359s so you could go on the Wind Street and
4360s get bonus points so they have plenty of
4362s time to come back and tomorrow we have
4364s an exciting way for them to challenge
4367s more points we're not going to get into
4368s that yet but you have to tune in
4370s tomorrow to watch that go down yeah but
4373s you don't have to wait for round two
4374s let's take a look at our round two
4377s matchups so we're kicking things off
4380s with frost versus Unholy we've got bunny
4382s Hopper on Frost versus Fino representing
4385s Unholy dks we also have Ali strata
4388s representing team Frost versus Hunter
4390s race from Team Unholy who do we have on
4393s the uh the blood versus Frost matchups
4395s yeah we got Abilene versus meaty uh
4398s Frost versus uh the blood and then no
4400s hands game reverse Regis kilban and
4402s finally we got dog vs Tyson so that's an
4405s exciting one to watch two old school
4407s players dog and tice and then we have
4408s disguise toast versus cantaloupe so
4411s we're gonna see how these pan outs uh
4415s you know everyone's gonna face each
4416s other at least once from the other teams
4419s but we're gonna focus in on Abilene
4421s versus meaty that blood vs Frost maybe
4425s looks in the zone looking comfy
4429s we even have the potential to have a
4431s Helm of domination handed out after this
4433s oh we do yeah so Helm domination
4434s remember that's when you get at least
4436s three wins in a row you're gonna earn
4438s your team some bonus points Allen's on a
4441s triple blood deck from what I remember
4444s I'm pretty sure it's time hopefully good
4447s to see some triple blood cards while
4449s meaty on the other hand he's playing a
4451s triple Frost deck so triple V triple
4455s it's gonna be interesting we already see
4457s that triple Frost card in his hand yeah
4460s frostworms Fury it is
4463s probably I might be the card I'm the
4466s most excited for from the set it just
4469s brings so much power and is such a
4472s Capstone to what you can do if you fully
4475s commit to frost it reminds me of a few
4477s different cards what's that old Mage
4479s card that would deal five damage to a
4481s minion and summon a minion a random
4483s minion that was like a six drop I forget
4485s the name of the card but it was pretty
4487s cool and that it reminds me a lot of
4489s that in a mix of like ultimate ultimate
4491s infestation was what I was thinking like
4492s makes a five five does five damage and
4495s does something else it doesn't draw a
4497s bunch of cards like you I did but you
4499s know it just says yo do you like value I
4502s like value and it it brings it do you
4504s like to see it it's meaty starting
4507s things off developing harbinger of
4508s winter and getting his for first corpse
4511s tucked away via the ghoul charge death
4514s knight hero power Abilene is going to
4517s answer by cleaning up that board with
4520s her own gold charge Yep this last turn
4521s she dropped she drew vampiric blood
4523s which is that triple blood card that
4525s gives your Hero 5 Health but spend three
4528s Corps to gain five more health so could
4530s she have Tempo that out yes would she
4532s have gotten the extra five health no so
4535s she's gonna wait to use that cart until
4537s she has three corpses suspend on it
4540s meaning that she could use like her hero
4542s power to get those corpses
4544s um
4545s but she's going to Tempo out a 2-3 to
4547s discover and this is a discover based on
4550s corpses as well uh spend a corpse to
4553s discover a blood Rune card and picks up
4556s a blood boil a life skill card
4559s yeah Heba turge has more than just
4561s fabulous hair hematurg brings fabulous
4563s discovers
4570s they're like
4572s I'm digging it
4573s you know maybe even vizier behind that
4575s rather extravagant headpiece do I have
4578s the worst hair here like if we compared
4580s I think I have the worst hair out of the
4583s Minions on board me ah no one can see
4585s those curls right now but they are
4586s they're on point yeah
4589s alrighty Abilene seen how she's going to
4592s react decides hey I like what you're
4595s doing with your weapon I'm going to have
4597s a little fun myself with soul breaker
4599s which uh has the addition of after your
4601s hero attacks and kills a minion you gain
4603s two corpses at least you can use her fan
4605s beer blood and draw another Fanfare
4607s blood yeah while your opponent might be
4608s like thanks for killing a minion thanks
4610s for the corpse you're like well haha I
4611s got two yeah
4613s Watch Me Go
4615s so we're up to six men and getting
4616s Merrell manipulator right off the top
4618s there for meaty but media deciding no
4619s not ready for that
4621s would have would have consumed all five
4624s of the courses I mean he's currently
4626s sitting on top of yeah
4633s yeah and per uh randomly split amongst
4635s enemy a lot of potential control options
4638s here for media between the blood voil
4640s the s58 or the frost strike yeah Frost
4645s I mean it only damages a minion
4648s um I think he was looking for more burst
4650s damage which he didn't receive there uh
4652s gonna look for more bursts again and
4655s just not getting it he has a transform
4657s card which is interesting
4660s um Transformers can help you deal with
4662s certain minions uh that might have
4664s lifesteal or something like that uh so
4667s some options there but I just don't
4669s think this is what he was looking for
4671s can you help me get more value out of
4673s your your the minion that you get off of
4675s your hero power as a death knight as
4676s well because it is an undead so it works
4678s with that dark transformation card and
4680s that's what media decides to pick up and
4682s with that discount not a cup not going
4684s to cost me to eat anything if he just
4686s decides to get his dark transformation
4687s on we're looking like we're going to see
4689s blood boil come out gonna infect the
4692s both of his ears on board so they're
4694s both going to go down to two twos and
4696s Abilene is going to get healed for four
4698s for her trouble that was the uh the body
4700s bagger coming down just get one more
4702s cups in there a little bit of board
4703s development yeah and I really like this
4713s like this turn they're going to take two
4715s so every single turn she's going to get
4716s the lifesteal But Me decides no you're
4719s not uh-uh not if I have anything to say
4721s about it I'm going to transform this
4722s into a four or five and now I'm gonna go
4725s face I'm gonna hit you with all the
4727s corpse value I can spending each corpse
4730s that every corpse spent feeling to
4732s damage to random enemy oh wait there's
4734s one on me your face you're gonna take it
4736s does put mini down to no corpses to play
4738s with at that point but taking a quick
4741s look at things doesn't look like media
4742s even has a way to burn Corporation no no
4745s there's one more manipulator in hand so
4746s that manipulator not gonna get much done
4749s until we build up midi's corpse count
4751s again but it looks like we might see
4752s vampiric blood Abilene looking at her
4755s shiny yellow card and very fun more
4758s health so how much health has she's
4760s gained 20 Health right and she started
4763s at 40. so she had 60 health so she could
4765s heal for 20 more
4766s oh that's a lot of Health I empiric
4769s blood is such a hype card she can
4771s discover more of them too you just gonna
4774s draw a card for your trouble yep as if
4776s all that Health gain wasn't enough so
4779s greedy
4781s so the protector coming down then oh I
4784s wasn't done healing now I want armor on
4787s top of all of the health that I get to
4788s enjoy and let's just get
4791s a life steal murloc on board yeah good
4794s old merlocula
4799s uh but yeah as to learn because of as
4802s the man out there she was on exactly
4804s seven Mana she only has to spend the
4806s five for it but gains the five armor so
4809s very exciting and uh by 10 Mana her
4812s final asler will deal 16 damage
4820s maybe you already have it you know
4821s sitting on a decent board but so is
4824s Abilene
4825s you know this is the kind of situation
4827s where if meeting was sitting on a lot of
4830s corpses I think we would see the other
4831s manipulator come down but media only has
4833s that one lone corpse and it certainly
4836s could generate more by trading here but
4838s then you don't need the extra control
4840s the manipulator brings to the party just
4842s deciding to do what Frost does and go
4844s face says you know what five Mana for
4847s five damage freezing the board and
4849s giving myself a 5'5 frostworm that seems
4851s like a pretty decent deal let's take it
4853s and passes it back over to Abilene who's
4855s now only at 29 Health only only one
4859s lesson what most people originally start
4861s with
4862s um but I think we're gonna see this a
4863s lot out of media everything going face
4865s because he knows that I have to use
4868s every single opportunity to go face
4870s because that's how you win right and it
4872s was a good call there because he does
4873s not have the chance to continue applying
4875s pressure with those minions because they
4876s don't exist anymore soul stealer stole
4879s them Lady Death whisper is in hand for
4883s meaty uh gorgeous Diamond animation yes
4887s and it has a death rattle copy all the
4891s spells in your hand I think it's raw
4892s spells Frost spells exactly yes all the
4895s frosh girls in hand will get copy she
4897s did just spend a couple but keep in mind
4899s his hand's pretty full he'll have to
4900s spend it get rid of a few cards so he
4903s could play this out over here Frigidaire
4905s even draws Frost spells for him or
4908s spells and if their Frost does two
4910s damage which if you're piloting a frost
4913s deck it's likely going to be frost and
4915s they were yep seeing that trigger that
4917s extra two damage going out
4920s and getting rid of that frustration
4922s that
4926s well the glacial Advance can go face and
4929s so once Lady Death whisper comes down
4930s we've got multiple glacial advances a
4933s howling blast in hand those are going to
4934s get duplicated by the death Whisperer
4936s there's going to be so much potential
4937s burn in hand once that lady death
4940s whisper comes down but he's again
4941s actually pointed out gonna have to make
4943s room for it yeah lots of cards in hand
4946s that he'll have to get rid of our buddy
4948s know muncher is back oh no oh my God
4950s that's gonna deal with the frigidara and
4953s put Abilene back to an even 30 because
4956s of the lifesteal that's built into that
4958s no muncher
4960s rhyme sculptor would apply some pressure
4963s here puts out two two one rhyme
4966s Elementals that have the death rattle of
4968s dealing two damage to a random enemy so
4970s they do have the potential of going face
4973s so much of that happening in Frost
4975s yeah I can use to figure out a way to
4976s deal with the Dome butcher without her
4979s healing because you know at every point
4982s of heal that Abilene gets is a concern
4985s for meaty because she just has so much
4988s health potential so I'm curious if
4991s you'll allow her to heal for five or
4993s maybe he'll howling blast face so that
4996s she doesn't get the heel and she and he
4998s does decide to do that freezes face and
5001s gets to kill the no muncher without it
5003s containing any more lifesteal
5006s and continue pressuring there
5009s another pink with that Bone Breaker yeah
5011s Patchwork in hand for Aveline
5014s not a great turn to Patchwork though
5016s Patrick deals with one minion on board
5018s randomly so it's really nice when your
5020s opponent just has like one beefy minion
5022s on board but when they have a bunch of
5024s like little tokens it's not as valuable
5026s three of the four minions have death
5028s rattles and I'm pretty sure media would
5030s be happy with any of them going off yeah
5031s especially Lady Death whisper now that
5034s meaty has made room for those Frost
5036s spells to get duplicated which is
5039s jamming he's feeling confident I think I
5041s see him dancing over there I'd be
5043s feeling good but if I was eveline I'd
5044s also be keeping an eye on my side and
5047s atherius and how high up that Battle Cry
5050s damage is getting Abilene looks chill
5053s she looks cool calm and collected right
5055s now but what I can see
5058s he's just chilling off brand for the
5060s blood death knight though yeah
5062s I'm being honest
5064s let's see what's up
5066s says you know what Mana thur seems good
5068s I am thirsty yeah let's get all of the
5071s damage on the board
5074s and Meaty says that's cool I would like
5076s all the damage in my hand please
5085s you know she knows every point of damage
5087s matters I'm sure she saw just how many
5089s cars duplicated in his hand too when
5091s that death whisper went down it's a good
5093s bit of information for Abilene she now
5095s knows just how many spells are in
5098s media's hands but in the background here
5100s midi has
5101s restored his graveyard sitting on nine
5104s courses mini manipulator is back on the
5106s menu
5107s and it's looking like that's the way
5110s he's going to go I would be thirsty I
5113s was about to say I would be very
5114s surprised that that does not deal with
5116s the astalor flamebringer sorry to knock
5119s three is getting a look at from Abilene
5120s it is a nice heel for her and deals with
5124s the board and puts her into a lethal
5127s rage so she can kill meaty next to her
5129s meaty's on the clock now is a big swing
5131s for her with that sire danathuria this
5133s is what is possible with blood they can
5136s look a little slow out the gate but I
5139s mean if you're a traditional control
5140s player you'll you are used to that and
5142s you look for those big swings where you
5144s stabilize and put the balance of power
5146s back in your favor and that's exactly
5148s what Abilene did just there
5150s so meaty picks up
5153s frostworm which would freeze it was
5155s going to use a 68 because that just
5157s kills it one Mana with the discount that
5160s was on asphyxiate let's just get rid of
5162s that and not worry about there being any
5164s chance of more lifesteal coming off of
5166s that 10 attack than atherius able to
5169s deal with the board able to develop a
5171s board able to you know but he doesn't
5174s have a lot of health and he I'd be
5177s afraid
5178s and Abilene has three damage in hand
5180s right now via Soul breaker
5183s that's a two-term lethal yes plus the
5186s additional chip damage of gold charge
5188s midi does not have a Tanta in the way so
5190s Adeline could put midi to two
5193s yeah
5195s but with this much
5197s mana and play we've been at 10 Mana for
5200s quite a bit here
5202s considering the disruption of a
5204s patchwork
5207s he also has the biggest minion on board
5211s and doesn't trigger those death rattles
5213s which could have equaled more face
5214s damage for Abilene which I you know
5216s Speedy's probably rooting for at this
5218s point with this much you know cheap burn
5220s in hand she's able to burn the astalor
5223s blood sworn as well as the harbinger of
5225s winter so not that powerful of cards as
5228s is didn't burn any like
5231s crazy heel like I think that's what she
5234s would Oh The Blood mates down those off
5235s the top is interesting though because it
5237s does bring the one spell damage I know
5238s it's easy to think of thou knows as your
5240s buddy who just gives you a card when he
5242s dies but he's about to die he's at three
5244s he's he has to heal this turn or get
5247s taunt or something that's he can't just
5249s like oh I'm gonna go fish now Roswell
5251s his face though if he freezes his face
5253s and deals with the board
5255s then he can because you know he I don't
5258s think he can look for heel at this point
5259s I think he has to hope she has no damage
5262s from hand
5264s I need to freeze her face
5266s you can't it's only enemy minions
5269s against the howling right oh yeah that's
5273s correct
5274s Alan go face can you tell I'm excited
5276s about frostworms Fury yeah
5282s does get the freeze out
5285s goal would put meaty to two
5288s just came off the top there famished
5290s full
5291s could find something off of the draw
5295s looking at that Gould and uh
5301s brush
5303s yeah it's almost a 2-2 with Rush that
5305s can just you know attack again right
5306s away which means this blood boil is
5308s going to clear the board again blood
5311s pull brings that lifestyle yeah yep
5316s there's so much
5319s healing in Abilene's deck
5322s a weedy was not able to pick up another
5324s way to freeze face he has some drawn
5329s hands so he can look for a way to freeze
5331s face
5332s and he's going to do that he's going to
5333s defrost isn't it that winner isn't it I
5337s know it looks Frosty but it doesn't
5339s bring any Breeze
5341s it's not looking good he has another
5344s draw card in hand it is expensive though
5347s he did just oh and there's another draw
5349s card he's he's sick of drawing he just
5352s wants him he's one Mana even if he found
5353s the Halloween blast he wouldn't have the
5355s Mana to cast it no this is a Gigi from
5359s meaty ends turns and Patchwork feels
5364s good deal Abilene gonna take the first
5366s game in this match 1-0 blood over Frost
5371s congratulations Abilene and
5372s congratulations to Patchwork for sealing
5375s the deal there well information on
5377s Abilene she has reached number one in
5379s ladder before she's a very competitive
5382s player plays Master stores uh so high
5386s ranked her favorite competitor is Jay
5388s Alexander and here are some of her
5390s practice buddies now shout out to Matt
5392s Thanos and Bruto let's take a look at
5394s eveline's deck just served her quite
5397s well we certainly know now the power of
5400s vampiric blood and just how safe it can
5403s make a blood death knight deck and
5406s Abilene agrees no muncher is very good
5409s but it's only a single blood so a lot of
5411s people can use this card and it just has
5413s so much lifesteal it basically has rush
5417s because at the end of turning attacks
5418s the lowest Health enemy it even does it
5421s when frozen you freeze that minion is
5423s still going to attack in the turn we're
5425s heading straight into game two here
5426s between Abilene and media Aveline
5428s already putting one point up on the
5430s board and both with decent starting
5433s hands lower cost
5435s they both have low-cost Minions that
5437s they can deploy relatively early meaty
5440s getting Bone Breaker right off the bat
5441s here to control the board and send the
5444s first two damage of Chip I'm sure
5447s meaty's feeling a little worried because
5449s we saw before that the freeze
5452s competitors are losing they're down they
5454s only have two points right now well the
5456s frost competitors yeah because they have
5458s a surprisingly low amount of actual
5461s freeze mechanics yeah so yeah they are
5464s down and you know I'm looking at another
5465s screen I see Ali Strauss is also down to
5468s Hunter Ace right now the frost team
5470s it looks getting a little dicey which
5474s I'm kind of surprised about I you know I
5476s think a lot of people would love to see
5478s Frost be just so competitive yeah it
5481s looks like we're having a bit of a
5482s connection issue in our Abilene versus
5485s Media game looks like that cleared
5487s itself up
5489s no harm no foul egg
5492s and which a card that we really wanted
5495s to see but it spawns a chicken yes there
5499s is a foul egg neutral card that summons
5502s a foul foul yes well while those
5505s connection issues get sorted out let's
5506s take a look at what's happening between
5507s Ali straza and Hunter race as you
5509s mentioned yeah he's not running the foul
5511s egg I would think the token decks would
5513s run this it's an undead it summons an
5516s undead foul foul then you can just go
5519s around saying
5523s you you would think at the end of the
5524s both the egg and the token that come out
5527s of it are Undead so you get any any of
5528s those Undead synergies that you're
5530s looking for yeah there is a card that
5531s they are running uh that gives the
5534s undead minions a one extra attack when
5537s played that is the Arms Dealer is the
5541s name of that card so they could play a
5543s one Mana arms dealer and then just start
5545s spamming like foul legs and stuff like
5547s that but we're not going to see that so
5549s I digress so I digress Hunter race has
5551s quite some options here Army of the Dead
5553s is such an exciting card and that's what
5556s he goes for gets that two Mana reduction
5558s onto it meaning it's only three Mana for
5562s a serious board if you've got the
5564s corpses of course to fuel it because
5566s it's all about those corpses in this
5568s game
5569s I really like that they added another
5571s economy source that it's not just Mana
5574s there's something else that makes the
5576s game very interesting this new class
5577s very interesting runes plus corpses this
5581s Synergy of how corpses work with the
5583s death knight hero power and all of these
5585s new Undead synergies from the Dominion
5587s type I'm so hyped about that night yeah
5590s they nailed the theming
5593s but there's just so much to do with
5594s industry look at your feelings oh we're
5597s seeing possessive fire hit the board for
5598s the first time on broadcast here
5601s this is a really cool one Unholy Rune
5605s card meaning you can play it with only
5607s one Unholy root you don't need to fully
5609s dedicate to Unholy you get access to
5611s this but it's going to be it's a five
5613s Mana three three three and it summons
5615s Two 1-1 fighters with rush and reborn
5618s just again fueling those Corpses
5622s getting more you know tokens on board
5625s you know kind of what we're seeing the
5626s trend of these Unholy decks they like
5629s their minions they like their tokens and
5632s they tend to have higher corpse counts
5634s than the blood or the frost Army of the
5637s Dead yeah severely discounted one only
5640s gonna cost three get all these ghouls on
5643s board
5644s and even leave some behind yeah yeah for
5647s your trouble you know there's still two
5649s two one Bulls on board at the end of
5650s this and uh just go ahead and you know
5653s renatholic left out want to hang out
5655s with these ghouls so cool thing about
5657s possessifier is that this card was made
5659s for our most recent world champion
5662s um possessee so he uh they always make a
5665s card for our world champions and
5666s Hearthstone and it is dedicated to him
5668s you have to it's required it's actually
5670s it's hidden text on the card it's
5671s required that you pronounce it
5673s possessive fire possessy you gotta get
5675s that e in there possessy is fire for
5677s everyone at home just make sure you
5678s pronounce it
5681s so we see overseer frigidara come down
5683s from Ali Strazza
5685s just a Powerhouse card drawing those two
5688s spells you're probably if you're running
5690s this you're probably running Frost
5692s spells you're gonna get that trigger
5693s like we just saw
5694s helped clean up those lingering 2-1
5696s tokens that were left over from the army
5698s of the Dead
5706s son how many cards are in your hand and
5708s uh she does get some cards that
5711s I don't know if they've seen yet but I'm
5713s sure we'll be able to see soon in some
5716s packages from the reveals from some of
5718s our community members make sure you
5720s check out those reveal streams uh for
5722s the next week or so I believe we have
5724s it's up on the play Hearthstone website
5726s and keep track of all of it on the
5728s Hearthstone website you know I love all
5731s the reveals they put so much work into
5732s it so make sure you guys check those out
5734s oh she just dropped no muncher another
5738s note much are coming down
5740s took some serious damage though not
5743s gonna be too hard to clean up that no
5744s muncher
5748s now it's interesting Hunter Ace does
5750s have the Scourge in hand so he is
5751s looking for a way to okay what do I need
5753s to do turn eight to guarantee I can get
5755s this down to her nine uh and just really
5758s put Ali on a clock and she's thinking of
5761s ways to do the same thing how am I gonna
5762s put him on that clock how am I going to
5764s deal with the snow muncher where it
5765s doesn't heal anymore
5768s um so
5770s she's going to be able to draw she gets
5772s herself a nerubian vizier which again a
5776s card that we love it has a great
5777s discover mechanic
5779s yeah just great Synergy with that
5781s because you're going to have Undead
5784s dying if nothing else you have access to
5786s that gold charged hero power
5788s and so that's why I think we're going to
5789s see vizier might end up being a bit of
5791s an MVP card today I think we're going to
5793s see our players get a lot of mileage out
5794s of that over no muncher
5797s how could you
5799s I didn't say it was the MVP I don't know
5801s I now I feel a little hurt but okay the
5804s juries you're not crossworms crying is
5806s your middle name no muncher
5808s realize it was in the family
5811s chills on Baron this is one of those
5813s cool cards for uh for death Knights
5817s because it doesn't have room not all the
5819s definite cards have rooms some of them
5821s are Neutron can go in any depth I have
5824s been teased on a podcast by Regis
5826s Philbin for my love of Fairly standard
5829s mid-range decks and so I look at a card
5832s like Jill Fallen Baron and I get super
5834s stoked I'm like oh this just costs a
5836s good amount draws me some cards nothing
5838s too I just love a good not fancy but
5841s it's powerful three and a tutu draw a
5844s card death row draw a card exactly but
5846s however if we want to talk about fancy
5848s rhyme things so we're about to be
5849s developed by Ali Strazza
5851s works great with what Frost is looking
5853s to do which is cast spells and this
5855s makes it easier while also controlling
5857s board or potentially going face yeah
5862s it's cheaper would like a discount and
5864s I'd like even more discounts and that's
5866s what vizier brings oh every time you see
5868s Insurance you just ask yourself is it
5871s the play the vampiric blood
5873s icy blood boil these cards are amazing
5876s and it would be a zero Mana vampiric
5879s blood oh yeah so yeah you guys can't see
5881s this weekend sorry we have Caster Vision
5883s but uh The Scourge blood boil and bit oh
5886s there we go there it is she decides to
5888s go with the blood boil uh just it's a
5891s good way to deal with the current board
5892s she's facing so I can definitely see
5894s that play and she gets one more discover
5896s uh decides to go with the Horn of winter
5898s that will refresh to Mana it doesn't
5900s gain too man it refreshes it so very
5904s interesting card right there it's it's a
5907s bit different than the old school
5908s interface in that sense yeah coming down
5911s on the board gonna double the stats
5914s of all of the minions currently in
5916s Hunter Aces
5918s deck
5919s the Disney Army dead caught him off the
5921s top but not enough corpses although
5922s after this turn plenty of corpses back
5924s in Hunter race
5926s a burn for Ali Strazza she does burn
5928s Corpse Bride which spends up to eight
5931s corpses summon a resin groom with stats
5933s equal to the amounts spent uh pretty
5935s powerful card but burned because she
5937s does have quite the hand right now
5942s thinking about that thalanos again
5944s Carter wasn't expecting to see a lot of
5946s today but it makes a lot of sense for
5948s frost yeah definitely is she uh with
5956s with her I mean you have to call it
5958s growl because I imagine it kind of like
5961s old school swipe so then I just like I
5964s think some of our players might be
5965s growling when it gets played against
5966s them yeah I can see that especially if
5969s they have lethal with weapon in hand and
5971s paladins are growling when they see this
5972s remorseless winter played they've played
5975s Ali has so many options available to her
5979s right here
5981s we're gonna go down to the wire yeah
5984s it's like that more morseless winter no
5985s blood boil more infection two damage
5988s across the board more lifesteal three
5990s right no no it's two this doesn't work
5992s with the likes or with the thousands
5994s does it
5995s no it doesn't work with lifestyle and on
5998s that infect effect oh and a blight thing
6001s on board every time one of those minion
6004s dies it shows up on her side of the
6007s board as a tutu taunt well the thing is
6009s just like Patrick it's one of these
6010s cards that I cannot believe is only a
6012s single Rune yeah it feels so it feels so
6016s quintessential to the room that it
6018s represents yeah especially because a lot
6020s of people are running cyergenathrias you
6023s know so since you want to get as many
6025s minions dead as possible for your sire
6028s to pop off I can definitely see players
6031s running a double deck with a single
6034s Unholy so that they could fit in that
6036s blight thing just kind of for that fire
6039s Synergy you're gonna see uh oh that's
6042s zero Mana Stitch giant also buffed up to
6044s 16-16 hit the board also during all of
6047s that Sylvanas got infused meaning let me
6050s take control of an enemy minion Battle
6051s Cry is now active should Hunter race
6053s decide to deploy Sylvanas
6056s I have questions about how Sylvanas
6058s feels about being in an arthas death
6059s knight deck
6061s I think she's a fan
6067s she did to the Helm of domination you
6069s know my lore knowledge is is quite good
6074s can't wait to talk about ashbringer
6075s later we saw danathrius come down
6079s I can't believe I'm saying only dealing
6081s 21 damage but we've seen some bigger
6084s denatures already and we're only in
6086s round two
6088s yeah it gets her back to 40 health no
6090s vampiric blood so she doesn't have a
6092s million Health yet only 40.
6095s you kind of more Edition off the top
6097s card we haven't seen too much of
6099s currently buffed up but it's a double
6101s Unholy Rune card with a Battle Cry that
6103s if a friendly Undead died after your
6105s last turn discover an Unholy room card
6110s it's very specific discovery
6114s yeah looking like we're we're thinking
6116s about rolling the oh wait no no it's not
6119s a roll a dice you get to you get to
6121s choose I want this one you have the
6124s choice to steal a 10-time lifestyle now
6126s three is you take the 1010 lifestyle
6128s denatures but you also want to be able
6129s to deal with the two two so that you can
6131s go 16
6135s visitation there
6137s yeah he could have pushed 16 through but
6139s it would have only been six at the end
6141s of the day if you left at the batteries
6142s up with Matthews was going to attack
6143s something and get that life steal back
6146s rallystraza full hand for Ally you know
6150s she's got a lot but it's at the same
6152s time it feels like a little you have to
6155s feel for the competitors too because
6156s this is entirely new March of the Lich
6158s King is not even out yet help but it's
6161s here today
6162s December 6th
6164s foreign
6166s ER to get a draw she gets her own
6168s Sylvanas in hand but it's kind of late
6171s she can't Infuse it she can use it just
6173s to destroy one minion but that's only
6175s one and that's there's four others on
6177s the other side look at how much damage
6179s at least staring down you have to ask
6181s yourself what do I even destroy
6183s she almost needs to defrost to try to
6187s find
6189s she won't even have enough Mana yeah to
6192s freeze the board if you were to get
6194s frosted like she's deciding that the 10
6196s lifesteal is a larger threat to the
6198s long-term game plan than the raw 16
6201s damage of the Stitch giant yeah
6204s so she's I mean she's looking at ways to
6206s deal with both peers yeah this is that
6208s combo potential of Frost death knight
6210s that we were talking about but not quite
6213s enough however
6216s even with Warner winner it's only so
6218s much damage are we gonna finally see
6219s Invincible get played yes
6223s Thor's on to the board
6227s oh and because she left up that Stitch
6230s giant uh Hunter race is going to have
6233s just enough to kill Ally and putting her
6237s exact lethal to zero giving Hunter race
6241s a 2-0 lead over the frost team and we
6244s hop on over to dog versus Thai so our
6246s dog is up 1-0 with his Unholy deck to
6250s Tyson's blood deck
6253s oh entices exciting properly hyped happy
6256s I know though he's but that's the thing
6259s about ties crazy bad things could happen
6261s and he's just like a positive okay we
6264s get over oh I can't tell is he mad he
6268s looks ecstatic
6272s smiley face or frowny-face ties I don't
6275s know
6277s The Scourge gets played by dog
6281s that is
6283s so much value again yeah but yeah not
6287s played this time just came straight out
6290s of the scourge oh yeah
6292s not from hand that was a valuable
6295s Scourge now it can be quite a range on
6297s the scourge it's not always going to
6298s look like this there's a lot of death
6300s rattle here not sure what each death
6301s rattle does yet again make sure you
6303s check out those reveals that are coming
6305s up in this next week you can see
6307s something you haven't seen before yeah
6308s it's a little teaser you're ready I
6310s should be excited
6312s I love death rattles but so he can deal
6315s with them with the soul breaker uh
6317s getting all the original Steel in my bed
6319s and gains all these corpses and looks
6321s like the death rattles do things you
6324s know I'm not sure we do have a reborn on
6326s Invincible yep and I'm not done looking
6329s at one of my favorite and most hype
6330s cards of the set one game taunt in stats
6333s somehow not sure that comes off of the
6335s Battle Cry slash death rattle of
6337s invincible it gives a random friendly
6339s Undead Minion plus five plus five and
6340s taunt when it comes down but also when
6342s it dies
6345s vampiric blood draws and gains some
6348s health for ties
6349s finding another way to deal with the
6351s board with that corpse explosion
6354s at another zero Mana Stitch giant which
6356s honestly seems part positively quaint
6359s after these stats on the last Stitch
6361s shot that we saw someone had double
6363s stats I'm not sure if dog is running
6365s that same card that gives the double
6367s stats I can look it's an interesting
6370s fact although all of the team Unholy are
6373s running different decks we have Fino
6375s with the triple Unholy Hunter race with
6377s double Unholy single blood dog we did
6380s see the north of Marth Aaron just come
6382s down from dogs
6385s corpse explosion going off and going off
6388s and still going off I spend corpse ideal
6391s damage did you watch that corpse counter
6394s count down when that goes off if you've
6397s got corpses and something is still alive
6399s that corpse explosion is going to keep
6401s on rolling now dog is 28 corpses so he's
6405s got
6406s plenty to work with he doesn't have Lord
6409s marigar though Lord marigar is a triple
6412s Unholy card that spends all the corpses
6415s and gives two two per corpse to a minion
6418s on the board because it also summons a
6419s bunch of minions can we talk about the
6421s 1616 school teacher that just got
6423s slammed out a standard size school
6425s teacher not normally four fours they're
6428s that is not a substitute no
6431s that is the teacher
6434s so it got double attacked twice so it
6438s went from four four to eight eight and
6439s then it doubled the Lord from our plus
6442s the brand doubling that north of our
6444s Battle Cry yeah
6446s it doubled the double
6449s I'm no math teacher but that's a lot
6451s weren't you I mean in a Navy maybe I was
6455s a math teacher one point in my life but
6458s these movies are huge
6461s that's Synergy oh another familiar face
6464s from Janice coming off the top of the
6465s deck for Tice oh if he waits to use it
6468s he can wait till uh dog draws more big
6472s Minions that he just made in his deck he
6474s still however has a rather crowded hand
6476s of quite small minions yeah oh look I
6480s eat small menus did pick up the Stitch
6483s no no that was not the Stitch giant no
6485s you got a small one yeah that was the
6487s two three Battlefield Necromancer not
6489s the smallest amount of stats could have
6491s gotten but second still phone Baron only
6493s would have given a 2-2 yeah
6503s clear because you can make the perfect
6505s better trades but he's on a clock he's
6508s looking at 28 damage to face every turn
6511s like that that's two Charlie lethal and
6514s he has a tiny bit of lifesteal in hand a
6518s little bit Yeah spammy is a phenomenal
6521s board control card but it can't really
6524s hang with the raw Health stats of what
6528s is happening over on dog's board box
6530s like I want to draw a big minion
6532s okay I have it thank you yeah oh yeah
6535s just a modest 812 amalgam of the deep
6538s for two Mana two Mana 812. I remember at
6541s one time people complaining about a
6543s four-man at seven seven
6545s this seems weird who would ever get up
6548s in arms about that I don't know because
6549s I mean a two-man at 8 12
6552s is bigger
6555s dog seems uh you know could just be
6557s content with the massive business on
6559s board but deciding it is time to
6560s continue controlling the board
6562s protecting
6564s these massive minions just laying down
6566s so much damage Tice looked like he was
6568s nice and clad in his death knight
6570s serenite armor now down to only 12
6573s Health yeah that's not looking good for
6575s ties dog snap picked the Alexandria's Mo
6579s green the triple uh triple blood card
6582s that is a legendary and it reads that it
6585s deals three damage to your opponent at
6587s the end of your turn so at the every end
6590s of every single turn it's going to Ping
6592s three damage face so again it's that
6594s like little trickling damage that he can
6597s do I mean you know because he needs it
6599s yeah he does badly right now he does he
6601s needs more damage he's this is board's
6604s sad look at it it's just a 12 12 16 16
6607s Lane
6610s I guess
6612s all right so Ty's I think hoping that
6614s this does something anything like
6617s removes a significant threat it does not
6620s now he's gonna just ping his own face
6622s for two because that's the only way he
6624s can sing the four attack off
6626s and that's gonna be it unless dog
6630s decides to take mercy no we're not here
6633s for Mercy we're here for death Knights
6635s Bob does never Mercy he is a competitor
6638s and we switch on over to cancel the
6641s first disguise testis again on that
6643s Unholy necklace cancel up on blood and
6646s he is up 1-0 to that token deck on the
6650s other side now cantaloupe has some cool
6652s cards in hands as you can see sir Finley
6654s you guys all know and love him well I
6656s see a no muncher very exciting
6660s our favorite of the day so far
6662s unless I this March no muncher with yet
6665s another mention of how much value azir
6668s is bringing
6670s you there
6672s I stand by what it says
6677s cantaloupe has uh
6680s looks like it's kind of thinking ahead
6683s old disguised toast
6685s besides how he wants to progress get
6687s through that no muncher
6690s you know and with cantaloupe I know he
6692s plays a lot of more like
6694s Tempo aggro or even Rogue so I don't
6698s know if control is really his play style
6701s but obviously he's playing Amazing he's
6704s a great player and he's up 1-0 to the
6705s disguise toes so Props to him for
6708s playing like this
6710s Unholy frenzy scene play for I believe
6712s the first time on broadcast it is such a
6715s cool Unholy card you choose an enemy
6718s minion your minions attack it and then
6720s re-summon any that die
6723s it's exactly what we just saw there
6726s one guard commander in hand and is
6728s yellow and shiny
6732s work there one of my favorite death
6734s knight sets I've having extreme Wrath of
6737s the Lich King Nostalgia going on right
6738s now
6739s this is going to raise uh up to six
6742s corpses of one two so he was able to
6744s spend six corpses get six one twos and
6747s the eight eight on board so much power
6750s for only eight Mana yeah it's looking
6752s like Savannah still needs one more
6754s minion to die to become infused could be
6757s an easy way to deal with that eight
6758s eight and of course death Knights have
6760s an easy way to get one more corpse it's
6762s called their hero power ghoul charge
6766s that's exactly what toast is going to do
6768s and then take that freshly infused
6770s Sylvanas and say listen yeah you got a
6772s wide board but what is it without that a
6774s day
6775s and it doesn't look like cantaloupe has
6777s much of his he you know normally blood
6780s players have a lot of options for
6782s dealing with the board but he has a very
6784s heavy minion hand but you don't see a
6786s lot in blood depth you know this
6787s denature certainly skipped leg day
6789s sitting only at 13 damage amongst all
6791s enemies that's uh one of the smallest
6793s adapters as we've seen today yeah so we
6796s have some options here the Unholy frenzy
6798s is a very cool card
6801s choose an enemy minion your minions
6803s attack it and then re-summon
6806s uh that any of that die yeah it's a very
6808s cool card with the Unholy frenzy
6810s um and gets around that eight eight
6811s taunt if say he decides he wanted to
6814s control the board record near the 5-5
6815s Sylvanas which this board would trade
6817s nicely into but developing the caesarian
6820s first
6821s would be would make this an even juicier
6823s play well and I I feel like he heard
6827s Sergeant here he comes he's like I could
6830s do leg day watch this when holy frenzy
6832s go off he's gonna deal with that eight
6834s eight and it's gonna summon everything
6835s that died and with the sorry and goes in
6838s to finish this off it's also going to
6840s trigger cesarean's death rattle
6842s yep
6844s now what does dinathrius looking at for
6847s a master technician well after all that
6849s went up to 18.
6854s look at that massive uh difference a
6857s gulf in the corpse count too this guy's
6859s just sitting on 15 corpses the
6862s cantaloupe after all of that only
6864s sitting on five
6866s not that there's any big ways to really
6869s cash in on corpses for cantaloupe at the
6872s moment
6876s final value out of these straggling to
6880s attack minions Jimmy throws down a no
6883s muncher oh
6885s oh tempoed out and it is time to rip it
6889s to get back to 50 health
6891s standard deadline standard depth stuff
6894s right there oh I would say standard
6895s definitely
6896s helps
6898s yeah yeah unless you had some
6900s particularly interesting discovers
6902s outside of your usual oh a 20 20s in the
6906s hand of disguised toast but it's only
6908s dealing five damage currently so yeah
6910s more exciting about the stats than the
6912s actual Battle Cry yeah so he's gonna
6914s take a draw gets the plague strike which
6916s deals through damage to a minion and
6918s some is a tutu if it kills it but you
6920s can if he summons a ghoul from his hero
6923s power but he's looking at this bone
6926s Digger Geist right now to spend a corpse
6928s to gain one juice that's a two and a
6930s five six pretty good it's not as good as
6934s the the two mans we saw in our last game
6936s but yeah gonna get the final astalor in
6940s hand which is ready to go on that
6942s manifest as we are past that 10 10 Mana
6944s mark
6945s but pass it over to cantaloupe with an
6947s active ready to swing antenna attacks
6950s higher than atherius
6951s can't feel the best
6954s yeah so he has some options here he can
6957s use Patchwork to just handle something
6960s from the board so hopefully you know
6962s it's two out of three chance to deal
6963s with a five attack and then the board
6966s doesn't clear the sireden atherius
6968s anymore and it would force disgusters to
6970s have to use hero power in order to clear
6972s or use some sort of spell other option
6975s here is just to taunt and make weird
6978s trades but they're not that weird or
6980s transform so he does hit that five
6981s attack forcing
6983s um him to have to use the hero power
6985s meaning he can't use a cool 10 attack or
6987s a 10 cost minion so that does make
6991s Force an awkward play out of disguised
6993s Terrace with this here I think so as
6995s well plus the immediate board disruption
6997s of Patrick it was pretty equal across
6998s the board here four attack minion and
7000s two five attack minions a little bit of
7001s variance going on with the health and
7003s Caleb says this well he go face
7006s I go face and we go fish I agree with
7008s this I like to attack face but what can
7012s toast do now to say no more
7014s no more this is my game it's going to be
7016s an ask the Lord take the wheel and hope
7018s that
7020s somehow this 16 damage takes out
7024s that denaturius
7026s yeah because his hand is not looking too
7029s hot now when cantaloupe sport is wide
7031s Ken make you know put the odds more in
7034s his favor if he wants to trade before
7036s dropping the astalor
7039s you know I see this 2020 star genetrius
7041s so like in my mind I feel like I should
7042s deal 20 damage and like go crazy that's
7045s only six I guess it could be a little
7047s more if he does trades but it would not
7050s be beneficial numbers but as big numbers
7052s that don't accomplish anything right now
7054s nope
7057s and those are not going over to the
7059s dinathrius I don't think is what toast
7062s was hoping for we are quite
7066s that is not enough with the play strike
7069s it's would have been with that hero
7071s power but the Mana is not in the cards
7074s and cantaloupe is going to be able to
7077s take this
7079s beating disguised toast 2-0 which will
7082s add to the blood score giving them three
7086s points and here we see it here Saturday
7088s night after swinging in for the 10
7090s damage win
7093s with a proper celebration yes he should
7096s be celebrating with that hair I approve
7100s fantastic round two
7103s huh
7104s I want to play some death knight I know
7106s I'm a little jealous I'm glad we all get
7109s to watch it at least watch it all in
7111s action see all these really cool
7113s interactions that we just saw that that
7115s double and stats and doubling stats
7117s again with the Unholy oh my goodness I
7121s apologize if I grabs Frost wanted to
7123s start dancing around but I don't
7125s apologize for throwing the break because
7126s when we come back we'll be getting in to
7129s round three
7154s thank you
7161s foreign
7195s foreign
7247s foreign
7277s foreign
7306s thank you
7310s foreign
7341s foreign
7370s foreign
7407s thank you
7432s foreign
7448s thank you
7456s welcome back everybody we are going to
7459s get to round three in just a moment so
7463s Much Death Knight action on display here
7465s but I want to check in and see what
7468s folks are talking about we have this
7470s tweet here from Clark Hellscream love
7472s the name said I am ready to become the
7474s first player to reach 1 000 wins with
7477s death knight I'm committed to Maine the
7479s death knight class thanks for doing my
7481s homework today guys yeah I think I think
7485s Clark would get a hearty you're welcome
7487s from our players today I I believe that
7489s he will be one of the first hit 1000
7491s make sure you check him out on YouTube
7492s he is an excellent content creator so go
7496s give him a follow and see if he is
7498s actually going to be the first person to
7500s hit a thousand yeah let's see if he
7502s lives up to it yeah absolutely now we
7506s did have uh we had some connection
7508s issues there yeah a little bit a little
7510s bit of connection issues from a couple
7512s of our players but we're going to get
7513s that sorted out so don't worry all the
7516s points will be there eventually yes yes
7519s I do believe it means though we're going
7521s to have some matches that are going to
7522s take place offline yes so and right now
7524s it's looking like that is Aveline versus
7526s Medi but also bunny Hopper versus Fino
7529s yeah so those matches will happen we'll
7530s have a recap for you guys tomorrow about
7532s that but until then we will we will move
7534s on to round three eventually soon and
7537s look but let's take a look at the
7539s results we have so far from round two
7541s and that's that's why you're gonna
7542s notice things like bunny Hopper and
7544s what's going on with bunny Hopper and
7545s Fino there is what we just talked about
7546s those connection issues but we did have
7548s Hunter Ace 2-0 AL East Raza Abilene
7552s currently sitting at a 1-0 versus mini
7554s we'll pick up the rest of that later
7556s Regis kilman 2-0 No Hands gamer wow
7561s Regis I'm gonna set a little bit of an
7563s upset yeah is it upset I'm very excited
7566s for Regis yeah he also beat toast he's
7568s just carrying team Frost right now he's
7571s a little bit looking upset for frost in
7572s general I wasn't off to the strongest
7574s start in round one I know our audience
7576s will know what this means but he might
7578s be a death knight
7580s um so foreshadowing for tomorrow
7582s potentially
7584s we also had dog touring Tice and uh
7587s let's take a look at some highlights
7589s from the round from round two we just
7590s left it here we see Alice Raza playing
7594s down that frigidara
7596s getting a massive board clear
7600s now we're going into Abilene versus
7601s meaty
7603s seen that big cellular dimathrius come
7606s down big heels
7608s yeah we've been bigger board clears
7610s and that another
7611s big well and you know 16 I say he's big
7614s okay we've seen bigger yeah
7616s we know that cantaloupe came back and
7619s won that one and here is Regis upsetting
7622s No Hands gamer over here with all that
7625s Frost power
7627s um miji just not able to get enough
7629s Health on his death knight we see
7632s unholies currently in the lead with 12
7634s points team blood with nine and team
7637s Frost with five keeping in mind there
7638s are still a few games to finish up but
7641s currently with the current games finish
7643s we have Team Unholy in first place with
7647s 12 points and even though
7649s Regis is killing it with the frost deck
7652s a team for us only has five points kill
7655s Benning it with the frost check
7657s yeah but you're putting some more points
7659s on the board for team for us got a
7661s chance to catch up with blood here as we
7662s head into round three and maybe everyone
7664s could just stall out on holding a little
7666s bit they all work together let's take a
7668s look at our player standings individual
7669s players standings it looks like a
7671s cantaloupe and dog
7673s sit pretty yeah so they each have six
7676s points uh that because they got the wins
7679s for both and Regis coupled with four
7681s that means he tied the first one and I
7683s think I missed that but yeah he tied in
7685s one and so these are the points we
7687s currently have our big Winners but also
7689s keep in mind
7690s to help yes
7693s yeah we've got the Helm of domination if
7694s any of these players are on a three win
7696s streak they currently have that and that
7698s could mean a potential comeback for any
7700s players that shut them down yeah they
7702s get an additional three points per that
7704s so we will get in with those points
7707s later but yeah and they can get shut
7709s down by players if a player stops
7712s somebody on a win streak they will earn
7713s their team extra points for shutting
7716s them down
7717s yeah I I think it's interesting how
7720s Frost at the moment is in third place
7722s but Regis by himself on Frost is in
7725s third place overall for individual
7727s players
7728s what do you think so far how do you
7730s think like has your opinion of the three
7733s runes change so you know interesting
7735s enough I I did talk to the players like
7737s hey what do you think is the strongest
7739s Rune and you know Bonnie Hopper said to
7741s me yeah right oh Ross Frost is the
7743s strongest but you know we're seeing that
7745s they're not really coming up with like
7748s the best decks but keep in mind these
7749s players did not get a lot of time with
7751s these cards and they had to make four
7754s decklists they had to try and make
7756s decklists for the other teams to try and
7758s figure out what they might be facing so
7760s they could kind of practice uh what they
7762s might see so they might not have
7765s realized what Unholy could do the power
7767s and potential behind Unholy or the power
7769s and potential behind the blood so I
7771s think that's kind of what happened is
7773s that they you know they had to focus on
7775s their own decks and
7777s put in some effort to thinking of what
7779s will the other teams do and uh they just
7782s you know we got to see so much power
7784s from each Rune but I think the Unholy
7787s really Unleashed something that other
7789s teams weren't expecting yeah and holy
7791s was definitely a bit of a sleeper for me
7794s it was not the Rune I was I was really
7795s looking at I said from the gecko and
7797s holi's my favorite and I I think this
7800s this show match is proving to me that
7803s I'm going to keep my favorite of Unholy
7805s well we're about to find out that holds
7806s because let's take a look at our round
7808s three matchups as we take a look at just
7812s exactly what this is looking like
7814s starting off Frost versus blood we have
7816s bunny Hopper on Frost facing off against
7818s cantaloupe who's probably feeling pretty
7820s good after round two yeah but he's face
7822s seeing one of the most prominent best
7825s players in the world in bunny Hopper
7827s Team Liquid player plays so much
7830s competitive Hearthstone that I'm sure
7832s while cantaloupe's feeling good he knows
7834s that this match really makes the
7836s difference Ali shazivers Tice Abilene
7839s versus Hunter race No Hands gamer
7841s versfino now Regis you know he's on the
7844s hot streak is he going to be able to
7845s defeat the one and only dog I didn't
7847s know Frost was allowed to be that hot
7849s yeah
7850s meaty verse disguise toast so these are
7855s some exciting matchups about where we
7857s get to check out soon I mean between
7859s toast and mini we're making a literal
7860s sandwich so
7862s we could see how that and right above
7866s the sandwich oh that's where you come
7868s down on that debate it is right it's a
7870s safe way too right it's a meet between
7872s two pieces of bread I I want to see
7877s Frost come back I'm too much of an old
7879s school death knight fan all going all
7881s the way back to Warcraft 3 seeing
7883s Arthur's turn
7884s come on come on Frost do it I think I
7888s think Ali Strauss is going to be Tyce
7889s here I believe I believe in that and I I
7892s think they could do it I think they just
7893s maybe had some early rough matchups
7896s working out some Kinks they can do it
7898s the more they play the more experience
7900s they get under the belt they more they
7902s learn the weaknesses of their own decks
7904s but also the weaknesses of the Decks
7905s that they're going up against
7906s and tomorrow we have some exciting new
7910s ways to earn points that we'll get into
7912s tomorrow but you got to make sure you
7914s tune in tomorrow to see how that can go
7916s down and how these teams can have a
7919s comeback and win it all I hope you're
7920s taking notes because when March drops on
7923s December 6th yeah you'll know what to uh
7926s what to play right out the gate and now
7928s let's take a look at dogs decklist
7930s because we're going to be checking in on
7932s dog to start round three
7935s yeah the his double Unholy single Frost
7938s so that means he is allowed to slot in
7941s single Frost cards he cannot run any
7943s double or triple Frost and for Unholy he
7946s can only use the single and doubles he
7947s cannot use the triples because he is
7950s using the single Frost so I think a Big
7952s Boon of single Frost is accessed to that
7956s defrost card yeah that Knight does not
7958s have a lot of inherent draw you've seen
7960s the baron the baron can be used by any
7962s death knight it does not have a rune but
7964s beyond that there's not a whole lot of
7966s draw going on and defrost which is
7968s locked behind that single Frost Rune
7970s requirement brings a lot more draw to
7974s this is North Frontier and decks yeah
7976s but he's trying to get to the car that
7977s doubles up all the Minions attacking
7980s health so you know you want a draw to
7982s get to that uh he has drawn the Accolade
7984s of death after a friendly Undead dies
7986s draw a card so if that can stick to the
7988s board for a bit that will help him with
7990s that draw yeah but let's talk about you
7991s know what he has access to with the
7993s double and only because we've seen Army
7995s of the Dead cause some massive swings in
7999s the states for only five Mana I mean you
8003s think of like the Druid card that
8005s summons a swarm of 2-1 Lotus and that's
8007s seven Mana this is
8010s two twos so they have a house so they
8013s can stick when they trade into one
8014s attack minions can even happen after the
8016s scourge because what what board
8017s developments happens even after a card
8019s as bombastic as a Scourge you're not
8021s always going to get a board full of
8022s large minions right so yeah this very
8025s powerful uh Tim Guardian summoning
8029s um tutus with taunt and then you can
8032s have them have Reborns so it gets sticky
8033s sticky sticky minions this is what our
8035s players are looking for just keeping
8037s Minions on the board as much as possible
8038s but let's meet docs I'm sure a lot of
8040s you guys don't know dog and he's he's a
8044s relatively we do we've been in ours
8046s though a long time dog is a household
8048s name and uh yeah so his favorite
8051s competitor is Brian Kibler fun fact a
8053s lot of people said that their favorite
8054s competitor was Brian Kibler like to face
8057s him in his Dragon decks and his practice
8058s buddy hafu
9665s a a gentleman's 1-1 defense
9671s it's a harbinger of winter off the top
9673s draw Ally can't even kill it herself
9677s though no
9679s no she'd want to kill him in this
9681s position excuse like I got something on
9683s board
9684s does trade
9686s nice Ops for the token here
9689s gonna play the no muncher had the option
9693s of death striking off for jadara and
9695s having to know muncher send five to Ally
9699s sides didn't want to go that route
9703s clean turn here where she can rhyme
9705s sculptor draw
9708s board
9711s yeah yeah using your hero power she can
9714s clear the naturalist might clear as well
9716s and you might feel like you're on the
9719s ropes so much so that you might want to
9721s rip it right now but with two rhyme
9723s sculptors in hand like I said there's a
9725s cleaner way to do this while also
9727s developing a bunch of fodder for a later
9730s dinathrius Infuse
9732s now just considering it you know she's
9736s thinking this turnout
9739s it definitely needs to get rid of this
9742s no muncher a truly precarious situation
9744s good draw with the baron
9748s but then you gotta count every man
9750s accounts you only have one horn of
9752s winter in hand it doesn't fully negate
9754s the three costs of that Baron
9757s yeah so she's gonna do this play
9760s oh she does she does the double rhyme
9762s instead of the draw which I like oh
9764s gonna refresh for development for her
9767s sire danathrius I think she realizes I
9770s can't just temp out the star because
9771s this might be like my last shot at
9773s winning
9774s despite you know we didn't get to see
9776s the beginning of the game so we don't
9777s know what cards she's used but this
9779s could be her last out of winning the
9780s game and she can't absolutely she's
9782s staring down a 47 Health Tice
9786s that's a lot of Health the more infused
9787s the dinathrios gets the more of of an
9791s out alistraza has
9793s and it looks like we may see some more
9796s infusing for Ali's dinathrius if this
9799s blood boil goes down because it's going
9800s to clear every single one of those rhyme
9803s Elementals
9807s Dallas is interesting and empowers the
9809s Death Strike but not the blood boil yeah
9813s he might not have known that because he
9814s might not have tried this interaction
9815s before but we've seen it before so um
9818s yeah it doesn't quite work together
9820s because of the spell itself isn't doing
9822s the damage it is applying an effect yes
9824s that does the damage exactly these
9827s people get some drops oh poor Tice
9829s though only sitting above 50 Health
9830s that's so so small so weak
9836s Ellie's looking at the hovering over
9838s that dinathrius yeah it's gonna deal as
9842s at 12.
9843s it's so but it's a big minion and if she
9846s thinks hey I I have to bank that Tice
9849s doesn't have a way to clear this
9851s unfortunately we know that Tice is
9854s sitting on that
9855s very affordable three Mana s68 yeah 68
9859s just clear
9862s three
9866s pull it up with the blood boil if Tice
9868s really wanted I don't think he needs to
9874s it's the perfect card at the perfect
9877s time for Ty to have in his hand his hand
9878s isn't much of anything else but it's
9881s exactly what he needed so Ali looking to
9884s say okay what can I do with this
9885s nerubian because this could give her a
9888s comeback this could give her another
9889s option another out to to take the game
9893s this is where it gets interesting versus
9894s a blood deck like tices because look
9896s Tice has run out of resources Death
9899s Strike all it does is help you clear a
9901s minion which not nothing has a lifestyle
9904s attached to it gonna keep that already
9905s very high Health though continuing to go
9907s up
9908s and has a blood boil all you're doing
9910s with this is controlling the ward
9912s meanwhile vizier just found frostworm
9915s sphere one of our favorite cards summon
9918s the five
9919s deal five damage freeze enemy board such
9923s a good card how are you going to look no
9924s muncher in the face at the end of this
9926s oh my God listen
9929s I can love too
9931s gonna use that Deathstroke to get rid of
9933s the frostworm clear it off the board
9935s does not leave Tice with even close to
9938s enough Mana to develop the bone guard
9939s Commander but he's also not under
9941s extreme Threat all that is on board
9942s right now is two damage from the vizier
9944s and tice is still sitting at 39.
9948s worthless winter you know as excited as
9951s I am as someone who has played
9953s consecrate many many times
9955s doesn't really do a lot here yeah and
9957s we've talked about this earlier Alex
9958s just seemed like she didn't have any
9959s draw before and now look at all the draw
9961s she has draw draw like that her help it
9964s was all sitting at the bottom of her
9965s deck that's just unlucky that's just
9967s very unfortunate for Ally she had it in
9969s her deck she couldn't get to it
9972s and yes now one card left this might be
9975s the first game we see go to fatigue oh
9978s look another draw card at the very
9980s bottom yeah there's that defrost Ally
9982s saying that is not what I wanted off the
9985s bottom of my deck and tice puts a point
9988s up
9990s let's take a look at tice's deck which
9993s just kept things in full control
9997s yeah he was playing the triple blood
9999s deck so he has that soul stealer which
10002s destroys all other minions gaining one
10003s forks for each enemy destroyed so he's
10006s gonna destroy his own minions but also
10008s the enemy gain a ton of corpse that
10010s corpse explosion yeah we saw it go off
10012s as we entered the game didn't really get
10014s a chance to see what the board looked
10015s like ahead of time but this is a card I
10017s am totally hyped for
10019s maximum death knight flavor yeah so much
10023s power but also like we've seen the
10025s corpse titles get absolutely ridiculous
10027s and if they are absolutely ridiculous
10029s corpse explosion is just going to keep
10031s going off until you don't need to worry
10032s about threats anymore
10034s all right so Ally's heating up she got
10036s her beanie on she ready to go she said
10038s I'm gonna I'm gonna get this I'm gonna
10039s get this tie you put a beanie on when
10041s you start getting heated oh yeah okay
10043s that's how we do it in Florida do we oh
10046s yeah you're from Florida too that's
10047s that's how we do it I have questions but
10050s I I my question right now is what cards
10053s are our competitors Gonna Keep Ali says
10055s all of them Tice says maybe just Soul
10058s breaker and denaturius I see you so I
10061s can get maximum infusions now that straw
10064s is also starting with a rather impactful
10066s infused card with Sylvanas they occur uh
10068s the accused
10071s but you know I think I'd rather have a
10074s dinathurist so what do you think yeah
10076s who wouldn't we wouldn't want those um
10080s Fusion start
10081s s starting to stack so you could deal a
10083s million damage to the opponent I
10085s legitimately thought you were gonna say
10086s who wouldn't want those apps because my
10088s answer is
10089s but who wouldn't
10091s all right so Ali able to Temple at
10093s to reduce the cost of a spell in hand
10096s but wait she doesn't have a spouse so
10098s she decides to hold back let's just put
10100s this weapon up and chill just getting it
10103s ready
10104s there's a couple Death Knight weapons
10106s that are like that we also have the the
10108s tutu that does two damage to the
10110s opponent's face if you clear a minion or
10113s if you attack a minion with it so it's
10114s just kind of a why would I swing face
10116s with this one I can use it as a control
10117s tool and gain more value a couple Death
10120s Knight weapons that you might just play
10122s and wait
10124s as we see here Ali offered Unholy frenzy
10127s dark transformation or glacial advance
10128s so she has to kind of think here like is
10130s there a card from tices that I really
10132s need to silence which I would need that
10133s direct transformation
10135s um and Holly frenzy is a really good way
10137s to start empowering your denaturis
10141s um she decides to go for that glacial
10142s advance to that far left card that's
10144s going to be could deal with damaged face
10146s and reduces the cost of the next spell
10150s by two or is it card it reduces card or
10154s spell by two
10155s spell
10157s probably
10158s I believe it's spelled still learning
10160s today there's a lot of cards oh glacial
10163s Advance it's your next spell this turn
10164s oh yeah
10166s you don't get to carry it over to the
10168s next turn
10170s Ali has a lot of tools here to deal with
10172s tokens with that double spammy Arcanine
10175s but she's not really facing that so
10177s she's going to Tempo out her own minions
10179s in the rhyme sculptor yeah
10183s pretty nice like clean curve for Ally so
10186s far I'd say the only hiccup I think was
10188s developing the rang Fang sword without a
10191s spell in hand to where you just want to
10192s hold you don't want to swing still
10194s doesn't it well has a spell in hand but
10196s it's horn winner it's already as cheap
10198s as a spell can get
10204s this corpse kind of going up a little
10206s bit higher there with the use of his own
10208s ghoul charge hero power
10211s is this the first time we've seen a
10213s rhyme Elemental survive a turn
10216s probably the little two one that could
10220s anti-magic shell glacial defends her
10221s heart strike appeared to be the options
10223s yeah we can see it now on stream
10225s for Ali Strazza heartstrike not getting
10228s a lot of love today
10230s no it's not anti-magic show gets picked
10233s up interesting
10235s yeah so this allows it so things can't
10237s be targeted so she was really mad at 68
10240s last game right but that's not a Target
10243s though so this would not play around
10244s with 68. as fixie it is a target no it's
10248s uh it's probably the highest oh you're
10251s right
10253s and then a lot of the other control
10255s tools as well they don't care
10258s apply effects to the entire board
10261s howling as a target for freeze yeah the
10265s targeted six damage from yeah yep that's
10268s a Target so it still would be a decent
10270s enough follow-up once your Sylvanas is
10273s infused you know but decides to just rip
10276s it there
10277s besides hey you know what a vizier a
10279s rhyme Elemental a really happy and
10282s Plucky noggling that's enough for the
10284s plus one plus one and I don't want you
10285s to be able to easily deal with them with
10287s things like your death strike
10291s but you know if you don't care spammy
10292s arkiness no
10296s so spammy not getting the absolute
10297s perfect clear there but setting up for
10299s the absolute perfect clear with the
10300s additional weapon swing from Tice yeah
10303s Ali Strazza is going
10305s to respond here could go for the steal
10308s on the now infused Sylvanas the accused
10312s saying no you know what I'd like options
10315s let's see what theotara has yes on The
10318s Sire danathrius but she's offered
10321s soul stealer and Steelers terrible bone
10324s guard is very exciting uh sorry renothal
10327s I don't think you're in the running no
10329s sorry man you're cool and all like thank
10331s you for the 40 Health but it's a nice
10333s goblet yeah we're gonna look at the soul
10336s stealer we're gonna look at the other
10338s what should be there good quite couldn't
10340s quite make it out now horn of winter
10341s it's been americanist yeah we'll find
10343s out soon what she picked yeah probably
10345s not going to send over your own infused
10347s Sylvanas the accused I don't think so
10349s I'd be looking at horn mostly there it
10352s is
10353s goes for the horn I gave the horns took
10356s the soul stealer so she can destroy all
10359s other minions gained one fork for each
10361s enemy minion destroyed huge clear with
10365s that card
10368s looking at that nope
10371s besides gotta Death Strike it get that
10374s six Health dice what's starting to get
10377s on the low side and honestly for the
10379s blood games we've seen I'd say 23 is on
10381s the low side yeah very low
10385s so unhealthy still not a juicy Target
10388s for Sylvanas
10390s your option of two three fours that
10393s don't really bring anything else
10396s yeah I feel like her hand is really
10398s meant for dealing with more of an Unholy
10400s deck and it's
10404s it's you know it's a little of a stall
10406s here yeah that's okay to stall a bit if
10408s you're playing more of a control style
10409s yeah Bone Breaker doesn't really help
10413s either on top of the fact that you have
10415s Ryan Fang already equipped but
10418s all you're gonna do is Discount glacial
10420s Advance which
10422s not looking like you're getting teed up
10425s or any major spell burst combos at this
10429s time
10430s face
10437s swinging uh and sets herself up for a
10441s chain reaction off that's maybe arcan is
10442s utilizing the own one Health of her hero
10446s power goal that was you know gonna die
10447s at the end of turn anyway right
10449s so leaves up a minion but she has a
10452s bigger minion technically so you know
10454s she has more of the control of the
10455s boards
10456s but Tyce has control of the turn and uh
10460s he's looking at this bone guard that
10462s summon a bunch of risen footmen that's
10467s what he's going to do definitely has the
10468s corpses to fuel it takes them down to
10471s only four but
10472s not like he has room for the next bone
10475s card Commander anyway
10477s she's able to
10482s see certainly consider it if I were in
10484s Alie strauss's position
10486s but also has the Mana to potentially
10488s draw first with defrost see what you get
10491s so you're hovering over glacial Advance
10493s which could also be a bit of a combo
10495s there because that would make that
10496s defrost cost nothing
10498s so if you're considering using glacial
10499s Advance this turn anyway that would be
10501s the best way to sequence it
10509s racial at the big boy yeah it's gonna be
10513s four
10515s into the bone guard Commander
10518s set it up for the trade off the back of
10520s the pool there
10529s to utilize it gets to that sire
10531s danathrius
10533s with the draw so now she can start
10536s infusing him
10538s to go face yeah a long way to catch up
10540s though to Tyson after is sitting
10542s currently infused up to 18 damage not
10544s too much of Tyson just follow this up
10546s with another bone guard Commander if he
10547s wants
10548s and we'll still have two Mana left over
10550s to just give more Health with the
10552s vampiric blood then you just top decked
10554s if that's and once again he knows
10557s because she has souls to kill her though
10559s so he's probably aware that like oh
10560s she's gonna
10562s Steal My Soul it's fine like he knows
10565s about this card but he's fueling the
10567s diet the dinofrio so I don't think he
10569s really cares what he doesn't know about
10571s though is the Sylvanas the accused true
10574s which again looking at a juicy 88
10584s Bone Breaker doesn't not really going to
10586s do a whole lot here I think the options
10588s between do you want a soul steal or do
10590s you want to just
10592s steal the bone guard
10595s It's All Steel it is besides I want to
10597s cosplay a triple blood death knight for
10600s this turn drops a soul stealer
10604s ties down to 19. of course
10608s whenever denaturius gets thrown down
10611s it's going to be a massive Health swing
10613s for Tice
10616s but if I were tastes too I wouldn't feel
10618s particularly pressured at the moment no
10620s I think the Texas feeling some pretty
10622s just
10623s feeling in a good spot right now you're
10625s that worried you have asphyxiate you
10627s could just get rid of the five five
10632s you're gonna get Reborn the blood Mage
10634s style Mouse
10636s out goes the s68
10639s and
10640s there goes soul stealer love this reborn
10643s on the
10647s uh yeah because you know Tice is doing
10649s well looking pretty safe but what he is
10652s lacking
10653s his card draw yep
10656s Ellie has some cards on hand she has
10658s chill falling Baron and she has the
10660s Discover mechanic off the narubian
10662s vizier
10665s that can give a very spell that cost two
10668s less
10670s she could look for something like the
10671s scourge out of it that could really give
10673s her something powerful absolutely
10675s decides to dig first finds brand
10677s bronzberg which would double up the
10680s Battle Cry discover of vizier double
10682s Scourge yeah and the brand survives it
10686s should also set up for a double-sided
10687s bathrooms Battle Cry it doesn't really
10690s help with that
10691s yeah decides not to use the brand
10695s so she's looking at tomb Guardian which
10698s she goes with
10703s you
10704s if you're in this position you're just
10706s thinking I just I just need more things
10708s to die I just need to feed my dinathrius
10710s I need to find a way to close out the
10714s game you're looking at 17 hour it's in
10717s range and of course you and I we're
10719s sitting here going
10721s huge stenathrius in hand yeah it's real
10724s big on the other side
10726s now up to 27 damage split amongst all
10730s enemies and there is not that much
10732s health on board
10734s to soak it up for Ellie straussen
10737s the vampiric plug from Tice giving him
10739s 10 extra Health on top of his original
10743s health
10744s drawing as well
10746s and just last turn Tyson's hand was
10748s looking pretty Barren but look at this
10750s okay askler is such a good pickup too
10752s when you start to run out of
10757s Advantage because he's just gonna give
10760s you another ask the Lord two more times
10761s now A lot of perfectly
10767s beautiful
10769s Corpse Bride we haven't seen Corpse
10771s Bride get played yet no this is uh I
10774s love I love geeking out about art Loki
10776s one of my favorite pieces of art from
10777s the set I just think it's such a
10778s gorgeous illustration
10780s but Ali going to Tempo for fire to
10784s Matthews which allows ties to Tempo his
10786s Patchwork destroying it and a card from
10788s deck and tan
10790s it's a clean kill you don't need to
10793s worry about follow-up lifesteal off of
10795s the benadry it's not at this moment it
10797s was a concern because Ellie is capped at
10799s 40 at the moment
10802s entice just gonna take five armor
10805s develop a five five yeah just destroy
10808s the board and develop his own
10810s Tice is just safe to wait
10813s he's chilling I can see him chilling
10815s down there 16 damage on tap from the
10817s astolore on top of 30 damage
10821s on tap from the side of the nathrius of
10823s course you can't play it both in the
10824s same turn
10825s right
10827s they're not Druids with 20 Mana
10831s also not playing bone Lord
10834s make the first one you played that
10835s turned zero got killed we haven't got to
10839s see that card yet oh yeah we saw it once
10841s so I didn't it it was played it was
10843s played once Corpse Bride in hand spend
10847s up to eight corpses summon a risen groom
10849s with stats equal to the amount spent
10852s so this is essentially a five Mana four
10854s four that summons
10857s uh a night eight I believe right
10861s yes you can use it with brands
10863s make it even bigger it should summon
10867s two I believe yeah and it'll consume
10870s consume corpses twice so there you go uh
10872s it was sitting over 20 courses now down
10874s to only seven and developed two eight
10877s eight risen grooms
10878s a corpse X
10888s is going to do just enough
10890s yeah sets himself up for uh near perfect
10893s actually it still gets to retain two
10895s corpses in the corpse bank I guess
10898s that's a morgue
10900s the corpse morgue
10904s Ellie has a man school teacher off the
10906s top can't use it with bran also is
10909s defrost for draw
10912s oh yeah brand brand no longer hanging
10914s around sadly
10916s see a familiar face with taylon
10917s forgering coming down from Tice
10919s which normally a little Annoying to deal
10921s with but not what you have in an infused
10924s Sylvanas
10925s so Ally's going to look at what this
10928s snuggling could be
10931s options aren't great
10934s room 14 we're not seeing much play out
10937s if it draws a weapon and reduces its
10939s cost if you have a corpse to spend icy
10941s Touch to damage freeze it or refresh to
10945s Mana like that was not what she was
10947s looking for no not big Power Cards
10950s especially so this late in the game
10954s I just feel a sense of dread I feel a
10956s sense of dread for Ally because I can
10958s just sit I can just hover over that's
10960s higher than Matthews and I can just see
10962s how much damage is stored away on top of
10964s the fact that s floor flamebringers been
10966s just sitting impatient they're like what
10967s are we doing I've been able to manifest
10969s for multiple turns now let me do my
10972s gorgeous spell effect let me do it I do
10975s 16 damage
10978s I don't seem too much rightful Necro
10980s Light yet either the two Mana too too
10982s Undead with Battle Cry of give a
10984s friendly Minion death rattle summon a
10985s 2-2 zombie with Rush
10987s not a massive power play this late in
10989s the game
10991s but I think vikral necrolyte is going to
10993s be a big player in early game you know
10996s curving out
10998s one of those cards you want to see
10999s you're really for sure yeah just get it
11001s after a body bag fantastic this is the
11003s clear yeah it does leave up a 5-1
11005s Sylvanas Ally gets some nice draw out of
11009s overseer frigidara
11013s my Frost Wilson you will be able to
11016s clear off that floor as well because it
11019s will reduce his health down to six and
11021s then she can use a ghoul if she'd like
11022s to or maybe something else from hand
11025s yeah it's just it's looking a little
11027s rough for Ellie at the moment because
11030s even without the denatures that we know
11032s Tice has I'm just not seeing enough
11035s damage to even deal with how much health
11036s dice currently is sitting on yeah
11041s yeah and we know with our nice casts or
11043s Vision how much health he really has
11045s with that vampiric blood so you can get
11047s 10 more Health once he has enough
11049s corpses he has a cyberus to restore
11052s health
11058s leading the clear
11062s all right so Ali has found a way to keep
11064s her minion keep her Sylvanas
11067s and therefore keep what a top deck soul
11071s stealer off the top as if Tice wasn't
11075s feeling safe enough already
11078s what a top deck oh my goodness he's
11081s running out of options
11083s but so is Ali Ali's using a lot of her
11085s resources at the moment danathere says
11089s one damage off lethal by itself oh yeah
11092s but she has Ashley now she can Tempo out
11094s the first one and the second one
11097s not the third one but she could get some
11099s value out on the board yeah it would
11102s soak up some very important damage from
11105s the dinathrius
11108s but also needs to find a way to deal
11109s with the soul sealer because I could
11110s help push through
11112s any minor amounts of damage that
11114s cytogenathrius misses
11117s even misses damage amongst enemies she
11121s decides to go face get some armor with
11124s that Mana thirst new keyword
11127s and just push face she's like nope this
11131s is my out this is my how I win I just
11133s need to go face
11135s as Frost
11137s dude you did not decide to swing with
11140s the Bone Breaker holds back
11143s and is this gonna be it is this gonna be
11147s a 34 damage and after his turn
11151s or just I say a 29 I'm fine I can wait
11154s even longer
11161s the soul breaker
11165s probably not at the top of Tyson's list
11167s right now I don't think Tice is looking
11168s for corpses right now
11171s could help him chip through
11173s F5 armor
11177s okay we're gonna get to see that Battle
11179s Cry effect of rikel necrolyte in action
11181s as
11183s the hero power gold eyes leaves behind
11185s one of those two two rampaging zombies
11187s with Crush help clean up the trade there
11192s he's an actor
11196s The Valley strasa in range of that
11198s dinathrius which of course she is at
11201s right now but could develop again more
11203s Health that would soak up that damage
11205s and with the Horn of winter in hand she
11208s can actually spend 12 man on the stern
11210s she has the polite thing so that she can
11213s get a bunch of taunts therefore
11215s Tice can't swing face and sorry
11217s dinathary is no longer can just all go
11220s phase he has you know some minions in
11222s his way yeah she is going to have to
11223s decide if she wants to play ask Lori the
11226s flamebringer she will need to use that
11229s horn of winter
11230s to access the Mana necessary
11234s we could just follow it up with a
11235s remorseless winner which would give her
11236s two thoughts
11239s that's what she decides on
11242s the corner winter it would take her up
11244s to five I want you to follow that back
11246s with rhyme sculptor yeah otherwise she
11249s could just swing and
11257s but yeah I think she's looking at just
11259s like I need to develop I need he has one
11261s card just one like I'm not playing
11264s around a lot she probably knows what it
11265s is if he's been holding that card
11267s floating man at certain turns yeah she
11270s knows what it is I'm sure
11275s does Tice dig or does Tice go for
11278s dinathrius he's
11280s looking like this is it 38 damage where
11283s does the damage go
11284s oh
11287s get some stuff back up to 60 health
11291s putting Ally down to nine flamebringer
11294s could clear the board without
11297s I mean the lifesteal doesn't matter Tice
11299s is sitting at 60.
11302s also we need to start talking about
11304s fatigue alistraza only has six cards
11307s left in her deck so even if she is able
11310s to stabilize with ask the Laura and the
11312s other tools available to her
11315s she's now in a race against her own
11318s remaining cards but it looks like Ty's
11321s will take the win without the
11326s out the final two calls from the
11327s janathrius and with a weapon on board
11329s for ties he can just swing past that
11331s taunt
11333s and go face
11337s it we have 2-0 for Tice against Ali
11341s Strazza
11343s oh
11345s my Frost heart is dying
11348s fun games
11350s they were and that's what can really
11352s happen with blood especially yeah
11355s especially blood but I think this was
11356s interesting because you know in my mind
11359s I see a frost as being this very bursty
11361s deck a very more uh combo or mid-range
11365s but we saw that it has the potential to
11367s be control so if you like control decks
11369s and you like frost stuff there is an
11371s option for you with this Frost kind of
11373s style though it couldn't beat the blood
11376s no but because blood is just meant to be
11378s the ultimate control deck I'm pretty
11380s sure so with all that Health that they
11382s can produce so
11384s yeah it it's serious stall Factor well
11387s if you want to see if blood continues to
11389s be the ultimate control deck stay tuned
11392s we're gonna go to break and we'll see
11394s you right back here for the next round
11434s foreign
11464s foreign
11496s foreign
11527s foreign
11560s okay we're almost done but we do have
11562s one more thing cord got something cool
11565s to share yeah let's talk about events
11567s all right we've had events in
11568s Hearthstone like mid-summer fire
11570s Festival Noble garden and Lunar New Year
11573s what's changing well our events have
11576s been delivered mainly through legendary
11577s quests which were great but we'd like to
11579s do more and to do that we've created a
11581s new event system time limit events now
11584s have a dedicated place within the
11585s Hearthstone menu and when an event is
11587s active a wax seal will replace the
11589s journal button to let you know something
11591s special is going on when you first enter
11593s you'll be presented with an invitation
11594s to join in the festivities with a
11596s rundown of the event there's no
11597s dedicated page of the journal to support
11600s new events with question rewards we've
11602s kept much of what's fun about legendary
11604s quests you know play the game complete
11606s quests get cool prizes but now we
11608s present those rewards front and center
11609s paired with awesome art and a little bit
11611s of story and they're placed in a reward
11613s track allowing us to better control
11615s content pacing we're key taking things
11617s off with the Knights of hollow's end
11619s event The Headless Horseman rides North
11621s to answer the call of the Lich King and
11623s it's not just Quest and rewards from
11624s this event at the same time the entire
11626s Knights of the Frozen Throne set will be
11628s added to core making free for everyone
11630s and back in standard so you can go play
11633s with all the old hero cards and when
11635s does this go live right now right now
11638s the Knights of hollow's end event lasts
11640s for two weeks and nights of The Frozen
11642s Throne will remain all the way until the
11644s launch of March of the Lich King now you
11646s can catch up on what happened the last
11648s time the Lich King visited the tavern in
11650s preparation for his permanent return on
11652s December 6th
11655s foreign
11663s I hope you're enjoying all of this Death
11666s Knight action out there
11668s reminder let us know if you're enjoying
11670s it what do you enjoying the most on
11672s social media using the hashtag play
11675s Hearthstone we just heard from Knight 76
11678s Wing said I'm just ready to explore the
11681s new class try out different decks and
11683s find out what works I'm probably gonna
11686s go blood and frost I can't wait well
11689s Nightwing uh it seems that blood and
11691s frost seems are working pretty well for
11692s other people what do you think what no
11694s Unholy team run holy let's go I can't
11698s believe him no disagree but I appreciate
11701s that we all have different likes and
11703s dislikes so yeah for me it's Unholy but
11705s can totally see the frost for those
11708s especially who like control for the
11710s blood I'm liking it after watching this
11712s and let's see what we're about to watch
11713s let's take a look at our matchups
11716s as we continue on with our death knight
11718s show match this is our schedule for
11721s round three or this is a this is our our
11723s results oh yes the results so we had one
11726s one for bunny Hopper cantaloupe taking
11728s his first loss to bunny Hopper uh
11731s stopping that win streak Ali Strazza
11733s loses zero two to Tice Abilene and
11736s Hunter Ace that uh match will happen
11738s after stream match she is still trying
11739s to get online for a second Fino wins 2-0
11743s to No Hands gamer uh moving the Unholy
11746s team up a bit dog tying Regis kilbin and
11749s midi uh two o's disguised toast oh meaty
11753s putting in some work there yeah so I see
11756s some you know evening out of the score
11758s there and so we're going to see Team
11760s Unholy still on top with 16 points but
11762s Team Bullet not far behind with 13 and
11765s we know that you know Abilene still
11766s needs to play so
11768s they they might just be beating them
11770s kind of hard to tell right now because
11772s of that be a bit of an upset yeah games
11774s that we need to see and we see a tie for
11775s first place with uh individual points
11778s cantaloupe and dog having Seven Points
11781s each a candle of having a better win
11783s streak than dog though but yeah yeah and
11785s Regis coming right behind him with those
11787s five points Antelope just streaking
11788s ahead also here it sounds like Abilene
11790s has sorted out those connection issues
11792s and will be in round four oh good
11795s that's exciting yeah and we'll make sure
11797s that by tomorrow morning for our
11799s tomorrow's uh stream that we'll make
11801s sure to have all those games updated for
11803s you guys so we can have a proper point
11805s total yeah it might be a swing it could
11807s be or it could solidify the lead for one
11809s of the other teams but tomorrow's uh
11811s gains are going to be quite interesting
11813s with the points yes so you have to tune
11816s in you gotta do it
11818s we've got some death knight surprises
11819s for sure definitely
11823s all right well as we move into round
11825s four let's take a look at our matchups
11826s we've got bunny Hopper facing off
11828s against Hunter Hayes Alice Strazza
11830s versus Fino Abilene versus Regis kilbin
11833s No Hands gamer versus meaty dog versus
11836s cantaloupe and disguised toast facing
11839s Tice our two top players dog and
11841s cantaloupe are facing off and that is
11844s who we're gonna get to watch cantaloupe
11845s has had on he's ready to go oh looks
11848s like a little you know they're probably
11849s not bones but I'm in the I'm in the I'm
11851s in the bone zone so
11853s that's that's how I'm interpreting that
11855s hat now
11856s so dog on the Unholy deck has the flight
11859s Fang and Caleb on his control blood deck
11863s yeah dog picking up you know you look at
11866s blight Fang you look at Battlefield
11867s Necromancer needing corpses maybe you
11869s don't want to keep those but the two
11870s graveyard shifts yeah they're spells but
11873s they summon minions and they build up
11875s that corpse count
11878s yeah I do like graveyard shift but not
11880s two of them no yeah one's plenty I see
11883s you cantaloupe has a little bit of frost
11886s in his deck so he's running the double
11887s blood single Frost
11889s this is this is a heck of a matchup so
11892s dog and canola bear both the the top
11894s points leaders for their teams but they
11896s were also both shut down in the last
11899s round they are no longer on their streak
11900s they no longer have their Helms of
11902s domination that is true so they want to
11905s try and get it back at that streak going
11907s again help their team out with that huge
11911s prize pool
11913s school teacher off the top for
11914s cantaloupe but he's saying you know what
11916s want to keep digging there's my chill
11917s falling Baron
11919s slip it slapping it right back to your
11921s dog these these these early turns are
11923s going quick I feel like I can sense the
11926s the players getting more comfortable
11928s with their decks getting more
11929s comfortable with this brand new death
11931s knight class in Hearthstone you're
11932s saying
11935s the blood's happening watching an
11936s anti-magic cell being the option for
11939s cantaloupe on that discover
11943s so they're relatively I like blood tap
11947s here because he has a lot of minions in
11949s hand that are a bit smaller but have
11952s good uh you know battle cries you can
11955s draw a lot but it's a five minute three
11957s five if he could double up that uh
11960s the stats of those minions he's going to
11962s be in a better space he just needs to
11964s get some corpse he only needs two more
11966s if if that's what he's looking to spend
11968s his corpses on and there's two minions
11970s in play right now if they both die all
11972s you're looking at is one more hero power
11975s from Death Knight at the bare minimum
11976s yeah and he did take the blood top so he
11978s did take that card that uh Buffs the
11981s minions in hand one one and then does it
11983s again if you
11985s uh he agrees that that was the best for
11987s his current situation yeah
11992s just got some trading going on from dog
11994s here as uh as now cantaloupe
11997s has the three corpses that I think he
12000s was looking for when he made his
12001s discover selection last turn
12003s but besides now this is a Talon
12005s forgering we're going classic keeping
12007s you know getting some familiar faces up
12009s in here alongside all of the new
12011s denizens of northrend and Scourge
12013s adjacent foes
12016s all right so
12018s so for Doc he
12021s CK
12022s to rate it raises up
12024s says he only has one currently so not
12026s the greatest card so he is going to use
12028s his school teacher to discover a spell
12031s for his nogling anti-magic shell is
12034s school teacher getting a kickback on
12036s offering anti-magic shell it keeps
12038s coming up we've seen it a lot and it's
12039s quite a good one for noggling obviously
12042s a three minute spell onto a one Mana
12044s minion pretty powerful there's also
12046s howling glass I can see them both uh
12049s it's just like
12050s the howling blast makes more sense
12053s currently because if you were to use
12056s um the 1-1 buff right now for the
12059s anti-magic it's really awkward with this
12061s board it doesn't really help the current
12063s situation wouldn't mind it on the 4-4
12065s but not all that exciting on the rest of
12067s these yeah it's awkward collected
12070s aspiring are off the top for cantaloupe
12072s haven't seen a ton of this weapon on
12074s stream just yet
12076s remains be seen if we'll see it in this
12078s game looks like blood cantaloupe is
12080s really considering that noggling which
12082s really at the end of the day I'm pretty
12083s sure the only reason excited about that
12084s is for the blood tap that's attached to
12086s it
12088s double buff of minions yep a 2-2 to
12091s every minion in his hand which he has
12093s had quite a few minions for quite a
12095s while now
12097s we'll clear the board off isn't really
12098s able to develop which is something he
12100s wants to do but remember he's a control
12102s style deck he can develop with time he
12105s doesn't need to you know oh panic
12109s no no panicking I I think it it does it
12113s just go with the territory of blood that
12115s you you're kind of I mean cantaloupe
12117s looks hyped I I struggle to use the term
12120s relaxed but there's something relaxing
12122s about watching blood play because they
12124s just seem in control they have the
12125s health they can wait things out and what
12128s we've seen against for us in some cases
12129s they can wait out the entire deck
12134s all righty
12136s you're gonna check out the stick box
12138s here and see what everyone is up to
12140s everyone is in game currently
12144s this guy's toes going wide against Heist
12147s look at him
12148s looking strong
12152s Unholy
12154s is yeah it's looking
12157s it's looking like you were right Alyssa
12158s you know Unholy I'll admit it I'll admit
12161s it it's looking sweet I'm right looking
12163s strong for that I reward you with an
12165s invincible okay here you go thank you
12167s very much I mean really I should thank
12169s doc oh okay and of course the designers
12173s of hearthstone thanks so much shout out
12174s to the Hearthstone team this set is
12176s legitimately All I've Ever Wanted yeah
12181s we got cantaloupe plenty of options look
12184s at that hand size he says you know what
12186s I want to get my ass the Lord Roland is
12188s 2-2 not the biggest most impactful
12191s minion in the world you know what a five
12192s five is better and we're almost to that
12194s 10 Mana point where the Mana thirst of
12197s astolore's final form the flamebringer
12199s will be coming to the party yeah I was
12202s able to get the math for man of thirst
12204s from the first two and about to get it
12206s from the third so a very good Tempo
12208s opportunity for cantaloupe just to have
12211s it in hand ready to go he also decided
12214s to Napier some hand ready to go
12215s Patchwork a lot of powerful cards in
12218s hand and if you can't doesn't have what
12220s he needs well he has a draw in hand too
12222s because he has two cards that draw two
12225s more minions and have some decent stats
12227s now from the blood top but dog is going
12230s to raise a bunch of corpses with rush to
12232s deal with the current board Army of the
12234s Dead if there is a a more iconic death
12238s knight ability I don't know what it is
12241s even I know Army of the dead
12244s and my lore knowledge is abysmal I do
12247s start to think of the file but you know
12249s what warlock you already you already
12250s took it you already took it Warlock
12252s died to it so many times raiding ICC
12255s so dog still has some options one of
12258s those options however is the perfect
12260s three mana on an 8-8 Stitch giant that's
12262s what I'd be looking at but he says maybe
12264s not yet they could be cheaper if I spend
12267s any Mana for a stitch giant when you can
12269s spend no Mana so I think here what he's
12271s thinking is like do I want to put out an
12274s eight eight when I already have two
12276s decently big Minions on board if I do
12278s this and they have an AOE clear I'm
12281s sacrificing another big minion and when
12283s you're playing into blood when you're
12285s playing into a a deck that has a lot of
12288s AOE you don't want to waste all your big
12291s minions all at one time you need to try
12294s and drag out all their AOE clears so
12296s that at some point you can get it out
12298s and get it to stick so I think that's
12301s what dog was thinking of like uh maybe I
12303s waited turn maybe wait out some clear
12304s and then put it out the next turn that
12307s was a heck of a turn to develop however
12309s because the Manifest is not online yet
12311s we're only sitting at nine Mana as the
12313s Lord is not going to get that second
12315s tick of eight damage and
12318s and he knows he has it so he knows like
12319s oh wait I should I need to play this a
12322s term prior yeah before it can get online
12325s I personally I'd be looking at blood
12327s boil at least it gets rid of those
12328s awkward tutus
12330s no muncher at the moment I'm only gonna
12334s run into a 2-2 of course does bring a
12338s noteworthy amount of healing as well and
12341s dog has such a great follow-up in Blade
12343s Master okanie it flows Health not attack
12345s my bad so sorry no muncher offending you
12347s once again Doc and follow up with the
12349s blade master of cranny if you'd like so
12351s to make sure that hey I don't want the
12355s the Alistair to to deal the AOE so I'm
12358s just going to play this just to silence
12360s or object any Minions that come on the
12362s board
12363s so can clear okay
12366s some counter a minion he has a
12368s yeah this is looking really good for
12370s dogs it is and yeah now you know next
12373s turn yes manathors for ask the Lord will
12375s be online but there's just so much Chunk
12379s in the health of that 1110 and that
12382s eight eight and looks like we might be
12383s adding six Health from Okami to the
12386s board as well yep so if you were
12389s thinking about the flamebrainer I don't
12391s think you are now
12395s and in atheros is only up to 13 damage
12403s now what to do for cantaloupe
12406s not as animated in his webcam anymore oh
12409s I'd be making that face too
12411s because I mean he can't really test
12414s blood boil no but luckily it wasn't a
12417s counter spell right it was a counter
12418s minion so now you can test that with a
12420s one drops of Finley he doesn't have to
12423s he can just kind of wait it out but it
12425s was very fortunate for him that dog did
12428s not pick spell
12433s there goes the minion counter
12437s so he's going to be healing for
12440s 14. going to be getting rid of
12443s like at least eight attack
12446s yeah yeah and the Minions that remain
12449s providing dog doesn't find a way to
12451s close out the game this turn will
12453s continue taking that two damage chip
12455s damage until they are dead and it keeps
12457s healing cantaloupe the whole way yep so
12460s Doug does have his acolores who can get
12463s out the second one having the third one
12464s online by next turn
12466s um he is searching to see what he Army
12469s of the Dead is a would be a really
12471s strong pick up here that is what dog
12473s goes for I could see going for Unholy
12475s frenzy but at the moment he's not
12476s interested in controlling the board yeah
12477s and how many frenzy was interesting in
12479s case he thought oh there might be a
12481s taunt in my way next turn to get to face
12483s because even if the Stitch Giant died it
12485s would come back as an eight eight the
12487s only real loss would be if your 11 7
12489s dies it wouldn't come back with the
12490s Buffs that it could pass
12493s hassle are in hand skeletal sidekick
12496s going to bring two more damage to the
12497s face this turn may not seem like much
12500s but it all adds up we have seen very
12501s small amounts of Chip damage made big
12504s differences in the game so far today
12508s going down to three health
12512s now he's gonna gain some health from the
12515s blood boil and then again from the
12517s sireden authoris but he doesn't clear a
12520s single Minion oh no blood boil would
12522s have looked that off a little bit Yeah
12524s 23 health and it looks like dog just has
12527s no legal on board perfectly full on
12530s board it was unfortunate for The Sire
12532s danathurist not to killed off the five
12534s attack
12535s what an absolutely Relentless board
12537s state dog was able to put together in
12540s that to put that first point up on the
12541s board against cantaloupe
12543s my goodness all right let's take a look
12545s at some of dogs
12548s factoids here oh look favorite
12550s competitor Brian Kibler again if you
12554s well we we we know this about dogs but
12557s if you missed it yeah he did say his
12558s favorite competitors Brian Kibler and
12561s here is his deck list we see some of his
12563s main key cards yeah we saw Army of dead
12566s in that last game but you know enough
12568s with the declares well let's get into
12569s the game enough let's see what they are
12572s up to they've already queued dog has a
12575s sour dynastious to start we know he
12577s likes to hold on to that that has seemed
12579s very important yeah in the games today
12584s with just how many minions die over the
12588s course of any Death Knight game that
12591s hero power
12593s and we see that
12594s uh Antelope has a corrupted ashbringer
12596s at hand
12597s one of these games we'll get to see it
12600s played yeah I I hope I believe I choose
12603s to believe let the people see the
12606s corrupted ashbringer but everyone's here
12609s for right I hear you you live with an
12610s ashbringer fan I Do I Do Love
12615s starting things off with that's
12617s that might be the earliest ass alert
12619s we've seen on stream so far yeah Tempo
12621s oh bone bringer off the top the perfect
12623s answer clearness of the Astor and says
12625s hey I'm also sending you
12627s two damage to the Chrome
12632s for your trouble
12635s easy Tempo plays out of them
12639s so just a you know you know just a
12642s a standard renithal
12649s looking at the vizier also has a coin
12652s though
12653s not sure what he's thinking about
12655s pointing
12658s the answer was nothing it was a it was
12661s nothing nothing
12662s I'm gonna hold on to this
12665s school teacher coming down anybody so is
12668s it offered defrost howling Blaster dark
12671s transformation does he want to silence a
12673s minion does he want that howling blast
12676s because it has so much option with the
12678s freeze or this kind of swipe mechanic or
12682s does he want defrost to Double Draw
12684s so look for exactly what he needs he did
12687s decide to pick up the howling blast so
12689s that is the card that deals three damage
12691s to one minion freezes it and then deals
12694s one damage to all other enemies Helen
12696s blast can also go face early in the day
12699s we were seeing a lot of pressure apply
12701s with howling glass but as the day has
12703s progressed and we've seen just how long
12705s some of these games can go and how big
12706s some of these minions we can get we've
12708s seen Helen blessed increasingly used
12710s more often to just control the board and
12713s try and
12714s them the bleeding cause for some of
12716s these massive minions
12719s all right and for this uh for this
12721s pickup here he is discovering between uh
12724s The Scourge which is what he picked he
12726s did pick the scourge he had a couple
12728s other options that were interesting but
12730s the scourge definitely is one of those
12732s cards that you want to pick up it's a
12734s legendary spell it fills your board with
12736s random Undead it's a refill mechanic
12739s like okay I just lost my board because
12741s I'm facing a control player who has
12742s plenty of AOE I'm just gonna refill it
12744s so great option here in the scourge for
12747s dog but on the other side we have
12750s cantaloupe who now he's looking at some
12752s options he picked up his ass to lore
12755s yeah he's on five Mana his nastrius
12758s wasn't as early as dogs which is as
12759s early as you can find in atheros but
12761s it's still relatively early because yeah
12763s we've seen some very late very late
12768s beneficial necrolyte coming out more
12772s when I expect to see that card in play
12774s which is in the you know the early to
12776s mid game see double Scourge on dog's
12778s side double
12780s double Scourge what does it mean
12784s does it mean something
12786s just had a question as well okay
12790s lore question I was like oh no don't ask
12793s me
12796s you had me worried there goes the army
12799s of the Dead
12806s nice easy clear filling up that sireden
12808s atherius
12810s congresses along the way no muncher off
12813s the top
12816s why do I love no muncher so much it's a
12819s good card and it's only one blood Rune
12822s which means it asks very little to be
12826s included in your deck which is like hey
12828s just a little just a little plug can we
12829s have just like a little Blood please
12830s yeah
12831s it's an undead as well so you can get it
12833s off of the scourge
12838s that that's a heck of a get and I
12840s noticed we've seen multiple times now
12842s where the scourge it seems like they
12845s they kind of want to talk
12847s please give me a taunt I need I need to
12850s live and if you're in that position and
12852s you get the no muncher yep it's taunt
12855s and lifestealand and attacks at the end
12857s of the turn so it's that Hail Mary play
12859s it's a it's a very strong get off of
12861s search but here we're gonna see another
12863s vizier double Battle Cry courtesy of
12866s brand bronzebeard vampiric blood but
12868s also frostworms Fury so those are some
12871s spicy options we've seen a lot of people
12872s pick Death Strike as well I don't think
12875s we'll see it here but we we could we've
12878s seen wider boards from dog in this very
12880s game right now but still freezing all
12883s enemy minions Not a Bad Thing getting in
12885s five chip damage developing your own
12887s five five hey one front what's better
12889s than one frostworms Fury for five Mana
12892s two scourges
12893s uh you're not wrong not where I thought
12897s you were going with that but I like your
12898s energy we got the double Scourge on one
12900s side the devil Frost room on the other
12902s to deal with it but it only kind of
12904s deals with it it deals with it for a
12906s turn right because it just the
12908s frostworth puree freezes all enemy
12910s minions so it's just gonna be like nope
12912s hold on a second
12915s it in a way though it's it's more
12917s interesting than if you actually dealt
12919s with the board that the scourge leaves
12920s behind because then the dog who was
12922s sitting on two scourges can't follow it
12924s up with the second Scourge if the old
12925s board is locked because of the freezing
12927s effect coming off of frostworms Fury I
12930s like the dog Tempo that the acid acelar
12933s because you know he didn't get the
12935s manathors for the eight extra but look
12937s at his hand he wants to Tempo nine
12939s Scourge he wants it again Tempo nine
12941s Scourge the next turn and then the next
12943s turn get started in a three is so there
12945s just wasn't space for it to get the
12946s double eight so it was a really good
12948s call to play it early just so because he
12951s has three more turns but oh my gosh
12953s there is a bone Lord Frost whisper on
12956s dogs board
12957s wow we've seen this included index on
12961s purpose as a major game plan this death
12964s rattle is one of the most unique I've
12966s ever seen in our Stone because when bone
12969s Lord dies
12971s puts you on that timer you get the first
12974s card you play every turn is zero but you
12976s straight up die in three turns yep
12979s frostmus for makes you die in three
12981s turns if you don't win yeah and it's on
12983s a death rattle so you don't even have
12985s full control over when that timer starts
12988s ticking so Caleb's sitting here thinking
12990s okay how can I kill this
12992s or do I want it do I want to kill it do
12995s I think dog can beat me in three turns
12997s if I don't think you can how can I kill
13000s it to kill dog in three turns so that's
13002s what Caleb has to just decide right now
13004s and he's playing quite quickly
13006s considering those decisions and also
13009s again Caleb fantastic Carson player I
13011s would not put it past him to have kept
13013s an eye on the fact that dogs left most
13015s card has not left his hand the entire
13017s game and in the games we've been seeing
13020s today that should be a Telltale sign
13021s that is Big Daddy dinathrius yep and I
13025s like what he did here what he did was he
13026s froze the board so that uh dog couldn't
13029s play anything dog got stuck he had a
13032s wasted turn so that's basically saying
13034s cantaloupe has 20 Mana for a turn if
13036s you're wasting a turn of dogs bag was
13039s just draw a card you know so that gives
13042s cantaloupe a lot more opportunity to
13044s kind of figure things out from here
13048s does get the blood boil online meaning
13050s he's clearing off a lot of minions he's
13051s getting a lot of lifesteal he's killing
13054s off the The Bone Lord Frost whisper
13056s putting dog on that three turn clock
13058s keep in mind dogs first card every turn
13061s is going to be free
13063s look at that hand oh
13066s zero Mana dinathuria's zero Mana Army of
13070s the Dead not the best right now got
13072s three Minions on board not gonna get
13074s full
13075s yeah full value I think dog's about to
13078s slow down his place because he has three
13080s turns this is where freezing plus that
13083s bone Lord timer can gum up the works
13089s interesting
13090s so it looks like he's looking at this
13091s Tempo denaturis it's 22 damage for free
13094s there's not a ton of Health on
13096s cantaloupes board to soak this up but
13098s more than dog probably wants because
13101s cantaloupe's only going to 22 health
13105s not to mention has his own 21 damage to
13107s natriots in hand not that dog knows that
13109s yeah the dog has this blade Master to
13111s say hey I'm going to stop you from
13113s playing hey I would go minion if I was
13117s fearful of a dinathrius let's see
13122s I think he's got
13126s up now he should know that cantaloupe
13129s has a knuckling
13131s now
13132s that's only if he's paying close
13134s attention so I don't believe they're
13135s using deck trackers or anything for this
13137s event because these cards are not in
13139s death tracker because these cards are
13141s not available to the public uh but yeah
13143s he does have a naggling that he can test
13145s it's going to get objected
13148s there it is but that does mean denatures
13151s cannot happen this turn that's true we
13153s did stall it
13155s so now cantaloupe has to figure out a
13157s way to deal he does
13159s he does the bone card in him but he
13160s doesn't have
13161s um he doesn't have enough corpses for a
13164s full bomber but he can still play it so
13167s it says raise up to six corpses he has
13169s five currently so he can raise five only
13172s missing out on
13173s a single yeah one man off of doing the
13176s hero power ahead of time and still being
13178s able to fit you know have enough left
13179s over to drop that commander and get full
13181s value
13183s no I think he's more thinking about
13185s blood boil right now because it gets rid
13187s of
13188s well two minions and the first half
13191s but of those two medicines those minions
13194s are already gone two minions already
13195s gone from the previous blood boil
13198s that's true but you need to use it
13200s healing is good healing is good I don't
13204s know how much originally Health he has
13206s because he has a vampire blood right so
13208s he just has 40.
13211s I have not seen a vampiric blood so no
13213s cantaloupe would be at a maximum up 40
13216s health
13217s is running a rental so this is dog's
13220s second turn on the clock remember he
13222s gets three turns and he's dead
13227s not heaven
13229s instant answer to all of these one twos
13236s yeah it destroys a random to me so if he
13238s can clear off the top
13240s leave up the eight eight it could clear
13242s it but he might just be holding on to it
13245s I can't really hold on to it that long
13248s but remember his first cards cost zero
13251s so he has to think of the best ordering
13254s for this it makes the most sense to play
13256s the biggest card first Invincible
13258s getting put on the deck or on the board
13261s giving him a nice juicy taunt yeah going
13263s to turn that 2-2 menacing zombie into a
13266s seven seven
13271s and then just opting for the army of the
13272s Dead just to get rid
13275s of two of those taunts that are in the
13277s way but clear the way for a 10 swing
13281s from dinathrius I'm gonna end things
13284s with that mixed concoction
13286s ah it's just
13288s he has one more turn left and
13292s 18 Health to do
13293s so cantaloupe just has to say okay how
13295s do I stop him to deal with aging Health
13297s oh all Saturdays I'll give myself 27
13299s Health back
13300s 22 actually she's gonna cap out at my
13303s Max Alpha 40.
13305s and the you just call dog like I don't
13308s think you can kill me this turn I don't
13311s think you can come up with uh I mean he
13314s already has 22 29 on board so you need
13318s to come up with 11.
13320s that's not much no school teacher could
13323s find something
13326s no immediate damage from hand Frost
13329s strike only goes to a minion
13333s we don't know a lot about the undead
13335s card so we don't know if he were to
13336s Tempo out a Scourge if any would give
13338s attack because we don't know about all
13341s the undead there's so many options
13352s is a board-wide buff
13355s is it enough because he already wasted
13357s some minions yeah
13360s oh wait skeletal sidekick
13365s okay well I'm scared
13368s one damage what is the Dreadful
13370s concoction
13373s it's just one Health
13375s but dog has no more plays oh my God the
13380s timer ran out I love his shocked
13385s yes cantaloupe is all of us right now
13389s as we head over to Abilene and Regis
13392s kilvin I was hoping I would get to see
13394s the timer run out oh my God I thought
13397s that I was reading its dog just yeah the
13398s new boat Lord was on the menu today and
13400s I was hoping to see that yeah that clock
13402s that three turn clock you gotta kill me
13404s in three turns and he was one off one
13408s one hero power off right just like one
13410s ghoul away yes oh my goodness yes but
13414s does this big Mana plays even as much
13416s Mana of a discount as he got from those
13418s zero Mana first plays of the turn wasn't
13421s enough but let's see
13423s we're over here with Aveline versus
13426s Regis Regis already up one game
13428s he got blurged by the scourge
13432s could just destroyed him what a wild
13436s game
13438s what do you pick here if you're Regis
13441s whatever he just did
13446s I kind of missed it I'm just still I'm
13448s feeling about the last game Sorry I'm
13450s loading up my Caster Vision so I can't
13452s hover over the knuckling just yet
13454s it was almost have the potential to do
13458s that
13460s Caster Vision I believe we're going to
13463s uh we're gonna we're gonna get to get a
13465s replay of that end there okay against
13468s cantaloupe and let's see it right now
13471s one of them
13473s he's like I'm dead I'm dead and then
13475s he's like wait there's only one
13479s health and then your full health
13482s opponent just obliterates themselves
13484s because they ran out of God look at
13487s cantaloupe let's go I want to see that
13490s on Tick Tock tomorrow
13493s that's such an awesome such a good field
13495s feel good moment for cantaloupe this is
13497s his first big tournament and he has just
13499s made a name for him it's the Hat it's
13502s the Hat it has to be the power is in the
13504s Hat
13505s over here to Regis Coleman and Abilene a
13507s little bit more tame over here so is it
13510s look it regis's hand
13512s s we're past ten Mana this store is
13515s ready to Mana thirst
13517s Regis says I don't have a big enough
13519s hand let's draw even more I do know that
13522s his naggling has Frost strike
13525s he has Frost strike on it so I did
13528s figure that out
13529s and that's going to set him up for the
13530s clear on this patchwork
13534s I love you Patchwork but sorry we'll see
13536s ya I'm sure we'll see you again buddy
13539s sure we'll see you again definitely see
13541s more no munchers Harbinger winner goes
13543s down one of the best haircuts in this
13545s set if I do say so myself
13546s I like how they're snap picking howling
13548s blasts while the frost players are at
13550s least Ellie blast is a really impactful
13552s card yeah I you know I didn't get to
13554s play test this much oh mutinous eats
13558s well oh Patchwork can't destroy my
13560s minions if my minion destroys patchwork
13564s trust me I was a good pastor or that was
13567s a good mutinous we haven't seen a
13568s happiness of the day best meet us of the
13570s day
13571s look at it you get a gold star golden
13573s mutinous oh look at his little eyeballs
13576s wiggling
13579s you know I love my murlocs yo it stands
13582s out because with as many goals today
13584s there's just not a lot of eyes still in
13585s the sockets
13586s exactly
13587s oh
13589s sorry I'm gonna come down you know those
13591s are gonna like your Gump I don't
13593s think you bring enough damage
13595s to fully deal with this muteness yeah
13597s but the Halloween boss has the freeze
13599s and then the death metal we're just
13600s gonna chip we're just gonna chip away
13606s take eveline down to a measly 40 Health
13610s yeah take her down to 40 elves you ever
13613s just want to get any time machine talk
13614s to your past Hearts down south and and
13616s inform you that you will one point say
13619s something like oh I'm going down to 40
13621s hell
13625s wheelchair is going to make this a nice
13627s clean
13628s board where's that damage gonna go it
13630s goes face though preserving the two one
13634s hematurge
13636s it reminds me of the warrior press
13638s button days what was that was that
13642s odd Warrior
13643s I thought you press button and get four
13647s armor every turn or something I believe
13650s oh you're going way back okay I've
13654s played this game a long time
13656s all I was doing in that time was Paladin
13658s and uh all of my friends except my one
13660s other Paladin from were very mad at me
13662s for just slamming Paladin games Paladin
13666s I I assume yeah not even Paladin was
13669s pretty good back then too they were both
13671s pretty good all the arms sunlights ain't
13673s too good yeah but it was definitely look
13675s at this Cleanup Man spammy just putting
13678s on a clinic
13679s glass with that little Ping On A
13681s mutinous to get it yeah you get that
13684s you get that AOE effect on the back side
13686s of it
13688s all right so Ashley's yellow and shiny
13693s man of thirst is active I love this new
13695s keyword I love the animation too look
13698s look at this animation so pretty oh it's
13700s absolutely gorgeous give me Mage vibes
13703s a little bit of avenging wrath from like
13706s OG Paladin days and asler is a neutral
13709s card so can be played in other classes
13711s in case you're one of those who sticks
13713s to one main class he is very versatile
13718s renith all off the top probably not what
13721s Regis was looking for frigidara is solid
13723s but not really what you're looking for
13726s right now when you're facing down an
13727s eight eight
13729s yeah it could answer with your own
13733s astolore would leave two Mana up
13736s afterwards potentially more if you want
13738s to combo out
13739s Regis has access to two horns of winter
13741s right now yeah acelar and are
13744s crime
13746s could see it civil war with these these
13750s blood Knight taverns on
13753s gonna get some draw and a potential to
13756s damage
13758s oh only can draw one spell so that's it
13761s that's it for spells for Regis yeah but
13764s is going to decide to combo out both
13766s glacial advances to deal with this 8-day
13768s threat
13776s it didn't work he didn't get the two
13777s damage
13779s even though the one spell was Frost
13782s it's rare today we've seen we've it's is
13785s that the first time we've seen frigidara
13786s not trigger
13790s all right we saw the
13793s theater off the top the turn after your
13796s opponent plays the nathrius that's got
13798s to hurt it does because like he could
13801s steal potentially no muncher but he
13805s the Horn of winter
13808s that's where you can refresh two Mana
13809s crystals he's going to your morseless
13812s winter to get that draw Horn of winter
13814s and get down the astalor so he can
13819s hopefully clear off the side and after
13821s he is he's like please do that before
13822s all these hits go it's close oh oh that
13826s went down it's okay to the one damage
13828s wire
13829s but so much refill in Abilene's hand
13832s with the bone guard Commander I'm gonna
13834s open with the Finley
13836s interesting I wonder if there's probably
13839s some of the introduction he's looking
13840s for like a siren I'm certain this is an
13843s intentional dig
13845s Corps explosion off the top not a bad
13847s kid
13849s no muncher soul stealer that's an easy
13852s answer to that eight eight yeah cause I
13854s liked the bone guard there but obviously
13856s she was looking for something very
13857s specific
13858s because she didn't want to oh or maybe
13861s she knew like the theater was going to
13862s come out I don't want him having this
13863s stuff have my bad stuff you're gonna
13866s know muncher no much is there unless he
13868s wants to dig more with the chill fall
13869s and baron foreign
13883s he does so much for the deck and gets
13885s such little respect
13890s corpse explosion coming out to clear
13892s that board up
13894s more than enough Corpses
13896s in a discover blood tap which is pretty
13899s nice because she does have four minions
13902s in hand she can gain them tons of stats
13906s and one of them having lifesteal is very
13908s important as a control player
13911s is it important when you're on 47 health
13913s that's not enough she doesn't have 90
13915s Health she wants 90 . I mean it is a
13918s collectible card game I just didn't know
13919s we were collecting Health we are
13920s collecting
13922s the goal I'm curious to see uh who will
13926s post on social media they're the highest
13928s health
13929s uh death knight that we'll ever see well
13931s make sure you tag hashtag play
13932s Hearthstone when you do yeah make sure
13934s you do because or you know I just want
13937s to see it I want to see how high we can
13938s get these because you are able to
13940s discover
13941s plenty of the vampiric blood so
13946s we're just getting real low here
13950s trying to find any way to clear the
13952s board does get there with the the
13954s perfect spammy
13958s this four damage is just not gonna be
13960s enough to deal with 46 health
13962s hat off no and
13966s well dig is nice you know well the draw
13968s from children relax
13973s cool card I like that
13979s across the mutinous straws the lifesteal
13981s cards I did not think I'd see uh I
13984s didn't think I'd see murlocula this much
13985s today yeah
13987s fun makes sense
13990s life still really paying dividends games
13992s today
13998s looking Grim yeah when you see a Tempo
14001s brand you know things are pretty grim
14004s and that is high
14008s yeah one and one eveline versus Regis
14010s let's take a look at disguised toast and
14012s tice though where Tice is up one game
14015s over toast at the moment and both of
14017s them
14018s kind of running on fumes with the cards
14021s in hand we have just a lone corpse
14023s explosion for ties got some corpses got
14026s eight there
14027s he's feeling the heat disguise toast
14030s yeah he's up 1-0 to discuss toast right
14032s now but yeah just not a lot of cars in
14034s hand
14035s oh and a 10-10 Sylvanas comes down
14039s to destroy no muncher yeah not Infuse
14042s I'll take it over stealing my no muncher
14044s if I'm being honest I'd rather have that
14047s outcome
14048s but with just a corpse explosion in hand
14050s although the asphyxiate off the top is
14052s not bad because there are now not enough
14055s corpses nine corpses are not going to
14056s get you to get rid of both the sixth
14058s body bagger and the 1010 self honest
14063s flip out
14066s it looks like we we missed a bit of a
14068s knock down drag out fight over here
14072s limited resources going on at toast
14075s versus Tice
14077s yeah it's definitely to the end now we
14080s now or Tyson's 20 cards in this deck so
14082s he has drawn half his
14086s half it only has 10 left so he's running
14089s out of options and I feel like tyus has
14091s kind of been like a
14094s cool calm collected space
14097s but if toast is able to get off like
14100s some crazy Scourge we know his minions
14102s have been doubled in size it could get a
14105s little bit scary for him but yeah it's a
14108s bit slow of a draw right now
14110s not sure if their draw cards are at the
14111s bottom or if they just forgot to put
14113s enough in oh the scourge
14119s take a look at Tyson's deck list real
14122s fast so Tice is running triple blood so
14125s that would mean it doesn't have access
14127s to additional draw that say a single
14129s Frost Rune would have given him now
14132s unfortunately the scourge did not did
14134s not put up the card that kills you in
14137s three turns unfortunately for Tice
14141s potentially we will not have a repeat of
14144s last game with dog and cantaloupe we
14146s have another Scourge as well that
14148s doesn't yield any taunts not that toast
14150s really was hoping for it not staring
14153s down any threats at the moment
14156s there's a patchwork that
14159s could really whiff with what it destroys
14161s on board yeah with a 1-1 and a two tube
14164s being some of the options yeah the
14165s corpse explosion is a much safer bet for
14168s destroying this board only nine
14171s corpses that's enough right oh you're
14174s right it will get there we're capping
14175s out at eight across the board
14178s unless these death battles do something
14180s crazy
14181s not to I'm just trying to figure out is
14184s that my favorite animation so far might
14187s be corpse explosion is I like astalar
14190s still
14191s the final one the final version or
14193s invincible
14197s eight Mana 10 10 reborn they're just
14199s trying to bait me into agreeing with you
14203s guys just thinking maybe I just want a
14205s board of Undead maybe I just want some
14207s you know yeah he did just force Tice
14210s into his AOE so when you see that a lot
14213s of times you want to just go into
14214s another saying you just use your AOE I'm
14216s going to bank that you don't have a
14217s second yeah but our players are also
14219s getting more games under their belt so
14221s toast might be thinking about blood what
14224s boil I've been there I've played into
14226s this trap before but uh besides to throw
14228s throw blood boil caution to the wind and
14231s develop all these tutus anyway but we
14233s know Tice has a pretty handy answer on
14236s the other side of this yeah if it
14238s follows it up with the followed up with
14240s the famous fool as well to draw a card
14241s and
14242s is it infused it does not look like it's
14244s infused
14246s let's go for the plague spreader instead
14254s how's that transform on death rattle but
14257s again it's on death threat yeah not
14260s gonna happen
14261s until it dies finally gets an acidor
14264s so he'll be able to do uh look for
14267s damage
14268s yeah we're getting into the buff guards
14270s now at 10 10 Invincible four for ask the
14272s Lord which might not seem like much but
14273s starts as a 2-2 so ask the Lord's been
14275s working out in a 4-6 battlefield
14277s Necromancer which if this guy says
14279s decides to play certainly has enough
14282s Corpses
14283s to uh you know get those one-two taunts
14286s out of the Necromancer but
14289s I would start developing the ask the
14291s Lord here yeah damage we're way past
14293s manifest at this point he's going face
14295s with it so he's like I don't care about
14296s this plague spreader I'm gonna face
14300s but he gets a double asler to hand yeah
14302s that is so much damage on the third ones
14306s and specifically very good with plague
14310s spreader on board because it has a
14311s transform on the death rattle so it had
14313s the potential to hit the SLR protector
14316s but any of two you have a bit of an
14317s insurance against that here's the thing
14319s I would have tried to protect the brand
14321s as much as possible because if he plays
14323s both astelors next time he's going to
14325s have four
14327s final asteroids in hand as long as the
14330s brand survives
14332s which is so much damage it's 16 damage
14336s four times
14337s can you do that math
14341s 64 damage not without the calculator
14343s that all my teachers told me I wouldn't
14345s have in my pocket
14348s I didn't know about handy-dandy cell
14351s phones yes
14353s silly teachers
14355s bone guard Commander is such a meaty
14358s follow-up to these control plays that
14360s we're seeing out of these blood players
14366s both asteroids survived the
14369s transformation
14374s I'm so sad that the Brand's not still
14376s there how many eslers do you want to use
14378s more than you should naturally be able
14380s to have already that's not what I want I
14381s want what I want okay I want all of them
14387s you know I can't argue with that thank
14388s you
14389s it is a very nice I know that people
14391s wanted to see it I wanted to see it we
14394s all want fireworks we didn't know we
14395s were getting it with the death knight
14396s themed expansion but here we are
14400s Esther bringing
14403s the Fire in the Sky
14407s toast does not have an easy answer to
14410s this extremely wide and uh completely
14413s taunted up Board of Tice yeah he just
14416s gained armor though
14418s I feel like we're back to where we
14419s started when we came into this game with
14421s both these players very low on resources
14424s I feel like they've gained quite a bit
14425s we've gained quite a bit I mean but
14428s Tyson Tice doesn't have much on his side
14430s he has eight four draw though he can
14433s draw four cards
14436s yeah now that the famous full is infused
14439s and he has bran in hand and now
14442s conveniently two slots left available on
14444s the board yeah
14446s nice very convenient Chase could decide
14448s it was it's it's time to draw more than
14451s half of my remaining deck
14456s do I think this is good
14458s because I can't do it twice I'm gonna do
14459s it once and that's fine you know you
14461s want to stay away from the fatigue in
14463s his head oh it's like you 100 called
14466s that sire danathius you are late buddy
14470s but it's in hand and he has all the
14472s taunts out it is in hand it's going to
14474s get a respectable amount of Infuse yeah
14477s respect
14478s able listen I understand the day we had
14481s I understand the denatures that we've
14483s seen this I don't know if I'd call this
14485s respect but when games go on this long
14487s sometimes that's what you need but of
14489s course we're looking at
14492s all the damage from the double estilar
14496s flamebringers in toast's hand and he has
14499s nothing but time there's not that much
14501s pressure on board right now from Tice
14504s there's an eight attack but it can die
14506s that's fine this Joe still has a
14509s relatively high amount of health of
14511s course 32 damage from hand yeah yeah but
14514s there's also a lot of soak on board
14516s right now in the form of a full board
14518s sometimes so
14520s you'd have to get real lucky
14523s which look at that stuff oh my God all
14526s the big damage is gone here's that final
14528s ghoul so that he can go face
14532s and I think ghoul's gonna take out
14535s Taylin
14536s get rid of the one two with the four
14538s three send five to face
14542s then I don't know smile and rub your
14545s hands together because you have another
14546s or flamebringer in your hand you
14548s could have three more but whatever
14553s dude knock you just
14555s go toast
14556s read
14558s play for my co-caster today
14561s oh that vampiric blood
14564s pushing Tice further out of range
14570s because also though a lot of damage on
14572s the board but that's going to go away
14573s courtesy of soul stealer oh there's his
14578s sireden atherius both of them getting a
14581s fairly late game yeah we missed the
14583s early game so we weren't sure yeah but
14585s disguised us running this hand buff very
14587s well deck buff variant his side of
14590s Matthews may not be infused but he's
14593s swole he's very swole it might not be a
14596s bad tempo right now because he's only
14598s looking at a five five
14600s um would maintain his board control
14604s yeah you know 10 10 invincibles looking
14607s nice but has nothing to buff
14613s and
14615s toast is tracking and if it prices use
14618s all the asphyxiates or what because that
14621s could be something scary to play into
14623s yeah once you get that infused yeah
14628s developing that graveyard shift you know
14630s that's four potential infuses just by
14633s itself on top of the battlefield
14634s Necromancer which this guy's toast has a
14637s lot of courses and nothing to really do
14639s with them right now so why not develop
14642s the Necromancer and start getting these
14644s risen footmen out
14647s now toast as one card left in deck Ty
14651s says three
14653s so in that realm Tice will win out as
14657s long as he can just keep the board at
14658s Bay because he has more health and he
14661s will not get into fatigue as much as
14663s toast yeah but a toast hand looks pretty
14666s meaty it does and tice is really looking
14669s at a lone death strike in terms of
14672s control yeah I guess the denaturation I
14676s guess the brand if he can somehow get
14677s the brand to stick there's not a lot of
14679s house that denatures could clear
14681s yeah if somehow he can get the brand to
14684s stick which right now doesn't have a way
14687s um then he could go crazy with the sire
14689s janathrius but I don't know what's in
14692s this deck I don't know what's left ice
14694s looks so glued
14697s like the tension in this game
14703s they're both barely hanging on
14706s that last car this guy's toes down to
14708s his last card not a great one Digger
14711s Geist yeah I don't think the one two is
14713s really gonna it's a two man of five six
14717s it's okay
14720s yeah your opponent has 35 health
14723s I feel like he needs to find ways to
14725s weave in his hero power every turn at
14726s this point and you know both of these
14728s players are keeping trailer like I
14729s haven't seen nazarus yet yeah it's true
14733s 35 Health unknown heel still
14740s he's banking on my phone that has no
14742s more AOE but we see that his opponent
14745s now has a no muncher which is again
14747s taunt it has a lifesteal
14751s lifestyle worth a lot at this point and
14754s we're gonna have our first game go to
14755s double fatigue
14757s that'd be exciting two more turns for
14759s ties
14765s how much would you be sweating in this
14767s position I don't sweat
14771s ERS like listen
14774s I should talk to rhesus apparently he's
14775s never won a game of heart though
14777s according to his interview
14783s was the man of thirsted
14785s ask the lore bringing 16 damage to the
14789s party
14793s bring entice down to 21 with all these
14796s swings all the way down to 15.
14799s 14. he's in that goal charge with that
14801s gold charge
14803s uh oh still not in range of dinathuria's
14806s no time
14809s man oh yeah noxious cadaver
14816s so he's I mean this will help him draw
14818s once a ticket card
14820s what's his final card yeah he must know
14823s what it is right yeah I don't think he
14825s wants they're not running deck tracker
14826s wouldn't work even if they were
14830s hopefully keeping track of what cars are
14831s left in this deck it looks like he's
14834s yeah
14837s we're looking at a tie
14839s between disguised toast
14841s toast is able to hold on and get through
14845s all that Health that Ty's had I wish I
14847s could have heard the side that just
14850s released that just left toes as he's on
14853s fatigue and manages to out a tie there
14857s oh nail biter those are some crazy games
14861s that round that was the same round of
14862s the dog
14864s game right verse uh first cancel up that
14867s game was ridiculous I feel like we just
14869s went through three rounds yeah that was
14871s so much happened that round could have
14873s been a whole tournament right there
14875s death Knight's absolutely just like
14877s really showing up like what mirror I've
14880s never enjoyed mirror matches so much so
14883s well stay tuned we're gonna see how this
14886s keeps shaping up will Unholy hold on
14888s will we have
14889s wins the like what we just saw stay
14892s after the break we'll see you on the
14894s other side
14906s thank you
14925s foreign
14962s foreign
14997s foreign
15033s foreign
15058s we're almost done but we do have one
15060s more thing cord got something cool to
15063s share yeah let's talk about events all
15065s right we've had events in Hearthstone
15066s like mid-summer fire Festival Noble
15069s garden and Lunar New Year what's
15071s changing well our events have been
15074s delivered mainly through legendary
15075s quests which were great but we'd like to
15077s do more and to do that we've created a
15079s new event system time limit events now
15081s have a dedicated place within the
15083s Hearthstone menu and when an event is
15084s active a wax seal will replace the
15087s journal button to let you know something
15088s special is going on when you first enter
15091s you'll be presented with an invitation
15092s to join in the festivities with a
15094s rundown of the event there's no
15095s dedicated page of the journal to support
15098s new events with question rewards we've
15100s kept much of what's fun about legendary
15102s quests you know play the game complete
15104s quests get cool prizes but now we
15106s present those rewards front and center
15107s paired with awesome art and a little bit
15109s of story and they're placed on a reward
15111s track allowing us to better control
15113s content pacing we're kicking things off
15115s with the Knights of hollow's end event
15117s the headless horse rides North to answer
15119s the call of the Lich King and it's not
15121s just question rewards from this event at
15123s the same time the entire Knights of the
15125s Frozen Throne set will be added to core
15126s making it free for everyone and back in
15129s standard so you can go play with all the
15131s old hero cards and when does this go
15134s live right now right now the Knights of
15137s hollow's end event last for two weeks
15139s and Knights of the Frozen Throne will
15140s remain all the way until the launch of
15143s March of the Lich King now you can catch
15144s up on what happened the last time the
15146s Lich King visited the tavern in
15148s preparation for his permanent return on
15150s December 6th
15153s foreign
15158s buddy what a round we just had my
15162s goodness it was bombastic those are some
15164s of the long I didn't know Death Knight
15165s games could go that long yeah we could
15167s have endings that dramatic courtesy of
15170s the scourge yeah like literally and then
15172s the literal card The Scourge yep I mean
15176s I was so excited to see the double
15177s Scourge but then the first one just kind
15178s of killed him but
15185s it's all Let's uh let's take a look at
15188s those results a bunny Hopper taking out
15190s Hunter Ace 2-0 so tonight putting up
15192s some nice and needed points yeah for
15194s team Frost and taking down some for
15197s Unholy who was in the lead a lot of ties
15199s Ali strassifino Abilene Regis dog
15201s cantaloupe disguised toast Heist all
15203s ties across the board the only other 2-0
15206s last round midi taking out no hands game
15208s so the only wins were from Team Frost
15211s and now they are no longer in third they
15213s are up to Second keeping in mind that we
15216s still have a game to play off camera
15218s later from Team blood but yeah this is a
15221s tight tight tight race now it's any
15224s team's
15226s show match yeah
15228s and look at that cantaloupe and dog's
15230s still on top and they did tie you know
15233s they they one lined each other which was
15234s quite nice but we can scroll and see
15236s some other uh winds and we see Fina with
15239s Five Points under Ace for some exciting
15242s games yeah Evelyn disguised toast
15245s checking about alien No Hands gamer as
15247s well
15249s I've really I'm like I'm still coming
15250s down can you hear it in my voice still
15253s coming down from that last round break
15255s wasn't long enough for that round
15258s it was it was absolutely incredible it's
15260s it's just hyping me up I was already so
15263s excited for Death Knight
15264s uh making notes and maybe adjusting
15267s notes about my previous opinion about
15269s Unholy oh okay okay just because the one
15272s time the scourge messed up
15274s no it's still good it's still good let's
15276s take a look at our round five matchups
15279s we have bunny Hopper versus dog Ali
15281s Strazza going up against the sky's toes
15283s meanie versus Tice kilman versus
15287s cantaloupe Aveline versus Fino and no
15289s hands gamer versus Hunter Ace
15293s oh meaty versus dice could be
15295s interesting both of these players
15297s doing pretty darn well today High
15300s Caliber yeah Frost finding its footing
15304s late in the day of day one
15307s yeah they're finally getting their foot
15308s falling down the third but let's talk
15311s about Fino and Aveline because that's
15313s going to be our first featured match I'm
15316s very excited about this Fino's played
15318s that triple Unholy deck that I've been
15320s begging to see this is running that uh
15323s Lord marigar which I I just want to
15325s watch I just want to watch that that's
15327s all I care about Lord marrow guy I
15328s haven't seen one yet yeah because only
15330s Fino has it because it's a triple Unholy
15333s you can only play that card if you're
15335s running triple Unholy and on his team
15337s only one player can play the triple so
15340s that would be Fino and so I'm very
15342s excited to see that and when Abilene has
15344s a really cool deck too with her like a
15345s little murloc package we'll get to hear
15348s more of your wonderful murloc impression
15350s but we actually had a chance to catch up
15352s with Fino so let's hear what he had to
15354s say a little bit earlier in the day
15359s uh I think our strategy coming into this
15361s event is just having a good time uh we
15364s know that we're the best team by far so
15366s you know there's not really anything we
15368s need to like really burden ourselves
15370s about we're just gonna play some cards
15372s spend some mana and I think we're gonna
15375s come on top
15378s thanks so much Fino and uh and good luck
15381s but also good luck to Abilene as we head
15383s into our first future game of round five
15386s which is Abilene repping for team blood
15388s and Fino repping for team Unholy the
15391s team that is currently in the leads
15393s Let's uh
15394s blood falling down to third place yeah
15397s it's a bit surprising but you know it
15399s kind of depends on who's facing what and
15402s we're about to get into some bonus
15403s matches now coming up and with bonus
15405s matches players can uh swing the results
15408s a bit so we'll see that eventually but
15411s not quite yet this is just a standard
15413s game and Abilene's on the on the triple
15415s blood triple blood so that is as control
15418s as you can get and Fino is on that
15421s triple Unholy just as token as you can
15424s get that Lord marigar's already in hand
15426s yeah we have triple versus Triple in
15428s this matchup Evelyn uh went through the
15433s Mulligan so quick knew exactly what she
15435s was looking for there next
15437s already in here I already got a corpse
15439s on the board for both already got body
15442s Baggers on the board for both there's
15444s that there it is that perfect curve of
15446s body bagger into dry cool that I was
15448s talking about earlier
15450s like I said I'm a I'm a dirty mid-range
15453s player I love just curving out and
15456s playing things in order it just it just
15458s everything in their place it's working
15459s here Garrett likes nice curves okay Okay
15461s so
15465s we got Fino has some great cards in hand
15468s they're a little heavy Lord America's
15470s eight Mana The Scourge is nine but he
15474s also has Ashley which is a nice way to
15478s fill out your curve it's a two boss it's
15479s a five cost it's an a cost right but
15482s with manifest it might be a little bit
15484s more pricey
15486s you have those already as a potentially
15488s spicy discover here with sunwell on the
15490s menu up against anti-magic shell and
15492s obliterate what one do you think Fina
15494s will take here son well
15497s I want to see it it's coming multiple
15499s times has it really happened yet I mean
15501s so because like right now anti-magic
15503s shell is great if he already has
15506s a way to fill his board but he doesn't
15508s like he doesn't have anything sticky on
15510s the board right now so definitely said
15512s well because someone could give him some
15513s sticky spells
15515s um but yeah the the anti-magic style
15517s what he has what he's looking at is
15519s doing nothing
15521s Evelyn picks up a soul breaker off the
15523s top of her deck courtesy of the baron
15525s this backbone car draw Minion available
15528s to any and all death Knights because
15530s there is no Rune restriction
15532s on the chill phone Baron you know just
15535s deciding you know I don't I haven't made
15537s enough choices already let's discover
15538s again between Ruby and swarm guard card
15540s we haven't seen much of today Army of
15542s the dead and bloodfang decides to go I
15544s like play Pink let's get blood Fang and
15546s took blood Fang
15549s wiping only one
15550s Rune right so it's only one Unholy a lot
15553s of decks could play if they wanted to
15554s run like a double blood single Unholy
15557s and it can give you a ton of taunts and
15561s it could really help your siren after
15562s yes
15563s which you know a lot of people are
15565s leaning towards today
15566s how do I buff my sireden atherius how do
15569s I keep myself alive especially say I'm
15571s blood and I've given myself a lot of
15573s life to keep myself alive with
15577s or back to Fino here
15579s as we head into our mid game more
15581s options should be had
15583s picks up a graveyard shift still sitting
15586s on the coin so could decide to play it
15588s could could play the sun well not a lot
15591s of space in hand now however to fill
15593s with those random spells yeah so I'd
15596s like him you know you can weave in a
15597s ghoul here he needs to get developed a
15600s lot of corpses and the reason being he
15601s has Lord marigar in hand and I'm going
15603s to talk about that card because we
15605s haven't seen it it raises all your
15607s courses so if you have 40 corpses it
15610s raises 40 corpses like it cashes them
15613s all out
15614s board and then takes whatever remainders
15617s are out and dishes out Buffs yes oh and
15620s look avalene has the option for a lord
15621s marigar as well
15623s oh no sorry that was a theater to take
15626s the Lord marrow car saying no you can't
15627s have it that's what she took yeah gives
15630s a spammy
15631s we're we might see a Lord marigar and it
15634s might not be from our Unholy player no
15636s yes so like you know you can only fill
15639s your board up with seven minions so you
15641s can use six corpses with this Lord
15643s marigar and if you had 40 then the next
15645s 36 corpses are gonna be two two bucks
15648s randomly spread out it's an insane card
15653s and he was one of my most memorable
15655s quotes from a little World of Warcraft
15657s ever when it's played yells the good old
15659s bones store
15663s let's see what comes off the top for
15665s Evelyn here murlocula one of uh what are
15669s your favorites
15671s uncanny
15673s you know aspire
15678s spy voice actor I'm gonna get it one day
15681s look at the call Buddy I believe I
15682s believe I believe we're not that far
15684s without feelers I've I've you know I
15687s hear they have a sound booth here in
15688s northrend maybe they could lay some tape
15690s today yes yeah we've got a pair of light
15692s fangs in hand for Fino
15694s looking like he wants to move on though
15696s to the later final stage of ask the lore
15700s even though we're still quite a few
15701s turns away from Amanda thirst being
15703s active on ask the Lord the flamebringer
15706s it's okay still developing a five five
15707s getting five health or well five armor
15710s on top of that 40 Hill
15714s gorlock ravager off the top for Abilene
15717s more of this mutinous
15721s I mean it's nice
15722s oh here it comes here comes Lord marigar
15726s for the first time on stream today
15728s boom look at those stats spicy two seven
15732s sevens in addition to the nine seven
15734s that marigar already is did I not
15736s mention that these minions have rushed
15739s I think I forgot to mention that part
15740s but wait there's more
15743s wait there's more
15746s no need to damage your nice shiny 7-7
15750s risen Golem to the left of marigar
15754s or maybe you will because you're hoping
15756s you keep your 3-3 alive a little longer
15758s yeah because I think you play around
15760s blood boil there a bit because they
15762s could discover a blood boil but it plays
15765s into
15768s spammy but I don't think that Fino's
15770s team's running oh no he has on his hand
15772s right there they're spammy please in the
15774s spammy a little tiny bit
15779s a lot of cards at hand again the amount
15781s of decision making that's been going on
15782s in some of these games obviously not the
15784s uh the game we saw a toast entice last
15786s round where they were down to the final
15788s few cards in hand but we've also we've
15791s seen both sides of the spectrum today I
15793s like this blight thing
15795s a lot of potential value to be gained a
15798s lot of potential taunts to put in the
15801s way especially following that up with
15804s army of the Dead yeah because I'm
15806s counting it out like it's a lot of
15809s damage he just needs to kill him off
15811s yeah this is quite the turnaround for
15815s Fino
15818s not trading with the 3-3 coming into
15820s play here because it would have been a
15822s much easier trade for another one of
15824s these tutus now a Fido wants one more
15827s taunt in the way gonna have to double
15829s trade and lose his final two ghouls
15837s it's a nice way to you know kind of fend
15839s off
15840s all those the 16 attack from face and
15844s she's out of corpses so he knows that
15846s he's not going to face corpse explosion
15848s corpse explosion only works per corpse
15851s you have he has or she has zero so it's
15854s not gonna work yeah which is yeah
15856s vampiric blood either she needs those
15858s corpses back but she just spent them all
15860s but she does have soul stealer which
15862s destroys everything including her 16
15865s attack I don't think she wants to do
15867s that just because of some little tutu
15869s taunts doesn't feel great I do like this
15871s it's like I don't really like what I'm
15873s looking at let's play
15875s and let's dig let's draw three cards
15878s it's just a call card she can't really
15890s use blood stuff look at all these
15891s infused cards coming down
15894s lifesteal after miracula when vampiric
15897s blood gets played Abilene's health is
15899s going to go up to a new potential
15901s maximum
15904s a lot of stuff on Fino's side too like
15907s he has another blight Fang so he can do
15909s another round of Toms
15912s um he has the scourge which you know
15916s it'll be quite good here
15921s you can make a few more trades make make
15923s room
15923s yeah drop the scourge if I this is one
15927s of those scenarios though where I think
15928s ifino plays Scourge you're really hoping
15930s for taunt and we've seen so many
15932s scriptures today not not give a taunt
15935s yeah
15937s you can get taunts with the blight Fang
15940s so like you know that's there
15942s it's an option I wonder if he's trying
15944s to count out a way to you spam me here
15946s he's really taking his time and usually
15948s that means I'm doing some maths
15951s up here's how to get a one Health then
15954s he has a two he has a three he has the
15956s four he has a five so that's a spammy
15958s play yep
15960s you can also use Google to help you with
15962s that spammy play which is nice
15964s and now he clears the board kills off
15967s his Dawn it also kills off his own
15968s thoughts but that's okay it was so much
15971s damage Fino was looking at
15974s also gets a nice discounted Stitch giant
15977s for his trouble it's an
15980s apron Abilene finds her own astalor also
15983s found uh dinathrius multiple turns ago
15986s whereas Fino still has not found his
15988s denatures
15994s Soul sealer comes down says I want a
15996s nice clean board let's do it ifuna says
15998s thanks for the space
16000s here's a Scourge play
16003s okay oh actually we gotta know muncher
16006s that's going to be nice and a turn we
16008s also got Invincible that's great as well
16011s don't get the Battle Cry off of it but
16014s you know get a death rattle and still
16017s keeps a reborn so you could potentially
16018s get the next death rattle because again
16020s not seeing much in the way of Silence
16022s today yeah
16029s all right so another board that avali
16032s needs to deal with she has developed
16034s corpses so a corpse explosion is online
16036s now but she only has five to use so it
16039s will not clear the board it will deal
16041s with the board but it won't clear the
16043s board
16046s so she could just kind of develop a
16048s board and not be too afraid but uh the
16052s Unholy deck does have uh some options
16055s for a lot of attack being added the
16057s triple and holding with the hero power
16059s sets her up for an almost full clear oh
16061s that's one course explosion yeah and
16064s also importantly like what stays behind
16066s is going to be oh but the sequencing did
16070s you see that sister svalna absorbing all
16075s the Buffs from the double dying
16078s Invincible courtesy of that reborn and
16081s that plus five plus five taunt on a
16082s friendly death rattle
16084s oh
16087s that that was what an outcome
16092s this is a two-turn win for Fino here
16095s he's going to be offered anti-magic
16097s shell which means that they can't be
16099s targeted
16100s at the moment Abilene has no hard
16102s removal dinathri is only up to 13.
16107s decides to take the uh Frost strike the
16110s school teacher finds a howling blast
16112s which we know that our competitors
16114s really like to use yeah I don't think
16117s icy Touch is even a consideration here
16119s I'd be looking
16123s just more damage let's go let's go face
16126s press the accelerator
16133s heavy math turns thinking that it
16134s through probably considering the next
16136s turn what does it look like
16140s I did catch Gino saying one time in
16141s history
16147s streaming up to make sure his cards get
16148s to 10 Mana
16151s but now he's so bad can I get to lethal
16153s in an extra turn does floating manner
16155s really bother you it bothers me like yes
16157s and it bothers feta you know we know
16159s what a float Mana we need to use our
16161s resources
16163s the math 3 is only on 14 and there's a
16165s lot of absorption on board right now
16168s does not clear the 16 attack minion he
16172s just needs six damage now six damage
16175s will get the boy the howling blast is
16177s three so he needs three more uh frostack
16179s does three but not phase not to face as
16182s minion only acelor is could discover
16184s another frostprin card though and
16186s potentially more damage the estilar is
16188s online if he just tempos it right that's
16191s true and then he has the noggling to
16193s finish it off and if it doesn't let's
16196s say it doesn't hit he can use the
16197s howling glass to freeze
16200s desired and atherius no but he's also
16202s yeah he's going to get the buff
16204s oh is this just enough then
16207s yeah he had the Invincible
16209s plus the howling blast
16211s sequenced it perfectly
16213s beautiful little damage to spare vizier
16216s didn't even get to get in on the killing
16219s blow one point on the board for Fino
16221s versus Abilene
16226s damn boy Scourge is
16229s sends games in wildly different
16231s directions
16233s it's quite the card but yeah it was very
16236s powerful as we could see there and just
16239s totally turned the game around uh
16241s Abilene did have the Lord marigar but it
16243s just wasn't enough and Fino was able to
16245s take it there here's some information on
16247s Fino in case you are interested I could
16250s really make use of his unique skill this
16255s this check can be a bit of double-edged
16258s Sword but chat can be I mean they're
16260s gonna be they're gonna be straight with
16262s you they may at times miscount lethal
16265s maybe maybe but anytime I'm learning
16268s something new in a game I love looking
16269s at my check because it's a crash course
16272s we're gonna check out game two from them
16274s remember these are best of two if they
16278s tie they each get one point for their
16280s team but if they win they get three
16281s points for their team
16283s and I'm sure that's exactly what Fino
16285s would like to do and further solidify
16287s team unholy's current lead in the death
16291s knight show match
16294s Fino has easily selected what he wants
16297s or no
16301s yeah we got ask the Lord famous fool and
16303s bronze beer brand Brown revered for Fino
16307s and a nice uh quite nice early start for
16311s Abilene she has a one drop a coin three
16313s drop three drop wardrobe I like it
16315s pretty nice well you you know my opinion
16318s on curving out in Hearthstone yep you
16320s like curves
16324s did I not say that
16327s I thought it was a reply I thought it
16329s was implied
16330s Fino with a with an infused card early
16333s that Sylvanas that you know we'll
16335s become a a key point of this game later
16339s on
16343s good old uh Mistress of mixtures
16347s offer Abilene brings back memories
16349s warlock days if I was Fino I'd be going
16351s where were you a turn to go body bagger
16355s would have liked to have opened with you
16362s but you shouldn't yell at your body back
16363s no no
16366s no buddies just like you in your chat
16371s alfino in his chat right not my chat
16374s original you're off the top I was gonna
16377s say looking looking pretty nice but uh
16380s Fino instead opting to finish clearing
16383s off the Mistress of mixtures and playing
16385s his own body bagger
16389s yeah just doing just getting out there
16393s renithal says listen I gave you 10
16395s Health could I please see some some time
16398s on stage no please I'd like to be in the
16401s Limelight now
16404s 10 Health 10 cards yeah
16411s for Mana thirst so as a consideration it
16414s does deal two damage so can clear off
16416s the chill Fallen Baron which allows
16420s Aveline to take a draw
16422s we're getting an update on the rest of
16424s the lobby as well it sounds like meaty
16426s is one game away from getting his own
16427s Helm of domination oh it's really
16429s playing against Tice
16431s a bit uh since we had
16434s the shutdowns on both of our Helm
16436s players
16439s see that over
16440s here you can see how this meaty game
16443s see how it's going right now meeting up
16445s one game against Tice
16448s not only wants the points but you know
16449s wants even more if he gets that helm
16452s let's go back to Fino and Aveline here
16457s I've lean opting to weave in a hero
16460s power
16461s we're gonna first with the right cool
16464s necrolyte
16465s to make for a cleaner tray leave behind
16467s that tutu with Rush
16470s take care of the whole board
16473s and leave behind an undead that
16474s otherwise you know if you're using that
16476s hero power they don't survive at the end
16478s of turn
16482s Army of the Dead is out
16484s one spare Corpus robot
16487s yeah full value
16490s we haven't seen this uh card in his hand
16492s played yet this plague to grain this is
16494s a triple and holy card that shuffles
16497s four crates into your deck and then
16499s summons a 2-2 Undead when drawn it's a
16502s wildly cold card extremely thematic
16504s human on brand for the everything going
16505s on in March of the Lich King if you were
16507s a Warcraft 3 player I'm sure you'll
16509s recognize it but it's another one of
16512s these cards where it's like
16513s I was expecting to see a lot more of it
16515s today yeah yeah it's Unholy it seems to
16518s have this very clear in your face I want
16521s to play tokens I want to summon ghouls I
16524s want to summon zombies Vibe and that's
16526s all playgrain is about but it is a
16529s triple Unholy so only one player can
16531s play it in deck you can Discover it has
16534s come up and discovers today and passed
16536s over like right now with Aveline yeah
16538s she's looking at this theater she
16540s doesn't want it she is going to take the
16543s famished fool instead and pass off her
16546s sir Finley another played grain passed
16548s over
16550s four plagued grain
16553s perfectly edible I hear that's what
16555s arthas tells me it's actually pretty
16556s interesting to play the playground with
16558s the sir Finley
16559s developable but it's it's a small play
16562s but it's something
16563s you can uh get that growing but there's
16566s some shiny cards in hand so maybe that's
16568s just not the play
16571s ask the Lord
16572s is certainly a consideration Battlefield
16575s Necromancer would use up Fino's one
16578s remaining corpse to generate a one-two
16580s with taunt
16584s and Fino thinks himself what else am I
16585s going to do with that corpse
16587s yep
16588s block theater
16591s scary six Mana theater
16595s a little early for us to lower the
16596s flamebringer not quite to that Mana
16598s thirst yet
16601s Aveline picks up her dinathri as Fino
16604s still hasn't found his
16606s at Aveline hasn't found her astelor two
16611s very popular cards today she's a full
16614s clear
16617s she has a tiny bit of refill she could
16620s put a body bag around the board just to
16622s have some little board control get some
16625s more courses back even though she still
16627s had a remainder of three but why not
16628s give yourself one more
16632s yeah she really needs a bit more draw
16635s than she but she has the finished fool
16637s in hand so I think she's in an okay
16639s position whereas everybody
16642s I feel like fina's just kind of drawing
16644s a little bit uh small like he needs some
16647s more power especially because he's
16648s getting to that nine Mana you want a
16650s Tempo Scourge right oh we finally see
16652s playground get played so four crates are
16654s gonna go into his deck and those are
16657s going to summon goals when they are
16659s drunk
16660s hops to go for the other Army of the
16663s Dead Oh What a top deck of blood boil
16666s that's the perfect counter with the cool
16670s still plenty of Mana let's do a gold
16673s charge and set yourself up
16676s for the necrotic mortician
16679s going bye-bye
16682s if it comes off of a zoo here oh Frost
16683s forms Fury always exciting yep but if
16686s you want to draw more and potentially
16687s have wider board clears you could have
16689s gone with the remorseless winner but it
16691s helps for a frost strike
16693s let's discover a frost room card after
16696s dealing three damaged women if that
16698s minion dies
16700s interesting
16705s is I don't know what Fino's thinking
16708s about unless he just wants more Flex
16712s Ina loves to flex on players
16717s flexo doesn't roll off the tie I don't
16719s think we can coin that today
16722s there's our favorite patchwork
16724s oh yeah final one off of the full draws
16727s Alexander smoke green
16729s another soul stealer though because she
16732s knows she's going
16735s times the soul stealer will help her and
16738s deal with it doesn't really care as much
16740s about that little ping damage from
16741s Alexander smoke green interestingly
16743s enough though for Fino not a lot of ways
16745s go wide currently no in his hand
16747s although there goes one right there
16749s graveyard shift let's see what gets
16751s discovered off of this now we took the
16753s frostworm why take Frost the first time
16756s if you can get another spell and then
16757s take frostwork
16765s no he can still do it okay
16767s okay I've been there you're like I'm
16768s gonna do this wait no I'm gonna play if
16771s I follow this up the card that draws why
16772s not draw first to see what I get in case
16774s it changes my line to play this is what
16775s you
16779s exactly so and he remembered it's either
16782s that or they tell you it's lethal yeah
16783s yeah lethal I'm sure they're saying that
16785s right now that looks lethal
16790s so it's myself all the time that looks
16791s lethal
16793s account I'm sure it is no never mind
16797s spammy Arcanist
16800s just absolutely clearing the board
16802s saying this is too messy I don't want to
16804s look at it anymore let's start over
16806s grave strength another card we haven't
16808s seen too much of today because we
16809s haven't had a chance to go through a
16812s triple Unholy game on stream grave
16815s strength is really cool give your
16817s minions plus one attack spend five
16818s corpses and give them Plus 3 attack this
16820s is not a one turn thing this is
16822s permanent so a very powerful card for a
16825s burst damage effect for the Unholy but
16827s you do need Minions on board to take
16829s advantage of that effect and uh Fino
16834s and this is what's interesting about
16835s Finley with with plate grain
16838s because now you have to manually cast
16840s your own playground
16843s he had drawn those naturally they would
16845s have cast their own yeah Undead peasants
16849s I'm surprised they didn't just cast on
16851s the road
16852s it's it's how uh it's how it's the
16854s interaction with Finley got it
16860s each work just burned the dinathrius for
16862s Fino oh no
16864s no no
16866s okay it might be the end of the world
16869s because he got it from deck right not
16871s from hand
16873s I think you yeah correct he destroyed
16876s that so potentially with 25 card Stone
16878s play may have never seen that denaturis
16880s true because then at the bottom but it
16882s has been a key card in a lot of today's
16884s games it's just such phenomenal Synergy
16886s with death knight I just got word that
16889s media is on a three-game win streak
16891s meaning he has the Helm of domination I
16893s mean he's getting some extra points for
16895s his team
16900s oh look at that mutinous well let's not
16904s look at it I guess
16906s there's just a lord marigar over there
16908s you could have just numbed up of course
16910s Abilene doesn't know if it's a minion or
16912s a spell so
16916s with 16 corpses that is true off the top
16920s yes it it definitely is let's make room
16923s here
16925s making lots of room and even have one
16927s more corpse via the hero power which is
16929s exactly what Fino's gonna do for maximum
16932s marrow guard buffage
16934s three
16937s wow that was actually pretty cool that
16939s they left two as one one so now he has
16943s five beefy minions really showcases the
16945s how uh those Buffs are dished out
16949s randomly but the counter is so stealing
16952s the swing
16954s never mind
16956s some of these stabilizations that blood
16959s can pull off
16961s and now another Patchwork in hand for
16962s Abilene
16968s I don't think this is what Fino's
16970s looking for
16972s because I guess defrost is fine goes and
16974s give them draw to find the scourge
16983s finds a stitch Giant
16988s zero Mana eight eight seems pretty good
16998s so over here with Abilene she did use a
17001s lot of her removal stuff but she still
17004s has another soul stealer the board isn't
17006s too scary on the other side so she has
17009s has some development she could do with
17011s bone guard she has plenty of corpse for
17013s that
17014s patchwork's interesting because there's
17016s not a lot of Minions on the other side
17017s but it's not going to Target one big
17019s minion so not the greatest play here but
17022s she's got size to go for the ass alert
17024s she can double down on them get two out
17027s and get to her final astolore
17032s still able to clear off that giant very
17035s scary giant big boy yeah
17039s yeah I I just cannot get over
17042s just the raw stats we've seen on display
17044s on the boards of both of these players
17046s and across this entire event today with
17049s death Knights just going at each other
17051s and it does there's just so many answers
17054s so many stabilizations so many counter
17055s plays
17056s the raw stats that come and go I love
17060s this on the holy frenzy too right here
17063s gonna get reborns back yeah all these
17066s School teachers oh wait okay I'll go on
17068s back
17069s it's interesting the way that they
17070s attacked it probably goes attack based
17072s on the order you played them yeah and it
17074s only gives you back the the on the
17077s non-reborn half of your reborn minion
17083s Bachelor is a great option for clearing
17086s off the board yeah
17088s decent amount of Health still on board
17090s may not get a full clear looks like it's
17092s still leaving up a 4-1 school teacher in
17094s addition to the other halfs of the
17095s reborn there
17102s oh and there's the scourge for Fino will
17105s it be exciting
17107s every search is exciting it's just
17108s you're not sure for who oh there's a
17111s Rush Minion Okay bone Lord no bone Lord
17113s no no
17114s some serious stats yeah but that seven
17119s seven is a bit awkward into an eight
17120s eight it is and you don't have
17124s the Mana afterwards yeah to clear it off
17127s with the ghoul
17128s so he's just going to leave it at that
17132s Abilene says I shall get some
17135s Souls stolen this is where you're like
17137s where aware is a horn of winter
17146s I would be furiously scribbling down on
17148s like a Post-It note like counting Soul
17150s Stealers how many have I seen them all
17153s yet a vampiric blood option for Fino
17155s just to kind of stabilize if he thinks
17158s you know it's just one of the strongest
17159s cards so I feel like it's kind of an
17161s auto pick these days unless there's
17163s something else that could give you
17164s lethal
17166s oh he found his key card
17171s that's going to be one buff deck
17174s I think we have seen double buff the
17176s otars today or not theoters
17178s minions no no
17182s I meant lortheimer yeah we've seen
17185s double buff north of Mars today which is
17187s crazy because it's more than double buff
17189s you know like it's like a
17193s exponentially buffed
17195s light Fang has been lost
17198s leg strike off the top
17203s it will trigger off of the Mistress of
17206s mixtures but how much is that tutu
17208s it doesn't it does not help clear the
17210s patchwork
17219s you can chill you know just wait to draw
17222s some cards
17223s Abilene has plenty of resources though I
17225s feel like she's sitting in a good
17226s position here
17230s that lack of raw that I I see from Decks
17234s that are that are triple that and and
17236s more specifically don't put one Rune
17239s into Frost
17241s oh there goes invincible
17243s so me grinder shreds a random minion in
17246s your deck but gains three Corpses
17250s so goodbye to Garrett's favorite Card
17254s round meaty Ally and Regis all of Team
17259s Frost are 2-0 that is the update from
17261s our life our lobby
17263s so
17265s we were crossed with it we would go to
17267s six we would go to six cam but there's
17268s nothing to show day two out it's just
17271s too old to everyone holy geez
17274s it's Frost figuring it out later in the
17277s day the evolution of the death I play
17279s they could be figuring it out they could
17281s maybe have better match-ups now they
17283s were having some like kind of rough
17284s matchups at the beginning it's hard to
17286s say but a little bit of all of it you
17288s know getting optimizing your own deck
17290s play while also figuring out all of the
17292s threats that your opponents can can
17293s throw at you
17298s I how many times have you been here in
17300s Hearthstone we're just like you're just
17302s top decking and hoping while you look
17305s across at your opponent with a handful
17307s of cards yep he's just like
17310s I just feel like you're just holding on
17311s he needs his practice partner of twitch
17313s chat to give him some good RNG
17317s all the two o's Unholy being ahead but
17320s if this ends in a tie
17323s it's gonna be a noteworthy swing of
17325s points very
17329s you know Fina was up one up but Abilene
17331s just has him cornered
17333s just gets to play whatever she wants
17337s since you know what 34 onto nather is
17339s that's perfectly fine so any what's he
17342s gonna do
17344s down to seven one tempo bran yeah it's
17349s uh that is it for Fino Abilene versus
17352s Fino ending in a tie
17354s and let's move over to No Hands gamer
17356s versus Hunter race Hunter race another
17359s hope for team Unholy already having one
17361s point on the board versus those hands
17363s gamer No Hands gamer looking like
17365s already has the sirenathrius in Play
17368s Sitting nice and healthy at 40 health
17370s and slight card advantage
17372s over Hunter Ace
17374s yeah there's a slight card Advantage but
17376s there's not great cards they're a bunch
17378s of one drops in case I'd be that excited
17380s about two Mistress of misters
17384s Mistresses
17385s pastor and 10. yeah it's not great hand
17390s this is a this is what we call a
17392s starting hand but uh it looks like he's
17394s over halfway through his deck and just
17396s found the starting yeah and then over
17397s halfway through the game as well not
17399s what I would call starting yeah no
17403s maybe we can add Mana thirst to these
17406s cards to make them a little better
17407s thrilled with how much we've seen
17409s Invincible today that invents the double
17412s death rattle value that comes off
17414s because of the reborn how many more
17418s times have we seen it today than you
17420s have in your World of Warcraft uh well
17422s what's uh more than zero
17424s see we've done it we've done it yeah
17426s we've especially with other people with
17428s it people that aren't me
17431s sex to suck
17433s accelerated death about to come down for
17436s Hunter Ace it looks like wants to draw
17438s some cards
17440s you're gonna trade in that Invincible
17442s which is perfectly fine gonna get some
17444s Buffs out on the board draw a card oh
17446s yeah finally we haven't really seen this
17448s Accolade of death do much draw yet but
17450s it reads that after a friendly and dead
17453s dies draw a card and it's really safe
17455s Behind These menacing zombies so a good
17458s opportunity for hunters to draw another
17461s value card and long line of valuable
17463s acolytes
17464s and no hands Gamers just like can I have
17467s oh he can't have a card corpse explosion
17470s off the top with 16 corpses in the bank
17473s I only see a Max health of seven however
17477s it will trigger the death rattle of
17479s invincible again yep which could be
17482s potentially disastrous depending on
17484s where that buff lands
17487s it lands on either the Necromancer or
17489s the 7-7
17491s actually 60 Corpses
17494s plenty but you don't want to spend all
17496s your corpses with the hand at the moment
17498s and not much else you can do with them
17500s so once he discovers something like we
17504s have seen a lot of Hail Mary discovers
17508s today yeah
17510s I've also seen a lot of cursed scourges
17513s we want to see more yeah
17515s more serious
17517s yeah
17518s oh he held off dingto just hold I like
17522s it just you know Honduras can't really
17523s play anything now unless he has some
17525s sort of spell
17527s yeah it hurts for us in Castro Vision
17530s though because we know it's just like
17531s two body Baggers and a tubes oh
17536s he was on the bone
17537s Lord Play We
17540s in play previously we must have just
17543s missed it wow since we just said that we
17545s didn't know he was on it it's the second
17547s death by bone Lord timer running out of
17549s the day if you haven't seen that card
17551s it's a card with death rattle you have
17553s three turns to win or you die or you die
17556s and that's exactly what happened we
17558s totally missed it but you have to ask
17560s yourself can I win in three turns but if
17562s it shows up off of The Scourge you may
17565s not be prepared for it you may not have
17567s built your deck around it nope oh yeah
17569s because it can't happen off the scourge
17571s it is an undead card and the the trigger
17573s the counter starts after the death
17574s rattle so you're not even in full
17576s control of when it starts yep well uh we
17579s might see more of bone Lord today you'll
17582s just have to stick around after this
17584s break
17600s thank you
17607s foreign
17655s thank you
17673s foreign
17702s thank you
17706s foreign
17739s ah I am ready for some more insane
17743s swings like what we just saw with bone
17745s Lord once again putting a player on a
17747s timer that they weren't able to
17750s capitalize on yes the zero Mana it's
17752s it's such a nice discount but at what
17754s cost at what costs yes that's just the
17757s cost okay sometimes
17760s yeah I guess you could win but so far
17763s lately I've seen it today most of the
17765s time yeah yeah yeah but we're heading uh
17769s we're heading into round six but let's
17772s before we do that let's look at the
17773s results look at Team Frost
17776s oh wow Ali strasa meaty and Regis Kelvin
17780s all going to oh last round
17783s only bunny Hopper losing out to out
17786s against dog adding uh yet another 2-02
17789s team Unholy however the rest of Team
17792s Unholy and team blood ending up in ties
17795s with Aveline Fino and no hands gamer and
17797s Hunter race yep
17800s what a swing for team Frost last round
17803s yeah I'm very excited to see what the
17805s standings are now to see who's in the
17807s lead and it looks to be team Frost Look
17810s At That Swing
17811s 32 points over team and holy's 24 and
17815s team blood now
17817s bringing it up in third place with only
17818s 18 points and meeting now taking the
17823s lead of the overall player standings
17825s with 14 points and a three-point spread
17827s over dog we also have Regis killedman up
17830s in third she's outrageous he's just like
17833s oh I've never won a tournament oh I've
17834s never won a game look at him he's at the
17836s top of the leaderboard you meaning
17839s YouTube wonderful man
17843s oh the all the way that I'm surprised to
17846s see so much green yeah Unholy was so
17849s strong today I actually was surprised so
17852s much blood at the bottom I thought blood
17853s would be very powerful because of how
17855s much health they can generate uh so you
17858s know they still have opportunity to
17859s swing it around just like we saw Frost
17861s do so it's not over we have a whole
17863s nother day tomorrow we've still got a
17865s few more rounds today so yeah and on top
17868s of that we do have some bonus matches
17870s coming up yeah might pop up here but
17872s there will be some going but let's look
17874s at these matchups we have bunny Hopper
17876s versus disguised toast Ali Strazza
17878s versus dog meaty versus cantaloupe media
17881s just like killing it right now Regis
17883s Kelvin versus Tice Aveline versus Hunter
17884s Hayes and no hands gamer versus Fino
17887s which is our Bonus Match yes they have
17889s faced each other already once today but
17892s some players will have to face each
17893s other twice and if that's the case you
17896s can take away points or earn extra
17899s points so in this example Fino won
17902s earlier so if he loses this time he's
17906s going to lose out on all the points he
17908s gained earlier and no hands Gainer is
17910s going to gain X
17912s for his team yeah and no hands gamer
17914s could potentially pick up Five Points
17915s here if he beats Fino yep so this is a
17918s very exciting match between No Hands
17920s gamer and Fino because
17921s team Unholy could lose points here this
17923s would be a big one for team blood yes
17926s very big down to third place right now
17928s they could really use a bit of a
17930s catch-up they could use a swing in their
17931s favor
17932s looking at you no hands gamer all right
17935s let's move into our featured match of
17937s round six which is meaty currently got
17941s to be feeling good right now going
17942s against cantaloupe but
17945s cantaloupe has had the energy yeah the
17948s day they both have been playing
17949s excellent cantaloupe had a really good
17951s start to the day uh struggled a little
17954s bit these last couple rounds but still
17956s just crushing it and media struggled at
17959s the beginning a little bit but now
17960s helmet domination and the win streak and
17963s Caleb's gonna try and shut it down if
17965s cantaloupe can shut down the win streak
17967s then Caleb can earn points for uh Team
17969s blood yeah meeting however not the best
17972s opening hand
17975s looking like coining out Baron on two
17978s very greedy be the best bet you know a
17982s lot of it was Mulligan
17984s yeah
17986s very greedy but that's just I think yeah
17990s neither of our neither of our players
17992s getting early game plays that's a good
17994s thing it's not even nice even playing
17997s fields
17999s I like that we're seeing Queen ashara in
18001s this deck by the way
18006s I'm double chill and chill fall and bear
18009s and everyone just wants that draw so
18012s you need it you know not as much when
18016s you're when you've got a frost on tap
18018s you get access to a little more draw if
18021s you decide to include it in your deck of
18022s course
18024s now this lady death Whispering meaty's
18027s hand is going to copy off raw spells in
18029s your hand so since one of his Frost
18031s spells Frost strike is reduced in cost
18034s he's gonna have two reduced Frost
18036s strikes it's going to keep that
18037s reduction so that's a really good
18038s Synergy there and he does draw another
18040s frost a two more Frost spells so his
18043s lady death whispers are already finding
18045s stuff to duplicate
18048s cantaloupe kind of looking at his hand
18050s while Mimi develops the sari in here
18054s damage going face though not taken out
18056s the noxious yeah he couldn't take it out
18059s either especially because of the uh
18062s because of his weapon the weapon having
18065s the rhyme Fang sword in development
18066s there were a lot of options but uh
18068s thusarian said no I I just I just want
18070s to go face
18072s so now he uses zero Mana Frost strike
18074s the only issue with that is Frosty does
18077s not go face it only attacks minions so
18080s you want to double it he could
18081s potentially find things that go face
18083s though yeah so he could have two of them
18085s to find two more things so I just wanted
18088s another pretty powerful
18090s endless value find another Frost strike
18093s I don't think you're gonna discover
18095s Frost strike into Frost strike
18098s but maybe
18101s went ahead and put Auntie Magic Shell on
18104s the noggling
18106s one gets a little bit bigger and a
18108s little more protected from things like
18110s that Frost strike we just talked about
18112s yeah can't even check now no it does
18114s nothing except for our taxes on Minion
18118s and that's I think anti-magic shell is
18120s really important for the frost
18122s definitely because yeah a lot of them
18125s are targets a lot of targeted damage but
18126s you know who doesn't care if the
18127s saurian's death rattle
18130s because snowballs no quality at all oh
18133s great lady death was for coming out in
18135s that absolutely gorgeous Diamond art
18141s so cantaloupe's got some options here
18143s not all of them use up all the Mana not
18146s that it matters a lot of players totally
18148s happy to float Mana today yeah
18149s especially if I'm feeling like a blood
18150s control style deck
18153s they are however not typically named
18155s Fino
18156s you know it's not going to no
18159s cannot make me float Mana I will not do
18161s it
18162s all right so getting down his soul
18164s breaker
18165s and this helps him gain those uh corpses
18168s which a lot of his uh blood decks need
18170s to use corpses for removal or for
18172s developing taunts so yeah as long as the
18175s soul breaker kills the minion that you
18177s attack into which hey lady death
18179s Whisperer is exactly for health wouldn't
18181s you know what that's exactly how much
18183s damage Soul breaker does
18185s so lots of options howling Blast coming
18188s off the top there for me and he could
18190s could say hey I I would like you to stop
18192s swinging with soul breaker send it face
18193s damage in and pause the weapon swings
18196s for at least one turn
18199s marrow manipulator does spend up to five
18201s corpses but media only has four right
18204s now so would lose out on a one Salvo of
18208s two damage yeah two damage
18211s it's interesting but he has plenty in
18214s his hand there's a lot of opportunity
18216s here his double Horn of winter so
18219s basically it's 10 Mana
18221s he has double Frost strikes who can
18223s discover twice yeah I can't go over that
18225s six Mana though so we need to spin Mana
18226s first
18227s yeah I like this so he's going to be
18230s able to get the full marrow manipulator
18232s because of his hero power that had the
18234s uh
18236s the charge attack I kept wanting to call
18239s it rush but it's not rush it's Char oh
18241s oh okay for a hot second there let's
18242s look a little close a little closer
18244s manipulator not gonna clear but he's
18246s like disco face it's fine oh and no
18249s muncher is actually going to munch a
18252s gnome oh
18254s he's like I'm doing what I told
18257s yeah so far today no muncher didn't
18259s really care if what he was munching on
18261s was a gnome no this time he's not on
18263s brand
18267s frustrating to come down say why too
18270s much my name you jerk get out of here
18272s to the corpse pile with you yeah I love
18276s the mirror manipulators
18278s this is interesting Queen ashara oh no
18282s she's been in play but haven't had a
18284s chance to see her in casted games today
18286s goes
18289s for salad Taff is that is that how I say
18292s that actually say it naifu what don't
18296s think about it
18298s zalata after you cast a spell deal two
18301s damage to enemy a hero and lose one
18303s durability that's going to be really
18304s excellent with all these spells he has
18307s I like this energy here
18309s it's a pretty hype Frost the game from
18312s over on meaty's side is this it is is
18315s this the code they cracked are we
18317s starting to see how Frost has clawed
18320s their way back to the top of the death
18322s knight show match yeah and
18331s I'll see it's a full Frost and maybe
18333s that's what you really need to win it
18334s with the frost just go pure Frost
18336s nothing else
18339s Frost forms Fury off that draw into Horn
18343s of winter
18346s I'm a simple man I see Frost ones Fury I
18348s immediately want to cast it but meaty is
18350s amen who wins games of Hearthstone
18356s exactly
18357s instead developing that zalatath which
18359s after you cast the spell deals two
18360s damage to the enemy hero and you lose
18362s one durability but it's five durability
18364s there's a lot of additional chip damage
18368s six that's six four that's look at this
18371s combo this is the type of frost
18373s combinations I was prepared to see today
18375s and we haven't really seen it in play
18380s it only has one more so it can get them
18382s down to two
18383s Frost strike though is zero Mana you can
18386s do that corn of winter with just enough
18389s Mana to play Frost forms Fury if you
18392s want or go Mana manipulator for the win
18394s how much damage did he just do
18398s I I hope we get to see a replay of that
18400s yeah yeah I did not I think that was at
18403s least a billion did not take note meaty
18406s my goodness
18408s what a play
18410s let's take a look at some of uh meaty's
18412s facts what makes the man who can combo
18415s like that well he is a full-time doctor
18418s with over 3 500 patients
18422s but a lot of professional patients to
18424s figure out those combos yeah so he
18427s definitely is uh
18430s playing quite well today favorite
18432s competitor oh my gosh I don't know if I
18434s could say this
18437s I knew that he's a great player I know
18440s of him he plays both standard and
18441s Battlegrounds you say it in your murloc
18443s voice it would sound like a murloc box
18445s nailed it nailed it all right let's get
18447s into game two between meaty and
18449s cantaloupe meaty obviously with one
18451s point already on the board after that
18453s bombastic combo tastic finale of Game
18456s one yeah I don't think cantaloupe can
18458s believe it he's still like in shock of
18460s what just occurred in front of him what
18463s where is all that damn still looks in
18464s High Spirit I I haven't seen I haven't
18466s at once looked at cantaloupe's camera
18468s and been like I think this man is down
18470s now
18471s seems like it's just it's got good
18472s energy great energy
18476s not the most exciting in the world but
18478s it's all right you got the coin
18480s go for the chillfall and Baron on turn
18482s two curve straight in the rental on turn
18484s three if you want no muncher off the top
18487s great card but not exactly something you
18490s can play right now
18492s Luigi has another queen ashara in hand
18494s so again can go for that crazy play yeah
18497s zalatath
18499s it seems like a major
18502s combo piece
18504s of spells first in order to get it and
18507s last time we have lady uh death whisper
18510s to double up all those reduced cost
18513s spells yeah a lot more than but with
18517s time we just started he needs to start
18519s slowly picking up the pieces if only
18521s maybe we're playing the death knight
18523s archetype that has access to the most
18524s spells
18526s if only oh wait I'm just not sure if
18528s that's true definitely have a lot of
18530s spells across the Spectrum
18532s another draw card he has a lot of draw
18535s probably the most just on curve
18537s remorseless winner just to give one
18539s minion off the board and draw a card
18540s respect
18543s our good friend of Ruby and vizier is
18545s going to come down options of the 68
18546s obliterate or grave strength Rave
18548s strength card we have not seen too much
18550s of it's like he really was going to look
18553s for vampiric blood there like he knows
18554s like I just need to get my health High
18557s yeah
18559s especially after the ending of that last
18561s game yeah
18563s opting to just use that one Mana
18565s asphyxiate just to get rid of the two
18566s suit and keep his 2-4 of his ear nice
18568s healthy and firmly planted on the board
18570s especially with the Bone Breaker in play
18572s makes a lot of sense you can also look
18574s for the spell that transforms an undead
18576s into a four or five dark transformation
18579s dark transfer number five with Rush yeah
18581s so he can transform the lady death
18584s whisper
18585s season on day
18588s yes she is very much so I knew that 100
18592s percent I've also spent a lot of time on
18597s all right rhyme sculptor I missed you
18599s buddy
18600s you didn't end up in the last game not
18602s that meeting needed rhyme School
18607s who's using it oh we got a
18613s rhyme sculptor doesn't affect Mana
18616s red culture is the the right elements
18620s oh yes the ranking sword sorry yes I see
18624s where you're going okay my bad there's a
18626s whole lot of rhyme going on
18628s the Rhythm the ram
18633s so with three we're gonna see another uh
18635s Prince yeah just another renithal
18638s hitting the board seen you a lot today
18640s buddy
18641s and there's the rhyme Fang sword let's
18643s get those spell discounts rolling onto
18647s the howling bus which is you know I feel
18648s like one of the
18651s one of the favorites
18653s it's an absolute classic in Warcraft and
18655s it already feels like a classic after
18657s the games we've seen here today for
18658s Frost death knight
18659s Frost strike deals with the no muncher
18662s really well this is howling blast but I
18664s think he wants to save that for face
18666s yeah considered Frost was Furious so I'm
18668s hovering over there for a minute seems
18670s to have discounted it going for that
18671s recently discounted howling blast
18674s instead yeah it just deals with it
18676s pretty well and something uh so he could
18678s have frostwormed his
18681s butt
18683s reads uh no muncher no muncher will
18686s still attack him but turn even if frozen
18687s so it bypasses the freeze another no
18691s muncher off the top for cantaloupe would
18693s that would deal with the 55s Lord
18696s protector there's that vampire blood
18698s that he wanted so he is able to get
18700s himself up a bit putting maybe a bit Out
18703s Of Reach a little bit
18706s first marrow manipulator into hand
18714s spends a lot of options here for me yeah
18716s I do like this like spammy arkiness I
18718s don't know how often he'll be able to
18719s play this first a blood player so it's
18722s not terrible still one spell away from
18725s activating Queen azshara yeah so maybe
18727s he's looking at a way to do that and the
18729s frost strike is a nice way so that
18731s doesn't really matter you could just use
18732s the weapon on the noggling
18735s foreign
18737s still have the Mana a lot of good
18739s options here yeah I like all of these
18741s defrost gives brings uh brings some
18743s much-needed draw tamini's hands
18747s I wonder if he was considering
18748s queenajara into hero power but nowadays
18750s defrost maybe he wants to draw first see
18753s what he hasn't seen that impacts his
18755s line of play
18759s besides nope gonna go with the queen of
18762s jar that I was hovering over earlier I
18764s bet
18765s is it gonna be always zalatath now that
18767s I've seen what Frost death knight is
18770s capable of when zalatath is in play yeah
18772s I think that's the whole point of it and
18774s oh there's the lady death whisper too
18777s only has two spells in hand currently
18782s but you know if you can reduce the
18783s frostworm
18785s to five that'd be pretty nice even just
18788s getting another frostworms Fury yeah
18790s would be highly valuable not a major
18793s combo piece so you know extremely
18795s expensive you need to get more discounts
18798s on it for it to feel like more effective
18800s combo piece it's more of a stall it's a
18802s stall you go face with freeze the
18804s enemies board so you can get to the
18806s pieces you need for the frost you chunk
18808s the face to get ready for the the chip
18810s spells that you're gonna combo later
18812s with zalatath and play and no one today
18815s is running a weapon breaker no one's
18818s running weapon removal so he doesn't
18821s have to be afraid of that he can just
18822s throw the weapon up and feel comfortable
18824s I I I can already see
18828s of meaty's frost list hitting ladder and
18832s the stock of weapon removal going
18834s through the roof
18840s people can just throw up the South half
18842s and just spend the five spells pretty
18844s easily on this stuff because you can
18846s make your spells cost nothing
18848s now these spells cost something the
18849s playground's one
18852s but he didn't hit a frost spell which is
18854s I think what he wanted the other thing I
18856s find really interesting about the
18857s comboing mechanics of what we saw from
18859s mini last game was the Reliance on
18861s minions on board from your opponent all
18863s right guess from you because you need
18864s Frost strike will give you
18867s more spells to throw at your opponent
18869s but there needs to be Minions on board
18870s because Frost strike Only Hits minions
18879s that's pretty powerful that's just four
18881s Mana instead of two still have to wait
18883s for the death rattle to actually be
18884s popped but when you pass and your
18886s opponent has the damage on board already
18888s to trade with your death with death
18890s whisper you're probably making personal
18891s peace with the fact that whatever's in
18893s your hand that's when you're gonna get
18895s duplicated well he can use both
18897s frostworms fury on this next turn if you
18900s wanted to because of the horns of
18902s winters but it's not enough to kill
18904s cantaloupe and
18907s it's going to waste the stall but I
18910s could just definitely see him stalling
18911s especially because he has astalor which
18913s we'll do eight extra damage face of
18916s plenty of damage in hand
18919s that's true both our players here I'm I
18922s love looking over their player camps and
18924s just like watching them think
18928s no I'm not
18930s sure when when life gives you no much or
18932s you're not mature yeah
18937s it's a glacial Advance off the top
18938s that's another spell that can go face
18940s that discounts other spells yep yep
18942s major piece of meaty's
18946s death combo puzzle yeah he has a lot
18949s going on right now I wonder if he just
18951s needs to start going because I mean
18953s there's four damage here there's 10
18956s damage here there's 16 damage here
18959s five five
18961s and then also add on to all the damage
18964s from the weapon that's a lot of damage
18967s that you can do and if you can use the
18969s frost from every turn you can then stall
18972s your face from getting hit so I do like
18975s just starting to get them going and you
18977s know you can play The frostworms Fury
18979s get to extra mana and then play another
18983s six drop
18984s the marrow manipulator is not always
18986s going to go face which kind of sucks
18989s that's again though where if that's part
18991s of your combo and you're playing Frost
18993s is for the frost trucks can really help
18994s you clean up the board while also
18997s discovering you more spells along the
18999s way and giving your mirror manipulator
19002s a lot more chance to hit face I wonder
19004s if he ever just armies of the Dead to
19006s try to clear out the minions so that his
19008s uh marrow manipulator does much better
19010s but he's gonna get a bit more draw going
19013s he's going to stall with frostworm
19017s there's that stall coming out and we're
19019s also going to take a look at our six box
19020s to see all of the games currently going
19023s on
19026s lots of action here
19028s yeah our boat interesting to note here
19030s our bonus game Fino versus No Hands
19032s gamer still no winner zero and zero we
19036s do have a
19037s disguised toast is up one brisk bunny
19040s Hopper we have dogs up one versus Ali
19042s Strazza and we have Hunter aces up for
19045s one versus Abilene so Unholy looking
19047s really good right now in the six can
19049s yeah so it proof that there are fast
19052s definite games
19057s this is an interesting one right here
19059s though so we come back to cantaloupe
19060s versus meaty still you know still frozen
19063s up except for that little muncher which
19065s would attack anyway at the end of time
19067s even if it was frozen
19069s because no muncher don't care don't care
19072s it's like I'm hungry man Frost I was
19074s born of this
19076s I don't care about ghouls I'm hungry
19080s I want a munch
19084s so many options from cantaloupe a lot of
19087s them add to a board that he currently
19089s only has room for one minion to go to
19094s that's the howling glass
19098s can't set up for the spammy clear
19100s and also he'd be clearing more of his
19103s own minions
19104s than meeties
19107s and we go back to meeting we're at the
19108s post 10 point
19113s esselor the flamebringer ready to get
19116s his Mana thirst on
19119s yep
19124s for a bit dancing corpses
19128s um and then from there he could manifest
19131s out the marrowgar
19134s or the marrow
19136s manipulator manipulator thank you
19141s that's going to allow some heal for this
19143s such a complex
19146s Network and hand state you could can you
19149s spammy interesting
19152s you think next turn for cantaloupe
19155s yeah he could ghoul the 3-3 and spammys
19158s to clear the board off and then play at
19160s the marrow manipulator because he has
19163s the Horn of winters
19165s I think the hesitation is at the moment
19167s his board is stronger than meaties yeah
19173s I'm gonna be able to clear the
19177s clear the marrow manipulator but he
19179s could not be just gonna get some more
19181s drops
19183s cantaloupe gonna go up to nine cards in
19185s hand now 10 with this final draw zir off
19188s the top
19190s let's start with that gold charge
19199s and it's gonna be a bone guard Commander
19202s bat board
19211s yeah lots to deal with here Sergeant
19213s atherius at hand though so I can start
19217s getting more pain damage just so much
19218s pain damage in hand a lot to count too
19221s much to count but if you like math this
19224s might be the deck for you
19226s oh a Horseless winter gonna get some
19229s things remorse this winter is the
19231s perfect card to find off of that defrost
19234s yeah he just needs to deal with uh the
19237s original bone guard but can deal with
19239s the rest of the taunts which is nice
19243s not that he needs it but also the blood
19245s Mage Thanos which if you were looking
19246s for that would combo well with the
19248s remorseless winner doesn't really need
19250s it right now more than enough to deal
19252s with those one twos we'll just leave up
19253s a damaged bone guard commander in its
19255s wake yeah I don't really mind just
19256s frostworm face so that opponent can't do
19259s anything he's trying to cantaloupe would
19260s get stuck yeah and just yeah just keep
19262s finding your spells keep setting up for
19264s that inevitable
19266s Deluge yeah of combos but besides
19272s I'm gonna rip it now I'm gonna use my
19274s glacial Advance I'm going to Discount my
19276s Frost from Fury even further and finish
19279s out all of the charges on my xylitap yep
19284s so there's 10 damage broken up over five
19286s charges of durability I really like this
19289s he set up so that next turn he could
19290s remorse this winter as long as uh what
19292s makes doll almost stays alive which it
19295s won't
19296s um so now he's just one off for that I
19298s mean but at the same time he's really
19299s just cares about going face
19301s but we see the corrupted ashbringer been
19304s waiting for this car to see some action
19305s all day I see it from cantaloupe we see
19307s that and he is going to be able to heal
19309s with that so unless you can
19311s um
19312s howl face not growl face how face he
19315s could face that
19317s growl face I'm gonna change the name of
19320s that howling blast growling howling face
19325s there's another defrost could go digging
19328s again not as exciting now the Dallas is
19331s no longer in place you're not going to
19332s get damage sending over to the face of
19333s your opponent just for drawing cards off
19335s of your defrost Bell
19337s mirror manipulator could be played but
19342s probably want to send it face especially
19344s if you also have remorseless winner in
19346s hand yeah you really gotta you get a lot
19348s more
19349s to like clear the board out for
19351s something like Mary manipulator or
19353s astral or I like or better
19356s because it would only it wouldn't waste
19359s a damage because technically yeah marrow
19363s manipulator would waste one damage
19366s I think every plane damage matters
19368s refers to control deck
19371s three Health remaining oh and California
19376s big and another five keel
19379s swishing it around the clock now media
19383s is looking a little rough cantaloupe has
19385s 24 Health you do not want to try and
19388s clear dinathrius with something like
19390s Army of the dead because of the life
19392s steal yeah
19394s glacial Advance just came into hand he
19397s couldn't hear Ruby in and look for a 60
19399s or something
19401s that's true be a much easier answer than
19403s anything he currently has though
19405s manipulator could help get rid of
19407s denaturis without triggling triggering
19409s the lifesteal but probably not what you
19412s want to do when you've already used a
19414s good amount of your combo pieces
19415s zalatath is no longer on the menu and
19418s your opponent cantaloupe has healed as
19420s much as he has yeah not he didn't get
19423s offered anything to deal with The Sire
19425s janathrius he did get offered Army of
19427s the dead so he has double Army of the
19428s dead and he can consider okay I'll just
19431s buff my sire janathrius but at the same
19434s time like he really does not want him to
19437s heal anymore gets to a frost room but
19440s doesn't have the Mana to freeze the sire
19445s unless
19447s now he doesn't gonna go for it and
19451s decides yeah doesn't feel good but gonna
19454s have to use the army of the Dead to
19456s finish clearing sire danathrius who's
19459s really meeting getting low himself
19462s he is cantaloupe up to a full 50 health
19468s considering going down that Alexandra
19472s smoke grain I think it's a great play
19473s with media at 17 Health get that end of
19476s turn three damage chip in turn after
19478s turn and a little extra three damage off
19481s of the Soul breaker because why not why
19484s not heard you like three damage Alyssa I
19486s do yeah yeah I like damage I prefer four
19490s so what do we do here
19494s which could you know buff because if
19497s we're looking at 10 damage we're the end
19500s with a ghoul that's 11. so cantaloupe
19502s has lethal on board
19504s we uh media can't let that happen CS do
19507s anything in his power is he gonna heal
19508s or is he just going to clear sorry to
19510s nathurists will heal and clear
19512s especially if he grades all in but she's
19515s going to think of army of the dead then
19516s he can't heal
19518s but if you're gonna if you have to
19520s natural gas in handy you also have Army
19522s in the dead of the Dead in hand
19524s can absolutely see where you would want
19526s to continue pumping up your sireden
19528s atheros because at this point media has
19530s used a lot of his combo pieces he needs
19532s another out and it's sure looking like
19535s dinathrius might be his only hope at
19537s this point yeah cause he has to deal
19539s with 50 damage Now 44 but look at
19541s cantaloupe's hand there's so many
19544s minions lots and manipulator ain't gonna
19548s cut it
19550s oh man I think this might be the end of
19553s the road for meaty
19556s absolutely wonderful display in game one
19559s but it sure is looking like we might be
19562s heading towards that that 21 314 he has
19566s 41 damage in hand technically 41 and
19570s five and two
19573s talking about meeting 48 and then the
19576s four
19577s yeah he's like 52 damage right now yeah
19579s but a lot of that is tied up inside and
19582s after us which is your entire turns
19584s worth of Mana yeah he just has to spend
19586s Mana every turn and he can do 54 damage
19589s you see how that works besides now is
19591s the time
19593s to throw out the Saturday is cantaloupe
19596s top decks brand bronze beard gonna
19599s double discover off of azir snap grabs
19603s the asphyxiate wonderful answer to the
19605s nazrius that's definitely something
19606s media would have liked against
19608s cantaloupe stenathrius just a few turns
19611s earlier and now deciding well I'm not
19613s going to snap pick the second one
19614s because well you only have one
19616s dinathrius
19618s like the blood top for the second pick I
19620s do too and cantaloupe does three yep
19623s here we see eye to eye uh but yeah he's
19625s a lot of minions in hand he found what
19626s he needed he knows like hey meeting
19628s really doesn't have many more minions to
19630s deal with so I'm gonna have to make him
19632s deal with me
19634s he's running out of options I'm going to
19636s be the aggressor you say deal with me or
19638s deal with meat
19640s that meat I guess well I think
19643s cantaloupe it might
19645s be about to deal with me tea
19647s yes
19648s definitely
19650s the fruit versus the meat
19655s mural manipulator could help clear here
19660s he wants to use that for clear though no
19662s it's ready to spammy in hand yeah
19667s yeah I know my own manipulators a lot of
19669s his damn a lot of his remaining damage
19671s he needs it to go face he needs both of
19674s them go face he can also look at his at
19676s his corpse count he does he does he
19678s needs 10 to get full value out of both
19680s manipulators he's currently only sitting
19682s on six though it's yeah five minutes to
19685s ten total yeah this blood boil is going
19687s to help oh man put media up to eight
19689s Corpses
19693s so we could use one now a cantaloupe
19695s going back up to 41 Health the push and
19698s pull
19700s of Health totals versus how much damage
19703s media even still has access to because
19706s Frost strike that perfectly works right
19707s here to discover
19710s card
19715s six card left because six cards left in
19718s his deck can Lopez eight so not too much
19720s more so he's going to be able to
19721s discover and gets off another marrow
19724s manipulator another mirror manipulator I
19726s know you guys didn't see the other
19727s options it doesn't matter he got mayor
19729s manipulator he's just gonna take heeds
19731s more corpses though he can weave in his
19733s hero power every turn to try and like
19735s kind of loose that up a bit that's true
19737s and still has a frost forms Fury
19738s enhanced stall
19740s what a nail biter of a game
19744s yep he's just gonna he has to keep throw
19746s two to face and with the Caster Vision
19749s we have we see that Caleb is running out
19751s of heel options uh but he does have sir
19755s Finley and can kind of trade out his
19757s board he also has school teacher which
19759s can get a noggling which can give him 10
19761s health because of volcanic blood so or
19764s vampiric blood empiric yeah I have no
19766s card names
19768s all new oh this is the vampiric blood
19771s howling blast could if you can't get rid
19777s of the mirror manipulator would at least
19779s pause five damage next turn yeah
19783s it's right now in terms of removal tools
19786s and it's still a spammy which would fall
19789s clear right now but you would lose your
19791s own school teacher
19795s stick the blood top he's just trying to
19797s buff all his minions that media has to
19801s deal with his minions now he doesn't
19802s realize that meaty has more Frost
19805s because we just played at least two by
19807s now yeah but stalling is only so helpful
19810s when your your win condition now is
19812s Merrell manipulator that doesn't want
19814s extra Health on board in the form of
19816s minions to soak up all of that valuable
19818s damage and it costs six in Frost from
19822s across five and if my math is correct
19824s that equals 11 together
19826s and he only has 10 Mana he already used
19828s his uh his horn that gives them two
19832s extra Mana or refreshes to Mana
19837s we're also we are getting down to the
19838s wire in our both of our players decks
19840s five cards left in midi's deck compared
19844s to the whopping six cards left of
19847s cantaloupe what just came off the top
19848s there brand bronze beard
19850s combo with a marrow manipulator with two
19854s if we can keep the brain up
19857s you know what protects bran freezing yep
19859s although that's the Frost's worms Fury
19862s that's the last one unless there's more
19864s in that deck somewhere
19866s discover Shenanigans could come through
19870s this is at the moment not a clear for
19874s spammy
19875s and he needs a three Health minion which
19878s his hero power does not help him get to
19881s does he have one in hand no because
19883s they're all buffed
19885s he buffed his hand too much
19890s it was about that moment I realized
19892s oops
19895s Patchwork could be
19898s quite disruptive here good right cool
19900s however something too too rush yeah and
19904s then when he spammies the tutu I'm not
19906s sure it matters
19911s eating one of the manipulators in hand
19913s would be huge you would remove some
19915s damage on board
19918s you wouldn't lose any of your own
19920s increasingly wide board which are
19923s essentially blocking and clogging this
19927s mirror manipulator damage
19929s outcomes a remorseless winner draws a
19931s bright cool Neco light off of the top
19934s it's a rifle necrolyte party up here
19938s we're gonna have all the tutu zombies
19939s with Rush coming out here to help clear
19941s all of the threats currently on board
19943s for meaty while also leaving behind such
19946s a wide and healthy board how much Mana
19949s is this 12.
19952s I mean
19954s you can't freeze anymore
19956s doesn't have an easy way to clear the
19958s board
19962s double pop of a fist of two hits of two
19964s off of the Cesarean Battle Cry combined
19966s with bronzebeard that's he just needs
19968s eight to go face
19970s he just needs eight to go face he does
19972s just need eight to go face but the
19974s damage right now is not guaranteed to go
19977s face but if that's your out do you just
19979s say manipulate the wheel
19982s and see where it goes that's the only
19984s out eight go face
19988s more than enough corpses in the bank
19991s I'm gonna use all 10 of them
19994s thanks to the double Battle Cry effect
19995s of brands bronzebeard
19998s that was not enough attacks
20002s it did he hasn't he hasn't been another
20004s minute he's in your hand but he doesn't
20005s have any corpses well one uh one corpse
20009s left
20010s and it doesn't matter at this point even
20011s if bran survives you still need the
20013s corpses to take advantage of that double
20015s Battle Cry
20018s oh I am low on oh theotar was a get a
20024s special and now it matters at the end
20026s wonderful what at the back and forth my
20030s goodness I forgot about that so excited
20033s to see Frost doing that well but well
20035s played to cantaloupe as we move over to
20037s Regis kilban versus types with one on
20040s the board all ready for Regis kilban can
20042s kilbin
20043s succeed and killing it and killing it
20047s we're you know meaty at Team Frost
20048s they're ahead right now they've come
20050s back after a long day of fighting hard
20053s one of regis's teammates we just watched
20056s end in a tie
20058s can we just take this to a win currently
20061s massive card Advantage by the way over
20063s ties I just love that Regis was he's
20066s just so humble he's like oh wait I'm not
20068s really a pro I just play for fun I can't
20071s really beat the pros and then we're just
20073s sitting here watching him destroy like I
20075s I think you need a little bit more
20077s confidence for you just because you're
20078s totally killing it and has the potential
20081s to be you know one of the top players on
20084s this team
20085s you know we just got an update on our
20087s Bonus Match Fina versus No Hands gamer
20090s they split the match so ah no points no
20093s bonus points no bonus points
20098s let's take a look here guys finding more
20102s resources
20105s getting that no musher into play healing
20108s himself back up
20111s Regis with a baron off the top I'm not
20113s sure he's that interested in drawing
20115s right now I think he's more interested
20116s in the Mana thirst
20120s no maybe not when you're thinking about
20122s it considering this is options down
20125s comes ask the Lord
20127s and out comes 16 damage no I'm not gonna
20130s lie as much as I love Unholy I really
20133s like watching
20136s these uh Frost decks
20139s I'm not gonna lie they're very
20141s interesting now especially now it really
20143s feels like our Frost players have their
20145s Frozen feet underneath them well there's
20147s not too much frostbite going on
20149s but there's that corpse explosion
20152s yeah Frost has gotten
20154s so interesting as the day has gone on
20156s we've had so many nail fighter games and
20158s and that last one with meaning in
20160s cantaloupe was the back and forth one of
20163s the best we've seen today it's like
20166s Regis Goldman gonna deploy that 15
20167s damage tires and after he is and it's a
20170s win for the win two overs ties all right
20174s that's fantastic for team Frost speaking
20178s of Team Frost let's see what's going on
20180s with Ali strausser repping team Frost
20181s currently down one game to dog still
20185s finding ways to eke out wins with Unholy
20187s which we thought was a favorite
20188s beginning of the day but
20191s dog two one but dog has lethal on board
20197s a close one so many nail biters in this
20201s round oh my goodness yeah just like the
20204s last round this round again tons of nail
20206s biters and
20207s I mean death Knights are just crushing
20210s it you know a lot of times you hear a
20212s mirror matches mirror matches this
20213s doesn't feel like mirror matches not at
20215s all and it comes down to that Rune
20216s system yeah Frost death Knights feel so
20218s different from blood and they feel so
20219s different from Unholy and then you get
20221s your mixes where you pick one Rune and
20224s you get it into the mix and then don't
20226s even get me started on the Discover
20228s Shenanigans
20230s as much as I want a windmill slam into
20232s just another Frost game we have to take
20234s a quick break we'll be right back with
20236s more Death Knight action
20241s October
20272s foreign
20305s foreign
20342s foreign
20370s foreign
20374s foreign
20405s okay we're almost done but we do have
20407s one more thing cord got something cool
20410s to share yeah let's talk about events
20412s all right we've had events in
20413s Hearthstone like mid-summer fire
20415s Festival Noble garden and Lunar New Year
20418s what's changing well our events have
20421s been delivered mainly through legendary
20422s quests which were great but we'd like to
20424s do more and to do that we've created a
20426s new event system time limit events now
20429s have a dedicated place within the
20430s Hearthstone menu and when an event is
20432s active a wax seal will replace the
20434s journal button to let you know something
20436s special is going on when you first enter
20438s you'll be presented with an invitation
20439s to join in the festivities with a
20441s rundown of the event there's no
20442s dedicated page of the journal to support
20445s new events with question rewards we've
20447s kept much of what's fun about legendary
20449s quests you know play the game complete
20451s quests get cool prizes but now we
20453s present those rewards front and center
20454s paired with awesome art and a little bit
20456s of story and they're placed in a reward
20458s track allowing us to better control
20460s content pacing we're kicking things off
20462s with the Knights of hollow's end event
20464s The Headless Horseman rides North to
20466s answer the call of the Lich King and
20468s it's not just quests and rewards from
20469s this event at the same time the entire
20471s Knights of the Frozen Throne set will be
20473s added to core making free for everyone
20475s and back in standard so you can go play
20478s with all the old hero cards and when
20480s does this go live right now right now
20483s the Knights of hollow's end event lasts
20485s for two weeks and Knights of the Frozen
20487s Throne will remain all the way until the
20489s launch of March of the Lich King now you
20491s can catch up on what happened the last
20493s time the Lich King visited the tavern in
20495s preparation for his permanent return on
20497s December 6th
20556s and we are back with more Death Knight
20558s action the Browns just get more bomb
20562s stick more ridiculous the very
20565s ridiculous
20570s come back swing murder their opponents
20572s and now last round all of the spells on
20577s display the combos from the frost at
20579s night my god let's take a look at what
20581s happened bunny Hopper and disguise those
20583s ending in a tie dog two owing alistraza
20587s median cantaloupe ending in a tie but
20590s Regis killed in picking up the 2-0 for
20592s team Frost against Tice and then Morty's
20595s so many ties last round Evelyn Hunter
20598s race ending in Thai and no hands gamer
20600s infino in that Bonus Match tying out
20602s meaning
20603s no bonus points I like to see these ties
20605s I like to see that you know but it's
20607s pretty level the runes can face off
20609s first ones one another it's not going to
20611s be like a a just blow away for one it's
20614s pretty even so I like to see the guys
20616s yeah yeah it's it's a good Showcase of
20619s what death knight is capable of now team
20621s Frost still in the lead with a seven
20625s point lead over team Unholy and my how
20629s the mighty have fallen team blood had
20631s such a strong opening today but still
20634s picking up points a meeting now in first
20637s place with 15 points a dog in second
20641s look at those three up at top and I I'm
20645s just again I'm just so bad proud of
20646s Regis I'm so proud of cantaloupe it's
20648s such a great showing for them keep
20650s thinking of regis's uh some might say
20653s troll the answer too earlier saying I
20655s never won a game of her son well you've
20657s got plenty to your name today buddy
20659s and here we see Hunter race Ty Salis
20661s Strazza Abilene No Hands gamer disguised
20664s toast
20665s every color of Death Knight represented
20667s there at the bottom but a little more
20669s red
20670s a little bit a little bit of blood down
20672s there a little bit of red in the red
20673s yeah yeah well we've got an awesome
20676s round coming up for you right now let's
20679s take a look at the match schedule we got
20680s bunny Hopper versus Aveline Ali Strazza
20683s versus No Hands gamer meaty versus Fino
20687s oh the wave the way Frost is going I'm
20689s I'm looking at all this like Ken Frost
20691s hold on we also have Regis versus Hunter
20693s race dog versus Tice and disguised toast
20695s versus cantaloupe where where do your
20699s eyes go on this one so let's say who who
20701s who do you want to see if they can stay
20703s on top or maybe climb back in with some
20705s more points I want to see Regis I Regis
20707s and
20709s we just see Regis on a tear right now
20711s but I want to see his tear it's got a
20713s little teaser what is he doing what's he
20715s doing that's just crushing all these Pro
20718s players our little meme star in Regis uh
20722s so yeah and I'm sure plenty of people
20723s would love to see what he's up to on his
20726s Frost deck
20727s I'm it's where my interest is right now
20729s because clearly if something is clicked
20731s as we're moving around seven and you get
20732s your wish it's listed because we have
20735s Regis kilban versus Hunter race coming
20737s up in our first feature game of round
20739s seven and we're already into it they're
20741s already mulliganing look at that hand
20743s from Regis I like that starting on the
20744s Bone Breaker Horn of winter Hunter race
20747s uh those look expensive he has thrown it
20749s away keeping the chill falling Baron and
20752s I like that I would be happy with that
20754s Mulligan if I was on a race oh yeah nice
20756s pressure slow Mana start
20760s a lot of good stuff and are you just so
20762s stuck too let's set those death Knights
20763s to 40 and move on
20767s I just have it in my head that's like
20769s 40s a normal starting number because I
20771s played so much Battlegrounds as well
20773s that and I've been playing a lot of
20774s runneth all decks I just it just seems
20776s like it's the normal it's such a good
20778s example I think of what death knight
20779s could look like come launch on December
20781s 6th
20783s we're used to rent-a-thon right now
20785s there's not going anywhere and it
20788s clearly works out again I keep going
20790s back to those blood decks too because
20791s they just oh they love their extra
20793s Health they do healthy bunch
20797s you know with all of the the diseases
20801s and the zombies Sweat and Tears to be a
20804s healthy bunch
20805s I thought it was just blood blood and
20807s blood if you're a blood death knight
20808s well it's a triple blood yes I decided
20811s to build the deck you are correct
20813s you are correct
20816s High School teacher good to see you
20818s again but Regis decides
20821s it does Wonder drop yeah he's offered
20824s vampiric blood blood tap or Unholy
20827s frenzy uh some vampire blood will get
20829s him 10 extra Health he has the corpses
20831s blood tap will buff those minions in his
20834s hand and
20836s um
20837s she decides to go with the Unholy frenzy
20840s that will attack into a minion and read
20843s some of those minions again so he's
20845s using that just kind of deal with the
20847s taunt maybe or something you know he
20849s doesn't really need the health he's just
20850s starting to aggro face I mean is that up
20852s the top for Hunter Ace that'll come into
20854s play later definitely uh not enough
20856s corpses yet for you to really want to
20858s worry about that well though adds two
20860s more to the pool
20863s it's like another school teacher coming
20865s out from Regis kilman has an option of
20867s blood tap Horn of winter or vampiric
20869s blood
20870s yeah I mean he has three minions in hand
20872s for blood top Horn of winter can really
20875s help him start going crazy with the
20878s Spells and that is what he decides to do
20880s but it's like spend one to get two so
20882s it's really just so innervate it's a get
20886s one yeah it's always so exciting when I
20887s see those triple Rune cards come up that
20890s are outside of the room that the hero
20892s our players are playing but we just got
20895s to be thinking I don't care about the
20897s extra health I want you to be dead
20898s before my extra Health even matters
20900s local face he says exactly the man not
20903s to go face face is the place for frost
20906s decays
20909s I'm getting a little concerned about
20911s frostbite on noses though
20915s Arbiter of winter coming down
20918s we'll eventually get the draw Frost
20919s spell but that is behind that death
20921s rattle if that's what Regis chooses to
20923s play
20926s this is a rhyme sculpture going back to
20928s it
20932s that's a five Mana now
20935s could just drop the rhyme sculpture like
20937s you said but it doesn't appear to be all
20939s that interested into that if he drops
20941s snuggling here it will not get the
20943s benefit of Horn of Winter though yeah
20946s it would gain back the one he spent it
20949s was just that's true but you'd waste
20952s well uh yeah the point of it it's just a
20955s one Mana one one yes
20960s I was thinking you know what if you
20961s could use a glacial advance but I think
20963s he wants that to be used face so yeah
20965s he's just gonna I like this I like the
20967s Rhine sculptor here the death rattles
20969s potentially help clear the battlefield
20970s Necromancer though from Hunter Hayes
20972s gotta give a shout out really
20974s complicated the board here
20976s yeah I did the only issue with this play
20979s is that it does allow Hunter a nice
20982s value trades if he wants to though it is
20985s a bit sketchy with the rhyme Elemental
20987s they can deal to random damage you can't
20990s really control where they go
20992s um so
20994s I'm able to plague strike and get
20996s himself a tutu zombie
20999s rush it into one of the rhyme Elementals
21002s but could end in tragedy depending where
21004s those death rattle 2 damages end up 33
21008s chance of failure
21011s or no it's only 25 because it could go
21014s face
21015s I don't even think it's necessarily the
21017s worst thing in the world if it ends up
21018s on the Necromancer putting it down to
21019s one health because it makes it a lot
21020s easier to deal with for Regis
21023s all right there we go so
21025s is consider going double Necromancer and
21029s just saying I think I can keep enough
21031s corpses in the bowl to make this work
21035s we'll hear
21037s wonderful sequencing there too to make
21040s sure you can get all the attacks in
21041s before the potential attacks and we are
21045s going double Necromancer which means
21046s we're gonna see a lot of one twos as
21048s long as Hunter Rays can keep enough
21050s Corpses
21053s yeah so
21055s you have a howling blasted ham for Regis
21057s which can deal with two minions
21060s not quite what he needs and I would
21065s imagine he's a little irritated with the
21067s necromancers might have a little iron as
21070s I want to throw the hell and blast that
21072s way yeah I think just like throwing down
21074s minions so he can get some value trades
21076s makes sense he has two harbingers and
21079s they will draw
21081s Frost spells but he could overload his
21084s hand a bit I don't know he won't he'll
21086s be fine I think I find interesting about
21088s going double uh Battlefield Necromancer
21090s because we haven't seen it today the
21092s only thing worse the only way it gets
21094s worse from here is one more one two gets
21095s out of the board not that much damage
21099s on Hunter is actually pressuring
21101s anything here
21103s born of winter in a glacial advance and
21106s he's seven eight nine
21109s so he doesn't have to spend anything
21112s here
21114s he could
21115s decides not to
21118s dream Guardians off the top
21120s decided to go famish fool it isn't fused
21123s now let's see what three cards Hunter
21124s Ace picks up only two on the back side
21128s of this one yeah sorry to Matthew this
21129s is all those Minions on board pretty
21131s juicy yeah and still a necromancer left
21135s behind so unless he uses it to trade
21137s which I would be very surprised if
21139s honorees decided to do that gonna
21141s summoned yet another one too at the end
21143s of his turn
21147s these aren't dead That Never Ends
21152s and they go on and on my friend
21156s I hope I have directions to that song
21157s they started rushing
21159s yeah we'll end it there just in case it
21162s was such an on point performance thank
21165s you for a little worried
21166s Spanish architis will deal with a couple
21169s minions I see a one and a two but I
21172s don't see something to close the gap to
21174s that 3-2 outside of this Frost strike
21177s discover
21179s overseer Frigidaire which you know will
21182s do two damage when he draws two spells
21183s unless he draws and those spells come to
21185s hand then that wouldn't work
21188s or doesn't hit double Frost but I
21191s believe he is only running crossbows yup
21196s Mortimer hitting the board doubling the
21199s stacks of all minions currently in
21201s Hunter Ace's deck we've seen this play
21204s dividends today but we've also seen it
21206s be a little on the slow side
21208s yeah because there's a lot of minions in
21210s hand and they're not gonna get oh
21212s Patchwork just took out Daddy dinathrius
21216s and stitched giant after all of those
21219s infuses so he got a seven seven a ten
21222s ten and a 16-16 that was probably the
21227s best Patchwork I've ever seen that's the
21229s sickest Patchwork of the day yep I think
21231s the math race has been such a big part
21233s of the game throughout our show match
21236s today
21237s it has to be the best Patchwork roof
21240s just get sniped I didn't know Patrick
21243s knew he was a sniper rifle
21245s no scope
21247s 360. yeah 360.
21250s gym Guardians off the top of an infused
21253s anatrius that is not however that is a
21256s one man of 16-16 Stitch giant yeah
21260s hitting the board he got rid of the
21262s blood but forgot about the other oh oh
21264s but not infused just destroy it does it
21267s is that's
21268s that's not gonna Infuse it anytime soon
21271s I mean likely he's he's gotten rid of so
21275s many of Hunter races key key cars keep
21277s Monster cards that I I think you just
21280s Tempo that out get rid of it yeah get it
21284s out of the way
21286s Hunter X is sitting on top of an infused
21289s Sylvanas not sure Sylvanas is the key
21292s Target no
21294s we know that we're just going to sitting
21296s on two overseer frigidaras
21300s yeah three Mana to spend here not a lot
21303s to do with it no no he could use Horn of
21306s winter to uh he'd use both to use for
21308s jadara then he'd have a spare banana
21311s don't sound so down he literally killed
21314s a 16-16 giant this turn oh I like that
21317s he used the Naga link so that he didn't
21320s waste of Mana see it was an intentional
21323s noggling
21325s and the frigidara ends up clearing the
21328s board with that two damage I ended up
21331s drawing defrost which would be more draw
21333s and a remorseless winner which is more
21336s draw attached to a counter grape we like
21339s to draw yes I'm a fan
21342s that is a massive Commander yeah big
21346s bone guard big Patchwork oh it gets the
21349s chill fall and baron that knocks or
21352s the overseer and the Sylvanas so it's
21357s pretty good not not nearly as good as
21359s Regis is nowhere near it it's no nowhere
21363s near as good as literally the best
21364s Patchwork we have seen all day nope nope
21367s that actually was out for blood
21369s call the northrend police
21376s all right besides all right it's hella
21378s blast time
21379s let's let's pause this chunky patchwork
21386s he's looking at another howling blast
21387s here you could do it face in order to
21391s you know not allow a weapon but
21395s um you know it's unlikely that Hunter
21397s Ace is gonna have a weapon because
21398s unholies do not have weapons though he
21402s does have
21403s either Frost or or blood yeah he runs
21406s one blood so he could have a blood
21408s weapon the only weapon that unholies
21411s have access to is frostborn
21414s but I don't think he's playing around
21416s that because I don't think Honduras is
21417s running a frostborn we haven't seen a
21419s frostborn today other than ones right
21421s behind you no there is a nice one behind
21424s yes gonna take it home with me actual
21426s Frost one yeah I don't think they would
21427s call me back if I stole that like I
21429s would like to
21430s me here comes the biggest bone cart
21433s Commander we've seen of the day
21436s although bone guard Commander can work
21438s out as much as he wants it doesn't make
21440s his risen footman any bigger as the two
21442s damage from the remorseless winner is
21445s going to make abundantly clear
21448s yeah this is going to be a rough to deal
21450s with the bone guard it's so interesting
21452s this has developed over the day earlier
21454s today we were looking at spammy arkiness
21456s just seemed like how do you keep
21457s anything on the board with this
21459s pint-sized Mage but now the spammy Arkin
21463s is just looking at a 16-14 going what do
21465s you want me to do about this can't
21468s handle this
21471s yeah I mean the howling blast is nice
21474s stall but then there's still the eight
21476s five Patchwork to handle
21479s I you know I was gonna say that this is
21481s kind of how Frost falls behind but Regis
21485s has still found ways to eek damage
21488s through and with the health totals we've
21491s seen today 21 is feeling optimistic
21495s oh look at this nice clear
21497s he found a way
21499s but the thing is these spells he wants
21501s to go face and they're not going face no
21504s but he's also not at the risk of fatigue
21507s which is what we've seen some of our
21509s games go to today so there's still
21510s plenty of outs still to come but the
21514s it's unfortunate that Regis had to clear
21516s and wasn't able to you know put anything
21519s on the board it was just so clear that's
21521s it so Hunter still has control he's
21523s still the aggressor here and that's not
21525s what Regis wants Regis wants to be the
21527s aggressor I'm gonna find even more
21528s undeads potentially a no muncher if
21531s you're not feeling that soul stealer if
21532s you are worried about a wide board from
21535s the frost player there's also flesh
21537s Behemoth I'm interested in that we
21539s haven't looked at today yeah
21541s yeah another undead and summon a copy of
21543s it so I mean he's drawing a buffed
21548s minion and he's getting summoning it as
21550s a copy
21552s I'm hearing where they were going to a
21554s two box and uh we've got a Fino behind
21558s meaty I don't know if you can see this
21560s whoa and I don't know what type of
21563s necrotic magic Fino has pulled off to
21567s make this happen but whatever
21569s Necromancer is behind this I commend
21571s them
21573s I know I think he is um sailed all the
21576s way over to to England to be part of
21579s Mimi's life I require an interview with
21582s media I want to know why you have a
21584s pheno cardboard cutout
21587s I think it's an intimidation Factor oh
21590s okay asserting your dominance asserting
21593s dominance you want to hit a guy that's
21594s hanging out with you would you
21600s back to Regis versus Hunter Ace in
21603s progress
21604s are you just just trying to find answers
21607s in Hunter Ace posing more and more
21609s complex questions yeah I mean he has 10
21613s damage on the board that we just can't
21615s deal with so that puts Regis down to
21617s nine he's a school teacher in hand
21620s he also you know just
21624s it's the aggressor like I keep saying
21626s like
21627s this is not what Regis wants because
21629s Regis is not a control style deck
21635s there's that there's your favorite no
21636s muncher
21637s bliss's MVP of the day coming in with
21642s the snacks but also the heels I've
21645s already gotten some uh
21647s no muncher art on Twitter thank you for
21649s that I think Ben harsto made it great
21653s great dude I love it I appreciate the
21655s little graphic put together with all of
21657s us nice uh style look going on all right
21660s the otar what are you doing what choices
21662s are you making here Regis oh
21664s I mean I think you have to take away the
21666s school teacher to take away
21670s options did you go for the infusefanas
21672s oh wait do you win for grave I think he
21674s just no he's conceding yeah
21677s yeah he realized Nothing's Gonna help
21679s because even if he gets a school teacher
21681s another member of Team Frost
21687s dropping a game congratulations well
21690s played Hunter Ace
21692s that was I mean the the puzzles
21696s that were happening there with the board
21698s States from Hunter Hayes I mean it was
21701s impressive Marie just found a way to get
21702s damaged through but let's take a look at
21704s Hunter Race's deck that just picked up a
21706s win off of Regis Kelvin I mean what more
21709s can we say about no muncher and I want
21713s to talk about Patchwork but sadly I
21715s don't want to talk about Hunter Ace's
21716s Patchwork I want to talk about
21717s outrageous yeah because that had to have
21719s been the highlight of the past game even
21720s though Hunter race ended up taking the
21722s win so notice like we're we're watching
21724s an Unholy Versa a frost deck right now
21727s but both have Patrick because they both
21730s have the single Rune blood so we're
21733s seeing
21734s um both players with a single room bud
21736s and I think that single room blood is
21737s really powerful because of those two
21739s cards no Munger and Patchwork and even
21741s they agree they said these are our key
21743s cards even though we're not playing a
21744s blood deck and it's interesting too
21746s because our blood players are losing
21749s so maybe that is the key to these death
21754s nights is that you know Frost and Unholy
21757s are the power but you just wondering of
21760s blood to really capitalize
21763s yeah well we're moving into game two now
21765s we're just going between and uh Hunter
21768s Hayes to see if Regis can pull off the
21770s tire if Hunter Ace can pull off the 2-0
21773s win
21774s yeah I'd love to see Regis get another
21777s win he's been doing so well today
21782s this last game he just couldn't you know
21784s get control of the board he never became
21786s the aggressor it wasn't where he wanted
21788s to be but now looking at his hand it's a
21791s bit it's a bit heavy but he does have
21793s coins so on three he can coin out of
21795s four then play a four into a five and a
21797s six so he actually has a pretty decent
21799s curve
21802s rhyme sculptor already in hand harbinger
21804s of winter off the top of the deck for
21807s Regis gonna coin up to four Mana which I
21810s think he's either thinking the sarian or
21812s yep he's thinking the sorry yes sorry
21814s and just gets control of the board here
21816s potentially the damage went where we
21818s just wanted it yeah it was a good boy
21821s the sorry this really had a mind of his
21823s own today that's that's true vampire
21826s face is the place empiric blood going
21828s onto that nagaling and nogling is an
21830s overachiever
21832s right so we have Frost strike plagued
21835s grain or anti-magic shell he does decide
21838s to take the anti-magic shell
21841s I like that pick because he does have
21843s double rhyme sculptor so he is going to
21845s try and get a sticky board and then can
21847s once he gets those both down you can
21849s rhyme sculptor on five and then rhyme
21851s sculpt or noggling on six yeah it would
21853s have been nice to get on thesaurian II
21855s before the reborn gets popped I just
21858s don't think it'll happen no and next
21860s turn only gonna have five minutes so you
21862s can only rein sculptor not going to be
21864s able to combo it with the nogling
21869s look at top decal horn a winner you can
21870s do with that yeah on the other side
21873s Hunter Ace has you know a lot of options
21875s right now a lot of low-cost minions uh
21879s and The Scourge in hands for a turn nine
21882s play so I'm looking forward to that I
21885s can't wait till turn nine if I was
21887s playing right now I would be equally as
21889s excited as I am terrified of playing the
21892s scourge
21894s I'm gonna see another Battlefield
21896s Necromancer go down not gonna be doing a
21899s double
21900s necromancers however because uh our
21902s necromancer's buddy is is lost somewhere
21905s in Hunter Ace's deck right now
21907s managed to keep did not pop the reborn
21911s yet nope
21913s he's Carl the Lost
21917s do I know Laura or what gotta find Carl
21919s gotta find him a resident Battlegrounds
21921s lore expert
21926s body bagger off the top not exactly the
21927s most exciting top deck in the world but
21930s hey corpses always a good resource for
21933s Death Knight especially when your Hunter
21934s Ace and you can't really only have two
21936s of them
21937s all right gotta pop that first half of
21940s that the cesarian will it take
21943s nope misses
21946s sweating in a mess
21948s actually it did hit the Necromancer it
21950s was at full health though that's why
21952s so he's trying to get a sticky board now
21954s looking at that grave yard shift but
21956s yeah maybe not maybe not he has a full
21959s hand he has so much he can do but cool
21964s you know Creator it is sticky but these
21967s zombies do not have taunts so yeah the
21970s board of reach killed and would have
21971s free reign to go wherever they want we
21973s got a pick between Death Strike
21974s obliterate anti-magic shell of the
21976s letter right get no love today so with a
21979s discounted dust strike being one of the
21981s options completely understand yeah here
21984s come our our sticky zombie Buddies the
21987s shambling zombies we've seen you a lot
21989s today friends
21990s first half
21992s of left zombie going down the rhyme
21995s sculptor coming down with that
21996s anti-magic shell getting comboed with
21998s the noggling this is a big
22002s who deal with more than usual Yep this
22005s is one of those games where when you're
22006s facing like Tempo V Tempo or token style
22009s decks you're just trying to be the
22011s aggressor you're trying to have control
22012s the board and we just got it early and
22015s that's why Hunter race has been
22017s struggling to like where I need to find
22019s I need to find a turn to
22022s turn this around to have some good value
22025s trades and I need to be the one with the
22028s bigger minions and he just can't find it
22030s it hasn't been there so I'm sorry I
22032s thought unholney was the token deck
22034s we're looking at a frost a double for us
22038s rhyme sculptor with an Unholy card of
22042s anti-magic show I think it's an
22044s underrated card I think when we look
22045s back at the course of the day we're
22047s gonna look at rhyme sculptor and realize
22050s that this little dolled up skeleton has
22053s put in more work than we initially
22054s realized now do you think rhyme sculptor
22056s belongs in a deck that's an Unholy deck
22059s a double a single Frost because this is
22061s a free it's a single Frost card so you
22063s could run it in an Unholy deck do you
22066s think it belongs there I think it's
22067s equally as interesting for both okay
22070s I think it's pretty good
22072s if nothing else it's a lot of corpses
22074s for an Unholy deck that have a lot of
22076s ways to take advantage of that
22080s entrees is like okay I'm the control now
22082s I'm gonna use vampiric blood to heal I'm
22084s gonna put out a no muncher like I I
22087s concede to being the control in this
22089s deck but look at Regis with this infused
22092s Sylvanas you can steal the no muncher so
22095s that he can continue to go phase and
22097s that's an extra five damage face because
22099s the gnome lunger will attack Hunter
22100s Ace's face it's a very interesting turn
22102s and I think he sees whether I see
22106s all I see is Hunter Ace with a severe
22109s lack of AOE which makes a lot of sense
22112s considering he is double Unholy blood
22116s doesn't have the ease of access to AOE
22118s that say Frost does
22122s yep are you just saying I like that no
22125s muncher I think I'll keep it because I
22127s hear it goes face
22128s at the end of turn it will go face this
22130s is a lot of damage being poured onto
22133s Hunter Ace right now
22135s we're just coming saying no no I refuse
22137s to get too old
22139s I want a tie and I'm going to fight with
22141s fight for it by stealing your cards
22148s where's next turn but like
22150s like we said sometimes you throw it out
22153s to hope for taunt hope for something but
22155s other times you put yourself on a
22157s three-turn timer yeah and just die yes
22161s and just die
22163s and then holy is if that even does
22165s happen and holy is more of a board
22166s development
22168s play style they don't have a lot of
22169s immediate damage from hand nope
22173s they don't have all that like paying
22175s damage that the Frost has that we see
22176s that Regis has
22178s exactly
22179s ask the Lord coming down gonna put the
22182s other half in the hand and immediately V
22184s played
22186s yep he's trying to maybe reaches with
22189s one Mana can Horn of winter to go up to
22191s three and drop a chill Fallen Baron
22193s that's exactly what he's going to do
22195s he's trying to put him on a two turn
22196s timer just trying to get the final win
22198s next turn or I guess in two turns with
22200s astelord being able to do 16 I don't
22203s think the eight from him will be enough
22204s especially with the scourge coming down
22206s it's giant off the top is nice too into
22208s the turn you were gonna Scourge because
22209s hey a lot of Undead are going to die but
22213s will one of them be bone Lord Frost
22215s whisper oh there is a bone Lord Frost
22217s whisper that is if bone Lord dies it's a
22220s three turn timer there's also a big
22222s taunt with life steal that I'm looking
22224s at so I think Regis needs to realize I
22226s need a way to use this spammy Arcanist
22228s to get rid of the board
22230s in terms of lifesteal that we've been
22231s looking at today though three attack
22233s isn't that big of a deal but it has
22235s eight health so we'll survive a bit so
22238s is there a way to use the remorseless
22240s winter we'll deal too don't take it down
22243s to six
22244s which still means a double trade
22248s does it work with the spammy I haven't
22255s at the moment we don't even have a one
22257s Health minion to kick off the Cascade of
22261s a spammy the reborn will be the one and
22263s then there's a two
22265s but this family's too expensive
22268s he does not have another horn
22274s deciding to try and give him as little
22278s lifestyle value as he could manage that
22280s wasn't that bad All Things Considered
22284s do you intentionally yes put them on the
22287s clock now this is an interesting
22288s decision he puts them on the clock but
22290s he allows Hunters to get a free card
22294s every turn that's a zero Mana Invincible
22297s right now if he wants it there are
22299s plenty of Undead all of which can swing
22301s this turn we're just standing there open
22303s arms like pick me pick me give me the
22305s sweet buff invincible and also hey
22308s you're a really sweet man but could you
22309s maybe die a couple more times and dish
22311s out more Buffs please
22314s yeah I mean this is exactly what Hunter
22317s Ace needed to get back in the game and
22318s now I'm worried for reason the whole
22320s turn whole game I'm like oh Regis has
22322s this Regis has this Scourge is like hold
22325s on this is 34 damage on board right now
22329s yeah not quite enough to get there but
22331s I'll consider it a start
22334s quite quite a start
22337s Regis really needs to find a way to make
22340s this spammy Arcanist work in his favor
22344s otherwise he's a goner can even dark
22347s transformation on the 5-1 rager if he
22351s wants to control the board a little bit
22353s because that's four or five with a rush
22354s and it gets turned into via that dark
22357s transformation that's exactly what we're
22358s seeing happen right here
22361s yeah I think this is a really good
22362s control hard way to get spammy arcanists
22365s online I think Hunter race is playing
22367s around that a bit we're gonna check out
22370s all four matches that are going on right
22372s now as you can see bunny hop Rivers
22374s Abilene dog versus Tice and no hands
22377s gamer versus Ali Strazza oh
22382s and Abilene just got taken out I believe
22384s that's a 2-0
22388s all right
22390s looking for school teacher
22392s see what we can do here there's
22395s obliterate
22397s there it is but there's also defrost and
22401s anti-magic shell those are the options
22403s for Regis Kelvin and he's staring down
22406s so much damage Invincible hasn't even
22408s been popped once yet that's so many more
22412s potential Buffs but
22416s or one Health noggling
22419s two three four five six
22423s but Invincible will die yeah before say
22427s more dress who isn't Undead and will
22429s receive the buff is Invincible we also
22432s have kel'thuzad on board at six health
22434s so these Buffs will find Undead targets
22440s and Regis awesome leave a 16 damage
22445s kel'thuzad behind giving the win to
22448s Hunter Ace winning 2-0 over Regis kilbin
22451s Invincible really putting in the work
22454s here and also the power of the scourge
22457s nice to see bone Lord
22459s win a win one after a while let's take a
22462s look at what's going on here with Ali
22463s Strazza and no hands gamer at least
22466s you're out with a point up on No Hands
22468s gamer at the moment and uh more
22471s resources and more Minions on board yep
22474s Ally is currently winning this one and
22476s looks like she has a lot of opportunity
22478s here no hands gamer not too much but he
22482s does have brand mutinous which pretty
22484s spicy
22488s this cold you know nullify the spice at
22490s all no okay no only milk
22495s could be cold harbinger of winter coming
22497s down on the board from Ally that is a
22500s damn near full board Johannes gamer
22503s which will fall a baron off the top
22506s you know what I do like is uh Ali has
22509s this grave strength in hand which we
22510s haven't seen yet today but if you spend
22512s five corpses it gives all your Minion
22514s plus four attacks so she went wide on
22516s her board solid Devourer from mutinous
22519s there done
22521s she's going to be able to just get so
22523s much damage off this oh but a couple of
22525s the minions did have the blood boil on
22527s it which I did miss
22529s so it is for attack to each minion which
22533s is 12.
22534s this is solid stabilization turn from No
22536s Hands gamer
22538s she's getting close to lethal though
22541s trying to count it out she can
22544s she can Frost for him face to deal the
22547s five and then the grave strength and get
22549s a weapon out and that's nearly lethal
22552s and it's going to stall
22557s toast Fino and Hunter Ace are all up to
22560s oh this round oh this is the the lights
22563s shut down already the Unholy turn
22568s oh grave strength we have not seen much
22571s of this car today those are some
22574s thick Undead minions yep and it's it's a
22577s interesting car because a lot of times
22578s when we see these buff attack spells
22581s it's a one turn effect but this is a
22583s permanent so these minions permanently
22585s have extra attack
22587s No Hands gamer at Seven health what's
22590s his name after sitting at only nine
22591s damage
22592s on that dinathrius
22595s so she has five damage from hand
22599s possibly seven with the the sarian if
22601s he's a good boy
22605s if he's a good boy she does have lethal
22607s in hand but the sireden atheist will
22610s deny it would be interesting interested
22612s alongside a brand as well oh sometimes
22615s going back face though we're only at 14.
22618s she has plenty and she oh no ends gamer
22621s with the concede
22623s let's check in on dog entice Tice up one
22627s game one win over dog
22635s uh this round but dog is down zero one
22638s so they're not gonna sweep the round uh
22641s he might get a tie for them but they
22643s won't have a full sweep that would be
22645s big for them though because team and
22646s holy is in second place
22649s as of the last standings
22651s so even forcing a tie would be good
22653s although I'm sure that's not what team
22654s blood wants
22657s as we try to infuse some more points
22660s into their team's total
22667s a spare 20 Health in hand right now
22672s he's going to use that first vampiric
22674s Blood to gain 10 Health
22678s pointing up to four
22681s another combo hero power with that
22684s vampiric blood
22688s design of the death knight hero power
22692s it was ah it hit me like in the center
22695s of gravity of my expectation like you
22698s can't put charge on a Minion from a hero
22700s power that's illegal but it dies they
22702s have found such a good way to balance it
22704s yep it dies so it's only one turn thing
22707s you know it doesn't die at least not
22708s this turn no muncher nope never does
22711s because he's the best
22712s but he might get munched by astalor or
22717s any of the number of answers currently
22719s sitting in dog's hand yeah if we see on
22722s the far left we have northamar which is
22724s going to uh double the his deck right
22727s the size but maybe dog wants to wait
22729s till turn 10 when he can use it with
22732s bran it does have bran in hand and then
22735s on top of that North America is its own
22737s significant threat and might delay so
22740s that the following turn if bran survives
22742s you go into astolore getting a double
22744s Battle Cry yeah it's a lot of potential
22747s damage here from dog I think you have to
22749s wait like Tice is playing this pure
22752s blood deck and with the triple blood you
22755s I think you have to wait to play and get
22758s the double double the double stats
22762s because I think that's the only way you
22764s can beat this uh triple blood deck
22770s well health doesn't win games unless of
22773s course it goes to fatigue
22775s then it does health is a resource which
22778s we have seen multiple times today units
22780s out gets the brand oh that's a I've
22784s never been happy to see small stats on
22786s my muteness yes yes the mutiness is like
22788s okay I'm happy with this and I can't do
22790s the crazy stuff we're just talking about
22792s so just ignore what I was saying and be
22794s real happy although probably just
22796s probably means dog is like yeah let's
22798s just get the fourth of mar now out now
22800s instead of holding yep no point anymore
22802s maybe a little more straightforward for
22805s dog
22805s and I'm sure it's inspired to hit the
22808s brand Than The Sire danathere is oh add
22810s insult to injury Tice top decks his own
22812s Brand's bronze beard after uh denying
22815s dog hits
22819s not much you can do with his right now
22827s yeah Tyson you know
22829s a lot of Health
22830s he's not a whole lot of answers probably
22832s he has a lot of options and I don't
22835s think he needs to
22838s worry too much right now dog isn't being
22841s too scary there's a seven seven and a
22843s five five on board but Tyce does aside
22845s it's not scary enough to pull the rip
22849s cord on the soul stealer just yet
22853s just a natural okay that's it's a young
22856s dinathurist just showed up to the party
22861s fashionably late yeah you're supposed to
22864s start in your hand whereas dogs and
22865s athletes is already up to 12 damage
22870s I wonder if this is a good term for
22872s blight Fang for dog because you know you
22876s blood blood players like Tyson because
22878s they'll run a ton of minions so getting
22879s blipfaring on three yeah they're called
22881s blood not flood yeah so they don't flood
22884s see I don't mind like a earlier
22887s flight thing but it looks like dogs not
22889s into it
22891s yes there's an army of the Dead turn
22894s pump up his sire to not there is
22899s oh no
22902s I saw
22904s um so there was a blood or bone Lord
22906s offered to dog and another bone Lord
22909s offered again two in a row decided to
22912s pick it up that time yeah so the first
22914s time he was offered bone Lord and
22916s Patchwork took the patchwork but this
22917s time he did take the bone Lord so he has
22921s that opportunity to put himself on a
22923s three-turn timer and if he can
22926s you know he gets a free card the first
22929s card he plays cost zero Mana but the
22933s back side is that I feel like it's three
22934s turns to try and win a little scary
22937s versus blood player
22938s we had a notable bonus round in the
22942s background toast versus cantaloupe in
22944s their first match from earlier it was
22946s 2-0 in cantaloupe's favorite so
22948s cantaloupe won however in that bonus
22950s round toast beat cantaloupe 2-0 so
22954s that's minus three points for cantaloupe
22955s and a swing of plus five points for
22957s toast and team Unholy wow
22963s wow
22964s it hurts for team Bloods we already know
22966s that they are in third currently so
22969s that's got a stain yeah and we're
22970s currently in a bonus round right now oh
22973s this is a wellness round do we know who
22975s won earlier I believe it was dog so if
22979s Tice wins here it's another Point swing
22981s of a minus three the dog and a plus five
22983s to Tice so deep blood cancels out each
22986s other out but that means a lot for blood
22987s who we're in third place at them yeah
22989s yeah so they do need this one from Tice
22992s because of what's happened with
22994s cantaloupe and uh
22997s and with disguised that said Tice very
22999s unhappy about what just happened with
23001s the patchwork from dog took out soul
23004s stealer on board siredenathrius from
23006s hand that's a big get Finley from deck
23011s yeah I mean not the best patchworks
23013s today but second best
23016s quite solid by the solid ones
23019s wrestler coming down gonna get rid of
23021s that pesky 2-1 taunt
23026s he's gonna get at least three oh I'm so
23030s happy Tice is doing this
23033s what Dogwood or what disguised toast
23036s wouldn't do earlier for me he's gonna
23038s get himself three or the
23041s flamebringers that's so much damage over
23044s multiple turns well yeah really no way
23046s to combo out that unless you have bone
23049s Lord Frost whisper but tice's name isn't
23052s dog no he's currently is in possession
23054s over Frost whisper I'm excited to see if
23058s dog has a plan in mind for frost Was
23061s Fear because so far today we've seen
23063s Frost whisper not on the players yeah
23066s terms but this is a frostmus food that
23068s is in hand dog does not have to deploy
23070s it if he does not want to
23072s wonderful board clear courtesy of one as
23075s the Lord the flamebringer
23078s Ty says I'm
23081s I have that card I thought I'd start
23082s collecting them yeah
23083s I could make a triple
23089s hematurg in there doing his best blood
23091s of Cosplay with that hair fits in right
23093s next fits in nicely next to ask the Lord
23096s Fallen Baron saying hey I heard you like
23099s me have the other copy of me
23101s that's right coming out getting rid of
23103s that extremely effective Patchwork
23106s leaving up the eight eight astalor ready
23110s and uh very willing to swing this turn I
23114s wonder if this is when you go for it
23116s strong the sweaty bone Lord
23118s do you rip it it depends like what's in
23120s hand what are you really gaining
23122s turnover turn for free if your opponent
23125s takes out the cross whisper next turn
23126s because really it's just dinathrius is
23129s the big
23130s um 10 Mana car that would be a huge
23132s discount if you bone Lord so he's just
23135s gotten
23140s in the backbone Lord I feel like he was
23142s waiting until he was drawing more of
23144s those cards that were buffed in his deck
23146s but he wasn't getting them so I think
23148s he's a probably gonna get into his bone
23150s Lord see now that he has the scourge
23152s option as well as his sire danathurist
23155s to follow up the scourge once uh Tice
23157s tries to clear those minions
23159s yeah start with the scourge Infuse even
23162s more if they can even kill you you may
23165s win off the back of the skirts because
23166s it may just be too many stats yep
23170s please feel like that this is the time
23172s but
23175s dog might have other plans he might not
23177s be willing
23180s I'm going to talk about too many stats
23182s already let's look at dog's board that's
23184s a healthy board yeah it is because he
23188s doubled up all his minion size entice
23193s it doesn't I mean his AOE he he does
23196s within minions he has his ass lures he
23198s has his family Arcanist so he can do
23201s something special but he doesn't know if
23204s he's a lab or no he knows that a dog
23206s picks spells already tested for the
23208s minion drop tested for the minions so he
23210s knows he needs to avoid spells for now
23212s unless he can kill the blade master
23216s still awkward
23219s there's no one at five health
23223s to continue the chain so that will leave
23225s up the necrotic mortician oh it leaves
23228s up a lot actually yeah yeah there was a
23232s very awkward Gap
23234s from narcotic morticians suddenly this
23237s is big jump in health totals on your
23239s astalor and you're quite buffed oh
23243s Connie
23244s oh but yeah his Sergeant atheros is just
23246s enough it's you know he doesn't even
23247s need to go into bone Lord and
23250s uh Doc is going to take it takes more
23251s than enough my goodness
23254s all right so that was a Bonus Match as
23256s well ended in a tie so not a massive
23260s swing in that even though we did have
23263s well we had this guy's toast picking up
23265s some points out of his Bonus Match first
23269s cantaloupe yeah so he was able to swing
23271s for Unholy to earn some points back
23274s previously and unfortunately for Caleb
23276s and team blood they are going to lose
23278s some points that they previously had
23279s because of that Bonus Match that was 7-1
23282s for Unholy that round wow
23284s super impressive let's see if they can
23287s keep it up after this break
23296s one more round one more round
23301s foreign
23336s foreign
23367s foreign
23410s thank you
23431s foreign
23452s s today but we're not done yet we have
23457s one more round to go today before
23459s rapping just for today and coming back
23461s tomorrow with a whole other fully packed
23465s day of Death Knight action yep we got
23467s the end of round one tomorrow we have
23468s four more games for round one and then
23470s we have a special round two tomorrow
23472s that we haven't talked about yet but we
23473s will so you have to come back tomorrow
23475s to check that out to see who wins the
23477s big prize yeah round robin only lasts a
23480s few rounds tomorrow and then things
23481s change up but let's take a look at the
23483s round we're just leaving round seven
23485s where
23486s not as many times as we saw in the
23490s middle parts of today's action we got
23493s ties between bunny Hopper Abilene as
23495s well as dog and tice but outside of that
23498s I see a lot of two o slissa yep Ali
23501s straussley with a 2-0 verse No Hands
23503s gamer putting Ally up a bit uh Hunter
23505s race 2-0 in Regis which we got to see
23508s disguised toast with that reverse sweep
23511s of cantaloupe with the 2-0 getting back
23514s some points he lost earlier in Fino 2
23517s owing media after seeing himself at
23519s midi's house somehow
23521s but yeah okay by the power of printables
23524s yes
23525s yeah again I'm with you I think it was a
23528s power play doesn't appear to have worked
23531s alfino cannot cannot be power played
23534s well he knows how Fino thinks he's at
23537s these points these standings look
23540s nothing like they did in the first half
23542s of today team Frost with only a one
23544s point lead over team Unholy team Unholy
23547s better be sending some kudos to Skies
23550s toasts away after picking up some
23552s massive swing points off of that Bonus
23554s Match we still have meaty in first place
23556s however tied with dog who has just been
23559s so consistent today yes Regis killed in
23563s big shout out as well in a respectable
23565s third place with 12 points all the way
23567s down you can see where everyone stands
23571s I think blood might be getting a little
23573s bloodthirsty you know what I think it
23575s might be too is the blood decks are very
23577s controlled and this is a long day like
23580s because they were doing really well in
23582s the beginning and if blood ducks can
23585s fatigue you like your mind your brain
23587s like I I'm gonna hand it to them for
23589s playing so much control in one day it
23592s would melt my brain so hands up to them
23594s but yeah they are seeming to struggle a
23596s little bit on the back side more
23598s resistant today is a lot of a lot of
23599s frost a lot of Frozen going on maybe
23601s your brain won't melt so much let's take
23603s a look at our final match-ups of day one
23606s starting with bunny Hopper versus No
23609s Hands gamer Ali Strazza versus Abilene
23612s meaty versus Hunter race Regis kilban
23615s versus Fino dog versus cantaloupe and
23617s disguised toast versus Tice
23621s oh what do you think of these these
23623s final match-ups for day one salissa
23632s the uh Bonus Match and because they face
23635s each other earlier and there's like two
23636s old school players that are great to see
23638s but I see the ladies I see my alley and
23641s my Abilene and I'm just I'm pretty
23644s curious about that match over there well
23646s they're gonna be our featured match to
23648s start us off but we also had a chance to
23649s catch up with Ali Strazza and Abilene
23651s earlier today
23654s our strategy coming in to beat the other
23657s team is that we think that our Frost
23660s decks are pretty good against Unholy uh
23663s as there's a lot of AOE and ways to
23666s clear their you know aggressive little
23668s minions and you know we're hoping that
23671s that might give us a good advantage and
23673s then we're just going to try our best
23674s against blood because I think that's one
23676s that definitely is going to give us more
23678s uh difficulty
23680s I'm super excited it's it's gonna be
23684s amazing and uh it's amazing facing all
23687s those super good players uh
23690s last time I played uh such an exciting
23693s tournament was Amsterdam twitchcon so
23696s it's been uh like four months
23699s um I'm I'm super excited playing against
23701s really good players again in a
23704s tournament
23706s exactly how I felt when I when I saw the
23709s rosters for this event and here they are
23712s Ali Strazza ready to face off against
23714s avalene in our first featured match of
23716s our final round of day one yeah this is
23720s gonna be really exciting Frost verse uh
23723s blood we've seen uh we've seen them for
23727s quite a bit of Abilene but I feel like
23728s we haven't seen a lot of Ali straws as
23730s deck yet I think we saw a little bit
23732s earlier today so I'm excited to see her
23734s play uh she's been getting the ball
23735s rolling she's had some good wins
23737s recently so can she pull that out herbal
23739s Aveline in her murlocs uh win with her a
23744s triple blood deck
23747s yeah let's let's see Ali strauss's deck
23749s play from the beginning we've checked in
23751s with her a bunch but now we're going to
23752s see this deck play out over the course
23754s of an entire game now two games
23758s we see she has some good starting
23760s tools she has a two
23763s two three drop like she
23766s like uh and so does Abby she has her uh
23768s she got a couple one drops in her hand
23770s so that's nice to see as well
23772s yeah got the four and the six with uh
23775s thesaurian a little bit of clog but
23777s still plenty of early game options oh
23784s okay not the shoe harbinger of winter is
23787s down gonna give her some Frost gonna get
23790s countered immediately by Soul breaker
23792s however getting Evelyn uh two more
23795s corpses for her trouble
23798s lots of spells in Ally's deck right now
23800s body bagger feeling like got away with
23802s murder they're like how am I still alive
23803s yeah but you know she got the rhyme
23805s thing sword down so she's going to start
23807s to reduce the Amana of her minions in
23810s hand
23813s that went over to the farthest over
23816s howling blast right next to the not
23819s discounted howling blast
23822s yeah
23823s Mike doesn't run Lady Death whisper
23824s because she's not the
23828s bird if you choose to be triple Frost
23831s and Ali has
23834s either blood or Unholy in her deck I'm
23836s not quite sure which one elastraza is a
23839s double Frost Unholy deck list
23843s I bet she did that for me Horn of winter
23846s off the top plus coin
23849s could do some uh some Mana Shenanigans
23853s if she wanted to on the side of valley
23855s strasa
23856s look at my probably not the turn that
23858s she wants to pull the trigger on that
23859s however yeah
23861s she did pause though
23862s looked pretty sure of the rhyme thing
23864s swing there
23871s rikul necrolite off the top to get nice
23875s and snuggly
23877s with his twin buddy
23879s I believe it has some nice infused
23881s minions in hand too
23885s foreign
23887s fool which is making turn five here a
23891s little awkward
23892s a little
23894s because murlocula is also not infused
23897s and
23901s you have very cool necrolyte
23903s could double drop them but you're gonna
23906s end up pulling some Mana either way even
23908s if you combo it with the hero power
23911s I think I just saw Ally straw as a wave
23913s at us I feel like we should all wave
23914s back yeah make sure you wave it out
23917s just wave it alley
23920s wave emojis if you have them at the
23922s handy please smiley face wave
23927s wouldn't be the worst time to drop
23929s blight Fang no that was a Strauss is
23932s definitely considering it you can
23933s definitely also do it first uh the bone
23936s guard who summons all those taunt
23937s minions
23938s because I could give you a ton of taunts
23940s as well yeah let's take a look at the
23942s the six grid screen all of the other
23945s games going on right now it's early
23947s enough that everyone is still zero zero
23950s I imagine someone wins already that
23953s would be I would want to know the story
23955s I would require say someone somehow
23957s summoned the the bone guard disaster's
23960s name on turn one gave himself a three
23962s turn timer oh Lord and died
23967s that's made today such an interesting
23969s it's just been the uh the monkey wrench
23971s of the day if you will
23974s alistra the whole number by light Fang
23977s not his Nanny Minions on board now
23980s Abilene was able to uh enjoy some
23983s infused value while we were checking out
23986s the other games
23988s no she wasn't having a nice healthy
23990s overseer frigidara already on the board
23992s ready to swingless turn
23995s yeah I'm trying to see like I kind of
23997s like rhyme sculpture here but at the
23999s same time it floats Savannah and what
24001s I mean I don't think it's the time that
24003s she wants to use Horn of winter or
24005s anything
24007s so she could see like yeah what does
24008s this reduce does it make something one
24010s no it makes something two
24013s and does she want this glacial advance
24016s to hit a minion or she wanted to go face
24018s I feel like she wants a lot of it to go
24020s face so many choices for sure a lot of
24023s ways this could go
24026s I might consider the rhyme sculptor Horn
24029s of winter in the blight Fang
24032s yeah I mean her she's trying to put
24035s Abilene on a clock she's like I need to
24037s kill you before you get to your vampiric
24042s blood yeah so you gain I don't want you
24044s getting health and she she can run those
24046s in her deck because she's triple blood
24047s Ops 2 just float the Mana mutinous is
24051s now in hand for Abilene perfectly on
24054s turn seven with Savannah what does it
24056s eat oh it's I mean she doesn't realize
24059s that there wasn't much to eat there was
24060s only two minions White Fang and the
24063s arbinger yeah so yeah a great option
24066s white thing would have been a decent
24067s piece of tech you know a nice tool to
24070s remove from Ali strauss's tool belt but
24073s it hits the harbinger instead
24079s good as it's as it's going to get with
24081s the
24082s the the triple blood of Abilene
24087s Ford flooding not as likely except for
24094s that's true in the eight eight
24097s opportunity but I don't think I don't
24099s think Ali wants it to get to that point
24101s and she wants to win way before that
24103s party plus if bone guard comes down
24104s Ellie already has remorseless winner in
24106s hand which is a really I mean it's a
24109s perfect answer to Bone guard at least
24111s bone guards footman boat guard himself
24113s just going to be standing there like I'm
24115s mildly inconvenienced by the damage he
24117s just did
24118s Ali's going to be able to keep control
24120s of the board and go face your thighs
24121s getting three Toms for herself
24125s and blood boil goes into the hand of
24127s Abilene the perfect way to handle three
24130s of Ally's minions while gaining Health
24133s back and even on the Minions that blood
24135s boil won't be able to finish off you
24137s still get the life's deal yep
24139s and you still put minions like blood
24140s thing to one Health yeah and eventually
24142s they'll die so
24144s or you also put down acetylori and then
24146s blood things out of here all you need to
24148s worry about is the remaining 5'4 of the
24151s damaged frigidara
24153s Ford refill with this
24159s core plus a 88
24162s pretty good
24163s decent value for sure does end up using
24166s a lot of the corpses but looking at Ali
24168s strauss's hand really nothing else that
24170s calls for corpses yeah and she has a
24175s draw with remorseless winter but like
24177s you pointed out earlier that's a perfect
24179s card for the bone guard that summons all
24181s the one two fonts so she's probably
24183s wanting to hang on to it for that
24185s situation and not just to draw a card
24189s as we've seen things can change very
24191s quickly or Frost death Knights yeah
24194s there is that bone guard Commander we've
24196s been talking about for multiple turns
24197s now
24200s pretty like if I was in Abilene shoes
24202s too I'd be like this is not a bad time
24204s to see bone guard Commander come off the
24206s top of the deck
24210s doesn't go for it though we know that's
24213s a good play because we see the remorse
24215s this winner
24218s picks up some serious control with that
24220s soul stealer able to remove all the
24223s Minions from the board and game corpses
24225s for each enemy minion killed
24229s makes it a pair of wholesalers as well
24230s you look all the way on the opposite end
24232s of aveline's hand been holding on to
24235s that for a while yeah it looks like
24237s she'll probably play the ocelor here
24239s just because next turn she'll have the
24242s um
24244s the eight eight cost version that has
24247s the Manifest activated but um oh she's
24251s gonna play my favorite card instead no
24252s muncher
24253s maybe maybe get in there now Watcher are
24256s you gonna do it you're hungry for corpse
24259s brunt no
24261s Hassler time instead followed up by
24264s murlocular what does miraculous sound
24266s like Susan
24269s I don't know how you make a murloc sound
24270s like a vampire but I guess that's it
24272s yeah that was yeah I think I did it
24274s right that sounded correct to me it's
24276s nominal I'm pretty fluent it's like I'm
24279s there
24280s yeah I guess I am there you are
24282s literally here getting existential at
24284s the end of the day
24288s all right the Fallen Baron off the top
24289s does give Ali strats a chance to dig
24291s more if she is unhappy with her current
24293s options
24295s she has 12 on board so she'd need what
24299s 18. to finish off Aveline and it's just
24303s not quite there yet no no
24308s now she does have
24311s drawn-handed and getting there in
24314s terms of the damage with things like
24316s howling glass and glacial advance in
24317s hand but here we're seeing one of those
24319s spells that can go face glacial events
24321s being used for board control but it
24323s makes sense because it's got to go out
24324s on the muralocula which can just keep
24326s continuing to add to evergreen's health
24329s total yeah
24334s it does feel bad that a lot of these
24336s spells need to be used on minions but oh
24339s now Ali has found herself aspired in
24341s authorious which is great for dealing
24343s more ping damage Ally does run a bit
24345s more of a control style deck or mid to
24347s control as opposed to some of the other
24350s Frost Decks that we've seen that was
24351s like meaties pure like I go face yeah oh
24354s and Cyrus for Abilene as well too late
24358s to the game dinathrius is at the same
24360s time for both of our competitors here
24365s there's a break roll necrolyte onto the
24368s soul sealer after clearing the board if
24370s you forgot vicral necrolyte put to death
24373s rattle on a targeted friendly minion and
24376s then it sounds as a tutu zombie with
24378s Rush at the end of it
24380s more corpses for the pile that being
24382s said Aveline
24384s just uh being a bit of a pack rat with
24386s those corpses all the way up to 22.
24390s it hasn't need to use them yet you know
24391s no you're going to burn some of them on
24393s bone guard Commander but bone guard
24395s Commander only needs six yep a full
24398s Board of taunties
24404s thinking about both of them right now uh
24408s denaturing is a much bigger pickup for
24411s Abilene because she has that bone guard
24413s commander in hand whereas you look at
24415s Ali straße who also just found her
24417s dinathrius
24419s there's not that many minions in hand to
24421s drop to die one of them is the nazarus
24423s luckily the others are I'm sculptor but
24425s a bone guard Commander sculptor is not
24428s yeah I do love what Ali did here she was
24431s able to get back on the board to
24433s generate as much as possible and now
24436s Abilene is likely going to oh okay she's
24441s my father bone guard Commander too
24443s that's so good for Abilene with the
24445s dinathrius in hand if she can stall if
24447s she can survive
24449s she can really power that up but she's
24452s down to 15.
24455s Ally stress is thinking what happens
24458s here if I drop the dinathrius does 11
24460s damage four that's likely to get sucked
24463s up by the no muncher
24466s yeah you're left with five on board
24469s fairly off
24472s awful remorseless listener in hand which
24474s goes face
24477s just clear this
24479s so that they don't that Abilene doesn't
24481s get any more life skills
24483s and Abilene has not been able to gain
24485s health
24486s and also now has well we know that
24490s adathrius is in hand for Abilene as well
24495s oh it looks like we're gonna go one
24497s further we're gonna refresh we're gonna
24499s equip that Bone Breaker and we're going
24501s to put Abilene to one Health
24505s I was thinking maybe she's gonna hear a
24507s power and go face with a one one
24511s could have but this keeps the weapon in
24514s play for next turn already ready to go
24519s Abilene realizing she probably has to
24521s sire danathri is here uh can't get the
24524s bone guard commanders down I mean she
24526s could but she has it's so scary versus a
24528s frost player also only 11 damage on sire
24531s danathory is very likely Ali strazis
24533s will stay up yep it definitely will very
24537s unlikely granted Abilene will get an 11
24539s hell swing out of tossing down to
24542s Naturals here but not enough oh
24545s what Hail Mary is Aveline hoping for
24548s with this sir Finley play
24551s healthy there's an asphyxiate that's a
24554s great
24555s answering blood vampiric blood oh my
24558s gosh this turn around with the 20 health
24561s and a kill of a 10 attack minion oh
24566s the power is so Finley the power of
24569s vampiric blood
24571s what a turn around
24574s probably all of that and just gonna be
24577s like you're just casual like yeah I know
24579s I was at one Health I'm at 21 now and
24581s I'm gonna take out your rhyme Elemental
24582s yeah
24586s knock down drag out a death knight fight
24589s Ally able to Double Draw and get a
24592s nerubian
24594s that's good it would be better with bran
24596s but it's just not an option right now
24599s resource is extremely limited for Ali
24601s Strazza
24604s no she's a sunwell or a dark
24607s transformation
24609s sunwell could be
24611s The X Factor that Ali Strasse is looking
24613s for here she agrees doesn't have enough
24617s Mana to play at this turn but next turn
24618s could just get a full hand of spells
24620s it's still a lot of options especially
24623s if she doesn't find more ways to dig
24625s into her deck by next turn yeah
24629s you could use her weapon and a ghoul to
24631s clear off this
24633s off then you go face for three I'm
24635s wondering if she's curious about using
24636s this remorseless winter no you and I
24640s know because we saw the bone the bone
24643s guards like oh probably hold on to
24645s it I think she agrees yeah we should
24647s hold on to that in case I need to get
24649s through some scary taunts
24651s putting Abilene down to 14. it's her own
24655s spammy off the top
24659s not the most impactful hand
24664s blood boil starts to get there but are
24667s you that excited about putting on only
24668s two minions I mean Her Last Stand was so
24671s impactful she was found
24674s I want more I want more I want it off
24677s Alyssa I'm sorry
24680s all the scourge upsets we've seen today
24683s in both directions
24685s anything's possible me
24688s so I'm going to sled the board with
24690s minions
24692s as much as she can able to clear the
24695s board with those minions flooding it has
24697s to be in a sense of if Ali Strazza could
24700s kill me she would have done so already
24702s oh theater in the hand for Ally but I
24705s feel like Ali knows that avali just
24707s doesn't have much because Avalon kind of
24709s had a little bit of a weird play there
24710s not not that weird it was a great clear
24713s but wasn't able to produce more minions
24716s or anything so I don't know if this
24717s theater is the greatest play the sunwell
24721s is exciting
24723s Taylin's not nothing
24727s would draw a card for Ellie strausser
24729s which is true it's worth quite a bit
24732s with their limited resources at the
24733s moment
24736s looking at that Talent of renothal again
24738s I'm sorry uh I think no one wants you
24740s you're just wow I mean I was trying to
24743s put it
24744s delicately but that's one way to say it
24747s the end of the day I'm not going to be
24748s delicate with his feelings okay we do
24750s not need him we're gonna see him
24752s tomorrow though it's gonna be so awkward
24754s he'll get over it
24757s leave them outside in the cold and
24759s northrend no less
24763s giving spammy arconists
24765s has remorseless winter while not a ton
24768s of damage is still face damage it is and
24771s draw
24773s hematures gun to discover a blood card
24775s Soul steal their Patchwork is a good
24778s good
24780s enjoy the yeah oh Sylvanas was uh
24786s nice now granted still a lot of cards
24788s left in Ali strauss's deck so no
24790s guarantees we would have even seen that
24791s Sylvanas
24793s but the talent would have been nice out
24796s comes the sunwell filling the card with
24798s this cards is gonna be spicy oh yes
24803s plagued grain up here that would oh
24805s that's going to add some nice
24809s rets into the deck get out of the board
24812s flame strike not the most exciting card
24816s right now but can help her handle with
24820s the board
24825s sure
24827s okay
24831s it takes care of the patchwork
24833s getting those grain crates put into the
24836s deck we'll see you later Ghouls and with
24840s a young discover hero power cost the
24842s Euro and it will set back in two turns
24845s Hunter hero power does more damage than
24847s the death knight one yep she's gonna be
24849s on her now
24851s for two turns anyway oh yeah for a
24853s little bit
24854s I'm just trying to think like this
24856s arthas have any clue how to use a bow
24858s and arrow
24859s Patrick again to just try and get out of
24861s his ear only minion
24863s the almost was in hand too oh you're
24866s right got Val knows I missed it how dare
24868s I cannot be on this I'm so sorry I
24870s thought he was your buddy yeah I'd
24872s rather have the vizier though if I was
24873s in Ellie's drives the shoes definitely I
24875s want that to spell discover I want that
24877s spell discount
24879s that is a pretty handsome looking board
24882s though for Abilene
24885s what answers lie in Ali strauss's hands
24888s flame strike pretty darn expensive
24890s though and still gonna leave up
24893s they uh would be pretty worse for wear
24895s Patchwork but it's still a patchwork
24896s that's on board you'll see a four two
24898s it's not terrible no nothing glacial
24900s Adventure
24905s adventure and she'd still have two Mana
24907s left over but she didn't even need it
24909s like there's options but I don't even
24911s think I don't even know how much she
24912s would care about it
24914s yeah I like going face face is a place
24919s strike gets the discount you were
24921s talking about wonderful sequencing
24924s using up that last charge of the hunter
24927s hero power granted by the yoink granted
24929s by the sunwell and a double hero Bauer a
24932s lot of gifts being bestowed upon Ali
24934s Strazza through the course of this game
24937s perfect clear on to the patchwork
24939s Aveline at eight health
24941s Soul breaker coming out
24947s if it was ever the places just go face
24949s blood boil is
24951s awkward
24953s less awkward now with the chill falling
24955s Baron yeah minions cost two less this
24958s turn
24961s it's an interesting card
24963s because Ally has some draw some discover
24966s so this could be the turn to play it
24970s to the front
24974s get a nice little discount on chill fall
24976s and baron there oh gets one of the
24979s crates gets another one of the crates
24981s can we keep it going nope ended at two
24982s she doesn't want to see that she knows
24984s that Aveline has a blood boil she's seen
24986s it so I don't think she wants a bunch of
24988s tutus
24989s that's very true dude you can go Scourge
24993s here do you risk it yeah oh yeah
24998s scary Tella
25002s why not your team's ahead you know
25005s you're against a blood player
25007s they have a lot of points they need to
25009s make up wait
25011s we're not scourging we're not scourgings
25014s wait Give Your Minion death about three
25016s deal three damage oh wait give your
25020s minions definitely I'll deal so we
25021s managed to a random enemy okay shadow
25024s suffusion
25027s again enemy that's face enemy is face
25029s especially right now with Evelyn's Board
25032s of no other minions yeah because if she
25035s plays blood boil okay well she's gonna
25037s get back to four six eight I mean well a
25041s serious heal but she's gonna take more
25044s damage than she heals yeah and leave up
25046s the vizier and we're gonna have the
25049s other halves of the shambling zombies
25050s return via the handy dandy reborn handy
25054s Danny making his return in March of the
25056s Lich King
25059s think that's
25061s just lethal for Ally
25063s I mean there's no muncher
25068s it is more heal but you can't do that
25070s and blood boil in the same turn yeah
25073s blood boil would be bad so she has to
25075s just no munchers
25084s oh one goes face
25092s looking Grim some difficult decisions to
25094s be made here if you're in Abilene shoes
25102s oh because
25104s because it went face it didn't attack
25107s and that's what it was against the win
25109s we were waiting for that animation that
25111s to complete to see the lethal go through
25114s yep but she gets the win with that card
25118s I would have just Auto picked the
25120s scourge because I scourged I want
25122s Scourge some while really throwing that
25124s entire game for a loop at the end Ali
25128s Strazza putting a point on the board
25129s some wonderful little tidbits here oh
25132s hey favorite competitor Brian Kibler who
25136s were the thunker one of her oops moments
25139s was falling off the stage at a
25141s tournament live on air I believe they
25144s had to cut off her her ring when that
25147s happened oh no but uh yeah it was a very
25151s scary moment but she is okay yeah well
25154s let's take a look at the deck list that
25156s Ali Stratton just piloted to a win
25158s although you know what's not in that
25160s deckless sunwell which played a pretty
25162s major role in the game we just watched I
25165s don't know if a lot of players brought
25166s fun well but I feel like a lot of
25168s players have discovered it and used it
25170s to their advantage it's come up a lot
25172s it's been passed over quite a bit but
25174s the few times it has been picked today
25175s it has been a major Game Changer you
25178s think that
25182s I think it's more about when we get into
25185s these scenarios where they run out of
25187s resources and they just need something
25189s anything to give them some gas in the
25192s tank anything to try and be impactful
25194s yeah sunwell's already live now for
25197s players to play Early very fun card yeah
25199s right now it's a familiar card for
25201s everyone
25204s now this trouser decides deciding to
25206s keep the otar
25209s and Adeline with a fairly awkward
25212s opening hand with the exception of
25213s bodybagger already in play
25219s Ali able to discover
25222s early finds howling blasts images are a
25226s frostbreaker was an option too I haven't
25227s seen him today no imagears even though I
25230s worked on saying the name I worked on my
25233s pronunciation and no one played it Emir
25235s Emir images
25238s it's something I was said in my head
25240s during World of Warcraft never went up
25241s and looked at the actual pronunciation
25243s we were told at the beginning of this I
25245s was very proud I was like yes my brain
25246s is correct another body bagger coming
25248s off the top of the deck there for
25250s Abilene which she can uh play alongside
25254s Soul breaker
25256s decides not to oh wait no there we go a
25258s little bit of an animation boy
25261s Allie with more draw and hand picks up
25264s another piece of draw with this
25265s Harbinger and has some chill Fawn Baron
25268s so we'll have options for draw blood and
25270s age soundness but likely to keep that
25273s for more spell damage later
25277s at least shows already just
25280s with a hand
25284s started now he's being in hand very
25286s important this early in the game
25291s four Mana to mess with remorseless
25292s winter not looking like the way you'll
25294s want to go you could open up the glacial
25296s advance
25297s and enjoy your discount
25300s also though could coin but doesn't have
25303s an easy five to use yeah I feel like
25306s coin
25308s just feel a little awkward here one
25310s she'll fall and baron first see what I
25312s draw and then consider coining out
25314s harbinger
25316s I was trying to disagrees does you know
25318s what's better face damage yeah it was
25321s even better more face damage also guess
25323s what they're Frozen now and they have a
25325s weapon equipped feels good arthas
25330s you know what else feels good drawing
25332s your impactful murlocs
25335s while the best murloc Caster in North
25338s America thank you
25342s I love a murloc package in this Blood
25345s deck I think it's so cool top murloc
25347s impersonator n a
25352s all right so another opportunity for
25353s Ally to draw now that she's on five she
25355s can chill fall and bear and she can
25356s harbing her
25358s I don't think she's that worried about
25359s Abilene's board
25361s yeah it's just also just like what else
25363s do you really do here what are the
25364s options you could develop Thanos
25367s alongside Baron but if you're going to
25370s have a delay draw on death rattle anyway
25372s you might as well save your spell damage
25374s besides to go Allen blast and then
25376s develop the harbinger
25382s here's the note muncher
25386s you've been our buddy through thick and
25387s thin through this entire broadcast no
25389s muncher
25392s makes me happy knowing we'll see him
25393s tomorrow
25397s another remorseless winner off the top
25399s for Ali Strazza that's both copies in
25401s her hand
25403s that's a glacial advance to deal with it
25405s but again she wants to look a face so
25408s but
25409s I also doesn't want Abilene to heal I'm
25412s gonna throw out a theater see what she
25414s gets offered she gets offered
25416s miraculous famished food or blood boil
25421s yes I might I'd lean famish fool not
25426s that Ally needs to draw here looks like
25428s she went for the blood boil removing
25430s more healing options from Abilene she's
25433s been given the opportunity to give to
25435s Abilene her sire danathius her blood
25438s Mage Thanos or her remorseless winter
25440s here have two damage that doesn't heal
25443s you
25445s you have to take the blood steel gives
25448s away her remorseless winter but here's
25451s to Mana that
25453s technically heals you but also adds on
25455s to your total effective health
25458s the empiric blood making yet another
25460s appearance today
25462s on the death knight show match she's
25464s looking at this muteness
25468s it does she gets this WOW
25472s his hand
25473s 14-14 mutinous and taking an early game
25478s dinathrius that was sitting pretty
25481s getting infused ready to bring the
25483s damage and the healing
25485s Ally doesn't look fake she's like okay
25488s we got this we can deal with 50 damage
25491s and not having a siren after this in a
25493s 14-14 mutantness I can deal with all
25497s this this is
25499s this is fine
25504s I had to be expecting that it was a
25506s potential
25508s play Drew three murlocs even though
25511s mutinous was already in here we already
25512s knew that but drawing that many murlocs
25514s a chance of mutin is very high I think
25516s that's why she played the uh the theater
25520s when she did she was trying to grab the
25523s mutinous before it got to her sorry
25527s dinathary yeah that would have been
25529s wonderful
25530s it missed
25535s Evelyn just gained complete board
25537s control right now she's the aggressor
25539s Ali's in control or trying to get back
25542s control that she doesn't have the tools
25545s she needs
25547s she has some stuff she has blood boil
25549s and down to 12 Health on top of it she
25553s can't even the morseless winter into
25555s blood boil though oh
25558s this mutinous
25562s Aveline is just
25564s sending him into victory
25567s with all 14 damage
25570s in tow
25573s Ard it Ally's even potential plays here
25576s blood boil gets to heal on yeah I would
25580s defrost and see what else I might be
25582s able to find two armor or no two
25589s two can set up for at least one of these
25591s miraculous to die with that yeah on top
25594s of the blood boil but you're gonna have
25596s to use your horn of winter
25598s to hit that Mana total
25612s puts out lean to 17.
25615s but Ali heals enough to stay alive at
25617s 18.
25619s you keep so far oh wait but Abilene has
25620s her hero power it's not enough
25623s she just presses button and heavily and
25625s takes the wood versus alley making it a
25627s tie 1-1 between blood and frost yeah
25633s congratulations well played Aveline my
25635s goodness
25637s over here we now have disguised toast
25639s first ice up one game
25643s Unholy haven't you gotten enough points
25645s today this guy's toast has not gotten
25648s that many points today but he has a
25650s turnaround because he just beat
25651s cantaloupe in the last round so I feel
25653s like this guy's toast is getting back
25655s into that Hearthstone Groove a big part
25658s of unholy's contesting of Frost's late
25663s in the day lead yes from disguised toast
25671s toast on the Unholy deck and sizes my
25674s goodness
25680s a lot of thinking going on here the long
25683s day for all our players with entirely
25686s new cards entirely new Decks that they
25688s have had to learn in real time today
25696s yeah it looks like toast over here he
25698s has some Stitch Giants he has an infused
25700s Sylvanas he has a nice anti-magic shell
25703s so definitely would make sense to try
25705s and get a wide board going so he could
25708s get that anti-magic shell online
25711s trying to get as sticky of a board as
25713s possible
25715s Tice finds his vampiric blood is able to
25719s gain 10 Health easily that is so much
25722s reborn for this guy's toast
25725s I'm going to be piling on the corsets
25727s which as we know and only has plenty of
25729s ways to exploit yeah Tice was able to
25732s clear off most the minions leaving only
25734s two one ones
25736s on four disguised toast
25740s it's a plague strike off the top for
25743s disguised toast it's pretty nice but he
25745s does have the army of the Dead which
25747s would allowed him to do some value
25748s trading go face especially with his
25751s anti-magic shell perfect eight Mana as
25753s well and deal with the tutu that is
25755s currently
25756s attached to spammy architis and
25760s he could drop a stitched giant though I
25763s wonder if he wants to hold on to that
25767s let's see
25770s I wonder because he just traded into
25771s rush so I wonder if he's trying to play
25773s around blood boil but we just just see a
25775s blood boil
25777s kind of setting up for a pretty tasty
25779s soul stealer counter by Tice next turn
25785s the solar stealer don't care what
25787s anti-magic business yeah you put on all
25791s of your risen ghouls yeah which is why
25793s you can't play around it as a Unholy
25796s player you just gotta hope they don't
25798s have it now take your looks for sure
25801s fortunately Tice has it for disguised
25804s toes but toast finds that come back
25806s laying the scourge What's it gonna be
25810s no bone Lord but oh that is a wonderful
25813s invincible
25815s getting a double death rattle from the
25818s Reborns puts out 10 10 total stats plus
25822s potentially two taunts
25823s could end up on the same Undead yep
25828s Ty's saying I don't I want to know what
25831s what problem I'm going to have right now
25833s let's kill invincible and see where that
25836s buff goes ends up heading over to the
25839s vile Apothecary and following that up
25841s with yet another soul stealer which will
25844s leave the reborn disarmed zombie coming
25848s off the backside of that
25850s picking up the other Invincible rain
25852s buff
25854s now there's a nerubian vizier in in
25857s Scott's test tan that can help discover
25861s of a friendly Undead dying and another
25864s Scourge potentially exactly what he
25867s grabbed I know you guys couldn't see it
25868s but it didn't matter the scourge is
25870s there he took Scourge it was a snap pick
25872s snap pick of the scourge discounted to a
25875s convenient seven
25878s with a deal like that how can you not
25880s Scourge exactly
25882s well not this turn but eventually when
25884s you have a Mana to do it next turn
25887s This truly pumped up disarmed zombie
25890s gonna go face for six Tice however
25892s sitting on
25893s all the health
25896s there's one of those favorite cards the
25899s Lord thamar
25902s yeah rocking that gorgeous blood elf
25905s armor
25919s Google charge going in bringing it down
25921s to five going to dig with the infused
25924s famish fool see what three cards come
25926s off the top
25927s more drops finds another soul stealer
25930s bone guard Commander which when you're
25933s sitting on top of 20 corpses probably
25935s pretty happy to see that
25938s but I think this guy's toast is just as
25940s happy to drop lortha Marth Aaron and
25943s double the stats
25945s of the minions in his deck yeah and I
25948s feel like you're he's just he's just
25949s gotta go face just start shipping away
25951s at that infinite health of Tice
25954s my infinite I mean previously 60 I
25957s believe was his eyes yeah still a lot of
25960s Health still no major finishers like a
25963s dinathrius in hand for either of our
25966s players we do have the scourge which
25968s could have a three turn timer on it
25976s well we do get a siredenathrius into
25978s Tyson's hand which is just great as
25982s we've seen all day with the bone guard
25984s Commander blood aren't as bummed out
25987s about the late denaturis finds as the
25989s other two runes for death Knights yeah
25992s definitely because he consumers just so
25994s many taunts on eight Mana with that bone
25997s guard Commander so yeah he's going to
26000s just kill off women in to get one extra
26002s corpse into his uh
26005s graveyard
26006s and oh he's going to clear the board of
26009s spam The Arcanist if we're going to see
26011s more decks slot in bone guard commanders
26014s because they are in that one
26016s blood Rune slot so you could put it in
26018s to a double Frost or a double Unholy
26020s deck if you wanted blood to be your one
26023s complimentary Rune and that would still
26025s set you up for some nice late game
26027s denaturis gas
26029s the gas three us
26033s no you're right you're right you
26036s shouldn't commend that one
26038s all right we got another Scourge in play
26040s that's the second one of the game
26041s another Invincible coming off of that
26044s Scourge play along with a bone guard
26046s commander and Alexandra smogreen yeah
26048s just stats really on this one not a lot
26051s of um crazy but the Invincible is really
26056s nice
26057s yeah you have reborn were there any
26060s Reborns just Invincible which does
26062s invincible does not buff itself yeah
26065s this is a rough one for disguised toast
26068s that that was a hard Scourge to say
26071s goodbye to and yet we're not done with
26073s Invincible this game off the top here
26079s 10 10. we're gonna this guy's house is
26081s gonna get the other ask the Lord in the
26083s game World way past manifest at this
26085s point definitely ready to get 16 damage
26088s off of acid or the flamebringer
26093s Prince randithal going out like and I
26095s helped I did this
26100s five five trading to a five five get the
26102s ghoul out to do a single bit of damage
26107s Two Stitch Giants I applaud that goal
26111s The Bravery very brave bravery school
26115s teacher in hand for disguised toast
26119s if he wants to find something to help
26121s deal with all these taunts which he is
26123s going to take a look for yeah
26127s find an answer howling blasts if he had
26130s blood Mage Thanos which I'm not quite
26132s sure if he runs in this deck
26134s Maybe
26137s he's a little late for it though versus
26139s dark transformation or icy Touch I
26141s don't see why you would go away to touch
26143s here
26143s yeah because you're able to dark
26146s transformation like you can run the bone
26148s guys into a one-two then dark
26150s transformation it but he does go with
26152s the howling blast that will freeze the
26155s eight eight if he would like
26158s still has Mana for that Infuse Sylvanas
26160s as well yeah just grab the eight eight
26162s why freeze it
26164s why freezing at 8 when you can have the
26166s eight eight true I do believe we have
26170s seen
26173s chicken real fast
26176s we've seen all of the
26182s easy board clear at least out of ties
26185s well corpse explosion's still over there
26187s that's true which uh I don't know I
26190s think 30 corpses will get him there I do
26192s believe it will my math may not be the
26195s strongest not as strong as you but I do
26197s believe 30 corpses is enough I I agree I
26201s completely agree but asphyxiate is all
26204s Tice really needs to deal with that big
26206s minion
26207s he doesn't have to be too worried about
26208s these other ones because he just has
26210s flooded his board with taunt has some
26212s mistress of mixtures to keep his health
26215s up
26218s taking it easy and no muncher gonna get
26221s a little more healing going on here
26224s yeah 45 Health wasn't enough I want 50.
26228s all right let's see how the damage
26230s shakes out
26232s does it get a full clear it does oh yes
26236s able to go face also brings a little
26238s healing with the Mistresses there
26240s getting him back down to 40.
26244s hey that means toast has more effective
26247s Health then Tice
26250s courtesy of armor
26252s another bone guard Commander down at
26255s this point yeah the math race is at 20
26257s right now
26258s but you know I'm gonna be at 27 soon on
26261s the other side we see this guy's just
26263s getting to brand and has an infused
26266s Sylvanas for that eight eight actually
26268s not going to beat the 27 soon because
26270s disguise toast does not have an easy
26272s answer to all these one twos can take
26275s care of them eight eight
26277s he's slow weeping away at them yeah but
26281s you're gonna have to
26282s take the slow route of ramming eight
26285s eighths into one two taunts it's not a
26288s trade you want to make it's a very sad
26290s and happy trade
26292s 588 should be going face
26300s just being lying let's see I could just
26302s keep infusing here or I could just go
26304s upstairs explode yep
26308s set himself up for a big
26313s into the seventh Health just to save one
26317s corpse I don't know
26319s but toast's finally getting to his sire
26321s danathius
26323s probably started to think about the math
26325s looked at his corporate total and went
26326s it doesn't matter
26327s but but what if he somehow gets low
26331s you're right
26334s shenanigans
26336s shenaniganery it happens all the time in
26339s this game
26341s banana ghouls is what I'm going to start
26342s calling it
26348s healing with the value trade
26353s I'll just leave up only a two one which
26355s is quite nice
26361s this guy's toast again with that that
26364s classic not particularly infused
26366s Saturdays but definitely been huge and
26369s huge for sure
26375s is it time for bran
26378s I
26380s you can't he still has the coin he has
26383s the Mana two brand into invincible
26386s I've seen so much of like Unholy decks
26389s where I'm like ah they do they just they
26390s have nothing they have nothing but I've
26392s seen it numerous times today where they
26394s get the scourge and all of a sudden
26396s they're just they just pull it out you
26398s know they exhaust the blood of their
26400s answers
26402s and are left with big minions yep
26404s so you know I'm not going to count toast
26407s out yeah that being said we're still
26409s quite a ways away from fatigue with Tice
26412s having 11 cards still in deck 10 after
26415s that beginning of turn draw finding his
26417s own Brand's bronze beard off the top
26419s there
26420s yeah he does have brand with muteness uh
26423s and with our Caster Vision we could see
26425s that he could eat two minions and
26427s destroy that 20 20 Sergeant atheros
26429s which uh looks like it's gonna do
26433s making a giant mutinous Nom Nom is this
26438s it does this
26441s snap toasted oh Tice is so excited about
26444s that play Oh indeed
26447s ooh indeed
26453s oh that's yeah
26457s looks like face is the place for ghosts
26459s right just go face it and hope that
26462s ties he just kills them before he can
26465s get to the 1010 with all those towns
26468s does have to get through those pesky two
26469s twos to twelve eight it does not seem
26471s long for this world however
26475s as a matter of fact
26479s Tice can clear off all the undead
26482s leaving nothing else for the Buffs of
26484s invincible to even land on
26486s although it doesn't opt to go that route
26489s what's the reborn and play wasn't it no
26491s there wasn't no there wasn't no he
26493s killed it off first and now
26495s see what we draw
26498s at the light of death is not in Undead
26500s so this buff from Invincible will not
26502s land on her
26511s it's going to draw a bone Digger Geist
26514s which are you drawing isn't
26518s yeah oh that's the concede which I
26521s believe is our final game
26524s of the day
26525s Tice and disguised toast ending in a tie
26532s death Knights yes that's how I feel
26536s after today too that's just all my brain
26538s thing that's nice that I was wondering
26541s what way that was going to go if if
26542s toast is going to find a way to exhaust
26544s the blood of their resources and leave
26546s behind a bunch of large Unholy minions
26548s but no
26549s now blood at least you know eeking out
26552s the tie there yeah we were seeing like
26554s blood was kind of losing it in the last
26556s part but no Tice was able to get
26558s themselves a tie and make sure that
26560s blood isn't totally out of the running
26563s well here we are at the end of the day
26565s but before we go we want to talk to
26567s meaty we're going to bring him in here
26569s live
26571s coming off the back of a seven game
26573s winning streak today after starting 0-4
26575s meaty how are you feeling
26579s I'm feeling great man team Frost we're
26582s the best team yeah that was such a tough
26584s at the table guys you guys were you know
26587s down in the first couple rounds and then
26588s just swung it all the way around uh can
26591s you tell me about when you guys were
26593s deck building uh did you do a lot of the
26595s deck building I know that you're pretty
26596s good at it or did you guys do more of a
26598s collaborative team effort
26602s yeah so I think everyone from the team
26604s worked super super hard so
26607s um me and Bunny Hopper I think started
26610s out with a lot of a deck building uh we
26612s we got a good foundation and then on
26615s Monday and Tuesday
26616s um we got
26618s um we got Ali and Regis in and both of
26620s these guys worked super hard as well I
26622s think all four of us were you know in
26624s McCall I think six hours both of those
26627s days just uh learning my decks refining
26629s my decks um and if I don't know if you
26631s guys have had a chance to look but my
26633s deck uh Ali's deck and read is his deck
26636s are all they're very similar right we
26638s went for like basically about five cards
26641s different
26642s um you know depending on obviously what
26644s what the runes allow bunny Hopper went
26646s for a bit of a different Strat I think
26647s because in our testing we were a bit
26649s worried that our decks would not perform
26652s so well against uh against the blood
26654s decks but
26656s um yeah so bunny Hopper went for about
26657s really interesting kazakhisan build
26660s um but um everyone was in agreement but
26662s that was a a good Strat to go for that
26664s kind of mix of decks do you owe any of
26666s do you feel like you owe any of that
26668s insane win streak to the fact that you
26670s were triple Frost
26675s um I think I just I think I just got
26677s lucky like okay like I think I just lost
26680s all my games at the start and then I'm
26682s one of the ones in the middle and the
26683s wave of the scoring Works uh just and
26686s just favored that like
26688s get them all out of the way early so you
26691s could clear it and just start running
26693s the board
26696s so you know we're also curious you know
26698s we find it fascinating that you're also
26700s a doctor where do you find
26702s you know time for Hearthstone and to be
26705s as good as you are while also treating
26706s patients I don't know if you saw earlier
26708s they had effective for how many patients
26711s you have
26713s oh I have a lot of wait do they do they
26715s know how many patients I have
26717s yeah 3 500.
26720s yeah damn oh damn yeah I have a lot of
26723s patience but um yeah um I'm just I'm
26726s just pretty fast so
26728s um I do my job quickly I have a positive
26731s attitude if you have a positive mindset
26733s then uh you can really do anything you
26735s want to do
26737s um
26738s I mean it also helps but I don't really
26740s have any friends apart from my wife so
26743s I'll add twitch chat and twitch chat
26745s obviously I'm gonna throw that in there
26747s make sure you go follow me
26749s and are you excited about tomorrow do
26751s you guys do you feel like your team
26752s chemistry is really building and you
26755s think that tomorrow you guys are going
26756s to take it
26758s oh yeah yeah for sure we got I think you
26761s know everyone that we got great
26763s chemistry in the team like after each
26764s round we're all like sharing our scores
26766s and we're all like uh cheering for each
26768s other and uh I mean I think we're gonna
26770s take it home I think uh I think it's
26772s coming home for team Frost in fact I
26775s think there's no way but it's uh but
26777s we're not gonna win this whole thing if
26779s I'm honest what a call I'm I'm excited
26782s for you I came into this I wanted to see
26784s Frost the liver I'm a bit of a Frost
26786s death knight Fanboy myself
26788s you know not started a little rough but
26791s my goodness I I was so jazzed in the
26794s middle of the day
26795s it was wonderful getting to watch you
26798s and your team play so thank you so much
26800s uh for your time today we know how hard
26804s you've worked for this I felt like every
26805s time we looked at our phone we checked
26807s Discord team Frost chat was just a wall
26810s yes we were able to see who was
26813s practicing and when they were practicing
26815s and we got to see Frost practicing so
26819s hard so it's great to see how well it's
26821s turned out yeah so thanks again meaty
26823s and good luck tomorrow
26825s oh thank you and thank you for the
26827s opportunity as well like I was just uh I
26830s was just thinking like this is
26831s definitely the coolest Hearthstone thing
26832s I've ever done I freaking love death
26834s Knights I love Hearthstone so I'm super
26836s grateful thank you glad you could be
26838s here that makes many of us meeting
26842s all right and that does it for day one
26846s thank you all so very much for tuning in
26849s to all of the Death Knight action
26853s actually we're going to break real fast
26855s and we'll see you on the other side
26893s foreign
26940s thank you
26957s foreign
27000s foreign
27015s welcome back everybody that's not it
27019s just yet we've got day two to talk about
27022s and also need to check in on the
27024s player's standings because there was so
27026s Much Death Knight action today that we
27029s need to see how the points shook out
27030s it's listen where are we now we have
27034s Team Frost leading with by four points
27036s to team Unholy so very very tight match
27039s between the two team blood with only 22
27042s points but but still plenty of games
27045s tomorrow for them to make a comeback we
27048s can see here dog has the most points of
27051s 18. took the lead took the little
27053s meeting but two three and four are all
27056s Frost players with meaty Regis Kelvin M
27058s buddy Hopper Fino at Hunter Ace right
27061s below them look at all those talented
27064s players tying at 10 points Ali Strazza
27067s up there as well for team Frost and yet
27070s you can see why team Frost is just doing
27072s so well
27075s yeah but let's talk about the format of
27078s day two because while we will still have
27080s a little bit of brown Robin tomorrow
27081s Things Are Gonna Change up with day two
27084s still gonna have our teams same players
27086s same breakdown stage one is going to
27089s continue but after that comes stage two
27091s and we move to a best of one format
27095s salsa what is death's challenge so the
27099s best player from each team will become
27101s the Knight for their team
27103s and they will nominate another to be the
27105s Challenger
27107s I want to see other opposing teams
27109s Knights Challengers will utilize points
27112s to challenge the knights so basically
27114s all those points they've accumulated
27116s through Ron Robin they could now use
27118s those points and challenge them say
27120s let's you have 30 points I might
27123s challenge 10 to the first round and I
27126s can earn 10 more points or I'd lose the
27128s points if if you lose to that other
27130s team's death knight so the Challenger is
27133s trying to get more points out of what
27136s they have
27137s I think it's like a bank I mean all day
27139s we've been counting the banks of corpses
27141s yep it's the same thing here with the
27143s points that our teams have accumulated
27145s Challengers will win two times the
27147s amount points I just misspoke there but
27148s they will get two times the amount of
27150s points or they will forfeit their points
27151s so there is a big comeback mechanic
27154s tomorrow that we're really looking
27156s forward to
27157s I cannot wait to see the shake-up
27159s tomorrow when we move into that format
27163s uh
27164s what a day I am so hyped for Death
27166s Knight like I said multiple times a day
27168s I have been waiting for this since the
27170s beta of arson which all the way back in
27172s 2013 for crying out loud but that's
27175s going to wrap it up for day one thank
27176s you so much everybody for watching but
27179s also thank you to our players and thank
27181s you to the production staff everyone
27183s here has been incredible we'll be back
27185s tomorrow for day two of the death knight
27187s show match
27198s thank you
27225s foreign
27257s positive attitude if you have a positive
27259s mindset then you can really do anything
27262s you want to do
27289s foreign