about 2 years ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s [Music]
68s oh
70s [Music]
90s [Music]
99s foreign
100s [Music]
106s [Applause]
108s [Music]
165s [Music]
189s so
199s [Music]
289s oh
298s oh
299s [Music]
311s [Music]
322s foreign
323s [Music]
328s [Applause]
329s [Music]
350s my
361s [Music]
387s [Music]
412s so
421s [Music]
511s oh
515s [Music]
536s [Music]
547s foreign
548s [Music]
549s [Applause]
551s [Music]
608s [Music]
732s ah
737s [Music]
758s [Music]
771s [Applause]
772s [Music]
830s [Music]
890s so
895s [Music]
954s oh
959s [Music]
973s i didn't even see that that's insane
975s what the heck
976s that is incredible that's every minute
978s destroyed
982s [Music]
985s the bless that's just lethal right
987s bless the popeyos it's like he's still
989s going oh i can't imagine this doesn't
992s end up being lethal at some point
994s it's just dead on turn five just he just
997s played a rod and then fell over
1000s you got to do this entire game
1005s [Music]
1014s hello everybody and welcome to day
1017s number two of masters tour voyage to the
1019s sunken city my name is cj i'm joined by
1022s neil larinda bond to help me kick off
1024s the show today my america's
1027s previous americas i know
1030s cool
1031s yeah how you doing on this fine day
1033s absolutely great tj can't wait for day
1036s two it's always one of my favorite days
1037s i mean one-off there's only three to
1039s choose from so that's not that great a
1041s description but day two is where it all
1043s happens we might find out some of the
1045s players who are going to seasonal
1046s championships today we might find out
1047s people going to last call today gonna
1049s resolve a lot of stuff and of course
1050s we're gonna find out our top 16 so yeah
1052s it's going to be a good one tj and i
1054s don't think yet we have really worked
1056s out what this meta is so further
1058s insight into that by the end of the day
1062s yeah there's a lot of decks floating
1064s around the top at least in terms of like
1066s win rate uh that players may not have
1069s necessarily expected uh coming into the
1071s tournament um but we'll jump into that
1073s as we uh start getting into the
1075s individual matchups first off we gotta
1077s you know
1078s tidy up around here and talk about what
1080s we're actually watching we're going to
1082s be playing conquest we have been playing
1084s conquest
1085s which is our standard masters tour
1086s format four decks for player four unique
1088s classes you ban one from your opponent
1090s at the beginning of the series and then
1091s you play a best of five match with the
1093s remaining classes
1095s where you cannot win with the same deck
1097s twice and you need to win with all three
1099s of your decks in order to be claimed the
1101s winner of this series
1104s um and uh yesterday we broadcast the
1106s first four rounds of swiss today we're
1107s going to be broadcasting the last four
1109s rounds of swiss and then tomorrow we
1111s play all the way through straight
1113s through that top 16.
1116s um
1117s and i also this is
1120s at the very least in my top three
1123s favorite dates of a master's tour deal
1126s yet one of the best three days i'm
1128s really concerned that he's only got one
1129s hand on that wheel when he's driving
1131s that or however whatever you do to
1133s ship steering the ship he's got like one
1135s hand on the wheel and the other hand's
1136s just like yeah like you gotta be more
1139s careful than that when you're driving
1141s i don't even know what you're talking
1142s about the picture image
1145s yeah the image of the words that you
1146s just read word for word out on screen
1149s there's a there's a guy and he's got one
1150s hand on the wheel the other hand is just
1151s like chilling and it's like no you've
1153s got to have the ten to two position and
1155s drive properly otherwise you'll crash
1156s i'm concerned it's early in the morning
1158s there's water leaking in behind me
1160s already because of it i
1162s yeah i'm saying you got to make sure
1164s you're driving on the
1165s left side of the road
1168s sure let's go with that because as
1169s americans that's
1170s no we driving on the right in america
1172s here
1174s oh yeah that's right sorry
1176s i forgot for a second that we were
1178s uh that
1180s us fellow americans
1182s were in fact american we do drive on the
1183s right side of the road unless it's a
1185s one-way street and you got to turn left
1186s then you drive left side of the road
1188s we'll drive back um you're fine
1190s or drive backwards baseball tj is the
1193s best bit let's not mess it up
1195s fourteen thousand dollars for first
1196s place
1197s ten thousand dollars for seven
1199s for second place and seven thousand the
1201s sweet spot where you get 500 per win
1204s third and fourth
1205s yeah and one of the cool things about
1208s the master tour prize pool is that um if
1210s you get six place you get four thousand
1212s dollars if you get seventh place you get
1214s four thousand dollars if you get fifth
1217s place you'll also get four thousand
1219s dollars and if you get eighth place you
1221s get four thousand dollars pretty cool
1223s little uh you know interaction there
1225s where fifth sixth seventh and eighth all
1227s earned four thousand dollars
1230s um yeah just wanted to point that out
1231s something that i thought was cool here
1233s on my uh one of my top three days of uh
1236s of a master's tour i'm glad you didn't
1238s pick the bottom one today because you'll
1239s be going 9 10 all the way up to 16
1242s through 11 12 15 13 11 and whatever the
1244s other one is 10 probably so i'm glad you
1246s didn't have to read out all those
1247s numbers because that just slowed us down
1249s considerably as we are waiting to get
1251s into our first match of the day of
1252s course so we're adding some extra flavor
1255s for you today this morning
1257s that's right
1259s um yesterday this was the match of the
1261s day for me orange versus fascino he was
1264s absolutely amazing match that one orange
1267s somehow
1268s against the odds several times finding a
1270s way to a 3-2 victory and keeping himself
1272s in contention for that seasonal
1274s championships after getting a 0-3 start
1277s in the first masters tour of the year i
1279s think he needs maybe seven maybe eight
1281s eight wins today and he'll get in there
1282s and that would be an astounding story
1284s [Music]
1286s it certainly would be
1288s yeah um
1289s we went right back to the beginning of
1292s the day uh with uh meaty taking down
1295s gabby gabby not having the best start
1296s however meaty
1298s currently at 4-0 uh one of the many
1300s players uh 23 players to be exact at
1303s that 4-0 mark so
1305s meaty having a
1307s fantastic master performance thus far we
1310s actually have a lot of big names at 4-0
1312s which uh we'll
1314s get to in a moment
1316s but i think yesterday you know at least
1318s in the matches we saw on broadcast was
1320s uh kind of an eye-opener
1322s um an eye-opener to you know decks that
1324s like i said the beginning we didn't
1326s expect to have much success having
1328s success some archetypes that we may not
1330s necessarily have seen as much in a
1333s ladder environment having success
1335s like not the traditional control paladin
1337s but obviously the dragon control pound
1339s that you just saw from dragon man
1344s we got to see some colossal casters in
1347s neil sottle and i
1349s uh whose heads were all just massive uh
1353s yesterday and we also saw a demon hunter
1356s have a good time against control warrior
1358s pretty much the whole day on broadcast
1361s uh which seemed a little bit backwards
1363s given what we all expected coming into
1365s this tournament
1366s all apart from raven who was saying that
1369s he just thinks demon hunter is going to
1370s beat control while we and it just you
1372s know we won't talk about too much
1373s because raven was right so far but yeah
1376s it seemed to be doing really well
1378s another play there in those highlights
1379s that you should pick out if you get to
1381s see them again at any point was the
1383s board clear using the spammy arcanist
1385s from
1387s um amazingly amazingly how quickly he
1390s worked it out he was just ready
1393s i saw it like 15 seconds before he did
1395s um i mean yeah i mean you would of
1397s course you know
1399s you started an hour before he did just
1401s you've been sitting there all night
1402s working if this board state comes up how
1404s would i do it and you got there just
1406s before him well done
1408s yeah that's what i do for my prep for
1411s master stories is i just look at spammy
1412s arcanist clears been doing it since the
1414s file it's just uh second nature to me
1417s um but let's go ahead and take a look at
1420s some of our four row players like i said
1421s there's 23 of them so there's
1423s going to be some players that are left
1425s off uh this uh
1427s this graphic here some of them we
1429s already talked about like orange and
1431s meaty
1433s but we also have viper 94 fribs cursed
1436s wooben
1437s uh
1438s lucas
1439s yep e-m-n-a-s-c
1442s um
1444s you know been
1445s casting him
1446s throughout
1447s what like six years now and still don't
1449s know
1450s it's still just his demons
1453s exactly
1455s uh but uh like you said habigabu up
1457s there trahisin uh moyan a player that's
1459s been around for a long time we got
1461s bunnyhopper uh cheesy10
1465s erica's player uh who's also been around
1467s for a long time i remember casting
1469s cheesy 10 in playoffs all the way back
1471s in like what 2015 2016.
1474s um letta and then uh ghost right up
1477s there at the top um these are listed in
1480s order of like current
1482s uh tiebreaker score
1485s so um the players at the top end of the
1488s bracket
1489s like ghost kwanwu adriano um those
1493s players have a little bit more wiggle
1494s room in terms of losses right those are
1496s the players that
1497s at least for the time being are the most
1499s likely if they were to go six and two to
1501s make it into that top 16
1503s but obviously we have four rounds of
1505s swiss left so uh so much can change
1508s between now
1509s and then uh so we'll see uh
1512s how things are gonna shake out the big
1514s thing on these players mines is just to
1516s get those uh couple of extra wins um
1520s that seven win mark is uh the sweet spot
1523s because that guarantees that you're into
1524s the top 16.
1526s yep very quick word about moyan yeah
1528s i'll finish my quick word about my even
1529s though the next match is on the screen
1531s um he did mention i i had a quick quick
1533s quick chat with him last night and he
1535s did mention that he came back
1536s specifically because of 2022 like the
1539s new program he and he's doing a good job
1541s of it right he's done pretty well in the
1542s first two got 4-0 here as well so
1545s he came back to have a go now that it's
1547s um open season for reaching the world
1549s championships once again so he wins this
1551s tournament he'll be on his way to the
1553s seasonals one step away no that was good
1556s to see he's got also got a good practice
1558s group and as they come up later i'll
1559s talk about them as well and he's playing
1561s well he's ill
1563s just just to make things even more you
1564s know just because it's not difficult
1565s enough playing hearthstone at the
1567s highest level
1568s but ghost versus traheden uh we don't
1570s know that much about ghost although we
1572s see the name quite often of these
1574s tournaments i feel uh but trahison apac
1576s grand master has entertained us a lot
1579s and given us a lot of fun in there over
1580s there in apac and that's gonna be our
1582s first match of the day tj
1584s yeah uh should be a good one um i
1587s remember ghosts back from
1589s obviously we haven't seen him recently
1591s but
1592s uh he used to play in the
1597s i don't remember the name ogn
1602s oh geez
1605s oh the um
1606s yeah yeah i remember oh yeah they used
1609s to do um
1610s training matches with china for
1614s china versus eu as well
1617s yeah well yeah it was
1619s so they had a um
1621s a korean league basically it was in i
1624s think 20 not 2014 it's tour 2015 2016
1628s maybe even 2017 i don't know if it uh
1631s lasted that long
1632s um
1633s but uh it was run by ogn uh and i
1636s believe ghost uh competed in uh some of
1640s those i don't think he ever had like a
1642s big win
1643s um but uh he has been playing
1646s hearthstone for some time competitively
1649s but still looking for
1651s like that big breakout performance
1654s as we say a lot here in the master's
1656s tour i just had a meditating moment tj
1659s and came up with in the
1661s very second season of ogn he became top
1665s 16 which i suspect is means he played
1668s and lost to dawn 3-2
1672s and that was in 2015 in the 23rd of june
1675s 2015. just remembered it all just like
1677s that right now
1679s okay there you go wow
1682s hearthstone historian neil or larinda
1685s bart coming at you with the wire right
1688s to get get it in my head and then it all
1689s just comes out just like that
1691s just always when i'm off camera as well
1693s notice
1694s yeah just comes up there right there
1696s just comes right out
1698s um
1699s trajen uh
1701s didn't talk about him a lot but um
1703s definitely a a
1705s an entertaining character
1707s in asia pacific grand masters i feel
1709s like asian pacific grandmasters is just
1711s a cast of
1713s or sorry
1715s it was
1717s just a cast of
1719s uh of entertaining characters
1721s um but definitely showed some some great
1724s moments
1725s throughout his time there
1727s and
1728s got a couple of mech decks
1730s and a beast drew it thrown in there so
1732s going with a sort of a pretty aggressive
1735s lineup here
1737s essentially as aggressive as you can get
1740s in the current metagame
1741s we'll see how he's going to fare
1744s and it's a really aggressive beast druid
1746s as well it's the version that doesn't
1747s have the the bottom feeder and it is
1749s literally it's got a finley in there in
1750s case for some reason he doesn't like his
1752s hand
1753s and the rest of it is just hit him
1755s really fast and really hard so looking
1757s forward to seeing that one but is the
1758s mech paladin tj
1760s the deck of the tournament absolutely no
1762s doubt about it i called it before we
1764s started we're seeing it in all these top
1765s lineups i got it right everyone else is
1767s wrong don't look at the wind right it's
1769s fine
1771s and it's got the wind condition in there
1773s light forged carol and mr smite yep
1776s that's the only way you ever win a
1778s hearthstone game with any form of
1779s paladin you just sit there you just hang
1781s on you just try not to die
1783s and then you just mr smite up to 34
1785s attack and just hit him really fast
1788s but seriously meg paladin
1790s very good meta bringing my opinion even
1792s now
1794s all the divine shields work really well
1795s against warrior they work well against
1797s hunter it's just an
1799s i thought it was a fairly obvious bring
1800s to this tournament because of those two
1802s decks being so powerful and you having
1804s very good chances against them both
1807s yeah
1808s um
1811s it's
1814s just fits in with
1816s the theme of almost every aggressive
1818s paladin deck over like the past two
1820s years
1821s um where
1823s you just continuously play minions and
1826s you just ramp up the stats on board and
1828s then kill them with battlegrounds
1829s battlemaster like that's it yeah
1834s it just does it in a little bit of a
1835s different way uh than it has in the past
1839s but
1839s that's what it boils down to
1841s um
1842s and against quest hunter at least from
1844s my experience
1846s uh the stats do
1849s in
1850s many cases get a little bit out of
1852s control for the quest hunter uh quite
1854s quickly where
1855s um
1856s you know
1857s all it takes is
1859s like one minion to stick and then boom
1861s you're off to the races in terms of
1864s quest hunter can no longer
1866s remove
1867s everything from your board each and
1868s every turn uh this hand is not as
1870s aggressive as a start obviously he's
1873s uh going for
1875s he has a lot of like resource generation
1877s in his hand with the radar detectors
1879s um
1881s but that's not necessarily where you
1882s want to be in this matchup because ghost
1884s is going to be able to
1885s especially with this hand
1888s just continuously remove the board and
1890s then if you can safely get to the point
1891s where he's completing quest from there
1893s it's just a race and if he gets quest
1895s before there's an overwhelming amount of
1896s power on foot he's in a good spot
1898s but the problem with completing the
1900s quest is those divine shields you don't
1902s do any damage to divine shield minions
1903s so you don't advance that quest like you
1905s want to and that is what leads to the
1907s paladin usually having a lot of time to
1910s get going that being said as we pointed
1912s out here um
1913s this particular handful of season very
1916s slow when you have to radar detector on
1918s two
1919s has now got the stuff and he's still
1922s you know not taking any damage yet and
1924s we're into the part you just described
1926s but he is like a turn late to this party
1928s at the moment
1932s he started because he's got a 5 3 divine
1934s shield on the board which is just the
1935s wrong shape he's got a shield
1938s everything looking good for this
1939s particular moment it's gonna be
1940s interesting to see how ghost tries to
1942s cope with this how much does he want to
1944s invest into killing this
1945s versus how much does he think he can
1947s race maybe kill the next minion and just
1950s start pointing stuff at face
1952s tough call yeah i could
1954s could go for just uh
1957s oh okay i was gonna say
1960s hero power coin aim shot but
1963s uh ghost is certainly in the business of
1966s yeah
1968s i'm just gonna get him uh he's gonna go
1970s for most efficient quest completion here
1973s and still go for the play that i thought
1974s initially
1976s which was here power plus aim shot but
1978s um found out a way to actually just
1980s point some damage at the face and get
1983s the quest completed the hero power down
1985s to zero before having to go for that uh
1987s coin name shot
1989s he's also playing the candle shot
1990s version a lot of people aren't because
1992s they're expecting a control meta
1994s um he hasn't drawn the candle shot but
1996s in theory candle shot obviously
1998s a way to to pop off those shields is a
2000s big thing we'll be looking for all day
2001s when we see
2003s inevitably a lot more of this matchup
2005s yeah
2009s being very careful to only use his hero
2011s power on the shields
2013s yes
2014s it is an inshot uh buffed hero power so
2017s this is
2019s doesn't feel great uh to be quite honest
2022s but
2023s um
2024s he might feel like it's a necessity to
2026s try and you know get this dragon bane
2029s shot
2030s um barb nets is not active
2035s uh so it is only the one but ken just go
2038s dragon bait shot even barbnets into
2040s another dragon bane shot to be able to
2042s clear the board and this will be
2044s uh tavish complete with board cleared
2048s this is uh quite a good situation i
2051s would say yep mark shot we'll give him
2053s some cards at least when he needs that
2055s but next turn
2057s drop the tavish which will trade quite
2058s nicely except now it won't because
2061s leviathan's been picked up and
2065s at least start the race but the race is
2067s going to be in such a good spot here so
2068s he's already with some buffed cards and
2070s he will be able to just spam big things
2072s from this turn onwards
2085s oh the cameo the choices oh
2088s no mr smite in hand though
2091s gonna be rough
2092s yeah he's not gonna get him together 34
2094s attack smite in time before he kills his
2096s opponent um leviathan first or carry all
2099s first is the big choice here though tj
2100s levithan does deal with the tavis allows
2102s his board to
2104s to swing freely he will take a little
2105s bit of damage though or significant
2107s amount of damage if he doesn't play the
2108s carry or first but i'd like to clear up
2110s the tavis first i think here and then
2112s drop the carry will slow your opponent
2114s down that way
2115s yeah i think so uh ghost is playing a
2119s double restaurant viper list
2121s uh so
2122s uh investing that much mana when you
2125s don't have that
2126s that significant of a board lead into
2129s carryall doesn't feel great
2132s just in case ghost has the viper in hand
2134s and then you're just super far behind
2136s because you're likely going to take uh
2138s seven from the uh tavish that you
2141s wouldn't be able to kill it
2142s um
2146s he took the bubble button pretty sure
2148s there which makes a lot of sense to make
2149s that board more resilient
2151s obviously
2153s how to have a quick sort of check on the
2154s numbers to see if he thought he was
2155s going to
2157s go over a key number with just hit them
2159s with smite to win a game but going for
2161s those long-term shields we should give
2163s him two or three turns of pretty much
2165s indestructibility in terms of
2167s if ghost is shooting those down he's not
2169s hitting me in the face and i can play my
2170s carry-on and everything will be lovely
2181s ooh
2185s might be a piercing shot here just for
2187s that chance of a win oh
2190s i kind of like tame beast yeah
2193s you still get the hero power reset it's
2195s much cheaper and you could still use it
2197s as removal obviously
2199s you know piercing shot could be used as
2202s damage but at this point
2203s there's really not going to be any small
2205s minions played from treason and some of
2207s them might even have divine shields so i
2210s think tambis has a lot of value in that
2211s instance
2214s another board cleared but a lot more
2215s resources gone without hitting face and
2217s there's plenty more coming from trajec
2219s if you look at that hand just
2221s when he gets to nine he can start
2222s playing three minions a turn
2225s so ghost really has got to get moving
2227s here
2239s again reloading the board before the
2240s cabrio makes sense
2252s every time ghost looks at the board he's
2254s dead in two turns i guess he's got to
2255s calculate at which point he actually can
2257s just put it all to the face it's a lot
2258s of damage if he just launches this into
2260s the face
2262s yeah it is
2265s but if if he commits to that line then
2268s he's kind of gotta kill turkey's the
2270s next turn
2272s yep um
2274s because this is not lethal this turn
2281s sighs that's his best chance he's gonna
2282s get the furious howls for some more
2284s spells on some more cards but
2286s so he's in now with the carryall and
2288s ghost is gonna
2289s likely is going to need the
2293s viper off the top to have a chance
2295s that's a lot of damage tj that's a lot
2298s of damage you can see why he committed
2299s to this line
2301s that's lethal next turn if there wasn't
2303s a carryall
2322s this is exact two turn lethal from
2324s trahezen though now
2326s and with caviar doing two and the 10 on
2328s board is 12 and then obviously just
2329s repeat the next turn there's another 12
2331s plus the swing with cabriole it's
2332s actually above 2 turn lethal
2335s so ghost does have to kill him through
2337s 16 and a carriage right now
2339s yeah still has again the double
2341s restaurant viper in deck so could be
2344s able to pick one up up off the top i
2346s believe that would
2347s be lethal if russell viper was picked up
2352s it would be
2355s all right why do you know what could on
2356s the mono actually 16 would be is that i
2358s think it would be exactly 16
2361s right
2363s here power
2365s game shot hero power that's nine
2369s quick shot here power oh no yeah you're
2371s right
2372s what did this have been missing amanda
2374s for the extra hell yeah
2378s now he's gonna find a way to buy a turn
2379s this is the beginning of the end but he
2381s can definitely try and hang in there you
2383s buy one more turn there's plenty of card
2385s draw
2397s yep committed now to just staying alive
2399s so what you got to do
2406s get that hell played to keep the quick
2407s shot alive that way he's got a chance
2409s next turn of viper into quick shot into
2412s some stuff
2414s yep
2415s all right
2417s still needs the viper but um a nice
2420s little clear there uh
2422s the problem is ghost again
2427s is probably gonna die
2429s if he doesn't find a way to lethal
2430s treason next turn
2433s yep
2438s of it every turn there you go
2445s but maybe
2447s is enough
2451s and from the look on his face i haven't
2453s added it up yet i think piercing shot
2455s plus badge was probably enough there
2457s right
2458s yeah
2459s with the viper obviously
2467s it
2470s raw's
2472s your power
2473s piercing shot the divine shield
2476s hero power piercing shot the one one
2479s it can't be enough
2481s each piecing shot's only dealing two the
2483s second one's dealing
2484s what
2487s five because it's three plus two
2504s he's getting excited
2507s nothing new there
2515s it's still not lethal he's down to nine
2519s oh man
2524s and he hasn't got lethal has he two no
2527s it's one off
2530s uh
2530s himself another chance this time his
2532s chance is huge
2533s ah what about amalgam
2538s no
2541s so
2542s he's going to have to try and draw smite
2549s we're there already okay but he's gonna
2552s have to right
2555s yeah because this is
2556s he is one off
2560s i mean that's not a banana major
2561s vindicator i'm sorry
2573s i'm running out of time
2577s all right well
2579s lethal set up once again and ghost is
2580s looking for it right now has um
2584s four damage
2585s but he's got a card draw with a quick
2587s shot as well so there's lots of out here
2590s yeah
2591s okay so that's two three four five
2599s this will be the viper because he's
2600s wanted it all game and now it'll be
2601s useless that's how this game works right
2609s treasure guard all right he's dead
2611s that was close
2613s that was
2614s nutty both vipers in the bottom eight
2616s cards ghosts survived so much longer
2619s than i thought he was going each turn i
2620s thought he was going to die next turn he
2621s bought himself not only three more turns
2625s but three more turns where he could win
2627s if he drew the viper or come very close
2628s to it and just you didn't quite get that
2631s but showing why he's four and zero
2633s showing all those years of experience
2635s then hanging on and i went right back to
2636s the start he realized
2639s not to waste a single spell on those
2640s shields so he get the tavis down set
2643s himself up for a nice position but the
2645s the deck was not behaving itself today
2647s for him
2649s not at all um
2651s but still a lot of serious left to play
2653s that's only one zero lead for treason
2656s um and we have some
2658s still some
2659s aggro decks left that
2662s quest hunter can
2663s you know try and get the job done
2665s against maybe with a little bit less
2667s divine shield as well
2669s uh-huh seems quite good which version of
2671s the mech mage odd is the amulet
2674s mech mage
2676s uh that trajectory is playing
2678s which i think is uh even better match up
2681s uh for ghost on the quest hunter so if
2683s he decides to stay on it
2685s um
2687s does still have
2693s warrior demon hunter druid but i'm not
2696s sure which was banned
2697s yeah immediately
2698s i was looking at it but i can't find it
2701s um
2702s so
2703s a lot of series still left to be played
2707s yeah and all the trees and sticks kind
2709s of do the same thing and i do think that
2710s the mech paladin i assume his demon
2712s hunter is banned it is a warrior band on
2715s the other side
2716s and of the three remaining i think the
2718s mech paladin was the best suited to to
2720s that hunter
2722s so now we sort of get on with the the
2723s tougher part with the mage and the druid
2725s we haven't seen that much mage this
2727s tournament although a bit more than i
2729s expected if i'm honest
2731s because i'm not a mage
2733s enjoyer i'm a denier i got shouted out
2736s by a few people yesterday for that but
2737s i'm going to stick to my guns because
2738s that's obviously the only way to go
2741s but he won't shadow you
2743s you just shout at me all you like tj i'm
2744s used to it
2746s nope i don't shout
2749s thank you
2751s yes you don't fail only if i'm only if
2754s i'm twisting at the same time
2757s yeah cause
2759s that's your ava right not mine
2761s yep
2763s getting old i'm getting up there neil
2765s you're catching me up
2767s yeah you get your paper snappers stop
2770s you guys don't know anything about
2771s twisting and shouting
2773s uh-huh
2777s ah you have to show me some twisting and
2779s shouting sometime tj
2781s excited to see it
2783s beast druid i'm excited to see this too
2785s no bottom feeders just straight up make
2787s things make them bigger make them even
2789s bigger
2790s and hit you with them and there is a
2791s finley in this deck so if you don't like
2793s the way you're hitting them you can just
2794s hit them in a different way and our
2796s favorite card in the opening hand which
2798s means he can't aquatic form
2801s yup aquatic form it affects your other
2804s pack mule
2810s really good hand for ghost here yeah i
2812s was gonna say that great opening aim
2814s shot also pretty good um
2817s especially when
2819s you know you can get the
2822s uh if you can get like the first quest
2823s complete before aim shot happens it's a
2826s good way to just be able to clear things
2827s up on the board and still progress quest
2829s because you get the buff to your power
2830s in a minion
2841s not wanting the peasant wanting
2842s something more because the present will
2844s just be
2846s easily dealt with
2848s there it is
2854s and it is a
2855s uh
2857s it's called swap right yeah swap swap
2860s effect not a draw effect
2866s wait no that should work that way
2869s nice um the way finley's words i think
2871s yeah swap your hand yeah
2873s yeah so it doesn't work with draw
2875s effects apparently yeah yeah
2878s it's different from the it's different
2880s from like secret passage which works the
2882s same way but secret passage is not swap
2884s secret patches is
2885s secret passage or was replace
2889s uh if i'm not mistaken
2890s i think it was yeah but
2892s it it would have to specifically say
2894s draw
2895s in order for uh pack mule to uh get its
2898s effect
2900s imagine secret passage if it worked with
2902s bloods
2904s i'm silly with that a pin
2907s last year would have been a very long
2909s year of hearthstone let's just put it
2910s that way
2912s uh-huh
2917s okay
2918s um asharon gardens uh
2925s i guess it's okay
2930s i got moonlit guidance to uh sort of
2932s reload here
2934s uh for trihesion just wants to put as
2936s much stats on the board as possible
2938s uh needs to uh be in the mindset of
2941s pressure
2943s and
2946s ghost does have
2948s plenty of ways to try and uh clear this
2950s stuff up
2951s uh this isn't going to be
2954s uh it's only gonna be first quest
2956s completion
2958s so won't be able to get the free hero
2960s power onto the three four but has it
2962s loaded up for
2963s uh next turn and still the wound prey
2966s plus the
2967s uh barb nets
2969s in hand to be able to keep going with
2971s the quest
2972s ooh the matriarch still expensive though
2976s oh
2978s and
2979s yeah now the hunter's going to just get
2980s control of this one i think unless the
2982s matriarch gets down next turn somehow
2985s which is now i'm not gonna do
2994s there's the viper he wanted all last
2996s game
2998s yeah go away viper you're late
3000s looking for a naga okay found one but
3007s not the one
3012s and that's made this turn
3014s really awkward now
3016s he doesn't play the spear okay
3020s i guess it would only have been raj jhan
3022s that could activate departments
3024s besides this so couldn't do with the
3026s amount of mana that he had
3028s would have been clean on the peasants
3030s but alas
3032s here we are
3033s could just clear the whole board here
3034s with barb nets
3036s barb that's on one peasant wouldn't pray
3037s on another
3039s um and then the hero power
3042s which is still buffed by the aim shot to
3044s uh fully clean things up
3046s does have playable cards next turn
3048s regardless of what treason does
3050s though
3051s and we'll with the candle shot sticker
3054s let let this one one stick around
3057s which may not be the biggest of deals
3058s but i could be impact oh nope not gonna
3061s preserve the candle shot instead all
3063s right
3068s amalgam window friends
3074s boys assign you in trouble
3077s when you amalgam doesn't have any
3078s friends
3079s he's all minion types still doesn't have
3081s any friends
3084s sort of like me
3094s those are certainly
3109s well all right
3113s play your cards every turn and this is
3116s again still
3118s just relatively easy for us to just
3120s clean things up and i don't really think
3122s treason has a chance your quest gonna be
3124s complete
3127s yeah and this time the seven sevens of
3129s relevant minion right it's not just
3130s gonna get some sort of
3132s leviathan trade into it seven seven is
3134s gonna be old just big
3137s anybody take me aquatic form
3141s okay
3142s nice
3147s okay
3148s uh i had something
3151s yeah that's reload
3153s fading excitement but yeah
3155s get in there
3156s it's saying pickups from crazy
3160s oh my goodness he's got a six five and a
3164s one one the game's nearly over
3177s just gonna occupy the board on the
3178s assumption that he just wins as long as
3180s he doesn't get hit for too much
3182s yep
3183s twice this game now he's forgiven value
3186s for
3187s just getting stuff down like with the
3189s barb nets he there what about being
3190s greedy but just chose not to be
3193s markov's a good pick up ooh
3198s ah they were actually terrible
3201s just
3203s never going to be able to cast three
3204s spells while holding on to a card with
3206s this deck he has to play everything as
3208s soon as he draws it essentially you
3210s don't want to even have a chance
3212s looked flush
3218s cool cards not relevant
3222s all right
3224s um
3227s yep get the trog out of the way first
3230s and
3231s dragon bean shot
3234s yeah and this goes back to where he kept
3236s the candle candle shot instead of the
3238s ball right the ball could have been
3239s traded into by now but the candle shot
3241s will be able to
3243s allow the dragon bane shot to do a clean
3245s number
3246s yeah
3249s um well it's a matter of if he wants to
3253s get the dragon bane shot value or
3256s just uh clear stuff off the board oh so
3258s again yeah you're right so this candle
3260s shot can still get the dragon bit shot
3261s by
3262s so that's the composting on it would
3263s draw trajee's in the card but
3266s go's still gonna have a solid lead over
3267s the board a lot of resources in hand ooh
3273s there it's it's not doing the thing it's
3275s not it's okay it's working now is it
3277s good
3283s that's like
3284s one of the best runner runner draws you
3286s could get
3287s um
3288s still
3289s may not be enough
3291s however well it goes we have to do a lot
3294s of cleaning up here
3296s yeah this has gone from definitely over
3298s to
3299s definitely not over in the space of the
3302s last like six cards in a row or being
3304s perfect
3305s i mean this is just like a board clear
3306s showing you just dragon bait shot hero
3309s power you're a power dragon bait shot
3311s you're a power dragon shot hero power
3313s dragon being shot double trade it's just
3316s it sounds like one of your invented this
3319s is always lethal situations it's like
3321s just just this complete recursive loop
3323s of stuff
3325s yeah
3326s it is look at it
3331s all went back to keeping the the candle
3333s shot over the ball
3336s yeah this dragon made shot to be so good
3346s amazing
3348s casts like 300 spells in a turn hasn't
3350s advanced the quest hasn't done any
3352s damage obviously it's going to win the
3353s game
3354s and i think he that here power probably
3356s should have gotten based on the one five
3358s should have traded in
3361s but wants to preserve the health on the
3364s one five maybe
3366s i can see
3367s all right
3368s so he just realized that this machine
3370s gun is just not gonna stop and ghost
3372s levels the scores at one one and gets
3375s the hunter out of there
3377s how good do you think hunter is tj
3378s because i've got it down as a pretty
3379s good deck this tournament
3382s [Music]
3384s i would also put it down as pretty good
3387s um i do think that it found a nice
3390s little sweet spot
3392s um
3393s in the metagame where
3396s uh it preys on the decks that
3399s um
3401s a lot of decks in the good decks lineup
3403s are weak against
3405s if that makes sense yes it does
3408s so
3409s uh it gives you a
3410s not necessarily a target strategy
3413s um well you can fit into a target
3415s strategy right uh if you're you know
3417s trying to like target aggro
3419s i think that quest hunter holds down to
3421s get aggro pretty well cause you just
3423s always have an excuse to complete quest
3426s but if you're just playing uh the good
3428s stuff
3429s it gives you that sort of well-rounded
3431s conquest lineup where you're not trying
3433s to hard target something but your decks
3435s make up for each other's weaknesses and
3437s we've seen those are the two main
3439s conquest strategies where
3441s number one is you just bring the highest
3444s overall win rate decks and the number
3446s two is you try and target a specific
3450s deck that you think uh very many players
3453s are going to go to bring play the
3454s numbers game
3456s and uh i think that quest hunter fits in
3459s both of those
3461s which is usually the sign of a
3463s of of a solid deck even though it may
3465s not be the best deck in the meta game
3468s speak of the devil uh
3470s it it's still up there
3473s uh
3474s yeah this is um ghosts fell demon hunter
3477s um
3479s yeah throw jason there why not
3481s yeah why not i just i was saying wait
3483s fell demon hunter that doesn't say naga
3485s but yeah that's because there's a chase
3486s in here um
3488s they're almost the same
3491s uh you just take out some of the early
3493s game minions and replace them with fell
3497s yep this deck a little bit slower
3500s but obviously has that sustain against
3502s things like warrior for instance where
3504s you get a bit of an extra shot at it
3506s and does pretty much the same thing uh
3508s even the
3509s the really fast naga deck is still
3513s sort of not a turn one deck a lot of the
3514s time you're loading up a weapon cleared
3516s killing off their one drop you know you
3517s know it doesn't stop the beat down until
3518s turn two it's it's mighty slow in that
3521s regard
3522s so giving that up isn't a massive deal
3524s for
3525s different sorts of power level of cards
3527s they're they say sorry same power level
3529s with different cards doing similar
3530s things
3531s um but i don't think it's gonna be a
3533s very popular bring so gonna be
3534s interesting to see
3535s it live on stream and he's gonna be
3537s against the mech mage
3540s the terror of day one
3546s yeah this is the amulet version of the
3548s mech mage a little bit heavier
3551s got a little bit more longevity in the
3552s game um with belinda it has
3556s um the ability to make massive boards
3560s uh quite early on
3563s um if uh
3565s dave belinda hits the drake fire amulet
3567s because it makes the blender bigger and
3569s then also makes the amulet cheaper
3572s so
3574s we'll see
3575s obviously the c4 getaway is a
3577s a pretty big card
3580s in many matchups to allow you to
3583s flood the board in incredibly quickly
3586s and get
3587s mecha shark
3588s damage
3589s onto
3590s your opponent incredibly quickly
3595s and the mecca shark for me i haven't
3597s played a huge amount of mage but the
3599s mega sharks the tough part whether to
3600s just jam it on the ball tempo minion um
3603s and the times you can just hold it back
3605s and do
3606s a million damage in one turn so
3609s that's something i actually personally
3611s been keeping an eye on when i watch it
3612s when i watch the majors see when they
3614s choose to do each part of that
3617s it's flame waker come on now
3619s it was also the same problem right do
3621s you want to just do this stuff now which
3623s you often did because why wouldn't you
3625s um but flamewaker was a lot harder to
3627s kill as well back in the day you just
3629s sit there for two turns
3633s sharks tend to not sit there for two
3635s turns if you just jam them out there
3638s because look at all this removal that
3639s demon hunter has
3641s [Music]
3643s yep uh now obviously the predations
3647s in this deck are much more uh difficult
3651s uh to activate at least early on in the
3654s game because you don't play
3657s um
3659s the slitherspear
3661s yep which is
3664s kept majority of the time
3666s and can be able to be played but
3668s instead you're still playing uh like the
3671s school teachers
3672s so
3673s you still have like the same amount of
3675s nagas but
3677s uh they just come a little bit later
3679s in the game
3681s like
3682s turn three
3684s and treasure guard you're still playing
3685s trick which
3687s i i've
3688s seen players have that in the naga demon
3691s hunter and i've seen players not have it
3693s which i thought was weird like if you
3695s look at trees inside he's just playing
3696s for one treasure there
3697s yeah it depends how much
3699s you're scared of druid i think which you
3701s shouldn't be because you're playing
3702s demon hunter but
3704s it does eat up three of those two one
3707s whelps all by itself which is a big deal
3709s because somebody else usually hangs
3710s around after after you've been welt
3713s yep i think that's why it found its way
3715s into the deck because obviously a one
3717s five that draws a card
3718s doesn't sound particularly enticing but
3720s then again you see the druid try to
3722s clear a board with a treasure guard and
3724s just any old stuff and it just it just
3727s rocks in those situations
3729s yeah
3732s the evoker picks up the sea floor
3734s getaway
3735s which is uh
3738s what he's wanted to see in that
3739s situation because his hand was starting
3741s to get quite full of mex picks up second
3743s sea floor getaway so now we're looking
3745s at uh a possibility for a
3748s massive
3749s mecha shark turn next turn with a bunch
3752s of cheap mix
3754s in hand already plus the mech shark
3758s yeah this could get
3759s pretty silly
3763s just holding on to potential yeah a lot
3766s of damage here ghost has ladies steno
3769s plus
3770s double predation fury
3772s and coin just to make everything so much
3774s more silly and coin
3775s is
3776s that's 10
3778s 15.
3782s 18 damage
3785s 18 damage
3788s i am willing to believe any number you
3789s say there
3791s um
3792s because whatever you say i'm just going
3793s to not be able to calculate it as
3795s quickly as you so i'm just going to
3796s trust you look at all this damage it's a
3797s lot of damage it's a metric a lot of
3799s damage
3802s yeah now you now you're on four how do
3804s you like that
3805s what
3807s with chaos nova in hand how much damage
3810s does churches have a million as well oh
3813s my god
3816s just get shocked
3818s oh i want to go naval mine there
3823s an extra mech
3826s ah these board-based decks that interact
3828s with each other look at this they're
3829s interacting so much right now with each
3831s other look at them interact yeah
3834s pick up
3835s oh
3847s ghost somehow doesn't have lethal in
3849s hand yet by the way he's got like 7
3851s thousand outs but yeah
3854s yeah uh well with means on the board
3856s it's oh no the fel barrage would still
3857s be lethal
3860s uh because he could your part oh well
3862s ladies and gents the show it's just oh
3865s okay
3867s i just figured
3869s all right whatever
3870s that's the set that
3872s dodged
3873s 15 shark shots
3876s just that was even more was that more
3878s than 18 now he's he was at 22 right or
3881s maybe not more i don't know because he
3883s picked up the sigil which let him get
3884s two more damage in so i think that was
3886s 20 damage on turn five
3889s uh with uh lady sano
3891s so the slow version like we said
3896s i mean
3898s yeah
3899s like the the fact that ladies then oh
3902s itself is a naga so it activates the
3904s predations yeah it's just so
3907s it feels like so troll it's just like
3910s for three mana
3912s you can deal 10 damage to your opponent
3914s assuming there's no enemies on board how
3916s many times these sharks miss as well
3918s just to clear her up to give something i
3920s know i just i i just figured it was dead
3922s i just thought it was just that was fun
3925s played that turn right
3927s yeah
3928s i was four other mechs okay yeah four
3931s other mechs so that was 12 missiles
3936s and three hit the steno and
3939s nine hit the face
3941s as it happens ghost did pick up the um
3944s the multi-strike so it was fine it would
3946s have been lethal anyway but even so i
3948s want to be amused this early in the day
3951s and i'm suitably amused by that thinner
3953s just chilling on the board
3955s right ghost two one up into the final
3958s deck it is the ramp druid
3960s and when we're talking about target
3962s strategies for this tournament the big
3964s question mark was how good was van druid
3967s like everyone knew
3968s yeah it was busted before it's still
3970s going to be good now
3971s um but with kazakhstan being nerfed
3974s there were some question marks as to how
3976s people would struggle to build this and
3977s as it turns out
3979s hasn't made that much difference has it
3980s really
3981s nope
3984s not really
3986s a little
3987s it's um
3988s you know have to sort of jam in a couple
3990s of amalgams just to give yourself the
3992s sustain you might need against control
3994s which
3995s you know a bit awkward but there's still
3997s some defense early from them as well so
3999s they're not a disaster against aggro
4001s so yeah not a lot changed
4012s ghost keeping aquatic form innervate
4014s moonlit guidance
4021s yep gonna stand and fight rather than
4024s oh
4026s just rips the guff
4029s just rips it
4035s guff stuff
4037s yeah guff stuff
4039s gonna let guff rip on turn three
4042s yep
4044s he's just gonna play on curve
4047s what you gotta do
4051s uh not gonna try not the uh best pickup
4055s for the time being i should say yeah
4058s tell me that when it's zero man i mean
4060s two turns time got a long way to go
4064s miracle growth will speed that up
4066s considerably but
4068s that's only eight
4072s out of 20. there's the other scales as
4074s well so
4075s you know
4077s pick up the other innovate with your
4079s miracle growth off you go
4081s yep
4082s but yeah here come the sharks
4086s yeah this
4088s is gonna kill the minion that's the big
4090s question
4092s all right there we go
4096s and pressure's still rolling in ghosts
4098s just
4099s in a permanent state of head shaking
4104s picked up
4106s uh
4113s that's interesting i was thinking jerry
4115s carpenter but that's really slow because
4117s then you're essentially guaranteeing
4120s that you're going to be like nourishing
4122s next turn taking another turn of damage
4125s so
4126s this probably has to be scale and ghost
4129s can innervate out the scale next turn
4131s well i wouldn't even need to innovate it
4132s because still has not used the guff hero
4134s power
4136s uh so could just use it to ramp up
4139s true to the reef
4141s uh this is a moon that got in so drew to
4143s the reef would still clear the mecha
4144s shark
4145s yeah i kind of like that because it
4147s gives you the chance to use your guff
4149s here powerful ramp getting you close to
4151s that miracle growth as well
4154s yeah
4154s and yeah this mixture is accompanying it
4157s yeah so next so you play drew the reef
4159s drew to the reef that you draw and then
4161s next turn innervate out the miracle
4163s growth
4165s yeah assuming you're under a lot of
4167s pressure which you should be
4174s that giant you made fun of tj it's gonna
4176s be down to 10.
4179s you worried yet
4180s [Laughter]
4182s no
4183s not at all
4185s okay
4186s on giant watch from now on
4189s yeah
4194s oh
4197s he does have the option to take a turn
4199s to
4199s to get the miracle growth earth scales
4202s but i don't think that works
4204s no i i think you wait
4206s for naga giant
4208s with earth and skills to stabilize he's
4210s going to be picking up
4214s three million hopefully enough stuff
4215s here
4217s he got that
4223s oh no
4227s shucks first
4228s it's so weird
4232s putting the mecha shark is first
4234s okay
4236s um
4238s yeah this is not looking good
4241s they can nourish the vamp into giant and
4244s then die
4246s uh what about nourish for ramp into
4250s starfish druid of the reef earthen
4253s scales
4256s okay
4259s clear the mecca shark this must be the
4261s way
4262s the nourishing to ramp you have five
4264s mana crystals left after you ramp for
4266s two
4268s starfish
4269s drew the reef in rush
4272s earthen scales
4276s so you gain four you go up to 15 you
4277s clear the mecha shark there's six seven
4279s eight nine 10 11 12 damage on board
4283s and next turn you have 11 mana
4289s that's hazard wants to know as well look
4294s [Music]
4298s his best tree impression
4310s yeah i guess this still does the same
4311s thing because well i said starfish which
4314s doesn't really have any
4315s any implication
4320s like i started with
4322s i started with starfish because i was
4324s like oh you need to get rid of this mega
4325s shark but then he's killing it so
4327s still wants to turn at 15.
4330s and
4331s um
4335s if a medium
4337s mecha shark
4339s no that wouldn't have board space
4343s he's had to burn the other scales to do
4345s all this though i guess a knicks here in
4346s hand
4352s maybe you find shark for next turn
4354s because you know you can't get it done
4355s this turn mr smite enough mana
4364s just needs to find stats but i i think
4366s that mr smite should be
4369s good enough next turn right
4372s yeah assuming that ghost doesn't find
4375s another scales
4378s yeah but it'd have to be exactly scales
4392s and not that scales
4396s this is single scale which is weird
4399s because the singular scale
4401s makes seven things
4403s and the scales makes one thing
4407s seven times
4411s yeah get the naming squad on that one
4416s yeah and can't even go brave boss onyxia
4419s um because it would still leave enough
4421s damage on the board to kill
4423s couldn't clear everything
4425s and
4426s yeah that should do it
4428s it's a draw does it find anything and
4431s yeah that'll be it treason
4435s clapping it up
4435s [Music]
4437s rubbing his chest
4438s whatever that was something i love about
4441s watching trahe is like win or lose he
4443s just has a great time when he's on
4445s camera he just loves like showing off to
4448s the um the audience enjoying himself
4450s trying to give us a good time while he's
4452s at it but yeah he's going to be on his
4454s back on the druid yes back on the druid
4456s it stays there at the bottom of the
4457s screen
4460s yeah druid versus druid beast druid
4462s versus ramp druid
4465s um
4466s i
4467s i have
4469s so little faith in b straight right now
4471s it's like every time i see it it just
4473s fizzles out so quickly
4476s um but obviously
4478s it's got uh
4479s a ton of potential to have you know
4481s those quick boards of overwhelming stats
4485s uh with the uh ashar and gardens and
4488s summoned beast into matriarch
4490s um
4491s same thing as be sure it's always done
4495s just in a different way i guess
4498s so
4499s we'll see is going to need it obviously
4501s as you can see ram drew it even if it's
4503s able to hit
4505s a good amount of ramp
4507s if it isn't able to take full control of
4509s the board at any at any point
4511s uh they can still just end up flopping
4514s over uh no spammy arcanist in this ramp
4516s druid build
4518s from ghost
4520s it's just really the smother starfish as
4522s kind of that tech card
4525s so no ways to kind of like definitively
4528s take the board and find those creative
4531s clears
4533s creative clears
4535s [Music]
4537s actually
4542s especially in these spots in the
4543s tournament where you're two two
4545s and you're facing down a fellow druid
4550s yep
4554s one thing about this the beast druid i
4555s guess is is
4556s as he's about to try and prove me wrong
4558s it's very hard to have a terrible
4560s opening hand
4562s because just everything costs well half
4563s your deck costs one and the other half
4564s costs two and plenty of ways to redraw
4568s so
4569s it is going to consistently do its thing
4570s and like you say it's just a case of
4571s whether that thing is
4573s high enough power level to carry through
4575s a tournament
4576s double composting double
4579s matriarch terrible opening hand i found
4582s it
4587s but then what's your you might top deck
4588s something good
4590s or kill a balloon there you go and
4592s another one yeah that's the end of the
4593s game
4598s but realistically it's very difficult
4602s i'm gonna value trade or gonna trade the
4604s squirrel okay value traded this
4607s always valued
4609s well with composting in hand trading the
4611s squirtle
4612s has a little bit more value but
4613s obviously you know his deck is
4618s um
4619s a lot of cards in it so
4621s unlikely and also he
4625s he's
4627s got it with more minions on board
4628s composting has innate value in this
4631s sense could go composting sir finley
4633s here
4640s i know it's it's
4641s it's been cut down from um always being
4644s bugged to sporadically being bugged now
4647s yeah that's an improvement
4653s it's a mystery card it's such a weird
4655s bug
4658s play the correct one you know the
4659s scorcher he's been grandmaster long
4663s law be enough own treasure
4669s all right something happened some things
4671s went to the face
4672s tahiti is taking a drink we're gonna
4673s have to make it up
4677s and ghost we're going by the actions his
4679s hands are not currently on the mouse
4681s he's having a think
4683s what should i do with these cards i
4684s can't play
4686s there we go
4688s everything sorted before ghost even took
4690s his turn kindly took his time for us
4693s beautiful
4695s you love to see it
4698s i'm talking about guff
4703s you're always talking about guff
4705s t-shirts i know let's be real here
4709s reflect in the moon
4714s just position the earth
4718s all right this is gonna start to get out
4719s of control i think
4721s it was just uh
4724s doesn't really have room to do anything
4725s yep
4728s the patented
4729s as of
4730s 45 minutes ago ghost head shake
4738s patent has pended on that one he's now
4740s an official patent
4742s or patent
4744s as some of my
4745s british friends would say over across
4747s the pond in the united kingdom
4750s tough stuff
4756s not really a choice here does have
4758s access to scale next turn but everything
4760s else is kind of working against ghost at
4762s the moment
4766s reflect in the moon
4768s yeah
4770s and the three healthy is a big problem
4772s on all these minions again to slow down
4774s the scale
4780s doesn't like odd numbers does it scale
4783s nope
4785s take a good chunk of power off the board
4789s uh it would be
4792s i could take out the oracle two so both
4794s pack meals that's four drew three five
4796s oracle
4797s six seven yeah so we'll leave six power
4800s on the board oracle be gone traheza
4802s would draw
4803s three cards
4809s yeah but won't have lethal probably
4823s will he actually have lethal actually
4825s now i think about it
4828s uh
4829s this would be well depends on what he
4831s trades into right this is eight
4834s oh this leads though
4835s yeah
4837s yeah
4839s that's right there it is
4842s claw fury adept
4845s coming in hot treason gets the job done
4848s with the beast druid
4851s comes back from behind in the series and
4853s is going to move up 5-0
4856s in the swiss now ghost going down to 4-1
4859s still in a reasonable position seems to
4862s be playing quite well
4864s but
4865s he's in the man of the moment for now
4868s as at least as far as we know since
4870s we've been sat here casting
4872s this match and don't know what's
4873s happening throughout the rest of the
4875s swiss treason's in first place the only
4877s 5-0 player
4879s yeah i know tj because i've been you
4881s know sneakily having a little look so i
4884s know but i don't know which matches
4885s we're showing next so i cannot tell
4888s but he's on
4889s he's up there somewhere ghost did have
4891s the highest tiebreakers coming into
4893s today they change massively over the
4894s course of the day of course as it
4896s depends how
4897s all of your opponents have done against
4899s other people completely out of your
4900s control
4902s but ghost was in an okay spot so
4904s yeah seven one will get you in six and
4906s two if you've got the best tiebreakers
4908s gives you a shot so he's definitely
4910s still up there just win your last three
4911s take it out of the tie breaker hands and
4913s we could well see him again tomorrow in
4915s that top 16.
4916s yeah ghost had the uh best tiebreakers
4919s coming into the day uh did have that
4922s number one seed but that can
4924s that's with only you know half the
4926s sample size of swiss rounds so that
4929s tiebreaker number can change
4930s considerably as the day goes on
4932s so uh we'll be keeping an eye on that
4935s and hopefully someone will update you
4937s maybe it'll be me maybe it'll be neal
4938s maybe it'll be gia maybe it'll be subtle
4941s probably won't be raven
4942s [Laughter]
4945s raven's already updated as the demon
4946s hunter beats warrior and has been proven
4948s to be correct so what do we know i can
4950s tell you that buddy hopper is currently
4952s the number one in the standings by the
4954s way safely
4956s you can safely say that uh-huh
4959s which is a spoiler alert considering
4961s that bunny hopper is actually going to
4963s be in the next match that we're going to
4964s watch
4965s is he now
4966s [Music]
4967s just kidding i thought i checked it and
4969s i had but tj got me anyway
4974s one thing that i know neil hates is when
4977s he
4978s inadvertently spoils something for
4980s somebody else
4982s um
4984s i mean
4985s he's just a true american like that you
4986s know
4988s he hates to inconvenience other people
4990s uh as a as a true american should so
4993s [Music]
4995s absolutely fellow american you'll learn
4997s the bond
4999s even though you just said you're from
5000s the uk like five minutes ago but i
5002s didn't i said my uk friends across the
5004s pond ah you could get friends across the
5007s pond okay
5009s and as americans the uk
5011s yeah that pond thing in the middle
5014s you know yeah
5015s yeah then there's nice dragons off to
5017s the east of the pond unless you you're
5019s saying they both live in the uk and
5020s there's just a pond that separates your
5022s house and
5024s you know raven and the rest of the uk
5026s which isn't actually that far from the
5027s truth in my case but yeah i digress for
5031s once
5031s a lot of pawns in the uk
5033s but
5034s that was just our first match for round
5036s number five here our first match of the
5037s day we got plenty more
5039s uh action still left to play we have
5041s some more round five coverage coming up
5043s and then we have round six round seven
5044s and round eight uh before we uh call it
5047s quits for the day here um but before we
5050s jump into some more round five coverage
5052s we are going to have to go to a quick
5054s break but don't go anywhere more to come
5056s here from masters tour
5057s voyage to the sunken city
5063s [Music]
5112s foreign
5115s [Music]
5155s [Music]
5161s [Music]
5172s [Applause]
5175s [Music]
5175s [Applause]
5190s [Music]
5196s [Music]
5216s [Music]
5255s hello everyone and welcome back to
5257s master's tall voyage to the sunken city
5259s i'm raven joining me for more round five
5261s action is gia uh welcome are you ready
5264s for another day of the masters tour
5266s very very ready indeed raven my ship is
5269s still leaking but i'm still not drowning
5271s everything is fine and we get to watch
5273s some more aggro druid action
5276s yeah we do we are gonna jump in i
5278s believe into game three of a series
5280s between merrow and jay long
5283s so i'm excited to get into this one just
5285s to give you a quick breakdown uh
5287s yeah okay we are going to game three
5289s perfect uh just a quick breakdown of
5290s what has already happened uh i believe
5293s let me just triple check mero has taken
5295s a win already with the warrior against
5298s the rogue and then j long has won with
5300s his hunter versus
5302s meros hunter as well in the mirror hence
5305s the 1-1 score and i believe now we're
5308s going into a druid versus hunter matchup
5312s very exciting stuff jaylon and merrow
5314s both coming from apac so we do have two
5316s players that i would be very happy to
5318s see either of them go forward through as
5320s i'm still waiting for the first ever
5322s apac masters tour champion to rear their
5325s head but over here we do have the mutual
5327s demon hunter bands which is quite
5329s interesting because if we look at sort
5331s of the composition of jay long's lineup
5333s as a whole he's got quite an aggressive
5335s list of ducks the face hunter pirate
5338s rogue and the uh aggro drew in there
5340s alongside the kind of standard naga
5342s demon hunter but on the other side of
5344s marrow he has control warrior he has the
5347s demon hunter that's tucked with chase at
5349s the top end with the double chaos nova
5350s so that fell version pretty favorable
5352s against aggro and also the quest hunter
5355s so honestly jae long would have wanted
5356s to ban three decks if he could have here
5359s no good match-ups to be found except the
5361s druid maybe yeah and looking at this
5363s here from jaylon we are seeing some
5366s changes to the druid we cast yesterday
5368s in the uh the orange matchup um where
5370s there is for example the bottom feeders
5372s in here naturally there's a crossroads
5375s watch post and also that prides fury
5378s that i think you know you specifically
5380s were talking about right the lack of
5381s on-board buffs we've seen from druid a
5383s little bit so far uh seems to be the
5386s downfall time and time again uh do you
5388s think that you know i'm not asking you
5390s to say whether this is the best list but
5392s do you think this is a better looking
5394s list as far as you can see
5396s on paper definitely looks more up my
5398s alley i should say um cuts the claw fury
5400s adepts as the only sort of on-board buff
5403s effect that was
5405s featured in the previous list we saw and
5407s also the azure gardens which is sort of
5408s a conditional like you need to find the
5410s sunken version before you can get the
5412s buffs on board and much favor the prides
5414s fury as just being all you need to do is
5416s draw it and have the four mana available
5417s and you can consolidate almost any board
5419s state even though it's not quite so
5421s aggressive just having additional health
5423s on your minions really helps alongside
5425s um a lot of the removal in the metagame
5428s right now i still kind of worry though
5429s for the druid's place against quest
5431s hunter because it takes a long time to
5433s actually get enough resources on board
5435s that uh pride fury is that scary and
5438s hunter you know if you play down your
5440s minions one at a time hunter is very
5441s happy to just pick those apart and
5443s complete their quest
5444s yeah i do think at least in my
5446s experience a lot of the time as hunter
5448s the times i struggle versus druid are
5451s when they uh they go wide very very
5453s quickly whether it's with uh you know
5455s the squirrels and then drawing all the
5457s uh the acorns or whether it's just you
5459s know an early ish oracle gets to you
5461s know stick or get played with a couple
5463s of additional minions and then that can
5465s really snowball because as always and
5467s you quite rightly pointed out hunter can
5469s deal with minions on a sort of one or
5471s two by two basis but when it starts
5474s becoming oh suddenly there's just four
5476s extra minions on the board out of
5478s nowhere that was that's when it gets to
5480s be a little bit difficult and you need
5482s more and more specific uh removal tools
5484s in hunter to make that work as opposed
5487s to
5487s well if jaylon plays one or two minions
5490s a turn
5491s most removal will be able to at least
5493s manage that to some aspect so we'll see
5495s how it goes like i said diving into game
5497s number three both players currently on a
5499s 4-0 score uh so the winner of this will
5502s be
5503s starting the day and continuing the
5505s tournament in fantastic fashion being at
5507s five and zero in swiss that's right and
5510s it's such a big deal as well to start
5512s off a new day continuing your win streak
5514s because there are some people who you
5515s know get the perfect first day and then
5517s kind of feel cursed going into the next
5519s day they take a loss and suddenly it's
5521s all downhill from there so in terms of
5523s mental as well i feel that round five is
5525s a very important one mero looking very
5527s enthused with his opening hand and for
5529s good reason he had the drakthar and he's
5531s on coin so he'll be able to get that
5533s down as early as turn three and not only
5535s remove jaylon's board but also just
5538s counter push and stay ahead on board and
5540s if you're able to get a drekthar that's
5542s unchallenged you're pretty much running
5543s away with it
5545s yeah already jaylen got a bottom feeder
5547s off the top and sitting with aquatic
5550s form
5551s i do wonder if he's gonna now just wait
5553s even if he has to play off curve uh for
5556s this bottom feeder to die and then he
5558s can just aquatic form straight away to
5560s get the other one or the buffed version
5562s should i say
5563s but again that the turn actually just
5565s doesn't line up so well so we might feel
5568s the need to go for an aquatic form now
5570s just to try and fill out with a double
5572s one drop potentially
5573s that is very close because like you said
5576s it's very important to get ahead of the
5578s hunter in those early turns where
5579s there's playing the quest and maybe they
5581s can only remove one minion at a time so
5582s i think the aquatic form sacrificing
5585s getting a stronger bottom feeder is
5587s justified here in order to make sure he
5589s can actually spend all his mana on
5591s proactive development moonlit too slow
5593s here and just drew it of the reef i
5595s think is not good enough either so
5596s either picking up a two drop from the
5598s aquatic form or another one drop to
5600s spend all his mana i'd be in favor of
5601s but jaylon definitely was on the fence
5604s at the end there he is just going to
5606s hold on to the aquatic form
5609s it's really really interesting right
5611s because there's only a few cards that
5613s would actually kill this bomb feeder
5614s this turn and now that he's played he's
5617s effectively got you know two of the same
5618s minion on the board stat wise which
5621s means if mero was going to kill a minion
5624s i think he would probably just kill the
5626s uh the druid of the reef right and just
5628s leave the the fish alive for now just to
5631s make it you know less and less likely
5632s that it's drawn there or gets accessed
5634s early in the game
5637s oh wow yeah double aquatic for him very
5639s interesting but i think jaylon can
5641s already smell that there is trouble
5643s coming because what is quest hunter
5645s keeping that leads them to just trading
5647s and playing the wound prey on turn two
5650s and holding on to the coin not very much
5652s i think he has to have drachthar on his
5654s mind uh
5656s over here he can take jerry rig
5658s carpenter and play one of the soda soils
5660s if he wants immediately i'm just looking
5662s at that as the cleanest mana expenditure
5664s from the aquatic form
5668s yeah really tricky i'd always look at
5671s frostsaber
5673s uh just to have access to it right just
5675s because if he gets an oracle then
5677s suddenly that's the way he can overrun
5679s hunter uh but with the with the nature
5681s of what he's drawn so far and what the
5683s rest of his hand looks like i don't
5685s think he can rely on it because one it
5687s just simply won't be cheap enough yet
5689s but also
5690s his other drawers off the top would need
5692s to be very very strong indeed to make an
5695s early frost wolf turn like really really
5697s impactful so i do like just going for
5699s this and just saying you know i'm just
5700s gonna play loads of minions i'm just
5702s gonna triple check actually mero's list
5705s um yeah he is playing the one natural
5708s explosive trap as well so that is
5710s something that jaylon does have to at
5711s least just keep in the back of his mind
5714s all right it is viper plus glow scale
5716s pulled from the drexar which is
5718s admittedly not the end of the world for
5720s jaylon i think treasure guard would have
5722s been highly problematic here if it had
5724s been pulled from drachtara 2 3 still
5726s manageable even though it really sucks
5729s to have to trade into these so there's a
5730s line where jlong just says post
5733s and face but that line i don't like at
5735s all because three of these minions can
5737s already be just traded on board and the
5739s post is looking not quite effective
5740s whatsoever
5742s because he played aquatic farm last turn
5744s he knows that two of the three cards at
5746s the bottom right now are frost saber
5748s matriarch and the jerry rig which can
5750s still get sow the soil so i'm looking at
5752s form to get the jerry rig this turn and
5754s now use the soda soil to um consolidate
5757s the attack on the board and maybe take
5758s some more favorable trades
5760s yeah price fury though
5762s okay well that's a new one
5764s that's a great idea
5766s the fact that merrell's turn was exactly
5769s drachthar must have been so painful for
5771s jaylon because i think he quite rightly
5773s pointed out on this board let's even say
5775s two of the minions were killed on
5777s merrell's turn instead of playing
5779s director the watch post is great still
5781s right you just play watch post build on
5783s that board but you are right like the
5785s minions being you know the director plus
5787s the two additionals make that so
5788s difficult i do like this play and
5790s already we can see that pride's floor
5793s fury come in clutch because just the
5795s extra health suddenly well now there's
5797s three three health minions on the board
5799s one one health i that requires so many
5802s specific removal tools from mero that i
5806s think jaylon's almost certain the board
5808s will not be cleared this turn even
5810s explosive trap would not get the job
5812s done yeah it's very difficult especially
5814s having seen a wound prey already as one
5816s of the most like flexible removal tools
5818s available urchin spines picked up for
5820s mero which is interesting because he
5823s doesn't have
5824s um
5825s like keep spells to uh pair alongside
5828s that but maybe off of the tracking if he
5830s can find a wound prey at some point that
5831s is pretty nice i want to highlight that
5834s jaylon his sort of two-turn planning of
5837s the aquatic forum was pretty clever now
5839s that i look back on it because i was
5840s thinking take the soda soil immediately
5842s from the cherry rig but he actually took
5844s thorn growth even though he wasn't fully
5846s spending his mana just to make sure on
5848s the next turn he could dredge again for
5849s a potential soda soil and get even more
5851s targets but of course pivoted when he
5854s saw that the um
5855s new dredge option was pridefury which is
5857s even better
5862s and this is
5864s alex put himself in a pretty solid
5866s position now this tower or watch post is
5869s really really difficult to deal with and
5872s the urchin spines obviously can help
5874s with that as well even though it's not
5876s optimal just having aim shot itself just
5879s kill off the air the towers good
5881s but it's still going to put a couple of
5883s buffs on the board regardless
5885s right that is pretty painful indeed
5887s jaylon
5888s uh starting with moonlit guidance i
5890s think is reasonable here like there's a
5891s line where you just weave in the hero
5893s power with living roots power of the
5895s wild and full clear but i honestly think
5897s he doesn't have to pay that much heed to
5898s the rajnashan he's at 30. he just needs
5901s to make sure that he gets the most stats
5902s on board to make sure that the watch
5904s post is as annoying as possible and now
5907s with an additional so the soil picked up
5908s he can go so living roots power of the
5912s wild and get so many stats on board
5917s so for a 2-2 i'd assume
5924s and living roots for a couple one ones
5926s and then buff the board entirely and
5928s then his two bottom feeders have enough
5929s attack combined to get through the
5930s treasure guard
5936s he could have got a slightly different
5938s route here and ended the turn with less
5940s minions but the face naga dead as well
5943s but i think specifically because of
5944s course the spells only hit face and
5946s jaylon's on 30
5948s all the damage should i say only hits
5950s face
5951s i think this just works out better
5953s overall for just an overall game plan as
5956s opposed to saying oh this is a dangerous
5957s minion i need to kill it so i will just
5960s let him trade because is mero really not
5962s going to trade this 2-3 this turn like i
5965s i can't really see a world where that
5966s happens yeah he kind of has to but like
5969s he said having to go for urchins fines
5971s and then a spell to kill off the watch
5974s post means that the board gets two buffs
5976s before it even dies and that's just
5979s impossible for romero to deal with
5981s everything efficiently i feel like
5983s there's no good way for him out of this
5987s i'm going to see what's in the tracking
5991s explosive trap doesn't work with the
5993s spines because it's only only oh if only
5996s if it's just your spells played this
5999s turn
6000s oh boy i'll be like oh okay
6002s that would be insane
6006s yeah mero head in his hands i think he
6008s knows there's no good way out of this i
6010s was wondering if there was a potential
6012s to set up like the stalker tavish but he
6015s just didn't have it in hand and in order
6017s to keep drawing he would have to keep
6018s playing spells which would get the
6020s minions out of range of even the
6021s improved explosive trap so all he's done
6024s is buff j long's board and you know not
6027s his fault there's just nothing he could
6028s have done to get out of this
6030s yeah and i think so the soil does that
6032s do it now there's gonna be what 21
6042s yeah i think the only way mero was
6044s really gonna get out of this game was if
6046s he had exactly tavish on six
6049s but the explosive and potentially got
6051s air uh maneuvers as well to make the
6054s double face naga if there was a trade
6057s and then try and just work through that
6058s way and try and just fight back for that
6060s board kill off that tower with as few
6062s minions on as possible but a a really
6065s big win there for jaylon because that
6067s matchup as you've mentioned does get
6069s tricky right you need to be very strong
6071s with the druid to be able to just
6073s ignore basically what the hunter is
6075s going to do and you saw it play out like
6077s that a couple of good back-to-back turns
6079s a great self from j long and suddenly
6081s he's just too wide and outside of like
6083s we said exactly tavish there was just no
6086s chance at that point because hunter just
6088s cannot deal with a board like that
6090s it's true big win for jaylon and a big
6092s win for pritierry raven
6095s love it as far as i'm aware that's just
6097s a 100 played win rate right now so uh
6100s from what i've seen so it must just be
6102s the best card in the deck nigerian
6104s garden
6106s yeah i guess so i guess so
6108s uh but i'm definitely happy to see that
6110s there is still some sort of variant of
6112s aggro druid that's been getting the job
6114s done i mean jaylon is um 4-0 so far and
6117s has taken another win with the druid so
6118s he's won with it at least five times
6120s already uh in the tournament and i just
6124s really like that there is still some
6125s variant to this deck that's able to be
6127s played in the meta game because it shows
6128s that there's still a lot more decks to
6130s be discovered out there i think very few
6132s people had aggro druid on their mind
6134s when they were coming into this
6135s tournament as one of the best possible
6137s brings but it is doing its job of
6139s targeting some of the greedier decks
6142s jaylon however gonna move on to his last
6145s deck that he needs to get a win with
6146s which is the pirate rogue uh one that
6148s has been performing you know pretty
6150s decently throughout the tournament even
6152s though i feel like it's um power sealing
6154s is quite low compared to some of the
6156s other decks that can do truly crazy
6158s things in the meta there is still
6159s something to be said for just playing a
6161s bunch of three threes with stealth and
6162s going face
6164s yeah of course and like the the
6165s swordfish uh weapon in itself just deals
6168s a ton of damage helps out with keeping
6170s up the pressure and i agree i think
6172s pirate rogue it's a absolutely fine deck
6175s which is just how i describe it it's not
6177s mind-blowing it's not super weak it's
6180s just okay and i think if you are
6182s building an aggro lineup though i can
6185s definitely see why on and how rogue fits
6188s in that i think you look at hunter i
6189s think you look at demon hunter and then
6191s the choices get a little bit more mixed
6194s right like people are bringing you know
6195s the likes of mech paladin and naga mage
6198s there's this rogue there's aggro druid
6200s there's a couple of others as well and i
6202s think like that choice of how you fill
6204s out the aggro lineup i think there's a
6206s lot of um room in there to just sort of
6209s pick what you want to play as opposed to
6211s maybe what you've decided is strictly
6213s the best so we'll see how this rogue can
6215s perform going up against a bit more of a
6217s standard druid list from merrell here
6220s with that just sort of usual ramp to it
6222s there is that one doomsayer in there
6224s that i wouldn't say is completely
6225s standard but other than that it's kind
6227s of more of what we have already seen so
6230s far gia wild growth available nice and
6233s early for mero that's exactly what you
6235s want to see
6236s that's right this version of kazakhstan
6239s ramp druid does not run
6241s the top end extra dragons because we've
6243s seen some people opting for alexstrasza
6246s malygos to fulfill the new condition for
6249s uh kazakhstan instead he has the double
6250s amalgams of the deep which tends to skew
6253s the deck more towards like a less greedy
6255s package so having the doomsayer and
6258s double dosing kelp keeper also makes
6260s sense here not running druid of the reef
6261s but it's either or between kell keeper
6264s and reef i find
6266s something that druid has sort of been
6268s falling into a trap of recently is
6271s having so many anti-aggro tools that
6273s they bloat their decks so much and don't
6276s hit the ramp as consistently but as long
6278s as you get that first wild growth there
6280s is reason to smile just like merrow has
6282s shown us here even has the kelp keeper
6285s so he'll be having no trouble whatsoever
6287s dealing with the early birds from jaylon
6289s yep see plague scientist on offer there
6292s in the middle i will say the first time
6294s that got comboed with a puffer fist i
6297s just stared at my screen for a second as
6299s the whole board disappeared and was like
6301s oh yeah that just makes sense but it's
6303s just one of those things where i didn't
6305s think of it because i was i wasn't
6306s playing rogue on day one of the
6307s expansion or anything and then it
6309s happened to me i was like oh
6312s i've lost yep
6314s yeah it's like okay i'll remember that
6316s interaction but yeah then
6318s in theory wild pyro is in standard too
6320s right so you could do that with the
6321s plagues if there's some rogue deck that
6323s could benefit but i doubt it's better
6325s than puffer fist
6328s hey though honestly for mero he has wild
6330s growth and he has scale of anexia and a
6332s coin do you need anything else versus
6335s aggro right now i don't know
6337s [Music]
6339s [Laughter]
6341s in general i think like priority number
6343s one against aggro for druid is just get
6345s to scale of enyxia right i think that is
6347s just the first step to winning any aggro
6350s macho and nourish gets you there very
6352s cleanly however this is from aquatic
6354s form so obviously if you pick nourish
6356s you only get the dredge and not the draw
6358s so mero here is saying he wants the
6360s actual cycle in his deck although it is
6363s a bit iffy now that he knows that at
6365s least one nourish is at the bottom of
6367s the deck alongside the um
6370s what was the other card oh ibus right
6376s okay so first swordfish in play like you
6378s said this is just 12 damage on a stick
6381s um the only sort of awkward part with it
6384s is sometimes you have to make the
6385s decision of whether you want the buff on
6387s the weapon or actually dredging the two
6389s pirates from the vessel because that's a
6391s spell
6395s oh excellent that's nice so yeah just a
6397s lot of damage again high health minions
6399s coming out here from j long make it that
6401s little bit more difficult especially the
6403s odd health minions right i'm talking a
6405s lot about scale of enyxia and if you can
6407s put odd health minions on the board it's
6409s like well except for one i suppose um
6412s it's it's really useful right it's a
6414s whole extra potential trade from your
6416s opponent which means these minions are
6417s just more and more likely to air to be
6419s able to at least have a chance at
6421s sticking
6422s yeah the extra health on the courier is
6424s huge as well it means that the kelp
6426s keeper if it's going to try and clear
6428s the courier cannot value trade but
6430s looking at mero's hand again i think it
6432s completely makes sense that he took the
6433s amalgam because he actually had second
6435s aquatic form so he can just get the
6437s nourish right now on the turn that he
6439s can actually draw it and the turn that
6440s he needs it going into the scale
6445s oh two nourishes nourished now okay well
6448s that's funny well at least he can get
6450s one
6451s yeah he probably won't see the other for
6453s the majority of the game but he probably
6455s won't need it because this hand is
6457s looking
6458s quite
6459s uh potent indeed against rogue
6461s the combination right kelp keeper now
6463s gonna do a solid job along with that
6464s hero power to clear off one of the
6466s threats then like
6468s mero's already ready with scale of
6470s enyxia
6472s against a current one minion that's a
6474s 2-3 board right now like he's actually
6477s going to win on tempo in a minute of
6479s course this vessel looks like it's going
6480s to be coming down here for jaylon to
6482s help out and it's a good sort of not a
6484s counter to scale of a nixia but it makes
6487s it a little bit more awkward for merrell
6489s because he can't trade into those
6490s stealth minions of course but still
6492s merrell's still kind of just winning on
6494s board if he just plays scale next to him
6497s it's kind of absurd it is a strong tempo
6499s play but again those stealths are huge
6501s for the reason you said that mero cannot
6503s take the trades preemptively and that
6505s leaves him wide open to a potential
6507s puffer fish pufferfest sorry on the
6510s other side and to the point that jaylon
6512s is not even oh okay i thought he was
6514s gonna keep that in hand but he just
6515s wants the judge right now gets the
6517s sunken vessel so he'll have another um
6520s three
6522s two three threes off the top next turn
6528s yeah i'm gonna go fishing with moonlit
6531s does have the coin still for scale
6534s excuse me if he wants to
6536s he can take another scale and go skill
6537s seal skill but honestly that's not his
6539s big problem here he is just kind of
6541s dying because the most damage he can
6543s remove here is two and he'll take
6545s another six next turn so he's within
6547s range of like wicked stab plus second
6550s swordfish kind of specific still but
6552s over two turns very easy for jaylon to
6555s kill merrow so mero really wants to find
6558s earthen scales i would think uh because
6559s after playing scale of onyxia his naga
6562s giant would be cheap on the next turn
6567s is he gonna double doom say like
6569s okay okay okay
6571s double doom say hero power
6576s it's uh
6577s very
6578s clever to play around the two new three
6580s threes that he knows are coming off the
6582s top next turn almost certainly um those
6584s can't attack just yet so it's kind of
6586s putting jaylon in a spot where he has to
6588s choose between um leaving merrow at a
6590s healthy life total or relatively safe
6593s health total or giving merrell full
6596s control over the board
6598s yeah also as well the uh
6600s no room for krabatoa is actually a thing
6603s right now isn't it because no other
6605s minions can trade off because obviously
6606s the doomsdays have zero attack so like
6609s having no room to just drop grab a tower
6611s and try and help you know clear the
6612s doomsdays with that is a it's actually a
6614s really big deal
6617s yeah very nice spot from honestly i
6619s think scale there would have been a trap
6620s that i'd fallen into and i would not
6623s have won the game here but this is
6624s actually using jaylon's stealth minions
6626s against him
6628s so i think jaylon is just going to go
6630s for the full face game plan which is
6632s very reasonable um if he
6635s left or if he had gone for clearing the
6637s doomsayers that actually unstealths his
6639s minions and lets mero get a reasonable
6641s clear with the scale
6645s big scientist
6647s does this allow him to clear
6649s no right
6650s no no he could just go fishing again
6653s yeah
6654s i think because he still has managed to
6656s do other things with his hand anyway
6659s just floating did you just
6662s went out of time was there a great
6663s reason to not go fishing then again
6666s um
6667s depends if he
6670s wanted to
6671s like
6673s honestly i'm not sure yeah i mean he's
6675s not exactly swimming in manor next turn
6677s is he right krabatoa is six out of the
6679s seven he has two two drops and going
6681s fishing is is one as well so i think
6685s that was probably just time pressure
6687s they might have got to him there
6689s it could easily be wrong of course but
6691s still
6692s also
6693s not sure if you missed the dagger swing
6695s at the beginning and re-dagger or like
6697s if but if he had a swing remaining i'm
6699s pretty sure he would have wanted to go
6701s face there but it didn't quite catch if
6702s he had already attacked
6704s uh mero though still has the same
6706s problem where there's no earthen scales
6708s and
6709s he cannot get out of range of wicked
6711s stab or mr smite
6713s so the best he can do is
6715s develop board which is onyxia i guess
6717s it's the best way to
6720s i mean you're still weak to pufferfist
6721s but at least you have an eight eight
6722s whereas
6723s the scale dies the puffer fist entirely
6727s yeah and the issue as well the
6728s frustration i imagine is he can't like
6731s scale coin naga giant because obviously
6733s it fails the board and there's nothing
6735s to trade into uh just to try and put on
6737s like counter pressure because you know
6739s the hero power's fine but it puts him to
6741s six not really a safe number and um and
6744s i'm sure he would have loved to have an
6745s additional 88 on this board true
6748s i think the reasoning for scale over
6749s anexia though is to make sure that he
6751s has spent that seven mana so by the time
6753s he top decks on earthen scales he can
6755s actually go uh naga giant and
6758s uh very easily
6759s so jae-long going krabatoa interesting
6766s i mean he just wants the big weapon
6768s damage face i guess he can get four face
6770s here but i'd be interested in looking
6772s for any shot at mr smite here
6775s this is tricky again right like look at
6777s the mana restrictions on this turn
6780s and jaylon i believe did he float two
6782s mana last turn
6784s yes
6785s like he he could have preemptively
6786s dredged right and just
6788s had an idea of what was coming up next
6790s or chose what was coming up next
6793s you'd know two out of the three options
6797s um
6800s swashburglar
6803s it's a miracle
6804s yeah
6809s hey hook test looks like jay long is
6812s just gearing up for
6814s going long game instead
6816s oh no that's that's burst damage but he
6818s can't go face with it
6825s is he got an extra copy of hook tusk and
6827s will be dredging one off the top i mean
6829s drawing one from the dredge next turn
6833s i guess that warrior spell i confess i
6835s don't remember the name will
6837s let him trade off uh the miracle growth
6840s minion pretty easily if something sticks
6842s on board is it called it very hard
6845s something like that yeah i was i think
6847s is it just called hit it hard
6849s or something i i can't remember
6852s it's something like that anyway i just
6854s can't quite remember which one it is but
6857s amero
6859s gets the 88 down but again
6861s it feels like so often when we're we're
6864s casting and when the others are cast in
6866s this type of druid it's
6868s has he found scales has he found scales
6870s here you know have they found scales it
6872s feels like such a key card right now
6874s especially obviously because we're in a
6875s meta now where you're either playing the
6877s druid or you're playing an aggro lineup
6879s to try and kill the druids so of course
6881s scales is important but it feels like we
6883s we've seen players struggle to find it
6885s so often it's kind of strange
6888s yeah i mean a lot needs to go right for
6891s joy they need to draw the ramp in the
6892s right order and then the card draw and
6894s then have the scale when you already
6896s have a big minion which is kind of
6898s dependent on you having found miracle
6899s growth or having played a naga giant and
6902s the nerf to miracle growth is indirectly
6904s unnerved to scales as well because it's
6906s one of the best targets for earthen
6907s scales
6908s anyway jaylon has a double hook test now
6911s both active of course and he can choose
6913s to steal
6915s an 88 here
6916s don't know if that's good enough
6919s but i think it's better than deck yeah
6921s it's better than everything else isn't
6923s it
6927s america look at merrell's pikachu
6929s shocked face there yeah
6933s taking the taunt is a big deal because
6934s it lets jaylon continue to push that
6936s chip damage with a weapon and because
6938s the rogue one damage per turn kind of
6940s evens out with the druid gain one armor
6942s per turn as long as jay long keeps on
6944s going face at least once with the dagger
6947s he's forever putting merrell within
6949s range of like wicked stab and dagger
6952s the big deal as well is if raid boss is
6955s the response here from merrow then
6958s jaylen gets to just steal raid boss exer
6960s as well because he has the second hook
6961s tusk in hand and i think that would be a
6963s really good pickup just to be like okay
6965s well you're probably going to have the
6967s two ones fine but i just get to steal
6969s the 88 again and just reduce the
6971s potential damage coming his way be
6974s another 50 50 though right because this
6975s this naga giant's probably sticking
6977s around if raid boss happens
6979s uh that's true that is true yeah
6981s but if he gets raid pass that is true
6983s then he clears everything
6991s but he is putting jaylon on a clock
6994s that's still not a wicked stab
6998s i have to check if he's even running it
6999s i got used to people running i can look
7002s uh he is
7003s yes yes he is okay
7005s no mr smite either
7008s i mean it just has to be hooked us can
7009s hit a nixia right
7013s um
7014s if he wants he can guarantee getting the
7017s anexia by going hit it very hard first
7020s and then killing the other eight eight
7021s and then
7023s look dust but i don't know if there's a
7025s reason to do that because like
7027s you can try for the 50 50 and you oh
7029s yeah yeah because like if you
7031s go hook tusk and miss the 50 50 then you
7034s can't kill enyxia because there's still
7035s a well one for you yeah yeah
7038s but he's going crabatoa instead which
7040s will let him clear at least one of the
7042s eight eights
7044s the new dredge option is swordfish which
7046s is not amazing
7053s but
7054s kinda has to take it just because it's
7056s more damage damage isn't it yeah that's
7058s the i was looking at starfish in case
7060s you're worried about any shenanigans
7062s happening from merrell but i think at
7063s this point in the game
7066s elon just needs more damage
7068s yeah because jaylon's gonna push the
7070s weapon face and put mero within range of
7074s the
7075s um
7077s well just the crab weapon to begin with
7079s but also swordfish potentially that's a
7080s scale so finally
7085s all right that's plus nine health if he
7087s wants it straight up
7091s is incidentally still not safe to like
7094s buff swordfish and smite together yeah
7097s i think does he scale
7100s right away and then and then just uh
7102s earthen scales
7104s and then that you know finish the turn
7105s out because he then it make keeps the
7107s anixia very very safe and um and can
7110s still you know threaten lethal of course
7113s eventually
7116s surely wants to kill this krabatoa but
7118s he also wants to set up two turn right
7122s true i think he could still set up two
7125s turn even with the enyxia trading but i
7128s don't think that line involved playing
7130s wild growth i'm a bit confused about a
7132s growth to start because i would like to
7133s have more mana here to play even just
7136s like a straight up kazakhstan
7138s potentially
7139s yes yeah
7141s yeah i don't know like to to me like the
7143s the scales and i i guess like because
7146s the scales would still keep a nixia
7148s immune because there would still be
7150s loads of whelps left right
7152s a little bit surprised here still he's
7154s sitting on 11 got to be feeling okay
7156s about that
7160s very tense but jaylon knows that his
7162s next dredge isn't particularly potent
7164s right all the bottom cards in the deck
7165s were not good he took the plague
7167s scientist but doesn't have puffer fist
7169s but he can now guaranteed steal the
7171s anexia yep
7174s and he just has to right it's too
7176s threatening otherwise
7185s all right
7187s i think he goes face with the weapon
7189s rather than killing the well but okay
7191s disagrees
7196s yeah he does need like two cards to have
7198s complete lethal from hand so fair enough
7200s doesn't value the break point right now
7202s in mero's health guff is the draw
7206s uh
7208s this has to be big though because goff
7210s doesn't actually
7212s i guess he can coin into scale anyway
7214s which is fine uh he can clear the board
7217s with this right if you just play scale
7220s yeah because the 4 4 will wake up yep
7224s now this is going to evade out the ramp
7227s hero power as well and then scale sure
7230s looking a little bit scary for jay long
7232s now i think it feels like it's slipping
7234s away
7235s it really does
7236s 16 is so big of a hurdle to get over at
7239s this point
7240s uh but he can stabilize with a puffer
7243s fist draw
7245s oh wait sorry the board's already clear
7247s so what he wants is
7248s board development
7251s it just needs more stuff oh thank you
7252s got the drop
7254s well it does give him some reassurance
7256s against the next board because the one
7258s thing he can be assured of at least is
7260s that if druid is off board they don't
7262s have burst to kill jae long from 11 um
7264s kazakhstan not active yet even wondering
7267s then if he was ever supposed to just
7269s play the starfish first
7277s yeah you could think about it if like
7278s most of the pirate draws were under
7281s like five under four mana to play like
7284s you could just say have an extra tempo
7285s two four here
7287s yeah like unless you draw exactly smite
7289s right i think any other card is fine uh
7292s which means then you just have an extra
7295s million on board obviously get drawing
7296s smite and playing it is great that was
7298s probably the best outcome overall
7301s all right so for mero here
7307s board clear potential truly running out
7309s i think he might have one more kelp
7311s keeper left but
7312s he doesn't have
7313s enough mana to like get it and play a
7316s spell that would wake it up alongside
7317s oracle but there's
7319s miracle group
7321s where the scales he can just use sarah's
7323s scale scales right
7327s so he'd gain
7328s five and then
7330s six
7331s he could nightmare the new sarah and
7333s then scale skill is that a thing oh i
7335s mean yeah i'm very okay with that as
7338s well
7339s i mean obviously he could just cast
7341s scales but then he i feel like with the
7343s amount of cards he has left there is
7345s actually a chance he just gets burnt out
7346s of this right because kaz isn't active
7348s but i think like yosera nightmare scales
7351s sight
7354s yeah the yusera would also allow him to
7358s dream the
7359s spite if he wanted yeah but obviously
7362s dreaming smite doesn't really reduce
7364s maximum burst from jaylon it just means
7366s he has more mana he has to spend to
7368s actually get every pirate to charge so
7370s in the envero is just going for the
7372s kazakhstan play i think this is fine he
7375s doesn't really need kazakhstan as a win
7377s condition although now that i say that
7380s he might like he's deeper in fatigue but
7382s i think he still has one giant
7384s yeah i think he's okay but i also think
7387s he would have been fine if he'd done the
7388s yasera play as well and this is going to
7390s be a nice clear though with the the
7392s little combo there with the poison and
7395s means that jaylon can just pile on with
7397s this pressure
7399s crazy he's just out valuing mero at this
7401s point
7404s wait is he just gonna get omega punished
7406s for going wide
7409s oh wait for merrell to well he can
7412s yazara awakens right he just plays you
7414s sarah and i wake up that's true the
7415s whole board's gone and
7417s merrill's still on ten
7419s like
7420s yeah but with no smite that seems
7422s weirdly enough pretty safe to me
7426s i just forgot awakens there's a card
7428s that's a good card unfortunately
7431s anymore
7432s yeah
7436s ramp laughing sister
7438s does even need to ramp i mean you might
7440s as well if you have the mana
7443s just oracle
7446s it's gonna ramp
7450s oh man
7451s it's a tense one
7453s [Music]
7455s with
7458s just
7458s kind of dead
7461s the nightmare
7464s no matter what he does
7468s yeah there's there's literally nothing
7471s to do there is there
7473s rough game there and mero evens the
7475s series up he's still got some fight left
7478s in him and look at look at what the win
7480s means to him i think
7481s he was very much expecting to lose that
7485s game and therefore the series because
7487s it got so close so many times it looked
7490s like j uh it looked like jay was going
7492s to be able to just finish the game
7494s multiple times he had multiple different
7496s outs
7497s but it just wasn't quite enough he got
7499s the earthen scales and i think clearly
7501s most importantly he got the earthing
7503s scales from a moon touched amulet right
7505s here moonlit sorry uh so he could
7508s actually double up the armor game and it
7510s obviously it was helpful that the kazati
7512s did go for the kazakhstan to be able to
7514s gain that much additional armor because
7516s obviously the sierra would have gave him
7518s different benefits if we've gone for
7520s that but that might not necessarily been
7522s enough help
7523s yeah he would have gotten five and then
7525s six instead of the nine and then ten
7528s from kazakhstan unless he committed the
7530s nightmare then he would have gotten nine
7532s and ten as well but i think kind of
7534s saving that ysera while jaylon just
7536s didn't know it was the discover was a
7538s big deal here right because jay long i
7540s think against almost any other
7542s discoverer felt very comfortable going
7544s white on board and i completely do not
7546s fault him for taking that line but that
7547s ysera was absolutely the ace in the hole
7550s here for mero and that means that it
7553s does come down to the very last game of
7556s this series uh demon hunter was banned
7558s right yeah it's hunter rogue i believe
7562s okay
7563s be wrong let me triple check yes uh it's
7565s rogue versus hunter yeah so we are of
7567s course going to see the rogue again
7568s we've just seen jaylon lose with it and
7570s then mero is gonna be on his hunter uh
7573s which is a question to that i believe
7575s we've already seen as well so both the
7577s players on there i think two decks they
7580s have already lost with in this series
7582s now so it's gonna be the battle of which
7584s one's actually gonna be able to take
7585s over the line and honestly
7587s i still like the quest hunter here i
7589s think the uh the rogue minions in most
7592s cases come out at a reasonable enough
7595s pace that hunter can keep up
7597s yeah it's kind of a close one i would
7599s say because if the rogue is just going
7601s for the usual curve then yes i think
7604s hunter can very easily pick apart those
7606s boards but there are the um super early
7609s vessel draws vessel into dredge in
7611s particular that is i think too much
7613s damage for hunter to come back against
7615s because hunter really doesn't have any
7617s healing outside of the armor from tavish
7619s which is conditional at best and you as
7622s the rogue still have always that out for
7625s wicked stab and mr smite but it time and
7627s time again it feels like rogue just
7628s takes too long before they get a
7630s consistent enough amount of cards drawn
7632s to find those last bits of burst
7636s let's see how it goes last game of the
7638s series jaylon on the top on the rogue
7640s this is merrell on the hunter
7644s it goes to five and zero which is
7647s such a good way to continue the time of
7649s course the best way you can continue but
7651s you start to see i think the light at
7654s the end of the tunnel once you sort of
7655s pass that five win stage right you think
7657s okay just a couple more and i'm pretty
7660s much guaranteed into top 16.
7665s all right mero
7667s starting off with only one spell
7670s interesting i was wondering if there's
7671s any value to just cashing in the wound
7673s prey but with the way his hand works out
7675s he still has like one cost spell into
7678s hero power on a minion next turn if
7680s there was some target but uh
7683s now that there's none just going to
7685s continue progressing the quest with the
7686s more expensive spells yeah also just a
7689s chance that uh coin minion was going to
7691s get played by jaylon which meant he
7693s might have needed the extra bits of
7695s damage from wound prey to be able to
7697s actually kill it off
7698s for example obviously five health minion
7700s is a bit of a nightmare for hunter to
7702s actually deal with uh whereas now we're
7704s there you know the wound
7706s wound prey i'll try and speak properly
7708s and you know drag a vein sharp piercing
7710s shot there are ways you can actually get
7711s through this a little bit easier
7714s a bit awkward though if you don't use
7717s piercing shot here because there was a
7719s way to get the dragon bane shot to
7722s multiply but it would have to be over
7724s two turns right because if you go wound
7727s prey then dragon bane shot then you can
7728s hear a power for zero but you're not
7730s honorably killing it so
7731s just says let's just go for the simpler
7733s path get one spell further in the quest
7736s progression so now he can make the hero
7738s power cost zero after just playing wound
7741s prey on the next turn and very reliably
7743s get a double dragon bane shot yeah
7747s sorry i just can't read mero's
7748s expressions if he's happy or sad to see
7750s that because like the three health
7751s pufferfist is no big problem for him to
7753s deal with yeah i was gonna say i i'm
7756s assuming he was happy purely because
7760s uh i was just about to say that i
7761s completely agree with your point in the
7763s following turns it becomes so likely
7766s that mero can cycle dragon bane shot
7769s from this point onwards with the womb
7771s praying hand and the hero power as you
7772s mentioned that just any minion that
7775s isn't ex or that isn't exactly you know
7777s vessel being played is a a probably
7780s absolutely fine for mero to deal with
7783s he's just like okay if it's this health
7785s i'll pick her apart this way if it's
7786s that health i'll pick apart that way so
7788s i think as long as um
7790s anything that wasn't vessel came down he
7792s was probably okay with it
7794s and the best part is
7795s instead of cycling the dragon vein shot
7797s he can also just put the quest at one
7799s more to completion so wound pray tavish
7802s is available next turn already
7805s exactly what you're looking for is just
7807s getting tavish live as soon as possible
7809s and not necessarily an issue in this
7811s matchup but also being able to play
7813s tavis the turn you generate it
7815s is important to be able to do in quest
7817s hunter as well like i said no mutants in
7819s this list of course but still
7821s my draw for jaylon is huge though
7823s because he just has my shadow step again
7825s the next turn which is another 12 damage
7827s over two turns and the wicked stab which
7830s adds to 16 and the swordfish which adds
7832s to 20 and even more than that if you
7835s play the weapon earlier so it is just
7837s kind of a
7838s race to face here i don't think he can
7840s afford to mess around dealing with tavis
7842s here he just hopes he isn't dead the
7844s next turn
7846s and find a way to weave in the weapon oh
7849s this is such a big call because it's so
7852s likely
7854s that jay long is dead right it's so
7857s likely if he just goes smite face
7860s but
7862s we can see mero has possibly the worst
7864s post-tavish hand ever with limited mana
7867s and needing to kill your opponent next
7869s turn right he has uh the he has face
7872s naga which is
7873s fine but the problem is he has rust drop
7875s viper and then mystery draw and it all
7877s costs a manner if he wants like cycle
7879s the viper then he has to still get a
7880s good enough spell so he needs just a
7883s little bit of damage if this tavish
7885s lives and if this tavis doesn't live
7887s he's going to need a lot of work to be
7889s done in this short time period
7891s i'm going to go out on the limb and say
7893s the tavish is living but for jay long
7895s it's still really awkward because the
7897s way the mana break points work he cannot
7899s fit in the weapon and also smite and
7901s shadow step across two turns because if
7904s he saves this might this turn and goes
7905s for a weapon then he only has seven mana
7907s the next turn and you need um like more
7909s than that you're able to go four mana
7911s might you need eight to go the four mana
7913s smite then step it and play it again
7915s it's just super awkward here so he fits
7918s in the filet fighter instead that one
7920s damage might give him a different break
7922s point uh so he does have prep sorry so
7924s it's still lethal the next turn if he's
7926s not dead right
7931s quick shot
7934s god
7935s he has to face right
7937s yeah face naga
7939s is five damage
7941s no no with the hero power it's lethal
7943s right yeah like i said so unlikely that
7947s you're actually uh
7948s you know you're actually going to
7949s survive at this point um in the game as
7952s jay long but i do think jay played that
7955s game as it should have been played i
7957s think if you have smite double shadow
7959s step you're against the quest hunter
7961s that seems to be progressing very
7963s quickly indeed with that opening uh i
7966s think that going smite and setting up
7968s you know the sort of three-turn lethal
7970s plan i suppose you could call it um was
7972s correct but the the the one cost spell
7976s into tavish and then just having uh
7978s getting hold of the you know the right
7979s amount of damage is very difficult to
7981s fight back from
7982s i do like jaylon's sort of macro game
7985s plan of just you know not bothering with
7987s the board of going for a smite but there
7988s is a question of whether he needed to
7990s shadow step the smite right on the turn
7993s he played it because if you are
7994s expecting your opponent to go one cost
7996s hero power and tavish there's not
7999s actually a way to kill the smite as a
8001s five health minion but there is the risk
8004s of they just don't play tavish that turn
8006s let's say they have piercing shot again
8007s and then you're down like 12 damage
8010s further because you didn't shadow step
8012s it and you don't have a shadow step
8013s target later on pros and cons for sure
8016s um
8016s very difficult spot i would say yeah
8018s it's tricky isn't it because in that
8019s world if like say the brave play i'll
8022s choose to use those words uh is leave
8025s smite and uh he plays the tavish anyway
8028s smite lives then suddenly the shadow
8030s step on the three one right to like
8032s charge twice is actually pretty big on
8035s that turn uh potentially and can speed
8037s up the clock but still a really good win
8039s there for for mero it was a very close
8041s series indeed but the hunter managed to
8043s get over the line the rogue seemed to
8045s struggle just a tiny bit even though the
8047s last game was close but i believe
8050s that he's done it for the uh the
8051s coverage for this round and i think we
8053s have got round number six coming up very
8055s very shortly indeed so we are going to
8057s go to a quick break and set that up so
8058s don't go anywhere and we'll be back with
8060s more
8064s [Music]
8070s [Music]
8112s ah
8115s [Music]
8135s [Music]
8151s [Applause]
8153s [Music]
8207s [Music]
8225s so
8229s [Music]
8256s hello everybody and welcome back to
8258s master tour voyage to the sunken city
8262s my name is tj and i'm joined by saddle
8265s to kick off
8266s round number six here uh in the swiss
8269s portion of the event how you doing today
8270s buddy
8271s first off don't talk to me or my son
8273s ever again
8275s uh yeah it's it's going great tj i am
8279s significantly more well rested than i
8281s was yesterday so significantly uh more
8284s engaged the brain is firing the synapses
8287s are all connecting it's going to be a
8288s good day of hearthstone casting i'm sure
8290s and feels good to be jumping in at round
8292s six because this is where the rubber
8295s really meets the road and we are going
8296s to have burrow going up against jwc
8299s here
8301s two players um up towards right to the
8303s top of the standings borrow a player
8306s that i know a little bit more about than
8308s jwc he is a player that has been around
8310s the scene for quite some time and as
8312s larinder
8313s informed me just as we were jumping onto
8315s the broadcast he is of course a former
8317s dreamhack champion
8318s as well
8319s but jwc is a fairly new name to my uh
8323s radar perhaps particularly influenced by
8325s the fact that he keeps changing what his
8326s uh romanized name is so it's a little
8329s bit hard to keep track of what he's been
8330s doing throughout time but good matchup
8333s looking forward to it for sure
8335s yeah and uh
8337s honestly subtle i think the uh the big
8339s story here is
8341s um
8343s what decks are actually having success
8345s here
8347s in the masters tour
8349s if you look at sort of the breakdown of
8352s the players that are
8354s you know currently five zero four one
8357s there's a lot more like uh uh paladin
8360s and mage in those lists than i thought
8362s there would be uh coming into this week
8365s i thought that those decks while they've
8367s been
8368s reasonable on ladder would kind of
8370s falter in a
8371s in a tournament environment what have
8373s been your thoughts on what decks we've
8375s seen emerge as powerhouses yeah it's
8378s interesting because we're seeing some of
8379s these lineups towards the top if you
8381s look at line-up win rates some of these
8382s lineups are doing okay holistically as a
8385s whole but um individually some of these
8387s decks do have quite low win rate and the
8390s exception to that being mech mage which
8391s has a much higher win rate than maybe
8393s might have been expected i was a big
8395s supporter of
8397s mech mage or a hot bucket mage as we
8399s will now be calling it
8400s throughout most of the first couple of
8402s days of the expansion but then i think a
8404s couple of decks came along and just
8405s hated it out a little bit but it does
8407s seem to be having a massive impact in
8408s this um the aggro druid though or the
8411s beast druid or various different
8413s representations of this kind of strategy
8415s has looked a little hit a hit or miss on
8418s broadcast um but overall i like this
8421s anti-druid strategy it's certainly one
8423s of the things that i looked at coming
8425s into this
8426s where
8427s um
8428s the idea that druid was targetable a
8430s week ago probably wouldn't have entered
8432s the radar because it was just too strong
8434s but the idea that it is now uh is a lot
8437s more acceptable because of the small
8440s windows of weakness that we have seen
8442s again on stream we've been seeing druid
8443s kind of break through that press a
8445s little bit but i do still think this
8447s quad aggro target druid strategy is
8449s perhaps a winning one for the masters
8451s tour as a whole
8453s yeah a couple of uh crossroads watch
8456s posts
8457s in the deck here as well uh
8459s and the wing commander mulvrik
8462s i was all losing my train of thought
8464s blood's rushing to my head
8466s [Music]
8470s it's crazy under here
8473s bus hunter for jwc
8476s wait what
8477s what are you under
8480s the
8482s water the ocean oh i see i see what
8484s you're going for yeah okay
8488s blood still rush to your head when
8489s you're under water if you're upside down
8493s good question
8494s yes actually no yeah gravity would
8496s suggest yes i agree but i'm not entirely
8498s sure i don't think so just based on
8501s experience of being underwater but my
8503s experience of being underwater is quite
8505s limited
8507s i mean come on saddle that was a bait we
8509s all know that gravity doesn't exist
8510s underwater
8512s okay fair enough
8515s um pretty standard variation of uh
8518s quest hunter here for jwc
8521s and uh i think this is
8524s outside of crossroads watch post
8526s shenanigans i feel like this is a decent
8528s matchup because you can keep control of
8530s the board early on
8531s um and we've seen you you mentioned sort
8534s of hit or miss with a lot of these decks
8535s that fit in this strategy i feel like
8537s the current iterations of b strut are
8539s one of them
8540s um
8541s doesn't quite feel like the deck has the
8543s consistency that it once did
8546s uh in terms of
8547s you know building an early board making
8549s it large and killing your opponent
8552s um obviously it can still do that maybe
8554s just not as at the rate that it did you
8556s know post location post expansion but
8559s data access to more cards so obviously
8561s every deck is going to feel more refined
8563s when you have access to more cards i do
8565s think it still has the consistency of
8567s the first two things right where it's
8568s able to build the board it can maybe
8570s land composting on there and it can draw
8572s a whole bunch more cards the problem is
8574s that very few of those cards actually
8575s end up killing you right because you're
8577s the big miss for me is arbor up like
8579s that was the card that just ended games
8581s super rapidly and i think perhaps some
8583s of the inconsistency that's coming from
8585s these druid builds is because people
8587s really aren't settled on how to build
8590s the deck to play around that there's no
8592s uh some decks are playing a sharon
8594s garden some decks are playing
8596s [Laughter]
8598s genuinely it took me like two seconds to
8601s even find out where he'd go hi how how
8603s are you hi oh
8605s he's a good boy
8606s [Music]
8611s hello tj
8614s um
8615s yeah some decks are playing in sharon
8616s gardens uh some are going for pride's
8619s fury uh there's various different ways
8621s where you can find a way to kill your
8622s opponent but i think the inconsistency
8625s perhaps just comes from so many people
8626s disagreeing on what the right way to do
8628s that is even with this like straight up
8630s aggro druid versus the more beast druid
8632s that we've seen from other things right
8634s [Music]
8635s how are you even keeping a straight face
8638s [Music]
8653s oh no where's he gone
8662s back just just cancel hearthstone i
8665s think i found the sunken city i'm not
8667s sure if we've peaked or we've troughed
8669s but we've definitely reached an extreme
8671s at one end of the scale and it's
8673s probably not going anywhere from here so
8674s just cancel hearthstone at this point
8679s all right
8680s here we go
8683s got some actual hearthstone game footage
8686s uh going on here
8687s that we can talk about
8690s okay
8696s both of the historic good cards in the
8700s aggro druid list are found in the
8702s opening hand there with oracle balloon
8704s and razer main battle guard he's going
8705s to choose to keep neither of them though
8707s which i do think makes sense i think he
8709s wants to just explode on the board as
8711s quickly as possible and both of those
8713s cards do tend to be a little bit slow in
8715s this position aquatic form can just give
8717s you that consistency you need to be able
8719s to find those uh early curve starts and
8723s tj it's time to sound the pack mule
8726s alarm
8735s the pacmu alarm
8746s if you keep aquatic form i think you
8748s keep it because you're looking for a one
8750s drop but
8751s i guess just most power on the board
8752s here oh he's just he's just gonna get it
8755s out of the way right now
8758s history pack mule is gonna be played
8760s onto the board
8764s and an awkward
8765s opener on the other side from jwc as
8768s well barb nets is a fantastic card of
8770s course for quest hunter but a little bit
8773s awkward on maybe turns one or two when
8775s you don't really have two fantastic
8777s legitimate targets to use it on
8779s especially in such a board base match up
8780s as this
8781s um you know using
8783s barb nets to go one on a minion one on
8786s face does seem a little bit wasteful
8788s because you're probably going to need
8789s all of those procs to clear minions over
8791s the course of the game right it's one of
8793s the best board removal tools
8795s in this matchup in particular
8798s and does find treasure guard as well
8801s now we're back in things
8803s to be able to activate both of those
8805s barbed nets
8806s those should have a good control of the
8808s board early
8810s um
8811s and
8813s to be honest just playing rosh hashanah
8814s on the board here is pretty good because
8816s it's gonna
8817s um take some attention
8820s away from borough's game plan because he
8821s really doesn't want to uh have to leave
8824s that up so uh i like jdbc's
8827s position right now in this early game
8830s i do too certainly not the ridiculous
8833s star the borough would have wanted he's
8835s not spread three or four minions wide
8837s across the board at this point which he
8838s would love to be i'm sure
8840s it's just kind of individual minions one
8842s at a time at this point and that's what
8844s quest hunter does so well at being able
8845s to pick apart and now as you said
8847s treasure guard coming down one five a
8850s little bit innocuous in some matchups
8852s but against the very token heavy decks
8854s like druid one five is kind of perfect
8856s especially uh it's kind of doing the
8858s candle shot job right where it's
8860s supporting these two damage and one
8861s damage removal spells to actually be a
8864s relevant tool to clear up minions
8866s and then when it's done its job it draws
8868s a card
8869s incredible yeah
8873s another one
8878s um trucking should help out
8881s yeah
8882s farm that's not
8885s i guess barb nuts is still good here
8887s it's pretty cool it's awkward if only if
8889s only you could just
8892s double it up you know
8895s if only it was still bugged ah
8898s those were the days
8901s those were the days
8904s were they though that's not which side
8907s you were on i absolutely weren't
8912s i tell you what i don't miss is the
8914s random people in chat saying well no
8917s it's supposed to work like that it deals
8918s damage twice no
8921s read the card
8925s reading card imagine reading cards yeah
8927s good point
8936s well when you don't have the board
8942s trog seems
8944s not good
8946s got so many cards how does he even make
8947s use of these cards
8953s i guess worst case he could just go
8954s battle guard
8965s we'll sow the soil
8973s why is this b-short hand so expensive it
8976s really is
8977s it really is
8982s it kind of shouldn't be but i think
8984s burrow is responding to it well like
8986s this is the trick with bistrid right
8988s sometimes you do just go off with all
8990s your one drops early and you just have
8991s this in the same board and you start
8992s buffing it when you don't have that i do
8995s think that just playing out one two or
8998s three drop every turn is just never
8999s going to get there with bistro you do
9001s just kind of have to save up for
9002s something ridiculous to do in one turn
9005s again the flaw in that plan that i point
9007s out though is that when you used to do
9009s that you used to make this one insane
9010s board with oracle razer main whatever it
9013s ended up being and then because your
9014s opponent couldn't clear that for one
9016s turn because he'd just done so much boom
9018s arbor up they're dead right that that is
9020s the part that's now been taken away from
9022s bistro it's so if you when you make that
9024s big board you then kind of need to have
9026s to have it stick for more than one turn
9028s which i think is the trickier part of
9030s the deck now
9036s which the window of opportunity might be
9039s yeah like just
9041s right when quest is complete you just
9044s go crazy on the board once jwc completes
9047s the quest in its entirety so that it
9049s makes it awkward for him to have to play
9052s tavish
9058s yeah makes sense we saw a similar
9060s situation in the previous series in the
9063s wrap up from round five
9065s um that myself jira and raven were just
9067s having a little debate about just before
9068s we jumped on with the the mr smite in
9070s the shadow step and like what the best
9072s play was to be able to disrupt the
9074s tavish on the other side for the quest
9076s hunter because
9077s that is certainly one of the things you
9078s know quest decks are naturally so linear
9081s in the way that they function in that
9082s they have very predictable turns
9084s particularly on the on the actual
9086s rewards terms right where you can
9088s leverage
9089s a little bit of exploitation there
9091s against them because you are just so
9093s obviously know what they want to do
9105s ah
9108s i wonder
9116s found ourselves in a predicament haven't
9118s we
9130s yeah
9131s just in the no no tavish nonsense here
9134s just in the business of
9135s uh keeping this board in check and uh
9137s keeping the damage here power
9140s i think this is wise still has control
9142s of the board
9144s one spell away now from uh from full
9146s quest completion
9148s as well as a card draw as well
9150s locked loaded and ready to go
9152s in the treasure guard
9155s okay
9157s ugh
9159s the oracle has been found
9162s which really incentivizes picking up the
9164s one drops here
9166s yep
9168s it's got a trog in hand though and
9171s the battle guard
9173s maybe
9178s i don't know which post is never coming
9179s down right now though no
9183s well you could set it up because jwc
9185s wants to play tavis next turn assuming
9187s that yeah makes up a spell
9189s that could be used for it but it's just
9191s gonna go for the squirrel
9195s no vowels in that word
9198s when you're an american there's no
9200s vowels in the word squirrel
9202s you're serious
9203s it's the raw vowel
9207s oh yes rl that famous vowel that we all
9209s know and love
9211s hey
9212s [Music]
9217s drag main shot big pickup any
9219s two mana or less spell off the top would
9221s have been lovely here
9234s that does mean tavis will be coming down
9236s here more than likely
9238s it is a
9240s relatively ugly hand for just straight
9242s up pushing lethal on the next turn
9243s though which is the problem and i
9244s suppose this is where we can now get
9246s back into the debate of having a
9248s crossroads watch post in your hand right
9250s now right so
9252s um it would be very very difficult for
9254s jwc to just start throwing spells
9256s straight at face on the following turn
9258s if he was going to go for a two turn
9259s lethal setup himself could you just be
9261s plopping a watch post right now and that
9263s would make your board probably just
9265s counter lethal on the following turn
9267s yeah that's
9268s kind of what i was thinking because no
9269s matter what he did that turn he was
9271s going to load up the board if he didn't
9272s play squirrel he's going to play trog
9274s um
9276s so
9278s that's kind of where my head was at
9280s does have double buff potential here
9282s with uh
9285s uh the double power of the wild
9288s so the soil i mean still a lot of damage
9290s regardless it is it is in dudes
9294s and i guess even with crosswords watch
9297s posts like if jwc was in a desperate
9299s situation could just tavish and look for
9301s improved explosive trap
9306s all right decides to grab the crossroads
9308s watch post now
9310s and i'm assuming is just going to double
9312s buff on this turn still just to make
9314s this as difficult as possible
9317s the issue here is that you run the risk
9318s of the seven damage still going phase
9320s from the tavis so yeah i think this is
9321s wise to double trade these squirrels to
9323s remove that possibility
9326s it gets to push seven
9329s does mean this is still a very difficult
9331s two turn lethal setup from here because
9334s obviously the crossroads watch post
9335s can't attack itself so it doesn't matter
9337s how big that gets individually so all
9340s jwc really has to do here is pick off a
9342s couple of minions
9344s ah but it's so weird
9348s because you can't even uh like honorable
9350s kill with the dragon be i guess you
9353s could you would like hear a power three
9357s yeah hero power the full three and then
9359s dragon bane shot it
9361s and then then you wouldn't have ah
9365s you throw a nothing face
9367s i guess you director can come down
9371s um
9374s you could go like quick shot the 4-2
9377s which would then be a 4-3 as it dies
9380s then hero power
9383s on one of the
9384s [Music]
9386s then hero power the new 3-3 annoyatron
9389s and then dragon bane shot that
9392s yeah
9393s or you could just hear a power pass
9396s i guess that's fair
9398s yeah no that's true actually
9406s okay
9408s removes interesting
9410s yeah i wasn't really looking at the
9411s director line but when he started to do
9413s this i was almost wondering whether he
9414s was going to play zero spells and then
9416s look for what hero power dragon bane
9418s hero power is six quick shot hero power
9421s is five more so he'd have 11.
9424s but an additional spell off the top
9426s could have very well just been straight
9427s up lethal with everything going face on
9429s the following turn if he held it all in
9430s hand
9436s this does give him another spell
9440s potentially with the draw from the
9441s treasure guard
9443s i don't think that was guaranteed so i
9444s don't know if that factored into the
9446s decision-making but
9447s yeah good point
9458s oh that's the one
9463s obviously we'll do a little bit less
9464s damage than you would like because of
9466s the crossroads watch post effect that's
9468s always going to come into play here
9470s but it is still likely the highest
9472s damage individual draw in his deck
9474s yeah so before damage
9478s three damage now
9480s yeah
9483s so we're looking at what eleven
9494s damage
9500s it's got to be tavish
9505s but tavish what what are the two secrets
9508s even here
9509s explosive and
9511s freezing
9515s i guess
9525s i don't see any other options
9528s there's no way to get the
9530s honorable kill on dragon bean shot in a
9533s reasonable fashion
9541s [Music]
9545s dragon bane shot but does that
9547s do anything like is that progress does
9550s this look like progress tj it doesn't
9551s seem like progress uh
9553s it takes one power off the board
9556s that's fair okay
9569s that didn't quite hit the mark
9577s i mean it did take one power off the
9578s board i don't think it really mattered
9579s in the end though um
9581s yeah he buffed by four and killed a five
9583s attack minion while being immune for the
9584s attack so yeah
9586s yeah maybe
9588s uh he thinks
9590s because he made that
9591s the emote that piercing shot in that
9593s situation would have been better because
9594s that's the lowest health the minions
9596s ever going to be i don't know i think he
9598s also may have been planets obviously he
9600s has to always do the dragon ball shot
9601s first to get the refresh on the dragon
9603s bane shot but i think he may have also
9604s been planning to piercing shot
9606s afterwards but miscalculated how much
9608s damage that was doing because he didn't
9609s account for the buffs maybe that's also
9611s another possibility which is why he was
9613s very indecisive about using the piercing
9615s shot at the last moment though
9631s now piercing shot is gonna do max two
9634s oh
9637s enough that is enough
9639s yep just needs to make sure that
9641s piercing shot comes out first i actually
9643s think he could have cast one uh dragon
9645s paint shot
9646s two first it would still happen up
9649s because of the candle shot but whatever
9651s oh and it could have drawn an acorn
9654s i wish this was the out actually and we
9656s had to think of this where he didn't
9658s quite have enough damage and he had to
9660s kill a minion first to get a higher
9662s damage piercing shot target that would
9664s have been cool
9665s not gonna lie i don't think i would have
9666s thought of that yeah
9669s i would have thought of it like tomorrow
9676s all right well very close but still gets
9678s the job done uh for jwc that was a
9682s pretty well played given the
9683s circumstances you know obviously burro
9686s had
9688s a pretty uh expensive and awkward hand
9691s um to start things off but
9694s uh went for pressure at the right times
9696s and
9697s just wasn't quite enough to get the job
9700s done was three two damage off lethal uh
9702s there towards the end yeah and that
9705s whole like as soon as crossroads watch
9707s post entered play the game was just
9708s incredibly weird right and who knows
9710s like that's that situation is so hard to
9713s resolve for ours for the players for
9714s everyone watching like honestly we could
9716s go back and it'll probably take us half
9718s an hour to an hour of breaking down that
9720s game to decide like what optimal lines
9722s were on every single turn uh jwc in the
9725s end just finding just enough to revert
9727s to reserve damage but i mean i sound
9730s like a broken record at this point but
9731s i'm gonna go back to it it's the lack of
9734s arbor up right like that's what makes
9736s any of these three or four turn
9738s strategies that jwc set up there through
9740s the crossroads watch post
9742s none of those are possible if your
9744s opponent just plays arbor up in their
9746s deck right because they are just going
9747s to draw it at some point and absolutely
9749s murder you in that position yeah
9752s especially with all the discover effects
9754s that exist now
9756s um or discover slash dredge
9758s uh whatever you want to call it
9760s um
9762s tutor effects
9763s there you go
9765s use a classic card game term
9768s um but yeah i i do still think that
9772s maybe not expected outcome but the
9774s favorite for jwc there now warrior and
9777s druid
9779s left remaining
9781s i feel like the
9783s [Music]
9786s the druid is probably the weak point in
9788s this instance
9790s you would expect so yeah i think the
9791s druid is the deck that is being very
9793s specifically targeted by this lineup uh
9796s from borrow
9797s uh the warrior of course is a control
9799s warrior which you would expect to be
9800s banned in this series we didn't really
9802s cover it at the beginning the reason why
9803s the control warrior has survived is that
9805s there is a snowfall guardian shaman in
9809s uh in jwc's lineup which i think quite
9811s rightly burrow has taken the opportunity
9814s to ban out instead because all his decks
9816s are essentially 100 board-based right so
9819s as soon as one snowfall guardian lands
9822s and there's one macor in hand or a
9823s second guardian he's going to be in
9825s massive trouble trying to get any damage
9826s to go face
9829s yep
9830s so really has to corner the druid uh if
9834s we look at how these uh these matchups
9836s pan out
9838s and with a loss to start things off
9841s um
9842s could be a little bit of an uphill climb
9843s for him but we shall see pearl's going
9845s to move over to
9846s uh mick mage uh no amulet in the mech
9849s mage
9851s just good old-fashioned mech stuff
9855s next stuff indeed there is however the
9857s crossroads watch post thrown in here as
9859s well there's also a varden tossed in on
9861s top of everything else as well kind of
9862s taking the spot of the some of those
9865s last tech card options there is iron
9867s deep frog in there as well which is
9868s another sign that this is kind of
9870s aggressively being tweaked towards druid
9871s specifically uh but outside of that it
9874s is the usual stuff that we are used to
9875s seeing it looks like jwc is gonna run
9878s out uh with this druid as early as
9880s possible celestial alignment version
9882s this time around instead of the straight
9884s up ramp that we've been seeing
9885s previously no doomsayers but we do see a
9888s spammy arcanist thrown in there as well
9891s which could be very very useful in this
9893s matchup there are natural uh one health
9896s two health three health break points all
9898s across the uh mech mage going all the
9900s way up to four in some places as well so
9902s uh particularly on a crossroads watch
9905s post turn right the ability to
9907s clear boards without casting spells can
9910s be incredibly useful in this kind of
9911s situation
9913s yeah every time i try and
9915s cut spammy arcanist from any form of ram
9917s druid i always
9919s immediately find a situation where
9922s spammy arcanist would have just been the
9923s nuts
9926s just how it goes like the car
9929s yeah yeah very good
9936s nourishing the opener
9940s does just toss it away though looking
9941s for some of those early game cards that
9943s he's thrown in for these kind of
9944s match-ups exactly uh whereas on baro's
9947s side there is no seafloor gateway in
9950s this opening hand there's also none of
9951s the super aggressive two drops
9954s um just playing like hot bucket on two
9956s and just hitting your opponent with a
9957s blood fender raptor a few times can be
9958s very very powerful in the druid matchup
9960s sea scout operator is also a lot of
9963s power that you can get on board early uh
9964s especially on coin so you could consider
9967s keeping that uh but a neutron and
9969s sweeper kind of missing their target in
9972s this matchup i would say you don't care
9973s about the sweeper value early on and you
9975s don't really care too much about
9977s annoyatron you just rather have as much
9979s damage in play as quickly as possible i
9981s think
9983s yep full mouth i respect it
9987s that's better
9988s oh yeah that's much better
9993s the annoyatron back makes things
9995s quite interesting
10005s if you land the click clock above
10007s exactly on the automaton then heck yeah
10009s you're in business but you really do not
10012s want a naked automaton on board i don't
10014s think right a three health naked
10016s automaton that can just get drew to the
10018s reef dealt with yeah
10020s so i think baro kind of sacrificing the
10022s trog even a little bit here
10024s into the gods of druid of the reef which
10026s i'm okay with
10029s yeah it's a good check for it because
10031s jwc
10032s i mean obviously doesn't have to kill it
10035s if you're druid of the exists but
10039s makes his life significantly easier over
10041s the next few turns since he's gonna have
10043s to be playing spells
10044s um
10046s could opt to just
10047s like hero power it
10050s and uh the next turn if the automaton
10053s does come down could your power the trog
10055s again and then drew to the reef
10057s also has the option to just wait for
10059s oracle balloon turn
10061s if he just has a good hero power and
10063s then go oracle balloon plus drew to the
10065s reef
10067s options
10069s i think if automaton is coming down it's
10070s coming down alongside click clocker
10073s probably in that order
10081s i think burrow is will be smart enough
10083s here to work out the hero power druid of
10085s the reef is just absolutely terrifying
10087s response to what he's doing if he
10088s doesn't coin out the click locker
10090s yep
10094s uh mothership probably the least
10097s favorite one from burroughs perspective
10098s to hit with the buff
10101s game i think will largely be decided by
10103s the point that that can come into play i
10105s think you'd rather have had a 4-3 trench
10107s surveyor
10110s debate on the anoitron i suppose
10113s this is much pressure as early as
10115s possible
10116s you know
10121s the seed law be its own
10126s and so the trogg survives
10130s for now it's only one damage
10139s not bad not bad not bad
10144s a lot of dimage
10147s potential going on
10149s fits the curve quite well could go
10150s double two next turn
10154s unless he wants to hit something
10155s specific with the trencher here but i
10157s just
10158s never gonna be as as much pressure as
10160s this so
10162s yeah i like it too
10164s i think there's also a moment of pause
10166s there where you're just wondering like
10167s am i ever playing a neutron to just
10169s protect this trog from a hero power but
10171s i think that's probably nonsense it's
10172s just such a weak turn overall in
10174s comparison to playing six extra damage
10177s on board
10178s yeah
10181s i wonder
10193s well this isn't a good situation at all
10203s see the problem nicely illustrated by
10205s that 20 mana naga giant in hand for jwc
10209s just no spells have been cast in the
10211s early game no wild growth which means
10213s nowhere close to a nourish no fast
10215s innovate starts nothing of the like
10218s really been forced into being 100
10220s reactive by this early trog into
10223s automaton curve
10227s burrow's face like he's so far ahead in
10230s this game but he just looks constantly
10232s in pain with the way the game is going
10234s and i'm not sure what he's so concerned
10235s about
10238s decisions
10241s you know
10243s yeah
10247s really
10252s all right i understand his pain
10257s i'm not sure i would have done this i
10258s mean this kind of signals the intention
10260s to then pick up the sunken sweeper of
10262s the trench surveyor on the following
10263s turn which is not necessarily something
10266s that i think you're super interested in
10268s doing because playing another spider
10270s spider tank even though like that card
10272s is insane in a vacuum don't get me wrong
10274s it's still slow to develop pressure in
10277s terms of other things which could be on
10279s the bottom of your deck that you might
10280s end up picking instead right
10282s um
10283s so floating one mana there to play one
10286s less power on board because you would
10287s have gone surveyor in a neutron
10289s otherwise
10290s uh not entirely sure if i agree
10296s that's what that face was i'm really
10298s gonna play a sweeper here
10302s yeah i think it was
10307s i mean
10309s jwc said they're like you want to see
10310s what an actual painful hand looks like
10313s look at this
10315s this is
10316s gross what are you wincing about let's
10318s swap hands i'll play yours
10322s reflect in the moon
10324s it's gonna die before he even gets to
10326s play a real card
10330s wow even hero powering down the two one
10333s over the trog as well
10336s really trying to influence those trades
10338s i suppose
10339s yep
10342s i mean
10344s i struggle to think of a better draw in
10346s the deck than that this time
10350s just stats
10353s and
10361s keywords and earn a lot of keyword
10363s points this turn
10367s but i suppose
10369s already you've seen a very miserable
10371s slow hand so you are thinking about
10374s innovate
10375s scale at this point even though that is
10376s a very specific two-card combo
10379s but even then i think because you don't
10381s cost yourself any health on your
10382s existing minions trading into this i
10384s think this makes a lot of sense i also
10386s like reserving the full health on your
10388s win fury minion here
10389s and you now have what two four six eight
10392s nine ten you have ten whelps worth of
10394s minions on board going into a potential
10397s innovate scale from your opponent so yep
10399s yep all looks great to me
10411s i can see
10413s and there it is
10415s what a difficult game
10417s oh god
10420s [Music]
10424s okay there we go looks a little bit more
10426s relaxed with the way the game's gone now
10428s fair enough yeah fair enough i spent all
10430s this time thinking through those
10431s decisions and all i had to do was place
10434s a measly amount of stats on board and i
10437s won
10438s um that just happened that was a pretty
10440s good opening i had uh trog automaton
10444s uh you know with cheap mix to follow it
10446s up
10447s and
10448s yeah a lot of times that's all it takes
10453s yeah but that ini off the top i think
10455s just being able to deal with the oracle
10458s while losing essentially zero pressure i
10460s think gaining net pressure in the
10461s meantime as well you know what i will
10463s say like you know we're poking fun at
10465s the kind of the agony that burrows in
10467s from a position that we can see was very
10469s easy obviously burrow can't see the hand
10471s on the other side he knows just
10473s basically from how weak the turns have
10475s been in the early game the hand isn't
10476s insane from the druid on the other side
10478s but he still has to plan to beat various
10480s things from his perspective that game
10482s looks a lot more difficult than us who
10484s are looking at 60 mana's worth of stuff
10486s in in drew its hand and only five mana
10488s to spend it on you know so
10490s it's certainly he
10492s uh was thinking through his turns and
10494s coming up with consistent plans i don't
10496s necessarily agree with the um with the
10499s sweeper being played in that position
10500s which is the one point i would maybe
10502s disagree with but otherwise i think he
10504s had his plans laid out very nicely right
10506s how to beat the break points of the
10509s druid of the reef in the early game
10510s sequencing with the trog and the click
10512s locker and the automaton and then from
10514s that point on just building pressure as
10515s effectively as he saw it um i might have
10518s a different way of going about it but he
10520s certainly had a a plan that he stuck to
10523s i i do think there was a spammy clear if
10526s he doesn't play sweeper if he goes
10527s double two there
10529s oh is that what it was okay if that's
10531s the case then good catch and that was
10533s that would have been going into the five
10534s banner turn as well right
10536s yeah because he plays um
10539s um a two health three health
10542s and he had a one so the the click
10544s clocker still had divine shield right
10545s but there was the one health truck on
10547s board
10548s i believe so yeah but that would have
10550s been one and two
10552s and with what he did there was no bridge
10555s between the three and the four and the
10557s anoyatron would have ended up being the
10558s bridge between the three and the four
10560s what have been done
10561s you are exactly right that's 100 why he
10564s did it i apologize
10572s i'm mistaken and we both look stupid but
10574s i'm pretty sure
10575s that sounds right to me
10577s that was why he was so
10579s deliberate about that turn
10581s yeah very very very good point
10584s um
10585s all right going back to the druid here
10589s for burro
10592s wow aquatic forum battle guard and watch
10595s post
10599s uh being the keeps
10602s the seed law be its own treasure
10606s this
10607s jdbc just has the curve hand
10612s yeah i mean who's really playing the
10613s aggro druid here am i right
10615s yeah
10618s seems to find something on curve for the
10620s amalgam
10621s good to go
10624s are you desperate enough for a one drop
10626s here to go fishing are you just going to
10627s play the two two looks like he's just
10628s gonna play the two two okay yeah
10636s it really is he's just
10639s he's just curving just curving out i
10642s mean uh ailes of eight amalgam like
10645s genuinely are you interested
10647s yeah
10648s yeah i'm down i'm 100 down
10652s just full control of the board
10659s squirrel
10663s it's probably gotta be scorpion
10668s given the deck you know uh-huh
10672s but
10674s oh okay well that's the opposite of what
10676s i thought would happen
10680s yeah i definitely agree with this part
10681s of the play
10683s and then presumably
10686s his plan now is curving out he's just
10688s going to slam oracle on board next turn
10690s so then he just took the highest value
10691s cards i mean arguably you can have the
10694s debate of which is the highest value
10695s card to duplicate off oracle between the
10697s pack mule and the squirrel but in terms
10699s of immediately winning board which is
10701s what he's trying to do with the start
10702s he's got the pack be all is more value
10705s on turn four than the squirrel will be
10706s immediately
10708s yeah squirrel could actually uh
10710s potentially make things awkward if you
10711s you know the turn you want to like scale
10714s of a nixia like a squirrel pops out
10717s um
10719s so
10719s it could work
10721s or you know onyxia whatever it could
10723s work against him in some in some cases
10729s uh
10730s now that i you explain that to me
10733s pac-mule does make sense given just what
10735s he's going to be doing on curves
10749s [Laughter]
10753s which deck this is given the uh the curb
10756s so far
10762s so oracle no attacks
10768s does attacking into the one five with
10769s your two two ever significantly increase
10771s the chances that your oracle gets killed
10774s maybe it doesn't actually maybe it's
10776s fine to just take the pokes into the one
10778s five while you can
10782s i wonder
10785s yeah i think it is right there's still
10786s not a world that i can think of where
10788s your 2-4 dies in that spot right
10791s you've seen one so the soil be used for
10793s 2-2 already
10796s yeah but do you want to accelerate the
10798s board like that that's a good question
10800s yeah that's very fair
10804s or yeah one bob okay all right
10806s compromise fine
10813s the reason why i'm interested in dealing
10815s with the one five is that i don't want
10817s the game to move towards crossroad watch
10820s post while you're still sending attacks
10822s into a one five right i want to be
10823s sending attacks into other minions and
10825s clearing them off the board before watch
10827s post and other things can come down
10829s and we are fast approaching that point
10848s hello
10850s [Music]
10855s playing the second battle guard this
10856s does not reapply discount they both just
10858s say the first minion you played each
10860s turn
10862s the first minion he played was still the
10863s anoitron no matter how many battleguards
10865s you have in play
10870s oh
10873s wait
10875s no oh
10877s gales is still pretty good right nails
10879s are still pretty good yeah it's still
10881s pretty good
10887s what is happening
10891s so you double trade the neurotron and
10893s scales trade the uh
10896s oracle
10897s i guess you maybe want to uh
10899s you have double scales right oh no this
10901s is dredge not uh moonlit guidance right
10903s i was thinking yes
10904s yeah yeah yeah
10906s wrong deck buddy yeah quite right
10919s now this
10920s this is a painful game
10925s this is pod racing
10931s i love how he's won the board so
10932s definitively that spammy arcanist is now
10934s just the worst guardian yeah
10937s when he drew it i was like oh yeah it's
10939s insane now he's just gonna have bored
10940s forever i'm like wait he he already has
10942s bored forever like
10944s yup
10945s he wants to draw all of those other one
10947s and two drops in his deck for his oracle
10949s oh wait
10965s relatively good response here two
10967s massive value trades on the battle
10968s guards going in and now that annoyer
10970s tron basically deals with the rest of
10972s the board single-handedly
10990s there's no way to preserve your own
10991s oracle though yeah there is you don't
10993s yeah there is if you go you just double
10995s trade first yeah and only goes off yeah
10997s or twice
10999s yeah
11000s agree with this they could go up next
11002s turn and on six mana you can also fit in
11004s a hero power as well
11006s though
11008s just good and bros in in the game of uh
11011s playing off the top
11012s yeah
11014s not necessarily where he wants to be
11016s and now jwc is
11020s dexter's good
11023s moon the guidance is probably the
11024s perfect card to pick up in the scenario
11026s for post guf
11029s yeah weirdly i like this for a number of
11031s reasons firstly like the spammy was just
11033s the best play on board which you know i
11034s think jwc quite clearly has done the
11037s best play he can make on board all game
11039s until he's run out of the ability to do
11041s that um and then also weirdly like even
11044s though guff says five on it it's
11046s almost played on curve on six rather
11048s than on five right because that ability
11050s to be able to hear a power straight away
11052s afterwards is so so powerful as i expect
11055s him to do here
11064s during the trade if you trade you give
11066s your opponent access to
11068s two more cards next term potentially as
11070s opposed to just one more card which you
11072s know sheer quantity of cards druid can
11075s play in a turn is actually a very
11077s uh acceptable metric for how strong
11079s their turns are going to be right
11081s yep
11084s yep quite happily takes it
11086s ah sorry four more cards
11094s down the alarm
11099s i already did this one's a styling alarm
11101s we don't want an intruder
11110s is it three minions or is it watch post
11112s one minion
11114s yeah that's a
11116s tough situation what do you expect from
11118s your opponent in this position
11122s i think getting the watch post down now
11125s and then being able to follow that up
11126s with a bunch of minions has a lot of
11128s value
11129s i agree
11132s and i think if you're playing one minion
11133s that one minion is trog even though this
11135s uh looks illegal because it's floating
11138s manner i do think that this is the way
11140s to go about it because obviously
11142s if spells are being cast that trog very
11145s rapidly
11146s multiplies into multiple minions which
11148s then means if there are subsequent
11149s spells then you are getting your
11151s much-needed big aggressive board that
11153s you've been looking for this entire game
11155s yeah
11157s pass well ramp pass i suppose
11162s there we go nicely done
11164s actually a good pick up because everyone
11166s makes
11170s the pies games
11182s yeah this time this time i am fully on
11185s board
11186s with burroughs agony
11191s the mules have four health right yes
11193s they do so they only require four whelps
11196s to trade into which means the onyxia
11198s will still be able to crash into the
11199s watch post and still be immune
11202s massive
11206s [Music]
11210s see right when my alarm sounded
11212s yep perfection
11217s four trades into the taunts
11219s yeah one trade into the six eight two
11221s more trades into the trog
11223s get out of my game
11228s nice breakdown
11233s giant still costs 18.
11237s 12 mana
11242s ah what a deck
11249s it's two earthen scales that's it that's
11252s what he's cast yep
11266s cool turn
11271s all right personal challenge now you're
11273s so far ahead in this game play that naga
11275s giant for 18 at some point in this game
11281s that's good
11295s i can see
11296s yeah that sounds about right
11301s all right well
11303s that was the deck that burro really
11305s needed to beat
11307s multiple times
11309s and uh it just gets across
11312s first try so now it's down to the
11314s warrior
11315s for jwc
11317s and a couple of tough ones uh for boro
11320s to get over not look looking like a
11322s pretty dire situation at the moment
11325s yeah and this is where you know bad
11327s matchups in terms of lineup can really
11328s be very telling because
11331s um burrow has appeared with his quad
11333s aggro lineup against a lineup that
11335s features both shaman and control warrior
11337s and then with your ability to only ban
11339s one of those yeah you're hitting target
11341s druid right and you're saying great i've
11343s targeted druid i have a druid in my
11344s opponent's lineup
11346s um but you know it's not straight up
11348s hard target where you have like 80 90
11350s matchups against druid with every deck
11352s because what really does have those kind
11353s of match-ups and what you have is you
11356s know a series where you would expect
11358s reasonably to go 2-1 or 3-0 against a
11361s druid and if your opponent has a weaker
11363s lineup against you you can afford to go
11365s 2-1 against a druid right you can very
11367s rarely afford to go 1-1 against the deck
11369s that you're targeting very aggressively
11371s but in this case he's now in such a
11372s miserable position because he's had to
11374s ban shaman so the remaining deck for jwc
11376s now is control warrior which
11378s theoretically has an insane match up
11381s against his lineup certainly against the
11383s demon hunter maybe the druid can get
11385s enough repeated gas
11387s [Music]
11388s quiet tj uh maybe the druid can get
11391s enough gas with uh composting and so on
11393s over and over again to be able to get
11394s there but this demon hunter it's not a
11397s good matchup against the control warrior
11404s yeah you're right we've just seen uh
11407s it's skewed the other way on stream thus
11410s far
11411s um but every other point of data
11414s tells us that uh
11417s it is a big struggle
11419s for demon hunter
11420s but
11421s we shall see
11422s pearl's gotta make some
11426s demi miracles happen in order to
11429s get the dub in this series
11432s obviously we're we're
11434s watching a 5-0 versus 5-0 match so this
11437s is not any type of elimination or
11440s winning in or what have you
11442s um if bro
11444s were to lose this series would still
11445s have
11446s very many chances of making the top six
11449s team just have to win out
11450s um and even then may only need to win
11453s one more put himself in a great spot by
11454s starting 5.0 but this series is
11458s looking like
11459s it's
11459s gonna go jwc's way
11462s from uh from our standpoint
11464s we'll see demon hunter a lot of
11466s players say that it's the strongest deck
11468s in the game for a reason and uh maybe
11471s we'll get to see that reason
11473s in this game versus jwc's warrior
11476s yeah certainly a deck that can win any
11479s game right we've seen the way it can run
11482s away with it like it is the ultimate
11484s threat a threat to check deck as i
11486s referred to it earlier like it has to do
11488s very little and if you don't have the
11490s answer for it we'll run away with the
11492s game and that is true even against
11493s control warrior uh we saw it before
11496s where you know battle worn vanguard
11497s which sometimes is the single worst card
11500s in the match up because you make a board
11502s of one two two and six one ones over the
11504s course of the game and then ranker comes
11506s down and absolutely destroys you
11508s but if you play it and they don't have
11510s an answer for it and you push two damage
11512s and then you push four damage and then
11513s you push six damage with that one
11515s individual card
11517s then that can be a route to victory for
11518s you especially with so many of these
11520s control warriors this one included going
11522s down to a single copy of rancor in the
11524s deck which you know is the number one
11526s card you want to have to deal with a lot
11528s of these board states outside of
11530s vanguard uh obviously the the minions
11532s get bigger pufferfist is three health
11534s man crick and mancrac's wife obviously
11537s significantly bigger minions ladies then
11539s oh as well is right up there so i can
11540s understand why ranker isn't considered
11542s good enough it's a very similar theory
11545s to how we've been talking about uh
11547s candleshot for example in the hunter
11549s being used to bridge the gap between the
11551s two and three health minions to make
11552s dragon bait shot work it's very similar
11554s logic to why ranker isn't super
11557s impactful these days but in this one
11559s particular match up i do think just
11562s shutting down battle war vanguard is
11564s incredibly powerful and there it is tj
11568s ask and you shall receive
11576s i didn't ask
11578s oh oh my bad was that me talking sorry i
11581s i i struggled to tell the difference
11583s we're so similar tj that i struggle to
11585s tell the difference between us sometimes
11588s yeah we're basically like the same
11589s person yeah
11591s yeah
11592s our personality is just so in line
11595s i mean honestly though
11597s like broadcast persona aside in terms of
11600s the actual casters in real life i think
11602s we genuinely do have the two most yeah i
11605s would say so yeah
11607s i'll broadcast it may appear like we're
11609s polar opposites but um
11612s if you look at our
11614s what we find enjoyment in in our
11615s lifestyles yes and what we hate
11619s yes same same thing same person
11621s very true
11630s just
11631s jams it on curve
11634s there is an answer if jwc wants it
11637s i think this is a good read from burrow
11638s i think this is a mulligan read because
11640s the uh the keep here was that from the
11642s depths on the left-hand side of the hand
11645s i think burroughs saying well if you're
11646s going to keep that card and you're going
11647s to play it i'm going to punish you for
11648s it with a real real big minion
11652s by which i mean a 4-4
11660s okay he's following the curve now as
11661s well
11662s with the treasure god
11668s pankard's done its job
11672s health it's too damaged
11675s this now makes sense though right
11676s because your opponent did go coin three
11678s on the previous turn because your
11680s opponent went coin three you can now go
11682s two three into drekthar and coin brawl
11686s is no longer an availability they'd have
11687s to have a two card shield shatter combo
11690s to be able to deal with this yeah i like
11693s it makes a lot of sense
11694s yep
11701s but this is it right i mean this this
11702s one i'm absolutely not gonna rinse
11704s burrow forward looking stressed over
11706s because this is a potential series
11708s defining decision here as to whether you
11711s take the risk because this is betting
11712s the series on no
11714s two card shield chatter combination
11716s after your opponent has double dredged
11718s in the early game
11719s which is a really tough position to be
11721s able to navigate because i think if you
11723s make this push with drakthar and it gets
11725s cleared
11726s you've played your game at that point
11728s right like that's it
11730s and it looks like burrow is going to
11733s go with the soft push you can see he's
11735s not 100 happy about it but what this
11737s does is present a board that he thinks
11740s his opponent will be forced to clear and
11741s then if that clear happens he gets to
11743s play director the turn after this is
11745s hedging around that two card clear
11748s yep
11753s hey would you look at that two card
11754s clear
11756s it's got a nessie to fall out
11759s yeah
11760s yeah see that's it let's see
11762s who am i
11765s it's it's it's nelly
11769s i've said nessie every time because
11771s nelly the colossal doesn't look like
11773s messi said goodbye to the circus
11777s doesn't it look like messi no
11779s yeah i mean i think that is the general
11781s idea you've seen nessie irl have me oh
11784s 100 yeah so it's a rite of passage every
11787s british person at the age of 12 it's
11790s kind of like the the mark of going into
11792s adolescence is you have to take a
11793s pilgrimage to uh to loch ness and then
11796s take a really really grainy obscured
11798s picture of the lost loch ness monster
11800s and post it online it's just it's just a
11802s thing we do
11805s i honestly
11807s like it wouldn't even surprise me if
11809s that was true
11812s what do you mean it is true
11817s let's it wouldn't surprise me if that
11818s wasn't true
11822s i'm just not very easily surprised let's
11823s just put it that way
11841s oh as lorinda has just pointed out for
11843s us they are uh canon related according
11845s to the flavor text on the uh the
11847s hearthstone card
11849s ah okay here we go
11852s thank you
11854s i knew if we kept him around long enough
11855s he would eventually be useful
11862s that's how usefulness works
11871s full control
11873s of the board for jwc
11877s i was about to say at least for the time
11879s being but yeah it's really not going
11881s anywhere
11884s the
11885s load is there from the ship
11887s okay i mean i was gonna say if this is
11889s predation off the top
11892s but felbarage is also fairly close
11895s probably still not good enough to get
11897s the job done but yes you are right the
11898s uh the reload on the ship is gonna be an
11901s enormous problem no matter what you do
11903s here yeah oh multi-strike is actually
11905s quite good here with the uh glaives can
11907s allow burrow to push 10.
11910s um and even clear the board with a vel
11912s barrage
11914s taking off the nelly though ends up
11917s being a pretty decent turn obviously
11920s not where bro would want to be but gets
11921s to push a significant amount of damage
11923s gets to take things off the board
11932s not the best draw either
11934s no
11936s fred picked up as a premium here though
11938s because obviously he knows the bottom of
11939s his deck uh he knows at least one card
11942s on the bottom his deck and he knows that
11943s it's all super cheap at this point so no
11945s surprise that the dredge pirate was
11946s picked up as a priority
11951s gotta be a nixon drake right i would
11953s imagine yeah
11955s yeah unless you think that a pirate's
11957s gonna survive
11961s just get more value
11964s oh with the amalgam you mean with the
11966s amalgam yeah
11971s i wonder
11981s if he's thinking of if it's even worth
11983s it to put these pirates on the board i
11984s mean it puts stuff in the way which
11990s seems like it has merit
11991s yeah i mean i think stats on board it's
11994s very similar to like the mask of c'thun
11995s dynamic against mage where uh ladies
11998s atheno fel barrage all of these things
12000s coincidentally i wasn't even like
12002s looking up r2 of the cards in your
12004s opponent's hand right now but those kind
12006s of effects you just soak up damage that
12008s doesn't go face by putting those kind of
12010s things in play oh
12012s no
12013s that is the exact draw for burro to give
12017s himself an opportunity in this game
12018s because now
12020s instead of just having to waste the lady
12022s on dealing with the board he can deal
12024s with the board with the rush minions
12025s instead and then have that juicy synergy
12029s of ladies then oh going face with all
12031s the attacks and refreshing the hero
12033s power for extra damage from curtras that
12035s is an insane draw
12038s it's just favored
12039s how is this gonna happen again tj it's
12041s actually just favored
12045s i'm glad you finally seen the light
12050s all right nixon drake will be coming off
12052s the top here
12055s i've already lost track of how many
12057s times collectively we've made that
12058s mistake by the way already in the first
12060s masters tour
12062s of oh that's a good draw
12064s yeah like yes we knew that was going to
12067s be the draw because it has been dredged
12069s [Laughter]
12071s there is zero necessary surprise in your
12074s voice when you see that card come off
12075s the top
12079s oh come on
12081s you can't just draw like this
12083s i won't allow it
12088s it just seems like it's a good draw
12091s because the deck is favored
12093s all i see okay it's like a good draw
12095s that's how it works
12098s it even correct to use it now
12103s i think it still is right
12112s need for greed
12114s nah fury you're gonna kill him next turn
12124s in what world do you not kill them next
12125s turn i'm trying to work out i'm trying
12128s to work out what you do with the rest of
12129s your turn this turn because obviously
12131s you could play spectral sight right now
12133s and immediately draw the card that you
12136s you've put on top of your deck which is
12138s what he's going to do
12139s um but by doing that even if it's fury
12141s okay the next card was uh the sphere
12143s which is pretty great but by doing that
12145s with fury specifically you gave yourself
12147s no relevant way to spend any additional
12149s mana on that turn right because playing
12150s the fury playing the hero power none of
12152s that actually did anything going into
12155s the 4-5 taunt
12163s i mean
12166s that gets played
12168s yeah
12171s all right how much we looking at here
12175s 8 10 14 16
12179s 3 hero powers 22.
12183s i think that's lethal
12185s wait
12187s fell barrage
12189s eight fury seven
12195s yeah it is i think it's exactly 22 for
12198s exactly nine man
12201s isn't it more than 22. is it more than
12204s 22
12208s we'll see
12212s it's gonna be 12 two more going in and
12214s then another hero power is 14 yep
12217s yep 22. yep you're right you're right
12219s you're right
12220s and there it is exactly
12224s nicely done
12226s uh but that was the expected outcome uh
12228s for that
12229s [Laughter]
12231s so
12233s we all knew we were going to a game five
12235s it's just a matter of playing it out
12241s livid uh yeah so now we have the druid
12244s left to go
12245s um which is a matchup is a little bit
12247s more of an x factor i don't necessarily
12249s know what the data suggests on it
12251s exactly particularly with this build
12253s which even in terms of aggressive druid
12255s decks is not the build that i'm used to
12257s seeing uh going up against control
12259s warrior um but however there is the
12263s composting in there which we would of
12265s course expect there's oracle of balloon
12266s which allows the ability to make
12267s multiple boards over the course of the
12269s game there's double crossroads watch
12270s post which can be very disruptive
12272s against warrior but perhaps less than
12274s you would think
12275s because similar to what the opposing
12278s celestial druid did
12280s uh control warrior does have a good
12282s chunk of minions that they can start
12283s throwing out there with uh nyxian
12286s drake's nelly amalgam so on all of those
12289s things can be made super cheap um by the
12292s the dredge cards which can allow them to
12294s fight for board quite aggressively just
12295s with minions um so we'll see it's a
12297s match up i'm certainly interested in
12298s seeing pan out here after the obvious
12300s like 90 win rate matchup for the demon
12302s hunter where we both knew exactly what
12304s was going to happen the entire time
12305s because it's a foregone conclusion that
12307s demon hunter wins that match up
12309s nice to have a match up with a bit of
12310s stakes
12311s that's right
12313s yeah i don't think we've seen a big a
12316s big enough sample size of this type of
12318s uh druid in order to make
12321s any definitive claims
12323s um
12324s so far
12326s probably down to the draws for bro it
12327s seems quite lackluster
12329s but obviously
12330s he's been successful with it thus far
12333s so
12334s uh we can't count it out just because a
12337s couple of bad games
12340s cool teacher as well another one of
12341s those minions that i threw into the mix
12344s particularly with the nargling allowing
12347s for some small removal spells to come
12349s out without actually casting a spell to
12351s trigger any of those effects that druid
12353s is going with
12354s a great surprise to see him holding on
12355s to that
12364s heavy play isn't even the worst pickup
12366s with that mulligan as well because he
12367s kept three of the best cards in his deck
12369s i think for dealing with druid but it
12371s left him in a position where he was
12373s potentially doing nothing for the first
12374s three turns so just finding a tradable
12377s that he can potentially throw away on
12378s term one is now quite valuable however
12381s having now find from the depths he has
12383s to consider
12384s shield shatter synergy right if there's
12386s any shield chatter anywhere near the
12388s bottom of his deck just having that
12389s heavy plate for the armor burst
12392s might just be more needed and that is
12393s exactly what he's decided
12399s now all of a sudden this is the dredge
12400s mechanic at work you're no longer just
12402s thinking okay
12403s well i would need to have a shield
12405s chatter in my top three or four cards in
12407s my deck to make it worth keeping this at
12409s this point now it's top three or four
12411s cards or bottom three cards of your deck
12414s which makes it statistically you know
12416s almost twice as probable
12418s as uh that you're going to draw that in
12419s time
12421s what now
12425s now depending on
12427s where
12430s okay
12431s i was thinking maybe just tempo amalgam
12433s but just going to go for the armor up
12435s here keep take it slow
12438s uh-oh
12440s when saddle sounds the alarm
12443s you know things have gone awry
12445s i mean this is serious this is game five
12448s of the series tj this is two five zero
12450s players in game five of the series with
12453s everything on the line this is when it's
12455s really time for the pac-mule alarm
12458s there it is as well there it is as well
12467s outright zach's keep digging so much
12470s armor again now if he is able to find
12472s that shield chatter
12476s and a ton more card draw now as well
12477s with the flame
12479s oh yeah
12483s i always struggle with the control area
12485s that i played um so far in testing for
12488s this tournament
12489s with the idea of blowing up a weapon in
12491s a match up like this because obviously
12494s brawl ranker shield chatter are
12496s infinitely better than just killing one
12499s minion per term with a weapon
12501s but killing one minion per turn with a
12502s weapon is still okay you know and it's
12504s still like a sacrifice that you make to
12506s draw cards in that position so i really
12508s like struggle to reconcile when this was
12510s right when this was wrong in my head as
12511s i was testing this deck for the
12513s tournament
12514s yep
12527s oh
12528s that car honestly seems pretty good
12531s it does you still get to draw a card off
12534s the treasure guard
12536s not taking too much damage
12538s a lot of follow-up to this as well
12540s are we always drawing a card over two
12543s armor ah i guess not right
12546s because you have the um
12549s water flows next turn
12551s right
12552s i think you might even be looking at
12555s overdraw territory if you start drawing
12557s too many cards here
12569s yeah jwc orders it for the two armor
12588s unfortunate sharon gardens gets a lot of
12590s immediate value here though
12592s or at least the middle ground of
12593s immediate value
12596s cards on board better than cards in hand
12598s better than cards in deck
12603s could have been insane there but
12608s it doesn't hit
12610s um
12613s i can't it's just so expensive like
12619s only such a limited amount of things
12621s that
12623s bro can actually do on each of these
12625s turns
12626s and wants to do it all wants to build a
12628s giant board and then drop a
12631s crossroads watts post but
12634s this has to settle for an annoying tron
12636s i guess
12638s nice
12640s that'll get him
12642s this is the turn jwc now has been
12644s waiting for a little release on the
12646s pressure valve means that he can
12648s actually start to try and set up
12649s something disgusting for himself none of
12652s that is really it though is it
12658s finley i don't know
12660s yeah
12661s and he takes spindly and just hope that
12663s the rest of the cards that you didn't
12665s see are significantly more impactful
12667s than those ones
12674s i didn't hate his hand as it was though
12677s that's right
12679s that's the only problem
12682s okay
12684s i thought that went fine
12686s yeah
12689s i think he's good
12694s i'm out of 5'4
12696s oh
12708s in the cannons
12709s yeah cannons is the default choice um
12713s the only minor concern there was be
12716s whether to take the massive armor gain
12718s off a minion just in case a crossroads
12720s watch post comes down right and then you
12721s you just have to play your chatter you
12724s don't have to play
12725s an additional spell first
12727s yeah i don't think that would be super
12729s relevant because he already has uh six
12731s armor stacked up right now worst case
12732s scenario
12734s yeah
12737s okay there's a second guardians
12739s starting to pile up the statistics here
12746s big statistics
12749s [Music]
12765s i also really hate that it's human
12766s nature to out of two cars or seemingly
12769s human nature to out of two cards play
12770s the one on the left if you like there's
12772s nothing to decide the difference between
12774s them because it just means the cursed
12776s pack meal gets played every time
12779s [Music]
12786s a fortune flame now to draw three more
12788s cards which have now been rediscounted
12790s by the other depths
12797s wait what am i talking about they're at
12798s the bottom of the deck that's nonsense
12800s why did i say that
12804s i mean
12806s in some worlds that makes sense it does
12808s yeah
12810s what now
12818s i must
12825s choose me pick me
12831s you use man the cannons
12833s dave his premium removals in hand right
12835s now
12836s probably shield slam just to get the
12837s full clear here yep i like this
12840s yep
12845s works out quite nicely
12849s i'm still a little worried however
12852s there's a lot of waves of stuff still
12854s coming right
12855s there sure is
12860s and they're not small waves either
12866s they are big old waves crashing into the
12868s shore
12869s jwc is gonna need some kind of
12872s ship or boat in order to navigate it if
12875s only his deck could provide such a thing
12876s tj
12883s if only he'd done his 12 year old loch
12887s ness pilgrimage
12902s oh indeed
12906s i forgot that was even in there
12917s he could technically now bounce
12920s the post pull a different minion out and
12922s then aoe it down problem is the shield
12925s on the anointron still makes that
12928s almost entirely ineffective
12935s you could
12937s attack
12938s yeah you're attacking into the shield
12939s first but you're still then missing a
12941s card drawer off the axe i'm saying like
12942s you don't get that much value out of the
12944s aoe is what i'm saying right because
12946s you're still weapon attacking into the
12947s shield you're not drawing a card off it
12949s you're only really killing two minions
12950s the drugs the trunks duplicating itself
12953s depending of course on what the third
12954s minion that bounces out of the hand ends
12956s up being this could still be a decent
12958s value but
12960s i think it's the best he's got
12962s yeah
12964s oh
12973s okay so he's gonna take the draw all
12974s right
12976s i know we're trying to be left up but
12977s that's fine
12978s yep
12979s i respect him damage is free as well
12981s brexit used uh frozen buckler instead of
12984s the heavy plate so swinging into the
12985s bigger minion there actually did zero
12987s damage to him
12995s let's find nelly now though but it is a
12997s full cost nelly which is going to be
12999s understated in comparison to what all
13001s these buff minions from baro's hand are
13003s able to do
13010s you gotta be scrappy and that looks like
13012s a good card and it's a 4-3
13025s all work is like uh oh it's a 5 8
13029s because it was in the hand for the uh
13032s the original gardens as well
13043s i just don't know how much he wants to
13045s commit here
13047s just saw big aoe
13050s yo you've got to decide what your goal
13052s is right is your goal to have enough
13055s value in your hand to survive all the
13057s removal from your opponent in which case
13060s you parcel it out and play it one by one
13062s and so on two or three minions at a time
13064s or can you not do that and you have to
13067s make a big board and just get to the
13068s point where they just don't have a
13069s removal in their hand right and at which
13071s point you're just playing your entire
13073s hand twice or three times or whatever
13075s you have available and just hoping that
13076s one of them sticks yeah
13086s is a timely brawl
13090s i wonder
13095s jerry carpenter surviving would be
13099s the absolute nuts
13101s just get a card off it as well
13104s so we're throwing the bran in there also
13107s it could be
13111s i think jwc is thinking about trading
13113s first as a matter of order just in case
13117s comes up with a better plan of this
13119s okay
13123s can i have the heavy plate back please
13124s oh
13129s you're kind of good
13131s right
13132s yeah
13133s it works out quite nicely
13140s and now the waves are just running out
13143s on the other side
13144s yep between a brawl and a nelly it looks
13148s like jwc might just have enough
13150s especially with the hero power and the
13152s weapon now thrown on top of that as well
13154s and yep in terms of all the faces that
13157s burrow has made this this series that
13159s one night right there i think was the
13160s most appropriate
13165s you can feel as we can that his grip on
13167s this game and this series
13171s is just loosening ever so slightly
13180s he's got approximately
13183s one more push
13185s i guess oracle makes that two um
13193s yeah even then he doesn't really have
13195s much oracle synergy in his hand right
13198s now
13199s yeah that's true
13205s um because oracle is play not summon he
13207s doesn't actually he currently has zero
13210s minions in his hands to take advantage
13212s of the oracle effect yep
13226s it's over
13232s nixon drake hero power will clear the
13235s board you can just toss a bran in there
13237s for tempo as well if you really want to
13244s it all lines up quite nicely
13256s that's how you know someone's a brand
13258s enjoyer right there technically correct
13260s to do it that way but no actual reason
13262s to do it unless you just like seeing
13264s brand things happen
13265s as i do
13267s i don't understand why again i was
13270s saying this before like
13272s my brain should be evolved past the
13274s point where just all twice makes it
13277s happy but it does it does it's amazing
13279s anything something anytime something
13281s happens twice it's great that's why brad
13283s is the best card in hearthstone
13285s my favorite favorite thing to do is to
13287s honorable kill somebody with a uh the
13290s dread prison glitch
13292s and then just sit there
13295s with the cards on the screen
13303s [Music]
13307s so it deals the damage twice
13310s oh okay i've never done that that's
13312s pretty that's pretty great i think that
13314s would tickle my stupid brain as well
13316s yeah so like you
13319s you deal like 10 damage to them but
13320s honorable kills and it just hits them
13322s again for 10 just to make sure
13330s yeah you're just cool too i guess
13335s sorry i very much stole your thunder
13337s there tj i apologize
13340s dude
13342s my my thing's cool too it is all of your
13345s things are cool tj
13347s thank you
13349s all of your bits land everything you do
13351s is wonderful
13354s congratulations you're the best
13357s that's the thing my whole life is a bit
13360s [Laughter]
13363s oh
13364s rodney hey
13366s my gonna hold the brawl too
13371s and we're gone
13374s this will need reconnecting
13379s we are no longer connected to the
13381s spectator
13387s uh which i hope if uh burro is in the
13389s same situation he recognizes it as well
13396s i think he just did
13398s yeah
13412s i'll be back uh i think we're back
13417s i don't think burrow is quite back yet
13423s my assessment of the situation given his
13426s face
13427s looking into space
13431s all we really know right now is uh smite
13433s plus five other pirates
13436s yep all right sounds pretty good to me
13442s uh this is a lot of damage
13444s it is uh jwc depending on these pirates
13447s will also have a lot of yep there's a
13448s smite
13451s oh it's it's just
13453s it's a beast
13462s is but it honestly did not matter that
13464s much we saw the smite right the smite
13465s was the hard left pick that disconnected
13467s the client so even if this wasn't that
13470s much damage and they were all just used
13471s to be rush minions to clear up the board
13473s right because we saw the smite it was
13475s going to end yeah
13477s yeah
13479s all right
13480s that'll do it jwc
13482s uh you know magic
13484s burrow fought as hard as he could have
13487s in that game given just how much removal
13490s he was up against he got the double
13492s sunken gardens
13494s in order to make a lot of stats that was
13495s like four reloads a pretty massive
13498s boards yep but
13500s at the end it just wasn't enough and jwc
13502s moves up 6-0 now in the swiss
13506s yeah a really good really strong
13507s performance overall in the tournament
13509s and just a really strong series i
13510s thought very well played overall um you
13514s know i know whenever anyone says that on
13516s any broadcast about anyone in the entire
13518s world someone pops up and says uh no
13520s actually it was full of misplays listen
13522s to me actually
13524s yeah exactly
13525s um but in that case i i do think that
13528s was a very well played series on both
13530s sides and certainly very interestingly
13532s played series on both sides it wasn't
13533s just two players going for the obvious
13536s vanilla plays that everyone could see
13537s all the time like even right up to that
13539s last moment that looked like such an
13541s obvious brawl right at the end and then
13543s jwc just goes uh no brand pirates win
13546s the game next turn what are you talking
13548s about um which ended up being obviously
13550s you know so much better than it would
13552s have been otherwise because as i said
13554s like as long as he hits a smite which
13556s you're 46 to hit a smite off one set of
13560s pirate discovers so when you're doing it
13561s with the bran you're going to get a
13563s smite and so as long as you get the
13564s smite there
13566s even if you somehow didn't find enough
13568s damage to win the game if the opponent
13570s was able to fill the board with the
13571s neutrons and whatever other taunts on
13573s the following turn you were going to be
13575s able to trade through everything right
13576s and be able to clear the board and
13577s obtain a brawl over the course of the
13579s the game which is really nice really
13581s liked and now as soon as you explained
13583s it burroughs play with the mech mage as
13585s well even in a seemingly one game
13588s playing very aggressively around spammy
13590s arcanist which was one of the only
13591s things he could lose to at that point
13593s even though i missed it at the time as
13594s soon as you it out i think that was a
13596s very very strong play as well it was a
13598s lot of good stuff in the series what tj
13600s what's that face for
13602s what's the second spell school in
13604s warrior
13606s oh did multicaster draw two cards it
13608s drew two cards uh no idea
13612s pop quiz trivia for those of you at home
13615s write in answers on a postcard what are
13617s the spell schools in warrior
13620s this is important i need to know this
13623s [Music]
13627s i
13628s actually don't know
13629s fortune flame is probably fire
13633s possibly yeah that would make sense
13635s and then who knows
13637s shield shatter
13639s fell i don't know
13641s oh uh frozen buckler
13644s ah frozen buckler yep you got it okay
13646s there we go shows how much i played
13648s multicaster in uh
13650s in uh
13652s warrior
13652s it shows how much i pick multicaster
13654s from nelly
13656s um
13657s but yeah that was uh
13659s quite the series honestly just in terms
13662s of like how grindy it was yeah towards
13664s the end there saw the expected win demon
13666s hunter versus warrior
13668s but burro still not out of things yet
13670s 5-1 definitely a good score going into
13672s round seven
13674s uh just needs to uh pick up those last
13676s two wins in order to make it to top 16.
13679s but we actually still even though that
13680s was a long one we still have some action
13682s left to go
13684s for round six so uh saw tonight we're
13686s gonna go and uh take a quick break
13689s and uh when we come back we're gonna
13690s have uh some more action here in round
13693s six from master storyboards to the
13694s sunken city don't go anywhere
13699s [Music]
13764s you
13773s [Music]
13791s [Music]
13797s [Music]
13808s [Applause]
13810s [Music]
13811s [Applause]
13825s [Music]
13832s [Music]
13834s you
13837s [Music]
13852s [Music]
13891s welcome back everybody to continued
13893s coverage of round six here at masters
13895s tour voyage to the sunken city after
13897s that long one we've still got some more
13899s action for this round as the round is
13901s ongoing and with me is somebody a bit
13903s more sensible we found the sensible
13905s person i think it's gear
13908s he's giving me the sensible label
13910s larinda but i don't know i'm the one
13912s sitting out here in the most hazardous
13914s background every single time i don't
13916s know how i get away with it alive
13919s yeah that's kind of weird actually yeah
13920s you had the the swords last time and now
13922s you'll get a leaking ship
13924s um but we are going to join blazing
13927s illusion at one zero to illusion you can
13930s see the lineups there um the rogue the
13933s paladin therefore illusion the big
13935s standout splice just bringing the good
13937s stuff i think um i'm just gonna check
13940s what the priest is before i say that but
13941s it is banned yeah it was the boar priest
13943s uh he's been struggling a little with
13945s that on stream so he's probably not too
13946s unhappy not to have to play it
13948s and worth noting because people will
13951s assume differently
13953s blize is not really in contention for
13955s last call or for
13958s um well he's into college from the last
13959s couple of ign but he's not in contention
13961s for seasonal championships he's had a
13962s couple of bad tournaments at the start
13964s of this year so he's gonna get the
13965s seasonal champs he's going to need to do
13968s well in this one so he's one zero down
13970s do you think he can make a comeback
13972s cheer
13972s absolutely lauren i think blize is one
13974s of those sort of fickle characters where
13976s his performance in hearthstone is
13978s heavily dependent on how much he is
13980s enjoying the meta he makes no secrets of
13982s it either and even though you did say he
13984s seemed to be struggling with boar
13985s priests on stream i'm not sure at what
13987s point in the stream you tuned in because
13988s when i looked he was just winning and
13990s winning with it but
13991s i mean he streams long hours when he
13993s does enjoy the game and i'm glad to see
13995s that he's found a couple of decks that
13997s vibe with him very well and he is going
13999s to start off with the quest hunter here
14002s the harpoon gun inclusion is something
14004s i've been seeing from sort of the french
14006s practice group more so than others
14008s and what is the reason for the harpoon
14010s guys sort of see this card and look at
14011s it is it the dredge portion particularly
14013s useful or
14015s i it's a card i struggle with enjoying
14017s in hunter
14018s yeah i just feel that it is just a
14021s decent shaped weapon three mana three
14022s two that's just your standard fiery war
14024s axe dot line with the benefit of
14026s dredging and dredging sort of working to
14029s make sure that your next couple of draws
14030s are not quite so bad it does say every
14033s time your hero attacks it's not just one
14035s battle cry from bone glaive so it can
14036s help with that but this weapon inclusion
14039s does come at the cost of cutting candle
14041s shot which we see a lot of other players
14043s preferring to make sure that they can
14044s get continuous value with their dragon
14046s bane shots so pros and cons as always
14049s but the additional damage from the heart
14051s poon gun i think is not to be
14052s underestimated yeah and again it goes
14054s alongside bringing that boar priest
14057s because it means he's expecting a
14058s slightly slower meta most likely and so
14060s he brings the card that's better against
14062s the druids and so on uh stottles also
14064s backed you up by the way blize was doing
14065s really well apart from when i was
14067s watching i think i was just cursed on
14068s priests i was trying to find people to
14070s watch you were doing where were they
14071s like oh blind he'll be fine lose lose
14073s lose lose quit stream lose two days
14075s running i'm like okay i'm not only
14077s cursed to play this deck on curse never
14079s to actually see it win a game but we
14081s broke that yesterday with moyan so i'm
14082s happy now and then the pirates rogue
14085s which is really interesting to me
14087s because first of all it destroys druid
14090s but one of the things in play testing is
14093s this should beat warrior and watching
14096s various play tests it seemed to go about
14097s 50 50 checking stats it seems to go
14100s about 50 50.
14101s how do you feel this works place against
14103s the warrior i know it's not playing the
14104s warrior now but that's kind of why it's
14106s in people's lineups
14107s well i just feel it's very difficult for
14109s the rogue they don't have very
14112s many board refills like they can get on
14114s board pretty quickly especially if they
14116s hit the vessel and dredge but it just
14118s comes in too few waves i feel compared
14121s to some of the other decks that have
14122s tons of refill the overall burst in the
14125s deck is not quite so strong as it is in
14126s demon hunter either there is of course
14128s hook tusk at the top end here to
14130s potentially steal value from the warrior
14133s whether it comes from the deck or the
14134s hand but this version that we're seeing
14136s from illusion has zero shadow steps here
14138s so they're you're not running the
14140s guaranteed multiple hook test
14142s activations in the deck you can of
14144s course still discover more hooked us
14146s from amalgam if you are a skilled player
14148s but we see that um illusion has what am
14151s i saying illusion has included a double
14154s fog sail freebooter instead so that's a
14156s little bit more i would say of a slant
14158s towards other aggressive matchups that
14161s he's tucked for against quest hunter in
14164s particular i think any bit of extra
14166s damage should be useful not hook dusk
14168s herself so i do like the free booters
14170s for this matchup
14172s yeah i think in this matchup in
14173s particular you're gonna have to get
14174s going really quickly too can't mess
14177s around against these hunter decks they
14178s try and take over the board and then
14180s just destroy you with their spells or
14182s they just destroy with their spells and
14183s blow up a couple of minions along the
14185s way so
14186s the fact of the rogue is just a little
14188s bit slower than we're used to rogue
14189s being could end up being a problem here
14192s but coined into two two three always a
14194s nice start for any minion base deck so
14197s illusion won't be too disappointed here
14200s starting off with the dredge
14203s okay he takes the gun fishing which will
14205s give him another draw because one thing
14207s worth noting is that he saw that mr
14209s smite was at the bottom of the deck
14210s which is not generally good news because
14212s you do want to see that card at some
14214s point to finish out the game but because
14216s he's able to pick up gun fishing he does
14218s have access to mr smite later on at any
14220s point he chooses to get it but for this
14222s turn completely agree the priority
14224s should be on removing the rainbow glow
14226s scale
14227s it does feel a little bit bad that he's
14229s already as early as now not pushing face
14231s damage but leaving spell damage on board
14234s when you have a three health minion is
14236s just too scary because so many spells
14238s from the hunter have that two damage
14239s break point that gets improved to a
14241s clean kill when you leave rainbow glow
14243s skill up
14244s lies will be very happy to keep this
14246s pattern over the next few turns killer
14248s thing with a spell occupy the board if
14250s you can do that two or three turns in a
14252s row you'll be in a fantastic spot but
14255s you know illusion still able to grab the
14258s board for the the forthcoming
14260s for foreseeable future hey there's some
14262s words that i understand
14264s and yep does get the philip fighter or
14267s filet fighter which one are you
14269s um to occupy the board you're probably a
14271s fisherman sorry
14273s ah
14274s see we're gonna have a discussion about
14276s this between the the bits and the rest
14278s of the cast over the next few days i can
14280s tell
14281s well i'm not overly bothered about it i
14283s can save phillip if it makes you feel
14285s better i can say philip if it makes you
14287s feel better let's just call it philip
14288s from now on i think that's where we're
14290s at with after today's broadcasts
14292s big thing about picking philip though is
14294s that illusion even prepped out just a
14296s gun fishing he's willing to just play
14298s for extreme tempo here in order to get
14301s the board and that means that both gun
14303s fishing have been used with smite still
14305s at the bottom so if he has any hope of
14308s seeing smite enter his hand for the rest
14310s of the game it should come from the uh
14312s swordfish being drawn at some point
14314s which is a big deal because if he does
14315s find swordfish then that smite gets
14317s buffed up to eight attack
14319s notice how lightning fast is we talk
14321s about it a lot with blaze but i have
14322s seen him again in some of those priest
14324s matches go reasonably slow
14327s while he's actually learning something
14328s new but with a deck that he's
14330s comfortable with he does not mess around
14332s he is playing at lightning speed
14333s actually to be fair so his illusion
14335s right now this one is rocketing along
14338s that's right i don't know if this is one
14339s of those cases of bly's forcing other
14341s players to match his pace or if illusion
14343s is just a naturally quick player himself
14345s but with blighs here this explosive trap
14348s is exactly what illusion did not want to
14350s see it is the nightmare and bear in mind
14353s blyze is running one copy of emergency
14355s maneuvers as well naturally in the deck
14357s so illusion can still hope that this is
14360s not explosive but if it is all his board
14363s development goes up in smoke
14365s i mean there's very little for these
14367s things to trade into anyway so just got
14370s to get it over with unless you're you're
14371s going to actually cook the last part of
14373s the quest and even then you might as
14374s well when else you're going to attack
14376s it's kind of what your deck does
14379s all right
14381s okay so my crabatoa and vessel
14384s um
14385s takes a krabatoa which i agree with
14387s smite is just not enough damage at this
14389s point blize is still very healthy at 19.
14392s um so he illusion just goes for more
14394s board development instead
14397s and the nets is going to allow him to
14399s complete and play tavish put a 7-7 on
14402s the board which gives him
14404s lethal over
14405s probably next turn depending on his
14407s pickup but with a viper available to
14409s cycle if needed for that lethal in a 7-7
14412s likely lethal next turn available two
14415s plies
14416s um
14418s not sure how likely if he gets quick
14420s shot or well furious hell i would say is
14422s probably just lethal but not many cards
14425s in his deck would afford him straight up
14426s lethal given that the crabatoa is ready
14429s to clear off the tavish body itself so
14431s we'll see from blyze here
14434s treasure guard
14437s probably start with
14440s you trade the viper i guess so look for
14442s that lethal
14445s pretty far off he is gonna go for board
14447s control first which i think is very
14450s reasonable
14453s yeah much harder next time because you
14454s only have the one draw so
14456s steps in back a little bit but how's
14458s illusion getting through this over the
14459s next couple of turns
14461s that'll help
14463s it's active oh
14466s the thing is they have an equal amount
14468s of attack so you can't just guaranteed
14469s steal the treasure guard and plundering
14472s the hand does nothing so it's either
14473s five cards from the deck or take a 50
14475s 50. but i kind of prefer the five cards
14477s from deck because now he just has tons
14478s of resources including
14481s be soccer tavish oh my
14484s yeah
14484s um
14486s whether he'll make the time to play it
14488s or just focus on the minions he actually
14489s already has is another question of
14491s course uh this is a whiff tracking it
14494s could be huge if he picks up furious
14496s howl he's still in business
14500s uh quick shot what is a draw right and
14503s it's just yeah i think he's played
14504s everything already yep
14508s lies is too fast for the spectator it
14510s looked like he was playing quick shot
14511s when he still had a card but nope that
14513s card was already in play quick shot for
14516s the draw
14517s just needs a okay that's lethal
14521s he's just been sat there for like
14523s 15 seconds well we've been watching the
14525s game and he finished ages ago he's
14527s already on to game number i know seven
14529s or eight or something
14530s and yeah levels up the scores um with an
14533s expected win against the vogue you saw
14535s kind of how it pans out there where it
14537s gets on the board stops that happening
14539s and then
14540s shoots you down
14541s uh looks a little bit touch and go with
14543s the
14544s the slightly less damage based hunt i
14546s would say just those extra couple of
14548s secrets and so on but
14550s easily got there in the end and now that
14552s rogue
14553s still around but it's got the easier
14554s jobs to do against the warrior and the
14557s druid
14559s is it easier against warrior i don't
14560s think it's easier against warrior i mean
14562s it's easier than it is against hunter
14564s whether it's favored is the big question
14566s of the tournament i think
14568s is it easier than it is i guess i mean
14570s like rogue just
14571s their board vessels against warrior and
14574s warrior has so much armor game like i
14576s the one asterisk i would put there is
14579s okay but hook tusk if you're facing a
14581s pure value based game then yoinking five
14583s cards from their deck could be a huge
14586s difference maker but it's highly
14587s dependent on which five you get because
14589s i feel that there are five that
14591s are plenty of combinations of five cards
14593s that warrior can lose and still be very
14595s much in the lead in the long run uh
14598s because yeah again no shadow step for
14600s illusion so you can't just play hook
14602s tusk over and over and try and win in
14603s fatigue so i feel like blice is still
14606s very much in the lead here
14607s got to admit yeah i'm actually on your
14609s side to some degree if i had to pick a
14611s side i would pick the warrior um but i
14614s also realized that a lot of people have
14616s brought vogue for this up so yeah i'm
14619s gonna try and give it a 50 50. does that
14621s say 51 percent in favor of the rogue at
14623s top 1000
14624s oh really
14626s but i mean top 1000 yeah i've been top
14628s 1000 many many times so
14631s is this a double shadow step list though
14633s uh let me look
14635s i mean it is not it's a no shadow
14639s statement oh really okay then just don't
14642s listen to me i don't know what i'm
14643s talking about then maybe that hook tusk
14645s is able to get enough work done with
14647s just five cards joint or maybe there's
14650s reliable odds that you can discover more
14652s of them from amalgam but in terms of
14654s just straight up damage i kind of
14657s struggle to think that the row can
14658s actually get there but we shall see it's
14661s not as though the warriors only win
14662s condition is to just outlast the damage
14664s as well they can very much get on board
14666s and fight back enyxian drake is just
14668s such an efficient removal tool and the
14671s taunt on it also makes it kind of a
14673s threatening minion on board and then of
14675s course you have the chance to go for
14677s from the depths into early nelly or
14679s akara and earlier nexia can very much
14681s close out games against rogue as well
14684s um an okay start fallujah because he has
14688s swordfish for no other reason than that
14690s but not a lot else going there obviously
14692s smite could be handy but he's got to
14694s fill out the gaps in the curve in the
14695s meantime also gia don't agree with me on
14698s anything in this tournament we're
14699s already in trouble for for mage
14704s saying that we thought that mage wasn't
14706s particularly great
14707s orange is on our case
14710s it's the cutlass from the dredge it's
14712s interesting because the dynamic duo of
14714s plague scientists and puffer fish were
14716s both at the bottom and
14718s there's only one copy of plague
14720s scientist in illusions decks so he is
14723s conceding the fact that there's a
14725s possibility that he will not see that
14727s plague scientist till very much later on
14731s but it's you know not super important
14733s against warrior i would say and if you
14736s do have scientists then you also need to
14738s have puffer fist for it to actually be
14740s super useful
14741s so it just takes another judger instead
14745s yeah interesting to see there as well
14746s that blize just straight up fired out
14749s uh the buckler at the start here just to
14751s buy himself some time he's got enough
14752s stuff going on that that time's okay
14756s um
14757s a lot of people hold on to that to try
14758s and combo it
14760s true um the buckler with shield shatter
14762s is one of the ways to get through even
14764s the stealth minions from vessel uh but
14767s blize here with that timing as it
14769s happens it manages to eat one extra
14771s armor than it usually does
14773s he only got minus four because of the
14775s attack break point on these swordfish
14778s not great choices on the replacement
14780s here because basically illusion's just
14782s been cycling out this third slot the
14784s pufferfish and plague scientists have
14785s always been there the third slot is now
14787s wicked stop which is far too early i
14789s would say to be effective so maybe it's
14792s a puffer fist to take
14794s it's a tough one right he's already got
14796s the smite for his direct damage um which
14798s obviously is a lot of damage sometimes
14800s uh taking um
14803s more direct damage when you're not
14804s occupying the board particularly well
14806s yeah it seems to be a little bit awkward
14808s with his hand he currently has he
14810s urgently needs some stuff to
14813s do but it's not a great overall turn
14816s from illusion because the rest of the
14818s man is just spent on dagger and blize is
14820s able to trade down either a vt or take
14823s down the 43 if he likes
14826s gold teacher is going to be the play
14828s here to get wow frozen buckler and
14830s shield block are both amazing choices
14832s but i do like shield block to get
14834s additional cycle and it goes super well
14836s with the onyxian drake doesn't even need
14838s to spend coin to get that activation
14843s illusion does have that puffer face now
14847s and
14848s yeah struggling to find exciting things
14850s to do wasting a manner here as well
14852s through no fault of his own particularly
14855s that's that's just not where you want to
14856s be given the discussion we had at the
14858s start
14859s i do like the line of trading off the
14861s viper but leaving up the school teacher
14863s recognizing that the school teacher is
14864s very likely just going to take the
14866s trades for illusion here and he has the
14869s krabatoa to follow up on board but the
14872s break point of five health on onyxia and
14874s drake is just a little bit awkward and
14876s even the nagaling is able to challenge
14878s one of the claws by itself
14881s yeah which is pretty ridiculous
14884s and
14885s illusion trying to create the illusion
14887s that he has a choice here
14890s i'm sure he does particularly
14892s nope don't think so either
14898s and so what's the best way to go about
14900s this turn
14903s you can stack your weapon yeah and then
14906s kill off the nagaling to refresh your
14908s weapon oh but these trades i need to
14910s look away so painful uh absolutely
14913s horrible looking yeah he had to do it
14915s but yeah i don't know but yeah
14919s all right here's nelly
14922s take a moment guys have a look at the
14923s card
14924s increments smite oh my gosh
14927s buffer fist wow
14930s incredible uh he could take tuskar
14932s trawler instead because he doesn't have
14934s a weapon at the moment
14935s but i just tend to look at the most
14937s expensive thing you can get from nelly
14939s to get the achievement you know 14 cost
14941s crew or more
14943s oh
14944s yeah i think i get these achievements
14946s just by accident and being bad at the
14947s games
14949s the two you've mentioned the nelly one
14950s and the get five mets i just i've
14953s already i know i've got them both
14955s already i didn't even try for them i
14956s just play so much and lose so much it's
14958s like i'll do this thing a million times
14960s until something fun happens oh
14961s achievement cool something fun happens
14963s right i can change deck now
14965s not quite pinned down what that
14966s expression was from vice shaking his
14968s finger like oh you're copying a beast
14970s not a pirate
14973s is there something in particular that
14975s was he was really hoping not to see or
14977s was he happy to see that the amalgam was
14979s on a beast i don't know
14981s what beasts exist these days i still
14984s haven't quite got damaged is this lethal
14986s this is probably what you thought right
14988s i just assumed it was 10
14992s 15
14993s 15. you counted the amalgam yeah yeah
14998s then yes
15001s i know you can play the brand first then
15002s you can get double charge
15005s [Laughter]
15007s charge fury
15009s judge feel me oh that's a captain
15013s but he doesn't have mana to play captain
15015s maul and puffer
15020s still the pick though i agree
15024s yeah yeah play all the big stats and
15025s then you can count if this is lethal and
15027s if it's not then you just take trades
15029s but it is legal exactly
15032s and blize is 2-1 ahead he was 1-0 down
15035s in no time at all for what we could tell
15037s because it was 1-0 when we got here and
15039s now and a blink of an eye he's 2-1 ahead
15043s and down to
15045s the problem
15046s the druid
15047s true bligh's fashion although i will say
15049s i am very much
15051s thrown off by the fact that liza's
15053s background is bright and not avoid
15057s oh yeah i watched european grand masters
15059s this is not how this works
15061s maybe he's trying something different so
15062s he can distinguish when he checks vods
15064s oh this was a grandmaster's game this
15066s was a
15067s i don't know a lighty masters tour game
15071s or maybe he's just won so much money now
15073s he can afford to oh he hasn't turned the
15074s electrical he's actually got a window
15076s yes
15077s he goes installed with all his winnings
15083s well maybe his spaceship is rotated to
15085s face the sun
15092s we will we'll ask him how's your
15093s spaceship doing blize he'll know exactly
15095s what we're talking about i'm sure
15097s right here's the ramp druid it is up
15098s against the warrior and the rogue um
15101s expected outcome
15103s lose to the rogue beat the warrior but
15105s we shall see
15108s yeah i mean i'm still thrown off by that
15110s warrior versus rogue stat maybe like i
15112s just have zero luck with rogue when i'm
15114s playing against warrior but uh
15116s we will see how it does against the
15119s druid very much a similar story i would
15122s say where you are expecting to get a
15124s head on board as the rogue early on
15126s but at some point the druid can clear
15129s and then they can gain a bunch of armor
15130s sounds like warrior the druid can't
15133s quite scam a turn eight victory or was
15135s it turned nine from blyze or something
15137s like that um
15138s with a nelly out of nowhere but they can
15141s definitely create huge board states with
15143s the giants with the nexia etc etc
15146s yeah they can't scammer victory gym but
15148s they can spam a victory double spammy
15151s arcanist in this deck from blyze and
15153s that could turn out to be a big deal
15155s going forward in the early game here
15157s with wild growth leading into it
15160s nice opening hand for bleis he did have
15162s the option to druid of the reef to get
15164s rid of philip but he's instead chosen
15168s coin hero power into moonlit guidance
15169s into wild growth which is still a decent
15171s curve i wonder if he's looking at the
15173s druid of the reef to be paired with the
15175s spammy arcanist to help make a board
15177s state that's a lot more um manageable
15180s with the spammy or he's just saving it
15182s for a minion with more health
15185s so many cut lie
15187s oh no
15188s and no spells discounted by them
15191s oh no swordfish and cuttlefish
15196s that's how that works out
15201s into blaze just infinite mana turn
15203s coming up soon it's not quite infinite
15205s but it feels infinite when you play
15207s against it
15211s rebooter just as a play next turn hook
15214s dusk is so far off from being playable
15217s oh yeah
15219s disaster
15221s yeah those trades into just cut those
15223s into cutlass into cutlass basically
15226s we're pretty grim to say the least
15232s okay can you get a vessel this time
15235s no
15236s no spells
15240s not even a gun fishing
15244s curious what blinds would do here
15246s there's some obvious looking plays druid
15248s yeah this
15251s that's himself a beast as well oh my
15253s gosh insta viper hello
15257s doesn't even get the last four damage
15260s have you noticed amalgams are just
15261s giving people exactly what they want
15262s today like we've had um a smite earlier
15266s on as well
15267s let's turn up from amalgam into amalgam
15269s as druid yeah it's just easy
15272s yeah
15274s don't even have to target a pirate to
15276s get smite you can just target an amalgam
15278s i mean it doesn't hurt but
15280s you know what i mean it's a private and
15282s many other things
15284s look at it
15286s legs it's good
15288s it's a horrible thing shark teeth
15290s whiskers dragon wing
15292s it is
15293s you know it's
15295s you see what you see is what you get
15297s uh illusion though has drawn puffer fist
15300s and plague scientists so he is able to
15303s clear almost any board only divine
15306s shields that could really stop him
15307s potentially from the ivous
15309s but otherwise he can come back but i
15312s don't think bizarre is going to over
15314s extend to the point where like if he
15316s does run into that combo he has no win
15318s conditions left just goes for the ramp
15320s with the nourish and is relying on his
15322s deck to provide him some further card
15324s draw and if not honestly
15326s i was wondering if he was going to go
15327s kazakus on earthen scales next turn but
15329s he's even playing the earthen scales
15331s right now on a viper full tempo
15334s yeah and ivis is there to buy a turn or
15336s two if needed
15340s all right
15341s [Music]
15343s going in with the clear right now uh
15346s does look a bit weak to scale of vinyxia
15348s but i think illusion is in a bad enough
15350s spot where he can't really afford to
15351s play around all of that i was gonna get
15354s rid of the puffer fist and then illusion
15357s has a very awkward spot where if he
15359s wants to draw with cutlass courier he
15360s needs to take 11. that's not something
15363s you can take it is just lethal next turn
15365s if he does yeah absolutely
15369s and he's feeling it
15371s he can't kill the 11 11.
15375s that's just a bad spot
15378s one mana pirate that can help i don't
15380s think there is one
15382s no
15385s okay
15386s so he's not dead on board but over a
15389s couple of turns very likely
15392s yeah can he even kill it next turn like
15394s is that a thing that's with smite but
15396s it's ugly
15398s it really is ugly
15399s and he can't kill the kazakhstan if you
15401s use the smite to kill that
15404s oh okay uh
15406s that's a big deal
15408s and send four damage in oh but he still
15411s has to face tank the kazakhstan to kill
15413s it
15415s ew
15417s you don't want to do that
15420s and because he has to face down
15422s kazakhstan and not the fourth tank oh
15425s wait yeah he can do it this order where
15427s it's all the two attack minions and the
15429s claw in and then oh
15434s yep
15435s works
15438s if you go
15439s for attack minion and then three two
15442s attack minions you can maintain one
15443s weapon charge at the end of the turn i
15445s think
15446s okay
15450s yeah because then you would swing once
15452s into the kazakhstan then the other claw
15454s goes in and you still have one claw
15456s weapon left but you still take the same
15458s amount of damage and it sucks
15460s not like this he's just gonna hit him
15462s three times eliza's gonna hit illusion
15464s just three times in the face and just
15466s put minions down that have to be dealt
15468s with just slow to slow illusion down
15470s yeah
15471s is that it is that how this comes to an
15473s end
15474s it very well could be it's not like
15476s blaze has any other burst
15479s oh no she literally has two turns to get
15482s this done that's a pretty good draw
15485s i mean this looks like a is it a lethal
15487s setup we'll see
15489s it must be with smite actually
15491s 20 on board 26 yes it is oh bly's cheers
15494s so he hits the scale so he lives
15498s against this board and he can weave in
15500s that hero power so it looks like it is
15502s going to be just hero power for lethal
15504s the next turn can not like this
15508s oh no just three hero powers for victory
15512s illusion needs to find a way out of this
15514s right now or it's going to be horrible
15516s that's not a taunt
15519s nope
15520s no i'm mal that's not a tool anything
15523s at least courier cannot draw a taunt
15525s there are no pirate taunts in the deck
15529s that's good
15530s quick
15534s that's just it it's just a hero power
15536s lethal
15537s no three turns in a row one damage from
15540s druid hero power is there anything this
15542s hero can't do
15545s i mean got value from spammy arcadis
15547s this game yeah it's just been chilly and
15549s last game earlier when um
15552s player got the board just with with the
15554s ramp druid and then had spammy which
15556s would blow his own board up it's not
15559s having a bad day as the spammy
15561s oh not meant to be
15563s huge win for blize goes up to five and
15565s one still very much within contention of
15568s making it the top 16 perhaps even his
15570s third ever masters tour win currently
15573s he's tied for most master sword wins
15575s with gabby and gabby is not playing
15577s anymore in this masters tour so blize
15579s could just take the record back for
15581s himself but for illusion kind of a rough
15583s way to go out that opening hand was
15586s depressing to say the least
15588s yeah it was really grim the rogue just
15590s not showing
15591s what people say it can do at the moment
15593s i'm sort of on team gear with this one
15595s but enough people have bought it we're
15597s seeing it at the four one bracket it
15599s must be doing quite well out there i
15600s thought i'd just give you a quick update
15602s as well while we're here um as we're in
15603s the field
15604s um
15605s that letter the viper 94
15608s abu gabu cursed wuben and face off are
15611s your six and oh players at this point um
15615s habu is the big name they're really
15617s looking for
15619s a couple more wins to get to seasonal
15621s champions and possibly last call gm as
15623s well and obviously letter sort of the
15625s biggest name up there at the moment
15626s former gm and looking to also get
15629s himself into the seasonal championship
15631s so it's shaping up nicely but the five
15632s and one crowd which i won't read out if
15635s you like them and they're not gabby
15637s they're five on one right now it's just
15638s everybody is five and one it's
15640s absolutely nutty down there in that uh
15642s five one bracket
15643s yeah that's right plenty of names that
15645s will be familiar to the viewers who have
15648s chosen throughout the grand masters and
15650s the master store system but that does
15652s mean we are officially halfway through
15654s the day
15657s yeah i'm just going to want to shout out
15658s an edgy boston on five one who has
15661s only sort of the last few master stores
15662s even started qualifying and has been
15664s doing progressively better had one or
15666s two mediocre ones i think but you're
15668s negative boston five and one name that i
15670s think people appreciate the shout out
15671s for uh but yeah there's millions of
15673s others in there as well just picking one
15675s out of the void there and like you say
15677s round six is an end gear uh that was
15679s quick
15681s i mean it was a bly series got what you
15683s pay for
15685s you absolutely do
15687s but i think round seven is on the way
15690s and as always you don't want to hear me
15692s waffling away you might want to listen
15693s to gia but you don't want to listen to
15694s me so let's get me off the screen and
15696s get on with round number seven
15699s here the masters tour
15701s [Music]
15751s oh
15753s ah
15755s [Music]
15773s [Music]
15789s [Applause]
15791s [Music]
15848s [Music]
15894s hello everyone and welcome back up for
15896s more hearthstone action here i'm raven
15898s and joining me is tj at regular size tj
15901s regular placed tj uh now this is just a
15905s troll subtle kind of uh style here from
15907s you mate um we do have another match up
15910s coming up for you guys it's gonna be
15911s round seven and it is the viper versus
15914s letter for this first match up on stream
15916s of this round tj
15918s yeah should be a good one uh viper94 i
15921s don't know too much about but obviously
15924s um
15925s you more so than me but i've watched a
15928s lot of it as i waited for america's
15930s grandmasters i've seen a good amount of
15931s him from uh europe grand masters uh and
15935s uh coming in with a pretty good
15937s i guess we can still call it a start to
15939s the matches tour
15941s everything but round eight is a start of
15943s the tour
15945s so has had a good start round date's the
15947s end tour
15949s and then round date yep ex exactly
15951s that's the end of the master's tour but
15953s yeah the the viper is a play obviously
15955s not to be confused with viper that
15958s you'll have seen in european grand
15959s masters and other tournaments you're
15961s obviously a finalist at the world
15962s championship
15963s as well but the viper although not as
15965s well known i imagine
15967s i think it's very well known within like
15968s the actual competitive players
15970s themselves because he has been grinding
15972s for quite a long time now i believe he
15974s qualified to this masters tour through a
15976s cup win rate or you know qualify a win
15979s rate uh i think it was you know 70 plus
15981s percent in there i think it was 18th or
15984s something around that number in the
15986s highest win rate across all the relevant
15988s amount of cups so again just solid
15990s performance just grinding out those cups
15992s and performing well in them so i'm
15994s excited to see him on stream and see
15995s what he can do uh but yeah letter
15997s obviously a previous european grand
16000s master and a player who i think is
16002s extremely good but just can't quite hit
16005s the level of consistency we have seen
16007s from the likes of yala um you know gabby
16010s as well of course and blys you know
16012s these kind of players that have been in
16014s european grand masters that you just see
16016s week in week out perform time and time
16019s again and letter i feel like runs really
16021s hot our runs really cold sometimes and
16023s look at this lineup tj letter's actually
16025s just decided to um go pretty much full
16028s aggro here i believe he um he he does
16031s like to play historically for example
16033s like jamming miracle priest before
16035s everyone else was at times and do
16038s definitely doing his own thing but it
16040s looks like he's kept it simple here and
16041s just said you know what full aggro
16043s lineup is the way to go and honestly i
16045s think it's the way i would have gone if
16046s i was submitting lineup for this
16048s tournament
16050s yeah it's sort of like uh
16052s you know the
16054s the tried and true strategy of an
16056s unsolved metagame right is just to bring
16058s aggro and punish people who may not have
16061s uh as well rounded of lineups
16064s um so i'm kind of in that boat as well
16066s and we're kind of seeing here the the
16068s quote-unquote standard lineup from the
16071s viper where you just bring the good
16072s decks right it's just the decks that
16075s have essentially the four highest win
16077s rates
16078s uh in a competitive setting
16080s um versus the aggro deck so we've
16082s actually seen this a few times now on
16084s stream
16085s is this uh sort of particular matchup
16088s and it does sort of hinge on
16090s um
16091s uh usually the druid right or whether or
16094s not
16095s the druid can get a win across
16098s because it does seem like the warriors
16099s well position except against the demon
16101s hunter as we found out right raven
16103s of course we're in this we're in the
16105s same boat on this one oh your favorite
16107s all the way
16108s um and so the druid does seem to be the
16110s weak point if there is one of this type
16112s of lineup when fighting against
16114s aggressive aggressive decks well i was
16116s saying earlier as well i think when i
16118s was there casting with gia earlier today
16119s that uh the the amount of times we see
16122s it not this druid the other druid the
16124s ramp druid i feel like every time we see
16127s it it's so often you know one of us or
16129s you know the casters are like oh you
16131s need to find scales to to you know
16133s stabilize with armor and i feel like
16135s that has almost become the key part of
16137s druid is finding scales to be able to
16140s just gain enough armor and like gain
16142s time to be able to do more of these sort
16144s of broken druid things but for now tj we
16146s are looking at a different type of druid
16147s there's gonna be the beast druid yet
16149s another version of this aggressive style
16152s i think now over the past 24 hours i've
16155s cast a version without bottom feeder but
16157s with them uh gardens and a few of these
16160s other tools we see here and then i've
16162s have cast versions with bottom feeder
16164s but with other buff cards that are not
16167s gardens so it definitely feels like
16168s right now and no one's really agreed
16171s upon the the 30-card list for truth oh i
16174s agree no
16175s yeah that the bistro um we even saw a
16178s crossroads watch post being put in from
16180s burrow in the initial match uh that we
16183s saw last round
16185s um obviously there's the core of
16187s of the
16189s token aggro beast
16192s dredge
16196s what's composting
16198s there you go there you go um
16200s but you know there's a ton of variation
16204s in what the the package is outside of
16206s that
16212s the place to remember
16215s okay
16217s a
16218s reasonable opening from letta just
16222s because had the guardians no dredge
16224s right now
16225s and uh that frost that matriarch is sort
16228s of stranded
16230s for the time being but there's a lot of
16231s hits
16232s in the deck
16234s and uh just having
16236s the gardens is
16239s good enough in itself for that early
16240s tempo and if judge of course is picked
16242s up
16243s then we're looking at you know that
16245s consistent buff of uh every minion
16247s that's going to be picked up
16249s uh from letta so
16250s um viper on the other hand
16253s the viper on the other hand does have
16255s outrider jacks but these minions are
16258s going to be sort of awkwardly shaped
16260s in the early game because of that guard
16262s that was played so rudder attacks
16265s may not be able to draw too many cards
16266s right now the viper
16268s considering going for uh frozen buckler
16271s plus shield slam here to try and kill
16274s this off um but instead it's just gonna
16276s armor up that frozen buckler could be a
16278s big deal
16279s when considering it in combination
16283s uh with the uh
16285s um
16286s shield shatter at a certain point once
16288s that's picked up
16293s but for now it's gonna keep going up the
16294s curb ooh
16297s um
16305s okay bottom feeder it is
16308s i guess when faced with a decision like
16310s that the card that you actively decide
16312s to put in your deck is usually a good
16314s discover option
16322s does have to decide if it's worth it
16323s it's also a beast
16324s could fit in on curve discount that
16326s matriarch
16327s looks like a pretty good curve as well
16329s for letta to actually get that matriarch
16331s down uh with the oracle balloon
16338s they're going to be able to summon uh
16339s double
16341s let me know
16343s yes i can that was really weird as you
16345s may have noticed my i could hear
16347s everything but my mic just stopped
16349s working for some reason that was really
16351s odd sorry tj i'm back
16354s oh man i didn't know what to do when i
16355s was when i'm trapped in my own thoughts
16357s like that
16358s you need someone to bail you out
16361s yeah with distractions right where are
16363s we up to now sorry tj i apologize for
16365s leaving you hanging there
16368s in swiss round number seven
16370s okay what game is this
16372s this is game number one of the initial
16375s match
16376s this is letta
16378s that's the viper they're my friends
16379s they're playing a match at hearthstone
16381s right now both at six and now
16383s thank you for that and uh i nearly got
16385s offended earlier when my mic stopped
16387s because i was talking and then you just
16389s started talking over me and i was like
16391s tj i'm talking here what's going on and
16393s then i realized uh you couldn't hear me
16395s so i forgive you
16399s thank you for forgiving me i thought i
16401s thought you were gonna something i
16402s didn't even know what i was doing still
16404s i forgive you tj it's okay i thought you
16407s were gonna stop replying to me then then
16408s just leave me hanging to for some
16410s payback so i was a bit scared
16413s you'd never do that
16415s so far though viper
16418s although being pressured a little bit
16419s with the weapon being able to draw off
16421s this he has the broad double shield slam
16423s and plenty of ways to gain armor and
16425s then very soon the follow-up of nelly as
16428s well to sort of
16429s actually potentially even win board this
16431s is looking already pretty rough a letter
16436s yeah but so much just raw power in the
16439s hand right now um just has to figure out
16441s how to get this composting in uh
16444s uh
16445s at some point you know to try and keep
16447s drawing make sure he has that reload
16450s from the depths from the knuckling is
16452s incredible could just do it again with a
16455s free from the depths next turn
16457s i wouldn't even hate that
16461s think about the uh um with those two
16464s other options i was just wondering
16466s because i think you would just love a
16467s shield chatter right now right i think
16469s that's the one card you would love to
16472s just have as an instant especially with
16473s the buckler in hand already an instant
16476s just no to pretty much any druid board
16479s that can be made from letter because i
16481s do think the uh at least at a glance way
16485s that viper will want to be able to take
16487s control this game is get a good board
16489s clear hope there's no sort of mega
16491s refill and then just play nelly on a
16494s relatively empty board and then try and
16496s then get to raid boss and nix here right
16498s i think if those two things are done
16500s there viper is you know likely to just
16502s take control the game and finish it
16504s yeah
16507s the letter does have what you want is
16508s the aggro druid right plenty of
16510s resources and then a constant in hand
16513s already to be able to just say yes i can
16515s build a board and have pretty much
16517s guaranteed refill at the same time
16520s yep
16523s this is what you want
16530s what essentially just
16532s dredge would be perfect right about now
16534s for letta just to make these things even
16536s bigger
16538s to find that guardians yeah
16541s it's going to go for pressure now
16544s uh first and foremost
16548s thinking about the trade
16551s okay okay wow
16554s this is taking it much slower than i
16556s expected him to uh to be quite honest
16559s um
16560s is there a big power spike that he's
16562s gonna be able to hit next turn
16564s like oracle
16566s pack mule that's five mana
16569s and then matriarch would be
16572s the first matriarch would be zero
16575s and the second matriarch would be zero
16577s and it could coin composting okay
16579s yeah i think that's the way right it's
16581s just trying to push chunks of damage
16583s without just dumping everything and
16585s saying okay i'm gonna get broad or
16586s shield chatted now right because if he
16588s just plays everything out even with the
16590s composting i think like you still don't
16592s want to just be cleared up with one card
16594s by viper um so i do think that just well
16597s at the moment he's winning it requires
16600s the weapon swing and the nargling to
16601s trade into just a pack mule and then if
16604s this 4-5 draws out a shield slam or
16606s something you just be like mom yeah
16608s that's okay it's just a four or five and
16610s it's you know pulled out a shield slime
16611s already like seems fine
16613s yeah
16616s mainly of course because he has the
16617s oracle frostsaber combo right which is
16619s only going to get more powerful
16625s oh yeah i like that i can't remember the
16627s name but it's a good card
16630s brute
16631s yeah oh of course how could i forget
16633s another brew added to the game
16636s pretty sure it's some variation of brute
16638s black scale brute i think
16641s yeah
16642s or black scale naga that summons a brute
16644s it might summon a brute
16646s black scale naga brute
16649s maybe we're running out of space on the
16650s card now
16652s no because look at nelly's name
16655s ah that's true
16656s the text is tiny
16658s the letters will just get small enough
16660s to matchy camera size tj yeah
16663s just keep getting smaller two fits
16669s and yeah it looks like this is the turn
16671s now letter will easily have the man if
16673s he wants to stop here and just go
16674s composting and then still hold on to
16676s more resources has a guaranteed amalgam
16678s target next turn with the help of that
16680s patentee or the dire frost wolf as well
16683s oh yeah oh excuse me for some reason i
16685s thought the dire frost was the second
16688s oh it's the summon the two two stealths
16690s right it's someone's yeah yeah yeah i
16691s just looked at the arc quickly and uh
16696s what you said wasn't wrong though and
16698s that's why i didn't question it you said
16700s the first one will be zero man one one
16702s would be zero mana and that's true
16705s yeah yeah
16707s technically correct but
16710s i wonder now though especially with the
16712s coin
16713s i would argue the coin feels relatively
16715s unneeded at this point in the game for
16717s letter i wonder if finley is going to
16719s get played because he has already played
16721s the gardens right
16723s oh yeah
16726s and uh he had a bottom feeder that died
16729s oh okay yeah apologies this is why i was
16730s fighting with my mic i must have missed
16732s a few things but yeah the finley doesn't
16734s seem terrible it would be a finley for a
16737s minimum of five cards right if you chose
16739s to play nothing beforehand yep
16743s and a huge payoff as well for it uh
16745s being able to get a ton of stats
16748s um
16750s huh
16757s you'll know shield shots are right it's
16758s such a big deal
16764s oh he's just got to slam one and that's
16766s it oh no
16768s jake oh sound the alarm
16771s whew
16772s there we go back pack mule police
16776s please play finley please play finley
16782s he could even like i think happily play
16785s the amalgam at a bare minimum because it
16787s replaces itself in hand right so you
16789s either discover something you want to
16791s play or you still get to finley the same
16793s amount of cards
16795s yeah he's going to go for it though
16799s yeah
16801s another buffalo
16802s okay
16805s oh gardens are oh home gardens garden
16812s and i forgot
16813s i just didn't think about the double
16815s spinning finley
16818s oh that's funny
16820s not in sync though
16828s this is actually insane
16831s yeah
16832s i think
16833s our shower in gardens is has been
16836s underwhelming at least from what we've
16837s seen on stream but right now you see the
16840s power of it right like look how big all
16842s of these minions are it pretty much will
16845s simply require a brawl from viper and
16847s then that's what five more card trolls
16851s yeah and there's already car troll on
16853s the uh
16855s uh the matriarch still
16858s that's six loaded up on the board right
16862s though and there's another gardens
16864s obviously at the bottom of the deck but
16866s still if there's another way to fish for
16868s that
16870s what's that seven 7-6 school teacher
16874s the card was overstated as it was
16878s why does it need more another aquatic
16880s form so we can do gardens again
16884s not this turn of course but
16888s oh yeah this turn
16889s this is his next turn
16891s yeah this turn is piper's turn
16899s he's going to finley himself he has
16900s played uh
16902s into the deep right so he will have i
16904s think at least a couple of reduced cards
16906s here
16912s does pick up heavy plate shield shatter
16916s uh which with the discount uh
16918s from the depths
16920s uh is just enough even without armor
16922s black scale brew i think you picked
16924s there because that is huge zero mana
16926s outrider x and then brute next turn
16928s that's a lot of stats on board to at
16929s least try oh yeah and keep up with what
16931s letter we'll want to do oh nice plus one
16934s murloc warrior
16942s this is just an absurd
16944s amount of stats anybody
16947s uh he he pulled the last gardens out
16949s right
16950s so he doesn't have any more
16953s didn't he
16954s didn't he play in natural gardens last
16956s turn
16958s yeah but then he got it immediately
16961s okay we went off okay so yeah that's
16964s fair enough then
16965s i thought he
16967s yeah maybe he did i'm losing track of
16968s everything all these dredges are
16970s confusing my little brain
16976s also we call both of them gardens the
16979s initial one and the second
16982s so
16983s i think it's our fault in hindsight
16985s might not have been the best idea
16988s it's gonna guard it
16993s one man absolutely
16994s unit
17003s he is out of composting now so
17007s now with these is what he's got but this
17010s feels like enough because he's almost at
17011s the bottom of his deck already and
17013s suddenly just a shield chatter does not
17016s quite feel good enough if this is one
17018s wave of what you expect to just be
17021s endless right because to an extent these
17023s bottom feeders are endless right because
17025s they keep just death rattling into more
17028s yeah
17031s i have to go for the shield shatter
17034s and they kill most things then he has
17036s the black scale and the outrider x yeah
17038s just black scale bru perfect
17044s with six from a bottom feeder
17046s and then there's just air
17049s aquatic forming to a bottom feeder again
17053s he wants it
17063s he's not close is he close to kazakhstan
17065s being active he's played double in
17066s balcom
17067s he shuffled the raid bossa nixia back in
17070s with finley so that's on the bottom
17072s somewhere
17073s yeah
17076s all the bottom feeders
17082s oh my even viper's chocolate's like oh
17085s no i'm gonna get overrun by fish you're
17088s not gonna oracle this
17092s hey what do you mean
17093s oh it's oracle's on the board yeah he
17095s has two
17097s it's a four six i got confused he
17099s moonlit the oracle right
17101s yeah yeah but it was just buffed so i'm
17103s used to seeing it as a two-fourth
17106s my brain didn't register it
17109s acorns in the deck too
17111s if if letter wants them of course
17114s well if they die it's just a 5'4
17116s squirrel
17120s the animals are taking over
17126s [Music]
17136s one
17137s manor
17138s gorlok ravage attack does not seem so
17141s cool right now does it
17143s nope
17146s he's not played mutants right
17148s at least a letter buff in his hand with
17150s these big these big bomb feeders might
17153s feed a mutant
17155s yeah
17156s that's the smallest silver lining you'll
17158s ever see you already played both
17161s amalgams
17164s and finley
17167s viper
17169s yeah
17171s definitely played at least one amalgam
17173s and he has played finley
17175s has he got the naga brute right off the
17177s amalgam oh no
17190s that is just like okay
17191s we go again
17196s just a million stats we can't even see
17199s the numbers but i know they're just big
17202s let's go with oracle again because he
17204s did moonlit guidance and got the oracle
17206s he obviously like gained an additional
17207s one yeah what's this knuckling again
17210s well
17211s i don't know whatever just give
17213s everything loads of stats probably with
17214s the way this game's going
17222s let her just dump in the dire frost wolf
17225s has the death rattle of course as well
17227s gonna be extremely difficult
17230s for viper to deal with ricara doesn't do
17233s it mutinus doesn't do it
17235s right now even eat a one one
17244s forest animals have risen up tj
17247s what does it even have to be here like
17251s he only runs one doesn't he
17253s yeah one brawl oh yeah you're right
17257s and also uh something that is pretty
17259s important about this list here from the
17260s viper he doesn't not that it would
17263s matter now but not running rankle at all
17265s either
17266s we're definitely more prepared for the
17268s uh you know potential anti-druid style
17271s as opposed to just having their
17272s anti-aggro tools in there
17274s but yeah big win there for letter and
17276s that looked
17277s disgusting is my honest word i'm gonna
17279s use tj because that was the other side
17282s of of this kind of beast or aggro druid
17284s where it feels like it's it can play the
17287s the early game where yeah you play one
17289s drop on one two drop on two and so on
17291s but if that doesn't work especially with
17293s the list letters bring in you can play
17295s the late game right and it just feels
17297s endless
17299s yeah it
17301s like the only issue that i would have
17303s seen if that had gone on for a couple
17305s more turns is
17307s um
17308s letta was essentially out of ways to
17310s like fetch those bottom feeders right uh
17313s the big ones
17315s um and still had a good amount of cards
17317s to actually get through
17319s uh before he reached the bottom of the
17321s deck i did have the school teacher in
17323s the noggling still to find you know
17325s something
17326s uh to be able to get it done
17328s but at that point when you're just
17330s forcing your opponent to have massive
17332s removal every single turn like just
17335s getting through that many waves
17337s by itself was difficult for the viper so
17340s that it was just able to get there
17342s and also as well warriors just not
17343s really built for that right now even
17345s though yes we you know we call it
17347s control warrior it's it feels more like
17349s value warrior at this point it's running
17351s kazakhstan it's got nelly in there it's
17353s got the mutinous sometimes you know with
17355s bran and stuff like that like there's so
17357s much value generation in there it it has
17360s to be swapped out for something and i
17362s think a lot of it is the removal tools
17363s when we talk about control warrior
17365s running zero renko and one brawl uh yeah
17368s there's the double shield chatter of
17370s course but it's not quite stacking all
17372s of the removable air removal available
17374s to it is it so it is going to suffer
17376s just a little bit so a great start there
17378s for letter and then again just yet
17381s another b struid version to take a look
17383s at and honestly that looked like the
17384s most convincing one i've seen so far but
17387s of course it was a it seemed to be a
17389s decent match up in the way the game went
17390s made it look convincing but for now tj
17393s we are jumping over to a good old naga
17395s demon hunter and one of if not the just
17398s strictly most powerful deck in the game
17400s right now
17402s yeah
17403s uh second best deck would have to be the
17406s fell
17407s version of
17408s this deck
17409s um pretty standard build there's the man
17412s crick in there which not every player uh
17415s is is uh
17416s including in the list um
17419s but i i just like man crick uh just has
17422s like that super high upside
17424s and
17426s um
17428s no
17430s what is this oh no what is it the battle
17433s fiend i've seen some players play
17435s playing battlefield as well
17437s um
17438s which to be quite honest it does give
17441s you that early game punch
17443s but um when you pull it from drexar it
17446s doesn't give you that immediate power
17449s uh that you usually look for
17451s yeah with playing director
17453s i saw a list i i can't remember the name
17455s of the card which is stupid because it's
17457s the list i've been playing recently but
17458s it's the one mana spell that summons the
17460s one ones have you seen that
17463s and they played that instead because uh
17465s director it doesn't mess or reduce the
17467s power of eureka but it's a one mana
17470s summon two one ones on turn one if you
17472s want it especially in the mirror and
17473s then later it you know gets better right
17475s so
17476s it's that was that was a pretty
17478s interesting tech that i saw that i quite
17480s liked the look of because you're not
17482s pulling a one mana one two or you know a
17484s one one uh from your director if you get
17486s to play it early it's like a one drop
17488s without being a one drop kind of play
17494s i'm gonna be against warrior again and
17496s as we know extremely demon hunter
17498s favorite
17499s uh
17501s it can't keep happening
17503s oh i'm here tj i feel like it's gonna
17505s happen
17507s i mean letter has the right opening look
17509s at this the one drop two drops with the
17511s weapon he has coin curtis if he wants or
17514s needs it and then spectral sight to
17517s refill once he like moves through that
17519s side of the hand and the curtains as
17521s well early enough in a matchup like this
17523s is huge right because that stacking plus
17525s two attack damage and with the hero
17527s power is
17529s huge yeah oh
17532s and i'm coining out this multi-strike
17534s every day
17535s army is too good isn't it
17537s it is fantastic
17540s what's filthy about this decklist right
17542s now it feels like is almost impossible
17545s to actually just have a bad draw because
17547s there's so many good cards packed into
17550s such a short and mana curve that like
17553s everything just works it all just fits
17555s together
17556s yeah
17557s like in the combo quote-unquote combo
17560s with steno is
17562s just naturally playing the spells that
17564s you'd want to play in the deck anyway
17568s um
17569s and so
17569s you know even having that in your hand
17571s even like going with steno early on and
17573s just putting on that pressure
17575s can sometimes be
17576s just good so and
17579s and again i'll just remind you that i
17580s mentioned last game but the viper isn't
17583s running rancor so normally i think with
17585s this card here from letter um the uh uh
17588s battle one vanguard
17590s i always pause when i play it early
17592s against warrior like leading up to their
17594s turn four but letter knows he doesn't
17597s need to worry there's no rank or punish
17599s at all so uh he does well i yeah there's
17601s no rank or punish at all so he just does
17603s have to just yeah go full aggression
17606s here not playing jack far on curve
17608s though
17609s i guess noggling rancor
17612s would be punished
17617s oh yeah no you're right yeah so it can't
17619s that's why i apologize like wait a
17620s minute he plays school teacher wait a
17622s minute
17623s or more or less sorry yeah
17627s it does feel like schoolteacher just
17629s makes nargling get any spell you want in
17631s the game
17632s with the power level of that card though
17634s yeah
17636s look at that you could just get rancor
17638s and brawls
17640s yeah um and i think this is why he held
17642s on the director last turn um because
17644s this is sort of a less powerful load
17647s um
17648s and now he can
17650s bait out the removal
17652s and
17653s then play for it
17655s and the curve fits because this also
17656s allows very cleanly letter to just keep
17659s adding to the curtis rush minions and
17661s don't get me wrong a lot of the time
17663s against warrior the rush minions either
17665s survive and hit phase which is nice but
17667s most of the time they do get cleaned up
17670s on the warriors turn but still why not
17672s make a smooth curve and make them as
17674s threatening as possible
17676s yeah
17679s and it just opens up spectral chaos
17681s strike chaos strike it's like so much
17685s damage
17686s it is the goods
17688s uh the viper getting through it quite
17690s well um but to take a lot of damage
17693s in this early game so
17695s uh is voting around that 20 health mark
17698s uh at the moment
17701s i wonder if let's actually gonna wait
17704s for curtis
17705s yeah he could just like battle swan
17707s you know naga hero power whatever
17710s build the ball he's just seen shield
17711s chatter right so
17713s okay we go again sure because the
17715s problem with weight uh with playing
17717s curtis now you don't get to hear a power
17719s phase for two right so if he does it
17721s this way he's pushing damage every
17724s single turn
17731s big choices here though this
17733s might be the time to just
17735s play nelly and just say it's going to be
17738s enough
17742s don't think committing shield slams to
17744s these minions is a way to win at this
17746s point from viper
17747s no
17750s um
17752s what's the other option it's a lot of
17755s damage to leave on board you could go
17757s like brand school teacher
17761s but then it's past you don't get to play
17763s the nagalings
17764s no but you can set up for a powerful
17767s turn next turn
17769s you'd essentially be looking for
17774s what would you even be looking for yeah
17775s i don't know
17777s honestly shield blocks or something you
17780s know what i mean like yeah she'll block
17782s it's just armor and card draw to get
17784s more removal i suppose he's gonna go for
17786s ricara though which is a substantial
17788s amount of armor which is nice gets the
17790s weapon online start killing off these
17792s minions but again it's just
17794s now this it's just harder and harder for
17797s viper to gain armor because even
17798s stacking a bit from the hero power won't
17800s be enough so it's going to be quite
17802s reliant i would say on just that 10
17804s armor for the majority of the game
17807s yeah
17812s tj it's just so much damage it's a
17814s simple weapon but it gets the job done
17818s and i like how he's he's holding on to
17820s this curtis
17821s um because he he's putting on enough
17825s pressure by
17826s like by itself with the minions
17828s and then if he can play curtis with
17830s eight nine mana and actually be able to
17832s attack with minions on the same turn
17833s he's just netting more damage
17835s so anybody i like the lot and again i
17838s think the complete lack of fear from a
17841s renko is huge in this plan right like
17844s because again this board just would give
17846s viper a lot of armor but doesn't have to
17848s worry about it i think that was provoked
17850s on the nargling there
17853s okay
17854s a little bit unfortunate for the viper
17856s that he does not have a coin because a
17858s raid boss inixia plus provoke is always
17860s a nice combo
17862s yeah this still cleans up uh a good
17865s chunk of the board just leaving the one
17866s one up
17868s but i do think this is the situation
17870s that um vladim was looking for to
17872s actually play curtris
17874s because gets to net a little bit more
17875s damage with it actually gets the max
17878s from it because we'll also
17880s be able to fit in
17883s um
17885s here apart from the rush
17888s yeah he would have got two hero powers
17889s anyway but he does get to clear right
17891s because the woman lived he could always
17893s hear a power attack face hero power but
17895s this just allows him to push that little
17897s bit more damage so and it all stacks up
17899s you can see how important uh letter has
17902s has shown that just this constant
17904s pushing of damage don't let uh you know
17906s the viper gain like you know 20 30 plus
17908s armor at any given time
17910s yeah
17913s now like
17914s the second
17916s that lady slitheno is drawn
17919s things are gonna happen tj i imagine
17921s soon it's going to be bone glazed for
17923s letter to start pushing and get the
17925s dredge and then you look at like ladies
17928s atheno fell barrage fell barrage
17930s multi-strike chaos strike and the damage
17933s gets so absurd
17938s it's happening again isn't it raven
17942s i hope so
17943s i hope i have we seen i i'll confess
17946s i've not because i've been taking some
17948s breaks we haven't we haven't we haven't
17950s seen warrior winning this match up on
17951s stream it's not been on stream right
17953s yeah okay i didn't think it would but i
17955s didn't want to say we definitely haven't
17956s because i've not watched every single
17958s game
17961s but not that i've seen tj everyone
17963s laughed at me and now they're wrong
17977s i think this is worth a uh fel barrage
17979s here tj just to get rid of the school
17981s teacher and just keep pushing
17984s uh probably god look at the damage still
17987s left in the deck
17988s yeah still missing the steno but yeah
17991s still double like that that's just all
17994s damage and it's all just
17996s uh i guess he knows those are on the
17998s bottom of the deck though which is
18000s yeah
18001s with the double spectral
18003s chaos stripe that's his deck
18005s yeah he's drawn everything and i i do
18007s like this because i think this one one
18009s is actually a giant pain for viper you
18011s probably will have to just hero power it
18013s right
18014s oh is that frozen buckle on the nargling
18016s with bran
18017s okay uh yes
18019s okay
18023s i for now gonna fish for a
18031s oh is he gonna solo the knuckling
18035s we spoke too soon
18037s oh
18038s it's okay the way you think about this
18041s letter is the more times he plays frozen
18043s butler the more versions of
18046s the armory
18047s loses he's gonna lose 15 armor oh no 20
18052s armor
18054s or the 10 mana fury though i still think
18056s letter can get through this that's how
18058s the amount of damage is i don't think he
18060s can anymore
18061s faith
18062s he essentially gained 25 life that turn
18066s oh he gets liteno though that basically
18068s clears the ball that's right
18070s i mean he doesn't have to play this
18072s thing so you have puffer
18075s but know ever
18082s wait
18086s what then i'll ever bet if he goes back
18087s to sotheno fury fury multi-strike and
18090s then fell barrage at the end
18096s i mean you can't now because he played
18097s chaos strike but i think that was a lot
18100s of attacks
18108s certainly not enough and i don't think
18109s he really wants to
18111s sink
18113s damage until he knows exactly how much
18116s he's gonna need
18118s and also
18119s in the world where you can do 47 he
18122s won't need to deal 47 right because of
18124s the the bug
18131s a good enough job there clearing up the
18133s majority
18135s yeah and i do think he needed to kill
18137s the brand because he knows that there's
18138s still one oh my gosh
18140s all right
18141s that's me i told you i told you the more
18144s the more frozen buckler gets played the
18146s more armor they lose next turn that's
18148s the mindset you need in this game is
18150s letter
18152s oh no mutinous
18154s there's only three cards left in deck
18156s lady steno is
18160s all of them right it's prediction
18162s prediction
18165s oh i don't know the last card i'll be
18167s honest
18169s yeah
18171s i'm not gonna go for it though
18174s because he doesn't play the
18177s no he doesn't play the treasure guards
18179s oh my
18181s look at what they have to do to mimic a
18184s fraction of demon hunter's power it's
18188s a hundred frozen bucklers
18191s oh there was a treasure guard
18195s yeah
18196s yeah i don't think he has enough damage
18198s to get there now
18199s unless he can get
18202s that's one way to find out tj play all
18204s of your cards
18207s so probably has to perdition the the
18209s five health minions right
18213s to make oh because i think he needs to
18215s no i can't do this but this cleans up
18217s the the
18219s he needs to swing face so he has to do
18221s this right so uh
18223s zlatano will kill off the two taunts
18226s yeah
18229s a bit painful and and you know you see
18230s how much damage has effectively been
18233s missed not due to letters fault of
18235s course but there but just due down which
18237s he has to put through there and the
18239s viper
18240s pains me to say gets a win with the
18242s warrior but wow did he have to work for
18245s it tj what was that like five or six
18248s frozen bucklers played that game
18250s effectively from the narglings and the
18252s natural ones
18253s well yeah he had one natural one and
18255s then essentially had five from the
18258s nagalangs because it was uh
18260s um
18262s two played that were brand
18264s and then uh
18266s one played that was not brand uh because
18268s the brand had died at that point so
18271s 25 what like
18274s net armor
18276s um after everything's said and done so
18280s quite insane
18282s and
18283s you know that is the weakness of demon
18285s hunter is that they do have what five
18287s frozen booklets
18290s exactly yeah five frozen bucklers is the
18292s weakness yeah that's all you have to do
18294s guys easy win now um yeah so it's um
18297s it's definitely tough there to to get
18299s through that much health but i do think
18301s you know the viper clearly were one he
18303s made those choices right he picked the
18305s zola up as well off the discover which
18307s was absolutely huge allowed him to get
18309s more of those frozen booklet narglings
18312s and uh he he grabbed himself a win there
18314s big win as well with that warrior as he
18316s only has hunter and druid left to go up
18317s against demon unto and rogue and as
18320s suddenly i think uh the the matchups get
18323s a little bit more questionable i think
18325s as you mentioned right at the start tj i
18327s feel like it's gonna come down to
18329s whether the druid can win for the viper
18332s yeah that's
18334s sort of what we talked about um
18336s hunter
18338s could have a tough time uh but i think
18341s you know when you're talking about these
18342s sort of board-based aggressive decks um
18346s it's
18347s it
18348s that's kind of where quest hunter shines
18350s um especially since the board-based
18352s decks right now
18354s are
18355s aren't quite at the power level as like
18357s the hyper aggregates that we saw sort of
18359s at the end of rotation
18361s um in the previous set uh they can't
18363s just race you and and blaze past you
18365s demon hunter to an extent
18367s um but it requires them to have like the
18369s lady steno uh very early on into the
18372s game in order to be able to do that so
18375s um we'll see uh the viper's gonna go
18377s ahead and play the druid now
18379s taking a look at it does have the double
18381s doomsayer
18383s uh no spamming arcanist
18387s quite a lot of cheap cards to be honest
18390s um yeah with the
18392s uh you know druid of the wreath
18395s brief
18396s wreath what is this christmas
18398s um
18400s just leaked the december expansion card
18403s tj
18404s he had the trick of the wreath
18407s it's the same exact card it just
18409s a christmas themed
18412s yeah
18413s um but yeah the double doomsayer as well
18416s as the uh the druids of the reefs of
18419s course
18420s are gonna be what viper's probably
18422s relying on at least early on we've seen
18424s the power already during this tournament
18425s of just uh dropping down like double
18427s doomsayer and telling your opponent yeah
18429s just put 14 into this if you want to
18431s keep your board like that gives the
18433s druid generally so much more time to get
18436s to that ramp to get to goff and to get
18438s to their mainly scale of an ix here as
18440s well i think that's the always the key
18441s card you've got to look out for when
18442s you're fighting back against a at least
18445s potentially board-based aggro deck
18448s yeah
18449s oh is that i know are you at the top
18451s there tj
18454s it's a lot of ramp and lettuce hand is
18456s not fantastic
18457s at the moment
18459s multi-strike doesn't really make much
18460s better this is one of those matchups
18461s where you just want to have
18464s minions
18465s in the early game
18470s yeah
18472s just some here powers
18474s juice up that curtress
18483s moonlight not too
18485s bad could use it to go fishing for uh
18488s some kind of anti-aggro tool but it's
18490s going to use the coin up instead to go
18492s for that wild growth
18494s gives him a little bit more freedom and
18496s options next to him
18499s yeah also has the uh possibility to pick
18501s up an innervate which would let him
18503s nourish
18505s to keep that ramp going
18508s that's going to play a 1-5 on turn three
18511s i mean i don't blame him i think it's
18513s correct but it still hurts to see
18520s yellow
18524s i want some crystals
18526s give me them crystals
18529s give me
18531s give me give me man
18534s not looking too bad i imagine he's gonna
18536s ramp first of course it's generally the
18538s go-to gonna followed up with that
18539s moonlit guidance as well
18543s at this stage oh well
18546s good
18548s that seems good
18551s it got
18554s i think like
18557s oh
18558s i've talked a bit about urgent scales
18560s and how important it's been but i think
18561s with this extremely slow opening from
18564s letter i think the viper should just be
18566s super happy and just pick up guff while
18568s he can and get it active there's
18570s currently just a one five on the board
18574s is everything about
18576s raid boss and nyxia
18578s surely not you ramp for crystals again
18581s next turn and then you play raid boss
18583s onyxia then you follow that up with a
18585s miracle growth
18587s but the taunt would be so small from the
18589s miracle growth right
18592s the viper that is
18593s the unhappiest i've seen at anyone
18597s when they've been offered guff
18599s i know
18603s i think the problem with relying on raid
18605s boss is the card we've just seen hit the
18606s board now which is the airport for fifth
18608s strike like it just deals with all of
18610s the two twos and then like demon until
18612s more than has the ability to deal with
18613s it and 88 on the board
18617s this is just gas
18621s from the viper he's got everything he
18623s needs
18626s okay who does letter he has bone glaive
18630s bone glaive and now curtris um
18636s and just straight burn
18641s puffer fist
18643s yeah he's probably ready for a um a
18645s scale of iniquity or a
18648s raid boss and it's here right just wants
18650s to guarantee that he can just sweep
18653s oh yeah away the two ones
18660s uh the scale here does make the naga
18663s giant cheaper
18666s playable this turn is off
18670s yeah true
18673s but it would be an 88 and an 80. they
18675s would literally be nearly the exact same
18677s thing
18679s except this 88 is immune
18690s so there is well the
18693s buffer fist multi-strike
18698s looks at a glance decent
18715s but also let's i'm just going to throw
18717s this out there tj
18719s let it just go's face
18727s it's going to forgo the multi strike and
18729s just leave
18732s yeah
18733s because he could have multi-strike
18734s instead right and actually killed the
18736s onixi this turn as well but yeah he's
18738s choosing to leave it
18742s multi-strike
18744s especially later on combined with like
18747s the dread prison glaive can be
18750s massive amounts of damage if you can get
18751s the honorable kill
18753s and go face
18754s yeah
18757s but this is a ton of pressure oh my gosh
18761s oh my gosh
18772s those are five fours
18776s it's just nothing right
18779s yeah yeah just dead is curtis we're only
18782s on fives as well so if he played
18785s commentaries it would have killed a99
18789s left yeah with casual three eights on
18792s the board alive
18794s technically but
18796s what they have done you know done enough
18798s right yeah yeah okay the viper
18802s getting a win with the druid against the
18804s demon hunter as well so
18806s uh honestly for me i think the viper's
18808s gonna be feeling very confident not only
18810s because he's too one-open well yeah you
18812s probably feel more confident because of
18814s that but because he just has quest
18816s hunter now against this demon hunter
18818s which again is you know winnable match
18820s up for the hunter
18822s just the hunter there you go um and then
18824s versus the rogue as well i mean i we saw
18826s it win on stream earlier on and i do
18828s think the rogue is a very or fairly
18830s predictable deck i think as usual you're
18833s afraid of the stealth
18836s from the rogue but other than that i
18837s think quest hunter is more than capable
18840s of just dealing with
18841s pretty much all the minions that rogue
18843s has to offer
18845s yes
18848s rogue has um seemed good at times uh
18852s in the
18853s uh times that we've seen it
18855s over the course of the weekend but it's
18857s also felt pretty lackluster
18860s as well um where sometimes you look at
18862s certain hands and you're like
18864s this is an aggro deck
18867s just not really doing much
18869s um
18871s i think a lot of it relies on just for
18873s me at least from when i've played and
18874s played against like prep vessel and with
18878s then you know the follow-up of some kind
18880s of dredge
18881s feels great and that's where it's strong
18883s anything other than that it just feels
18886s like a aggro deck that is almost too
18888s fair right at least in my experience
18892s yeah um like if you can if you coin prep
18895s vessel into swordfish
18898s um like you're cooking
18901s uh
18903s that's quite the combination
18905s and also just like you know krabatoa in
18908s a vacuum is powerful uh hook tusk
18911s can be incredibly potent
18914s um
18915s uh especially with the
18918s in in two scenarios and
18920s taking a minion and
18921s uh taking cards from your opponent's
18923s hand
18924s um haven't seen the
18926s take cards from your opponent's deck as
18927s much
18929s but um
18931s there there are certain synergies that
18932s work really well together
18935s but the whole deck in itself
18938s is not like one big ball of synergy
18941s there's little bits of synergy
18943s packed in here or there
18945s um
18946s it doesn't quite feel as cohesive as d
18948s minor i guess is what i'm trying to say
18950s yeah when i was saying earlier where it
18951s feels like every opening hand or at
18954s least most of the time you feel good as
18956s demon hunter that is definitely not the
18958s case with this pirate rogue at all uh
18961s yeah of course there'll be mulligan in
18962s for for more of the uh the on curve
18964s plays but yeah sometimes you just get
18967s you know krabatoa and you're opening
18969s hand mutinous for example in this list
18971s as well uh even the uh asheran vessel
18975s without a prep is a very slow card like
18978s playing that without prep against say
18980s quest hunter feels like you've just
18983s played five mana pass a turn do nothing
18985s right because it's not as if the quest
18987s hunter can even interact with the the
18989s stealth minions so it's not as if you
18992s say okay well if i play these they might
18994s use damage on the minions instead and i
18996s buy me the time i need well no that
18998s cannot happen so we'll have to see i do
19001s think the pressure is definitely on
19002s letter here though and he uh of course
19005s has to get a win with this to carry on
19007s with the series and hopefully he can go
19008s to that 7-0 victory
19015s yeah and this makes sense right like let
19017s even keeping prep in a deck that does
19019s not run that many spells
19024s nope
19026s it's
19028s vessel
19030s and gone fishing
19032s which is a one minute spell by the way
19035s yeah
19037s uh
19038s oh and shadow steps but
19040s yeah which is a zero mana spell by the
19043s way
19044s the old prep step
19050s he does have a
19052s decent opening hand especially because
19053s he's on the coin you can coin out
19054s swordfish and then follow up from there
19059s ooh
19063s i hate making calls like this when i'm
19065s playing hunter me and like turn to do
19068s you want beast okay tavis or not well i
19070s don't know yet can you come back later
19071s and ask you know that's all i think so i
19074s might not need tavis
19075s [Music]
19078s he's just working out like how the quest
19080s progress is gonna work
19082s um
19086s because you want tavish like
19088s right at the second quest completion
19090s mark
19096s does pick it however i mean he does have
19099s the
19104s oh my god treasure guard
19107s yeah i want to say terror guard but does
19109s have the treasure guard
19111s and leather's just going to get the uh
19113s swordfish rolling here
19115s that face okay no he didn't whip on
19117s pirates ooh vessel but it means that
19121s his swordfish
19122s but he does get such a tiny beak
19127s he does get to prep vessel which is the
19130s whole reason
19131s he kept prep
19133s right
19134s yeah but then he doesn't have a dredge
19137s just draw one
19139s at some point it's fine
19141s easy peasy i picked the courier
19148s oh viper seems happy they
19152s off the top
19154s now if you think about tj if that weapon
19156s was only a two attack it wouldn't be as
19157s big a loss
19162s you know what you're absolutely right
19166s although the courier does not lose its
19168s stats it's a 4-5 that's still going to
19170s contest this viper
19178s i'll say treasure guard arcane shot
19181s absolutely reasonable here
19184s yeah it does
19186s the queens
19188s or treasure guard wouldn't pray both
19190s both work
19191s you keep won't pray for peace and shot
19194s right
19194s if you can yeah i would always prefer to
19197s use arcane shot if the kill is clean
19199s anyway
19201s yeah
19201s unless you like absolutely need every
19203s bit of face damage that you possibly can
19205s yeah yeah that's uh yeah yeah in the
19207s immediate
19208s and don't have a piercing shot in hand
19210s we're putting a lot of factors into this
19211s if watts
19214s yeah if your opponent is on exactly two
19217s health and you have an arcane shot and a
19219s wound prey you use the arcane shot
19222s yeah
19224s oh hench clan burglar
19228s classic
19231s bootstrap sunken here
19233s don't think it's super relevant
19236s here just because
19239s there's not many minions
19241s yeah i mean with the viper almost
19243s certainly just be for exactly tavish
19245s right just get rid of the 7-7 as a tempo
19248s play and letter is running a natural one
19250s in his list as well
19252s yeah which
19254s just kind of goes against picking it as
19256s well if tavish is your only target and
19258s tavis is still a little bit of ways away
19260s you don't want to strand your other
19261s second year maybe
19263s i just like catch climb burglar because
19264s i feel like leda needs some sort of x
19266s factor here
19274s but it looks like the viper could just
19276s run away with this one with tavis lined
19278s up yeah
19279s and he's doing this very well right he's
19281s just propped the aimed hero power which
19284s is fine and then he'll play tavish and
19287s then go from there
19289s yeah
19291s okay well there's vessel what
19295s what do i wouldn't just use the prep
19298s hey he has no follow-up right he's got
19301s nothing for two minutes dagger
19303s dagger i think it's more likely he tries
19306s to hench clan for like trekking or
19308s something right or you know something to
19311s fish the other stealth minions out
19316s or at least it gives him an option to go
19318s a little bit more adventurous with his
19320s picks if he holds the prep
19324s explosive oh it's got to be emergency
19327s maneuvers right
19329s it's so strong
19333s with the uh
19335s treasure guard yeah
19337s or even the water line
19339s he has the spell damage
19341s whatever
19343s it's just strong i've as soon as this
19345s has been out and i've been playing more
19347s and more quest hunter i find my natural
19350s go-to's
19351s being exactly explosive emergency
19354s maneuvers
19356s as long as i have a minion on the board
19357s obviously or i have a minion to play but
19360s yeah i feel like it's so strong it
19361s doesn't like vibe it's gone for snakes
19362s so once the wider board
19367s rubber toe is gonna hit the board now as
19369s well
19372s little snippety snap
19385s gosh it's just gonna be so hard for him
19387s to do it
19391s he's got no damage sunk
19394s into the viper
19396s and uh we're going to be reaching quest
19398s completion soon
19399s um i guess hook tusk
19402s to maybe steel tavish
19405s could be an option i cannot believe
19408s the viper would let that happen right
19411s yeah that's yeah
19414s but maybe he's forced into a situation
19416s where there's too much pressure on board
19417s but he's got that that protection yeah
19420s of the explosive um
19423s i honestly think unless you are
19425s extremely behind
19428s there should never be a reason that
19430s tavis is held in your hand against any
19432s deck that can even
19434s potentially do something against it
19435s being in your hand right like there's
19438s almost no reason you can even just wait
19440s a turn or two if you have to as long as
19442s you're not far behind and i think the
19444s viper is far ahead right now so i think
19446s there's just zero reason for him to risk
19448s that
19450s well he could just complete tavish this
19452s turn and then hook tus is not an option
19458s true yeah one way i'll do nevermind he
19459s can't
19460s no i can't this is only second quest oh
19463s yeah this is like it's a hero yeah what
19465s are you on about tj
19467s i don't know
19468s just ignore me it's just paying
19470s attention
19472s i was yeah 100 this is down to zero so
19475s we just start get to he is starting
19479s uh to roll these hero powers now
19484s unless letter just dies before that
19486s i mean that's
19488s still a chance right
19499s i wonder
19503s he's going to need some help from hench
19505s clan
19510s rep
19511s [Music]
19515s yeah
19516s where we're at
19518s sure
19521s about as good as it's gonna get isn't it
19524s that's the only one that really made
19525s much sense
19527s because he's gonna take
19529s he tanks this wait what's going on
19536s who wants to swing first if he's gonna
19538s swing
19539s yeah so that's
19542s seven damage guaranteed because of the
19544s explosive right
19547s yeah
19549s oh wait
19551s well now we get the test to see how good
19553s the viper is at rolling hoofa the uh
19555s most key skill of being a hunter player
19566s such a tricky spot and this is kind of
19569s what we said right like yeah the early
19570s game wasn't the best for letter but
19573s with the help of the viper from the
19575s viper uh
19577s he really got to just be comfortable so
19579s far in this game and that doesn't look
19581s like it's really gonna end
19584s yep gets to play the
19586s tavish
19587s perfect
19588s yeah there's 10 damage on board but
19590s guess what
19592s those minions are not getting to hit the
19594s face this game oh no
19596s it's even worse tj
19600s stealth decided to show up straight into
19602s an improved explosive trap
19605s oh no
19610s i've never seen someone
19613s as stressed as the viper is
19615s that he's winning so much
19618s i know
19625s i think you just full trait
19628s no you can't you don't know damage
19632s i think he kills the tavish and just
19635s plays hook tusk
19638s yeah it
19639s would take the
19641s one card in hand
19643s i mean yeah
19645s it's one less animal companion right
19647s like i honestly think that's the thing
19649s that
19650s you take the most oh it's going to steal
19651s the tavis okay and then take the minion
19654s yeah
19656s so just didn't know
19659s uh yeah i mean
19661s let has to do something risky doesn't he
19663s has to make a big play and just hope it
19665s pays off he's got a lot of damage on
19667s board he has piercing shot he's got
19668s puffer fist as well
19673s oh yeah oh no i'm having the flashbacks
19679s oh you can just drag a base on hover
19684s let's just never mind escape that's just
19685s lethal now and by the viper
19688s and look at that
19691s the pop off is real and understandably
19693s so i think the viper
19695s could well have been going into this
19697s series feeling just a little bit worried
19699s uh but yeah impressive play overall kept
19702s a cool head throughout the whole series
19704s and he takes the victory over letter and
19706s that puts him tj at a 7-0 score like
19711s he's
19712s so likely i don't say he will be through
19714s to top 16 because i never like saying
19716s that until it happens but it's so likely
19719s he's going to be safe for top 16 at this
19721s point that he's going to be uh feeling
19723s pretty excited for that for the next
19724s round
19726s who the viper
19729s is guaranteed 7-0 is guaranteed
19732s i still never like saying it
19734s until
19736s okay the bracket i don't like committing
19738s okay
19739s that's my rule i don't make the bracket
19742s i don't control the admin side until the
19744s bracket is pushed i don't like point
19746s there you go
19748s that's i'm okay with this tj there are
19750s it gives us a little bit of wiggle room
19752s just in case
19754s just in case all right cover your bases
19756s i like it yeah and letta honestly blood
19758s is not looking bad for
19761s um top 16 as well um even with 6-1 he
19764s still has a chance if he loses right he
19766s could just win and then he's in or in
19768s raven's world 99.9 percent chance
19772s uh but it even finishes 6-2 with a 6-0
19774s start he's probably the most likely
19775s player uh to get those tie breakers
19777s because that's like the best possible
19779s way you can get two losses is by
19781s starting 6-0 because then your tie
19782s breakers on average are going to be
19783s better um
19785s so
19786s still a disappointing loss just because
19788s you know that
19790s letting the druid get across and you
19792s know not picking up wins
19794s with the uh the demon hunter it even
19796s like feel good with what your line is
19798s supposed to do
19799s it genuinely feel like it felt like
19801s sorry these things started to fall apart
19803s with the warrior game because even you
19804s were saying oh no the demon is going to
19807s win again but then you know the viper
19809s managed to create a way to just be so
19811s defensive the damage just was not there
19813s so a definitely a rough series for
19815s letter but he's been doing this a long
19816s time right he can recover the biggest
19818s difference now is letter's just going to
19820s be going into round eight with just a
19822s little bit more pressure right like
19823s he'll just feel that extra pressure okay
19825s let me just win round eight and then
19827s i'll be feeling good again and that's
19828s fine uh but that was this uh this match
19831s here the starting match for round number
19833s seven uh we are going to go to a quick
19835s break while we get ready with some more
19836s coverage from round seven so don't go
19838s anywhere and we'll be right back
19841s [Music]
19868s foreign
19874s [Music]
19919s so
19924s [Music]
19935s [Music]
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19952s [Applause]
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19955s [Applause]
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19976s [Music]
19997s [Music]
20084s [Music]
20090s [Music]
20100s welcome back everyone we have got some
20102s more coverage for you from around number
20105s seven energy is currently lost voyaging
20108s in the sunken city so uh i will be
20110s kicking us off at least for this one but
20112s the match we are going to jump into i
20113s believe is game four of uh neji boston
20116s and levick
20118s and we are going to be going into a
20119s pretty spicy one as well because i
20121s believe it is going to be
20124s the uh the mage let me just triple check
20127s uh yeah it's gonna be the mage versus
20128s the druid uh the first two games uh were
20131s piled in taking a victory over demon
20133s hunter and then warrior taking a victory
20135s over the mage we're just about to see
20137s against the naga mage uh in game three i
20140s believe the uh the sherman took a
20142s victory over the druid so uh we will see
20145s how this goes as levick starts to try
20147s and fight back uh kicking it off with
20149s his mage against the druid from uh from
20153s boston so let's have a look at what
20155s those decks look like it's gonna be the
20157s most standard ramp druid i feel like we
20159s are getting a good mix of the uh the
20161s aggro druid and ramp on stream both
20164s decks having their strong victories and
20166s some struggles as well depending on
20168s their matchups
20170s [Music]
20172s oh you've returned welcome back yes i am
20175s back to find any cool fish
20177s uh yes weren't snorkeling um
20182s but yeah we are gonna be going we are
20184s gonna be going into that game before and
20185s i believe at geo we are gonna start with
20187s a naga mage on one side here so always
20190s excited to see how uh that can perform
20192s especially because it's going up against
20194s druid uh boston uh does just have his uh
20197s ramp druid left to take a win with but
20200s we have seen it you know druid i think
20201s it's fair to say especially since the
20203s patch has it's a lot harder to you don't
20206s feel quite as powerful right it does
20208s feel like he has to work a little bit
20210s more for these wins
20212s yeah and a lot of druids these days they
20214s have to make room for anti-aggro cards
20217s like spammy organist either doomsayer or
20219s druid of the reef or dozen kelp keeper
20222s and it feels like it takes so much space
20224s these days somehow more often i'm seeing
20226s draws that are lacking the ramp lacking
20229s the card draw and maybe you hit the
20230s wrong half of the deck and there was
20232s already i would say even before the
20234s nerfs to drew it a bit of a problem
20236s dealing with mage because as early as
20239s turn five or turn six naga mage can just
20241s go so wide on board put enough stats
20243s together that a single scale of enyxia
20245s can't kill everything and if you're not
20247s able to get rid of everything even
20249s leaving up a single school teacher can
20251s be too much damage and uh when they do
20254s go white on board there's often spidlash
20256s siren there's uh vicious lithosphere so
20258s many must kill cards that the damage
20261s across a couple turns is just too much i
20263s think one of the biggest problems uh
20265s that you have facing mage when they do
20267s have their pop-off turn for at least a
20269s good chunk of decks is
20271s so many of the minions they're not like
20273s small minions that you can just clear
20274s off no problem they have like relatively
20277s high health like four and above right
20279s and that takes like significant kill
20281s power that a lot of decks just simply do
20283s not have and looking at this list here
20286s is there anything that really sticks out
20287s to you as any sort of differences from
20290s levick
20291s yeah i guess the one of viper is not
20293s something standard but a pretty common
20295s inclusion still um really helps with the
20298s paladin matchup in particular but can be
20300s useful against warriors demon hunters
20302s etc he's running the one of ignite which
20305s has become pretty standard and i do kind
20307s of like only running one unless you're
20309s trying to beat up on warrior in specific
20312s right well let's get into it now as i
20314s said game number four
20317s both these players at five and one going
20319s into this round so uh this is a little
20322s bit less of the situation we just spoke
20324s about with uh uh with letter in that a
20327s loss when you are six so in round seven
20330s is a lot less of a problem than a loss
20332s here for one of these players so it's
20334s still a lot on the line at this
20335s five-on-one score right now
20338s rolevik it is a beautiful opening hand
20340s honestly double gifts of azshara just
20342s enough to keep cycling and he's almost
20344s certain to see a spider siren by the
20346s time turn five rolls around and
20349s if you're able to also hit a one drop
20351s naga or school teacher in the meantime
20353s then you can pop off as soon as possible
20355s and the earlier you go off the better
20358s against druid
20359s another spell coiler looks pretty
20361s tempting
20363s yeah we we spoke i think yesterday when
20366s we were casting this you were talking
20367s about the sheer power of flurry on the
20369s pop-off turns because it's zero mana
20371s gain mana right so it's just free manner
20373s um how often does it become a problem
20376s actually against druid if like how often
20379s is there nothing too flurry on say say
20381s you turn four or five
20383s um
20384s pretty often i would say but it's not a
20387s problem you have ways to continue your
20388s train anyway because oh there's a siren
20391s um a lot of the time you also have board
20393s space as a limiting factor of your
20395s pop-off in naga mage and even if you
20398s don't have the big mana gain from flurry
20400s you can still end up filling your board
20402s and the flurry is still useful for the
20404s answering turns for example if they come
20407s back and have uh even a geriatric carbon
20410s or a dosing kelp keeper left on board
20413s after it takes a value trade using
20415s flurry to freeze those in place and take
20417s up board spaces so that their scale of
20419s anexia doesn't get full value is a very
20422s important thing in the in this matchup
20425s the spell curl is going to come down now
20426s for more this home
20430s resting choice
20433s hyphen mana looks like the most obvious
20436s but you do have to just at least glance
20439s at mass polymorph right
20442s you do but i think it's a bit too
20444s expensive and you generally will find
20446s yourself ahead on board as mh i i think
20448s there's even more consideration to
20450s seafloor getaway sorry gateway
20452s it has the chance to get your amalgam
20455s and discount that but um i think he
20458s already did play one amalgam early on so
20461s there's no chance to like draw both of
20462s them and get the full discounts which is
20465s one of the best ways but he even
20467s pre-pings his spell coiler looking to
20469s get the honorable kill with siphon mana
20471s next turn because currently levick
20473s cannot pop off on turn five he doesn't
20475s have a cheap naga uh to pair with the
20478s spidlash
20480s yeah really a
20482s really nice play actually just showing
20484s that you know he's keeping a cool head
20486s in this series considering he is 2-1
20488s down but yeah pretty nice overall
20490s getting the
20491s diaper mana even able to hit that first
20494s flame beforehand as well
20496s yeah true but a bit of a shake of the
20497s head from levick because he hits again
20500s uh three mana or higher naga which means
20503s he has to wait yet another turn before
20504s going off the spite lash and naji's
20506s already all the way up to 10 mana here
20510s going even higher with guff and that
20513s means that there is the potential to
20515s answer even a full spike lash board but
20516s if levick is starting off with spy lash
20518s means he's drawn a cheap naga and there
20520s we go
20521s yeah i was gonna say the fact that that
20522s was uh you can tell a player has played
20525s a lot of this deck when they just
20527s instantly say perfect let's go and just
20530s just lock it all in they know what to do
20533s i was going to start talking about
20534s school teacher and how powerful the
20536s nagaling is regardless of the spell it
20538s gets but more importantly being a
20540s generated one mana naga is such a big
20543s deal in this deck but he did get the um
20545s the other one drop instead and he's
20548s instantly made a very very strong and
20550s threatening board indeed
20552s that's right did unfortunately get
20554s double minion from his spring water but
20556s the natural refresh of just this fight
20558s lash siren means he can keep the train
20560s going but here we are we've hit the
20562s board space limit and so lavik has to
20564s start shooting his own minions to make
20566s space here and
20568s actually shoots away a slither spear
20569s which i'm honestly surprised but that
20572s first um first flame only had one spell
20574s damage on it and he needed to make a
20576s space immediately so he had to choose a
20578s three-house target and you'd rather keep
20580s your spell damage minions alive but now
20581s he's able to shoot away one crush claw
20584s and then the nagaling poor noggiling
20586s never lives long in naga mage does his
20589s job and then leaves
20591s yeah
20592s i'm gonna finish with the zola on the
20593s spy lash air what would you rate that
20595s turn gia
20596s as a naga mage turn five out of five
20599s uh about 15 out of five mana oh yeah
20603s sounds about right yep get lorinda to
20606s check the maths on that but i i do
20607s believe you
20610s uh
20612s are we seeing
20613s a spammy there is a two health minion
20616s and so you can drew it up the reef into
20618s the three four and then that will be one
20620s two three four five perfect clear man
20623s that's nothing honestly so simple for an
20625s edgy boston to get through
20627s could also just play the three one and
20629s then true i'll be right
20632s through why did i make things harder for
20634s myself
20635s save up that apm for another time
20640s he can start with the aquatic form
20642s because almost anything is dredgeable
20645s and drawable from the dredge at the
20647s moment
20652s using to draw rather than ramp here okay
20655s now what's boston gonna do is he gonna
20657s do the trade or is he gonna insta play
20659s the spammy
20660s oh yeah two kinds of people yeah
20666s really clean kill there
20669s but this is why levick gave himself
20672s insurance of
20673s uh copying another spy lash even though
20675s he had drawn the second natural copy it
20678s just means that if you get another one
20680s from zola you can make three waves of
20682s boards potentially not just two yeah
20685s and now we see that yes that was a good
20687s clear from boston but now the flurries
20690s active which gives their levick a little
20691s bit more freedom and more mana
20693s generation a little bit easier here
20696s and we see the doubles fight lash which
20698s means that um they do kind of sync up as
20700s soon as you play um one spell or one
20703s naga after so right now he's on um
20706s nagas fell nagas fell refreshing four
20708s mana and that naga giant is going down
20710s to zero mana after this so
20713s that's an eight eight gain four mana
20714s effectively
20716s yeah oh
20717s okay picks up the pyro i was gonna say
20719s turn what seven
20721s uh the deck's pretty much empty there's
20723s ignite and pyro in hand and another full
20725s board of awkward to kill minions
20727s especially with the help of that naga
20729s giant selevik there
20731s very clean game so far from what i've
20733s seen gli this is just looking
20735s threatening every single turn
20737s absolutely and he's had that multicaster
20740s also to finish out the turn making sure
20742s that you don't really float that much
20743s mana at the end because you have so much
20746s spare mana with the double splashes that
20747s you can afford to spend four man on
20749s something that is neither spell nor naga
20751s and this is far too many stats for even
20753s a scale to get through so what's it
20755s gonna be for nedji
20758s uh
20760s there's like a whole lot of nothing
20762s there
20764s amalgam can it get anything like
20767s he's almost in deathwing territory but
20770s he that doesn't win him the game either
20771s because uh the ignites mean that levick
20774s will not fatigue
20776s yeah like
20780s too late for any kind of like ivis
20782s innovate uh scales right which is
20784s another like weird way you can dig
20786s yourself out or at least just gain a ton
20788s of armor
20790s there is scale spammy though so he can
20792s create a two health by trading one into
20794s the uh
20796s uh multicaster and there would be a one
20798s two three four five and then a six yeah
20801s you just trade one into multi and then
20803s one into giant and then spammy clears
20805s that's insane
20810s i think he has it yeah
20815s however levick is sitting on so much
20818s damage in hand
20824s you gotta be scrappy finish with the
20826s jerry rig yeah you did okay
20829s and fast i don't know what the ignites
20830s are out this one's at four there's the
20832s other one in deck
20834s oh sorry it's only a one of my bad yeah
20836s he's playing the one yeah
20841s night
20842s and then
20848s i'm out of cards
20850s x damage this time and then flurry this
20853s board
20855s and he has
20857s pyroblast or ignite gifts ignite again
20860s next turn uh the ignite would be seven
20863s and then eight right
20866s uh yes
20867s so
20869s miracle growth
20872s into skip and scales
20874s yeah if nadji has
20876s yeah naji should know that there's at
20877s least a viper right so it's guaranteed
20879s at least seven and eight damage yeah so
20883s 15 so he needs to get
20885s above
20886s 16 including ping
20889s you'll get what nine and eight armor i
20891s think if he draws the other scales right
20895s so
20896s does it have to be both scales i think
20898s so right
20900s yeah i think so yeah he's only on four
20902s right now
20906s oh does that have aquatic form i saw
20908s there as well
20909s oh
20912s still
20913s guff draw
20915s i said this when i was just casting with
20916s tj i feel like so many of these raptor
20919s games all we do is talk about they need
20921s the scales they need the fields and it
20923s happens every time
20925s it is so i feel so reliant right now at
20928s least in this tournament meta that the
20929s decks are so aggressive oh he does get
20932s it okay
20934s i mean you're absolutely right though
20936s like this is the most efficient armor
20938s game tool in the game right now and
20940s druid more so than warrior kind of plays
20942s with fire in the early game where
20943s they're just tanking all this damage and
20945s not clearing necessarily but okay he's
20948s at 25 right now again ignite deal seven
20951s second ignite will deal eight can he get
20955s a third ignite through because he
20957s technically has viper and gifts playable
20960s but i don't know if there's the mana i'm
20962s wondering if it's just
20963s he can let me think here
20966s okay he's a little bit off doing it that
20968s way
20970s i'm just wondering whether he could go
20972s instead of using blizzard he could just
20973s like ignite ignite and then just second
20976s flame the jerry rig and freeze and say
20979s well that should be enough to not die
20982s sorry there is the mana he can play all
20984s the ignites
20986s uh he can gift and then ignite again but
20988s then he's one damage off and one mana
20991s off being able to ping
20992s so
20994s you probably just like
20996s stop here schoolteacher flurry or
20998s something
21000s yeah i think
21005s i think he needs to second flame as well
21007s right he needs to kill the jerry rig he
21009s needs the flurry to hit one of the big
21011s minions to feel safe at least
21015s that's true that's true
21020s i'm gonna get that igniting look oh it's
21022s both as well okay well yeah extremely
21025s safe now
21026s and now with double scales gone
21028s even like the ivor's play with an
21030s innovate is is long gone now
21032s yeah it's just not getting there is
21034s there anything from amalgam that's the
21036s question
21038s a naga that can
21040s a azshara no not enough chief spells to
21043s activate her
21046s even with 16 mana
21051s maybe there's
21053s something left in the deck we're not
21054s accounting for
21056s yeah i mean honestly the answer was
21059s get kaz down earlier wasn't it you know
21061s what i mean if it sounds very stupid to
21063s say of course but uh with the rate in
21065s which levick applied pressure this game
21068s i i think
21069s if that armor isn't enough because of
21070s the speed he got the ignites live it had
21073s to be like kaz in to win the game right
21076s and that's just not going to be the case
21077s because the dragons haven't been played
21079s yet
21080s oh and the wild growth doesn't give him
21082s the empty mana because he's not at 20
21085s yet and so it doesn't activate a shark
21092s um okay this is the third spell right
21094s okay so he has azshara
21097s wait you do get
21098s okay oh that was the ramp nourish that's
21100s my bad okay
21104s corbin that can get scale
21106s right oh yeah that you could still scorp
21109s it for scale there
21111s right well
21113s regardless evens up the series and i
21115s will say um it looks like levick has put
21118s a lot of time into that mage list
21120s because he looked very calm on these
21123s execution turns very clean it didn't
21126s look like he missed a trick there was no
21128s point at least i could see that oh he
21130s could have done this so he could have
21131s done that like nope he just looked clean
21133s every turn of the game and he got
21135s rewarded for it with a very convincing
21137s win honestly
21138s right i think
21140s the actual pop-off turns of the spidlash
21142s siren was a lot of mechanical memory
21145s there for uh just muscle memory coming
21148s in huge there it's very important just
21151s to make sure you don't miss even a
21152s single second on this deck you really
21154s cannot afford to it might mean missing
21156s five or six damage or three card draws
21158s with your multicaster or ignite at the
21160s end but the real genius i would say is
21162s the way he piloted the early game where
21164s he took siphon mana and not only that
21167s just set up a whole turn to ping his own
21169s spell coiler to get the siphon vana
21171s through and that gave him all these
21173s discounts on the spells that left the
21175s pop-off turns be so fluid
21177s yeah really really impressive overall
21180s and then let me just triple check i
21182s believe now then yeah it leaves demon
21185s hunter versus druid as the last game of
21188s the series and again i feel like um that
21191s er nezi is going to be really feeling
21193s the pressure right now because one the
21195s druid versus mage matchup is not very
21197s fun for the druid and neither is this
21200s one as far as i'm concerned as well if
21202s levick has another you know reasonable
21204s opening and again a little bit of a
21206s simpler deck to pilot at least on a
21209s pop-off turn basis than the maid i feel
21211s like uh neji could be feeling a little
21213s bit worried about losing his lead in
21215s this series
21217s it is simpler in terms of number of
21219s actions that need to be done but there
21220s are always these small lethal puzzles
21222s often oh yeah demon hunter or even if
21225s not lethal just how to maximize your
21226s damage with dread prison glaive so many
21229s interactions you need to be aware of on
21231s this deck in particular
21233s but overall the
21235s heart of the game plan of just going
21237s wide as soon as possible is very much
21239s intact just like as it was with the mage
21242s but this is a match up where spammy
21244s arcanus is also pretty easy to set up
21246s for an edgy boston so if
21248s levitt can be a bit careful there that's
21249s ideal but look at this now vanguard
21251s would glaive into drekthar with the
21254s weapon pre-equipped already yeah
21256s this is looking quite good although i've
21259s just come off the back of a a game that
21261s i thought it was looking great for the
21263s uh demon hunter but then the warrior won
21267s but yeah but yeah this is looking good
21269s but good for both players honestly uh
21271s neji had this does have wild growth with
21274s nourish with scale of a nixie in hand
21276s and moonlit guidance which can help fish
21278s specific answers or maybe even get
21281s what what i feel like now is the key
21283s goal of an extra scales
21286s just to be able to gain more armor so
21288s both players looking decent so far
21292s interesting line from levick where
21295s he did reach for the slither spear over
21297s the vanguard which i think is with
21299s respect to drexar and board space
21301s because if you pull second uh vanguard
21304s with drexar and then you'd already play
21306s the first and you're going to swing
21307s anyway you kind of lose out on some
21309s one-on-one developments but i also
21311s thought the other upside of not playing
21313s vanguard is you don't need to swing with
21315s the weapon that turn like he could have
21316s gone one three hero par face and then
21319s pre-equipped the weapon but he has
21321s willfully chosen to use a weapon charge
21324s and probably use another one with
21325s drexlar the next turn because if you get
21327s vanguard puffer fist there's just so
21329s many benefits to swinging straight away
21331s it's also i think as well a really
21333s strong play around spammy arcanist right
21335s because as levitt can see he'll play
21337s director and as he will have five mana
21340s and if he'd played the vanguard then
21342s there's one ones into where there's ones
21344s into twos already on the board and then
21346s direct could easily pull a three and
21349s then suddenly that the whole board gets
21351s obliterated that you know he has played
21353s into if anything
21355s that is a very good call
21357s but we'll see what drexar pulls here
21360s najib with the shake of his head of
21361s course we all know this every drexlar
21364s player has it on curve and these are
21366s high health minions not that nudgy even
21369s has spammy in the first place but the
21371s fact that that's lady steno this early
21373s oh man
21374s so much damage already it's huge i think
21377s outside of
21379s exactly what double innovate scale
21382s or scale should i say uh oh no scale of
21385s enyx here that's right isn't it um
21387s anyway uh the
21388s there's just nothing that you can do so
21390s he's just gonna get hit
21392s basically is the way here those were
21394s pretty threatening minions the five
21396s health again always a problem odd
21398s numbers against druids so energy is
21400s gonna just took a quick hero power into
21401s that makes absolute sense but there's
21404s more power where that came from
21407s there truly is and naji was just praying
21409s that there's not too many spells for
21410s loving but now he's picked up chaos
21412s strike and fury and can fill out the
21414s last mana with his hero power still
21416s playing around spammy arcanist and you
21418s know maintaining another minion on board
21421s that has odd health so it makes the
21422s scale even harder to use and naji is
21424s still like one more vape away from
21427s playing onyxia the next turn stano just
21430s coming in so clutch just look at levick
21433s you can tell you know he's he's in that
21435s stage where you know you're winning but
21436s you still feel like you're going to lose
21438s right because you just know how close
21440s you are it's just okay just don't clear
21442s the board or just don't gain loads of
21444s armor and it's how important this win is
21447s again there's a big difference here
21448s going 6-1 instead of ending the round
21451s 5-2 like that is a huge difference to
21454s your likelihood of getting into top 16.
21457s double miracle growth and naga giant has
21460s to be miracle growth but the tough thing
21462s for naji here is scale is one minion
21465s short of being able to clear everything
21467s like every minion on board takes two
21469s whelps to get through right now and the
21472s you know powerful part of treasure guard
21474s is coming into play here where it
21475s protects the actual threats on board
21477s because of the taunt like if naji could
21479s trade away everything else and leave the
21480s treasure guard he's fine but he has to
21482s get through that in order to kill stano
21485s and then he has to choose between
21486s killing druktar and slitherspear and
21488s it's probably drachthar at this point
21490s but the slithersphere can definitely
21491s represent lethal as well depending on
21494s lubbock straws
21496s multi-strike as well
21499s gonna vade out the hero power tank the
21501s three
21502s very sad to have to do that while it is
21505s you know above one attack but i think a
21507s necessary sacrifice and that's just game
21510s right multi-strike hero power puffer
21512s fist that looks like five as far as i
21513s can see oh fury as well why not chuck
21516s that one on top and levick
21518s fights back we dove into this series as
21521s a 2-1 score where levick was the player
21524s who was losing and off the back of just
21526s two very strong games and even though
21528s that one was you know maybe a bit faster
21530s and maybe looked more straightforward
21533s levick made some key decisions in that
21535s game that i think a lot of you know more
21537s average hearthstone players definitely
21539s would not have made and i truly believe
21541s he gained like massive percentage based
21543s on those decisions and a really
21545s impressive win there just from the two
21547s games we saw i kind of kind of wish we
21548s got to see the whole series now honestly
21550s right definitely a master class on both
21552s decks from levick um from the setup of
21555s siphon mana on the naga mage all the way
21558s up to just skipping battle sworn
21560s vanguard entirely even though spammy was
21562s not drawn by naji he has you know two
21564s copies of that so it's very um
21566s appropriate for levick to just have that
21568s top of mind play around it and realize
21570s that if drachthar cooperates he can just
21572s build a board that doesn't completely
21574s fizzle out to that spammy and it once
21577s again kind of shows that spammy is a
21579s much more powerful card on ladder than
21581s it is in tournament when your opponents
21583s absolutely know that you have it in your
21585s deck but that's not to discredit levick
21587s i think he did extremely well in this
21589s series it feels like we've been casting
21591s him at the top of swiss almost every
21593s master's tour these days and for good
21595s reason yeah and just for nezzy boston
21597s we've been talking a lot about levick of
21599s course he won but for him i i think he
21601s just uh suffered from druid right now
21604s right where druid is extremely powerful
21606s but because a lot of players this
21608s tournament have built lineups with a
21610s druid in absolute laser focus and you
21613s can see how hard some of these matchups
21614s are when you fully focus on okay if i
21617s just beat up druid uh the series should
21619s be fine so again congratulations to
21622s levick again for winning the round but i
21624s believe that is this round over and that
21626s means we only have one more left so
21628s stick around because round eight is
21630s gonna start right after this
21633s [Music]
21640s [Music]
21683s oh
21686s [Music]
21705s [Music]
21716s foreign
21716s [Music]
21722s [Applause]
21723s [Music]
21733s so
21735s [Music]
21781s [Music]
21828s welcome back once again to master's
21830s voice to the sunken city it is round
21832s eight it is a crucial round for many of
21834s these players trying to get to seasonal
21836s championships uh or last call
21839s and with me for this crucial round is
21841s subtle who i hope is behaving himself on
21843s camera what he was doing earlier was
21844s very silly
21847s what
21848s uh honestly how i get leveled with these
21851s accusations i have no idea clearly i was
21853s being dragged down to tj's level at that
21854s point but regardless yes i'm sure we
21857s will have a much straight much more
21859s straight ahead by the book broadcast
21860s with myself and my good friend larinda
21863s bringing you uh kwanwu versus faceoff
21866s who are two
21867s six one players i believe as is
21869s tradition for this final round we tend
21871s to reward the players who are doing the
21873s best with the broadcast time all the way
21874s through so you're seeing xo players
21877s throughout most rounds however at this
21879s point this is the one that gets really
21881s exciting right since these players that
21883s are on the bubble with one loss to their
21885s name already they're really playing the
21886s win and in matches so we generally break
21889s from tradition and follow a player with
21891s a single loss in this round
21894s both these players with a handful of
21896s masters tours each behind them basically
21898s the short versions they've gone four and
21900s four in basically all of them um but
21902s from donkey's side i got a little bit of
21904s info on face off his qualifier
21906s percentages
21907s in 2020 was 54
21910s in 2021 was 65 percent this year he's on
21914s 69.94
21916s i don't want to say 70 but it's 70
21918s percent so he's gone from 54 to 65 to 70
21922s over the last two years uh he's gone
21924s four four four four and now six one in
21927s masters tours
21929s perhaps a rising star i don't know but
21930s those percentages do seem to be trending
21932s upwards and rapidly so so it'd be good
21934s to have a look at how he gets on
21936s yeah i mean good information for sure
21939s and just looking at it decklist wise i
21941s think
21941s a few surprises in this one um firstly i
21945s mean maybe you could look at this a
21946s different way and say that the the two
21948s druids being in here the two ramp druids
21950s specifically towards the height of the
21951s rankings um sometimes we are guilty with
21954s like we follow a small sample of the
21956s tournament on the actual broadcast and
21958s sometimes we have false narratives just
21960s based on what we've seen um but the
21962s power of the anti-druid lineups has
21964s seemed significant from what we've seen
21966s so far um but i suppose if you want to
21968s twist that around well like like i said
21970s we aren't following the xo players
21972s anymore we're following players who are
21973s hanging on with that one loss so far in
21975s the tournament maybe that is the right
21976s place for those druid lineups to be but
21979s as mentioned both of those players
21981s are packing that druid there's also a
21983s shaman in here from kwamu's side which i
21985s believe i've only seen in one series
21988s that i've covered so far and it was
21989s banned out of the series it was going
21990s against up against the aggro lineup but
21993s from his side that does sort of make
21994s sense right if i'm saying druid has a
21997s weakness to the quad board-based aggro
21999s lineup well what's the deck that
22001s absolutely destroys the board-based
22003s aggro deck lineup that's shaman right so
22005s having that in there alongside various
22008s other tools as well um is um a pretty
22011s decent idea i did prefer what i saw
22013s before from the previous player who had
22015s shaman and control warrior in there so
22017s you you outnumber the possible amount of
22019s bands from your opponent right because
22020s they want to ban both of those decks but
22023s instead lorinda he's got a mech paladin
22026s why don't you tell us all about mech
22028s paladin
22029s yeah and it doesn't really gel with what
22030s you've just said mech paladin very very
22033s good against the the big four decks the
22035s druids the is pretty good against the
22037s hunter it's pretty good against the
22038s warrior because it's so hard to remove
22040s those sticky minions
22042s but as you said he's brought the shaman
22043s because of the board decks and maybe
22046s seriously this is just a i'm going to
22048s bring four good decks that do well
22049s against the meta and not necessarily
22052s target not necessarily have anything
22054s particularly crazy just four solid decks
22056s that can beat anything and if i get the
22058s right matchups i'll win and he's been
22060s winning so makes a lot of sense
22062s yeah there's a there's a rare strategy
22064s in conquest but it is one that i've
22066s heard people talk about is one i've seen
22068s people use
22069s where you bring four decks that are all
22071s dramatically very different from each
22073s other and have dramatically different
22074s match-ups so that therefore any
22077s target strategy in the tournament kind
22080s of by definition only hits one of your
22082s decks right so as long as you can find
22085s one of your wins with your your 40 match
22087s ups in that lineup which you are favored
22089s to do if you have three attempts at
22090s doing it you never get double targeted
22092s because all of your decks are so
22094s drastically different from each other
22095s it's not something that we see a great
22097s deal of but it is a strategy that can
22099s work out in some spots
22102s yeah and of course it gives you that
22103s versatile band to some degree as well
22105s although demon hunter exists so you ban
22107s it and get on with your life
22109s but it does give you that opportunity to
22111s be a little bit choosy on the bands
22113s because you're doing so many different
22114s things you can always ban the thing
22116s you're worst against
22118s so we'll have to look how it gets on in
22119s this one but six and one as you say
22121s these things happen off stream all the
22123s time we always sort of go well he lost
22125s this therefore it's rubbish but not the
22127s case whatever happens here it's done
22129s well uh face up on the other hand uh
22132s does have a far more conventional
22134s strategy there is the boar priest in
22136s there which honestly is so hard to judge
22138s because you look at the stats even from
22139s top thousand and that includes numbers
22141s 101 to 1000 so they don't really matter
22145s um
22146s it just means the poor priest if you
22148s look at it is 45 against everything but
22150s that's because it's not being played by
22152s boar priest players all of the time
22154s so we'll have to see how that gets on in
22156s this one
22159s [Music]
22161s apologies just had a momentary audio
22163s issue there so i didn't catch the end of
22164s whatever you were saying but i'm sure it
22166s was absolutely thrilling uh but i am
22169s looking forward to percentages
22171s good because i was going to talk about
22173s more priest anyway because i am very
22175s interested in seeing what's going to
22176s happen here with the boar priest i don't
22178s think we've seen enough of it compared
22180s to what a lot of us were expecting
22183s um we a lot of top players have put a
22186s lot of hype in it recently um i know
22188s bly's has been jamming it a million
22189s times on stream a lot of players are
22191s climbing to very high legend there are
22192s of course a lot of naysayers as there
22194s always are um with a deck that increases
22197s with win rate so dramatically with
22199s player skill there's always the argument
22201s right no one ever disputes okay it's a
22203s 41 win rate deck in the hands of a
22206s player who doesn't know what they're
22207s doing
22208s it does increase in the hands of a good
22209s player right like we all agree with that
22212s but but the dispute comes from how much
22214s does it increase does it ever become a
22217s 55 60 win rate deck it does a skill edge
22220s ever exist to the point where it's
22221s gaining 14 to 19 win rate and i think
22224s we've seen these arguments come up time
22226s and time and time again with deck after
22228s deck in metagame after metagame um but i
22230s was on the side of expecting to see a
22232s good chunk of ball priest in this one
22234s and we really have not seen that much of
22236s it again just based on our sample from
22238s what we've seen on stream
22240s i think quite a few people bailed like
22242s they're like yes i think this is the
22244s bring but i've got three days from the
22246s nerfs happening i don't want to invest
22248s 2.9 of those days learning to play bull
22250s priest well
22252s um
22252s i think more people if they've just
22254s given you hey somebody else is playing
22256s the lineup for you what lineup do you
22257s want them to have i think we've seen a
22259s much higher percentage of poor priests
22260s out there
22262s but a lot of players just didn't want to
22263s put the time into that
22266s indeed and it looks like we are going to
22268s be kicking things off with this ball
22270s priest indeed a deck that i know you uh
22274s did your best trying to do your due
22275s diligence to make sure you are prepared
22277s do your best i think is about the best
22279s way i can put it but it is certainly a
22282s very difficult and complex deck to
22286s navigate as mentioned before
22289s there are lots of tricky turns there's
22291s lots of resource management you have
22293s very limited tools to be able to clear
22295s boards and a couple of them in the wild
22297s pyromancers are also very crucial for
22300s your combo turns as well not your not
22302s even just your combo wing condition
22304s turns with the amulet but also your
22305s combo draw turns with cleric and with
22308s bran handmaiden and so on filling a
22310s board full of minions healing them all
22311s up with a gift of the naaru and then
22315s drawing a million cards that way so
22317s suddenly you get in these positions
22319s where if you've used one too many
22320s resources here if you've used one too
22322s many board clears here if you spend too
22324s much mana on answering your opponent's
22326s threats and not enough mana on trading
22329s your amulets then you might run out of
22330s time to get that done before the end of
22332s the game it's a deck with a million
22334s spiked pits that you can fall into at
22337s some point over the course of the game
22338s and lorendra i think you can speak from
22340s experience having fallen into literally
22342s all of them over something yeah i think
22344s i now know all the things you can do
22346s wrong with this deck i don't know what
22347s the things you can do right are but i
22349s have fallen into many many pits and i
22352s have fallen through the dumpster and
22353s into dredge land in legend rank in doing
22356s so as well
22357s but it's a good learning experience and
22359s most of the time i could see what i was
22361s doing wrong but i think that doesn't
22362s stop at me i think that even when you
22364s get to the top players
22365s they finish the game and obviously
22367s they're playing a much much better game
22368s than i was playing but they still look
22370s at it go well if i just hadn't pi road
22372s on turn six i could have still had that
22374s and cleared a different way and used my
22377s health there's just so many different
22378s ways that they can just improve each
22380s time and i think that's what attracts
22382s some people to the deck and what puts
22383s others off it
22385s meanwhile he's now going to be going up
22387s against this shaman as mentioned
22389s previously not a deck we've seen a great
22390s deal of um it's a deck that you almost
22393s have to ban if you're playing the heavy
22395s board-based strategy that we've seen a
22396s lot of the players do with the quad
22398s aggro and so even in the series where it
22400s has been present it's quite often been
22402s banned but it is still a very very
22403s powerful deck it's kind of a holdover
22405s from the previous metagame uh where
22408s everything the wild poor cabin snowfall
22410s guardian and birds package is still
22412s intact and is still the core of the deck
22414s bolner and bru khan as kind of the wing
22416s condition cards are thrown in there as
22418s well it's just now
22420s shaman players have extra toys to play
22422s with in the form of bioluminescence
22424s which can create absolutely absurd
22428s amounts of burst damage and not only
22430s from the spell itself but if you're able
22432s to generate it from a nargling so you
22434s get battle cry bioluminescence then
22437s bolner comes into play and you can start
22439s duplicating that battle cry over and
22441s over again and that is when it gets
22443s absolutely absurd and you can start
22445s dealing warrior and druid numbers in
22447s terms of the total amount of armor and
22449s health that you have to beat
22450s yeah i was going to pull you up until
22451s you went down there and explained it
22453s like the deck has got significantly more
22456s powerful in raw terms it's just that the
22458s rest of the meta has also done the same
22460s thing
22461s so
22462s it's just not quite functional enough
22464s it's just got a bad place in the meta in
22466s general i would say it is just sitting
22468s in this weird middle ground of being
22470s kind of okay against things compared to
22473s what it should be there's usually a
22474s better deck for the job like
22476s quest hunter which we are not seeing in
22478s this match at all which is probably the
22480s first time that's happened on stream
22484s it's probably not far off it has been a
22486s very popular deck on broadcast so far
22488s but off we go straight away trading away
22491s that amulet so that's one trade down
22493s already on the pre side of course there
22495s is a checklist of things that you do
22496s have to achieve to get your win
22498s conditions sort of a thousand truths
22500s with with this deck uh first off is
22502s getting four trades done or sorry three
22504s trades done with your amulet so you get
22506s one to two and one to three and then you
22508s need to get both of your boars dead so
22510s that your first amulet will actually
22511s revive those two balls that you need and
22513s then from that point you're set up to
22514s get all seven of them dead uh usually
22517s doing it in the same turn as you drop a
22519s wild pyromancer to do it immediately but
22521s this matchup against shaman does bring
22523s an extra factor of freezing into play
22526s with those stags that are going to come
22527s off the wild poor cabin which is uh
22529s something perhaps that you might have to
22530s look out for
22532s yep getting frozen not good with the
22534s sword and of course uh playing the
22536s cavern on curve will usually still
22538s happen but it is later on a way to just
22540s stop you from being attacked uh pitfall
22543s number one by the way make sure your
22544s pyromancer has two health
22547s uh when you play it this one does
22549s and they have one healthy just not so
22551s good i found that one out very true very
22554s good at this game
22555s um handmade and having one health are
22557s absolutely fine of course so just just
22560s just remember your health have changed
22561s on your switcheroo cards it's not just
22562s draw two cards
22565s ah you're gonna get a checklist subtle
22567s i'm afraid i'm looking forward to it
22569s a checklist of all the things that can
22571s go wrong that you've never even noticed
22574s all right so the beating is going to
22576s commence and face off with that limited
22578s removal of what you spoke about we'll
22580s have to use his health as the resource
22581s quite tricky against the shaman because
22583s of the burn it contains so you've got to
22585s be a little bit awake at all times to
22587s how low you can go
22589s and yeah just just put stuff on board on
22591s curve and hit him good start for kung
22593s woo
22595s yeah multicasted just for the one draw
22597s just the windchill played so far but is
22600s the most he can do in terms of
22601s development and i think this is a good
22602s way to play the match up in absence of
22604s wild poor cavern plan b just make these
22607s three or four minion boards every single
22609s turn try and demand your priest opponent
22611s to clear them because as mentioned as
22613s soon as the board starts moving beyond
22615s three
22616s it's scary for the opponent you have to
22618s have a very specific very scammy hand to
22620s kill your opponent early in with this
22622s deck with sharma but it can happen if
22624s you are leaving minions alive on the
22626s other side
22627s yeah getting the second pyromancer
22628s there's a big deal allows him a little
22630s bit of freedom to maneuver early
22632s um with the cleric now he's got to start
22635s counting you can see he's concentrating
22637s during his opponent's turn probably
22639s already working out how many cars do i
22641s dump how many going to get healed how do
22643s i over draw
22644s do i want to risk over drawing if i'm
22646s this far behind already as well just
22647s because why not
22650s and also
22651s oh dear why did my opponent hit the
22652s nagaling that buffed their entire board
22654s and made it terrifying that's probably
22656s also somewhat worrying at this point
22658s yeah
22660s yeah step number two make sure you check
22662s your opponent's board size
22664s before just looking at your own hand
22667s but it's a big deal right obviously the
22668s extra the extra damage is the extra
22670s damage but just the extra health on the
22672s minions here uh there is a light bomb in
22674s the deck but outside of that the clears
22676s do tend to come from pyromancers um
22680s if not xyrella so
22682s improving the health on your minions and
22684s just making them stickier against those
22686s aoes is a big deal
22688s you're talking about the scammy start
22690s from the shaman it's getting there
22693s there's 18 on the board this demands an
22696s answer very soon with burn that could be
22698s in hand or could not as far as face-off
22700s is concerned
22701s yep
22702s bio and frostbite in hand already as
22704s well
22706s yeah
22707s ouch
22711s but again one of the the things of the
22713s deck just
22714s don't panic you have got a health total
22716s for avs and they have to reduce it to
22718s zero oh
22720s i nearly can
22732s there's the lightning bolt yeah so if
22733s this board were not to go down next turn
22736s like forgetting about the fact that
22737s there is not that much damage in play
22739s uh but the
22741s uh not enough damage for lethal in play
22743s the threat of bioluminescence now for
22745s kwanwu backed up with the frostbite and
22746s the lightning bolt huge huge huge and
22748s you can see
22750s the extremes that kwamu is taking the
22752s anti-priest strats here
22754s he's skipped an enormous amount of
22756s damage this turn and that is because of
22759s primarily zyrella in the position that
22761s he's in but furthermore just things like
22763s gift of the naaru if they're not drawing
22765s cards for the opponent then they're
22766s suddenly making it much more difficult
22768s for them to achieve their win condition
22770s so kwamu just quite willing especially
22771s with bioluminescence in hand to say i'm
22774s going to limit your ability to draw
22776s cards and clear my board with xyrella as
22778s much as i can and the second you fail to
22780s do that i am going to blow your face off
22783s with this frostbite and lightning bolt
22785s that i have in my hand
22786s very nice
22787s uh
22788s all right
22789s very early use of extra mana here we um
22794s yeah he's all over the place trying to
22796s clear this you've got to keep your
22797s pyromancer healthy get your extra mana
22799s on board etc and
22802s not leave this lot up and that rope is
22805s burning while he's working this out
22808s assuming we're seeing everything in real
22810s time he has got to go and will not get
22812s there but maybe he's got there
22817s he's going to assume that he's not dead
22820s i'm not sure that is a particularly good
22822s assumption right now all right
22825s um so there's i don't think he's gone i
22827s think it's in fact a terrible assumption
22829s yeah face-off gives the nod but i think
22831s more so than like an assumption that he
22833s wasn't dead i think it's just like well
22834s what else am i gonna do about this
22836s situation i needed a a five aoe
22839s pyromancer to be able to get through
22840s that shadower devours were the cards
22842s that he would have been really looking
22844s for because they have they essentially
22845s double up on the pyromancer arguably
22848s even more than that because
22850s a you do the one aoe b you do the one
22853s eight the one suck from all of your
22854s opponents minions which is then doing
22856s two damage to them functionally but then
22858s on top of that you also give your pyro a
22861s bunch of extra health so you don't have
22862s to be constantly healing it to keep
22864s rocking it from that point forward and
22866s you saw right at the end though
22867s shadowhead devours only appeared from
22869s that handmaiden right at the very end
22872s once faceoff was already out of mana
22874s and those are the the things with the
22876s deck you have to factor in when we talk
22878s about high skill cap it's very
22880s in theory straightforward to do the
22882s basic stuff
22883s but like they're leaving that is
22885s probably the correct decision it looks
22886s stupid when you just get exploded from
22888s 30 the next turn
22890s but you better have um the bio i'm gonna
22893s call it so i don't get it completely
22895s wrong every single time plus a couple of
22897s direct damage spells take the chance and
22899s you set it up for next turn and win the
22901s game that way because if he gets through
22903s the next turn suddenly he's got a whole
22904s handful of healing he can clear the
22906s board game it back on gave himself the
22908s maximum chance to win most likely again
22911s don't take anything i say about boss
22913s particularly seriously
22915s yeah the
22916s the other option was um i guess going
22918s with some sort of shot of the naaru
22920s attempt you use shadow of the naaru to
22922s essentially remove one health from all
22923s of the minions on board and go from
22924s there with your pyro but again um i have
22927s played a good amount of board uh board
22929s priest of four priests um but that
22932s matchup in particular is not one i have
22934s a huge amount of experience with but i
22936s again imagine as a point that i brought
22937s up at the start
22939s the ability for the stags to just
22940s consistently freeze you if you leave
22942s them on board is going to absolutely
22943s ruin your win condition if they're able
22945s to just lock that out so perhaps shard
22948s of the naaru is um valuable in that
22950s position for just removing the freeze
22952s effect from the enemy minions so they
22954s can't consistently freeze you i don't
22956s know if that's a serious concern in the
22958s matchup um but it still
22960s is something that you can perhaps bear
22963s in mind and he'd already used one shard
22965s very early on to silence the boner on
22968s turn two so i believe that was his one
22969s remaining shard in deck that he was
22971s playing around with there but still
22973s tough one for the priest to take but a
22975s quick easy win for the shaman and again
22977s just worth pointing out once more how
22980s much damage kwon woo missed deliberately
22982s in that match up two entire turns um
22986s with six attack four attack minions on
22987s board that he was just not swinging with
22990s in order to uh prevent the priest from
22992s getting any value out of xyrella any
22994s value out of the gift of the naaru just
22997s no possible way um for faceoff to do the
23000s easy things that the deck wants to do
23002s yeah another concern at the end with the
23004s caverns you were talking about is the
23005s pacing of it it makes a 3-4 you want to
23008s kill it because there's other stuff
23009s alongside it but you can't because you
23011s need to kill the last one so you don't
23013s get frozen it's not just about being
23015s frozen the fact that spits out one of
23017s these things every turn and you only
23019s have like three or four turns of clear
23021s in the whole deck also makes that
23023s complicated but enough of that we're
23024s going on to some good old-fashioned
23027s druid
23030s and it is the good old-fashioned druid
23032s indeed
23034s there are two doomsayers in here which
23036s uh is i'd say on the uncommon side still
23040s below 50 of the ram druids that we've
23042s been seeing i think have had the doom
23044s say in there only one jerry rig
23046s carpenter as well making room for a
23048s battlegrounds battlemaster making the
23050s list as well
23051s um so i wonder whether you know that
23053s doomsayer might have anything to do with
23056s uh the success of the deck in the field
23058s of the aggro decks that we've seen um
23060s from what we've seen so far certainly
23062s doomsayer and spammy arcanist have both
23064s had their moments in those matchups
23066s both in terms of winning games for the
23068s druid and being a real point of
23069s consternation for the players playing
23071s against them
23072s but doomsayer in this one again not the
23075s really the field of decks that it's
23077s looking to face against because neither
23079s of these players really playing the uh
23080s the full aggro lineup that we've come to
23082s expect
23083s and i can't believe this is even a
23084s comment but double kelp keeper is in
23086s here as well which is something we
23088s haven't seen
23089s as much of as we would expect it's still
23091s obviously been in a lot of them but
23093s people have been favoring sort of
23095s cutting that in favor of
23097s three one attack person and
23099s the druid of the whatever it's called
23102s reef
23103s reef thank you i know why i couldn't
23104s remember that because i can't say it i
23106s remember now
23108s um but yeah we've seen a lot more of
23109s that in this uh more immediate removal
23112s from turn one onwards but this one
23114s loading up on everything
23117s and faceoff is going to run it back with
23120s the ball priest here
23124s yeah this is the one that you feel you
23126s have to win right
23128s you would expect so yes if you are going
23130s to have success i think you need to be
23132s picking up a favorable win rate with uh
23134s ball priest versus druid in this
23136s tournament
23137s and again for the people who are looking
23139s on replay sites yes it says 40 or
23141s something ridiculous that's because most
23143s people are terrible at the deck
23145s a reminder i'm going to keep using
23147s because i felt it first hand
23150s it hasn't scarred me though i'm fine
23154s waiting for the results of a moonlit
23156s guidance that we can't see unfortunately
23159s it is going to be the kelp keeper
23161s picked up by kwan wu
23165s that's an interesting pickup as far as
23166s i'm concerned is that what's that to
23167s deal with is that to actually start
23168s inflicting damage or is that some main
23171s thing that i'm missing it's hard to
23172s comment without knowing what the other
23174s two cards were right like what what did
23175s he do up over
23178s was it an earthen scales and some other
23180s brand of man okay which cards would he
23182s pick a kelp keeper over do you think
23184s yeah i mean obviously not uh
23187s nourish
23189s uh probably additional copies of miracle
23191s growth i suppose um but honestly
23195s with the current hand that he has i
23197s suppose you could argue that he would
23199s value kelp keeper quite heavily right
23201s because he kind of has everything else
23203s that he needs in his hand he has the
23205s guff he has a scale to clear a board if
23207s he needs and he has the miracle growth
23208s for card draw so maybe he just looked at
23210s this hand and says well any other card
23212s i'm taking off the moonlit guidance when
23214s am i playing it probably never whereas
23216s this kelp keeper can come down on my
23218s gulf turn with the one extra mana that i
23220s get that i'm not otherwise spending on
23221s anything else
23223s yeah that makes sense to me is it ever
23225s possible as the priest to just spam
23227s handmaidens and xyrellas and just beat
23229s her druid up like it feels like
23230s sometimes you do have a lot of garbage
23232s on the board that adds up to a lot of
23233s damage
23234s almost never relevant it really helps
23237s because you don't want to be in a
23239s situation where
23241s um your 45 damage from the weapon isn't
23244s good enough obviously that can still be
23246s dealt with there are ways to secure
23248s additional copies of the weapon through
23250s zola or the xyrella hero or whatever
23252s other methods you have in your deck to
23253s be able to do that to get the death
23254s route to go off again after you've
23256s already completed the uh the boars quest
23259s but
23260s ideally you would really really really
23263s love to have them below 45 so that first
23265s weapon is going to do the job and that's
23267s where
23268s minions coming in and attacking really
23270s does do the most work because
23272s no you're never gonna get them down to
23274s zero with your three two and your one
23276s ones right that's not gonna happen if
23277s you can get them to connect face a few
23279s times then that just might set you up
23281s for a smoother late game
23284s double amulet in hand i think that has
23286s any of them been cycled i didn't there
23288s was one in the opening hand i believe so
23290s one of them's on at least two two and a
23292s one then for now
23294s and already the druid asking questions
23296s it's really annoying to play against
23297s druid when the whelps actually don't
23299s just clear your board but they clear
23301s your board and there's still three left
23302s over that's just
23304s more on the clock to slow you down which
23306s is making you have to speed up whichever
23307s way you want to word that
23309s yeah
23310s it's nice but it can get awkward
23312s one of the better matchups though for it
23313s i think for this exact reason you can
23315s kind of land a big health minion in
23317s response to the two ones surviving as
23319s you've seen here with the north shore
23321s cleric um again face off a little shake
23323s of the head cleric just being dumped out
23325s of the hand to make room for handmaiden
23328s with 13 cards still left in the deck
23331s it's it is a borderline necessity in
23333s that position um and just in terms of
23336s overall hand space but really it's not
23338s something that you ever love doing
23339s because you do really want to use all of
23341s your card draw effects rapidly one after
23344s the other in this kind of match-up
23346s and this is the reason i believe that
23347s you're not a zola brand enjoyer in this
23350s deck right there's plenty of card draw
23352s already so
23353s in your opinion or your your favorite
23355s style is just not to have over amounts
23358s of cards on your deck and stick in some
23359s of that removal like light bomb instead
23362s no i am a zola brand enjoyer you've got
23364s it oh you are okay yeah i was so i think
23367s the i think what i said to you that
23368s you're taking that from is that i
23370s initially i didn't like having like zola
23372s bran and hero xyrella in the same deck
23375s because i thought i thought that felt
23377s like redundant i do see the logic of why
23379s you do that because
23380s you can still if you have xyrella hero
23383s in your deck you can still use the zola
23385s brand combo on a big tempo push on a big
23387s card draw turn and then you still have
23389s hero xyrella to be your additional
23391s weapon in the deck if you need it to be
23393s in druid and warrior matchups but i do
23396s feel that having all of those cards in
23398s the same deck does lead to little
23400s situations like this where you have a
23402s handful of nonsense at all times and
23404s just no way to dump it all out on board
23406s but
23407s that very often is a skill cap thing
23409s right you know i just don't understand
23411s how to manage my hand size as much as
23413s pocket training the very very best ball
23415s players
23416s actually do
23419s using
23419s not to light bomb in this way instead
23422s getting on with his own plan using the
23423s health as a resource which i was gonna
23425s keep saying because it's like the only
23427s resource you have is your health and
23429s ways to make it come back up
23431s so you've got to perpetually use that
23436s and setting up to pick up a couple of
23437s cards here
23440s and uh burning two mana as well at the
23442s end of all of it
23444s with the priestess which i can't imagine
23446s was the plan especially with the zero
23448s mana thrive in the shadows still in the
23450s hand and available there
23453s no it doesn't seem correct does it it's
23455s um
23456s if you're going to play the process
23458s you're doing something with it i think
23459s the plan was maybe to get something to
23461s draw with the cleric um pyro would have
23464s helped but then two mana is not enough
23466s so you know i'm not quite sure
23469s i mean just spending another two mana on
23471s doing things there would have been
23472s better than nothing right at that spot
23474s you can still thrive back into your
23476s amulet trade more amulets if you need to
23478s at this point
23480s a lot of things that could have still
23481s been done when the uh when the priestess
23483s came down i thought the reasoning was
23485s that it was going to bounce back up to
23486s uh four mana and then the xyrella clear
23488s was going to be available but that
23490s certainly wasn't the case because it
23491s only went back up to three
23493s very possible he thought the same given
23495s the result that came out of that turn
23497s yeah i'm not sure but we shall move on
23500s uh that amulet picked up i believe is
23502s the three four one at the moment yes
23504s that one does not need any further
23506s trading which is why you will see it sat
23508s in hand
23511s yes you need a two and a three and you
23513s need to play them in that order after
23514s the balls have died it's very simple
23517s can't mess it up it's impossible to make
23520s a mistake on that simple part of this
23521s deck yep
23528s having a good look at these um three of
23530s these 12 cards remaining in his deck
23533s good old think
23535s makes the nourish
23538s you can draw the other two there you go
23540s got it
23550s at what point is the druid here do you
23551s feel you need to get on with the show
23553s like yeah your opponents don't want
23555s cards they've been ticking away
23558s yeah okay pretty pretty much term one
23560s like you're on the clock it's what you
23561s have to do you have to land big stats as
23564s kwamu's been trying to do he ended the
23566s last term with two eight eights and a
23568s six six in play he's ending this term
23570s with two eight eights in play you have
23572s to do that every single turn and then
23573s with battlemaster in the deck that's how
23575s you are threatening to win the game as
23577s kwanwu is right now with that light bomb
23579s used
23580s uh faceoff i now think knows that he
23582s doesn't really have any possible way to
23585s interact with this board state and he is
23587s just going to face inevitable defeat to
23590s a battlegrounds battlemaster which is
23592s surely in hand at this point yeah a
23594s little giggled to himself though as well
23596s i'm 7-0 i'm on stream
23598s probably going to go 2-0 down
23601s of course this happens doesn't it
23604s yeah his only way to play around this
23605s was just to activate combo this turn
23607s which obviously he can no longer do with
23609s the hand that he has i believe
23615s yep trying to find anything here at all
23617s but no no it doesn't go to 32 but good
23619s effort
23621s then strike harder
23623s and yep he knew that was there 2-0 to
23626s quan wu i think the boar priest i think
23628s the only person we've seen is moyan win
23630s with poor priest and he did it by
23632s beating silent priest at the end of
23634s yesterday
23635s okay
23636s all the others have been struggling i
23637s think i don't think we've seen many but
23638s they've been struggling when we've seen
23639s them i think
23641s yeah and certainly i think having the
23643s the bgbm in druid probably does improve
23646s that match up
23647s enormously and because without that card
23650s what we saw there was a fairly familiar
23652s pattern i mean questions about um
23654s face-offs sequencing and rope and
23656s whatever aside
23658s um you know card draw card draw
23660s little board clear from the priest some
23662s more card draw okay one big board comes
23664s down boom there's the light bomb second
23666s big board comes down okay i'm still at
23668s 30 i'll ignore i'll ignore this second
23671s big board from for now a bit more card
23672s draw and then the next turn you
23674s potentially have your ball combo to pop
23676s off with right however when there's a
23678s bgbm there is no board that you can
23681s ignore every druid board will kill you
23683s so once your one light bulb has been uh
23685s been confu been confused been consumed
23688s i'm confused um there's no uh shadow
23690s word ruin or anything like that as an
23692s additional card like you see in
23693s shellfish priest for example um where
23695s there is both shadow word ruin and light
23697s bomb usually because quite often you
23698s have to blow up your own board as much
23700s as you have to blow up your opponents in
23702s that deck
23703s but without that in this version of the
23705s deck there's really only one large board
23708s you can clear over the course of the
23710s entire game because pyromancer generally
23712s doesn't get it done against druid style
23714s minions so being able to transform any
23716s board into lethal with the bgbm probably
23719s amplifies that match up significantly
23722s for the druid
23723s must be nice for kwanwu played two games
23726s he's damaged his opponent twice
23730s yeah no i realized straight after i said
23732s it like when i thought the priestess was
23733s coming down to make the xyrella clear
23735s well that's utter nonsense because the
23737s xyrella clear was never going to do
23738s anything because
23739s kwamu just hasn't attacked face off this
23741s entire series so far so
23744s apart from when he's going to kill him
23745s like that's it there's been no no damage
23747s inflicted
23748s and actually makes you wonder to some
23750s degree if
23751s this is to some extent a target board
23754s pre-strategy we didn't bring that up
23756s because that sort of wasn't really on
23758s the radar but all of these decks do line
23760s up nicely if you're going to do that
23761s with that bit of tech against the board
23763s priest if you count the druid as
23765s a functioning deck against the rest of
23767s the field but throwing a battle master
23768s for this purpose
23770s yeah i actually don't know i'd have to
23771s look more into the shaman board priest
23773s match up to actually give like a
23775s definitive answer on that because
23777s genuinely i just don't really know how
23778s that matchup plays out i have zero reps
23781s of it under my belt at this point
23783s um but certainly it's been very
23785s successful against the ball priest so
23787s far to the point where face-off is now
23788s switching off to his own druid which we
23790s just saw there was single doomsayer and
23792s a spammy arcanist in there and it's
23794s going to be the lorinda special i'm off
23797s for a cup of tea you can handle this one
23799s on your own mech paladin all the way
23800s down
23802s yeah i think i've played fewer games of
23803s mech paladin than i have a boar priest
23805s spectacularly but um ones that i've won
23808s i've definitely won more games with mack
23809s paladin
23810s um yeah
23812s uh this deck i called at the start of
23813s the tournament i'm gonna stick by
23815s although it's not been as good as i
23816s expected it is just good against the
23818s right things right now i highlighted it
23821s a bit at the start hunter and warrior in
23823s particular
23825s the divine shields are just brutal
23826s against those two uh favored decks
23829s and it's okay against everything else
23831s apart from demon hunter but you can ban
23834s that so
23835s you take it it's one of those decks that
23836s just i wouldn't recommend it for ladder
23839s really because you're gonna get demon
23840s hunters out of sight they're always one
23842s turn ahead of you and you just can't
23843s catch up
23845s but for the tournament environment which
23847s is what we are doing here i think the
23849s mech paladin was just one of the very
23851s best brings for this tournament it just
23852s makes your opponent have
23854s an extra deck they would like to ban
23856s that they can't
23857s and even druid right which is the
23859s matchup we're going to face uh yes most
23862s board-based aggro decks do very well
23864s against druid but just paladin when you
23867s were talking about the divine shield as
23869s a specific advantage against hunter and
23871s warrior it's also pretty darn good
23873s against druid because divine shield
23875s minions don't get traded by kelp keeper
23877s they don't get traded by druid of the
23878s reef and each bubble eats an entire
23881s whelp when scale of enyxia or raid boss
23883s onyxia comes down right so it's very
23886s very difficult for uh druid to remove
23888s any of these very sticky minions as well
23890s and against most aggro decks when the
23892s druid has stabilized the druid wins
23895s against that this is still kind of true
23898s but they've got to deal with a 1010
23899s every turn it's a little bit different
23902s is the druid when your opponent is just
23903s spewing ten tens on the board because
23905s they've been gaining stats throughout
23906s the game than it is when you've just
23908s controlled them and oh they've got
23910s they've got a deck four three fours and
23911s a silly little shark who cares
23913s so when they stabilize the game is still
23915s not over against this uh the doomsday is
23918s going to be interesting because radar
23920s detector gets a free turn to go off
23922s against the doomsayer if you look at it
23923s that way
23925s yeah no sure i can see that doomsayer
23927s was the one card not kept here though in
23929s fact because uh
23931s the keep was wild growth and innovate
23933s and the doomsayer was mulliganed into so
23936s that's about what i mean now that is
23938s an opening hand as you can possibly have
23941s yep
23943s and now he has the decision do i just
23944s want to play the doomsayer so i can
23946s preserve my innervate maybe for scales
23948s later just be super greedy
23951s might be a thing
23953s because the vest just goes three five
23954s seven like we all know and love
23957s yeah the vape doesn't really get you
23960s anywhere it's just i think the argument
23963s here is if you vape growth this turn and
23966s then just go doomsayer hero power next
23968s turn did your doomsayer then kill more
23970s stuff and save you more health over the
23972s course of the game or does that just get
23974s the doomsayer killed i think that's
23975s really the only argument that you're
23976s going to have with yourself at that
23977s point
23978s just the two mechs from the detector
23981s that's a a big whiff nowhere near
23983s getting the achievement on that one
23985s is there an achievement for getting all
23987s five yeah there is i didn't even know
23988s about i hit it by accident hadn't
23990s realized what a miracle that was
23992s because you're the luckiest hearthstone
23994s player i've ever seen in my life
23996s yeah of course of course i am subtle
23998s yeah
24000s you said that to everybody you've ever
24002s played against
24005s uh probably true actually
24007s at some point or whether all right
24009s no actually i'll tell you who is
24010s objectively i know who you're going to
24012s say
24012s you can tell them the right answer
24015s daniel falcone there it is yeah
24018s is the actual answer to that yeah
24022s but only when playing it subtle just to
24024s be clear yeah
24026s and i have witnessed it
24028s we we never used a play test because of
24030s it in fact
24034s all right it just can't just come back
24036s it's like
24037s gold's been testing against falcone uh
24039s falcone was playing freeze mage and
24041s we've reached the conclusion that freeze
24042s mage beats control warrior 98 of the
24045s time
24047s and then you switch it around and oh
24048s it's 91 the other way like it should be
24051s yeah
24052s uh i think you've done that haven't you
24054s you've switched before just to prove and
24056s it's just gone the other way as well
24057s yeah
24058s nice
24060s all right
24061s board for face off these are like you
24063s mentioned good little shield pockets and
24065s plenty of mana and plenty of stuff on
24068s the other side is actually looking
24069s really good for face off here
24072s as well as you could hope for
24075s yeah particularly because this hand is a
24077s little bit clunky and honestly like this
24080s is my number one objection to mech
24082s paladin is
24084s this is of course a false equivalence
24085s you don't just have to compare these two
24087s decks to each other because they both
24089s say mech in the name but if you're going
24091s to play like a board-based aggro deck
24092s with mechs in it
24094s why are you playing the one that has to
24096s pay mana for their cards as opposed to
24098s the one that doesn't that doesn't make
24099s any sense to me mech mage scams like 20
24103s mana per game like that has to be the
24105s better deck surely that's how
24106s hearthstone works
24108s again i'm not arguing that mech paladin
24110s is a good deck i'm arguing it's a good
24112s deck for this tournament but whatever
24116s devices better in this light mech mate
24118s so you're saying just divine shields in
24119s particular divine shields in particular
24121s particularly because hunter doesn't get
24123s to trigger their quest from them is the
24125s real big deal okay um because they're
24127s removing your stuff and not advancing
24129s whereas if they're killing mech mage
24130s things they're um advancing their quest
24132s and killing your stuff that's kind of
24134s the big swing for me
24137s this has certainly been my experience um
24140s i have played limited games of mech
24142s paladin because my experience of playing
24144s against mech paladin is they just play a
24148s minion for the amount of mana that it
24150s costs as an aggro deck which just isn't
24152s good enough in my experience so far in
24155s this meta game and i've just kind of
24157s dismissed it out of hand as just not
24159s really doing very powerful things which
24161s honestly i know i am aware of the flaw
24164s in this method because what druid did on
24166s the other side on this game was utterly
24167s disgusting but there's one deck in this
24170s matchup that's paying mana for their
24172s things and one deck in this matchup that
24173s isn't
24175s yeah i mean if you're going to argue on
24176s a fundamentally power level level i am
24179s not going to argue at all but i will
24181s argue a little bit based on the exact
24183s text we expected to see
24185s um because it's functional against the
24187s other decks i'm going to just keep
24188s sparking it
24193s makes you happy anyway
24195s even the mech paladin wants to be mek
24197s mage look at the minions that just
24199s randomly appeared uh-huh knows
24202s it knows look i'm already in trouble i
24204s can't say any more against mech mage
24206s this tournament i've already been like
24209s roasted in public by orange foreign
24211s orange is the nicest person in the world
24213s that was naga mage orange isn't going to
24215s defend oh yeah of course
24218s it's a mage what's the difference
24220s even when you're trying to backpedal
24221s you're still getting it wrong lorendo
24223s what's going on
24225s i don't know
24228s it's almost as if i haven't played
24229s enough mage
24232s ramp into a nixia here just to clear up
24234s even further just add another eight
24236s eight to the problem
24238s value trade into the five five perfect
24241s one welp left exactly push the damage
24244s face
24245s deal with this one paladin
24248s he'll be fine
24251s uh
24252s carryall is
24254s good enough for now yeah
24257s into leviathan
24260s our hardships
24262s will be okay
24263s look at faceoff's hand it's all the
24265s removal cards it's fine
24267s yeah ignore like the 1616 that's coming
24270s down this time
24272s yeah sure
24273s i'm doing sorry the two of them the two
24275s of them my bad
24276s yeah is it 16 16
24279s it's not if you play the oracle first
24281s correct
24281s [Applause]
24284s it's never 16 16 right because it's
24286s always an odd number it's always an odd
24287s number yeah so you're just wrong subtle
24294s i don't know how wrong you are but i
24296s know you're wrong
24300s you take off six right
24302s so it's
24304s yeah 13 i remember now
24306s oh yeah that's right well done
24309s i'll listen to you all along
24312s oh dear
24313s well that looks like it's going to be
24314s 2-1
24318s i must concede what sort of voice lines
24321s that
24322s i thought you honorably choose
24325s i thought the end of that sentence was
24327s going to be i must concede that mech
24329s paladin sucks that would have been a
24331s very fitting thing to hear you say there
24333s lorinda but apparently not
24335s we'll see you tomorrow we will see
24337s subtle in the final when it's mech
24339s paladin versus mech paladin
24341s at 0-0
24343s if it's a 2-2 that means it's the worst
24344s day all right um
24349s the year of mech paladin all day that's
24351s what you're turning into right now just
24353s i'll wait until next year wait until
24355s next year that's when it'll come good
24357s i mean i am
24359s genuinely someone who does not enjoy
24361s paladin i don't enjoy this paladin
24362s particularly much either yeah i'm just
24364s going to stand by it all right so
24366s face off on the board the warrior and
24369s the boar remaining
24371s we'll get to see the paladin take on
24372s those in faceoffs order of choice we
24375s won't talk about how he will decide that
24377s but people like time on stream so
24379s he's likely to pick the one he thinks is
24381s the better choice
24382s and as we have probably zero stats at
24386s all about how poor priest gets on about
24388s against mech paladin i'm gonna say he's
24390s gonna choose the warrior
24393s in which case yes um i still think you
24397s are right in that the control warrior is
24399s going to be the bigger point of
24401s contention
24402s um i do think bubbles are the least
24405s impactful against ball priest the
24408s or yeah less impactful than against any
24410s other deck in the metagame i suppose
24411s because the way the minions are going to
24413s get cleared generally is going to be
24414s with the pyromancer early um it can
24417s interact fairly well with the light bomb
24418s i suppose because the light bomb is not
24420s going to clear up anything with a divine
24422s shield but unless the minions also get
24425s big and bubbly then the wild pyromancer
24427s will still be able to take it apart
24429s because the the shield is only
24430s functioning as one extra health in those
24432s positions
24433s and so remains to be seen how sticky
24434s those minions get i think if you get the
24437s weapon into righteous protector into
24439s radar detector uh start that he got
24441s there against druid against priest then
24443s your minions probably get big enough
24444s quick enough that they just stick to the
24445s board against priest and you can get
24447s there
24448s that is likely the case um but i think
24451s priest can probably just about get there
24453s in the match up whereas we are
24455s going to see the warrior lorinda with
24457s the correct read on the player
24459s psychology and it's gonna be
24461s coming out from face-off
24463s yeah absolutely the reason he was
24464s absolutely logically sound of course
24467s because we haven't got the stats he will
24469s do this i mean you do skirt dangerously
24472s close to like talking like attempting to
24474s talk to me about cue order which for
24476s those of you at home who don't know if a
24478s co-caster tries to talk to me about
24479s conquest pick order i will leave the
24482s broadcast in protest and they could they
24483s can solo cast the rest of it and lauren
24485s do you get dangerous oh hang on
24488s right so anyway
24490s i'm with you tomorrow at some point i'll
24492s just go straight into the pick order
24493s good old solo cast none of this being
24495s corrected nonsense just go for it just
24498s talk my own gibberish for an hour on my
24500s own
24501s because raven who has the solo cast
24503s happy play i've never seen him happier
24505s than when he gets to solo castle he just
24507s gets to prattle away on his own saying
24509s whatever he wants never been happier
24512s how do you feel that warrior has
24514s performed in this tournament from what
24515s we have seen because i think there's two
24517s schools but i'm curious as to what you
24519s think
24521s uh we're just based on what we have
24523s looked at so far yeah you can throw in a
24525s bit of anecdotal what you think
24527s off-stream might be happening as well
24528s but yeah
24529s i mean just based on what we've seen so
24531s far i would say it's underperformed
24533s because what we've seen it do is lose to
24535s demon hunter which is exactly the
24537s opposite of its job right so i think
24540s based on our sample size we kind of have
24542s to say that um but overall in the
24544s tournament as a whole i think it's
24546s performed largely as expected just
24548s looking at the the stats in general
24550s nothing really seems like a massive
24552s outlier to me having looked at that it's
24554s fallen just kind of where i would have
24556s expected it to to be perfectly honest um
24558s it's part of i believe the four highest
24562s win rate lineups
24564s in the tournament so far um
24566s or oh no sorry that was the four most
24568s common lineups that i was looking at
24569s before the highest win rate whereas in
24571s terms of match up win rate it's just
24573s kind of done what you've expected it to
24575s do right there are
24576s decks that punish it and there are decks
24578s that it punishes it's a very polarized
24580s deck so it's going to trend towards the
24583s middle of the pack just almost based on
24586s line up match up rng right which players
24588s do you face when you have the control
24590s warrior in your lineup
24591s yeah part of the reason i ask is because
24593s it seems to be one of those decks and
24595s it's weird to me that it's a warrior in
24596s this spot not some some new fangled
24598s thing
24599s um where several players bunny hopper
24602s being one just think it's the the best
24604s deck right now and others are just like
24606s well it just doesn't really draw the
24607s stuff does it i'm trying to work out if
24610s that's just an experience based thing or
24612s if there's literally
24613s some players playing it miles better
24615s than others
24617s i i do think having you know dipped my
24620s toes in the control warrior water at the
24622s very least it is
24624s i do think there is a higher skill
24626s ceiling than kind of some control
24628s warrior variants in the past because
24631s of the need to find creative wing
24634s conditions with random well not random
24636s cards but cards that cost random amounts
24639s of mana over the various courses of the
24640s game right like the ability to look at
24642s the bottom of your deck discount at the
24644s bottom of the deck swap your entire hand
24645s with the bottom of the deck nargling
24647s wing conditions nelly win conditions
24650s mutinous win conditions these all kind
24651s of vary significantly from match up to
24653s match up finding the solution to the
24656s individual puzzle that you're faced with
24657s in any given match-up i think is a lot
24660s more difficult than it ever used to be
24661s the anti-aggro matchups are still very
24663s much the anti-aggro matchups right you
24665s draw the removal you blow up the board
24666s and then when you can actually make a
24668s board of your own to definitively win
24669s the game you do that that's just kind of
24671s control warrior 101 and always has been
24673s um but it's the kind of outsider
24675s match-ups apart from that which i think
24676s have made the deck a lot more
24678s interesting recently but even that we go
24680s back to um blize earlier just playing a
24682s buckler on two he had to it wasn't a
24683s particularly genius player or anything
24685s but seeing a buckler played on two is
24687s your only buckler in hand against the
24689s aggro druid i think it was you know just
24691s get out five armor now those sort of
24693s things don't worry about your combo
24694s block the board i know i'll find
24696s something to do with it later there
24698s seems to be a lot more of that going on
24699s in this deck as well
24701s yeah agreed
24703s and this card finley obviously you're
24705s talking about the dredge component of
24707s the deck the finley the use of finley is
24710s absolutely critical sometimes yeah
24712s wildly overrated hearthstone card by the
24715s way but specifically in the deck that
24718s discounts the entire bottom of the deck
24720s then drawing that entire bottom of the
24722s deck in one go yes that's a very
24724s powerful effect but multiple people i
24726s saw saying oh you're just going to play
24728s this in every deck like no you what what
24731s would you play plot twist in every deck
24733s no of course you wouldn't what are you
24734s talking about
24736s but again it's a card that has a
24737s standalone value outside of that combo
24740s but obviously it's in the deck because
24741s it has the combo but it is a card that
24744s hey this hand sucks i'll try a new one
24745s with one less card and one less mana
24748s and actually we might not be far from
24750s that point
24755s bubbles doing their work larinda what an
24757s incredible point of analysis that was
24760s look at how awkward these divine shields
24762s are you're a genius how did you ever
24764s foresee this it's incredible it's the
24767s thousands of thousands of games about
24768s 200 million that i've played this month
24771s could be
24772s uh nargling from the depths by the way
24775s is a small out if there ever was a small
24778s out to go along with uh with suspended
24780s in hand
24782s i do like that name for finley
24786s look at him go
24789s genuinely
24791s i haven't taken my eyes off it for more
24793s than a few seconds at a time like when
24795s the discover box
24796s uh popped up i flicked my eyes down to
24798s the discover box registered what they
24800s were and then went back to looking at
24802s finley immediately i can't help it it's
24804s captivating tj's webcam
24807s yeah pretty much just um interesting to
24809s see what he took there in the end from
24810s that discover because he had the other
24812s out of
24813s it's either finley and pray or brawl and
24816s pray and i think he had to work out some
24818s some math which he thought was the
24819s better option
24821s yeah i mean the weird one is right it's
24823s the card that you're going to draw next
24826s so it's a card that you can play before
24828s finley i suppose is the way to look at
24830s it
24831s um
24832s because you know if you're doing things
24834s in that order then yeah so he's going to
24836s dredge it again or discount the dredge
24838s again
24838s and then go for the gusto with the
24840s finley i imagine because that brawl is
24842s uh still down there and still double
24844s discounted at this point so now you do
24846s not pick the brawl under any
24848s circumstance because you want it
24849s remaining on the bottom of your deck
24853s yeah the shield shaft is not much use
24854s because both of the bucklers are in hand
24857s oh okay you could also do it this way if
24859s you really want to pick up the card that
24860s you just put on the top by using the
24861s fortune flame sure yeah
24865s there you go those are things you were
24866s just talking about um many ways of doing
24869s similar things for different amounts of
24870s mana and time
24872s yeah multiple roads to el dorado as a
24874s wise man once said indeed
24877s many times
24886s frozen buckle of fur
24888s then
24890s and he knows the clears on the bottom
24892s with the armor
24893s at least one of them
24900s does he get a second shatter though well
24902s he knows he's getting the brawl right
24903s which i think is the card that's getting
24904s played this time he does get the second
24905s shield chatter though which is huge and
24907s now with ricara as well
24910s that is a huge stack of armor that is
24912s not going to go anywhere
24917s and he's going to have these shield
24918s chatters lined up for the following turn
24920s he's going to lose 5 armor naturally
24922s from the buckler
24923s which means this four attack is doing
24925s nothing
24926s he's gonna have a massive armor stack
24928s for the following turns as you say just
24930s tempo out of nelly
24932s true strength comes from between
24935s okay then
24940s enjoying face off his face off faces
24944s as he um processes the different things
24946s that have been happening in this match
24949s you to find them all amusing which is
24951s one of my favorite facial expressions
24953s do it
24954s i have to do it right
24956s double shutter nelly yeah
24959s seems good
24963s i mean it's not ideal but you're not in
24965s an ideal situation so
24969s it's something
24971s it's a potential win condition
24980s what's the other move you lose your arm
24982s if you don't do it now right
24985s go depths plumbing again apparently oh
24987s he's got a brand for next turn now it
24989s changes things around
24992s now we might see a mutant instead
24995s well he's already paid the mana for the
24996s dredge right so he can't do he's not
24998s gonna do that at all okay my bad
25000s yeah i mean the brand the brown was
25002s always down there right because he'd
25003s picked it up from the initial dredge off
25005s blowing up his weapon and then he put it
25007s back down there again with the finley so
25009s the brown was always there and it was
25010s something that i had considered it's
25012s just for me especially like let's say
25014s kwamu had done anything that wasn't
25017s radar detector on the previous turn
25019s right yeah and you could then i would be
25021s considering this line more heavily
25022s because you might feel like you could
25024s still develop into a fairly weak board
25026s um but when your opponent fills their
25028s entire hand up like that i don't think
25030s personally that you should feel like you
25032s have the time to do this but maybe about
25034s to prove me wrong because last time i
25036s saw six pirates six pirates got an awful
25038s lot of work done
25040s yeah let's go the other way with that
25041s comment you just made let's say he's
25043s seen his opponent pick up a win
25045s condition amount of cards in hand
25047s does one nelly get there yeah okay no
25050s sure i see the logic of that too
25052s two entirely contradictory statements
25055s that both seem to make sense sure
25059s yeah if he's only going to get 18 done
25060s with the nelly even though it's
25061s fantastic and it gets cleared up what
25062s else has he got
25066s where is this i guess so high ball of
25068s 30.
25069s right thinking about it in terms of
25070s damage though is not necessarily where
25072s i'm at
25073s what i'm saying is you can clear the
25074s board that turn play your your four six
25077s and your you're sorry your five five and
25078s your two six you're ahead on board that
25080s turn and then your opponent plays their
25082s stuff but then you use three one mana
25084s pirates to still be ahead on board the
25086s next turn and then you build from there
25088s whereas this kind of created that buffer
25090s um but yes if you're going to hit mr
25092s smite which you almost always do off a
25094s six uh six pirate boat
25096s then i suppose you can just say that you
25099s know taking that one turn of delay is
25101s not going to be a big deal and in the
25102s end while we've been arguing about this
25104s cuomo just dropped leviathan which was
25107s honestly a fairly underwhelming amount
25109s of stats in play right in comparison to
25111s what potentially could have come out but
25114s again maybe i'm just stuck in the idea
25116s that you know mech mage can play 13
25118s cards with eight mana whereas uh mech
25120s paladin probably can't
25122s probably can't but now can put taunts in
25125s the way in the future of this pirate
25127s ship
25129s or rather of its contents
25131s yeah these annoyer trons are huge in
25134s this scenario for sure
25138s but it's not looking good regardless
25142s no my money's on the wabi at this point
25144s must admit yeah double smite in there so
25147s he doesn't even have to do it all in one
25148s turn if he doesn't want to was there a
25150s second one found okay yeah i stopped
25152s paying attention when the first one came
25153s up
25157s i can't tell you what the other four
25158s cards were i just wasn't smite watch
25161s interesting because there was the option
25162s here as well to go with uh dredge and
25165s then draw with the two attacks looking
25167s specifically for a carryall to play that
25169s turn right
25171s um which can then set him up to be
25173s resistant to the pirates however by
25175s delaying it for one turn here there's
25177s still not really a way that the pirate
25179s ship dies this turn right so he's still
25181s set up and has used the dredge to put
25184s the carry along the top anyway
25186s and is going to be picking that up on
25188s the following turn for free so i kind of
25190s like this delayed setup that uh that
25191s kwon reef has gone for here problem is
25193s by committing
25194s trons now
25196s how is he then going to resist the
25198s pirates coming through the other way
25199s because there might still be enough to
25201s be looking at pushing lethal even
25203s through carry on the end yeah buffing
25205s the cars in hand because he knows he's
25207s going to eat them
25209s i enjoyed that
25213s now there's even more stuff
25217s did miss on the biggest minion though
25219s unfortunately
25224s did
25226s now he's setting up um
25228s an argument right it's okay well now you
25230s have to kill my nelly
25232s because otherwise i'm just going to
25233s mutinous you to death
25235s yeah very true our hardships only
25238s strengthen our resilience which is kind
25240s of
25241s without this carry-on at least was a
25243s checkmate situation it still might be
25245s but it's
25246s probably not as he needs to do
25249s i don't know what 23 times 28 times 256
25252s yeah i do know what it is there you go
25254s now is6
25256s is this still draw card first
25262s you have two mana to play with here so
25263s is there anything
25264s for exactly two mana that you would be
25267s willing to dredge first and then draw to
25269s play exactly this turn
25271s with both the neutrons gone i think the
25274s answer to that question is no
25276s you do draw first
25279s that
25280s is
25281s probably correct malware disagrees
25287s takes the automaton
25294s raw's the automaton oh you draw first
25296s because you want to hit smite
25299s sorry but you you dredge first
25302s so you can hit smite and buff it for
25304s your lethal outs
25306s america's outs
25310s uh there'd be a lot more relevant if
25312s there was a mr smite in the deck is
25314s there not one in there
25316s no
25318s well don't do that then
25322s easy
25323s meanwhile how much did you say this was
25325s 54 needed i said 56 at the time yeah
25329s um so it's now 54 so that's 17 29 31
25335s now see captain
25338s weapon free
25341s closer than booter
25342s needed to be because of exactly the uh
25344s two man as well the one man i suppose
25346s seven three coming out on top of all of
25347s this
25351s look at it all
25360s even absolute crazy rng best case
25363s scenario i think this is still short
25364s just based on a quick count
25367s pressing your quick count
25370s doesn't get less and less as they hit
25371s costing is significantly less yes indeed
25373s there it goes all to face in the end
25376s wow that was an absolutely absurd amount
25379s of damage
25381s that'll teach you to 30 me twice in two
25383s games take 56 idiot
25387s oh yeah i had it
25389s when i counted it i had everything going
25391s face plus the uh two cannons also going
25394s face with two minions on board and i had
25396s that as one short so i don't know how i
25398s managed to get that horribly wrong
25400s because he still had an entire spare
25401s pirate attack to go on that turn so
25405s who knows there were captains there were
25407s three booters it was all kicking off
25409s then there's the are they odd or even
25411s numbers which matters as well when you
25412s add it up like that
25414s that's very true yeah that's probably
25416s where i went wrong yeah rounding errors
25418s it's always the rounding errors
25420s yeah we'll go with that
25422s and the captain actually probably turned
25424s most of those into rounding error
25426s numbers smite goes up one of those two
25428s smites yeah we'll go with that yeah
25430s they're all odd numbers look here we go
25432s picking up specifically the uh the
25434s bloodsail raider is what really made
25436s that all possible right just having that
25437s extra additional seven attack eight
25440s attack minion coming down in that spot
25442s we'd uh accounted for the double smite
25444s but the the blood cell raider being in
25445s there as well absolutely ridiculous game
25448s from face off and on reflection i think
25450s absolutely correct to go for the greedia
25453s line with the the brown boat in the end
25456s and because i think you know resolving
25457s that down from my position that probably
25459s wouldn't have been enough to challenge
25461s the
25462s uh the colossus over the two turns right
25464s i think that would have traded things
25466s down nicely i think the carrier would
25468s have then cleared up
25469s which is something that you also that
25470s you have to account for because if you
25472s just if you make your push and you gas
25474s out even if with the play i suggested
25476s you win board for an extra turn or two
25478s quicker you get there quicker and you
25480s hold it for an extra turn or two longer
25482s the carriage is still going to keep the
25484s paladin alive at that point and even if
25487s it takes them an extra turn or two to
25488s re-grip the board they have the time to
25490s do that so i think the plan from
25492s face-off was absolutely on point on
25494s reflection there to go dredging for the
25497s brand that he absolutely 100 knew was
25499s there because he put it there in the
25500s first place pick that up take the one
25502s extra slow turn on board um i would
25504s still argue that that term played by
25506s kwan wu was a little bit slower than
25508s even you might have expected just
25510s spending seven mana on seven at that
25512s point as opposed to combinations of
25513s various cards chucking tons of power
25515s into play but still i think on
25517s reflection face-off absolutely 100
25519s correct to uh to go for what you went
25521s for
25522s i'm going to suggest another example or
25524s a first example maybe of warrior
25526s being maybe a little bit tougher to play
25528s than it looks at first glance because
25529s your your argument was pretty compelling
25532s at the time let's just just get on board
25534s and wipe out these these things and have
25536s some stuff that's kind of how
25537s hearthstone works
25539s uh but he worked out especially the
25540s mutants as well he worked out that the
25541s mutants was going to be a big deal there
25543s because
25544s i don't know if he could predict the
25545s brand is going to still be there but he
25546s knows if the ship's still there the
25548s brand's still there then he gets the
25550s scene
25551s no honestly to the contrary i think that
25552s might have ended up being the actual x
25554s factor for the whole decision as well
25556s because if you wipe the board in that
25558s spot
25558s um and then you play bran nelly i think
25562s you have a reasonable expectation that
25564s that brand might survive a turn at that
25566s point because your opponent likely is
25568s not going to want to pop the boat
25570s they're quite likely to do something
25572s that the the opponent did on the other
25573s side at which point if he had planned
25575s that far ahead to be able to then
25577s foresee bran mutinis at the same time
25579s then hats off to him because that is a
25581s very very very insightful play but i
25583s absolutely would not put it past someone
25585s at this level of hearthstone to have
25586s something set up that far in advance and
25588s i do think that brand mutants was not
25590s something that i had considered because
25592s it could have it could have been even
25594s better than expected right if a line had
25596s been gone for where kwanwu chose to hold
25599s the anoyatrons for example to try and
25601s play around one of those burst lethals
25602s at the end if there would have been
25604s bigger minions than click clockers in
25606s play to begin with uh there could have
25607s been you know maybe even an immediate
25609s lethal set up through that uh carryall
25611s that came down so i do think very very
25614s insightful play from faceoff in that one
25615s very very well earned but now we are
25618s going to come down to what have really
25620s been the two problem decks of the series
25623s larinda with the mech paladin going up
25626s against the uh boar priest am i right in
25628s saying that these are the decks
25630s responsible for all of the losses in
25631s this series so far
25633s deck's responsible for all of my losses
25635s on ladder i know that much
25638s um but yes you are very much correct in
25640s that as i'm sure you're taking great
25642s glee in delivering to me
25645s but one of them is going to win now
25646s subtle so you can't be smug for much
25648s longer
25649s yeah the poor priest is going to win the
25651s good deck
25652s okay
25653s i hope it does because i haven't seen it
25655s really do its thing again apart from him
25656s in that really weird well played game by
25659s moya against fiori hunter last night
25661s which i didn't see because i had passed
25664s out at that point
25665s there was all sorts going on in that
25667s game
25668s because silence priest and me and you
25669s just like yeah silence piece we know
25670s about this from five years ago with
25672s exactly the same cards honest we know
25674s what we're doing
25677s i have quite enjoyed most variations of
25679s silence priests throughout the years to
25680s be fair
25682s it's a silly deck
25684s it really is
25687s uh all right some cheap stuff there for
25690s kwanwu which obviously is a mixed
25691s blessing but right now with a hand he
25694s has i think it's nice for him he's going
25695s to fill out the board he's got the
25696s automaton which is going to be a big
25698s deal for any of the priest cards apart
25700s from zoella to deal with
25702s and
25703s not scared to insert the one because one
25705s is not a dangerous amount of damage for
25706s the piece to have to heal up
25708s quite happily do that and take a view on
25710s how much damage he wants to do going
25712s forward
25712s yeah or maybe he just forgot for the
25714s first time in three games
25717s he's been so disciplined up to this
25718s point but no i do absolutely agree with
25719s you i think one damage is no big deal to
25722s poke into the priest's face at all
25727s god yep i think take as many shards as
25729s you can possibly get your hands on in
25730s this matchup to deal with those divine
25732s shields if needs be
25734s oh need will be for absolute sure
25738s i know what the deck is
25744s in hand
25746s the automaton's going to be a very
25748s annoying
25749s thing to deal with i know you say that
25751s the shield is only one health but it's
25752s already on four health
25754s how much more does it really need
25756s yeah not that much
25759s and it's also um zyrella proof right we
25761s talk about pyro's clearing it but it is
25763s cyrilla proof with a big shield on it
25768s on that front uh faceoff healing his own
25770s face there by the way which isn't
25772s necessarily always correct in these
25774s positions especially when you're playing
25776s against opponent who has shown that they
25778s are
25779s incredibly committed to not pushing
25781s large amounts of damage against you but
25783s i think this time around kwamu is just
25784s putting in that chip damage again three
25787s is the magic number that's kind of the
25788s most you can do without really ever
25790s having to think about it i suppose yeah
25793s um because of uh gift of the naaru any
25796s more than that and then you might start
25797s getting yourself into trouble
25800s face off using cards the healing's there
25802s but that's not what he's worried about
25803s he was worried about getting some more
25805s stuff in hand because currently he's not
25806s well equipped to deal with a board full
25809s of shielded mechs which is what he's got
25811s in front of him
25813s and now this has answered the question
25815s quite we're not messing around he's just
25816s getting all the damage while he can
25818s there's no real way to do 13 a turn
25821s obviously there is ways to do that in
25822s this deck but yeah realistically you've
25824s got to chip away
25827s yeah so i don't think this board is
25829s going to get dealt with this turn but if
25831s faceoff can find himself a desperate
25833s prayer from this thrive in the shadows
25836s or from the natural draws at some point
25838s he will be able to likely clear this up
25840s and any board that comes down in fact
25842s he'll be able to clear up with the
25844s second shard the desperate prayer and
25845s the xyrella in combination next turn but
25848s that will involve tanking an enormous
25849s amount of damage in the meantime
25853s let's just prepare work like that
25857s sorry
25860s it doesn't proc shields right it's not
25862s damage
25863s no
25864s what
25865s let's prepare is just heal for five oh
25867s sorry yeah i thought you'd be i'm
25869s thinking of devour it's okay desperate
25871s okay
25872s yeah i mean yes for example yeah to
25874s answer the question you asked which was
25875s nothing to do with what i was talking
25877s about shadower devour kills a way a
25880s click clocker with a divine shield
25881s without interacting with the divine
25883s shield yes it's good
25886s good to know thank you subtle for
25888s commentating both on what's happening on
25889s the board and what's happening in my
25890s head simultaneously
25893s tricky sometimes
25895s we can do it
25901s any world where sneeze is useful here
25904s probably none
25906s don't think so no
25908s i was gonna say is moon catcher too slow
25910s possibly so yeah gorilla bot makes
25912s absolute sense just to keep this all
25913s coming turn after turn
25924s okay possibilities are now a foot with
25927s the priestess
25929s hopefully face-off does not spend too
25931s long thinking about them because he's
25933s already uh fallen into that particular
25935s pit of spikes once during the series
25937s yeah this is the biggest pit of spikes
25939s it's trying to calculate it so you waste
25941s no manner and no cards in this spot fine
25943s if you can do it go for it
25945s but if you're not quite sure just just
25947s play some cards you never count right
25949s you just see
25950s get a feel for yeah this is enough to do
25952s all the things i want to do
25954s i absolutely agree decision paralysis is
25956s the biggest pitfall with this deck by
25959s far
25960s you just end up doing nothing
25963s halfway through the turn and it's kind
25965s of there
25966s if you waste two mana and you've done
25967s the things you want to do just do those
25969s things
25971s getting angry i'm sure
25972s [Laughter]
25975s i'm having flashbacks subtle
25979s this looks like my games
25984s i assume that means he's made the
25985s decision some time ago not to use the
25987s precess right that's that's all i can
25989s come to
25990s though he's now using his six mana
25991s carefully
25994s yeah sure
26000s so when you've decided not to use it now
26001s now you can just play a proper
26002s hearthstone turn
26012s leviathan now coming down the shadow of
26014s the nari was preserved which gives
26016s face-off options for shard plus light
26019s bomb in the future
26020s he does want to go for that potentially
26022s even right now
26026s yep
26027s it looks like he does have other plans
26029s still
26031s i mean he needs to draw as well as clear
26033s the board right just just light bombing
26036s doesn't get you anywhere apart from
26038s killing some stuff
26041s yeah he's still a long way away on his
26043s trade balls as well still needs to get
26044s that done at some point which again as i
26046s was saying at the start you know it's
26048s it's it's very easy to forget to account
26051s for the amount of mana that you actually
26052s have to uh allocate
26054s like three trades for three amulet of
26056s and undying is three mana that you have
26058s to spend over the course of the game
26059s which doesn't sound like a lot
26062s but when your removal costs six and
26064s you've almost been dead for the entire
26066s game and it's only turned seven already
26068s and yes that's an enormous amount of
26070s mana that you have to spend at some
26071s point over the course of the game
26073s quickly
26074s making the space quite efficiently here
26077s finally finds the pyromancer that he's
26078s been hunting for for the last 24 cards
26082s yep there comes the devour
26087s able to take some of this damage off the
26089s board at the very least
26091s do you get quite a lot of cycles in
26092s there i'm going to assume for the sake
26094s of argument which is i probably
26095s shouldn't given my track record that the
26097s amulets are now stacked up to what they
26099s need to be
26100s did one of them come back after the
26102s start of the turn i only took note of
26104s two trades during the turn i'm not sure
26106s if one came back to the hand after it
26107s was traded i thought it did but i might
26109s be wrong honestly at this point
26115s oh bubble ball again
26124s asap also ended up using a lot of spells
26126s there to just deal with what he had in
26127s front of him last term which means this
26129s pyromancer or the next part both gonna
26131s be hard work
26132s carry or dredge as well which means
26134s face-off is gonna have to play the hard
26135s mode version of the match up where he's
26137s going to need a double weapon to be able
26139s to get the job done
26145s that's a three on that i'm pretty sure i
26146s saw
26149s is this now just borshard and light bomb
26158s leaves a freaking s why it doesn't leave
26160s a 7 8 behind but it still leaves the
26161s gorilla bot behind
26165s trades away
26170s which means is he going to try and find
26172s it right now with the cleric
26177s but decide again to like keep on about
26179s this is what i keep on about the
26180s decision paralysis you're right this is
26183s so tough but you try and find it right
26184s now
26186s can't get it all done right
26189s well i believe the other amulet does
26191s cost zero so i think it would be
26192s theoretically possible in some world but
26194s not without knowing the exact make up of
26196s the death on the other side right
26199s he also doesn't have any spells left and
26201s also
26202s the trader balls would be difficult oh
26204s he's
26205s his left leg on board yep having having
26208s traded away the shard he didn't have any
26209s way of uh of dealing with it obviously
26211s with the shard he would have removed the
26213s divine shield so he would have
26214s potentially killed the leviathan
26216s but he would have still left the gorilla
26218s bot behind but it would have been silent
26219s so it would have only been a 3-4 or a
26221s 3-1 at that point after the light bomb
26223s had hit it um but again without knowing
26226s the exact make up of the last few cards
26228s left in faceoff's deck um it is hard to
26231s tell you exactly whether trading away
26233s gave him shots to go for it i do think
26235s in some worlds he did have shots to go
26237s for it with cleric pyro gift blah blah
26239s blah blah because the other amulet was
26241s discounted to zero at that point um as
26244s long as they were juiced up as much as
26245s they needed to be
26247s but even then it was going to prove to
26249s be a difficult game if he didn't get it
26252s done then um and this is something that
26254s incentivizes going for it early in
26256s positions like this as well if he pops
26258s off this turn the carriage never happens
26260s right so face-off doesn't have to worry
26262s about getting that second weapon done
26264s with the xyrella and getting to that
26265s point in the game he could just get
26266s there with the first weapon because guam
26268s we will never have enough mana to play
26270s the carriage in the first place uh boar
26272s priest is very very hard um i don't
26276s think that was us witnessing the deck
26278s being played at the highest level it was
26279s certainly a level of the deck higher
26282s than what i've reached with it so far
26284s and i think i'd speak for my co-caster
26286s there as well
26288s but certainly not the uh the exhibition
26290s that we've been waiting for but maybe
26292s maybe somewhere in top 16 top eight top
26295s four top two there is a uh a boar priest
26297s king or queen hanging around that can
26299s show us how it's done and it might be
26301s face off i don't think he's been on
26302s stream many times before if any
26305s um we usually talk about that a lot we
26307s didn't today we're kind of getting used
26309s to players just jumping onto stream and
26311s not minding so much these days but you
26313s know i i
26314s told you about his curve his his
26315s improvement curve across those
26317s qualifiers recently maybe this is just
26319s another step he hasn't yet taken which
26320s is playing well on stream under the
26322s pressure especially to my ball priests
26325s where
26326s there's the second you turn a camera on
26327s yourself and play a game of hearthstone
26330s you lose 30 seconds off your turn i'm
26332s not telling you how i don't know why but
26333s i think most players have experienced
26335s that at some point who have been on
26336s stream
26337s your time just goes so much more quickly
26339s for some reason i don't know if your
26340s head's full of thoughts of oh what are
26342s people thinking about my ball preach
26343s play but
26344s the time goes somewhere and i'm not the
26345s only one who experiences this
26348s maybe we'll see him in the top eight and
26350s do it properly
26351s yeah i think in the grand scheme of
26352s things though if you want to look at it
26354s from a purely neutral perspective
26356s perhaps that was the right result in the
26358s series because um faceoff is actually
26360s paired down in this bracket so he was
26362s the 7-0 zero player kwamui was the six
26364s one player uh so the fact that it broke
26366s down that way means that both of those
26368s players now end up on seven one which is
26369s a qualifying score for top 16 so happy
26372s days all around i suppose if you want to
26374s take that away from what you just saw
26376s yeah absolutely i want to take it away i
26378s like to watch the players who get into
26379s the top 16 before they get there we
26381s don't get to see all of a round of 16.
26383s we do see every match after that so we
26385s cover as much as we can
26387s but that round of 16 has allowed us to
26389s have a much sharper cut a much cleaner
26392s cut a much better cut for the
26394s players involved rather than having
26396s several players on tie breaks and stuff
26398s now it's just one or two lucky people
26399s get into the top 16 rather than like
26402s nine missing out or something so even
26404s though we don't get to show all of that
26405s is like an extra round of swiss and you
26407s will see a lot of the action tomorrow
26409s but i think we'll have some more action
26410s today subtle as well with um
26412s some more action from this round of
26415s huge importance for everything going on
26417s around the whole of the masters tour
26419s seasonal championships
26421s last call gun masters all of that being
26423s decided over the next few minutes
26429s so without further ado
26431s let's have a look at the next game on
26434s the list
26436s take a short break to set it up and
26437s we'll be right back
26442s [Music]
26462s you
26473s [Music]
26534s [Music]
26540s [Music]
26547s [Music]
26551s [Applause]
26553s [Music]
26554s [Applause]
26568s [Music]
26575s [Music]
26595s [Music]
26634s hello everybody and welcome back
26637s to master's tour voices sunken city my
26639s name is tj i'm joined by saddle and we
26642s have the pleasure of bringing you some
26642s more coverage
26644s from
26645s the last round
26647s of swiss here um last
26650s coverage you'll see before we
26652s know who's in our top 16 get to see
26655s who's going to be battling it out
26657s for uh that
26658s championship spot tomorrow sabah how you
26660s doing bud coming off a a pretty long
26662s match
26664s it was it was a full uh five game i
26667s think both players were hitting the
26668s ropes sometimes to their detriment in
26670s the series so it was a long one but it
26672s was a really interesting one and
26673s honestly uh i do think a lot of the
26676s games have been
26677s incredibly interesting and complex as
26680s the the tour has gone on which is
26683s something i kind of predicted right in
26684s the intro right so i think there are a
26686s lot of decks that um that lend to it
26688s where you just get these insane board
26691s tension kind of positions where where
26693s both players are in agony trying to work
26695s out how to find the advantage um as well
26697s as just players trying to line up
26699s various things with like dredge mechanic
26700s combos as well particularly in some of
26702s these warrior games that we've been
26703s seeing so um it's been a sort of
26706s different expression of what good
26708s hearthstone looks like and we've perhaps
26710s been used to seeing in some of the more
26713s combo and burn based metas that we've
26715s seen previously um but it's still been
26717s certainly very very engaging it's been
26719s keeping me on my toes throughout so i've
26721s been having a good time
26723s [Music]
26724s you know who else is having a good time
26734s okay
26736s close very close
26737s um yeah shinimahiru uh versus
26739s bunnyhopper i believe we're gonna jump
26741s into this match in progress
26744s um
26745s hero is going to be playing the naga
26747s demon hunter
26749s um and i think this is going to be game
26752s two
26753s and i'm not smart enough
26756s to look at these
26758s small boxes and know who actually won
26761s game one so we'll find out
26763s i didn't even look at the graphic
26765s uh it appears bunny hopper won game one
26768s on warrior from what i'm looking at
26770s gotcha okay
26772s thank you
26774s it's always confuses me from the get-go
26778s confirmation
26782s it okay yeah there we go um so buddy
26785s hopper doesn't have the warrior
26786s available players had uh
26788s uh
26789s very similar lineups
26791s um coming into this in fact
26795s i don't want to say it's card for card
26796s the same but it's not car for cart the
26799s same their warriors differ slightly
26802s their
26803s uh
26804s quest hunters differ slightly
26806s and their rapture it's differ slightly
26810s but same archetypes all the way across
26812s the board yeah harpoon gun versus no
26814s harpoon gun uh one fortune in flame
26816s versus two forged in flames just a
26818s little differences here and there but
26819s yeah archetype-wise very very similar
26822s indeed uh bunny hopper gonna be going
26824s here with the quest hunter going up
26826s against the demon hunter on the other
26828s side um curious as to whether in this
26831s series we will get to see uh hunter
26834s versus warrior played out from either
26836s side because that is a match up that i
26838s still have a bit of trouble with in
26841s terms of how i've seen
26843s very good players play play it's one of
26845s those things where
26846s i've seen you know supposedly good
26848s players play the match up and in my
26850s opinion play it very badly and then i've
26853s talked to other very good players who
26855s then go no no you're right you're not
26856s supposed to play it like that what
26857s you're saying is correct and then i've
26859s gone and cross-referenced that with a
26860s different player and they've got no
26862s subtle you're an idiot what the player
26863s did on stream was right the whole time
26864s so i basically have no idea what the
26866s right answer is so it's a matchup that i
26868s am interested in seeing a little bit
26869s more of but we will have to see uh if we
26872s can come down to that a little bit later
26874s on because for now it is going to be the
26876s quest hunter going up against the demon
26878s hunter
26880s that's right
26882s now obviously demon hunter can pack a
26884s ton of damage you know get lady steno
26886s out
26887s uh
26888s really early and with no threat of
26891s minions from the quest hunter can deal a
26893s lot of damage and
26894s and initiate and sometimes win a race
26899s i do think that especially with this
26901s version the naga version and not like
26903s the fell version
26904s um
26906s quest hunter should be in a pretty good
26907s spot to at least take control of the
26909s early board
26914s count strike going through choosing that
26916s over just dropping the battle warm
26918s vanguard which i do think is correct but
26920s only specifically because of one card in
26923s particular and that's barb nets
26925s i think otherwise i would just be quite
26927s happily putting two must kill minions on
26929s the board at once in that position but i
26931s think barb nets just does too much work
26933s in a single card if you end up doing
26935s that so i like playing up the curve here
26937s with the
26938s cow strike on two and then battle warn
26939s on three with the hero power
26943s strike now
26948s sounds like a plan
26957s now how does bunny want to clear this up
26959s he has an incredibly fast hand really
26961s available to him here if he wants it
26967s this turn to be able to clear everything
26969s if he really wants to try and turbo
26970s quest you can then also just rip an
26972s arcade shot of face if he really feels
26974s like it
26976s well
26976s he
26978s could just go raj najan
26981s and then
26982s barb nets
26984s coin face
26986s base plus vanguard and then coin wound
26988s prey yeah
26992s yeah i don't hate that
26996s you're pushing a good amount of damage
26998s and progressing the quest and the next
26999s turn you just launch arcane shot and
27001s furious howl
27003s is it always face plus the tutu or would
27006s you because you could preserve the 1 1
27008s minion from wound prey right if you
27010s double shot minions i don't know how
27011s relevant that ends up being against
27013s demon hunter hero power though
27015s it's probably going to get in
27017s one damage on average 2 damage on upside
27020s whereas barbed net is always two damage
27023s okay agree
27024s ah
27025s option c
27027s don't even call
27030s all right
27034s the choice to not coin here does mean
27035s that you uh lose your face naga to puff
27038s a fish exactly which is the scenario
27040s that bunny has been faced with
27052s a little reasonable pan out though bunny
27054s has no issues dealing with this
27059s it's just how does he want to is this
27060s the furious howl turn now could go
27062s arcane shot wind prey
27065s coin furious howl
27068s um
27072s i think spending your last mana just on
27073s the explosive trap this turn is fine
27076s right and then you can uh reassess on
27079s the following turn
27080s okay
27082s because this allows you to do this
27086s where are you saying that significantly
27087s more damage face
27094s that's the thing you don't necessarily
27096s even have to clear the minion here right
27099s yeah
27101s so this is an explosive trap
27104s only
27107s yep it's not like bunny hopper would be
27110s giving up any information by just going
27111s here a power face so
27113s i like it
27117s and most of the time you'll get a card
27119s cheap enough next turn to be able to get
27120s the full three card draw with the
27123s furious hal
27127s plus obviously like most of the time
27129s explosive trap is just immediate quest
27131s progress that you wouldn't have made by
27132s casting furious out previously right
27134s like it's it's rare in a match up that
27137s is based around your opponent hitting
27138s you in the face that they are gonna sit
27140s there and not proc your explosive trap
27142s just for the sake of not advancing your
27144s quest progress
27154s arcanite reaper
27163s just fury i think
27166s straight up dimage
27168s yeah
27169s he still has need for greed if he really
27171s needs to draw cards over some point in
27173s the game
27174s i think with that plus kurchus plus fell
27175s barrage
27178s just looking to counter 30 this game
27183s that's the worst draw in the deck oh no
27194s not really any other play but just going
27196s furious hell i mean i guess
27201s you never really know with bunnyhopper
27202s but
27203s oh no wait that's your law
27206s a lot of similarities between the two
27209s but
27210s i think bunny hopper is more inclined to
27213s just play cards
27214s yes
27221s well wound prey plus piercing shot next
27224s turn is damage
27228s i'm just gonna go ahead and get it out
27229s of the way now so wait yeah
27232s exactly this is just two for two on
27234s tavish right now so if he finds an extra
27237s uh one mana spell on the following turn
27239s saving the mana now might end up being
27240s relevant
27241s yeah i'd love to be able to drop wind
27244s prey piercing shot combination for sure
27246s but yeah there's no way that's happening
27254s [Applause]
27268s just making sure the game knows very
27271s clearly what he would like to receive
27273s here there we go
27278s um
27279s emergency maneuvers with treasure guard
27281s is interesting
27283s it is yeah
27285s um
27288s even with the tavish itself if it lives
27290s long enough to actually get value out of
27292s two additional seven sevens which does
27294s seem unlikely when you're 18 against
27295s fell demon hunter or uh narcademy yeah
27297s at this point in the game
27301s there's more spells than nagas so to be
27304s honest i've always been
27306s a little on the fence about the naming
27308s yeah true
27312s i feel like the name fell demon hunter
27313s just evokes the idea that it has jase in
27316s it though right
27318s yeah but that's our fault
27325s i mean i don't think the guy responsible
27327s for big hoot warlock really has uh much
27330s skin in the game when it comes to naming
27332s decks problems
27336s how dare you
27356s it sure isn't
27364s freezing trap was the other secret
27366s picked up here which is the absolute
27369s worst case scenario against what has
27371s happened with the little fell wings
27372s coming out
27377s looking very much like bunny is going to
27379s find himself dropping down to 1-1 in the
27382s series here
27388s yeah tracking has to be the choice
27392s he was off to such a good start but
27395s then just kind of whiffed on a couple
27396s turns in a row picked up piercing shot
27398s tara guard and
27401s a terror guard i keep saying target
27402s treasure guard
27404s who guards terror
27409s um
27411s and the tavish came in just such an
27413s awkward time
27414s yeah obviously hero for hero davis into
27417s curtis's
27419s uh one second quest has a second portion
27421s of the quest has already been complete
27423s just feels bad
27424s yeah
27427s agreed i think here with these attacks
27429s with the fury with the fel barrage there
27431s is infinity damage available to uh
27435s and this is gonna square up the series
27437s one game to one demon hunter picking up
27438s the win against the quest hunter for
27441s bunny yeah i think your assessment was
27444s spot on clean opening i think the
27447s arguable turn was perhaps whether it was
27450s worth protecting
27451s the the face nugget against the
27453s pufferfish term by using the coin bunny
27455s chose not to can't necessarily call that
27457s wrong but it's certainly a term that you
27458s can look at as well but from that point
27460s onwards
27462s the setup he had emptied his hand into
27464s uh into the howl and then the the cards
27466s he drew both pre and post howe were just
27469s absolutely not what he was looking for
27471s he got you know two or three of the most
27473s expensive cards in his deck from that
27474s point which was not what he was lining
27476s up to do i think that is just a bad rub
27478s of the green at that point um but very
27480s well played on the other side from uh
27482s demon hunter and now we will uh move
27484s forward and still
27486s um have this potential hunter versus
27488s warrior matchup which i am very eager to
27490s watch on the horizon
27495s as am i
27496s and also a potential demon hunter vs
27498s warrior yeah we don't talk about them
27502s oh i talk about it a considerable amount
27505s mr subtle
27509s [Music]
27517s well i thought you were then going to
27518s proceed to talk about it that would have
27520s been the thing that i expected to hear
27521s but it just it just didn't come so i
27523s wasn't i wasn't sure whether you were
27524s done it's classic tj casting no idea if
27527s and when
27528s you are you're just pausing for seven
27531s seconds before you say the next word or
27533s whether you've just finished talking
27534s altogether
27535s you know that's a fair point uh you know
27538s you talked earlier about being on your
27541s toes with this meta game and i'm just
27543s continuing that
27545s that trend of uh keeping you on your
27547s toes am i done am i not who knows
27557s [Laughter]
27559s so control warrior coming out um we will
27562s see now whether it's the hunter on the
27563s other side uh but this does have what we
27566s will loosely refer to as the orange tech
27568s in it from uh bunny hopper with the uh
27571s the gerlock ravager being thrown into
27574s the mix
27576s uh sorry from uh shinimahiru not from
27578s bunny hopper i have my decks backwards
27584s with of course the idea being that with
27586s the synergy of sir finley and mutinus
27589s and both of those cards being extremely
27591s powerful in a lot of matchups having
27593s that gorlok ravager in there as well
27595s just gives you the added consistency
27597s because of the addition of dredge if you
27599s have any of sir finley gorlok ravager or
27603s mutinous in your top 10 or so cards or
27606s in your bottom five or so cards you're
27608s going to draw them every game right and
27610s then by having the gorlok ravager in
27612s there as well that increases the
27613s consistency of them hitting the other
27614s two so it's a cute idea it makes sense
27618s uh whether or not it just falls under
27620s you know cute but ineffective or cute
27622s but revolutionary i think maybe we still
27624s need a little bit of time to find out
27625s but it is a very good mechanical idea at
27627s the very least
27629s cute and revolutionary is such a deadly
27631s combo
27632s [Laughter]
27635s that was my nickname in in secondary
27637s school actually
27638s quickly
27642s uh if only i knew what secondary school
27644s was sorry high school would probably be
27646s really funny the thing is most people in
27649s this country now refer to it as high
27651s school because i think a lot of uh
27653s schools have switched but it used to be
27656s primary and secondary school for when i
27658s back in the back when i was a lad tj
27665s i can only picture you as a as a lad
27668s just your same exact head just put on a
27671s much smaller body
27676s yeah
27678s honestly not far off
27680s see
27681s told you
27688s here we are
27690s in the hunter versus warrior matchup
27695s cool
27696s there you see it exactly gorlok ravager
27699s and the mutants both down there picking
27701s up the uh gorlok
27702s but yeah so my point of contention in
27704s this matchup is that obviously i think
27706s ideally if you are able to do the setup
27709s where you get exactly zero mana
27712s repeatable upgraded tavis hero power
27715s great right like that's gonna beat
27716s warrior every single time but what i
27718s think i see too many players do is hold
27721s out and play very specifically for that
27724s out uh which bunny hopper now can
27726s absolutely do if he wants to right
27728s because he sees the tavish but i've seen
27730s players at a high level literally sit
27732s there not casting damage spells waiting
27735s for the uh the the tavis hero to appear
27738s before they start doing it whereas in my
27739s opinion i think if you just start
27741s throwing damage at your opponent's face
27743s that still gets there most of the time
27745s so you should start the game like
27747s defaulting to that and then only like
27750s pivot to the tavish if and when you need
27752s to obviously in this situation bunny's
27753s dredged the tavish early so he has 100
27756s flexibility as to how he wants to play
27759s the game
27760s dare i ask if you have opinions on this
27761s topic tj
27763s um no
27765s don't ask okay good
27768s don't ask because i don't glad i asked
27771s before i asked
27774s yeah i'm kind of uh
27777s i always used to say play with your deck
27780s and not your hand
27782s but i've always i've only said that in
27785s practice i always play with my hand and
27787s never my deck
27789s right
27792s and so
27793s i never wait for tavish
27799s if he dies he dies
27803s sounds right to me
27809s i need your clothes your boots and your
27811s motorcycle
27815s uh
27817s i wish i could say that that would be
27818s the end of this
27820s impression but i'm sure he'll be back
27825s not gonna do it as much as i want to
27831s i won't play these games with you
27836s the only thing you play games with tj is
27837s my heart
27845s you're just bathing me
27847s i am you're right nothing randomly
27850s bursting into songwriting
27853s i'm so prone to breaking out into song
27858s if you don't even care you have no
27859s respect
27869s stay tuned because after the break you
27870s will find out what it means to me
27884s i want to say a little bit surprised
27885s that with your history you actually went
27887s for the real version and not the
27888s butchered michael scott version
27892s so you can weave in your two favorite
27894s things bursting into song and making us
27897s office references
27903s those are two of my favorite things
27905s thank you for remembering yeah
27911s meanwhile a game of hearthstone that i
27913s said i was interested in about 10
27914s minutes ago i've almost entirely ignored
27917s for the last four turns well it's been
27919s sort of the tavish waiting room you know
27923s this is
27924s nearly the perfect time for it yes
27931s and let's see
27939s none of them are like
27941s super good
27942s i guess ice trap is the only one that
27944s provides any amount of reasonable
27946s disruption
27948s yeah i don't think you're really
27949s concerned about like explosive trap
27951s damage just because
27954s you know with the tavish
27957s played before the uh quest completion
27961s you're you're gonna have infinite damage
27963s it seems at a certain part of the game
27966s there's board refill after board retail
27967s so
27973s oh dredge the viper there as well
27976s could end up being a really big deal
27978s here
27979s big guys trap and emergency maneuvers i
27981s think emergency maneuvers as you were
27983s saying about ice trap is the only one
27984s that really offers utility in the game
27986s state you're heading towards uh
27988s emergency maneuvers on huffers for
27990s example oh dear you're in trouble if
27992s that happens
27999s sleeping huffers
28012s can't make a song out of that
28017s impressed if you could to be honest
28020s well i could but
28023s it just wouldn't be very good is the
28025s point
28026s yeah my kids have been watching a lot of
28027s peppa pig recently
28031s which makes it even harder to not
28033s do a british accent whenever i cast now
28036s [Laughter]
28038s it's just so ingrained into my brain
28040s because i just hear it all day long
28042s you have any idea like i'm not a huge
28044s peppa pig aficionado but i believe all
28047s the different animals have like
28049s different regional different regional
28052s yes yeah yep
28057s but if you were gonna ask if they have
28059s any
28061s deeper meaning behind it
28063s well it's gonna say
28064s any under any underlying message about
28068s the regions of the uk they don't okay
28072s i was just gonna ask if you could
28073s identify any of them was all i was gonna
28076s probably just because i spend so much
28078s time around you guys
28091s that is the juice right there
28101s reason being i think any board that you
28103s generated here you would be 100
28105s confident was going to get immediately
28106s blown up so
28110s the fact that you are drawing two cards
28111s off it
28112s is absolute best case scenario
28126s only thing uh bunny really needs to do
28128s to not
28133s throw this one would be to complete
28135s quests before
28139s uh tavish is playable
28147s but that's a pretty easy thing to do
28149s when he ended with the quest completion
28150s last turn oh ooh
28152s free hufflepuff
28156s bait shot your huffer so you can roll
28158s another huffer this is how you play this
28160s deck there you go
28163s now this is pod racing
28166s it's just
28167s there oh yeah
28169s it's just how the deck works
28174s it's just a hidden easter egg in the
28176s hearthstone code
28177s if you are smart enough to dragon bane
28179s shot your own huffer you get rewarded
28181s with one shiny free huffer
28185s and another dragon bean shot
28188s exactly
28189s how could this possibly be exploitable i
28192s see no issues
28208s um
28211s this one's going to be tough
28213s yeah it is
28221s i guess nelly
28223s oh
28224s it's so many half of this tj
28227s it's a lot of huffers
28232s just shaking his head like what do i do
28236s nelly six mr smites
28239s yeah with bran
28242s yep that'll do it even then the turn you
28245s play nelly you probably die
28252s you spent one mana so far this time
28255s yep
28262s i mean this
28264s very well just could this be lethal
28267s [Laughter]
28270s bunny just absolutely not reacting to
28273s any of this so far okay oh yeah 100
28276s huffers and leops yep that's what you
28278s want good sign me up
28279s there's the dragon bane shot tell the
28281s game what you want point it at the one
28283s you want
28287s another offer
28291s he's just dead just leave though yeah
28294s it's just
28298s buddy just takes his headset off yep
28300s perfectly normal game of hearthstone
28301s there nothing to see played that one
28303s perfectly moving on
28305s standard day at the office
28310s bunnyhopper
28312s and now it's just the demon hunter
28313s remaining
28314s and two good matchups
28321s yes agreed two highly favorable
28325s match-ups against the hunter and the
28327s control warrior
28332s it's just math
28338s tj
28340s what are we going to do with you
28346s thank you very much i'll be here all
28348s weekend
28350s maybe
28351s [Music]
28353s i just looked like for my own curiosity
28357s at the off curve data matrix for the
28359s masters tour uh once again my my once
28361s per tournament shout out uh to wicked
28365s good and off curve for the wonderful
28367s work they do on stats for these masters
28369s tours the demon hunter match up against
28371s control warrior is like bright vibrant
28374s red on its matchup matrix it's literally
28378s just the games that we've seen on stream
28381s and
28381s no others that the demon hunter have won
28384s in the entire tournament
28385s well yeah because on stream we watch the
28388s players with good records ah of course
28391s of course that makes sense
28396s you're saying that demon hunter just
28398s being such an incredibly difficult deck
28401s to play the only the very best the
28404s absolute creme de la creme of
28406s hearthstone players know how to win the
28408s match up against warren
28410s yes
28411s exactly
28413s legion's rage
28422s frozen buckler keep yep i think from the
28424s depths outriders axe where the auto
28426s keeps there the debate was on the frozen
28428s buckler and i kind of respect it from
28430s here
28432s you just want to keep
28434s the combo pieces for armor plus
28437s shield chatter
28439s pretty much yeah and then
28441s things that draw those things if not
28443s exactly those things which is the case
28444s of course with uh with from the depths
28447s yeah
28450s but i'd say that's a pretty good hand
28452s for seeing him here bunny hopper on the
28454s other hand
28456s not a fan
28457s full toss
28459s guard about geo
28461s all right
28468s this works
28472s it's not the
28474s aggressive opening start
28476s but it's the
28478s draw a bunch of cards play curtris start
28481s yup
28488s yeah very mid-rangey opener now from
28490s bunny likely spectral sight into man
28493s creek
28494s uh okay it got a lot less energy and a
28497s lot more aggro you real quick
28499s oh yeah
28503s coin dredge coming out
28507s see what is lying on the button
28509s okay
28511s there are some good cards down there
28516s which one though
28519s never mana rape boss enix here is a
28521s pretty insane win condition if you can
28524s get to that point
28526s yeah and he's playing our rider jacks on
28528s four he kept it
28530s but
28533s so that like kind of goes against ricara
28536s a little bit oh yeah it chooses rakara
28538s though
28544s which case probably just frozen buckler
28545s shield slam this turn yeah still has the
28547s heavy plate to activate shatter synergy
28550s if needed
28557s uh boom 25 of stats
28568s an old one but a good one
28571s i grow impatient
28577s funny taking his time
28583s i can't imagine it's not director
28585s even if your opponent has the shield
28586s chatter or whatever other way to clear
28588s this like it's it's a one card clear at
28590s that point and you have plenty of gas to
28592s still keep redeveloping afterwards so
28594s yes absolutely fine with it
28601s it's still gonna go out rider jacks
28608s take it ahead because nelly not really
28610s doing much
28611s in the hand at the moment
28614s needs to find that clear
28616s right now bunny hopper looks like he's
28618s in a position to kind of run away with
28620s this game
28621s obviously things could change incredibly
28624s quickly
28625s uh one shield shatter
28627s i agree
28629s clear the board in its entirety
28632s cara plus double heavy plate there to
28633s gain a ton of armor
28639s you are
28640s taking the recurring damage
28642s all of the existing armor this turn
28644s though so for there to be a shield
28645s shatter clear it would have to be
28646s another big armor synergy card plus the
28648s shield shatter
28650s well it's for cara
28652s well we know that bunny doesn't know
28654s that is what i'm saying so from his
28656s perspective i think he
28658s still will just load up on board here
28660s yep with the puff fist as expected
28662s holding back though
28664s with the weapon charge just going to
28667s swing for one and then play the weapon
28669s charge afterwards and i think this is
28670s motivated specifically by that multi
28672s strike that is in hand right they can
28674s cash out ridiculous amounts of damage
28677s with the uh multi-strike in the glaive
28679s by holding on to the extra charges
28682s yep
28682s also if he needs to can get an extra
28686s attack
28688s well i guess he would be able to do that
28689s anyway because he would have quipped him
28691s before the attack
28692s but he holds on to that additional
28694s charge in this instance
28696s um
28699s still needs a little bit more gas
28701s in terms of damage but once that
28703s purchase is played
28705s vector site goes into outcast position
28707s i think buddy's looking pretty good
28710s all right provoke
28711s solid
28714s directly if you need first
28716s demonstration number 25 to dispel the
28720s nonsense myth that has always been
28722s nonsense that quote battle cries happen
28724s first no they don't there's another
28726s demonstration for you director is in
28728s play before the minions it summons from
28730s its battle cry therefore attacks first
28732s into the provoke
28736s sorry it really annoyed what does that
28737s mean that battlecry doesn't happen first
28741s what
28743s of course
28746s oh you mean battlecry happens before the
28748s minion hits the board that's what people
28751s claim
28753s who claims that everyone
28757s it's utter nonsense it comes from people
28760s misunderstanding the si7
28762s agent killing a mad scientist
28764s interaction that's where it started and
28766s people have been saying it ever since
28767s and it's just wrong
28770s sorry i will i will die on this hill
28773s a size 7h is a combo card
28780s very true tj
28785s not sure why that's relevant but true
28789s there's just no battle cry happening
28791s i'm confused
28793s you've just confused me
28795s i'm pleased
28798s i don't even know where i am anymore
28807s you are
28809s mid voyage to the sunken city that's
28811s where you are
28822s just gonna dig really hard for shield
28825s chatter here yep chill chatter exactly
28830s and shake of the head means that he has
28832s about it concealed i guess that was just
28834s lethal showing on board huh
28836s with the people with the 10 armor with
28838s the hero powers yeah that's
28840s or at the very least bunny hopper would
28843s be able to put him in critical territory
28844s there's no way he'd be able to armor out
28846s of whatever would come next
28848s from bunny hopper hoping that he has no
28849s damage so there you go i mean an
28851s expected outcome
28853s in that game
28855s uh you know given that at the top of the
28858s top demon hunters just favored
28860s uh in that matchup but uh bunny hopper
28863s will move up to 7-1
28865s which means that he secured that spot in
28867s the top 16 or if you're raven
28869s even though this is literally the final
28871s match
28872s and i can look at it right now
28874s and see that he's in the top 16 and 7-1
28877s is guaranteed top 16 if you're raven
28880s it's 99.9 percent chance that he's in
28882s the top yes
28883s yeah that does amuse me during grand
28884s masters as well because like i have my
28887s own version which is you know i'm not a
28888s tournament official don't take this word
28890s as lore but you know this player has
28893s done this right for a fact based on my
28895s calculations raven just goes one step
28897s further and just like nope
28899s might still be wrong i'm not going to
28900s say anything i just i just don't want to
28902s be rolled on broadcast
28904s come on now
28906s i mean it wouldn't even be anything new
28908s am i right
28915s wow look there it is
28917s handsome smiling faces tj habu gabu and
28920s orange both making it into the top 16.
28923s two players who i think both said they
28925s felt really really good coming into this
28926s tournament habu loving this meta loving
28929s naga mage orange loving this meta loving
28932s naga mage can you see a pattern
28933s developing here tj i think we might be
28936s on to something
28937s i think so
28939s uh this is a pretty good top 16. uh
28942s there are what five
28944s uh
28945s um
28946s past gms
28949s in this uh in this top 16 across the
28951s regions
28953s orange possessy
28955s bunny
28957s letta
28958s trahezen
28960s yep that's five
28962s plus some names that have been around
28963s for quite some time
28965s um
28966s like insane abu gabu cursed
28970s curse been around forever
28972s bro yep
28973s um so we gotta
28976s uh
28976s i was about to say the regional
28978s represent representation is pretty good
28980s but there's a significant lack of
28983s america's players
28985s in this top 16.
28988s i have to share this because i just
28990s glanced over
28991s and saw
28992s fury hunter had tweeted that
28995s he finished higher than every single
28997s america's player and he overslept and
28998s missed an entire round
29000s which
29001s i mean
29002s you can't say it much better than that
29004s can you
29007s we're gonna get zero america's players
29010s in the seasonal championship oh good
29016s are we guaranteed one
29017s i mean what do you want me to say like
29019s it feels so much like bullying and
29021s punching down at this point that it
29022s doesn't even seem funny to make fun of
29024s the americas region anymore so i think
29026s what we will focus on instead
29028s is the incredible representation that we
29030s do have such a stacked looking lineup
29033s which i suppose when you take all the
29034s america's players out what you're left
29036s with is going to look like a stacked
29037s lineup right tj
29040s yeah and i can throw out some excuses
29043s here on behalf of the americas players
29046s yeah this is an incredibly difficult
29049s time so yes it is for america's
29052s like
29053s uh even gamers hours don't uh
29058s don't coincide with uh what the this
29060s time zone is
29062s um
29063s so
29064s it's been rough it's been rough but
29066s there you go there's the excuses every
29068s america's player that's watching right
29070s now go ahead you can tweet that
29072s didn't have sleep you got unlucky
29077s that's it one and two it's a one-two
29079s punch right there as far as excuses go
29082s that's all you need any more solid you
29084s want to throw no more
29085s i know i mean i think i've said my piece
29088s at that point but genuinely uh dunking
29090s on america's aside which you know i
29092s can't apologies to the americas region
29094s apollo well actually no no apologies to
29097s south america and latin america because
29099s you all you're doing your part it's it's
29101s just actually
29103s letting the team okay
29105s and monsanto okay monsanto okay yeah
29108s yeah um but i i can't i can't resist
29111s taking my shots
29113s specifically with tj uh but jokes aside
29116s i think that is genuinely a really
29118s really strong looking top 16. it is um
29121s cannot wait to see to get into this
29123s tomorrow and i do think you know again
29126s jokes aside just because they were in
29127s the one for no one the first and ninth
29130s positions uh being highlighted in that
29133s bracket um two of the biggest naga mage
29136s enjoyers making a deep run into top 16 i
29139s think you know might not be a
29140s coincidence i think that deck has cycled
29143s all the way through from
29145s flavor of the day and like the
29146s pre-release event to oh this deck isn't
29149s as good as we thought it was on like day
29150s one and two of release to then harbough
29152s hitting rank one legend everyone thought
29154s it was insane again and i think right
29156s now we're kind of in another valley with
29157s the naga mage where some people are
29159s saying oh it fell off and i think habu
29161s and orange and perhaps a couple of other
29162s players in that top 16 not sure how many
29165s of them are running it uh starting to
29166s fly the flag again i'm like no no we we
29169s were right a week ago like this deck is
29171s insane and you should all be playing it
29172s so really really looking forward to see
29174s if that can make the run all the way
29177s it's like brute demon hunter but better
29179s yeah that's what it reminds me of uh the
29182s uh the ebb and flow of the deck's
29184s popularity
29185s um but uh like saddle said that should
29187s be a great top 16 to tune in for
29189s tomorrow
29191s tomorrow we'll start off right with that
29192s top 16 and then we're going to run
29194s straight through we're going to
29194s broadcast every single quarterfinal
29196s semifinals and finals until we have our
29199s champion
29200s so
29201s um with that
29203s we are done
29205s we will return tomorrow same time same
29207s place you're not going to want to miss
29209s it so for myself from the other casters
29211s from the broadcast crew here thanks for
29212s watching excited he is look how excited
29214s he is about the top 16. look it's
29216s incredible
29218s who this guy
29221s oh i'm blurry oh that's what you mean
29223s yeah
29228s top 16
29229s [Music]
29231s much better outfit stick with that
29234s yeah i've seen all right so
29236s that'll do it
29237s [Music]
29240s from myself
29242s from saddle from the other casters and
29244s the entire broadcast crew thanks for
29246s watching and we'll see you tomorrow for
29248s more master's tour voyage to the sunken
29251s city see you then
29256s [Music]
29268s so
29270s [Music]
29287s [Music]
29295s [Music]
29300s i can see
29307s [Music]
29319s [Music]
29330s easy
29339s [Music]
29354s [Music]
29365s right now
29373s [Music]
29387s i didn't even see that that's insane
29389s what the heck
29391s that is incredible that's every minute
29393s destroyed
29396s [Music]
29399s the bless that's just lethal right
29402s bless apoptosis like he's still going oh
29404s i can't imagine this doesn't end up
29406s being lethal at some point
29408s he's just dead on turn five dusty he
29411s just played a rod and then fell over
29414s you got to do this entire game
29419s [Music]
29428s [Music]
29460s you