4 months ago - GnomeSayin-11972 - Direct link

Patch 30.4 is now live for all devices, bringing with it The Traveling Travel Agency mini-set! Zephrys and Dungar are running Azeroth’s premier travel agency, booking vacations all around the world. Unfortunately, all these exotic trips have introduced the following bugs that we’re tracking:

  • [Updated] [Hearthstone] Zephrys has a small chance to only offer one card on the Extravagant Tour.

  • [Updated] [Hearthstone] Using Carnivorous Cubicle has an issue where it copies base versions of cards (such as Zilliax without its modules and Dark Alley Pack without its size).

  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] The Patch 30.2.3 server updates were not carried over to Patch 30.4 as intended. The team is working on getting these hooked up again correctly.

  • [Resolved] [Progression] Some players in the Apprentice Track may have their progression blocked. This is also expected to be resolved when the Patch 30.2.3 server updates are re-applied.

  • [Resolved] [Shop] Kael’thas Sunstrider and Mal’Ganis Hero Skins have been temporarily pulled from the Shop due to inaccurate product descriptions. Players who purchased them in the short period between the launch of 30.4 and them being removed from the Shop can contact customer service if they no longer want them with the corrected descriptions.

  • [Added 9/10] [Hearthstone] Carnivorous Cubicle’s effect has an issue where it persists after Cube is removed by Reno, Lone Ranger.

  • [Added 9/16] [Hearthstone] If two secrets picked from Titanforged Traps have the same trigger, they will activate in a random order instead of in the order picked.

Check back for more updates throughout the patch.

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