almost 3 years
ago -
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We’re aware that some players are stuck on the Duels rewards screen after a Heroic run. We’ve identified both the cause of the issue and a solution to the problem, which will be included in our next major patch (22.4). We’ve also identified a workaround that can be used to circumvent the issue in the meantime:
- Log into Hearthstone on a mobile device.
- Navigate to the Duels mode.
- Tap on the part of the screen where the button to collect rewards would normally be if it weren’t missing (the handle of the Duels wins lockbox). This will allow you to collect your rewards and start a new run.
To avoid this issue going forward, do not close your Hearthstone client during the last game of a Heroic Duels run. Either use the in-game concede function or allow the game to reach its conclusion, and then collect your rewards for that run, before closing the Hearthstone client.