6 months
ago -
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Today we’re rolling out a server-side hotfix patch, with the following updates:
Battlegrounds Updates
- Vol’Jin has been temporarily removed from Battlegrounds.
- Sylvanas Windrunner cannot appear in Undead lobbies.
- Aranna Starseeker cannot appear in Elemental lobbies.
Armor Updates
The following heroes now have less Armor:
- Maiev Shadowsong has 5 armor, and 2 armor in Duos.
- Doctor Holli'dae has 5 armor, and 2 armor in Duos.
- Millhouse Manastorm has 7 armor, and 5 armor in Duos.
- Trade Prince Gallywix has 7 armor, and 4 armor in Duos.
- Sir Finley Mrrgglton has 8 armor, and 5 armor in Duos.
- Captain Hooktusk has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
- Dinotamer Brann has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
- Death Speaker Blackthorn has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
- Galakrond has 12 armor, and 9 armor in Duos.
- Teron Gorefiend has 12 armor, and 9 armor in Duos.
The following heroes have a mix of Armor adjustments:
- Murloc Holmes has decreased to 7 armor in higher ranked lobbies, increased to 12 armor in lower ranked lobbies, and decreased to 4 armor in Duos.
- Aranna Starseeker has decreased to 7 armor in higher ranked lobbies, increased to 12 armor in lower ranked lobbies, and decreased to 4 armor in Duos.
The following heroes now have more Armor:
- Snake Eyes now has 8 armor, and 5 armor in Duos.
- Forest Warden Omu now has 10 armor, and 7 armor in Duos.
- Vanndar Stormpike now has 15 armor, and 12 armor in Duos.
- Silas Darkmoon now has 15 armor, and 12 armor in Duos.
- Patches the Pirate now has 15 armor, and 12 armor in Duos.
- A. F. Kay now has 15 armor, and 12 armor in Duos.
- Reno Jackson now has 16 armor, and 13 armor in Duos.
- Illidan Stormrage now has 16 armor, and 14 armor in Duos.
- Varden Dawngrasp now has 17 armor, and 14 armor in Duos.
- Millificent Manastorm now has 17 armor in higher ranked lobbies, 10 armor in lower ranked lobbies, and 14 armor in Duos.
- Rokara now has 18 armor, and 15 armor in Duos.
- Onyxia now has 18 armor in higher ranked lobbies, 15 armor in lower ranked lobbies, and 15 armor in Duos.
- Thorim, Stormlord now has 18 armor, and 15 armor in Duos.
- Mutanus the Devourer now has 20 armor, and 17 armor in Duos.
- George the Fallen now has 20 armor, and 17 armor in Duos.
- Mr. Bigglesworth now has 20 armor, and 17 armor in Duos.
- Rock Master Voone now has 20 armor.
Bug Fixes and Game Improvements
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Trinket Artist would not draw an Aura.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Cursed Souvenir was too cursed and would damage your controller even after the minion had died. (That’s bad.)
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Birdwatching could not be played if your board was full.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Carress, Cabaret Star could show the incorrect Attack and Health after transforming.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where the client would stop responding after destroying a signature Adaptive Amalgam.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where spells discovered by Tidepool Pupil would incorrectly retain modifiers.
- [Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Owlonious was incorrectly doubling the base damage of spells in addition to doubling spell damage.
- [Twist] Fixed a bug where cards from non-Twist sets could be discovered or generated.
- [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where ‘Loc Prince would incorrectly show a “big card” pop up every time his effect triggered.