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Transcript (by Youtube)

1s hello everyone and welcome back to
2s mullet over in this episode we take a
4s look at curse warlock a deck that
6s commonly features the new card prince
8s renathal curse warlock was brought by
10s roughly 30 of the field at the masters
12s tour last week achieving a 51 win rate
15s quite respectable given the popularity
17s of one of its weaker matchups in fel
19s demon hunter
23s the abyssal curse package is core but
25s with a 40 card list there's tons of room
27s for different tech options jajo's list
30s from the top 8 features the warlock
32s quest line the demon seed to gain an
34s edge in the mirror curses given by the
36s opposing warlock would contribute to
38s your own quest completion and after
40s playing the reward blightboard tamzin
42s those curses would damage the opponent
44s instead
45s gabby's list also includes dread and
47s mount to counter boar priest playing
49s mount on one of their minions and
50s repeatedly killing off the tokens
52s dilutes their pool of deathrattle
54s minions from amulet of the undying he's
56s cut ruined menthol rod a card which
58s helps with other slow matchups but tends
60s to suffer against aggro the best card to
63s keep almost regardless of matchup is
64s your hero card dreadlitch tamsen because
67s it's very much multi-purpose it cycles a
69s lot in a 40 card deck that sometimes
71s struggles finding the right removal it
73s preserves your health when tapping and
75s it can provide board presence via fel
76s rifts
78s however you don't always have to play it
80s on curve often you plan several turns in
82s advance to make sure you have the hand
84s space for it on turn six against fel
86s demon hunter alex jp plays three minions
89s expecting a zilag that would then be
91s cleanly answered by his tamzin the next
93s turn he sweeps up kwanwu's board with
95s tamzin plus snuggling for full-blown
97s evil and even stays healthy enough to
99s survive a huge lady steno turn it's then
102s a simple matter to heal back up because
104s he has so many cards
105s it's a world of a difference when you
107s don't hit the tamzin even when you're
109s off to a decent start like mr lavalava
111s against hayam jozo on shaman
113s going second on turn three with no cards
115s played so far lifetap gets the null he
118s kept down to one mana for a perfect turn
120s on turn five he gets a clean coin into
122s abyssal wave and he's done pretty much
124s everything you want to do as warlock
126s play nola's in the early game clear the
128s board and start stacking curses
130s but he was eventually out valued even
133s with multiple life taps because he
134s couldn't find dreadluce tamsen with low
136s hand economy cards like entitled
138s customer and spiced bread baker get a
140s lot weaker too so i really can't stress
143s enough how crucial the hero card is to
145s the deck
146s in rhodes game versus fury hunter's wig
148s priest he prioritizes tamzin even if
150s entitled customer here would have been a
152s clear that's because he can clear almost
155s any board from fury next turn with both
157s entitled customer and smothering
158s starfish in hand
160s thanks to the extra card draw rode gets
162s a clean dine damage customer for full
164s removal if fury had gone for a huge
166s radiant plus wig turn to make a minion
168s over that nine health break point rhode
170s could have played his starfish instead
172s the following turn rhode has plenty of
174s resources to fuel his minion tams in
176s rome and manages to hold on to the
178s precious silence effect for another turn
181s on the turn fury forces him to finally
183s use the starfish
184s road immediately copies it with zola to
187s answer the next wig board
189s as it happens fury still takes the
190s victory building one board too many for
192s road to deal with but i still think his
194s usage of starfish and removal timing was
196s noteworthy now gabi takes a different
199s approach versus fury on the same deck
201s less removal based and more proactive on
204s board
205s it's turn four for gabby and fury has
207s just played his first minion even though
209s the rule of thumb against wig priest is
211s to always remove their board gabby goes
213s for schoolteacher over demonic assault
215s because his hand is almost all minions
217s and he doesn't have a guaranteed clear
219s for the next threat from schoolteacher
221s he picks up unstable shadow blast which
223s is one of the best outcomes against a
225s big priest on turn 5 he has the mana to
228s develop the second school teacher which
230s even at 4 attacks still has significant
232s trading potential while also clearing
234s both of fury's minions
236s turn 6 looks like decent timing for
238s judlich tamsin if he uses his minions to
241s trade both of furies down to 3 health or
243s less but it would put gabby to 10 cards
245s and potentially overdraw one of those
247s precious fel rifts so he opts to
249s overdraw fury hunter instead by adding
251s two curses to his hand and still
253s clearing while maintaining the board
254s advantage
256s instead tamzin on 7 is very clean and
259s gives gabby three extra draws towards
261s his starfish twisting nether or gigafin
264s all of which are very powerful in the
265s matchup
267s the one time gabby left minions on the
269s other side of the board fury did manage
271s an impressive amount of damage but he
273s didn't have enough naga in hand to chain
275s wigs and push lethal gabi could easily
277s play twisting nether to clear here but
279s he taps first and finds gigafin an even
282s better option to speed up the
283s counter-lethal
285s the last game we'll take a look at is
286s jajo vs kaboom's mine rogue a volatile
289s matchup where the extra health from
291s renathal really does make a difference
293s it allows for the warlock to potentially
295s out heal the mine rogue which is a game
297s plan that jojo isn't necessarily
299s thinking about right from the mulligan
300s but later identifies
303s on turn 4 jojo hasn't drawn any curse
305s cards so he knows he's not likely able
307s to race the mine rogue he just goes for
310s a demonic assault face which is decent
312s to stop potential weapon swings from the
314s other side
315s on turn 5 he finds time for rune mithril
318s rod since he's under no pressure
321s by turn 8 he's already seen one naval
323s mine and one snowfall graveyard from
325s gaboom and he also knows counterfeit
327s blade could copy acolyte instead of mine
329s so with the draw of bread baker he risks
332s holding off on his healing cards to
334s maintain board presence
336s by turn 9 gaboom is forced to use some
338s of his reach to remove board and so jojo
341s locks out the game with a zola double
343s bread baker turn for massive healing
345s it's rare that the warlock can get so
347s many discounts from rod in the match up
349s but in this case it's game-winning
351s and that's all for this episode thanks
353s for tuning in and see you soon at
355s grandmaster's last call