7 months ago - GnomeSayin-11972 - Direct link

Patch 29.6 is here, including the returns of Genn and Baku in Standard, and Buddies in Battlegrounds, plus your first taste of Hearthstone’s next expansion: Perils in Paradise!

Here are some of the known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Harth Stonebrew has gotten his iconic hands confused—the team is looking into it.
  • [Battlegrounds] The Buddy Button can’t be pinged. The team is targeting fixing this in the next major patch.
  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Fairy Gillmother can generate herself. She’s supposed to let you wish for more fishes, not more wishes.
  • [Battlegrounds] Planar Telescope gives nothing if your most common type is not one of the minion types in the game and you’re not at Tier 6 (where there is an “All” type minion).
  • [Resolved] [Arena] Players can be offered the same card multiple times in the same draft pick. This is scheduled to be fixed in an upcoming hotfix soon.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The Boulderfist Ogre Warrior Hero Skin doesn’t work with Baku and Genn, which is terrible for cost.
  • [Added 6/18] [Shop] The team is investigating shop closures for players on EU.
  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Magnetic Zilliax that is Goldenized in the shop can’t be Magnetized. The team is searching for the disconnect.
  • [Added 6/18] [Solo Content] Most decks can’t be used in Dalaran Heist and Tombs of Terror.
  • [Added 6/18] [General] The team is investigating reports that playing on fullscreen mode with a Mac Desktop client, and then switching windows, causes freeze. Based on reports so far, it appears this issue is avoided if you play on windowed mode.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] The new Diamond Illidan skin has issues after transforming if you have a Health modifying enchantment (like Prince Renathal).
  • [Added 6/21] [General] The team is investigating reports of some players being prompted to repeatedly download an update each time they open the client. In the meantime, it appears that a full reinstall should resolve the issue.
  • [Added 6/27] [Battlegrounds] The Spanish (Spain) version of Onyxia’s hero power has a text-only bug where the Avenge number was not updated.
  • [Mitigated] [Twist] There is a bug where Thorim’s Hero Power sometimes get stuck on enhanced after you’re no longer Overloaded. The team is exploring options. In the meantime, his Health was adjusted to reflect his current power level.
  • [Resolved] [Twist] The team is investigating reports that some heroes sometimes have the wrong Health.
  • [Added 7/3] [Battlegrounds] Giving a Magnetic mech in the shop Taunt, and then Magnetizing it, the Taunt won’t apply to Polarizing Beatboxer.

Battlegrounds Pool Updates:

  • [Added 7/9] Queen Azshara and Aranna Starseeker have been temporarily removed from the Duos Hero Pool due to a bug causing crashes.
  • [Added 7/15] Alexstrasza, Queen Azshara, Millhouse Manastorm, and Cap’n Hoggarr have been temporarily removed from the Hero Pool for balance reasons.
  • [Added 7/15] Madam Goya and Sylvanas Windrunner have been temporarily removed from the Duos Hero Pool for balance reasons.

Related Forum Posts:
Twist Updates
29.6.1 Patch Notes
29.6.2 Hotfix Patch Notes

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