about 3 years ago - GnomeSayin-11972 - Direct link

Hello all,

We will be making some card changes in a patch going out early next week that we wanted to let you know about, to give players time to prepare for Masters Tour: Undercity, taking place from November 19-21. These are the cards that will be changing:

Razormane Battleguard

  • Old: 2 Attack, 3 Health New: 2 Attack, 2 Health

Arcanist Dawngrasp (Mage Questline final reward)

  • Old: Battlecry: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +3. New: For the rest of the game, you have Spell Damage +2.


  • Old: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 3 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn. New: Deal 2 damage to the enemy hero. Shuffle 2 Bleeds into your deck that deal 2 more when drawn.


  • Old: [Costs 2] New: [Costs 1]

The first three cards will be eligible for the normal full-dust refund for two weeks following the patch. Renew, which will go up in power level, will not get a dust refund. Keep an eye out for Patch Notes early next week for dev comments on these balance changes and more.