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Patch 29.4 is now live, with the Dr. Boom’s Incredible Inventions Mini-Set and more!

Here are some known issues we’re tracking this patch:

  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Blazing Transmutation has been unbanned.
  • [Resolved] [Hearthstone] Sock Puppet Slitherspear doesn’t gain attack from Weapons.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] Standard Pack doesn’t show up in the “NEW” tab in the Collection.
  • [Cosmetics] Return Policy’s Golden art is bugged.
  • [Updated] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating reports that Boom Wrench might be causing client freezes. Update: it appears the freeze is only for some devices and is brief–waiting it out appears to resolve the issue.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] The team is investigating reports of occasional issues accessing the Collection.
  • [Resolved] [Collection] The team is investigating reports of players unable to select a format when building a deck. As a workaround while this is being investigated, players can build a deck in whatever format is already selected when making a new deck and use the “Convert to _____” interface to switch formats.
  • [Hearthstone] Auras, Sigils, and other persistent effects don’t stack when they should if replayed by cards like Jotun or Tess.
  • [Resolved] [General] A small percentage of players are having various issues with Daily Quest updates. The team is working on a fix for this in an upcoming hotfix soon.
  • [Added 5/16] [Hearthstone] When hit with a Wave of Nostalgia, Malygos gets a bit too caught up in the moment and cosplays in random minion art.
  • [Added 5/20] [Battlegrounds] Tickatus’s Treasures can’t be passed to your Duos teammate.
  • [Added 5/20] [General] The team is investigating reports that some players can’t use the chat function on mobile devices.
  • [Resolved] [Battlegrounds] Rat Pack and Lil’ Rag were not added to the minion pool with Patch 29.4.2 as intended. The team is investigating options.

  • [Added 6/2] [Twist] The team is aware that some players have been using an unauthorized cheating software that allows them to use illegal cards in Twist, resulting in instant wins and other improper play patterns. The team is working on a hotfix patch to block this exploit as soon as possible. In the meantime, the people who have used these cheats have been banned. We will do more ban waves throughout the day and after the fix is patched so that anyone who uses these cheats going forward will also be banned. Please continue to use the in-game reporting feature for any suspected cheaters you face. These cheaters are not welcome in the Tavern.

  • [Added 6/2] [Twist] The team is aware that Friendly Challenge is not working for this Twist Season.
  • [Added 6/2] [Twist] Arfus’s Hero Power in Twist currently can’t generate Azerite Murloc or Azerite Dragon (the two Legendary Treasures added in the Mini-Set).
  • [Added 6/3] [Collection] The team is aware that “Complete My Deck” is not currently functioning. This is expected to be fixed in the next major patch.
  • [Resolved] You can now play Twist without spontaneously combusting.
  • [Resolved] [Twist] Immediately after the first Twist Hero Health adjustments, the Heroes that had Health adjustments were carrying over their Health override to Heroes that didn’t get adjustments. This is now resolved.
    - [Resolved] [Android] We’ve just released a new client build for Android devices to help with crashes. It is now live on some Android devices and will be available to your device as soon as it is approved by your particular storefront.

We’ll update this post as we get more information.

Battlegrounds Pool Updates

  • Professor Putricide has been returned to the Hero Pool.
  • We’ve temporarily removed Another Hidden Body from the Quest Pool (Sire Denathrius) in Duos, due to a bug. For the time being, the body will remain hidden.
  • Sir Finley has been temporarily removed from the Hero Pool in Duos due to a bug.

Related posts:
29.4.1 Patch Notes
29.4.3 Patch Notes
Twist Hero Health Updates