over 1 year ago - Hearthstone - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s hey everybody and welcome to the final
2s episode of mullet over
6s since it's the last one I wanted to go
9s over my favorite deck of the entire year
11s so far ping Mage no ranathal no
14s kel'thuzad no dinathrias but just the
17s good old-fashioned list that Fury Hunter
19s won the most recent Masters Tour with
22s in a world full of 40 card lists you
24s need a really good reason to give
25s yourself only 30 Health to work with and
28s ping Mage absolutely does several
30s reasons in fact the most obvious is to
33s find your ping package more consistently
35s Wildfire Reckless apprentice marjush and
38s of course Magister Don grasp who is an
41s absolute force to be reckoned with even
43s after the Nerf to the hero power it's no
46s surprise to see Wildfire Captain every
47s matchup and on grasp as well
50s I'd argue the second reason ping Mage
52s values consistency of draw so much is
55s also to hit a strong early curve
57s shivering sorceress Amplified snow
59s flurry and most of all Frost weave
61s dungeoneer are great keeps because they
63s allow you to fight for board and push
65s early damage this is crucial before you
68s eventually transition to a pure damage
70s based game plan especially against ramp
73s Druid one of your toughest matchups
75s Arcane intellect is also a good keep in
78s slower matchups like Ram Druid and
80s control Shaman it's usually not better
82s to play than dungeon euron curve but
84s it's still important to keep resources
86s high and get your only Arcane spell in
88s the pool for Magister Don grasp more so
90s than the Mulligan the tough part about
92s ping Mage is knowing when to use some of
94s your big damage pieces in the early game
97s we all know how deadly Reckless
98s Apprentice can be when held for post Don
101s grass turns but we see Fury Hunter play
103s it out on curve with a wildfire active
105s he took a step back and recognized that
108s his other plays were really low Tempo
110s while Reckless protects his other
111s minions and creates pressure no need to
114s get greedy making a high pressure play
116s is a good match-up call against rap
118s Druid against Shaman Fury makes another
121s good match-up call by choosing to hold
123s his shivering sorceress on turn 8 even
125s with one Mana left spare this plays
128s around both theotar and mutinous the
130s latter of which he knows is likely in
132s hand since he saw dardar Binks play
133s gorlock ravager and end on clownfish
136s having extra minions in hand decreased
139s the odds that mutinous would eat Bran or
141s Apprentice we do see that one Apprentice
143s gets chomped by the boulder plus
144s mutinous combo but the fact that the
146s other survived was essential to this
148s Victory bran plus the remaining
150s Apprentice made for the perfect response
152s to a board with balner at eight health
154s and mutinous at nine Health the Don
156s graspiro power upgrading twice in one go
159s now let's take a look at Fury Hunter
161s versus Leandro Leal on ramp Druid from
164s start to finish AKA how to win an
166s unfavorable matchup it all started with
169s keeping dungeoneer which is great
171s pressure for a three drop as long as you
172s hit the frost spell Turn 3 is
174s interesting because he prioritizes
176s Knight cloak sanctum over dungeoneer
178s likely because the 1-1 tokens wouldn't
181s have traded well against the 1-2 on
183s niandros board getting sanctum down fast
185s as with the other proactive locations is
188s also nice to get the full value much
190s sooner accounting for cooldown this is
193s one of the reasons sanctum is also a
195s decent keep as well as Cold Case to
196s follow up on the next turn because Fury
199s had a skeleton to take a value trade he
202s can safely play dungeoneer and still
204s have a minion stick even if Leandro were
206s to play spammy Arcanist no two Health
208s Minions on board fairy places Finley on
210s Turn 6 as the best timing to look for
213s Magister Don grasp on curve it's a bit
215s painful to do this with bran and
217s Apprentice in hand but they don't do
219s much against Druid without the upgraded
221s hero power anyway when Fury doesn't find
223s the hero card he knows he needs to
225s continue with the board game plan he
227s trades a 1-1 just to make room for
229s Amplified snow flurry and crucially
231s because of the freeze to face Leandro
234s still cannot hero power to set a minion
235s to two health and clean up with Fami
237s Arcanist
238s on the next turn he's seen the topiar
241s from Leandro so he knows his window to
243s deal Minion damage is quickly closing he
245s makes one last push with the second
247s location and Cold Case which is also
249s great for infusing Frozen touch after
252s that while Reckless Apprentice is
254s usually saved for post Magister in the
256s matchup he plays it for two reasons
258s maximizing the chances for the skeleton
261s death rattles to hit face and using the
264s many Targets on board to juice up more
266s drush multicaster on the following turn
268s is a given to gain back resources and he
271s finally finds a wildfire which perfectly
273s activates sivara she's especially deadly
276s because she copies an infused Frozen
278s touch with three copies of it in hand
281s Fury can go for a pure burn game plan
283s even as he falls off board the next turn
286s Don grasp is found right on time to send
289s as much damage as possible straight to
291s the Dome and then because Leandra knows
294s about the extra Frozen touches in hand
295s from sivara he feels forced to play
297s dinathirus Early in instead of for
299s lethal which Druid usually wants to do
302s against Mage this gives Fury information
304s that Leandro no longer has access to
307s reach outside of theater stealing some
309s damage spells the high Health Board
311s State makes for a pretty obvious more
313s Rush
314s but it's the response to the huge
316s Devourer where things get tricky Leandro
319s has access to attorney at Ma to unfreeze
321s it and even with reduced stats it could
324s kill Fury from four health so he's
326s forced to use solid Alibi to survive
328s while pushing as many Frozen touches as
330s possible with Leandro having gained tons
333s of armor from Earthen scales Fury knows
335s he needs to find the second Alibi to buy
338s enough time if he could just have one
340s more turn to Ping he can set up lethal
342s so he goes for shivering sorceress into
345s Arcane intellect and finds The Alibi the
348s Sorceress is for sure happening at the
350s beginning of the turn because it
351s discounts either AI or Cold Case both of
354s which Fury knows he's playing this turn
357s sorceress plus the two skeletons makes
359s for exactly enough minions to infuse his
361s three frozen touches those frozen
363s touches are absolutely key to success
366s because they allow Fury to clear board
367s and survive without wasting damage from
370s his pings and of course they are also
373s the extra damage Theory needed to push
375s Leandro who had no more other scales nor
378s denatures to heal to concede and that's
381s it for this episode and for mull it over
383s as a whole
385s whether it was just now or from right at
388s the start when I still had my terrible
389s mic and camera thank you so much for
392s tuning in and for all your future games
394s I wish you the best of luck