
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Greetings Friends!  

We have a small 16.2.4 server-side patch going live tomorrow with the following changes:  

  • Floating Watcher is moving from Tavern Tier 3 → Tavern Tier 4
  • Fixed an issue that caused Galakrond the Nightmare's cost-reduction priority to negate the cost-increase effects of cards such as Boompistol Bully and Loatheb.  

Once these changes have gone live, I'll be sure to update this thread!  


2/13 UPDATE: We are starting to roll this out now! Please note that this may take some time for you to pick-up these changes.

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06 Feb


Hey Friends,


Just a short time ago, we started rolling out a small client update that addresses the following issues:


  • Fixed an issue where de-syncing (a discrepancy between what the client shows vs. what is actually occurring on the server) would sometimes occur when Soul Juggler was dealing damage or when Deathrattles spawned minions in Battlegrounds.
  • Art for Heroes + Hero Powers will now properly populate on mobile devices when the optional data download is paused.
  • When the Air Raid Twinspell is played, the copy generated will now be the correct rarity.
  • Risky Skipper is now a Pirate minion type, as originally intended.
  • Spin ‘em Up and Small Repairs will no longer have their mana cost displayed in red when generated from Keeper Stalladris.


Please keep us updated if you encounter any new issues! Much love friendos <3




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21 Jan

The final stage of Arch-Villain Rafaam’s nefarious plan has now been set in motion – will you join the League of E.V.I.L. as an accomplice in unleashing Galakrond’s destruction, or take up arms with the League of Explorers in a final daring attempt to save the world? Experience the final epic clash from both sides of the story, including two completely different endings, in Galakrond’s Awakening!

With this update, Hearthstone’s new solo adventure is live, along with new content and balance changes for Battlegrounds (including two new Heroes!).

Galakrond’s Awakening: Chapter 1 – Live Now!

Look, ma! I'm choosing sides.

The frantic foray to reach Galakrond’s remains begins on the Frozen Coast of Northrend – jump in straight away with the free first chapter of the E.V.I.L campaign! Chapter One of the Expl...

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13 Dec


Hey Folks,

We’re currently in the process of rolling out a small 16.0.3 server-side update (meaning you won’t need to download anything) to address a few issues. Here are the changes:

  • Fixed an issue that could cause Sidequests to prevent Questing Explorer from drawing a card.
  • Fixed an issue where Storm Egg had Rush.
  • Fixed an issue with the Happy Hallow’s End quest that could prevent players from completing it.
  • [Tombs of Terror] Fixed an issue that could cause the Battle Scars anomaly to prevent the player from progressing after ending a plague lord encounter with a tie.
  • [Tombs of Terror] Fixed an issue with Murky’s Battle Horn that could cause both heroes to be destroyed.
  • [Arena] Dragonmaw Poacher is no longer draftable.
  • [Arena] Lightforged Zealot is no longer draftable.
  • [Hearthstone Battlegrounds] Primalfin Lookout has been mo...
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11 Nov


Hi all,


We’re in the process of releasing a new update, which is live on PC and rolling out over the next few hours on mobile operating systems. This update contains a variety of optimizations to improve performance when playing Battlegrounds, especially on devices with fewer than 2GB of RAM. Players on devices with lower memory may still experience degraded performance.


Please note that if you do not download the client update before going into a match, you will see some visual differences on the cards / heroes due to the discrepancy in server and client versions.


iOS players, please ensure you have updated to the latest version of iOS to receive the greatest performance increase from these optimizations.


There were some balance changes that we identified based on our initial testing that didn’t quite make it in for release, so we’re making those live with today’s update.


Balance Ch...

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