
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

15 Apr

It’s time for the Outland Inn-vitational! Taking place on April 21, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. PT, the Outland Invitational will split 20 well-known Hearthstone personalities evenly into two groups—the Feisty Fiends and the Salty Satyrs!


The Outland Inn-vitational will use a new format we’re calling Demon Hunter Duel-fest, where both teams play against each other through 4 rounds of best-of-three matches. Each player will represent one of the ten classes and play as that same class in every match. However, on rounds 2 and 4, one full team will play as the Demon Hunter!

Here is how Demon Hunter Duel-fest scoring works:

  • The winner of each best-of-three match will earn points for their team.
  • Winning a match ...
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Thank you. Thank you, all. I love what I do, and am so glad that I can share this passion and fun with so many people. <3

14 Apr


Originally posted by FancyLad_SnackCakes

Concerning Demon Hunter:

-Will Warglaives of Azzinoth be moved to classic for the class? (even the hero portrait is him using them) Its a staple of Illidan and we have Doomhammer and Gorehowl for use in classic for Warrior/Shaman.

-Alot of Demon Hunter Initiate cards are pretty much the class identity from lore (Immolation, Eye Beam, Spectral Sight, etc), I guess this goes with my first question, will some demon hunter initiate cards be moved and chosen for the classic set or will there be all new classic DH cards? Seems like you guys used all of Demon Hunters abilities for a set that will get rotated out.

-Why doesnt metamorphosis change the hero portrait while its in use? Its a legendary card and we already seen that Hearthstone can change hero portraits with card abilities (Shadow Form Priest anyone?)

Our current plan for card sets for Demon Hunters involves creating a Classic set for them in the future. That set may pull from some existing Initiate/Phoenix cards, possibly with changes, and some brand new cards. Exact plans are still very much up in the air; we have a lot of time before we have to decided what their evergreen cards are, and so want to take that time to get more experience with how Demon Hunters play out. Rest assured, we'll let you know what's going to happen when it's finalized.


Originally posted by HearthstoneTeamAMA

The team has had a lot of practice at this over the past six years with Hearthstone's nine other Heroes 🙂. Characters like Uther and Thrall are very grounded in Warcraft lore and history, but they and their cards manage to have their own flavors in Hearthstone while remaining true to the source material. - Ben

I'll add on to this... Part of the way we're doing this is through having more cards in each Year of the Phoenix expansion for Demon Hunter, but some of those cards are core Demon Hunter fantasy, not tied to the expansion. Since they're brand new, we want to help instill the baseline of what Demon Hunter is, especially for those who are experiencing them for the first time here in Hearthstone.

Examples from Ashes of Outland: Spectral Sight, Immolation Aura, Warglaives of Azzinoth, Metamorphosis.

We intend to continue that strategy in the other two expansions this year.


Originally posted by EndangeredBigCats

What’s the least-descriptive way you can describe your favorite upcoming archetypes we should be on the lookout for throughout the year?



Originally posted by gdw0

Will there be any more pure paladin cards? Also this arch gets pretty destroyed by antihighlander tech, is this intended?

The fun thing about Pure Paladin is that all Paladin cards are potential Pure Paladin cards! But really, we've got some balance changes coming soon, not specifically targeted at Paladin, but the meta overall, and the meta will look quite different after that. If any class is left in a bad state after that, we'll continue to adjust.


Originally posted by LordTekron

With all do respect, even if Zephrys didn’t exist he’d still be too big of a risk to play. A 3/8 weapon that has nothing else to it is just meh, the 15 max health is a huge risk, and the 9 mana is too clunky. The Galakrond cards get a 5/2 which is fine and the two death knight hero cards (Garrosh and Uther) that get weapons at least have something special about them. And I know it’s not fair to compare Jaraxxus to any Hero Card but he kinda is in a bizarre way. Like a beta hero card.

I don’t know, I feel like while he doesn’t need such a drastic change he could get some quality of life touches so when I am making a warlock deck I can look at him and at least consider him as an option. Cause right now there are two different hero cards I’d rather make a deck with and they don’t die to a random 0 mana spell. And if I want to hear Jaraxxus ham I just have the Mecha-Jaraxxus skin to do that for me.

Hope this doesn’t sound too rude.

Maybe my reply came off a bit out of touch. I'm not at all saying that he's currently a strong card, merely that he's at a reasonable power level, similar to numerous other general-purpose legendaries.

I also wasn't sure if we were going to announce the Sacrificial Pact change yet, but we decided to announce that below as well, so great!


Originally posted by stonehearthed

Are there any plans for more customized settings/game options? Let me mention few examples to illustrate what I mean:

1-) Collection: Don't show regular cards if I have golden copies. / Don't show goldens if I have regular copies. This is to show most cards in one page instead of 2 regular plus 2 golden taking up 2 card space. So every card would take one space. Alternatively the counter shown below the cards can be made two counters, respectively regular and golden:


[x2] - [x2]

2-) Squelch every opponent.

3-) When squelched, enemy hero's other voice lines are also disabled. Sylvanas talks too much to my taste, and Illidan's "Vengeance is mine!" repeatedly is a horror show for me.

4-) Show quest progress at any moment. Even when you are already playing a game.

Have a 4/7/7 day! Cheers!

Hearthstone's clean and intuitive UI is a huge part of its charm and success, and so we're very careful when it comes to UI complexity. "Options" can just turn into "messy and confusing" quickly, if we're not careful.

1) We have some long-term goals of revisiting the Collection Manager, especially on mobile, and I think this sort of thing would likely fall under that. Nothing planned in the short-term though.

2) We hear the request for auto-squelch, but still think it would be a net negative for the game. Emotes are implicitly good-natured, and we want to support them as such. Manually squelching can be used for the extremely rare outlier of toxicity.

3) One of the great things about Demon Hunters is that they attack a LOT. It's super fun! However, that has the downside of sounding repetitive, hearing that voice line over and over. In the next major patch, we'll be adding some alternative exertion lines for Illidan attacking, to reduce the repetitio...

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Originally posted by zemubocu

Will there be any classic and basic class cards revamp this year like Priest got ? I'm thinking about Paladin and Shaman in particular.


Originally posted by Jannimaus

Hello! Thank you for this great opportunity!

1) How much effort is it to design a new game "board"? I would love to see grass, lava, water, ice or wooden planks like on a pirate ship...or something spooky. Is this even possible? It could be a great achievement reward for getting a class to 60!

2) Which cards currently restrict the design space in hearthstone, in your opinion?

3) Are you looking into adding pirates, totems or elementals to the battlegrounds? How far are you in the development/Implementation of new tribes here?

  1. "Restricting design space" is something we refer to as a downside of certain designs. However, I wouldn't take that to mean that all cards that restrict design space are bad. All cards restrict design space to some degree, but ones that do so more tend to also be the more interesting ones, and good for the game, especially in expansions.

In some cases, it's merely the presence of a class already having something for that role and not needing more (Polymorph), or adding more would give them a dangerous critical mass of it (Freeze and damage effects in general). In other cases, it's potential combo interactions that we have to be careful of (Tundra Rhino, Arcane Amplifier, Archmage Antonidas, Lightforged Blessing, Holy Wrath, Al'akir, etc).

There are a ton of cards that "restrict design space" in some regard, but that's not always a problem, and often goes hand-in-hand with doing good things for the game too. When it doesn't, especially when it's Basic/Cl...

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Originally posted by [deleted]

During the blizzcon 2017 QA, four of your colleagues (I actually think none of them are still part of team 5) were asked about their favorite card that never made it into the game and Peter and Mike mentioned a card called Titan Script that is insanely complicated to build.

Has that card made it into the game since then? Is it perhaps Zephrys? If not, do you have any more teases or pet peeve designs that you are still trying to get into the game?

Good question! "Titan's Script" actually refers to "Titan's Grip", a Warrior ability from World of Warcraft that lets you equip a two-handed weapon in each hand. Not at all related to Zephrys.

The Hearthstone design for Titan's Grip that they were talking about was a spell that read "Equip a minion." You'd pick a minion up and put it in your weapon slot, using its Attack as Attack, and Health as Durability. Fun idea, but there were a TON of technical issues with it. There were also a ton of gameplay issues with it as well, like, do you just use it as a way to protect an important minion from being killed? What do all these combat keywords like Taunt mean when they're on your weapon? Does 'Can't Attack' on a weapon mean that the Hero can't use it to attack? Do all of their triggered effects still happen? Imagine putting Armorsmith in your weapon slot and just never using it up!

We may find a way to do something like it, someday. We're brainstorming and prototyping si...

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Originally posted by apathyontheeast

The Hearthstone team has repeatedly claimed an intention to be more communicative, yet this is one of the extremely few times we have heard any communication (that wasn't focused on a new expansion). What has prevented follow-through with communication with the playerbase and how will you be remedying it in the future?

We love communicating with players. It's natural that we tend to talk more when there's new stuff to talk about, but we're still trying hard to communicate more at all times, not just around expansion launches. It's also easier to respond to things when we have great things to respond to, so I'd also throw a huge part of the credit for this AMA back at the community for all the great questions, feedback, comments, and yes, even constructive criticism, over the past couple months. Let's all try hard to keep this going!

As for how we've been following through with this on our side, whenever there has been an issue in the live game in the recent months, our community team has been quick to put out information. We also released a roadmap covering most of our development efforts and goals for the year during our Year of the Phoenix summit. And members of our development team have spent a great deal of their time both in work and outside of it communicating with players, whether ...

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Originally posted by Cynthielle69

I love the priest classic/core set change and ive wouldve only done it sligtly different persoanly in buffing shadowform to 2mana and replacing mindgames .

And id really love to see it happen to other classes(palladin,shaman the most then warrior imo) as i think its needed and would be really good for the future.

Also whats the design decisions for the core set change for priest in buffing some,nerfing others and others juet being hof'd ? like northsire is hof'd but powershield is nerfed/changed.

Some things are intended to be part of the core strength of Priest (hard removal, control), so those things got buffed (Shadow Word: Death, Smite).

Other things are not intended to be part of their core strengths (card draw), and nerfing them to the point that they fit would have resulted in just a useless card, so they were Hall of Famed (Northshire Cleric). Others could be changed to still fit and are useful, so that was done instead (Power Word: Shield).


Originally posted by LordTekron

Lord Jaraxxus, we need to talk about him. Right now he is a class legendary that has no logical reason to be played, even if Zephrys wasn’t in standard so everyone could just top deck a sacrificial pact (an interaction that while was cute at the start has become an annoyance), a 9 mana set your max health to 15 and equip a meh weapon at best is terrible in an environment in which 15 face damage is not impossible to do from hand alone. He has one of the best hero powers in the game but that shouldn’t come at such a heavy cost. Has the team at all considered looking into possible changes to either the card or how things interact with him? Cause an evergreen class legendary shouldn’t be so mediocre at best IMO.

Lord Jaraxxus is super sweet, and we love him. Any card's viability is always going to fluctuate with the meta, and this is no different. We may currently be at a low point in his meta-viability, but that's okay and natural for card games.

I'd also take issue with the idea that even now, he's unplayable. Yes, Zephrys is currently in standard, making Jaraxxus risky. But it's also quite an exaggeration to say that he can't be played because of that. He's still good against non-Highlander decks (which are the majority, currently), and I've heard multiple pro (GM) players state that they'll still run him, and just save him for after Zephrys is played.


Originally posted by GreenMunchkin

The Priest overhaul is something that many players have been asking for for a long time. With that said, it's clear that several of the classes (especially Paladin) still have lacking core sets, especially when compared to, say, Mage. Are there any plans to re-evaluate other classes' core sets as a whole in the future, instead of simply replacing HOF'd cards from those classes?

Priest was the one where we felt the Basic/Classic set was the most in need of revision, by a considerable margin.

We're hoping to see how that goes (please, let us know what you think of it, whether you'd like to see more of that, etc.), and then evaluate the potential of making Basic/Classic design changes to other classes. I wouldn't expect the same level of change to other classes, but we're definitely talking about it.