
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

06 May

We’ve been a little silent on the Fireside Gathering front recently, but that’s because we’ve been hard at work getting it ready for a big year! If you’ve never attended one before, Fireside Gatherings are a great opportunity to get together with friends old and new to play Hearthstone.

A key focus for us in the Year of the Dragon is to communicate with you ahead of big upcoming changes. We also want to be more flexible when it comes to about making changes that we think will lead to better experiences. So without further ado, here’s what’s in store for Fireside Gatherings this year!

Real Life Rewards


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03 May


Would agree with most in this thread to say that the cards that fit least with your deck are Goblin Bomb and maybe Cybertech, though that one I like because it’s fun!

I would suggest trying to use the ‘complete my deck’ feature on various cards in your deck. For example, you can just take out the Goblin Bombs and then use complete my deck to see what cards in your collection our data thinks is the best fit. We upgraded the complete my deck feature in the last few months to the point where it’s absurdly accurate. Give it a try.

02 May


Hey guys, just a heads up:

We’ve got a Hearthside Chat coming out Thursday next week that’ll dive more into what exactly the new Solo Adventure is and when it’s coming out. If you have any questions once that’s out, I’d be happy to answer all I can!

01 May

30 Apr

29 Apr

28 Apr

The final series of the HCT 2019 World Championship between Casper "Hunterace" Notto and Torben "Viper" Wahl will go down as one of the most electrifying matches in Hearthstone history. From a 1-Health runback opener to game-defining aggressive Alexstrasza play to an absolutely nutty march of Legendary minions courtesy of Arch-Thief Rafaam that saw not one but two Azalina Soulthiefs played—we could not have asked for a better way to send off the Hearthstone Championship Tour.

The series was as close as could be, but it was Hunterace who lifted the trophy at the end of it all. “It was pretty insane,” said Hunterace, “My heart rate was very high. I haven't played any of those games in practice!”

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