
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

20 Mar

Introduced in Rastakhan’s Rumble, Mojomaster Zihi is a disruptive six-mana 5/5 with a spicy Battlecry ability that sets each player’s Mana Crystals back to five. Learn how Mojomaster Zihi can turn the tide of battle in the latest episode of Well Played, which is all about effective card timing.

Next time you’re worried about that enemy Clone Priest playing Zerek’s Cloning Gallery, slam down the Mojomaster and watch their game plan fall to the wayside for a few more turns. Thanks for watching and stay tuned for another episode of Well Played soon.

19 Mar

Fireside Gatherings are a big part of Hearthstone. There’s nothing quite like going to a coffee shop, game store, restaurant, inn, or tavern with a group of friends and indulging in one of your favorite pastimes. Fireside Gatherings have taken off in a big way since they were first introduced in 2014, and we want to get that experience to even more players than ever before.

In 2019, we hope you’ll pull up a chair by the hearth at a Microsoft Store near you!

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18 Mar

It’s Pre-Release season once more, and it feels like the shadows are creeping up on us. There’s certainly something villainous in the offing—scowls and menacing looks abound as the unmistakable scent of E.V.I.L. fills the air.

Embrace the E.V.I.L. this Pre-Release season by hosting a Pre-Release party! The Rise of Shadows Pre-Release will run from 10 a.m. PDT on April 5 to 10 a.m. PDT on April 8. (Secret passwords at the door are recommended for maximum effect.)

If you haven’t attended a Pre-Release party before, click here for a refresher on what to expect.

Rise of Shadows Pre-Release Parties

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16 Mar

15 Mar

14 Mar