
Hearthstone Dev Tracker

07 Jan

05 Jan

04 Jan

03 Jan


Have you been looking for a change of pace in Hearthstone? Maybe you’d like to try a new deck or class on the ladder, but don’t know where to start. Since this is a WILD month, take a look at our Off-Meta Report and spice things up with some interesting decks that have been performing well on the Wild ladder!

To find these decks, we looked for players that have been doing well, and picked out some builds from amongst the top performers. To find these decks, we looked for players that have been doing well, and picked out some builds from amongst the top performers. We only selected decks that were played in 30 or more games at Legend level.

Mech Hunter - 63.3% Win Rate/30 games

This Hunter deck combines the mech synergies of Goblins vs Gnomes and The Boomsday Project, to create an aggressive, mechanical monster. Galvanizer a...

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02 Jan

Tilt is shorthand for the negative (and damaging, and extremely unpleasant, and bad for your winrate) mindset or mood you can find yourself in after an unfortunate event has happened in-game. And we’ve all been there. Hopefully the pro-informed video below will help you understand how maintaining PMA is key to keeping yourself from going to the dark side.

Combat tilt before it starts! Don’t fall victim to a bad attitude; instead, realize that what is done is done, and that all the only thing you can do is move forward with a clear mindset. Thanks for watching and we’ll see you next week with another episode of Well Played!

01 Jan

The January 2019 Ranked Play Season is now live—and we’re unveiling a new card back you can add to your collection!


Shut the door, it’s cold one out there! Warm those frozen boots by the fire, grab a cup of hot cocoa, and snuggle up under your favorite blanket with some Hearthstone during the month of January. This month is a perfect time to sleep in, take a load off, and work on obtaining the Chillin’ card back!

These card backs replace t...

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30 Dec

29 Dec