over 1 year ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
Hello there Generals!

Spoiler: Hotfix Patch Notes ################################################################
######## Hotfix 1.12.9 "Avalanche" ######### Checksum: 7c58

# Bugfix

- In unit history file, if a mod tries to create a ship for a country that does not have the required tech, do not create the ship
We have seen a spike in crashes when playing with certain mods since the January patch 1.12.8. This hotfix addresses the issue in code.

However, the root cause is found in script, and some less severe errors will still result from it. Modders will need to update their scripting to fully resolve the issue.

In 1.12.8 the default behavior of the effect create_equipment_variant changed. By default, when the effect executes, if the equipment type specified in the effect has not yet been unlocked/researched, the variant will not be created. Instead creation is delayed and will occur first when the tech is acquired.

When researching a hull, chassis or airframe you get a variant representing the naked hull, chassis or airframe. This variant needs to be the first one created of its type. Otherwise it will cause errors later on. This is why we changed the default behavior of create_equipment_variant.

Unfortunately, this means that you cannot depend on create_equipment_variant to always create the variant (by default). For example, if you create a jet fighter variant, and then refer to that variant when executing add_to_stockpile, you might be in trouble. You likely want to add a precondition to only do this if the country has the required tech.

Additionally, when using create_equipment_variant in your history files to set up the initial game state, you want to make sure that you unlock techs before creating variants. You should see any issues in the error log when starting a new game.

Alternatively, you can add allow_without_tech=yes in create_equipment_variant to have the effect behave as it did before 1.12.8. This should be okay to do for non-modular equipment types, e.g. ships if MTG is deactivated (or NSB for tanks, or BBA for planes), since these types don’t have any hull, chassis or airframe variant.

Let us know in this thread if you have any questions in regard to this hotfix patch! This patch will today only go out on Steam, but in the coming days, an update to the Microsoft Store will arrive.

over 1 year ago - PDXKatten - Direct link
Simon_9732495 said: What's the Checksum?
Hey! Its "7c58" Will edit it into the original post. ^^  

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