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So, I was in a transport truck, and I drove full speed to the match-warm-up line (you know the half see through wall that doesn't let you pass until the match starts?) but instead of stopping at the line, I drove full speed at the wall. I just kept the gas on hoping I'd take off full speed as soon as the match started. But then my truck started sinking slightly to the right into the ground and I got a notification that I violated the Anti-cheat!!!?? Now I can't find any servers because the game thinks I cheated! Help!

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over 2 years ago - /u/DannyArt_HLL - Direct link

Originally posted by ParticularTennis1

The servers seem to have gone down 10 mins ago. Don’t think you got fully banned.

Was this on Tuesday night GMT time? Steam always has maintenance that moment every week.

over 2 years ago - /u/DannyArt_HLL - Direct link

Originally posted by enterprising_lemon

Yes, it was! I played again last night and I was able to find a server. I think the notification of violating anti-cheat coincided with the servers going down. But still, I now know not to drive full speed at the match warm-up line. Thanks!

Sweeeeettt! Thanks for reporting back. Really glad to hear you are okay!