3 months ago - Team17_Assist - Direct link
Hi Nink,

We are sorry to hear that you're having experience issues whilst playing Hell Let Loose.

We have received multiple reports about this problem and our dedicated team is actively investigating and diligently working on a resolution with Valve. Please be aware that, at this stage, we cannot confirm if any future fix will be retroactive.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused during this period. We understand how frustrating it can be to not receive the experience points you've earned through your efforts.

Some players have recently reported that unhiding their game on Steam resolved the issue, to do this please open Steam and go to Hell Let Loose in your Steam library. On the main page where it says 'Play', on the right side there is a settings cog button, please press this and go to Manage - unhide this game.

If you are opted into the Steam Beta Client:
  1. Go to your Steam Library > Hell Let Loose page.
  2. Look for gear icon on the right again and if you're experiencing this issue you'll probably have a red eye with a slash through it over the gear.
  3. Click it > click manage > Unmark as private.
  4. If it shows as hidden as well, please make sure to click unhide this game.
Do let us know how you get on with these steps!

Team17 Support