about 1 year
ago -
Direct link
Thanks for getting in touch.
As ☆SPAC3M4R1N3☆ has mentioned, the team are aware of this occurring and is working hard to address this - I have logged your report with them and we're hoping for a fix soon.
If you find you're having consistent crashes while playing, we'd be more than happy to troubleshoot these with you further in the meantime, we'd just need your DxDiag :)
You can do this by following the steps below:
Team17 Support
Thanks for getting in touch.
As ☆SPAC3M4R1N3☆ has mentioned, the team are aware of this occurring and is working hard to address this - I have logged your report with them and we're hoping for a fix soon.
If you find you're having consistent crashes while playing, we'd be more than happy to troubleshoot these with you further in the meantime, we'd just need your DxDiag :)
You can do this by following the steps below:
- Hold down the Windows Key and press R.
- The Run dialog should appear. Type dxdiag in the available text field.
- Click OK
- Click Save All Information
- Set the Save as type to Text File (*.txt)
- Save the file DxDiag.txt to your Desktop so it is easy to find.
- Open the .txt file, copy all the contents > Paste all the contents to a free text hosting service such as http://pastebin.com/
- Copy the link to your post and paste in your reply
Team17 Support