Good day Helldivers, small crash fix update from high command to ensure your continued victory against the Illuminate scourge

  • Crash Fixes
  • Fixed crash when a player leaves while ragdolling and throwing grenades
  • Fixed potential crash when hotjoining illuminate missions
  • Fixed crash when large amounts of destruction is taking place
  • Fix for crash when reloading a shotgun and entering the FRV MG
  • Fixed some potential crashes on joining or leaving other player's ship"
  • Fixed crash that could occur on certain explosions
  • Fixed potential crash when calling vehicle stratagems
  • Fixed crash that could happen when fighting in a colony map.
Known Issues These are issues that were either introduced by this patch and are being worked on, or are from a previous version and have not yet been fixed.
Top Priority:
  • Players are unable to emote when flying through the air
  • Stratagem balls bounce unpredictably off cliffs and some spots
  • Balancing and functionality adjustments for DSS
  • Matchmaking improvements to reduce wait time during peak hour
Medium Priority:
  • Firebomb Hellpods can no longer destroy larger enemy types such as tanks
  • Players can get stuck on Pelican-1’s ramp during extraction
  • High damage weapons will not detonate Hellbombs already present on the map
  • Players using the Microsoft IME languages are unable to type Korean, Japanese and Chinese language characters in chat
  • Weapons with a Charge-up mechanic can exhibit unintended behavior when firing faster than the RPM (Rounds Per Minute) limit
  • Players who use the “this is democracy” emote on their ship might unintentionally send their fellow Helldivers on unplanned spacewalks

End of Transmission

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