Original Post — Direct link

They are doing ALL they can.

And y'all still bitching. And I mean hard, downright disrespectful.

They are human. If it really offends you that badly, please refund the game.

They posted about how they have been doing damage control since hour one and been without sleep. That's honestly as rough as it gets since they have been handling it off the cuff. They expected a launch that was half of what it actually was. This games success absolutely blows Helldivers 1 away. (6,691 peak for helldivers one vs 155,926 for helldivers 2). Be reasonable and cut the team a break.

What's that? You aren't and you like the game? Then please take a moment and stop being an idiot then understand things happen and that this is not a AAA studio. This is a group that is experiencing an extreme load all at once and are trying their best.

Most devs don't even try to communicate with the users like they do and they are. Give some slack. Playing the game and seeing the attention to detail shows the care, the game will stabilize and get where it needs to be but if it really upsets you so much that you cannot accept this, seriously refund it.

Everyone keeps throwing up that it was their 40 too, cool. So the game frustrates you with its issues, wait a week or two then play and you'll have your ideal experience. What's that! The games really good and you want to play now? Then cut some slack and appreciate you have a game that is unlike any other and will only become better.

From how they set up warbonds, to finding currency ingame, they care for their fan base. They wouldn't talk to us directly here otherwise.

A bad game is forever a bad game no matter how much tuning it gets. You didn't get a bad game.

I honestly never had a game where the difficulty wasn't artificial in making enemies tougher or you weaker, we have something truly unique with it's 9 (nine?!) Difficulties. It's a game where you can push it to the limit or setup for casual and it all feels great

I made this because I would hate to be a dev and be pouring my heart and soul into my project then log on and see all that ignored, to only focus on the negative. Even going as far as receiving death threats and slurs which is what happened on the discord.

I know the connection issues and server issues suck but come on guys.

Also the dev wasn't kidding about the backlash. I haven't gotten hatemail like this since Cod4. Be better people. So many people saying it's being a "bootlicker" to care about the devs. No, it's being a decent empathic person to care about another human being.

External link →

Originally posted by WayneBrody

I played a couple rounds last night knowing full well I was probably not going to get anything for it. I just wanted to play some. Fingers crossed they get this sorted out soon.

Thank you for your contribution to the cause.

Originally posted by ToXiC_Games

As a fan since the early days of HD1, I cannot put to words just how much I am enjoying HD2. You have quite literally made every aspect of the first game better. I cannot wait to see what comes next. I’ll also add, I know what it’s like working long hours trying to fix a computer issue, so send props to the team from a soldier overseas for their commitment!

High praise indeed, thank you. Glad you're enjoying both games!

Originally posted by RussianSpyBot_1337

I got some insider info from a person who was in closed playtests and knows a person from dev team.

Apparently, Arrowhead wanted to have 3 OBTs (1 on PS5 and 2 on PC), but Sony declined since it costs resources to organize those and they didn't want to spend too much money on a "niche unpopular game".

Said person was working on backend and reported to his Team Lead multiple times that they REALLY need to have a proper load test (OBT), but was ignored since said TL himself didn't believe game had a chance to become popular and overload servers. In the end he go so frustrated by bad management he left the company.

I bet he feels quite vindicated right now)

Uuh, guys, I think we have a propaganda campaign going on here with this one. Automaton detected?!

Originally posted by TheGunslingerRechena

Thank you for this, for your hard work trying to solve and for this amazing game. FOR DEMOCRACY!

FOR FREEDOM! Thank you.

Originally posted by Batt_Juice

I'm not going anywhere, we have bugs and bots to kill...

Thank Super Earth for Helldivers like you, Sir.

Originally posted by TheTrickster_89

As a Helldivers 1 fan who played the game a lot it's hard to put into words just how great of a game you've developed. Yeah sure, some of the issues are an inconvenience but that's all they really are; an inconvenience. The thing I found the most annoying were the crashes and those don't happen anymore. These inconveniences don't make the game any less fun to play and it truly is an immensely fun game! You all really outdid yourselves with this game.

At the end of the day the vast majority understand that you're only human and that this game exceeded your expectations in every way and that this is reflected in the issues we're experiencing. It's a testament to how amazing of a game you've got here.

Just keep at it and don't forget to properly rest up.

Liberty and Democracy!

Thank you. What can I say...we're working on the bug crushing right beside our fellow Helldivers. We won't give up.

Originally posted by Fuzzy-Predator

Thank you so much for all the effort you're putting in! I've seen and played many AAA releases with much worse issues and literally no dev feedback! What you're doing is way above and beyond! I'm currently not playing the game and waiting for the issues to get resolved, but trust me, as soon as they are, I'm jumping back in!

Make sure to get some rest, eat/drink properly and spend some time with your loved ones!! Pay less attention to the stupid vitriol on the internet and do your best!

To those that feel the need to spout more vitriol and hated, as suggested above, refund the game! We don't want people like you in our community (you're probably the same people that kick players after being blown up by a cluster bomb once). Do us all a favour and leave!

To everyone else like me, who enjoyed the hell out of this game since minute 1, please be patient and respectable! Wait a few days and let the devs catch their breath! I'm sure we'll be spreading democracy in no time!

Edit: bought the game at midday in Australia on disc, couldn't play for 8 hours and jumped in and played for 4 hours since minute 1! In my group of friends we actually all commented as to how surprised we were that there were no issues for all of us! Not only am I not refunding the game, but I'll be upgrading my copy to super citizen tomorrow! You guys deserve all the love you're getting and more!!!

Thank you for your support and kind words.

Originally posted by hurrdurrbadurr

Love your work! Doing great things! People will be playing this game for the next decade. Thank you.

We can only hope and cross our fingers! Thank you.

Originally posted by Dreamforger

Having too much fun to refund. But looking forward to it becoming more stable so I can bring in more friends :)

We'll make that a reality, Soldier.

Originally posted by The_Archon64

I trust that you and your team will get it done

helldivers 2 is one of those games that I know I’ll be coming back to for years

Thank you to the whole team for the hard work you’ve all been putting in!

That trust means a lot to us, thank you.

Originally posted by According-Pepper-675

Thanks for the personal update it’s appreciated and I think the majority of players love Helldivers and I come from HD1 which I thought was great so I’m in for the long haul. Maybe this is to hard to answer but will these servers issues continue for the next few days or we expecting I along with everyone else will be able to jump in to the game tonight with no issues ? With limited knowledge of servers and capacity etc I just wondered if players should hold off for a few hours, days or weeks before it’s a smooth process of playing where we can log in play and get rewards

I am unsure myself and hesitant to answer as I don't want to be seen as giving false hope. I can say that we try to deploy the least disruptive things as possible, as we know how important it is just to be able to play. Patches come out as soon as possible.

Originally posted by azzybish

Thanks for the transparency. Had an absolute blast playing all weekend and can't wait to see what's in store!

Hope you can get the bugs squashed and start delivering some new content asap.

We'll squish the bugs so you can squish the bugs. It's a plan! Thank you.

Originally posted by SenorDimebags

Definitely worth the wait! 2024 GOTY

One can only hope *fingers crossed*

Originally posted by D3mentedG0Ose

I work in App Support so not exactly a dev and I can appreciate when shit breaks, it BREAKS. Take your time

Ahh, another techie. *hugs in tech* Thanks man, appreciate it.

Originally posted by SamSamTheDingDongMan

Damn, read this and immediately upgraded to super citizen status! Your team rocks and your game is amazing! I wish all the best to you and the rest of the dev team and 100% trust the game in your hands. FOR SUPER EARTH!

Sincerely, thank you for the support.

Originally posted by catstyle



Originally posted by Mylilneedle

Dude we’ve got your back. This community is with you, the loud anger is a vocal minority

Nice to know we can count on you on the battlefield. Thank you Soldier,

Originally posted by bean0_burrito

why would i refund the best (my favorite) game i've played in ~15 years.

this is literally everything i could have asked for in a video game.

That is high praise indeed. Thank you.

Originally posted by heisoneofus

You guys managed to create an awesome game with unlimited potential, very cinematic and fun. Are you hiring any data analysts and/or data scientists by any chance? :D

I am not currently on top of our hiring needs, but you can always check our open roles though! You never know :D

Originally posted by rhrmr

Upvote this dev right now! I have never witnessed such openness from a dev team, especially under fire. Thank you so much for your amazing game and for your dedication to its community.

No, thank you. I hope we don't disappoint.

Originally posted by Tenagaaaa

Stomping the bugs in a game about stomping bugs. That’s meta asf.
