about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - Crytek_Violet - Direct link


Update 1.8.1 is now live on test server and with it comes our new Quest system - "Summons" as well as two new grunt AI variants. Full details can be found below.

New Quest System – "Summons"
This update brings a new Quest system to the Bayou! This feature will replace the Daily and Weekly Challenges and can be found in the progress section under the "Summons" tab. Players will have to complete quests to collect a new reward called "stars" - this is separate from the Trials stars and will have a different symbol. These quests will reset every Monday.

Each Quest will reward a number of stars (ranging from 1 to 6) as well as in-game reward (Hunt Dollars/Consumables/Tools/Weapons/etc). Players can progress simultaneously with 2 Quests and can unlocked a 3rd Quest slot with Blood Bonds. Additionally, Hunters can complete each Quest multiple times to collect the stars, but the in-game items will only be unlocked through the first completion. Once you have collected 30 stars, you will earn 25 Bloodbonds. This reward can be claimed once per week.

There are currently 5 categories of Quests, which will target different goals/playstyles.
  • Simple Quests: Can be completed by anyone. Rewards 1-2 stars.
  • Core Gameplay Quests: Involves tasks around the core gameplay loop (clues, bosses, and bounties). Rewards 2-3 stars.
  • PvP Quests: PvP focused quests that reward engagement with enemy Hunters. Rewards 3-4 stars.
  • Hardcore Quests: A more complex set of quests aimed at veteran players. Reward 5 stars.
  • Legendary Quests: Involves the use of specific Legendary skins (Hunters or Weapons). Rewards 6 stars.

Developer's Note:
This new Quest system is designed to be more fun and engaging than the old challenge system. This is not a fully complete feature, meaning we will continue to add more quests, tweak rewards, and otherwise make adjustments where needed. We're looking forward to your feedback and to see the crazy ways Hunters complete some Quests.

We have added two new Grunt variations to the game. Introducing the Pistol Grunt, an AI that carries a broken pistol which causes a loud gunshot sound when it hits a player with a melee attack, and the Lantern Grunt, an AI that carries a lantern. If you are quick enough, this lantern can used by players if you manage to kill the Grunt before you are hit with it.

Both variations have been added to the default spawn pools for all three maps.

Pistol Grunt
  • New Grunt AI Variation
  • Wields a rusted broken pistol
  • Will attempt to melee attack hunters with the broken pistol, which causes it to explode and play a loud gunshot sound.
  • Will not discharge a bullet and therefore only deals melee damage.
  • The broken pistol cannot be picked up or used by hunters, and will disappear shortly after its effect has been triggered.
Lantern Grunt
  • New Grunt AI Variation
  • Holds a Lantern, which can be lit or unlit
  • Will attempt to melee attack hunters with the Lantern, breaking the Lantern in the process.
    • If the Lantern is lit, this will create a small fire explosion (similar to throwing a Lantern)
    • If the Lantern is unlit, this will create an oil pool on the ground which can be ignited as per usual
  • Killing the Grunt before they break the Lantern will cause them to drop the Lantern, which can be picked up and used by hunters.

Modification to behaviour of Grunts holding weapons
  • When shooting grunts in the arm or on death, they will now drop the weapon they are carrying. For example, Doctor Grunts will drop their poisoned saw and others will drop their torch or cleaver.
  • These weapons are not usable by players.
  • Dropped torches however can ignite oil pools or trigger explosive barrels. However the torches will not harm hunters directly once dropped.

    Brawler Variant adjustments
    • Increased Heavy Melee Damage on all Brawler variants to bring them in line with Dusters.
    • Stamina consumption remains unchanged (Dusters are still more efficient).

    Nitro Custom ammo name adjustment
    • Renamed the Nitro ‘Dum Dum’ ammo to ‘Shredder’.
    • This is purely a cosmetic change and does not affect gameplay in anyway.

    Developer Note:
    The Dum Dum ammo on the Nitro differs from other weapons because it is able to penetrate at least once. We felt it important to better differentiate the two ammo types by adjusting the name. It’s important to mention this does not change the gameplay in any way.

    • Bullet Casings are now audible when they fall on the ground.
    • Hanging Chains and other objects now play a subtle sound when crouch walking through them.
    • Sound Design improvements on the Door impacts and destruction

    • Decreased spawn rate of Golden Cash Registers.
      Developer's Note:
      Due to a bug that caused the spawn rate of the golden cash registers to increase significantly, the spawn rate has been reduced to counteract the negative effects this has had on the Bloodbond economy over the last few months. Golden cash registers will still spawn but they will no longer be as frequent as they have been in recent months.

      We know that many of you have expressed concerns regarding some of the changes around how Bloodbonds are earned in-game and we have been taking this feedback on board. We will have a much more detailed blog coming up at the end of April/beginning of May that will focus on discussing the topic of monetization, where we will try to address the concerns that have been brought up. Please keep an eye on our social channels for updates.

    • Banished bosses should no longer drop their bounties in unreachable places.
    • Fixed an issue whereby AI was sometimes able to hear players through some obstacles.
    • Fixed an issue whereby grunts were not always facing their attacker properly.
    • Fixed an issue whereby the Butcher could not be properly interrupted the first time it taunted.
    • Butcher will stop roaming when no players are around.

    • Fixed an issue where the Berthier Riposte Iron sights were slightly misaligned.
    • Fixed an issue where the Depth of Field blur would stay too long on the Berthier Deadeye
    • Fixed an issue where the Iron Sights on the Romero 77 were misaligned.

    • Fixed an issue where D-pad buttons would switch to wrong items until they were re-assigned when using a controller
    • Fixed an issue where the Conduit Trait wouldn’t apply its effects when picking up a Bounty
    • Fixed an issue where players could extend their Dark Sight Boost duration with the Serpent Trait
    • Fixed an issue that could lock the camera after reconnecting to a mission
    • Fixed a couple of cases where the extraction timer would reset when dead players in the extraction radius would leave the game to the menu
    • Fixed an issue where the Wellspring could not be picked up from a player that had permanently disconnected from the game

  • Fixed an issue where the objectives would not revert to "Collect the Bounty" after losing two bounty tokens (still shows "Extract the Bounty" for both bosses).
  • Fixed a bug which caused the D-pad navigation in contract screen to break when using a controller.
  • Fixed a rare bug which cause filters to be highlighted in roster even when not applied.
  • Fixed a bug which lead to filters for consumables and tools to be unresponsive.
  • Fixed a rare issue which caused buttons to overlap on top of others in specific conditions.
  • Fixed an issue which allowed players to click through the hunter equipment pop up on the Bounty Hunt menu onto other tabs and subtabs
  • Fixed an issue where the normal bow ammo was always greyed out in the weapon wheel
  • Fixed a bug which would break the equipment bar when changing the equipment by looting from a hunter under special conditions
  • Fixed a rare issue which caused a discard pop up to be displayed when the player wants to have two contraband pistols (as dual) equipped
  • Fixed an issue which would cause buttons to overlap while on the legendary recruits screen while forming an invited team
  • Player cannot give a Dark Tribute offering while in matchmaking in a team anymore
  • Fixed an issue where both Partners in a team of three could be displayed as “Partner 2”.
  • Fixed an Option issue when clicking on the right side of an audio settings tab would open the drop-down list.

    • The Ladder Desync Exploit
      Developer's Note:
      As stated in our Developer's Update on Reddit, this is a high priority for the Team. Please continue reporting anyone using this exploit. This issue is complex, and the Team is working hard on a fix. Climbing is one of the oldest systems in Hunt, and we are integrating it into a newer part of the movement system. This is taking some time because we need to make sure that the climbing continues to work as intended within the new system while also fixing the problems of the old system.

    • In some cases, weapons will come out of ADS randomly.
    • Poison effects from the hive and spider can persist even after their intended duration.
    • In some cases, when first starting the game, Hunters in the lobby may not load in correctly (only parts of the hunter are visible).
    • In some cases, an incorrect/placeholder death screen will appear when your hunter has been burned out (lost all health chunks to fire).
    • In some cases, when attempting to loot a hunter, a message can appear saying “Ammo full” which will prevent you from looting.
    • Quickplay: Picking up a small weapon while performing a switch from a larger weapon results in swapping the wrong item.
    • In some cases, activating a filter in the weapons screen will still show all weapons rather than the selected option.
    • Concertina wire can damage players through walls.
    • In some cases, you are unable to loot a weapon because the client registers that it fell in a different place than is shown on the screen.
    • In some cases, switching to another weapon (looting) can result in the dropped weapon falling under the floor.
    • In some cases, crows may react to player noise later than intended. If there is a lot of occlusion between you and the crows, they can also be hard to hear.
    • In some cases, single shot weapons can not be reloaded when switching while vaulting or quick-swapping.
    • In some cases, while in the “waiting for players” screen, it is possible for AI to attack.
    • In some cases, the banish state and extraction state can show the incorrect details. This is purely a visual issue. The normal status will continue as intended in the background.
    • In some cases, the UI can “hiccup” and may take some time to update meta-actions (buying/equipping/hiring hunters).
    • In some cases, when an enemy hunter survives a headshot from explosive ammo the “death from a headshot” audio can still be heard.
    • UI shows incorrect unlock conditions in the Arsenal.
    • Butcher and Scrapbeak can get stuck in place during combat with several Hunters.
    • Hunters can interact with trait charms (in the world) at a specific range that triggers the "trait acquired" audio, but the trait is not gained on the Hunter.
    • In some cases, a Hunter will not get a hitmarker in melee while correctly dealing damage.
    • In some cases, it is possible that a Hunter will move slower right after placing a trip mine.
    • The electric lamp is incorrectly shadowed by the Hunter.
    • Fusees emitted light is too bright in night missions.
    • New players / or Hunters that deleted their "user folder" will have the new "+" icon on all traits.
    • Arrows and other retrievable items might become irretrievable when killed AI is despawned.
    • In some cases, headshots won't count as a headshot.
    • In some cases, Hunters can be stuck in the dual wield animation with other weapons.
    • In some cases, lanterns are out of sync for disconnecting Hunters.
    • In some cases, Hunters melee and gun sensitivities can be misaligned.
    • Hunter is unable to fire when swapping quickly from iron sight to fanning
    • In some cases, weapons will drop on top of each other, and it is hard to loot the desired weapon.
    • In some cases, the crosshair will become small and will not change size dynamically as intended.
    • In some cases, a Hunter will lose a healing item when trying to heal a teammate, but the heal will not go through.
    • In some cases, a Hunter will not receive an item back when looting a dead enemy.
    • After reconnecting, a flare on the ground can loop the throwing audio to the reconnected Hunter.
    • In some cases, placing a bear trap will be cancelled when standing too close to another object.
    • Aperture sights can randomly be flipped up or down.
    • It is possible for for a Hunter to receive the "extraction blocked" warning at an extract where someone else has extracted earlier in the match.
    • In some cases, a Hunter's health will stop regenerating at 100 health, even if the health chunk should allow for further regeneration.
    • In some cases, the ammo counter will not update correctly when firing the Scottfield too quickly.
    • In some cases, the Hunting Bow will not correctly destroy windows.
    • In some cases, the Assassin will attack the wrong target.
    • In Gunslinger, it is possible for the crosshair to be missing after switching weapons.
    • Melee queueing fails sometimes for some weapons/items.
    • Holding RMB while switching to a melee tool or weapon does not correctly prepare a heavy melee.
    • In some cases, concertina wire is not correctly destroyed, although it was hit properly.
    • Bleeding damage ticks are not properly represented in the damage history upon death.
    • Spectator mode does not always represent the correct aiming state of the spectated Hunter.
    • Dying to the poison cloud of a poison trip mine will display an empty death screen.
    • In some cases, the Assassin's clone can be stuck and not try to attack a Hunter.
    • In some cases, the Spider can fall through the floor and become stuck when jumping on a Hunter.
    • Unlocking a Legendary weapon often changes the order of the weapon equipment.
    • World health packs can stop a Hunter from interacting with a clue when dropped in certain spots on top of the clue.
    • In some cases, Hunters will incorrectly receive a reconnect pop-up after a server crash.
    • Shooting a hive bomb that is floating in water with a shotgun will incorrectly spawn multiple instances of the hive swarm.
    • In some cases, audio sounds will appear to come from a different source than it actually does.
    • In some cases, the bomb lance explosion will not deal area damage.
    • In some cases, the transition between poison states will result in a slight camera shake.
    • In some cases when sprint and ADS are bound separately, sprinting input can be incorrectly ignored.