
Hytale Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

How many hours a week do you personally think you work on both Hytale and the studio? You seem busy from over here haha

I work 80 hours a week and I am ashamed of it and I am trying to do less.

Not trying to fish for compliments there. I genuinely would do a better job if I managed my energy levels better. I am the first to discourage anyone from acting in that way and I am not a good example for the team, especially the younger people who this is their first job. It's a long and deeply personal story maybe I'll talk about it someday.

18 Dec


Originally posted by SnesySnas

YIkes, they have a limit they can send? they might need to switch providers because of how many people signed up..

Simon here.

We are already using one of the best providers available and the more we use it the higher the limit will be, it's totally normal and how it works. It's to avoid spam emails being sent to millions of people at once.

In 2 or 3 newsletters that limit will be so high, it won't matter anymore. We didn't see the need to ask for special exclusion here because it's just a newsletter - usually, companies spread them over a few days and people don't really care.
To give you an idea, we sent well over a million emails in a single day :)

05 Dec


Originally posted by ClankyBat246

"The AI seems too easy"

"Na bro it's just the players had decent gear. In the future you will see clips with equal or over geared monsters"

That doesn't prevent the ai from being easy. It's like skyrim just reducing damage and armor values. It's more challenging but just in a way that is deadlier.

Dodging an arrow is still dodging an arrow regardless of the damage it does.

Making the enemies fight better or work in teams changes things.

  • These guys genuinely care about their game and I don't feel like they would take those shortcuts overall but he doesn't comment on AI difficulty levels as much as general hardness. That worries me a bit.

Simon here, I would not worry at all.
Our AI system is constantly being improved and was what shown in the clip was probably the dumbest AI example we could have shown.
I agree my tweet reply was a bit confusing, I was in the middle of replying to other tweets and wanted to clarify worries in regards to the difficulty (some talked about AI being dumb, others talk about dmg/hp being too easy). I should have clarified in my reply to avoid confusion, when I talk about the difficulty it includes AI as well.

Game difficulty is not just a numbers game at all, we understand that.
We have people working on AI and their work was not well demonstrated in the clip other than "alert state" and other simple things. Initially, I was opposed to showing that clip because the AI felt dumb and we have much better monster AI that is much more advanced, but ultimately it felt the time to show some gameplay without trying too hard to polish everything haha. (I still cringe to th...

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18 Jun


Early 2016 we canceled a bunch of side projects so that our focus could be entirely on Hytale and keep our current MC players happy as well.
If you combine the two teams, it's about 75+ people, all remote, so it's quite the challenge! Having more projects is also not really an option for us when we have something as exciting as Hytale in the works.
By the way, the people in the Hytale team does not touch the MC server anymore so anything you see MC wise has absolutely no impact on Hytale progression. However, it is a great R&D environment and a good place to build a community that will eventually play Hytale :)

I might be the only exception that touches both projects because I still give my feedback to the MC team - but that's just because I still enjoy it after over 6 years and I want the community to be sticking around a while longer!


09 Jun

25 Apr


Hey! Simon from Hypixel here, I can chime in with my personal experience and shed some light on our thought process about the timing of the trailer! I didn't check in with the others from the team so I'll probably miss a few points but I'll do my best :)

As a gamer myself, I understand how people could feel like we released the trailer a bit early. I feel the same way towards many games out there and even to Hytale itself! I accept the fact that the hype can't be 100% at all time and that's normal and ok - we are not chasing after it. Reality is that we did 0 press interviews after the trailer and all we did were blog posts to keep you guys in the loop and give us feedback in the process via YouTube/Reddit/etc.I have no doubt that we will get that hype back to 110% before release with a new trailer or something, we have some super exciting stuff to show :D

Truth is, I can tell you that for us it was not a choice anymore to delay the announcement, it became a necessi...

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05 Apr


I think we said this in a tweet a few weeks ago but, no big announcement for this event - just telling the story of Hytale :)


To be fair, I need a way to do some real-life QA testing since we don't have offices!


02 Apr


This is fake.

19 Mar


Making trailers is actually a lot of work and we are still a very small team, unfortunately!

13 Mar


Originally posted by EntityOfSin

A response I wasn't even expecting.

It's fine Simon that you don't have a blog post ready. I just don't see the point at all about posting some meme on the website. We don't need unoriginal memes being spread more than they already have been. That's what social media is for. Not a game developer's blog.

Thanks for the response though!

Oh no, the meme won't be on the website haha! Just a tweet or something :P


Originally posted by Venpin




Originally posted by EntityOfSin

I don't know why they didn't have something prepared ahead of time for a blog post. The memes are also getting as old as speculation videos.

Something is better than nothing I guess. :/

I understand your frustration and believe me it was not an easy decision. We know that our passionate community deserves to know more about Hytale. As a gamer myself, I've been in your shoes several times and I know exactly how you feel as you are anxiously waiting for more info (looking at you Cyberpunk 2077 and Elder Scrolls 6!).

Truth is, we have been posting quite a lot in the past several weeks and already exhausted our "ahead of time" backlog. We are knee deep in production and need a bit of a breathing room to allow ourselves to seek opportunities at GDC that could benefit Hytale.

One thing I can say is that we are working towards changing the style of posts in the future to be more "dev" oriented so you guys can be part of the process of what's going on. Rest assured, the publishing team is still working on posts as we speak, it's just that myself and others are too busy to help or review these posts, so it makes sense for us to skip a week and focus on wor...

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Originally posted by Cre8bit

/summon Simon


21 Dec


Originally posted by [deleted]

In my opinion a more balanced option would be a grapple, which you could attach to any block that is fairly close to you. I guess it would allow you to swing yourself, or pull yourself upwards to some extent.



This is fake.

16 Dec


I've shared your message with the whole team of Hytale, thank you so much for your kind words, we will work hard to make the game as best as we can, we will take our time. <3