
Hytale Dev Tracker

30 Apr


Originally posted by Aesthetic_Twitch

Some features are missing for some reason including hit feedback. But we've already seen decent hit feedback in the trailer, can't see why it isn't implemented for this clip. Without it the sword feels less impactful somehow, makes it look like you are slicing up air or lagging.

Sometimes things disappear during development while being reworked. This was one such occasion - but we've created an unnecessary amount of worry re: Combat by putting out a subpar clip.

The Trork for example has a much lower health bar than it normally does and is in the middle of some other reconfiguring (including the delay between attacks and range of swings)

You don't kill them in 2 hits from an Iron sword lol. Knockbacks etc are being retooled.

100% not Representative of our bar for combat. #regrets lol


Originally posted by Aesthetic_Twitch

I can see why you would. Not many understand the concept of "work in progress". Most get needlessly disappointed.

I'm really happy with the rest of the content previewed.


Originally posted by Tenguswordsman

Ya know, I have a feeling I should say something smarter than that, but the only thing that comes to mind is:


It's all good.


We're considering thirst atm - and obviously tying that to mana regen and natural mana regen rates.

It remains to be seen. We keep flipflopping on it. Should Mana and Energy be the same?

Two Different things?

Sometimes we spend too long on that.


Originally posted by Weisenkrone

I hope that we'll see better item stack size limits. It's annoying that we have technical limitations capping the item stack maximum at 64.

There's no such limitation.


Originally posted by The-Rickster

Nice to see some more combat, hopefully battles are a little more engaging than the one we just saw lol

Edit: Happy to spur discussion :)

Honestly this was a really subpar representation we chose and I regret using this clip.

We'll do something better on the next one. There was all sorts of problems here.


Originally posted by Tenguswordsman

So, I guess it is possible that there will be no hunger system.

Edit: may have slightly overreacted, hunger may still be added.

Edit: Welp, the man himself has proven me wrong.

Ya'll be rushing to conclusions lol


16 Apr


Originally posted by VaiNaFe

how do i do to sleep and wake up when hytale releases? nothing happening in my life for these past years, this game might make me live again

There's a southpark episode about that.

Didn't go so hot for cartman.


Originally posted by BlastingFern134

Your super straightforward answers in this thread just show how invested you guys are. Honestly Hytale seemed like it was overambitious when it was announced but with your guys' determination I think it'll end up being one of the best games of our generation!

"Honestly Hytale seemed like it was overambitious when it was announced"

Won't disagree - it was - we totally needed the extra resources and expertise to make this thing as good as it needs to be :).

Appreciate your comment.


Originally posted by RighteousPebble

I might be the minority judging by the other posts, but I'm pretty thrilled to see this. I've seen only good things from Riot and League is an exceptionally well-run game, especially creatively. They clearly prioritize the player experience and think their monetization model is an example of micro-transactions done right 90% of the time. Rioters seems very fun and game-oriented.
I think it's a good fit for Hytale, and it must be so cool to be a part of this transition.
On an unrelated note, I hope this doesn't count as the Blog Post for April haha. Some really cool screenshots but I'm itching for more news about the game itself.
Congratulations on everything Noxy!


This doesn't count as the blogpost for april lol!


Originally posted by LadotSenza

That would be hilarious lol.

Easter Eggs are coming lol. Count on it. I love league so.

Yeah those are coming.. For sure.


Originally posted by EthosPaladin

I'll admit that I was a bit spooked when I first read the recent blog post's headline. After reading it, and the FAQs concerning the acquisition, however, it's clear that you guys put a lot of thought into this and felt that this decision would lead to a greater game overall.

I'm exited to see where Hypixel Studios will go from here; I have faith that the game will have genuine love and care put into it, and the resources and expertise gained from the acquisition will bring Hytale to new heights. :)

Thanks Ethos!


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's kinda hard to be mad at them for kicking ass lately though ;-).

I play the heck out of all their games.


Originally posted by OliPulse

Thank you for this little note, I fully trust your judgement on that this was the only right decision.

Also thanks for acknowledging the subreddit, speaking for all of the mods and probably most of the community, it means a lot to us :')

Congratulation on your new position within Hypixel Studios. Keep being yourself as the new CEO, Noxy, we appreciate you. Your heart is in the right place, we can all tell you genuinely care about the game and the community around it.

To the entire Hytale team: Keep up the everlasting good work & stay awesome!

P.S. Keep being stubborn ;)

Thanks Olipulse there was a topic I wanted to talk to you mods about in the next few weeks and I'll be in touch. Appreciate the support.


Originally posted by deathsprophet666

Thanks for the response Noxy! I really do wish the best for you guys and Hytale I've always wanted a more adventure/rpg game, while still maintaining the freedom (and to be honest, loot hoarding) of a voxel world and it seems like you guys are doing your best to deliver to as many people as you can.

I just have seen how the past 20 years of privacy have continually degraded and the potential for this to go bad. I'm glad to know that you are at least willing to talk about it in some manner.

Looking forward to Beta, even if I do end up playing it on an isolated machine lol.

Thanks! I aim to prove your concern wrong :).


Originally posted by JRutterbush

We're still operating as an independent company, and any decisions ever made in any of these aspects go through us too.

So just to clarify, this is 100% confirmation that the final decision actually lies with you guys? Or did you mean just with privacy-based stuff specifically?

Like, if Riot says "You have to put in $100 loot boxes now.", do you have the ability to outright refuse? Because my main concern so far has been that everybody is being very vague about who actually has authority over what. "Day to day management" can mean a whole lot of different things.

If this is just "We'll give you money and support, and we get a cut of the profits.", that's one thing. If it's "We get to tell you what to do.", that's where the concern is coming from.

Do I personally have the ability to outright refuse? Yes. I do. You always have the freedom to choose, everyone does. They also have the freedom to choose in who runs the company.

I really , really don't think it will ever come to that. If I could ever imagine that scenario Hypixel studios would not be partnering with Riot - we've known these folks for three years and seen them in their highest highs and lowest lows and never once have I doubted their intention. Never once.


Originally posted by Pigeooon

I feel like I should tell you that every response you've given in this thread has been really genuine and unexpectedly honest. I really really trust you with the game and it means a lot that you're addressing the concerns people have directly. Seriously, thank you so much!

Hey no problem. This is some pretty spicy content but I don't want people leaving today with any impression other than we are 100% happy and stoked.

We want you to feel that way too. Well as many of you as we can.

Ultimately this is an epic day - and I think history will prove that to be the case.


Originally posted by sieyarozzz

I do sincerely hope that Riot can not force microtransactions and other, let's say... unwanted things into Hytale. If Riot is just a positive impact to the game I'm very happy you guys made the choice! I'm just not hoping that you guys will be silenced/forced to do what the company says and even get some people laid off because it doesn't fit Riot's grand design of milking the game! :(

If it doesn't turn into the Activision-Blizzard story and you guys can defend yourselves against the bigger company at times, there is no problem. I hope that is how it works now? :)

If you check out our FAQ - we've still not actually made a decision at all on what the business model of the game is. We are too focused on making it worthy of even being a business to begin with.


Originally posted by SnarkElemental

Thank you for a swift response! I understand the hesitance to answer these questions before they become relevant. I honestly didn't think I'd get an answer at all.

Hope the game turns out exactly how you want it to. So far, what you've shown us has exceeded all our expectations. I'm glad you're able to do more now.

Thanks Snark, I appreciate you understand my position on it.

There was a cool movie quote about this exact type of situation... but I forgot it now.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Operating a game in China just comes with those sorts of defacto conditions these days, you literally have to partner with a Chinese company. Netease for example already has a license to operate a Chinese Hypixel server on Minecraft china version. We've provided Netease with tools and support to operate that already.

For what it's worth - the decision to partner with us came from Riot - not Tencent.

And sure - while Hytale is a very different game from Minecraft it ultimately does compete with it in the same genre space, just as League and Dota compete with each other and are very different games.

That's not just a China specific thing. It's an international one.

I don't want to ask questions on your behalf, because these questions are tough enough to answer as is, but the question I'm asking myself is - could Hytale even exist in the same form in China as a game?

Ultimately the game is about giving creators tools to do stuff. If we decided...

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Originally posted by SnarkElemental

Thank you for taking the time to present this acquisition in a thorough way. As you have said, time will tell whether the community's mistrust in Riot or your trust in them is more well-informed.

I feel like many of the subreddit's doubts would be quelled if you outright said some things that so far you've only said subtextually. The criticism with Riot's acquisition is mostly due to the fact Riot and Tencent ultimately have final say, whether or not they've claimed to be willing to enforce it. People are afraid they eventually will regardless.

Though I don't suspect any of these things will be issues, it would be reassuring to have the word of dev quell a few suspicions directly- What would you do, as the game's developers, if an order DID come down the corporate ladder from Riot to disempower your game's community in a way you disagree with, whether through:

  • Imposed censorship of anti Riot, Tencent, or China material

  • Banning users ...

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Not trying to cop out of answering these but I'm almost always of the opinion that these sorts of hypothetical's just can't be answered until they actually happen, and like you say I suspect they never will.

I genuinely just can't see these scenarios playing out as above. If I saw the above as things that were genuinely going to be serious day to day issues we absolutely would not have partnered up with Riot.