about 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 3 years ago - Heightmare - Direct link

On Outposts and the Supporters Edition
In the patch notes below you'll see that we fixed a bug where you didn't require the supporters pack in order to access the 2 extra outposts we included with it. This caused a bit of confusion, as people who just started the game were not aware they had mistakenly being granted access to these outposts so were quite shocked at no longer being able to access them after this last update. Outposts are stored locally (on your PC) so these are not lost- you simply cannot access them unless you own the supporters pack. To further confuse things, there was an issue where even some users who already owned the supporters pack could not access these outposts. This has been resolved in the most recent version, deployed in conjunction with this addition to this post.

On errors 019 and 020
Not mentioned in the notes below are several pieces of work happening in the background to address errors 019 and 020. These errors are preventing some players from resuming prospects on affected characters. We will be re-enabling the debug 'Remove Character from Prospects' button until we have a more permanent fix in place. This has to be enabled on our database, so the work is timed to coincide with our database maintenance later in the week. Thank you to all those providing information to our dev team to help our attempts to solve this complex issue.

  • Fixed issue where some supporters pack owners, depending on when they purchased it, could not access the two additional outposts they should have access to.

  • Improved Players will now more reliably be informed of mission completion upon returning to the HAB.
  • Added ability to change cosmetic character creation options whenever in the HAB.
  • Changed MXC Campfire to no longer be extinguished by rain.
  • Applied further optimizations to the scene to improve performance.
  • Improved performance of creature fur.
  • Improved some dependencies between parts of the game to improve (reduce) memory usage.
  • Removed some prototype feature work to improve (reduce) memory usage.
  • Fixed issue with cave ore regions that meant gold balance changes from last update were not correctly applied.
  • Fixed talents "Fresh is Best", "Silent Blade" and "Green Thumb" which were not working as intended.
  • Fixed issue with "Like it With the Lights Off" and "Night Owl" talents where they were not working correctly based on time-of-day.
  • Fixed issue where it could snow inside buildings, leading to snow buildup.
  • Fixed issue where items could be duplicated in a multiplayer game.
  • Fixed issue where some UI elements could remain visible, even after the items they were relating to were destroyed.
  • Fixed some instances of issue causing players to arrive dead on the planet, or to have portions of their dropship missing.
  • Fixed issue where supporters-edition locked outpost maps were available to everyone.
  • Fixed issue where the additional arrows granted by "Twice The Fun" were possible to pick-up.
  • Fixed issue where clients in a multiplayer game were sometimes left unable to harvest or otherwise interact with objects in the world.
  • Fixed some issues with killcam not working as intended.
  • Fixed issue where the Sprain modifier was causing errors and/or not working correctly.
  • Fixed Suture Kit not having the correct icon.
  • Fixed issue with Suture Kit not being displayed correctly in-world.
  • Fixed issue with Deep Vein: Extraction where some players would not be able to complete the final step.
  • Fixed building pieces improved by talents will now retain their improved status once reloaded, or once deconstructed.
  • Fixed issue where shifting resources to your dropship using the ctrl + click shortcut would not complete the objective.
  • Fixed issue after recent backend work where some characters lost their cosmetic customization options.
  • Fixed issue with printed (MXC) arrows which would often prevent them from colliding with obstacles.
  • Fixed issue preventing players from using Comet Coal once on the planet. Players can purchase the Comet Coal Set, which will need to be separated using the right-click menu before it can be used as a fuel source.
  • Fixed issue where Flint Arrows were a valid ammo type for the Hunting Rifle.
  • Fixed issue with the Radar display not properly displaying % completed when loading back into a mission in progress.

As always, if you encounter an issue see if it already exists on icarus.featureupvote.com and upvote it or post a new one.